May 1, 2020 Issue 255
Two weeks ago, we launched two incredible new services, Afford Care and Afford TeleCare. Afford Care was created for our frontline staff members as a way to fill the gaps in shifts for them, by linking with external organisations. Afford TeleCare was created for our clients as a way to provide exceptional Allied Health care, contact free, using various forms of technology! The launch of both services has been hugely successful for both our clients and staff. TeleCare: Our Allied Health team confirmed, to date we have 90 TeleCare clients since it launched two weeks ago. • 95% of these are existing clients that were cancelling face to face appointments and we were able to continue service with them by offering Telecare – this is such a fantastic outcome! • 5% are from our waiting list that would otherwise be waiting approximately another four months for physical appointments.
Physical appointment waitlists are approximately 4 - 6 months, compared to only a 2-3 week wait with TeleCare. Speech Pathologist and Acting National Manager for Student Placement and Initiatives, Linda Redpath, has been running a social group through TeleCare over the past two weeks. Through the use of our new innovative program we have successfully included interstate clients, made possible through our online delivery. The group, which consists of 3 young, high functioning men have been learning about assertive communication. All participants have expressed that they enjoy the virtual group sessions, with one summing it up with, “I always learn and have fun in your social groups. It’s the highlight of my week.” For more information, contact Afford TeleCare or call 1300 379 308. Afford Care: To date, our Afford Care service has linked 44 staff with 1:1 clients, providing support and care of around 2,000 hours per week. Afford Care is available to anyone in the sector who needs the support and is not limited to certain organisations. Staff won’t need to register interest for Afford Care. Afford will review the requests from other disability organisations and allocate the staff based on who meets the skill criteria and who hasn’t been given shifts within Afford sites. When staff decide to work these shifts, they will remain an Afford staff member. Please encourage clients to take advantage of these 1:1 services. If you have any questions about Afford Care email
Reminder! Staff please remember the importance of social distancing while out with our clients in the community or in a van. • In a HiAce van there should only be max of 2 staff and 3 clients. • In an iMAX there should only be max of 1 staff and 3 clients. • Standard car there should only be max 1 staff and 1 client.
Help stop the spread and keep safe Affordians!