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Life Changing Truths
As we all follow our own path through life we have probably all experienced those times when we have ‘lightbulb’ moments – times when we seem to gain a new understanding or insight that can change the way we live or look at life.
We will all have different ‘truths’ that we’ve discovered at different times often as we reach points in our life where we’ve been forced to take a bit of a long hard look at things. It seems to be the case that these realisations are more likely to occur when the chips are down than when life is plain sailing but here is a roundup of some of the truths I am realising have the power to change aspects of our lives. And if we are striving for our best life, the one with greatest happiness, fulfilment and peace then often internal change is necessary and these truths may help.
Failure is part of life
Not only is failure a part of life it often precedes success. Think about a child learning to walk – they ‘fail’ many times as they fall over. But each and every time they get back up and that tenacity eventually enables success. In fact, it can be really humbling to watch a child learning a new skill the effort and determination they put in can often put us to shame. Success is about getting out of our comfort zone and trying – and often experiencing failure, or what feels like failure at the time but that is actually part of the learning process. Quite simply if we don’t risk and often experience failure we aren’t likely to be learning or growing
You are Living the Life you have Designed
So many people seem to go through life unhappy with their lot and obviously we can all accept that there are some aspects of life that are hard to change. But there are also lots of things we can change. No one is likely to drop the life you dream of into your lap. It is up to us to craft the life of our dreams. That might mean material change or it might mean adjusting our attitudes or the way we frame our situation but at the end of the day it is all on us. We only get one shot at life and it is up to us to make it a life we want so work out what you want and go grab it.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw
Being Busy isn’t the same as Being Productive
It is easy to be busy – in fact many of us would grumble that we are too busy. But it’s worth taking a moment to examine that busyness. Are the things we are doing and the energy we are expending on doing them actually helping us to get where we want to be. Sometimes busyness actually stops us from taking stock as we just get stuck on a treadmill and without pausing to reflect we can remain busy but not productive and miss out doing the very things that would help us to change.
Self-worth can only Come from within YOU
One of the things that can really limit us in life is low self-worth. It can make us believe we don’t deserve to be happy or well or live the life we might dream of. If these limiting beliefs are operating in your life then you are unlikely to be fulfilled as your subconscious mind will cause you to sabotage yourself. All sorts of life experiences can cause low self-worth but it can be repaired. A good way to start is with some affirmations of the truth such you as much as anyone else deserve to be happy –you have inherent worth and value as a human being. Take time to work on your own sense of self worth or you can easily find yourself ‘stuck’.
Let go and Live
I bet all of us have had times when we’ve been upset and found it hard to forgive. It is easy to hold a grudge but the negativity that resentment can cause is something that damages us. So, it’s important to remember that forgiveness releases us – we forgive mostly for ourselves.
Live in the Moment
Increasingly many of us are beginning to realise that life is lived moment by moment and being present in the moments is the best way to be happy. It sounds incredibly easy but in reality, most find it quite a long learning process.
Most days the majority of our thoughts are taken up with the past or the future and it often takes a real effort to be present in the moment. But when we can manage it we often find a deep sense of joy and satisfaction.
For more about living life to the full check out my book Make it Magnificent available on Amazon.