Just a few words of encouragement... Live withAPositive Purpose & Learn to Love It! The Best way to Free yourself from competing is to Know & Value Who You were created to Become & Be That! I love You without measure. Simply because I Believe in the Potential of You ~
Table of Content
Living Your Purpose
First Partaker of The Word
Please contact us at afergusonministries@gmail.com for inquiries for the following departments: Photography, Distribution, Marketing, Article Submissions & Advertising.
Angel Ferguson: Chief Editor
W.T.I. Productions: Publisher
Angel Ferguson Ministries: Biblical Words of Encouragement
Freelance Writers
James Ferguson III: Logos & Back Cover Designs
ISBN: 9798300002978
Title: Hope & Truth Magazine Status: ISSN assigned
Format: Online ISSN 2832-3793
Format: Print ISSN 2832-3785
Words from the Editor
Years ago, my father Namon Wilson Jr., the Apostle, shared a phrase with us and it was simple yet powerful, ‘Common sense is free, but everyone won’t take it”. Yes it was sarcastic but true, and as I have pondered over what God had placed within me, often times I made some of the common things into complicated matters.
The thing about life, is that it is an ever opportunity to learn, it is when we do not learn from those lessons by applying the wisdom, which is the ’common’ thing to do, than we find ourselves in “complicated situations’!
As we are approaching the last days of the year 2024, let us all take a moment to review the things that we left on the table because they appeared to be too ’common’ for us to touch when in fact, they were the keys to unlock many of doors, doors that are still waiting for us to come to our senses not only to get them open but to walk in!
And so, I gave myself a challenge too become intentional with the time that I have left. It goes beyond the days left on the calendar, it is as if God were saying, “if I gave you 30 days, what would you do with it”. Well my common sense has instructed me not to waste it!
Become grateful for the time that you have, and use it well!
~PastorAngel. L. Ferguson Founder. Chief Editor of Hope & Truth Magazine
Living Your Purpose!
Every person has a purpose in life. how one perceives their purpose is another bone to pick. The truth is that not every person believes that they have a purpose, and this is because of several reasons. The beginning of these reasons could have started from the roots of their childhood, and it is not to blame the parents, that is not our agenda here, because the reality is that people teach people what they have learned or obtained. And then we have the components of the surroundings of our atmosphere’s. during the adolescent years, it is usually a relative that will stop by periodically, taking the children under their wings by giving them positive words of encouragement, and then we have the ministry, the outreach programs or those teachers that can spot the need to do a little extra pouring while class is in session.
But what happens when we come of age and are entering into those decision-making years, to whom do we look to or in what areas. There is a hard reality, and it is that it might not come from home. And this is where many are looking for their purpose but not in the right places.
By the time many individuals realize that they have a purpose in life, the thought that time has passed them by and that it is too late for them.And this is far from the truth.
I believe that the moment that a person finds out that, yes God has a purpose for them, it is at this time that the purpose is needed. It is never a time that God is late, all things happen in his good timing.
I believe that there are those that God ordained from the beginning to become the ones that are to see the potential in others, as well as to speak life into them through encouraging them. Yet the person must learn each day, to encourage themselves. And this goes back in part to the childhood years. It is in part because the person must see and believe it for themselves. No one should see it or believe it more than the individual.
A part of living one’s purpose is to make sure that you become your biggest investor. No one should invest more into your well-being, happiness, or purpose than you!
After all it is your life! therefore the question then turns from doing a background check of one’s history into a current scan of just how one sees themselves, and this is determined by the things that we think towards ourselves, the words used to describe ourselves, as well as how we carry ourselves for a presentation to others.
Once the purpose of one’s life is revealed to them, then it is up to that person to find out as much as possible, such as what does it take to fulfill this purpose. Not in a mend set of being like others, but in learning the definition of that purpose, then discovering how could they become that definition, in their own special and unique way.
