What is the product or service being advertised?
LINE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply)
X Create a mood Organize other elements on the page X Create texture through illustration
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses LINE.
The designer chose to use a series of lines to portray a grid like “map” similar to one you would see on a GPS screen. They then used a single red line that seems to hover above the gridded map. This line starts in the back and works its way through the grid toward the reader. The red line is representing the paths or directions you have chosen in your life. I think the designer’s use of lines in this ad represents a mood and creates a texture. There is a clear mood depicted in this advertisement. Even though the map of life for the man in the ad is full of turns and changes, he appears to be calm and relaxed. Also, you the get the feeling of accomplishment. You went from point a to point b, made good decisions, and now you are rewarded with the proper tax return deductions and credits. The texture is the illustration of the gridded map to represent the GPS map. Even though there are no building or road names, the sentence above gives the hint to the fact this grid is in fact a GPS. Then the red line illustrates the directions taken on the GPS map. This line then leads you to a box of information.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of LINE in this design .
The use of lines themselves makes a very effective design. It is clear with the impression it is trying to convey. This idea is, we can be the GPS to get you through your taxes and get you the return you deserve.
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? I think the primary audience for the advertisement is college graduates with jobs. It is showing how using this product, you can receive deductions and credits because you went to college. Also, if you take an interest the environment and buy something like an energy efficient car you get credits also.
What is the product or service being advertised?
Special K Cereal
LINE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply)
X Photos and illustrations are creating shape through the actual shape and
content of the art. Line or a line illustration is creating the predominant shape Type is creating the predominant shape Shaded or colored areas are creating the predominant shape Shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest. Shape is organizing the page Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses SHAPE.
The designer used a few different types of shapes to get across the message in this advertisement. These shapes were used to help the viewer understand the concept. The designer is trying to illustrate what appears to be a bathroom floor with a scale on it. The first shape that I, as the viewer, notice is the scale. The scale itself represents a long thought of enemy to many women. They have taken this “enemy” and instead of it presenting a number, it shows a digital representation of the word pride. Also, on this scale is the shape of the cereal’s logo. The square tiles give even more of the feeling that this is a bathroom scale. The concept of this advertisement is clearly represented, that if you eat this product you are more likely to have pride when stepping on your bathroom scale. Nowhere in the ad does the word scale appear but the shape is pretty much universal and needs no explanation. The K for special K is also on the scale. Even if the cereal had not appeared in the corner of the ad, the viewer would most like know it is an advert for Special K, since the logo has been cemented into of minds already from past exposure. How do I know this is a bathroom scale and not a gym or doctor’s scale? Well, the pink square tiles give the sensation of a bathroom floor. The tiles also start to fade out in color the further away from the scale you getting. This draws your attention to the scale. It also gives white space that is used to give a brief statement explaining the concept of the ad and product placement.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of SHAPE in this design .
The use of shape in this advertisement is very effective. The shapes are used appropriately to portray the idea the designer is trying to get across. The square tiles give the sensation of a bathroom floor and the scale is placed in the middle of them directing the eye to it.
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?
Women of all ages that are looking to lose weight. This means basically all women since most women believe they could lose some weight.
What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?
The musician Ali and the tigerhorse;
TEXTURE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply)
X Create a particular mood or feeling X Fill individual shapes or areas X Reinforce or support the concept of the design
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses TEXTURE.
The website is for an artist that calls herself, Ali and the tigerhorse, was designed with many aspects of texture. The entire website has an overall feel and texture that is consistence throughout the entire website. There is texture in the background, the text leading to other pages within the website, and the elements holding bodies of text. The designer is using gravel and other rock like textures along with distressed old appearing elements. Even though texture is usually used a secondary element, I feel as though the designer used texture so efficiently that it represents the primary element of design in this website. Even the textures of the clothing and the couch that the singer is sitting on have an amazing amount of texture. When it comes to music, the mood is very important. The music itself is what creates the Mood in which the musician chooses to portray. The designer’s job here is to somehow portray the same mood but using textures in the web site’s design. Not only does the designer create this mood but then reinforces it throughout the entire website. They achieve that by using the rugged textures, giving a down to earth feel. Also, the artist laying on the couch with her guitar, is dressed in acid washed denim jeans, fringed leather boots, and her reddish dreads is held up with an earth tone scarf. All these textures are being used to represent her as an artist. The couch itself is a seemingly contrasting texture but it is needed to explain the interesting name the artist has chosen. This couch travels with her to her preferences and is her “tigerhorse”.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of TEXTURE in this design .
