Vitalnova Nursery Range

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New Product Launch from ICL

Nursery Range Biostimulant products for ornamental plants

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03 – 05

Vitalnova Prime

There is no doubt that for the horticultural industry to

06 – 07

Vitalnova Guardian

to adopt a range of biological products including plant

08 – 09

Hardy Nursery Stock Trial

biostimulants. Stimulating natural processes, quality

10 – 11

Pansy Trial

to enhance nutrient uptake and efficiency, increase

become more resilient and sustainable, growers need

biostimulant products have been scientifically proven tolerance to abiotic stress as well as improving crop quality. These products have an important role to play in modern horticultural production. Healthy well-nourished plants grow and yield well and have a much higher disease-resistance threshold. Unlike traditional plant protection products, biostimulants are not silver bullets. In the early days of biostimulants, guidance for use was sometimes

02 phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email

rudimentary and resulting efficacy could be erratic. Fast forward several decades and ICL is working with companies leading this field, to bring proven products supported by in-depth technical backup.

Vitalnova Nursery ICL’s Vitalnova Nursery range is carefully formulated to bring together a portfolio of tried and tested high performance biostimulants, to fit within an integrated crop management plan. The first two products, Vitalnova Prime and Vitalnova Guardian, will help provide growers with the tools to maintain high levels of plant quality throughout the growing season.

Suitable for use in organic farming EC 834/2007

Prime ICL is delighted to present the new biostimulant product Vitalnova Prime to market. Vitalnova Prime is derived from yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast cell walls are rich in amino acids and peptides which are known to act as natural elicitors

Features & Benefits •

Systemic action with foliar and root uptake

The natural elicitor activates plants defences for increased plant health throughout the season

Guaranteed Analysis

Leaves no synthetic chemical residues

Copper (Cu)


Integrates with disease management programmes (IDM)

Sulpher (S)


Healthier plants are more able to resist stress

Suitable for organic growing

throughout the growing season.

Can be used in conjunction with Vitalnova Guardian

Vitalnova Prime is a blend of natural ingredients, derived from

Can be used for all crop types (edible and non edible)

within the plant, stimulating the plants natural defences against environmental stresses (otherwise known as abiotic stress). Vitalnova Prime is part of ICL’s biological plant health range which includes products formulated to nutritionally support the plants’ inherent defences, including fertilizers, plant activator and microbial inoculants. Providing unique, natural solutions that improve plant health and resiliency against infection and disease

For additional information and advice on including Prime and Guardian within a plan, please contact your local Technical Area Sales Manager.

yeast cell walls, designed to fortify the plant. phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email 03

Plants face a constant variety of fungal, bacterial and viral stresses, leading to a loss in productivity. SAR pathway

Conventional treatments can be uneconomical and cumbersome. Are there environmentally friendly protection strategies available? What is induced resistance? Plant-pathogen interactions initiate various chemical defence responses in the plant, similar to how our own immune systems respond to vaccines. Elicitors are compounds that activate these same natural

plant defences, a state known as induced resistance. Two of the most commonly studied forms are: Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR): Exposure triggers gene expression associated with the plant hormone salicylic acid, protective proteins, phytoalexins and various defensive enzymes. Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR): Exposure to specific bacterial strains triggers production of the defensive plant hormones jasmonic acid and ethylene.

SAR is associated with a variety of cellular immune ISR pathway

responses, including strengthening of cell walls.

How are natural elicitors used? Elicitors are used preventatively. Just as vaccines take some time to produce a response in our bodies, elicitors take several days for their full effect to develop (initiation). This plateaus into a maintenance phase before the effects eventually wear off.

04 phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.� — Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Plant Immune Response after application




Vitalnova Prime Contact fungicide

Repeat Application*



Systemic fungicide

Degree of plant protection


Plant immune response


Hypothetical Treatment Programme

Days after typical elicitor application * Application should be done for a minimum of 5 per crop (speak

Weekly treatments

to an ICL Technical Area Sales manager for advice if required)

Directions for use including small area conversion

Induced resistance and sustainability

Foliar application of Vitalnova Prime is applied at 1L per Ha every 10-15 days or 0.5L per Ha 7 days

Natural elicitors (Vitalnova Prime) leave no

For the 1L / hectare rate: Mix 1ml of Prime in 1L of water and apply at 50- 100ml of dilute product per m2 every 10-15 days

synthetic residues and can be used in programmes

For the 0.5L / hectare rate: Mix 0.5ml of prime in 1L of water and apply at 50 -100ml of dilute product per m every 7 days.