We wanted to share some ways in discovering your purpose as well as making some investments in yourself and purpose. One’s purpose is usually surrounded around a favorite hobby or doing something that you have a strong passion about. Then as you learn more about your purpose, it is best to become one with your purpose and live your purpose. Ask yourself if when others see you, can they identify your purpose by your character. For example, our passion is in teaching, and motivating others, therefore, I live to learn then to teach and try to speak positive life into every situation (sometimes silence is the most positive speech one can give). Once we deal with the inner-self, then it should overflow into your outer-self.
And finally, the most important thing is to fall in love with your purpose. That’s right, love what you have been created to become! When you love what you do, then you represent it well, and will always prepare to present your purpose.
We encourage you to pray and ask the Lord, about your purpose, learn about it, grow through the developmental stages, your investment should become a mirror of your purpose!
After a recent teaching entitled Fulfilling God’s Purpose, I was reminded that there was a portion of my purpose that had been abandoned, and there truth is that there was no real justification for it yet there were plenty of excuses.
Now isn’t it funny how God will give you a word to preach or teach but will use it to convict you! And to top it off, my early morning dream brought me back to what was being neglected and needed the proper attention.
Back to the scope of this message, within the content, in which there were no written notes, just the wonderful flow of the Holy Spirit, causing the release of a few words that would come rushing back to the voice in which they had come from less than 24 hours prior. The words released encouraged others to first pray and ask God to reveal their purpose in life, and after learning of that God given purpose, to learn as much as possible about it. Then there was the technique of realizing that, that thing that you have a passion about, that thing that is more than a hobby, is more than likely your purpose. There was this prayer throughout the teaching session for those that had abandoned their purpose to return to it!
But I believe that the analogy of the laborer and the harvest was the driving force; let me share it with you! Jesus spoke of the harvest being plenteous but that there were few laborers. And Paul teaches of how Jesus through the Father gave some to have the anointing for the Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, and a Teacher; these are laborers. Then we have those with the many spiritual gifts. Even with these gifts and offices being mentioned, there are many that will fulfill a purpose for God outside of the four walls of the sanctuary and yet hold God’s gifts.
In the heart of the matter!
Color choice for every season!
Want to give an extra special gift? If you have access to the recipient’s favorite color scheme or know their taste, create some custom photos for their décor.
Want to personalize your next event?
Customize your invitations and room’s décor by placing a piece of jewelry in the center of a decorative plate, snap a photo and you just shifted the atmosphere!
Every gracious host loves to give their guest a gift for attending their special occasions. We created this simple bracelet and placed it in the place setting, not as a napkin holder but as a way of saying thank you for say YES to the invitation! And be creative, create the bracelets to connect to your color scheme, this will make it more memorable, and as a bonus, include a photo of the individual place setting with a description of the sentimental meaning behind the custom piece!
Cont’d First Partaker of The Word
One’s career could very well be your harvest! Each chosen person by God will have their own field to harvest.
Now, the question comes to every person that has discovered their purpose; exactly what are you going to do with your field? Imagine that you have a field, what is the condition of it. Is there room for growth; being new harvest. Is it unkept. Is it barren? Your Purpose has a Purpose, towards your field. And what your field should receive from you, would be the gifts God has given to you as well as the Fruit of Spirit that is produced within you. Your fruit is then poured into your field for several reasons; to produce more laborers and to continue to nourish those that need to be nurtured. The reality is that not everyone in your field will reproduce to become a laborer, but it does make them less important, in fact they are the most important, many cast the least aside and they are often forgotten, but because they have been assigned to you, it is your Purpose to keep reminding them that they too belong to God and that He loves them through His Son Jesus Christ.
This analogy jolted me back to some areas that had been neglected, and now I am asking forgiveness as there are recipients in my field that were not receiving what they needed from me! father, help me to become a good steward over what you have given me; I can admit because physically there was no growth, you were working behind the scenes in areas that I could not see. And in order for me to get to the next level, or that you would bring growth to my field, my workmanship must be proven to operate at your standards and not my own.
