EIB Promotes Sustainability of Technical Assistance Programme through Training of Trainers Technical Assistance Programme to EIB Financial Sector Operations in East and Central Africa The European Investment Bank (EIB) has supported the development of the MSME sector in East Africa with the provision of over EUR 800 million in financing to local financial institutions targeted toward improving access to finance for MSMEs.
The financing programme is complemented with technical assistance to support: 1. 2. 3.
bank staff training capacity building activities training of MSMEs
The technical assistance programme is implemented by a consortium including AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants, ADG and INTEGRATION. Between May 2014 through October 2018, the project has supported 31 financial institutions in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda, with 424 trainings attended by over 9,126 bank staff, 160 capacity building activities, and the organization of 238 customer training events attended by over 17,761 MSMEs.
The EIB, in collaboration with local financial institution partners, has strengthened internal capacity to sustainably support continued training of bank staff to effectively serve MSME customers
ince 2014, the technical assistance programme has trained over 100 trainers at 10 partner financial institutions (PFIs) on a variety of topics including credit assessment, problem loan management, sales and marketing, risk management and leadership, as well as adult learning techniques, curriculum development, and the organization of global training programmes.
Since 2014, the technical assistance programme has supported the implementation of over 400 trainings with almost 10,000 bank staff at 28 EIB partner financial institutions. Efforts have been made to promote the long-term sustainability of training activities through the implementation of Training of Trainers before the technical assistance programme concludes in 2020. The partner financial institutions work together with EIB to identify staff members who have the potential to become internal trainers. They are introduced to respective training programmes and corresponding training and instructional materials designed to maximize the impact of training interventions. The internal trainees are able to observe how the project trainers deliver the training, and at the same time they are provided with the opportunity to conduct the training themselves under the mentorship of EIB trainers. The technical assistance project has also provided specialized Training of Trainer programmes focused on adult learning techniques and presentation skills. In addition, internal trainers are provided coaching on curriculum development and key elements related to the organization of training programmes.
Exim Bank Tanzania
NMB Bank Tanzania
The technical assistance programme equips internal trainers with: Customized and tested training materials Critical training skills Instruction on specialized content
Thirteen staff members of Exim Bank attended a specialized Training of Trainers programme on sales and marketing on August 2018. In September, the trainees themselves conducted 2 trainings on sales and marketing to representatives from the bank’s 33 branches. They were also tasked to highlight active sales and marketing concepts and activities throughout the organization and its 700 staff members.
The technical assistance project trained two internal trainers at the NMB Academy in July on the design and testing of a customized training programme focused on improving staff skills in external and internal Business Communications and Etiquette for Banking Professional during the first half of 2018. These trainers delivered their first training and plan to conduct another training to a significant number of the bank’s 3000 staff in 2019.
to sustainably carry out the important work of strengthening the capacity of bank staff.
EIB Partner Financial Institutions Implement Training Programmes Training of trainer support provided by the technical assistance project has enabled EIB Partner Financial Institutions to begin implementing their own training activities to respective bank staff.
The technical assistance programme in 2017 trained the staff of Access Bank on SME Credit Assessment and Problem Loan Management. As the project became familiar with the bank’s context and specific needs, it was agreed to develop a customized training programme intended to upgrade the global credit risk management practices. Together with the piloting of the SME Credit Assessment programme at the beginning of 2018, the technical assistance project supported the implementation of a training of trainers to four key staff members who will eventually conduct subsequent training of bank staff. Since March, the bank’s training function has successfully completed the implementation of 23 SME Credit Assessment trainings at six locations throughout Tanzania, reaching a total of 270 staff members from the operations, audit, and risk management departments.
AFC Agriculture & Finance Consultants GmbH Dottendorferstr. 82 53129 Bonn, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 228-98 57 9-0 Fax: +49 (0) 228-98 57 9-79 Project Manager: Mareike Decker Email: Mareike.decker@afci.de Project Website: www.ta-eca.eu
DISCLAIMER: This technical assistance operation is funded by the European Union under the Cotonou Agreement. The Promoter utilizes non-repayable aid granted by the European Commission in support of EIB investment activities in the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The authors take full responsibility for the contents of this publication. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union or the European Investment Bank.