Depending on crop height and canopy, increase the water volume to achieve good coverage where needed. This applies to all circumstances

For fertigation mix 1L of Prime per Ha in 1,000L of water or 0.1ml per 1L of water

Regular applications help build up the plant’s natural defences. Apply at least 5 times over the life of the crop.

Product performs best if used within 24 months of the date of manufacture

Half fill the tank with water before adding the required amount of Vitalnova Prime stir the solution during

either alone or in combination with conventional 2

chemicals. In the hypothetical treatment programme shown here, a natural elicitor in alternating applications with conventional fungicides can potentially reduce the need for chemical control and thus contribute to the development of sustainable growing.

mixing and during spraying operations •

If mixing this product with other plant protection products, it is advisable to check the physical compatibility prior to mixing in the tank

phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email 05

Suitable for use in organic farming EC 834/2007

Directions for use including small area conversions: •

Vitalnova Guardian is foliar applied at 2L per Ha


Mix 2ml of Guardian in 1L of water and apply at 50-100ml of dilute product per m2 depending on crop height and canopy. Increase the water volume to achieve good coverage where needed


Spray to the point of run off. Guardian is a foliar applied product only

Apply regularly every 7 -10 days to enhance the plant defences within the foliage especially when the plant is under stress. Apply at least 5 times over the life of the crop

Product performs best if used within 24 months of the date of manufacture

Half fill the tank with water before adding the required amount of Vitalnova Guardian

Stir the solution whilst mixing and during spraying operations

If mixing this product with other plant protection products, it is advisable to check the physical compatibility prior to mixing in the tank

Vitalnova Guardian, is part of ICL’s biological plant health range which includes products formulated to nutritionally support plants’ inherent defences, including fertilisers, plant activator and microbial inoculants. Providing unique, natural solutions that improve plant health and resiliency throughout the growing season. Vitalnova Guardian is a blend of naturally derived polyketides and foliar-applied nutrients essential for plant biofortification, formulated for immediate effect and rapid response in the face of external crop stresses. Well-nourished plants have a more effective defence system.

06 phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email

Guaranteed Analysis

Copper (Cu)


Iron (Fe)


Manganese (Mn)


Zinc (Zn)


Derived from Copper sulfate, Ferrous sulfate, Manganese sulfate and Zinc

DID YOU KNOW? Vitalnova Guardian can be used as a stand-alone product, applied as soon as stress is seen on the foliage or preventatively in conjunction with Vitalnova Prime.

Vitalnova Guardian is a foliar only applied product which is designed to fortify the leaf and increase resistance against abiotic and biotic stress.

What is abiotic stress Abiotic stress is any environmental stress that is imposed on the plant e.g. drought, flooding, frost, extreme heat variations and wind.

What is biotic stress

Important Application Information Vitalnova Guardian is a foliar applied product therefore water volumes will need to be adjusted to achieve good coverage across the plant canopy. Usual rates are 250-500 litres per ha as per label rates, but this can be adjusted to suit the individual crop canopy. Please ask your Technical Area Sales Manager for more information.

Biotic stress is any stress which is imposed on the plant related to pest attack, fungal, bacterial pathogens and viruses etc.


Vitalnova Guardian is derived from fermented yeast cells and

Spraying correctly

contains essential trace elements which work within the leaf independently of the main nutritional source.

A tall and dense canopy will require a larger water volume to achieve good coverage of the foliage. A medium spray quality is preferable when applying

Vitalnova Guardian works by fortifying and strengthening the leaf and,

Vitalnova Guardian so ensure the correct nozzle type is used. Spray just to the

with the help of these essential trace elements, upscales the efficiency

point of run off due to activity only being effective on foliage.

of the leaf mechanism, allowing the plant to function as normally as possible whilst under either abiotic or biotic stress. phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email 07

The purpose of the trials is to build confidence in these new products and help advisers and growers to understand how these can be used to reduce their reliance on traditional chemistry which is in decline. ICL wanted to establish the effectiveness of Vitalnova Nursery products in activating and upscaling the plants own defences against disease pressure.