In closing, please allow me to remind all of us about the scripture’s meaning; One plants. One waters. But it is God that gives the increase. A few weeks, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I was concerned about the wrong thing! The increase of what God had given me should not become my concern, only knowing which I was responsible for being the part of planting and watering. Paul does in fact teach that the one that plants and the one that waters is one in the same. So therefore, it is my obligation to know which one is being done per encounter and leave the rest to the one that gives the increase. This too has been a great help in some areas of concern. Like the article began, God will give you a word to release and then turn around and cause it to bring you back to where You should be~
Have you ever had a plan or an idea, and wondered just where it originated from? Was it after the results of attending an event, seeing someone’s social media post, or acquired through a friend? The function of a purpose will have the same name but the functionality of it will have its own unique identification marks and presence.
If we were to dive in the expectation that God has for His people to become and remain unique, what we will discover is the many times His people received chastisement for wanting to be like other nations; desiring to live like they live, worship whom and what they worshiped, etc., there was no fault in the others being a nation or that they worshiped, how they dressed, the food they ate, but it was that the people of God wanted to imitate a false identity rather than what God had called them to become.
And it is so when it comes to a vision that God has given to a person, the name of that vision such as Community Outreach Program, or having a School of Ministry is universal, but it’s way of releasing to its audience is unique. No two visions should operate the same, yet the common goal should be the same.
There is a teaching from the Bible that I love to study as well as to teach from when it comes to hearing from God concerning a vision, and that is of King David. There are so many things to pull from concerning the vision to build a temple for the Lord. This idea came into the heart of David from the Lord, as well as the plans for it.
Not only that but its purpose was executed through King Solomon.
King David understood where this thought came from and how it became possible to write out the architectural plans for it. And then we have the account of what was spoken to the prophet Haggai, about waiting to hear from God concerning what He wanted verses what we might think is needed, because we can only see a present fix rather than a future hope.
In either of these examples, both King David and the Prophet Haggai, both were instructed to “write a vision” according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit’s instructions.
Cont’d Who’s Vision Is It Anyway!
It is important to know where one’s inspiration comes from. The one thing is for sure, is that if it is a copycat syndrome, the evidence will quickly emerge. Which brings on the question, “what is your unique identification mark when it comes to your vision”?
Many have started out on the right path with their vision only to become sidetracked because they took their eyes of the voice that was calling them. Peter lost sight of his destination because he looked down at the water around him and became afraid of his next step! I encourage you to keep your eyes on God, knowing just who called you to the thing that you were created to do!
And let us learn from the experience of Peter, by not looking at anything other than God’s guidance, because if we look in any other direction, we too will sink. With that being said, it is also important to make sure that we build on a solid foundation, and 2 Peter 1:5-11 teaches us this! Do you see how we start with faith and although not mentioned, the next is the component of obedience along with the ending of this passage of scripture lays out the expected manifestations to occur! We have provided this written passage and encourage you to review your vision, make sure that you have a solid foundation, according to the Word of God. It is in this process that one may discover that some adjustments are needed or strengthened, and as we do this, it is also preparing us for growth and an enlargement of our territory! God moves in unity and strength when the foundation is ready for a shift!
It is important that we stay focused with an assurance that God in fact gave us a vision and if then we have this confidence, ought to guard it against the attacks of our adversary. Both the study’s of Nehemiah and Ezra are great lessons for us to learn concerning the many ways to do this, isn’t it amazing that God already knew that we would face such things, and preparing the knowledge, wisdom and counsel needed for each generation of visionary placeholders in advance, we who are as of such would need only to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to such proven methods of help in the time of trouble.
We encourage you to study the four examples provided, as they take us from conception to birth, with a significance of focusing on when the vision is in its initial stage of being A NEW BIRTH and when the opportunity comes for a REBIRTH!
Planning An Event on A Budget
We recently were invited to speak at a women’s conference in July and wanted to present each of the attendees with a gift. So, we purchased some plan brown handled gift bags from the dollar tree along with some heart laser cut kraft icons along with our hot glue gun, and attached the hearts to the bag. We also did something extra special by creating some custom jewelry, along with a piece of our customized ‘Broken to be Created” paper. We were able to control our budget by creating the products ourselves, keep in mind we did this because of the size of the event but truly believe that this method or preference is good no matter the size of the event. Extravagant does not have to burn the account, with a vision, anything is possible.
