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REX Pilot Federation
Regional Express Saab Fleet
Whilst there is always a range of matters occurring in Rex’s Saab operation, there are some important developments to occur shortly for Saab pilots, as a result of provisions in the current enterprise agreement (EA) that came into force in December 2022.
One of the major changes introduced in the new EA was the introduction of ten Rostered Days Off (RDOs) per roster period. This was a proposal that a member suggested during the bargaining process, which quickly gained support from many Saab pilots.
If required, Rex does retain the option to “buy back” up to two of those additional RDOs at the rostering stage (at the rate of 0.5% of the pilot’s annual salary and additions for each day).
In conjuction with that change, Rex also agreed to a proposal that it would backpay all pilots in instances where they had worked more than 18 days (correlating to a situation where a pilot is already receiving ten RDOs) in any roster period after 1 April 2021.
AFAP Safety & Technical
In that situation, Rex is required to pay all pilots a lump sum for those additional days worked, once the company reports a full year profit before tax at least $10 million, or a pro-rated amount in any year where a profit of less than $10 million is reported, with a minimum payment of a third of the total back pay due by 30 June 2023, a third due by 30 June 2024, and the final third no later than 30 June 2025.
In addition, Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases to salary and additions (within the range of 2% and 4% had to be paid annually on 1 July each year, except in 2026 (when it is payable on 30 June 2026).
Unfortunately, no proposed agreement is ever perfect. As the Rex Council acknowledged at the time, situations change over time, the Award and legislation can be changed, new provisions are tested, flaws are discovered, and omissions are identified.
As such, there may already be some changes that will be required to the content of the current EA in the next bargaining process.
Regional Express Boeing 737 Fleet
After further negotiations with the AFAP during the first half of 2023, Rex Airlines conducted a second ballot of their B737 pilots, to ascertain whether the pilot group were agreeable to the latest version of Rex’s draft EA.
Importantly, throughout the protracted negotiations for the B737 EA, which lasted approximately two and a half years, the AFAP was able to convince Rex’s management to make significant improvements to a wide range of conditions that Rex first offered. Even at the time the second ballot closed on 14 June, the AFAP was still attempting to improve a number of those provisions. concerned that Rex’s offer still fell short of matching the wages and conditions at several other airlines.
However, the B737 pilot group was obviously keen to put the proposed EA into place, with approximately 72% of pilots voting in favour of Rex’s latest offer.
An application will now been made by Rex to the FWC for approval of the proposed EA. The FWC’s consideration of any proposed EA can take some weeks. Until the proposed EA has been approved by the FWC, and goes into legal effect seven days later, the terms of the Award and the existing contract of employment for each individual pilot will continue to apply.
National Jet Express
Bargaining at National Jet Express (previously Cobham), culminating in the failed vote in mid-2022, was followed by a restart in bargaining with Regional Express upon its acquisition of NJE.
That bargaining, while drawn out and detailed, has never-the-less been making progress – albeit some may suggest at glacial pace.
In recognition of these delays, the new management passed on the 2021 CPI adjustment (1.1%) committed to by the former Cobham management, and paid that increase with back pay even though a full agreement is not reached.
We can now report that only a few matters need to be resolved and we are hopeful a revised agreement will be reached soon for pilots to vote on with further meetings scheduled throughout June and July.
Pel-Air Aviation
The pilots involved in the aeromedical operations of Pel-Air Aviation were successful in getting Pel-Air to commence bargaining for an EA late last year.
A Notice of Employee Representational Rights (NERR) was issued by Pel-Air on 16 December 2022.
Since the legal commencement of bargaining, the AFAP has raised a Log of Claims, provided detailed feedback, sought to trial some of the conditions, and been available for meetings.
However, Pel-Air has not yet contributed meaningfully to the process. Consequently, AFAP members will need to consider options to push bargaining along if progress continues to be stalled.
The AFAP has completed a recent survey which demonstrates that the challenges faced by employees are immediate.
The delay in the progress of bargaining is having a greater impact on the pilot group, and the AFAP will continue to seek more immediate results where possible.
At the same time, Pel-Air recently announced it was implementing video/audio recording devices in the King Air B350 fleet (in NSW), without any discussion or consultation with the pilot group or the AFAP.
The AFAP is considering this unwarranted development carefully and is exploring all possible legal avenues.
Member Benefit - LogTen Pro
As a member-only benefit, the AFAP has a special offer discount on the subscription for the LogTen professional pilot logbook for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.
This is a 50% discount on the first year for new subscribers (to either LogTen Basic or LogTen Pro) and an ongoing discount thereafter depending on the subscription chosen.
Existing LogTen subscribers are also eligible to receive the AFAP ongoing discounted rate.
This market-leading advanced logbook offers pilots:
• Total flexibility - hundreds of options for tracking everything you need and want to track, as well as the ability to create your own filters, groups, and reports;

• Instant access to detailed analysis of your data including tracking certificates, currencies and endorsements;
• iCloud backup, instant iCloud sync between devices, digital signatures, print official logbook reports etc
Sign up now at https://coradine.com/logten4afap/
You will be asked to provide your AFAP membership number. If you need help with remembering it, contact AFAP Member Services via admin@afap.org.au
If you are already a LogTen Pro customer please contact the Coradine support team via marketing@coradine.com to ensure you receive the ongoing discount.
Coradine can also provide support for pilots wanting to switch over to LogTen from another electronic format.