Start of the Month
End of the Month
Hints & Tips
Irrigation Audit & Mower Maintenance Undertake irrigation audit & regularly check blades to ensure clean cut
Mower Maintenance Regularly check blades to ensure clean cut
Mower Maintenance Regularly check blades to ensure clean cut
LandscaperPro Spring & Summer (Maintenance) Rate: 3kg/100m2 H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs in 4-6L of water/100m2
H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs 4-6L of water/100m2 Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
LandscaperPro Spring & Summer (Maintenance) Rate: 2kg/100m2 H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Acelepryn GR (Insecticide) Rate: 1.5kg/100m2
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Mower Maintenance Regularly check blades to ensure clean cut
Mower Maintenance Regularly check blades to ensure clean cut
Mower Maintenance Regularly check blades to ensure clean cut
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Plant Growth Regulator Rate: 10mL/100m2
Plant Growth Regulator Rate: 10mL/100m2
Plant Growth Regulator Rate: 10mL/100m2
Apply LandscaperPro Spring & Summer (Maintenance), then apply H2Pro TriSmart and Vitalnova blade as a tank mix over top and irrigate in (5-10mm of irrigation).
Apply Acelepryn GR with spreader first followed by
Apply LandscaperPro Spring & Summer (Maintenance),
applying H2Pro TriSmart and Vitalnova Blade as a tank mix
then apply H2Pro TriSmart and Vitalnova Blade as a tank
over the top of Acelepryn GR and irrigate in (5-10mm of
mix over the top and irrigate in (5-10mm irrigation).
Apply Vitalnova Stressbuster and Plant Growth Regulator as a tank mix and leave on the leaf to dry.
Turfgrasses are at the peak demand for irrigation during warmer months. Ensure your irrigation is running smoothly by conducting an irrigation audit (visual observation of any leaks, misses or poorly running irrigation heads; catch canning, measuring application rate or the flow rate of sprinkler versus coverage of sprinklers). Knowing how much water you put on your lawn will help you assess the water use on your turfgrass and irrigate wisely.
Autumn Renovation & Mower maintenance Soil testing is recommended to plan for Spring. Check and maintain your equipment is ready for minor renovation.
Start of the Month
as a tank mix and leave on the leaf to dry. Through the summer months It is always good to regularly clean and check your mowers as they are being regularly used. Checking how sharp your blades are on the rotary mower or ensuring you have the right reel-bed knife
Regulator as a tank mix and leave on the leaf to dry. Through the summer months it is always good to check for any areas that are struggling for growth and ascertain as to why. Tasks like localised aerating with a fork or hand
H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs in 4-6L of water/100m2 Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2 Minor Renovation
End of the Month
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2 Post-Emergent Herbicide Follow label directions and use products specific to lawn needs Plant Growth Regulator Rate: 10mL/100m2 Apply VitalNova Blade and H2Pro Trismart as a tank mix and irrigate in (5-10mm irrigation). Apply VitalNova Stressbuster and Plant Growth Regulator as a tank mix and leave on the leaf to dry. Irrigate heavily a few days (1-3 days) leading into aeration to ensure a soft surface for deeper penetration of the aerator.
Apply Vitalnova Stressbuster and Plant Growth Apply Vitalnova Stressbuster and Plant Growth Regulator
Hints & Tips
aerator and plugging will help any areas recover effectively.
You will need the right tools and machinery for your renovation. Aerators can be hired from most machinery hire outlets. Alternatively, get the Lawn Rescue Squad from Australian Lawn Fanatics to undertake your renovations. Control weeds grown in cooler temperatures now by applying Pre-emergent herbicide. Poa Annua and Clover will begin germinating once soil temperatures start to cool. You may have to apply earlier in cooler parts of Australia. Apply pre-emergent herbicide after renovation. Oversowing can be done immediately after the renovation and your renovation practice can be changed to allow a successful oversow. Pre-emergent herbicide is NOT recommended if you plan to oversow your lawn with cool season turfgrass such as perennial ryegrass.
tension will lead to a better quality after cut appearance, more efficiency in the machines and a healthier lawn.
Shade Check & Mower Maintenance Check the shading on your lawn and regularly check mower blades
Create an irrigation budget for your lawn Check the shading on your lawn and regularly check mower blades
LandscaperPro Spring & Summer (Maintenance) Rate: 2kg/100m2
H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs in 4-6L of water / 100m2
H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs in 4-6L of water / 100m2
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2 Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Plant Growth Regulator Rate: 10mL/100m2 Apply LandscaperPro Spring & Summer (Maintenance), then apply H2Pro TriSmart and Vitalnova blade as a tank mix over top and irrigate in (5-10mm of irrigation). Rake up any leaves and prune any overhanging branches that may be reducing light on your lawn. April is a good time to decide whether to apply Plant Growth Regulator or not as warm season turf will start slowing down. You can also apply VitalNova Stressbuster with/without Plant Growth Regulator as a tank mix and leave on the leaf to dry. Keep an eye out for dew onset in the morning. Dew will remain on grass leaves longer and create the right conditions for the development of diseases such as dollar spot (common this time of year). A short burst of irrigation, brushing or blowing the dew off in the mornings in mid-Autumn goes a long way to culturally managing the disease in your lawn. The Autumn and Winter months are a great time to be mindful of the shade that encroaches onto your lawn. When sun angle becomes lower, it increases shade area and duration. Turf affected can lose density, have leggy growth and hold moisture for longer which fosters weed and algae growth. If it is building shade, consider converting areas to a garden bed with shade tolerant plants. For tree shade, lift the canopy of trees by pruning the lower branches.