I feel as though texture was used very efficiently as an element of design. All of the textures I described in the earlier question gives an overall feeling or mood that the artist wants to portray. Just from viewing the first page you know the artist is unique and maybe a little edgy. Nothing about this site shouts, “POP STAR”. She also appears to be a strong female because the rugged feeling you get some the gravel and stone.
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?
Indie or folk music enthusiast or just fans of Ali and her tigerhorse. The appearance alone could either draw you in or scare you away. I guess that any one that is an Ani Difranco would give this artist a chance by the websites initial impression alone.
What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?
An alcoholic drink named Mezcal;
BALANCE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X To create a mood. Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious, conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc. X Asymmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; relaxed, informal, freeform, creative, etc. To create visual tension by being obviously unbalanced.
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses BALANCE.
The design used balance skillfully in this website. The first page is using approximant symmetry. Too much symmetry gives a professional or serious feel and since this web site is for an alcoholic beverage, that is definitely not the mood to go for. Most of the website uses asymmetrical balance to reinforce it’s message but in a few of its pages (like the first) approximant symmetry is used. The first page can be described as approximately symmetric because most of the elements on the page are mirrored. The random snow flake appearing elements that pop up throughout the entire web site and the box of text and it’s title are balance but not mirrored. Also, the personalized scroll bar is balancing the quick links to the other page. One element is a diagonal bar that scrolls the length of your screen and the others are circle buttons, yet they balance each other. As you scroll further down or use the quick link buttons on the left, you will notice the designer continued to used consistent patterns and text in either asymmetrical balance or approximant balance. The mood that this form of balance is rendering is relaxed and inviting. The designer is trying to tell it’s viewers that this beverage is fun.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of BALANCE in this design .
The use of balance in this web site was effective at creating a mood and then reinforcing it with it’s design. The entire website is very pleasing to the eye and the balance helps guide your eyes throughout it’s wonderful graphic. No one part of this site seems off balance. The designer was very careful and precise with balancing everything without losing the fun/ free feeling.
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?
Young adults that are of drinking age. The colors and free feel of the site giving a youthful presence and probably would not be as ascetically appealing to older adults.
What is the product or service being advertised?
Clinique Lipstick
CONTRAST is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)
X Strengthen an idea; support the message. To create a contradiction (BIG written in very small type). X Contrasting colors X Contrasting values X Contrasting shapes X Contrasting texture Contrasting typography
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses CONTRAST.
This high contrast advertisement was designed to catch your eye. The designer used “white space”, contrasting textures, shapes, values, and colors. The initial visual contrast catches your attention and draws you into ad for further investigation. There are only two large objects in the ad and the text is minimal and to the point. The contrast gives the objects in the ad a 3-D effect, almost like the image is popping out you. Most of the contrast is caused by the dark elements being isolated by the “white space”. The “white space” also creates contrasting values and color with the darker objects. The objects on the ad are also scaled to be larger than normal proportions, this way you can really see the contrasting textures and shapes of the objects. The textures and shapes contrasting are the sticky bumpy honey wand and the smooth slender cylindrical lip stick. When you investigate further, you will see that the lip stick’s color is black honey. The oddly colored honey that is oozing down next to the lip stick is highlighting the color being displayed. The idea that the contrasting vivid colors is emphasizing is that these Clinique lip sticks are full of bold colors.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of CONTRAST in this design .
The designer uses the design element contrast very effectively to support Clinique’s message. The contrasting colors, textures, and shapes along with the beneficial use of “white space” all catch your eye and lead you to read more into the ad. Although, even if I did not read the words given, I can tell the ad is saying, “This lip stick is high quality.”
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? Women that enjoy and can afford high end make up. Even if they can’t afford it the ad is trying to get women to think they need this lip stick.
What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?
Baby and Child Restoration Hardware,
UNIT Y is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply)
X Provide consistency X Unify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements) X Lead the viewer’s eye through the design
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses UNIT Y.
