42nd Hong Kong French Film Festival Catalogue

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French Cinepanorama

20 NOV > 12 DeC 2013



Hong Kong French Film Festival




Wi t h 2 3 m i l l i o n e n t r i e s generated outside of France in the first eight months of 2013, French cinema is doing well. The upcoming releases, before the end of the year, of the most acclaimed films in festivals all around the world, predict a bright future. Awarded by the critic in Cannes with the most coveted prize of the cinema planet, French cinema shows once again its ability to surprise! Hong Kong is fully part of this enthusiasm, thanks to the dynamic festivals and local movie distributors, whose work I would like to recognize here. The Alliance Française de Hong Kong has engaged itself, since its opening in Hong Kong 60 years ago, to introduce French language and culture to the local community through cinema. Therefore, for 42 editions, the French Cinepanorama has been welcoming the local audience to discover the best of the latest French cinema. I am happy that the Alliance Française de Hong Kong thus reveals to Hong Kong people the dynamism and creativity of the French movie industry. I am confident that the quality of the films to be presented will allow everyone, film-lover or amateur, to find its own happiness, may it be made of Bright Days Ahead, Jealousy, Persecution or The Dream Kids without being a Chinese Puzzle ! I wish you beautiful surprises and pleasant evenings at the movies!

Stay in touch with the festival!

2013 年的首八個月,在法國以外入場觀看法國電 影的人次已超過二千三百萬,證明了法國電影發展 良好。而一些將在年底前公映,在國際多個電影節 中大獲好評的影片更預告着法國電影使人樂觀的前 景。今年在康城獲影評人頒發電影界最令人垂涎的 獎項更是錦上添花,再次顯示出法國電影永遠有使 人驚艷的能力。

20 Nov > 12 Dec 2013



Tickets available from 5 November 2013 onwards at URBTIX, PALACE ifc, AMC Pacific Place and Broadway Cinematheque 門票由2013年11月5日起於城市電腦售票網、 PALACE ifc、AMC Pacific Place及百老匯電影中心發售

本人非常感謝香港不同的電影節和電影發行機構的 積極參與,使香港能全情分享這令人興奮的消息。 香港法國文化協會自六十年前在香港成立以來,透 過電影的吸引力,致力在本地推廣法國的語文和文 化。所以,已第四十二屆舉辦的法國電影節一直不 遺餘力地為香港觀眾介紹最新的法國電影佳作。很 高興香港法國文化協會藉此向港人展示法國電影工 業的活力和創作力。 本人有信心今年電影節選映的影片,無論是《明 天會更好》、《嫉妒》、《迫害》或是《天之驕 子》都不會令人「想破頭也想不明白」(《Chinese Puzzle》)! 祝大家在觀影之餘會得到使人意想不到的驚喜!

