50 Years of Levington

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June 1966, launch of Levington in to the professional market. Well formulated, light, and easy to handle, sterile, consistent and most importantly ready to use supplied in heat sealed bags.

Major investment at Hatfield - launch of Fine grades for propagation and modules, Medium grades for medium term crops and Medium Coarse Structure with necessary AFP for long term overwintered nursery stock. Each mix defined by three factors, peat structure, level of nutrition and acidity.

Everris becomes ICL

Launch of Levington Advance growing media Professional Peat-Free Pot & Bedding Compost launched. Some 500 formulations assessed and tested on 22,000 plants from wide range of species and varieties. Manufactured from natural British forestry wastes.

Levington Compost, C4 (Acid loving plants), tree planting and mulching compost, Bulb forcing compost.





Expansion of custom mixes.

Levington Horticulture becomes Scotts.



Launch of Levington Advance Solutions Grow, Nurture, Protect.

Scotts Professional taken over by ICL and becomes Everris.

ICL \ Corporate Language \ Colors and Segments

ICL Segments and Business Units Logos

Launch of Levington Sustain Peat Free.


After re-evaluation of market needs, and 5 years of research, Levington Professional rebranded.



Levington comes of age 21 years after original launch.

A revelation in the way plants were grown and retailed. Named after Levington Research Station (then 430 acres) where it was developed. Because Levington is a place it took ten years before name could be registered.


Levington Compost Seedling with low level of N and a moderate level of phosphate and potash. Levington Compost Potting contained good level of all nutrients sufficient for majority of plants for 6-8 weeks.

ICL is the main brand and includes 14 independent business units. Each business unit is represented using a different color while the unit’s name is added to the main ICL logo. Following are the rules and guidelines for each business unit’s logo appearance.

Fe 1


Each business unit’s logo includes:



Levington Universal Compost launched available by the lorry load.

Levington Blocking compost launched.

Introduction of growing media available in Bulk Bags.

Introduction of ProBales.


Fisons becomes Levington Horticulture.


Retail peat free launched.


Moving floor lorries introduced.


Levington name registered.



Fenmere Professional Gro Bags launched.



1966 State-of-the-art Nutberry manufacturing facilities opened.

1. ICL logo and slogan 2. Diagonal strip - derived from the diagonal strip found in the ICL symb 3. The business unit’s name

Fertilizers Fertilizers

Iconic growing media brand turns 50 Levington has been the ‘go to’ brand of growing media for the past 50 years. Following continuous R&D and investment, this iconic growing media range remains synonymous with quality and consistency.

Levington growing media became part of the ICL portfolio in 2010. A global player in the horticultural market, ICL has the necessary resources and remains committed to carrying on the development of this pioneering brand - the first research based peat substrate for UK growers. Among the world leaders in the production of container-grown plants, UK growers continue to look for high performance and consistency from their growing media year on year. A substrate is only as good as its raw materials and the skill of the team producing it. Carrying on the Levington tradition, ICL has its own supply of high quality UK peat and sources of equivalent quality imported peats. All stocks are carefully graded and blended at the company’s modern state-of-the-art production facilities in Dumfries and Galloway, in the South West of Scotland. While Levington mixes have evolved and advanced, becoming more sophisticated and specialised, so too have associated technologies optimising water management, precision nutrition and pest and disease control. The range continues to benefit from ICL’s position at the forefront of innovations in wetters (optimising water management and conservation), and precision nutrition with its world leading Osmocote controlled release fertilizers helping to optimise plant performance. 50 years after its launch rest assured ICL is continuing to invest and innovate. In 2015, as well as a comprehensive range of improved proprietary Levington Advance peat-based mixes, ICL launched the Levington Advance Sustain peat-free range. In addition, its comprehensive new growing media solutions package – Levington Advance Solutions − is optimising the design and production of quality customised mixes to suit customers’ individual requirements. (turn to pages 8-10). ICL’s team of highly experienced technical area sales managers work with individual growers to devise the very best bespoke high performance growing media mixes, designed to deliver excellent return on investment.

ICL’s Steve Hughes with Karl O’Neill from Ornamental Grower of the Year Bransford Webbs.

ICL’s Nutberry growing media facility.