After we finished this event, we started preparing for the next one! No, we did not have a date or a time but when coming across the motto; “stay ready so that you don’t have to get ready”, it became a part the way we do life! with some red canvas bags, we hot glued some laser kraft cut outs that say “inspired”, this will go well with our ‘Dream Builders Writing Journal’ as a gift for the potential attendees.
Cont’d Planning An Event OnABudget
Planning on a budget also requires one to have stock on hand prior to an event. If you have created a certain status concerning your events such as brochures, literature, give aways, etc., then it is important to have a ready stock at all times, and replenish at the end of an event in preparation for the next. This will assist in several ways especially if you catch a sale on the items that you often use, it will also help with your preparation time, as you can do these things at your leisure, and it will help with those short notice invitations! At all times your ministry, business or organization will be professionally prepared and not rushed to present your best!
These words have become my new motto, “ I don’t know the date or the time, but I am ready”. This changes the mindset of the visionary. Not only does it allow the visionary to become prepared for in person events, it also them the leverage to have themselves represent in an event even when they are not! When other event planners and visionaries are having an event, they are often looking for other business to provide things for their VIP bags or as perks to give their guest. The point is always place yourself as the opportunity just waiting to happen!
Now, back to the event mentioned at the top of this article, not only were we able to provide a gift of our custom jewelry, but we were able to pull from our product stock to use during the icebreaker games, this has become our unique identifying mark!
We hope that this information has assisted you in shaping your business/ministry/organization ideas, please visit Hope & Truth Magazine each month for more Business Tips-N-Tools that we have used, and feel might benefit you as well!
The best time to restock your office supplies, is during the back to school sales as well as afterwards.
Did you know that many stores will place the back to school items in their clearance section,? That’s right, you can purchase them at an even cheaper price.
Not only this the perfect to restore the office supplies, it is also a good time to keep a supplies of items for those students at home, for those last minute request for projects or for those backpacks.
So, as you can see this time of the year has a benefit for everyone! Don’t miss out.
A few years while setting up the office of my publishing company, it was important to make sure that our current clients knew they were a part of our business family as well as introducing to potential client’s what we were capable of. The way that we did this was by using our book covers and other client interaction photos as our wall art. Of course, we had brochures for distribution, but this created a more personable atmosphere.
Ask yourself this question, how many different businesses have you visited, with no relation of the other but all have the same standard industry wall displays. To me, this method does not speak for the business, because it’s not the company’s work, it is the work of others, which is a kind of false advertisement.
There are few opportunities presented in displaying your own products such as, a potential sale of the framed art, especially if it is a floral arrangement created for an event, or custom ceramic dishes, vases, etc. or, it could lead to a consulting job in assisting another business in customizing their office workspace or store. So, as you can see, being unique has its benefits.
We took our custom butterfly jewelry pieces, placed then in the center of an antique salad plate in number sequence and snapped some photos, and in doing this we accomplished several goals, advertising the jewelry, created a potential for some wall décor for both a store and the home and finally, presented you with an idea you can use! And the best thing about this method., it that there is a limited edition of what you display, there are no duplications, and will not be seen across town!
Be sure to check the Business Tips-Tools section of Hope & Truth Magazine each month for more beneficial ideas that you can use, which are effective and budget friendly.
The art in your home or office should be unique and should become a reflection of who you represent, love and find beauty in.
When your potential clients enter into your business exactly what is it that they see?
The atmosphere should reflect the products and services that you offer!
Don’t be afraid to step out if your comfort zones by taking out those cameras and capturing what you do, get some prints and some wall display frames and LET THE VISION SPEAK!
As an added bonus, change out the featured wall art periodically so that your clients are always intrigued with anticipation of what they will see during their next visit!
Looking to spruce up your weeknight dinner for your family, yourself or for an event? We tried this recipe and loved it, hopefully you will too.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Wash thick boneless chicken breast and cut a pouch in them that will hold the combination of your stuffing mixture. The number of chicken breast will be determined by the number of individuals in attendance.
After washing the chicken breast, season them with your preferred seasonings, place them into a shallow baking dish, and sit them aside, allowing them to rest and marinate.