Arnaud Barthélémy

Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macao 法國駐香港及澳門總領事

T h i s y e a r, t h e A l l i a n c e Fra n ç a i s e d e Ho n g Ko n g is proud to present, for its 60 th anniversary, the 42 nd consecutive edition of the H o n g Ko n g F r e n c h F i l m Festival. 6o years ago, the Alliance presented Jacques Tati ’ s delightful film Mr. Hulot's Holiday , which at that time had just been released in France. You will have a chance to re-discover it as the restored version will be shown as part of the festival’s special retrospective dedicated to 60 years of French cinema. Always at the forefront of current French cinematography, the festival will present for the enjoyment of Hong Kong film lovers, several films that were released just a few weeks ago in France, and will also premier several films not yet released. Ranging through drama, romance, history, comedy, thriller, musical, documentary and short films, the programme for 2013 offers more than 50 films, reflecting the rich creativity of French cinematography, its dynamism, diversity, and quality. I would like to thank especially the local film distributors who have permitted this year ’ s programme to be so prestigious. Through their support, we have the pleasure of presenting, Blue is the Warmest Colour , winner of La Palme d’Or at the 2013 Cannes festival, The Nun , the festival’s opening film in the presence of the leading actress Pauline Etienne, and last but certainly not least, Möbius , whose director Eric Rochant will honour the festival with his presence at the end of November. Film-lovers, and lovers of the French language and culture, I wish you all an excellent Hong Kong French Film Festival! 今年,香港法國文化協會感到非常自豪,能夠在六十 週年誌慶之同時舉辦第四十二屆法國電影節。 六十年前的第一屆,法協介紹了當年剛在法國推出, 賈克大地的新作《于洛先生的假期》。今年,各位將 有機會在電影節的「六十年法國電影回顧」的環節中 欣賞到這部電影的修復版。 永遠走在法國電影製作前端的香港法國電影節今年為 香港的觀眾呈獻幾部僅僅在幾個星期前在法國推出的 影片,有些甚至還未在法國公映。今年的電影節為大 家提供超過五十部影片,由劇情片到愛情片,史詩式 的電影到喜劇,驚慄片到音樂劇,紀錄片到短片等應 有盡有,盡顯法國電影工業的無限創意和活力。 本人特別在此向本地的電影發行機構致謝,本屆電 影節能有如此的規模,實在有賴他們的支持,我們 非常榮幸能夠有機會展映2013 年康城電影節金棕櫚 獎的得獎電影《接近無限溫暖的藍》,以及本屆電 影節的開幕電影《修辱》,並成功邀請了片中的女 主角 Pauline Etienne 來港出席開幕禮,最後還有 《Möbius》的導演 Eric Rochant 將於11月底來港作 電影節的嘉賓。 電影發燒友及熱愛法國語文和文化的朋友,祝你們渡 過一個愉快的香港法國電影節!

Mr. Justice Robert Ribeiro

President, Alliance Française de Hong Kong 香港法國文化協會 主席


The extraordinary dynamism of French cinema will once again mark the 42nd edition of the Hong Kong French Film Festival (HKFFF), the oldest and one of the largest film festivals in Hong Kong. Since the first festival in November 1953, in which the cult film directed by Jacques Tati, Mr. Hulot’s Holiday , was shown for the first time in Hong Kong, this event has consistently promoted and accompanied the evolution of French cinema, from the prominent and influential New Wave (La Nouvelle Vague) period until today. The festival has shown hundreds of French films, mostly attracting local audiences; from moviegoers to the general public – including various Hong Kong artists and directors who were first exposed to French cinema there. The programming of the 42nd HKFFF reflects the continual renewal and fascinating diversity of French cinema through high quality first-feature films. Additionally, a wide array of films directed by world famous directors, comedies, animation films, documentaries, and short films shown at the festival remains widely accessible and representative of French cinema. Among the most recent films to be brought to the HKFFF this year, several were premiered at the leading film festivals of Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, and Venice a mere few months ago. We are delighted to be able to show this year’s Cannes Palme d’Or winner Blue is the Warmest Colour prior to its Hong Kong release. France’s official Oscars submission Renoir will also be premiered in Hong Kong at the festival. These two films are only a glimpse into our selection of ten outstanding Gala Premiere films presented at the festival this year. We are fortunate and grateful to enjoy a strong relationship with Hong Kong film distributors, which help make this year’s programme possible. Last but not least, well-established filmmakers and actors as well as new talents are regularly invited to the festival. This year, we are honoured to welcome actress Pauline Etienne (The Nun ) and director Eric Rochant (Möbius ) who will both introduce their films and meet the audience. We hope you will find the programme both pleasurable and thought-provoking. 法國電影節是香港歷史最悠久和最具規模的電影節之一,今年第四十二屆將再次展現法國電影業的朝氣與活 力。 自1953年第一次在香港放映《于洛先生的假期》為這電影節展開序幕後,法國電影節一直致力在香港推廣法 國電影,向香港公眾介紹法國電影的發展,由具深遠影響的法國電影新浪潮時代到今天的電影新趨勢。電影 節放映過數百部法國電影,吸引了無數本地公眾和電影發燒友,當中的一些香港藝人和導演更是透過本電影 節首次接觸法國電影。 第四十二屆法國電影節一如以往,藉着一些新晉導演的高質素首作反映法國電影的即極進取和豐富多姿。此 外,電影節中介紹一系列由國際著名導演拍攝,題材廣泛的影片、動畫、紀錄片和短片也證明了法國電影的 普及性和代表性。 今年電影節展映的新片中有多部僅僅幾個月前在柏林、康城、盧卡諾及威尼斯等多個國際知名電影節中獲 獎。我們非常高興有機會為今年康城電影節金棕櫚獎的得獎電影《接近無限溫暖的藍》作首映,讓我們的擁 躉先睹為快。而正式提名奧斯卡金像獎的法國參選電影《雷諾亞》也會在電影節中展映。這兩部電影只是今 年電影節十部首映名片的一小部份。而幸得我們與香港的電影發行機構長久以來建立了良好的夥伴關係,本 屆電影節的節目才得以成功籌劃。 最後,而且亦是非常重要的,本電影節經常邀請一些知名的導演及演員來港。今年,我們很榮幸能邀請影片 《修辱》的女主角 Pauline Etienne 及影片《Möbius》的導演Eric Rochant來港親自向觀眾介紹他們的電影。 希望今年的節目為大家帶來愉快的觀影時光。