Apply H2Pro TriSmart and VitalNova Blade as a tank mix and irrigate in (5-10mm irrigation). Apply VitalNova Stressbuster and leave on the leaf to dry. Rake up any leaves and prune any overhanging branches that may be reducing light on your lawn. Now is a good time to work out what your irrigation budget is for the type of turf in your lawn and your local area for the next year. Use the evapotranspiration data from the local met bureau. This will give you an idea on how much water you will need in irrigation for your lawn each week and allow you to calculate how much you can expect on your water bill. For warm season turf you will need to irrigate 50-60% of the Evapotranspiration rate to your nearest weather station and for Cool season turf 75-85% of the evapotranspiration rate.
Start of the Month
End of the Month
07 Irrigation Budget & Mower Maintenance Check the shading on your lawn and regularly check mower blades
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Irrigation Budget & Mower Maintenance Check the shading on your lawn and regularly check mower blades
Shade & weed check Check the shading on your lawn and regularly walk your lawn and keep an eye out for any weeds
Apply Vitalnova Blade and irrigate in (5-10mm irrigation). Apply Vitalnova Stressbuster and leave on the leaf to dry. If you calculated your irrigation requirements you will see that irrigation can be greatly reduced during the winter months. It is often close to half the irrigation requirement during the cooler months of the year.
Post-Emergent Selective Herbicide Follow label directions and use products specific to lawn needs
Shade & weed check Check the shading on your lawn and regularly walk your lawn and keep an eye out for any weeds
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Start of the Month
End of the Month
Apply Vitalnova Stressbuster and leave on the leaf to dry. Rake up any leaves and prune any overhanging branches that may be reducing light on your lawn.
Keep an eye on any weeds that may emerge during the winter months and clear up any undesired weed species in your lawn before the mid-Spring major renovation. Hand-weeding along side a post emergent herbicide is recommended for best weed control. Identify your lawn and weed species and select and apply the right post-emergent selective herbicide 10-14 days apart (2 applications). Always follow label directions. Hand weeding can be undertaken using a screwdriver or hand weeding fork.
Hints & Tips
10 Major Renovation Scarify, Aerate and Topdress
H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs in 4-6L of water/100m2
LandscaperPro New Grass & Renovation Rate: 3.5kg / 100m2
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
H2Pro TriSmart (Wetting agent) Rate: 100mLs in 4-6L of water / 100m2
Acelepryn GR (Insecticide) Rate: 1.5kg/100m2
Gypsum or Lime (Soil Amendment) Rate: 10kg/100m2
Post-Emergent Selective Herbicide Follow label directions and use products specific to lawn needs. Use only if required.
Get a soil test or test the pH of your soil to ensure you use the right amendments coming into renovation time in mid-spring.
Apply Vitalnova Blade and irrigate in with 5-10mm.
The Winter months are a great time to be mindful of the shade that encroaches onto your lawn if it is an issue. Turf affected can lose density, have leggy growth and hold moisture for longer which fosters weed and algae growth. If it is building shade, consider changing areas to a garden bed with shade tolerant plants otherwise if it is tree shade you may be able to lift the canopy of trees by pruning the lower branches.
09 Soil Testing or pH kits Soil & pH testing is recommended to plan for major renovation.
Vitalnova Blade 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Apply LandscaperPro Maintenance and irrigate in (5-10mm irrigation).
Hints & Tips
LandscaperPro Spring & Summer (Maintenance) Rate: 2kg/100m2
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Mower Maintenance & Change-Up Regularly check blades to ensure clean cut, change to reel if possible Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2
Vitalnova Stressbuster 250-500mL in 4-6L of water/100m2 Plant Growth Regulator Rate: 10mL/100m2
Irrigate heavily 1-3 days leading into aeration to ensure a soft surface for deeper penetration of the aerator.
You will need the right tools and machinery for your major renovation. Scarifiers and aerators can be hired from most machinery hire outlets. Alternatively, get the Lawn Rescue Apply Acelepryn GR with spreader first followed by applying Squad from Australian Lawn Fanatics to undertake your H2Pro TriSmart and Vitalnova Blade as a tank mix over the renovations. top of Acelepryn GR and irrigate in (5-10mm of irrigation).
Hand weeding can be undertaken using a screwdriver or hand weeding fork.
Mower Maintenance Regularly check blades to ensure clean cut
• Soil testing kits are available from turf agronomists. • pH test kits available from hardware stores.
Clear up any undesired weed species in your lawn before mid-Spring major renovation. Identify your lawn and weed species. Select and apply the right post-emergent selective herbicide 10-14 days apart (2 applications). Always follow label directions.
After aerating, apply Gypsum or Lime followed by LandscaperPro New Grass & Renovations. Tank mix pre-emergent herbicide with H2Pro Trismart and apply. Or apply granular pre-emergent follow with H2Pro TriSmart over the top and irrigate products in (5-10mm of irrigation).
Apply H2Pro TriSmart and Vitalnova Blade as a tank mix and irrigate in (5-10mm of irrigation). Apply Vitalnova Stressbuster and Plant Growth Regulator as a tank mix and leave on the leaf to dry. After turf has recovered enough and the topdressing material is less apparent on the turf surface it is time to make a call on mower maintenance and mower change-up. 4-6 weeks after the renovation, change to a reel mower if you have one. Alternatively, change the mower blades on your rotary mower (top-dressing sand is abrasive and will significantly wear on mower blades). Keeping the blades sharp will ensure a cleaner cut and greater speed of recovery of your turf as well as minimising potential for disease on a sheared leaf blade.