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Hawthorn Studio & Gallery

info@hawthornstudiogallery.com.au | hawthornstudiogallery.com.au

(+61) 4 0836 0065


1 Parslow Street, Clifton Hill, VIC 3068

Near Mitakoodi

2023, oil on canvas, 76 x 91cm


Summer Gums

2022, oil on canvas, 91 x 76cm


Established in Hawthorn in 2009 by Angela & Graeme Foote, Hawthorn Studio & Gallery offers a diverse range of Contemporary Artwork by Australian Artists. In June 2021 they closed their permanent gallery space and now specialise in commission artwork to suit clients requirements and pop-up exhibitions and fairs. They are now residing at the gallery of R.L. Foote Design Studio in Clifton Hill under the curatorship of Angela Foote.


Caroline Calway, Ambience, 2023, oil on canvas, 64 x 85cm, AU$1,800 carolroche1@hotmail.com | visualartist.info/inartstudio/galleries

(+61) 4 1118 2303

Inart Studio/Gallery was originally founded in 2005 to represent local contemporary artists in Redland City, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Inart Gallery is now an internationally recognized art gallery showcasing original artworks from our contemporary artists. For thirteen years Inart Gallery has exhibited at international art fairs in Australia, USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. They also have regular solo and mixed exhibitions. Inart artists have been commissioned for numerous public art projects for local government, private and corporate clients.

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