Staff Matters April 19, 2019 Issue 201 Week 40
CARING ABOUT OUR STAFF EMERGING STRONGER – REDLAND'S WELCOME Over the weekend we solidified our merger with Queensland-based organisation, Redland Respite Care, by welcoming carers and clients to our Carers Luncheon and staff to their Afford Induction Day. 68 clients and 32 staff members from Redland Respite Care have been warmly welcomed into the Afford Community. Redland Respite Care is a notfor profit organisation with 28 years’ experience in supporting Queenslanders with disability, their families and carers. Based in Wellington Point within the widerBrisbane area, Redland Respite Care provides predominantly Day Program services, as well as an overnight respite offering, and is very well respected within the community. On the Saturday, 30 carers and 11 clients joined us for Redland’s first Carers Event, hosted by Executive Manager of Client Services, Casey Hailes, and Queensland South District Manager, Allan Sio. The Carers Luncheon was a great opportunity for families to ask questions about the transition to Afford and to chat to them about Afford services. Clients transitioning to Afford at Redland Respite Care will greatly benefit from access to our whole-of-life service offering including the Afford Lifestyle, Allied Health, Support Coordination, Club Afford, Afford Getaways and so many more new opportunities for clients – but most importantly from continuity of support. The families were so excited for the future and the range of amazing supports and services we provide. They expressed being grateful that the services would continue as many clients of Redland Respite Care entered as children and have grown up with the service into adulthood, having built strong and lifelong friendships along the way. We are so proud to be able to provide these clients, their families and carers, with the continuity of support afforded by the merger of our organisations. Last Sunday we also welcomed Redland’s staff to attend Afford Induction Training at Redlands Sporting Club in Wellington, QLD. The training provided staff with a grounding in the ‘Afford Way’ and culture, and explained the breadth of opportunity available to staff who now form part of our wider Queensland South District such as the ability to work across multiple sites. Staff were also excited to learn about Afford’s extensive Employer of Choice initiatives such as our sector-leading wages, Afford Rewards, Buzz Nights and so much more. Welcome Redland Respite Care!
In This Issue 1
Emerging Stronger Redland's Welcome Joke of The Week
Super Sales Team - On Top Of The World
The Afford Way - Service With A Smile New Appointments
What's Buzzin' At Afford? Upcoming Events Selfies of The Week
Don’t forget to send your clients’ achievements, good news stories and photos to
Staff Matters
STAFF PROFILE NAME: Gordon Griff POSITION: Exec Manager Commerical Services LOCATION: Head Office, Minchinbury
FAVOURITE SONG? Highway to Hell FAVOURITE MOVIE? The Great Escape FAVOURITE HOBBIES? Watching the Crows (AFL), dinner with friends & fixing things around the home FAVOURITE FOODS? A great steak IF YOU COULD BE AN ANIMAL WHAT WOULD YOU BE? An eagle WHAT IS YOUR DREAM HOLIDAY DESTINATION? Wellington, New Zealand IF YOU HAD THE POWER WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT THE WORLD? Food wastage across the world IF YOU HAD TO TEACH SOMETHING WHAT WOULD YOU TEACH? Economics SOMETHING NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT ME? I'm really a blonde
April 19, 2019 Issue 201
SUPER SALES TEAM - ON TOP OF THE WORLD The sky is the limit with our National Sales Team, who recently came together to celebrate and strategise at the Q1 Skypoint Observation Deck – the highest attraction on the Gold Coast. This venue was chosen to reflect the aspirational goals the Sales Team are set to achieve, with the team reaching high to hit targets and bring new clients into our ever-growing Afford Community. With the support of Operations and Afford's strong and vibrant culture, the teams are set to dominate their goals and establish Afford as a real competitor in our new market areas. Christina Emmanouel and Steven Herald opened the event with a team meeting, reinforcing 'The Afford Way' and recapping the scale of the opportunities on offer for Afford to seize. This gathering was an opportunity to generate conversation between the interstate teams and to exchange invaluable skillsets developed between the mature and emerging markets and the new and existing team members. By learning and sharing – sky's the limit! Buzz Nights like these are pivotal in creating understanding within geographically separated teams – the Customer Care Team is empowered and energised to achieve growth for Afford and deliver outcomes key outcomes from our strategic plan.