The Treatments Treatments were applied as a foliar spray at a water rate of 500L/ha, via a single nozzle (01 80 VS Teejet). The spray applications were carried out using a Precision gas operated sprayer to maintain a 2 Bar pressure. Note - treatments E and F were changed to Vitalnova Guardian at application two, as mildew was observed before application. Applications begun on 18/9/19 and continued weekly for 6 weeks until 23/11/2019.

Hardy Nursery Stock Trial ICL commissioned trials at Stockbridge Technology Centre in order to prove the efficacy of these products and their effect on plant health within Hardy Nursery Stock.

Conclusion •

Infection levels on untreated plants were significantly higher than other treatments

Chemical control programme provided best level of control

Both biostimulant products helped strengthen the plant in order for it to show signs of good fortification against incoming disease



A Untreated B Vitalnova Prime C Vitalnova Guardian D

Standard crop protection programme

08 phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email

Chemical control programme impacted on plant vigour

These products are not intended to replace plant protection products. Vitalnova Nursery products are there to compliment existing products in the market and increase plant health

Average number of lesions - Assessment two (22/10/19) 30

Average number of lesions






0 A




Control Treatment A

Vitalnova Guardian Treatment C


Average number of lesions - Assessment three (29/10/19)

All Treatments from Vitalnova Trial


Average number of lesions

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A




Treatment These products are not intended to replace plant protection products. Vitalnova Nursery products are there to compliment existing products in the market and increase plant health. phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email 09

This trial investigates two novel biological products, which follows on from previous research (Disease prevention in hardy ornamental production using Vitanova Prime and Vitalnova Guaridan) investigating disease pressure on Pansy (Viola tricolor var. hortensis).

The Treatments Treatments were applied as a foliar spray at a water volume of 500L/ha. The spray applications were carried out using a Precision gas pressurised sprayer fitted with a single nozzle lance (01 80 VS Teejet nozzle) operated at 2 bar pressure. Applications began on 27/11/19 and continued weekly for 8 weeks until 15.1.20.

Pansy Trial ICL commissioned trials at Stockbridge Technology Centre in order to prove the efficacy of these products and their effect on plant health within bedding plants.

Conclusion •

Infection levels on untreated plants was significantly higher than other treatments

Chemical control programme provided best level of control

The results show that the Vitalnova Nursery products demonstrated effects beneficial to plant health



1 Untreated 2 Vitalnova Prime 3 Vitalnova Guardian 4

Standard crop protection programme

10 phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email

Vitalnova treatments showed significantly more top growth vigour than untreated plants

These products are not intended to replace plant protection products. Vitalnova Nursery products are there to compliment existing products in the market and increase plant health

Average number of lesions - assessment one (9/1/20)

Average number of lesions





0 1




Selection Pansy Trial treatments from each replicate 21/1/20


Average number of lesions - assessment two (21/1/20)

Average number of lesions





0 1





Pansies grown using Vitalnova Guardian

Pansies grown using Vitalnova Prime

These products are not intended to replace plant protection products. Vitalnova Nursery products are there to compliment existing products in the market and increase plant health. phone +44 (0)1473 237 111 web email 11

Spray Tank Equation Rate of use Rate Litre \ Ha x Tank size (Litres) / water volume (litres\ha) = amount of product for particular tank size

Example 2L x 20L / 500L = 0.08l \ 20 litre tank

If you have any questions or queries regarding application of these please contact your Technical Area Sales Manager.

Call +44 (0)1473 237 111 Email Web The information contained in this brochure is correct at time of going to print. According to the availability of raw materials and other factors. ® registered Trademark of ICL and affiliates. Exemptor contains thiacloprid. Exemptor is a registered Trademark of Bayer CropScience UK Ltd. Round up is a Trademark of Monsanto and contains glyphosate. Prestop, Rise P, Cilus Plus and Intracell are Trademarks of Lallemand Plant Care. +Moffett Mounty trucks need to be booked in advance, especially in peak season. ISO 9001 Accredited. PLEASE USE PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS SAFELY. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND PRODUCT INFORMATION BEFORE USE. PAY ATTENTION TO THE RISK INDICATIONS AND FOLLOW THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON THE LABEL.

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