60 years is a short period, relative to 130 years of history of the global network of Alliance française centres; it is nonetheless a long time in the context of this city, having accompanied all the history of postwar modern Hong Kong. Established officially on the 26th September 1953, it welcomed 50 students during its first session of French classes. Today, more than 13,000 students are registered annually. Rooted in the fertile grounds of post-war Hong Kong, the Alliance has developed to the pace of the city, and was occupying up to six centres prior to being recentred in 1994 in Wan Chai and Jordan, acquired in 1971 and 1976 respectively. Today, it is at a new stage of its expansion with the opening of a brand new Shatin centre in 2013. As a platform of exchange between the Hong Kong and French cultural communities, the Alliance Française de Hong Kong has accompanied the cultural development of the city through its major events and publications, including Paroles , the unique French and Chinese bilingual cultural magazine. As such, in 1953, it created the first foreign film festival in Hong Kong that was to become a major event, of which we owe the introduction of the French New Wave to Hong Kong. In 1993, the Alliance Française de Hong Kong launched with the French Consulate in Hong Kong, one of the largest art festivals in Hong Kong, Le French May. At sixty years, the Alliance Française has not lost any of its ardour from its beginnings, its dynamism, sense of innovation, and expertise. The Alliance Française de Hong Kong invites you to start the celebrations with the 42nd edition of the Hong Kong French Film Festival. There, you will discover the best French films of the year, and also a retrospective dedicated to the films which have marked these last 60 years, including Jacques Tati’s cult movie Mr. Hulot’s Holiday , presented by the Alliance in Hong Kong in 1953, the year of its release! 相對於法協全球網絡130年的歷史,60年其實是一段短時間;然而,對香港這城市來說,這60年卻是一段長 的時間,它見證了香港戰後的現代歷史。香港法國文化協會於1953年9月26日在香港正式註冊,第一個學期報 讀法語課程的學生共五十名。時至今天,每年報讀課程的學生超過一萬三千人次。 植根於戰後經濟起飛的香港,香港法協的發展與這城市同步並進,1971年和1976年先後購入了灣仔中心和佐敦 中的物業,1994年之前更曾經開設了六個中心。現時,隨着2013年新增的沙田中心,法協的發展進入了一個 新的階段。 作為香港與法國文化界的交流平台,香港法國文化協會與這城市的文化發展息息相關,這點從它所舉辦的主 要活動和出版物,包括香港唯一的一本法、中對照的雙語文化雜誌《東西談》便可見一斑。亦是這原因, 1953年創辦了香港第一個外國電影節,這電影節不單將法國電影新浪潮介紹了給香港的公眾認識,更成為日 後香港的一項重要的活動。1993年,香港法國文化協會更與法國駐港總領事館一同推出香港其中一個最大型 的藝術節「法國五月」。 六十歲的法國文化協會並沒有隨着年月的過去而失去它原先的熱誠和活力,它仍然充滿幹勁、革新和專業的 精神。 香港法國文化協會先以第四十二屆香港法國電影節邀請大家一同慶祝這週年誌慶。各位除了會欣賞到一些本 年度法國最新的電影佳作外,也有機會回顧過去六十年來一些具代表性的電影,當中包括了香港法協於1953 年,在它推出的那一年在香港同步放映的《于洛先生的假期》。