Revelation in way plants grown

Until the 1930’s growing composts for raising seedlings and for growing on plants were made from a variety of materials in a variety of ways for a variety of plants, according to experience, opinion or prejudice of the individual. The results were as varied as the compost. Towards the end of the decade Laurence and Newell introduced new standards by applying scientific principles to the formulation of John Innes (JI) composts. Based on peat, sand and loam, these composts presented a major breakthrough in standardising propagation and potting substrates. However, it proved challenging for growers to maintain the original specification, especially with regard to loam – the main ingredient. Variable and difficult to standardise, loam was becoming increasingly scarce. Invariably containing weeds and other unwanted organisms, sterilization became essential although unwanted physical, chemical and biological changes could take place if not carefully controlled. With increased specialisation on nurseries due to economic pressures, growers were being forced to concentrate on growing, leaving production of specialised products like substrates to manufacturers better qualified technically to do the job.

Inventions that changed gardening 50 years of gardening in 101 objects In 2014 - to celebrate his halfcentury in horticulture - gardener, writer and broadcaster Alan Titchmarsh selected 101 objects and curated an exhibition telling the recent history of gardens and gardening in Britain. Displayed at the Garden Museum, in London, it featured Levington Compost under ‘Inventions that changed gardening’.


A revelation when first introduced to the professional market in June 1966, Levington loam-free, peat-based compost was well-formulated, consistent, light, sterile and easy to handle and came ready mixed in heat sealed bags, threatened the very existence of the JI formulae. While many were initially skeptical the rest is history.

Original formulae 1950’s -1969

In the 1950’s, faced with problems of maintaining uniformity and consistency in soil-based composts, attention was turning to the possibility of reducing the number of basic ingredients. Early investigations with various ratios of peat and sand, containing no loam, were encouraging, resulting in the late 1950’s in the University of California (UC) composts. At Levington, compost formulation had been investigated since 1956 and in the early 1960’s a more detailed examination of peat, sand and loam sources began. Fisons research staff at Levington Research Station carried out an intensive survey of substrates. They concluded increased substrate standardisation could only be met by reducing the bulk raw material components and it soon became evident that peat alone could form the basis of a satisfactory compost. Fortunately Fisons own peat moors presented the research staff access to several different peat types. Peat can vary considerably in type and structure. An exhaustive programme of investigations, supported by analytical studies, determined the best peat types and suitable nutrient formulation for a wide range of plant species. In 1966 after lengthy experimentation at the Levington Research Station, and outside trials under different growing conditions around the country, this work culminated in the first commercial production of two soil-less peat based composts – Levington Compost Potting and Levington Compost Seedling. Both substrates soon became the standard propagation composts on many UK nurseries. Despite their use in areas not necessarily envisaged at the outset, their reliability stood the test of time with no demand for change for over eight years. Three years later, in 1969, the Fenmere professional Gro-Bag was added to the range.

Amateur Gardening press ad launch of Levington Compost.

Named after the Suffolk village where the Research Station was based, it took ten years before the Levington name could be registered.

Aerial view of the Levington Research Station


Pioneering developments

In the 1970’s, aware of the changing nature of the glasshouse industry and the need for greater substrate specialisation, Fisons intensified the Levington experimental programme. Much of this pioneering work was carried out on a co-operative basis with growers. In 1971 this led to the launch of Levington Blocking Compost for young plant propagation. Five years later Levington Universal Compost became available by the lorry load. Other formulations soon followed including Levington C4 for acid loving plants and a Levington Bulb Forcing Compost. In a bid to improve the speed and efficiency of deliveries, in 1986 moving floor lorries were first introduced. In 1987, 21 years after its original launch, Levington Professional underwent a major rebranding exercise. Major investment at the company’s main growing media manufacturing site at Hatfield coincided with further expansion of the custom mixes. Innovations in screening and grading led to the launch of fine grade peats for propagation modules and medium grades for medium term crops. In addition a medium grade with a coarser structure provided the necessary AFP for long term overwintered nursery stock. Each mix was defined by three factors :-

• peat structure. • level of nutrition. • acidity. Responding to the growing interest from gardeners for peat free mixes, in 1992 Levington launched its retail peat-free mix. Following assessment of some 500 formulations of a wide variety of species (totaling over 20,000 plants), Levington launched a professional peat-free Pot and Bedding Compost from British forestry wastes. Two years later, in 1994, Fisons become Levington Horticulture. A year that also saw the introduction of Levington bulk bag deliveries. Another change of ownership followed three years later when in 1997 Levington Horticulture become part of Scotts. Responding to grower demand for improved propagation efficiency, 2002 saw the launch of Levington ProBales. In 2010/11 Scotts Professional was taken over by ICL, and become Everris. Major investment followed with a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility opened at Nutberry close to the company’s peat bogs. Peat harvesting at ICL’s growing media facility.