Staff Matters
April 19, 2019 Issue 201
THE AFFORD WAY - SERVICE WITH A SMILE Big congratulations to our Sydney South West and Accommodation & Respite Customer Service Award winners! We are so proud to have such amazing talent within the Afford community who inspire us all to push the boundaries to deliver exceptional service for our clients. 1st Place: Gibrilla Kanu, Lifestyle Assistant, Oran Park Gibrilla goes above and beyond his call of duty for clients. He teaches clients how to fix things and takes the time to explain things. 2nd Place: Heidi Hartley, Lifestyle Assistant, Chipping Norton Heidi has been working hard to update CIMIS and is keen to learn, as well as to help fellow co–workers. She is always happy to welcome and conduct inductions to new students and staff. She offers great input and ideas for programs and for clients. 3rd Place: Fatima Fernandes, Senior Lifestyle Assistant, Chipping Norton Fatima is very hard working and dedicated to her job and role as Senior Lifestyle Assistant. She is always willing to help others and go above and beyond what is needed. She completes her job to the best of her ability and always puts the client's best interests first. She is engaging and interacts with peers on program and is a team player in all types of situations. She is also good at running a team and show great responsibility. Accommodation and Respite Services Shine 1st Place: Joanna Schilling, Lifestyle Assistant, Penrith Group Homes Joanna stepped up to cover a shift at the last minute when a client in hospital. She then picked up his special diet food and brought him a blanket to make him as comfortable as possible. Joanna went the extra mile in making sure the client was reassured and calm while in hospital, as his mother was away and was very anxious. 2nd Place: Diana Boamah, Lifestyle Assistant, Respite Diana is a valued member of St Mary’s team and always willing to go above and beyond to ensure our clients get the best service and support. We have had a tricky couple of weeks with a client accessing respite for mum to be able to go on a holiday for the first time in her life. This client has very high support needs requiring 1:1 support and Diana jumped in to assist where ever she could. 3rd Place: Kylie Dempsey, Lifestyle Assistant, Nowra and Worrigee Kylie has been doing amazing work with one of our residents who has been going through a very difficult time in their life. Kylie has never given up on this resident and constantly perseveres through any challenge to ensure she is being supported and cared for at a high standard. Kylie shows genuine passion and care for all her residents and has the attitude that nothing is ever too big or too hard for our residents. Due to Kylie's ongoing support, determination and empathy we have seen great growth and trust being built with our resident. Kylie has even implemented other strategies and resources to better support her co-workers who may have found some areas challenging. It is so humbling to see the real life examples of the remarkable work Afford employees do each and every day for people with disabilities. It is so wonderful to see such a committed and caring team. Congratulations to our deserving winners!
New Appointments We would like to congratulate the following Affordians on their new appointment: • Virginia Dwyer – DES Consultant, Blacktown/Mt Druitt • Jane Dowling – Student and Volunteer Coordinator
Staff Matters
April 19, 2019 Issue 201
WHAT'S BUZZIN AT AFFORD? Every Tuesday, Afford's Marketing team collects the best good news stories sent through by you, our staff on the front line, and develops a colourful and vibrant email newsletter to promote our services to the wider community. This email newsletter is called Afford Buzz. It gives the general public an insight into the success stories resulting from our commitment to delivering exceptional service for our clients. We cover stories of clients' individual achievements, outings, Club Afford activities, person-centred programs and more. Remember to send through your stories to and attach images as high resolution JPEG files to make sure we develop a professional and inviting email newsletter every week. All staff should now be receiving Afford Buzz each week. Please share these with your families, clients and carers through Facebook and encourage them to share with their friends. You can sign people up to receive Afford Buzz every week via the icon on the Tablet Link:
Reminder! Don't forget that we have the Easter long weekend and Anzac Day coming up: • ALL staff are responsible for entering your public holiday leave dates into NAV. Please remember to enter in your Easter public holiday dates for the 19th - 22nd April and Anzac Day 25th April. HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY EASTER!
ork hard, play Selfie Above: W gers & Lenny. Ro l hard - Danie
Pawsome Se lfi with fur bab e Above: Bruce Gow y, Sam.
1-30 April
Parkinson's Awareness Month
17-28 April
Nature Play Week
19th April
Good Friday Public Holiday
22nd April
Easter Monday Holiday
24th April
International Guide Dog Day
28th April
Pay It Forward Day