The Nun 修辱 (La Religieuse) Blue is the Warmest Colour 接近無限溫暖的藍 (La Vie d’Adèle) Chinese Puzzle (Casse-tête chinois) Inch’ Allah Möbius On the Way to School (Sur le chemin de l’école) Renoir 雷諾亞 Turning Tide (En solitaire) Venus in Fur 玩謝大導演 (La Vénus à la fourrure) The Volcano 冤家愛作戰 (Eyjafjallajökull)


12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16

PANORAMA 2013 2013年法國電影一覽

True Friends 真摯友誼 (Amitiés sincères) 20 Les Apaches 流氓 20 Bright Days Ahead 明天無限好 (Les Beaux jours) 21 Cycling With Molière 與莫里哀結伴同行 (Alceste à bicyclette) 21 The Dream Kids 天之驕子 (Les Petits princes) 22 Games of Clouds and Rain 雲雨遊戲 (Les Jeux des nuages et de la pluie) 22 Gare du Nord 北方車站 23 The Gilded Cage 金色牢籠 (La Cage dorée) 23 The Girl from Nowhere 24 哪兒來的女子 (La Fille de nulle part) Grigris 舞吧!舞吧! 24 Henri 亨利 25 It Boy 廿年之距 (20 ans d’écart) 25 Jealousy 嫉妒 (La Jalousie) 26 Jimmy P. (Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian) 26 一個平原印第安人的心理療程 Jimmy P. (Psychothérapie d’un indien des plaines) The Rendez-Vous of Déjà-Vu 七月十四的女孩 27

(La Fille du 14 juillet) Just A Sigh 邂逅之時 (Le Temps de l’aventure) 27 Love is the Perfect Crime 28

Aya of Yop City 愛雅 (Aya de Yopougon) Oggy and the Cockroaches 生死一戰 (Oggy et les cafards) The King and the Mockingbird 國王與鳥 (Le Roi et l’oiseau)

32 32 42


A Normal Life. Chronicle of a Sumo Wrestler 辛抱 (Tu seras sumo) Pierre Rabhi, au nom de la terre 地球發言人 Being President 總統 (Le Pouvoir) On the Way to School (Sur le chemin de l’école)

34 34 35 14


Amelie From Montmartre 天使愛美麗 (La Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain) Beauty of the Day 青樓紅杏 (Belle de jour) The Class 課室風雲 (Entre les murs) The 400 Blows 四百擊 (Les Quatre cents coups) Hiroshima, mon amour 廣島之戀 Love on the Run 愛情逃跑 (L’Amour en fuite) The King and the Mockingbird 國王與鳥 (Le Roi et l’oiseau) Mr. Hulot’s Holiday 于洛先生的假期 (Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot) Persecution 迫害 (Persécution) The Piano Teacher 鋼琴教師 (La Pianiste) The Red Circle 奪寶群英 (Le Cercle rouge) To Our Loves 獻給我們的愛 (A nos amours)

38 38 39 39 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44

Short Films Selection 短片精選


Ticketing Information 購票須知


Film Schedule 放映時間表



(L’Amour est un crime parfait) Lovers 別樣的生活 (Une autre vie) Michael Kohlhaas 英雄本色 Miss and the Doctors 小姐與醫生 (Tirez la langue, mademoiselle)

28 29 29


Gala Premieres 隆重首映


Opening Film 開幕電影

dramatic comedy




The Nun

Chinese Puzzle

20/11 AMC Pacific Place • 23/11 PALACE IFC

Set in France, in the 1760s. Born to a bourgeois family, Suzanne is a beautiful young girl with a natural talent for music. Despite her faith, she is dismayed when her parents send her off to a convent, expecting her to become a nun. Suzanne first resists the rules of the convent, but soon finds out that she is an illegitimate child, leaving her no other choice but to pronounce her vows and to suffer the consequences of her mother’s sin. Adapted from Diderot’s eponymous novel, The Nun tells the story of a woman trying to resist imposed religious values, revealing the dehumanising effect of cloistered life. Official Competition – Berlin International Film Festival 2013