When creating this website the designer was trying to set a mood by accentuating a low light value color palette and textures that give a sewn feel. Each page has a consistent grid where each element is placed in recurring spots on the grid. The designer also achieved this unity by using a consistent text, colors, texture, shapes, and lines. The designer a large photo to top the design and leads you further down into the website to obtain more information. When the viewer clicks on each of the links atop the large centralized photo, the background stays the same, which is a linen texture. Each of the links stay consistent and appear to be sewn onto the linen background. The large photo changes between each paper but has the same border and appears to be pinned onto the linen background. The only page that is a bit different is the sales page. The sales page though, has the similarity to the other very alike pages.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of UNIT Y in this design .
This website’s use of unity is very effective and gives and over all sense of togetherness. Each part of the website had a very consistence feel and nothing seems out of place. Everything was grouped cleanly and precisely creating continuity.
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? Parents that are looking to achieve a more elegant look for their children’s rooms, instead of the in your face typical bright child’s room.
What is the product or service being advertised?
Museum of Science Boston’s exhibit on Geckos
COLOR is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)
X Creates a mood or feeling Creates visual tension and movement X Provides unity and balance X Provides structure and forms a grid in a design Provides a sense of order X Creates harmony
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses COLOR .
The designer of the advertisement used many different and effective elements of design. The most prominent element used is color. The colors used were meant to first grab your attention and then give a playful/friendly feeling. Even though the colors are bright and the feeling playful, the designer chose to use grid to map out where the viewer’s eyes should go. The designer chose to use many different colors from all over the color wheel. However, if it were not for the usage of shape and line in this design the colors would feel more chaotic. First start with the gecko, each one is paired with a color that is giving the viewer a sense of personality. Top left hand gecko appears to be laughing and it is paired with a light blue background color. Compared now to the top right gecko, this one is paired with a harsh red making him seem like a grumpy, reclusive gecko. If the designer were to have not used any color behind the geckos instead, would the same feels or “personalities” be there? The answer is no. Although, the colors are all over the color wheel, they come to a more harmonious central idea when you think of where geckos typically reside, the rain forests or jungles. The rain forest has a wide array of colors from plant life, insects, and animals, including each one used on this design. The rain forest idea is then reinforced with the background being a bright large leaf with the shadow of a gecko resting on top.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of COLOR in this design .
The use of color is extremely effect in this design. First it catches your eye and then it makes you feel like a kid again. I could not help but smile when first seeing this ad. I probably will go to this exhibit from this ad alone. If it had just been a calendar with a brief gecko paragraph I might have noticed it but if would not have invoked the same feeling.
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?
Young children and fun loving adults.
What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website? An herbal liquor and spirit from Germany named Michelberger,
VALUE is being used inthe design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)
X Creates a mood or feeling X Creates contrast Creates movement and direction
Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses VALUE.
The designer of this website chose to use high value contrast to convey a mood for each of the two products being displayed. The value of this site is extremely important to the feeling this product is supposed to give you. To understand the genius use of value along with the concept of the products, you need to start at the very beginning. The first page you see is full contrast, texture, and white space, and a little bit of bold color. All these are used to grab the viewers’ attention and give them a fun feeling. The viewer is then asked to scroll down and a then a high contrast black and white illustration appears. The only color here is in the glass, which disappears as you scroll down further. After this a mask appears and when you click on it you are transported to another scene. This happens twice on the web site for each of the two alcoholic drinks being advertised. The purpose of the two different scenes is to show how they are two different tastes that drinking them will make you feel like you are at either scene. The first scene is illustrating a scene full of earth tones with shadow and light. The alcohol it is supposed to be depicting is descried as “dark, mysterious, warming, and mellow, like padding through the rustling leaves of a forest”, so the designer used appropriate value to describe it visually. The second scene uses a very different and brighter color pallet. The alcohol it is depicting is described as, “clear, fresh and bracing, like soaring through the mountain air”, so the designer used a different value to portray the different in shade as well as depict a different scene according to the company’s description of it’s product.
Please describe the effectiveness of the use of VALUE in this design .
The use of value in this web site design was extremely effective. You almost felt like you were at the places this alcohol would supposedly bring you to. I’m not a big liquor enthusiast but because this website alone, I’m interested in trying it. How more effective could you get?
Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?
Of age adults.