Our stuffing mixture was a combination of rice, broccoli, and cheese. The recipe is simple. In a medium sized pot, we cooked some 5-minute rice, added seasoning to the water, (this was done so that there is flavor through the dish). Cooking the rice until it is firm, add some thawed frozen broccoli. Allow this to cook, then bring it to a simmer. Next, stir in some shredded blended cheese. Make sure to break down the broccoli pieces during the blending process of thee three ingredients.
Then remove the mixture from the stove, next comes the time of assembly. Grab the pre seasoned chicken, open the pocket that used created and spoon in the broccoli cheese and rice stuffing, placing each piece back into the shallow baking dish.
Add some chicken broth around the chicken, this will keep the flavor, as water will more than likely diminish the flavor. Cover the baking dish with some aluminum foil and place into the preheated oven. Allow your stuffed chicken to cook for about 30 minutes, then after checking the texture of the chicken, if it is almost done, remove the foil for a nice brown texture for the outer part of the chicken, place the baking dish back into the oven for another 15 minutes, this should be enough time to brown the top of the chicken. Make sure not to leave it in the oven too long in order to prevent the chicken from drying out. Remove from the over, returning the aluminum foil over the baking dish, allow the chicken to rest for about 5 to 10 minutes then serve!
Creamy White & Yellow Cheddar Cheese Chicken Pasta
Such an easy recipe!
We used about 6 fresh boneless chicken breast, seasoned to desired taste.
Our cooking method was to boil the chicken breast, so that the meat remained juicy.
As the chicken was cooked, we chopped each piece and poured the liquid from the chicken.
Hold on to it though because now you have some homemade chicken broth!
As we returned the chicken to the pot, add just enough liquid to cover the chopped chicken, add your pasta.
As the pasta cooks to your desired texture, begin to blend in your cheese.
Include your vegetable of choice and we have DINNER!
1 lb. of fresh beef chunks
½ onion
½ green bell pepper
¼ cup of uncooked white rice
Mixed vegetables (medium in size)
Vegetable oil ( enough to coat the bottom of the pot)
In a large cast iron pot, add the vegetable oil, (I like to add my seasoning in with the oil, this will become the first layer of seasoning) and allow it to get hot, then cut the onion and bell peppers and place them into the cast iron pot.
Allow the onions and bell peppers to sear, then add in the beef cubes. Allow the beef cubes to sear, and add a little more seasoning, after the meat is seared on both sides, add your beef broth. (if you do not have a broth, add some water. The key is to add it from the side of the pot and not directly on the meat. If you do use water, make sure to replace the seasoning, because the water will dilute the seasonings.
Now allow the liquid to boil, after boiling, turn the temperature down to a simmer, cover the pot and allow a 1-hour cooking time.
After an hour, the beef cubes should become tender enough to break down with a fork. Pour in the uncooked rice, next after 15 minutes, add in the mixed vegetables.
Continue to allow the soup to simmer for another 30 to 45 minutes, then SERVE!
This month’s tea is fresh pineapple!
After attending a birthday party that had a Hawaiian theme, the guest was allowed to take a few of the table decorations, my choice was a fresh pineapple.
What next was nothing but amazing!
I cut the pineapple down into chunk sized pieces, placed them in a pot of water, added some tea bags along with some sugar and allowed the mixture to boil. Then I allowed the tea to simmer and enjoyed a hot cup of relation!
e you as old fashioned as I am? Well, it is no secret that the weather season is in transition, not only that but we have progressed in age and one’s body does not function as it did in our prior years.
One of my go to remedies is making a honey and lemon cough syrup, it’s simple and requires two ingredients; freshly squeezed lemons and honey. But this year, I did something a little different, normally it’s when the cold and congestion has hit my body, this season a small batch was made for a daily dose. Another thing that has assisted me during this season is lemon or grapefruit tea. Both a great remedies for the cold and flu season but some may not be able to have the grapefruit due to certain medications, and in this instance, try some other fresh fruits that you are able to digest and are easy to make into a tea. Have you guessed it yet, that seeking a natural remedy for the cold and flu season is my first choice, now don’t get me wrong, there are some over the counter products that are in the medicine cabinet, but my concern is how some of the products leave their affects.