Knowing your peat

The term peat relates to predominantly organic materials usually deposited slowly over hundreds of thousands of years under conditions of high moisture, low temperature and poor aeration. Like soils, the range of peat types is infinite but generally speaking there are two main horticultural forms – Sphagnum and Sedge peats. Differences in physical and chemical properties broadly distinguish these two forms. Sphagnum peats are derived mainly from remains of simpler forms of plant life – predominantly sphagnum mosses. These generally thrive in areas of high rainfall under cool conditions and these plants tend to have exceptionally effective water-holding characteristics. As these mosses grow deposits are built-up layer upon layer in acid almost antiseptic conditions with little or no natural decomposition. Sphagnum peats are characteristically spongy and composed of plant remains that have undergone relatively little change from their original form and accumulate in High Moor situations. Sedge peats, in contrast, are generally formed in shallow, undrained basins. They are generally associated with greater nutrient availability and properties of plant communities with greater complexity and variety. Often with less acidity, the environment is more favourable to micro-organism activity and decomposition does occur to a limited extent. Termed Low Moor peat, it is relatively more decomposed and has less affinity with its original plant structure. Sedge peat tends to be more humified, denser and darker in colour and have lower water retaining capacity compared to sphagnum peat. Sedge peat tends to form the basis of blocking and mulching composts. The differences in the two peat types are an indication of a need for varying management techniques, especially with regard to watering.


Continuing to innovate….

Renowned for quality and consistency, the Levington professional peat-based growing media range was further improved in 2015, including the addition of a new nutrition package as standard. All Levington Advance products now contain ICL’s new Start n Gro base fertilizer as well as Micromax Premium providing a full trace element package. Micromax also helps safeguard crops from magnesium deficiency, an increasing problem on UK nurseries due to changing grower practices. To aid wetting up and water conservation, H2Gro is now routinely added to all Levington Advance products. The new improved Levington Advance range of proprietary peat based growing media mixes complements Levington Advance Solutions, ICL’s new bespoke growing media mixing package and Levington Advance Sustain, the new high performance peat-free range.

“50 years after the original Levington compost was launched, ICL is continuing to innovate and develop this iconic growing media brand.” Stephen Squires, ICL Business Director for the UK & Ireland


Comprehensive new growing media package

In 2015, ICL launched a comprehensive new growing media solutions package – Levington Advance Solutions optimising the design and production of quality customised mixes to suit customers’ individual requirements. As growing becomes increasingly technically sophisticated growers require high performance products tailored to their individual needs – be that crop type, production system, geographical location/ water source or customer specifications. The new Levington Advance Solutions package enables growers to design the exact growing media mix they need. For simplicity and efficiency, it is neatly divided into three areas – grow, nurture and protect – and features new and recent advances in all three areas. Grow refers to the growing media structure, adjusted using different peat fractions and dilutents including bark, our new Fibagro wood fibre and quality coir, loam and sand. Nurture relates to the precision nutrition element. With the help of ICL’s award winning software tool Angelaweb, a carefully tailored nutrition programme is added to the mix. Growers can select from a comprehensive range of Osmocote controlled release fertilizers, including 4th generation products with longevities and release patterns to suit specific plant type. As standard, all Levington Advance Solution mixes now include Start n Gro base fertilizer and recently launch Micromax Premium. Providing a full trace element package, Micromax Premium also helps safeguard plants from magnesium (mg) deficiency – an increasing common problem due to changing UK grower practices. Protect is the third and final element of the Levington Advance Solutions package. ICL offer a choice of conventional and biological plant protection products including the biofungicide Prestop and, thanks to recent Exemptor label recommendations, the option of season long vine weevil control.



Protect “There has been continuous investment in the Levington brand for over 50 years. ICL remains committed to continuing this evolution. With the introduction of Levington Advance Solutions our technical team is working with individual growers to design the very best bespoke high performance growing media mixes, designed to deliver excellent return on investment.” Stephen Squires, ICL Business Director for the UK & Ireland


New peat free range

In 2015 ICL entered the professional peat free growing media market with the launch of Levington Advance Sustain - a range adhering to the brand’s core principles of high consistency and performance. The Levington Advance Sustain range features professional grade products specifically tailored to propagation, pot and bedding or nursery stock, including a coarse nursery stock mix. Manufactured from professionally sourced materials this peat-free mix is produced ethically and to high standards guaranteeing performance and consistency. Fibagro, the professional new FSA approved quality wood fibre product, is an important component. Following major investment, it is processed and treated using the latest technology to optimise uniformity and stability. Another key ingredient is pine bark from sustainable sources. The smaller 0-8mm fraction has a slightly more open structure than peat, while the coarser 5-12mm fraction helps open up the growing media for larger pots and long-term crops.


