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Plume Gallery
Info@plumegallery.com | plumegallery.com
3 – 7 Albert Place, South Melbourne, VIC 3205
Midnight Shadows
2023, acrylic on timber board with thread

160 x 110cm, AU$3,450
Looking Through Otways
2023, acrylic on canvas, 170 x 170cm
Plume Gallery by owner and director Katrina McKeon boasts three resident artists’, Kendra Sloan, Katrina McKeon and Raymond Walters Penangke sharing both contemporary art styles and Australian Aboriginal art. Plume Gallery is also home to a wide range of curated Aboriginal artworks by various well-known and emerging artists.
Raymond Walters, Penangke Emu Feathers, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 150 x 200cm, AU$9,995

REDSEA Gallery Margaret River

info@redseagallerywa.com.au | redseagallerywa.com.au
(+61) 4 3509 0272
Founded in 2001, REDSEA Gallery has become one of Southeast Asia’s leading contemporary art galleries. In 2023, the gallery proudly announced its expansion into Australia. Chris Churcher, the founder of the established art gallery, has over 20 years of experience as a gallery owner and knows the intricacies of discovering and supporting artists’ talents and creativity. The goal of REDSEA Gallery WA is to highlight the local artists and expose them to a large audience, both locally and internationally.