When it comes to the lemon tea, I normally do not add a sweetener, maybe a halls’ cough drops or even some peppermints. Check out these suggestions that attribute to the benefits of hot lemon tea:
1. Rich in Vitamin C, boosting the immune system.
2. Aids digestion and can relieve indigestion.
3. Acts as a natural detoxifier, helping to flush out toxins.
4. May promote hydration, especially when consumed warm.
5. Can help soothe sore throats and reduce inflammation.
6. Supports weight loss by enhancing metabolism.
7. Contains antioxidants that combat free radicals.
8. May improve skin health and reduce acne.
9. Can provide a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety. Helps freshen breath and improve oral health.
Our advice that you consult with your physician concerning your intake of any and all immune system health needs.
We took a combination of our most inspirational and power LifeApplications from 2018 –2024 and created the LifeApplications. The Devotional. Order your copy today as there is a positive word of life for every month of the calendar year.
• Publisher : Independently published (August 14, 2024)
• Language : English
• Paperback : 192 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8335122429
$ 12.00 PER COPY
Biblical teaching of individuals that God raised up to break the cycles of those that went after other god's during the time of Judah & Israel. We are in these times today. Has God called and ordained you to become one of His Cycle Breakers!
• Publisher : Independently published
• (August 19, 2024)
• Language : English
• Paperback : 122 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8332007781
$ 15.00 PER COPY
The holidays are here! Have you started to make any plans on how to serve your guest? Check out these custom platters, desert bowls, and other items! They are easy to make and now is the time to make your table the talk of the season! The inspiration behind this collection can be found on page 20.
On week, I felt that urge to get some clay. But had no idea what I was going to make. So, after going to the store, they had some on clearance, therefore two containers went into the cart.
After getting home, my excitement quickly turned to disappointment. Someone had dug out the top of one and the other one was completely dried out. The first thought was to take them both back. Then I decided that one of the containers was ok, but the one that was completely dry; what was I going to do with that!
Then on a of being able to relax, I grabbed the dried-out clay, and began to wonder how it could be salvaged, but from the looks of it, this was impossible. I did what I thought would work but it did not! And then after looking online, there was a few methods to try, and it worked.
And as I sat and brought this clay back to life, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me!
What may seem impossible. What may seem completely broken, God can restore, if we look for and follow His method! Yes, we do have some experience but the same method will work for every situation, therefore it is good to go to God and ask for His plans for what we are currently facing! Now, what I thought was completely worthless, was restored and the final product are these 5 pieces of custom plates!
So, my words of encouragement for you are to give God a try. All is not lost. Don’t be so quick to throw in the towel or to walk away because a situation seems to have no life! God is known for His Resurrection Power!
~ Be blessed on Purpose. Because YR!
Pastor Angel L. Ferguson
Making custom jewelry has become of the unique signature identifiers , as a ministry tool. When the opportunities come, a piece is given during an even tor while sharing the Word.
This butterfly design is new to our collection. Our original design was from a plastic mold and yes, we still love it and have it in our stock. But this design came about with a vision of course. With using a different mold that would provide more details and the baking jewelry clay, we turned out an array of color combinations.
I am excited about those who will receive one of these Perfect Butterflies, and it’s not that they are perfect in shape, it is the imperfections that makes it so. No life is perfect but through the eyes of God, and the help of the Holy Spirit because of Jesus Christ, we are beautiful and unique!
Looking to take charge of your skin care or perhaps start or expand a business?
We created this mint green shea butter soap and it is amazing.
Visit your local craft store, be sure to check out the soap making aisle where you will find the majority if not all of the things that you will need.
We saved on some of the items such as purchasing a loaf pan at a lower cost and used some coffee grounds that was already in the cabinet.
Follow the direction on the premade soap that is on the packaging.After melting the soap, add your favorite scent and coloring (found on the soap aisle), pour into the desired molds, allow to take its time to cool, (there’s no rush, take care of some other things while the soap solidifies) then cut the soap into the desires shaped or portions or by simply removing them from pre-shaped molds.