La Religieuse 修辱 1760年的法國,私生女施素珊遭家人離棄。他們無視素珊的意 願,執意把她送往修道院,為母親贖罪。雖然修道院的院長非 常慈祥,但素珊卻感受不到神召,希望能廢除立誓,脫離修道 生活。好景不常,仁慈的院長不幸過世,繼任院長虛偽殘酷, 更把素珊視作叛教者,對其多番羞辱,素珊的肉體及心靈遭受 難以想像的摧殘。然而,勇敢的素珊沒有放棄鬥爭,在律師 和神父的幫助下,成功遷往另一修道院,生活暫露曙光。可 是,素珊漸漸發現院長對她寵愛有加,背後原來隱藏著另類愛 慾……

Xavier (Romain Duris) is 40. Father of a family, he still finds his life very complicated. As Wendy (Kelly Reilly), the mother of his 2 children, moves to New York City, Xavier cannot imagine living far away from the kids. So he decides to go there too and will face a real Chinese puzzle...

2013 · Color 彩色 · 117 min · France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Cédric Klapisch Cast 演員: Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou

Blue is the Warmest Colour


Blue is the Warmest Colour is presented by Edko Films Ltd. 2013 · Color 彩色 · 179 min · France 法國 In French with English and Traditional Chinese subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演: Abdellatif Kechiche


drama 劇情片

At fifteen, Adele (Adèle Exarchopolous) doesn’t question it: girls go out with boys. Her life is changed forever when she meets and connects with the young blue-haired Emma (Léa Seydoux) at a lesbian bar. Adele falls for Emma despite being ridiculed by her gay-bashing friends. Adele immediately finds herself in a passionate relationship and develops an intense sexual bonding with Emma. When they both become committed and live together, social class differences begin to emerge. Adele grows, seeks herself, loses herself and finds herself again. Loosely adapted from a Gallic graphic novel by Julie Maroh, director Abdellatif Kechiche captures extended long sequences of Adele and Emma both in and out of bed which had the Cannes audience and critics captivated for the full three hours and yearning for more. Winner of this year’s Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Palme d’Or – Cannes International Film Festival 2013

四十歲,已有兩個兒子的 Xavier 仍然覺得生命殊不簡單。當 孩子的母親移居紐約,他為了不想孩子在離他太遠的地方長 大,決定離開巴黎到紐約去。他踏上了一段新的人生之旅,從 中找到了作為一個男人和一個父親的地位。也許,瘋狂的紐約 生活正是他生命所需的,這真是令人想破頭也想不明白!

2013年柏林國際電影節 - 競賽電影

2013 · Color 彩色 · 114 min · France/ Germany/ Belgium 法國/德國 /比利時 The Nun is presented by UA Cinema and CineHub In French with English and Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演: Guillaume Nicloux Cast 演員: Pauline Etienne, Isabelle Huppert, Louise Bourgoin, Martina Gedeck

30/11 Broadway CINEMATHEQUE 5/12 AMC Pacific Place

Casse-tête chinois 片名待譯

La Vie d’Adèle 接近無限溫暖的藍 藍色,是最溫暖的顏色,也是年輕少女 Adele 最美好又令人 感傷的同性愛戀。女孩應該與男孩約會,十五歲的 Adele 從 不 質 疑 ; 直 到 她 在 女 同 志 吧 邂 逅 了 藍 髮 Emma , 怦 然 心 動,一發不可收拾,就算被她那些恐同的朋友嘲笑。熱戀 的 Adele 與 Emma 在激情下開展強烈性愛,並開始相互承諾 並住在一起,然而階級差異的問題開始浮現;少女Adele 在自 我追尋、迷失與再找尋自我的過程中成長,青春是一段漫長複 雜的道路。本片是首部獲得康城金棕櫚獎的女同志片,儘管兩 位女主角的情慾戲被盛讚「開創女同志情慾性愛的新境界」, 但除了激情的場面,就如同漫畫原著作者 Julie Maroh 所說 的,那些「痛苦、眼淚、爭吵、憂鬱和絕望,一場長長的青春 告別儀式」更是讓人深刻感動,讓康城的觀眾及影評們整整三 個小時不像欲離場。

