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Calendar of events
6 - 7 J U LY 2 0 21 B R I S B A N E , Q L D The 2021 Lessons Management Forum will bring together lessons management practitioners, those interested in this area, and those new to the area to share good practice, learnings and innovations. This year's theme is: 'What does success look like?' The forum will be hosted as a hybrid event, allowing attendance in person, or virtually for those unable to travel to Brisbane.
11 – 13 M AY 2 0 21 I N T E R N AT I O N A L CO N V E N T I O N C E N T R E , SY D N E Y Registrations for the Fire Australia 2021 Conference and Tradeshow are now open.
Visit our events website (www.fireaustralia.com.au) to get your ticket and plan your visit now.
14 M AY 2 0 21 C A N B E R R A , AC T AFAC will hold the seventh National Memorial Ser vice for fire and emergency ser vice personnel, at the National Emergency Ser vice Memorial in Canberra. The ser vice is a free event, open to AFAC Members and the general public.
For more information, see the AFAC National Emergency Ser vices Memorial site: https://memorial.afac.com.au/
Paul Waterhouse (FPA Australia)
TEL +61 3 8892 3133 paul.waterhouse@fpaa.com.au Bethany Patch (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC)
TEL +61 3 9412 9604 bethany.patch@bnhcrc.com.au Alana Beitz (AFAC)
TEL +61 3 9418 5233 alana.beitz@afac.com.au Fire Protection Association Australia (FPA Australia)
ABN 30 005 366 576 PO Box 1049 Box Hill VIC 31 Australia TEL +61 3 8892 3133 FAX +61 3 8892 3132 magazine@fpaa.com.au www.fpaa.com.au Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre
ABN 21 163 137 979 Level 1, 340 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia TEL +61 3 9412 9600 office@bnhcrc.com.au www.bnhcrc.com.au
Production and design: Coretext
TEL +61 3 9670 1168 www.coretext.com.au
17 - 2 0 AU G U ST 2 0 21 SY D N E Y, N S W Hosted at the International Convention Centre in Sydney, AFAC21 powered by INTERSCHUTZ will showcase the latest in research and practice through the mutli-streamed AFAC conference program and Australasia's largest emergency management exhibition. This year's conference theme is: 'Balancing impact and expectations', and will focus on managing the consequences of major events and meeting community and government expecations.
Explore more online: www.afacconference.com.au
We run a range of technical events, covering all aspects of the fire protection industr y. Presented by leading experts, these webinars provide all the information you might need about relevant fire safety topics. For anyone who has missed a webinar, we have made recordings available on our website.
A full list of upcoming events, and links to previous presentations, can be found at: www.fpaa.com.au/events.aspx.
ABN 52 060 049 327 Level 1, 340 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia TEL +61 3 9419 2388 FAX +61 3 9419 2389 afac@afac.com.au www.afac.com.au To submit a contribution or to advertise in Fire Australia, please contact: Paul Waterhouse FPA Australia PO Box 1049 Box Hill VIC 3128 Australia Tel +61 3 8892 3133 magazine@fpaa.com.au
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