Trust me, you will enjoy the outcome!
The coffee grains in this soap will exfoliate your skin and the shea butter will allow the texture of your skin to remain moist.
Use this as a gift, personal use or a business! It’s the process that will bring you the relaxation.
1lb of soap $ 15.00
The scent’s will vary. But if you have a lightly oil based scent at home, then use that option. Don’t over due it because the soap will not mold properly.
The cost of the mold will vary. If you want to cut the soap in bars, than this loaf pan @ about $ 3.00 will suffice.
And a roll of plastic wrap will go a long way especially if is being used for this purpose only.
And of course the quantity will be determined by the size of the molds being used or the thickness of the bars.
During the first week of November 2024, The Balance of Life Christian Talk Radio hosted a 3 day series called THE ACCOUNTIBILITY SERIES.
On day One, we discussed Who’s Vision Is I Anyway, which sparked our featured article in the Leadership Essentials of this month’s issue. The link for that audio broadcast has been added to our website www.angelferguson-ministries.com for your convenience.
Then on day two, we covered Building One Block At A Time and created the photo below as it provides the things needed for a strong foundation according the Word of God in 2 Peter 1:5~11
Finally on day three, we concluded with ‘FOLLOWING THE PATH OF THE VISION’ with 3 important nuggets of truth:
1. 'Does the vision you are pursuing match the vision that you were given to carry?'
2. Sometime many are pursuing WITHOUT vision!
3. If we do not move in faith towards the vision, than we will not see the manifestation of what God allowed us to see!
We invite you to visit our website for a the links for this 3-day series @ www.angelferguson-ministries.com
Elegance has no need for DRAMATICS!
Be dramatic as you possibly can be! Every room deserves a décor that catches the eyes , speaks to the imagination and moves us from our comfort zones!
Adding bold textures, patterns and colors to a room will only define what your inner self is speaking!
Live out loud on Purpose!
Have you made a decision to become one of our Covenant Partners yet? The greatest benefit of becoming a Covenant Partner with Angel Ferguson Ministries is that there is no financial obligation!
That’s right, our connection is merely a platform of support. Each month we send our Covenant Partners a newsletter filled with words of encouragement for every area of your life, business tips and tools, a directory of resources & more. And as a bonus, your ministry or business will appear in each month’s issue of Hope & Truth Magazine’Ministry Supportive Page.
If you are interested in registering to become a Covenant Partner with Angel Ferguson Ministries, please contact us today via email @ AFERGUSONMINISTRIES@GAIL.COM
Pastor Jessie McCoy
Impact Prayer Radio Broadcast
First Love All Saints Ministries, Pastor Joseph Dadson
Glory Crown Ministry
Flavor of Beauty
Sister’s In Unity
ON BEHALF OF Hope & Truth Magazine, we would like to extend a warm appreciation to each of you that have been a part of ministry , whether this is your first time receiving a copy or if it was 20 years ago, when we first launched.
A special thanks to James Ferguson III for creating the logo for Angel Ferguson Ministries as well as the back cover design for Hope & Truth Magazine.
Our gratitude extends to the companies that distribute Hope & Truth Magazine across the US as well as abroad.
The books featured within were written and published by Angel Ferguson Ministries’ Publishing Division
All of the custom jewelry pieces featured are the creation and property of Angel Ferguson Ministries.
All of the photography has been produced by the staff of Angel Ferguson Ministries.
Tangible Truths Bible Study sessions are done through Angel Ferguson Ministries School of Ministry & Mentoring Program.
Radio Ministry
THE BALANCE OF LIFE available via Spreaker Radio Tues ~Thurs. 12:30pm ~1pm
LIVE W/ANGEL FERGUSON MINISTRIES available via Podbean Monday’s @ 7pm
There are several ways in which you can connect with us, please visit our website www.angelferguson-ministries.com & www.hopeandtruthmagazine.godaddysites.com , or via social media. Our email address is afergusonministries@gmail.com.