The Many Benefits Of Being A Professional Beautician Do you always get pestered by family members and friends to help them get ready before a social function? Do you feel this incessant need to fix faulty makeup techniques whenever you spot one? Well, think about it, you might actually be destined to forge a career in the beauty industry. All your pent up creative energy will be channelled into something positive, offering you the satisfaction of seeing someone literally transform under your deft hands. And wait, it doesn’t end there. Rarely do you get to be a professional in the field that you actually care about and make ample pounds in the process. A career in this industry would offer you just that and take you places (quite literally) that become an impossible reality in other professions. The duties of an asthetician or a beauty technician are manifold. Not only will you be tasked with treating skin blemishes, fixing unruly hair, body massages and waxing, you would also be required to make absolutely certain that the clients feel comfortable with the manner in which you provide
your services. Customers indulge in spa treatments to unwind and relax. A beautician must ensure that all their needs are met and that they can convey their skin problems or requirements without any hesitation. Pampering is what they seek after a hectic week or before going for a vacation and pamper you must.
The experiences are extremely rewarding in this field and so are the multiple benefits. Let’s take a look at what makes this profession such a lucrative one:
Stability: Hate sitting in front of a computer screen and having to mindlessly jab at the keys for eight hours straight, day in and day out? It might be time you quit the job and move towards your calling. Let second thoughts not cloud your decision as the job security offered in the fields of beauty is extreme. From working in flexible shifts to salaries that can go up to £18,000 with an additional earning of £50 to £100 daily as part of your commission, what’s not to love? Rest assured, you’ll never run out of a job to pursue once you have equipped yourself with an ITEC beauty qualification and gain experience in the industry.diploma in spa treatments. Travel: Not one to stay rooted at one place? A profession in this field can be just what you are looking for. You can however choose to take the conventional path and spend your days dolling people up at established clinics but a few steps in the right direction can take you places. Think cruises and luxury liners or even film sets! These are some of the places that are almost always in need of spa treatment experts and beauticians. The opportunities are limitless. Freelancing can also guarantee you voyages at far off places. With enough experience and networking, who knows you might get an international offer that promises you rewards beyond your wildest dreams. The People: The ultimate job satisfaction is generated when the people you work with have a similar approach to the work at hand as you do. It is a profession that would require you to deal with
multiple people on an everyday basis. The thought of going into work and meeting the same old faces everyday can get a bit tiresome after a point. Not always, but it does. This profession however gives you the opportunity to meet and interact with a variety of people ranging from a young client who wants to look her best for her first date or a celebrity in disguise who needs to treat the highlights on the hair. Allow yourself to make your job challenging and have your days filled with unexpected thrills. Progression: The career of a professional beautician remains anything but stagnant. The courses devoted to this field allow the pursuers to dabble in various prospects pertaining to the area of study. From being a masseuse to a nail technician to a hair stylist, the opportunities are plenty. The variety offered through the tasks make this a bankable profession, one that allows you to expand your current skills and area of expertise, increasing your exposure to a broader clientele. The ITEC diploma Beauty Therapy supported by the National Training Organisations is recognised in over 35 countries and is a perfect way to kickstart a career in the fields of aesthetics and glamour. Enrol yourself at the earliest to avail exciting offers.
Affable Therapy Training Limited 64A George Street, Croydon CR0 1PD Phone: 0208 338 1212/ 07917147302 Website: Email: Follow us on: Facebook
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