The third component is premium grade coir to improve overall structure, water uptake and young root development. Traditional peat-free mixes contained loam to improve the buffering capabilities. The downsides are weight, potential contamination issues and a tendency to settle out. In contrast, Levington Advance Sustain is a light bulk weight density product minimising haulage costs, to and from the nursery, while improving overall handling. The new peat free range includes ICL’s H2Gro wetting and water conservation agent as standard to optimise the available water holding capacity and reduce the water requirement and irrigation frequency. To get plants off to the best start, ICL’s Start n Gro base fertilizer and Micromax Premium granules, providing a full trace element package are incorporated as standard. The routine addition of Micromax Premium safeguards growers from mg deficiency problems – a particular challenge of peat free and peat reduced mixes.

“Responding to demand, and developed and trialled over five years, this new peat free range keeps the Levington portfolio at the forefront of market developments.” Stephen Squires, ICL Business Director for the UK & Ireland


“ Since incorporating Prestop 95% of our bare root perennials have taken.”

“ Working with ICL our plant quality has noticeably improved.” Lee Melady, Boultons Nurseries using Levington Advance Solutions

David Mills, Clockhouse Nursery, using Osmocote CRF, Prestop and Exemptor as part of their Levington Advance Solutions

“ With Levington Advance Solutions, the growing media, nutrition and protection is optimised.” Karl O’Neill, Bransford Webbs, using Osmocote CRF and Exemptor as part of his Levington Advance Solutions

ICL’s Levington Advance Solutions tailored growing media programme allows you to grow, nurture and protect your crops throughout the growing season in complete confidence. Lee Melady and his team at Boultons wanted to differentiate their offering by using peat-free growing media. They turned to ICL’s Dean Sandford to help. Using a Levington Advance Sustain peat-free growing mix, Lee was delighted with the results. “Working with ICL our plant quality has noticeably improved, in particular at rooting out and in overall late season plant vigour. We now produce a range of shrubs, trees and hedging plants peat free and we are seeing real progress in overall quality. The product quality and ICL’s Levington Advance Solutions service has been first class.”




Bransford Webbs, Ornamental Grower of the Year

ICL’s Levington Advance Solutions tailored growing media programme allows you to Grow, Nurture and Protect your crops throughout the growing season.

ICL’s Levington Advance Solutions tailored growing media programme allows you to Grow, Nurture and Protect your crops throughout the growing season.

Situated at Forty Hill, just inside the M25 near Enfield in North London, the Clockhouse nursery has a turnover of £3million. Founded in 1928, the nursery is run by the founder’s grandson David Mills.

Growing a wide range of hardy nursery stock (primarily Hebes), totalling 1.5million plants annually, Bransford Webbs goes from strength to strength.

“While originally we self mixed, we’ve switched to Levington Advance Solutions mixes,” says David. “For precision nutrition we rely on Osmocote Hi.End or Osmocote Exact Standard. We use Osmocote Bloom in all our bedding production.” ICL’s Stuart Gammage with David Mills Clockhouse is now also from Clockhouse Nursery incorporating Prestop bio-fungicide in to their Levington Advance Solutions bespoke mixes. “Since using Prestop 95% of our bare root perennials have taken.

ICL’s Dean Sandford with Lee Melady from Boultons

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“While the growing media quality and consistency is always good, so too is ICL’s service which is efficient and friendly.”

Bransford’s Karl O’Neill works closely with ICL’s Steve Hughes. “ICL’s custom mix ICL’s Steve Hughes with Karl O’Neill growing media programme - from Bransford Webbs Levington Advance Solutions - helps us maximise crop potential” “Osmocote Exact makes life much easier for us.” says Karl. The nursery also uses Exemptor. “We see Exemptor as an essential tool for vine weevil and sciarid control while it also helps controls aphid and whitefly.” “With Levington Advance Solutions, the growing media, nutrition and protection is optimised. It is great to have these things taken care of leaving us to concentrate our efforts on other areas.”


To order your ICL products or get the latest information and advice Call 01473 237 111 Email prof.sales@icl-group.com Web www.icl-sf.co.uk

Acknowledgements With thanks to all employees past and present at both Scotts Miracle Gro and ICL who helped with the compilation of this brochure. Growing in soil-less composts by R J Hardwick (Levington Research Station) Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and production information before use. Prestop is a Trade Mark of Lallemand Plant Care and contains Gliocladuim Catenulatum Strain J1446. ExemptorÂŽ contains thiacloprid. ExemptorÂŽ is a registered Trade Mark of Bayer.

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