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2.1.2 Supply-side survey (complementary focus of the field study
• Banks, investments funds, and MFIs who shared contacts of agri-SME customers. In addition SMEFP borrower database as well as DBE lease customers (exiting and new applicants) list were used. (corresponds to I.a above) • GIZ programs and SEQUA1 who shared agri-SME contacts (corresponds largely with I.b above, often upper small and medium size enterprises) • FEMSEDA and Chamber of Commerce (corresponds largely with I.b above, often small size enterprises) In addition, we used snowball-sampling, i.e., we elicited contacts to other agri-SMEs that current respondents work with or know of (corresponds to II.b above).
Population Approx. 300,000 SMEs (according to the Entrepreneurship Development [EDC]). Center
Target Population
Sample size and primary data collection method
Agri-SMEs Number unknown (e. g. WEDP had about 5% agri enterprises among its SME borrowers; according to local AFC expert). 50-70 agri-SMEs [structured questionnaire with closed- and open-ended questions]. Ideal Sample: 4 agri-SMEs (w/ and w/o access to finance) for each AVC stage (abt. 5 [excluding retail to end-users]) of 2 selected agri value chains = 40 SMEs. Heterogeneity across value chains and gaps across stages (e. g. SMEs with access to finance may not be on all stages) counter-balanced by additional respondents.
Realised sample:
61 SMEs (Details on distribution across value chains and geographically see Annex 1 and Figure 1, respectively)
2.1.2 Supply-side survey (complementary focus of the field study)
Research hypothesis
Strategies of FIs regarding SME agrifinance have only been developed in response to (the chance to access and/or allocating earmarked) donor /investor funding tied to that topic. Else, FIs have neither interest nor incentives to engage into the topic, i.e., no strategy has been formulated.
Unit of observation Formal Financial Institutions
Design objectives
Primary: Spot any indication that might falsify the research hypothesis Secondary: Identify potential partners for piloting an intervention for finance to agri-SMEs
Identification strategy
I. Business model / legal form – drives the framework of strategic choices of any institution
II. Public and private ownership – correlates to different incentives and thus strategic choices
Sampling method
Financial institutions are purposively sampled to include selected strata (i.e., banks, MFIs, leasing companies, investment funds) and to include public and private ownership as applicable. Donor agencies (including but not limited to those that give financial assistance, see population) are selected based on their engagement in SME finance and/or in Agriculture.