Staff Matters September 28, 2018 Issue 172 Week 13
In This Issue
Everyone in the Afford community should be commended for a great start to Spring with the challenge to take ownership of your sites and commit to a refresh and renewel really taking off.
We have seen amazing transformations across our sites with new equipment being installed, fresh painting creating new energy in many places, and new ideas, graphics and engaging supports truly showcasing Afford’s ideals of vitality, fun and friendship. Afford’s expansion into Queensland and Melbourne is overwhelming! The interstate teams are constantly looking for ways to share all that is great about the Afford community with Queensland and Melbourne communities and have received strong interest in Afford services.
Let’s Make Afford Soar! Joke of The Week
Afford Staff Profile Multicultural Cheer At Cherrywood Discounts & More With Afford Rewards Afford Chairman New Mayor Of Penrith Long Time Supporters Raffle Win! A Sad Farewell To James Steward Upcoming Events
Group Homes and Respite services are attracting great interest interstate and there are several information sessions planned to help our Queensland and Victorian teams connect directly with families and people living with disability who can benefit from being part of Afford.
Selfie Of the Week
Let’s keep the good vibes and momentum going. Review your progress regularly to make sure you’re hitting your targets and ask for advice if you need support. Be mindful of new ways to add value to the Afford offering. We know we have the best staff. We know we have the expertise. We know we have quality services. Showcase all this and more to existing and potential clients to highlight why Afford is a leader in the disability sector.
Don’t forget to send your/ clients’ achievements, good news storiesand photos to
September 28, 2018 Issue 172
STAFF PROFILE NAME: Ally Grainger POSITION: Clinical Psychologist LOCATION: Gold Coast FAVOURITE SONG? Fat boy slim – Praise you FAVOURITE MOVIE? Drop Dead Fred FAVOURITE HOBBIES? Camping FAVOURITE FOODS? Anything Asian, especially Japanese IF YOU COULD BE AN ANIMAL WHAT WOULD YOU BE? I would be a bird associated with water because you can walk, fly and swim. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM HOLIDAY DESTINATION? I love Hawaii and France WHAT IS THE NICEST THING SOMEONE HAS EVER DONE FOR YOU? My partner has organized a surprise trip to Singapore for my birthday. He went to extreme measures to ensure I had no idea. IF YOU HAD THE POWER WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT THE WORLD? Eliminate poverty and ensure everyone had friends. IF YOU HAD TO TEACH SOMETHING WHAT WOULD YOU TEACH? I would like to teach about emotional intelligence.
MULTICULTURAL CHEER AT CHERRYWOOD It was a splash of colour, fun and excitement last week as Afford held our Multicultural and Arts Festival at Cherrywood on Thursday, 20 September. Over 200 clients and staff attended the event to celebrate the diverse cultural backgrounds of youth with disability who attend Afford Day Programs. Along with Afford clients, many local schools who support and participate in Afford programs were also invited to attend the event. The day was brimming with sunshine as brightly dressed clients and staff attended the fun-filled event, many wearing their cultural dress. The Cherrwyood site was decorated with flags from different countries and Afford banners and stands to celebrate the diverse cultures we welcome here at Afford. Cherrywood has become a hub for Afford, with its size and facilities making it perfect to host such large festivals. A huge thanks to the amazing staff from Cherrywood and other sites that helped to set up and prepare for the event and to the clients who participated in the event. There was plenty to do at the festival with many art and music workshops and activities held for clients to enjoy. There was even a hoola-hoop professional teaching attendees how to hoola-hoop in style! Let’s not forget the mouth- watering food on offer. Pies, damper, kebabs and a sausage sizzle were available for all to enjoy. The event was a huge success and was funded through a grant of over $11,000 from the NSW Premiers Fund for Social. A huge thanks to our Fundraising Coordinator, Toni Preston, for all her effort towards ensuring that Afford receives grants and funding for events. At Afford, we are very fortunate to receive community grants that help us put on such fun and engaging events for all the Afford community to enjoy. The generous funding has allowed Afford to successfully run this event with great activities including a music therapist, and art therapist, as well as having all the food catered. It was an overwhelming turnout with over 200 clients and staff attending. For many, it was the first time they had visited Cherrywood and they were impressed with the facilities and set up at the site. It was a wonderful way to spend the day with friends and enjoy a bit of multicultural cheer. Great effort everyone!! Just look at those beaming smiles on our clients’ faces.
Staff Matters
September 28, 2018 Issue 172
DISCOUNTS AND MORE WITH AFFORD REWARDS Have you logged onto Afford Rewards yet? Afford Rewards page has a new, refreshed look and feel and is just waiting for you to login in to start enjoying your rewards.
Visit the online site, or download the and start reaping the rewards of the many partner discounts on offer. It’s simple to use and many Afford staff have been using it already with regular shopping and have loved the ease of use. If you have any questions or technical problems, the Afford Rewards Customer Service Helpline is on hand to answer your enquiries on 1300 900 186. Check out the awesome discounts on offer this week!
AFFORD CHAIRMAN THE NEW MAYOR OF PENRITH The Afford community would like to extend a warm congratulations to the Chairman of our Board, Ross Fowler who was recently elected as the Mayor of Penrith and will serve the Penrith community in this position for the next two years through to the 2020 Local Elections. Mr Fowler is a long term local resident of Penrith and contributes greatly to the local community and its businesses. He generously shares his business and financial acumen as a member of the board of a variety of organisations. He was instrumental in securing the Whitewater venue for Penrith in the lead-up to the 2000 Olympics, and has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company which operates the facility since 1999. Mr Fowler’s contribution to Afford has been exemplary. Has served on the Afford Board of Directors for over 14 years and has seen Afford through major transformations, including additions of new services, the move to the NDIS and the organisation’s recent interstate expansion. His leadership has positioned Afford well for growth and success and ensures a level of accountability throughout the organisation. Congratulations! We are certain the Penrith community will continue to thrive under your stewardship.
Staff Matters
September 28, 2018 Issue 172
LONG TIME SUPPORTERS RAFFLE WIN Every year, Afford’s dedicated Raffle Team work the phones for the Cherrywood Raffles to raise as many funds as possible to create new facilities and services for people living with disability. Recently, the Spring Cherrywood Raffle winners were announced and we were so pleased to hear that long-time Afford Supporter, Jocelyn Blow from Bexley, had won second price (valued at $2,500) in the Spring Raffle. Jocelyn has been buying raffle tickets with Afford for 30 years and is a strong supporter of the work and services offered by Afford. To show Afford’s thanks for her support, Team Leaders from Afford’s Bexley Day Program, along with Afford clients, Daniel and Helen, visited Jocelyn at her home to give her the good news in person and to present her with a special award of thanks from all of Afford. We are so grateful for the contribution of all Afford Supporters, especially those who give on a regular basis. Gotta be in it to win it! Contact the Raffles Team and buy your Christmas raffle tickets available now!
CALL: 1800 723 353
A Sad Farewell to James Steward It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of Afford client, James Steward, on the 3 September 2018. James was a client of Afford Cherrywood Day Program. He was a delight to be near and he was always ready with a cheeky smile for those around him. He loved to sing and was fondly know as LL Cool James. Members of the Afford community attended his funeral last Friday, 21 September to pay their respects and send condolences to his family.
1 Oct
Dyslexia Awareness Month
1-31 Oct
Girls Night In
1-31 Oct
Mental Health Month
6 Oct
Cerebral Palsy Day
13 Oct
Afford Gala Ball
In the Selfie Above: Cristina Alvarez celebrating the Spring Raffle winners!