2013年康城國際電影節 - 金棕櫚獎

Cast 演員:Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Salim Kechiouche


Chloe is a young Canadian obstetrician working in a makeshift clinic in a Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank, where she treats pregnant women under the supervision of Michael, a French doctor. Facing daily checkpoints and the separation barrier, Chloe is confronted with the conflict and the people it affects: Rand, a patient for whom Chloe develops a deep affection; Faysal, Rand’s older brother, a fervent resister; Safi, their younger brother, a child shattered by war who dreams of flying across borders; and Ava, a young soldier who lives next door to Chloe in her apartment in Israel. Her encounter with the war draws Chloe into an adventure that’s both deeply personal and as large as the land. She loses her bearings, is uprooted, goes into freefall. There are trips that shake us and transform us. There are trips that shatter all of our certainties. For Chloe, Inch’ Allah is such a trip. Official Competition – Berlin International Film Festival 2013

Inch’ Allah is presented by Edko Films Ltd.

Chinese Puzzle is presented by Edko Films Ltd.

drama 劇情片

Inch’Allah 片名待譯 在西岸的一個巴勒斯坦難民營的一個臨時診所內,加拿大籍 年輕助產士 Chloe 在法國醫生 Michael 的督導下負責照顧孕 婦。每日來回如檢查站和隔離圍牆之間, Chloe 面對的都是 戰爭和雙方的受害者:Rand,一個與她成為好朋友的病人; Rand 的哥哥 Faysal,一個激進的抵抗軍;他們的弟弟 Safi, 一個飛行夢被戰爭打破的小孩,還有她在以色列的鄰居 Ava, 一個以色列軍人。 這場戰爭將 Chole 推進一次無憑無依,極之個人的探索之 旅。當中她迷失方向,被連根拔起失去依靠。有些旅程會動 搖和改變我們。亦有些旅程會粉碎所有信念。對Chole來說, 《Inch’ Allah》的旅程就是後者。

2013年柏林國際電影節 - 正式參選電影 2012 · Color 彩色 · 101 min · France/ Canada 法國/加拿大 In French, English (in parts), Arabic (in parts), Hebrew (in parts) with Traditional Chinese and English (in parts) subtitles 法語、英語 (部份)、阿拉伯語 (部份)、希伯萊語 (部份) 對白,繁體中文及英文 (部份) 字幕 Director 導演: Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette Cast 演員:Evelyne Brochu, Sabrina Ouazani, Sivan Levy


Thriller/ Drama


drama 劇情片

驚慄 / 劇情片


30/11 AMC Pacific Place 2/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Grégory Lioubov, alias Moïse, is a Russian intelligence officer stationed Monaco to observe the activities of a powerful businessman. Alice, a financial whiz, is recruited to serve as an undercover operative on the same mission. Suspicious that Alice may betray them, Grégory breaks the golden rule and contacts her. A forbidden passion erupts between them that will inevitably precipitate their downfall.

24/11 Palace ifc 29/11 Broadway Cinematheque

Möbius 片名待譯 俄國特工葛哥利,暗號摩西被派往摩納哥監視一個有勢力的商 人。為了這任務他的隊伍聘用了夏雅麗,一名金融專家滲入這 商人的公司作臥底。葛哥利因懷疑夏雅麗出賣了他們而打破特 工的金科玉律,直接與他的臥底聯絡。二人之間產生強烈的吸 引力成為他們最終失敗的原因。

A painter’s muse is traditionally depicted as the source of inspiration and many a heartache. In Renoir , she inspires both the elderly widow Pierre-August as well as his son Jean, who arrives injured from World War I. Based on a true story, the film paints a complex relationship between father and son – through in this case, the father is a world-renowned master painter, and the son would become one of the great film directors. Un Certain Regard – Cannes International Film Festival 2012

2012 · Color彩色 · 112 · France 法國 · In French with English and Traditional Chinese subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演: Gilles Bourdos 焦保杜士 Cast 演員: Michel Bouquet, Christa Theret, Vincent Rottiers 米徹爾布基、姬施達特希、雲遜洛蒂耶





Turning Tide

On the Way to School

7/12 AMC Pacific Place 12/12 AMC Pacific Place

8/12 HK Film Archive • 11/12 Palace ifc

Across the world, children overcome extraordinary obstacles fuelled by their indomitable yearning to learn. A powerful, moving, and humbling story of the human spirit.

Sur le chemin de l’école 片名待譯 在世界不同的角落,一些小孩子在不屈不撓的學習意欲推動下 克服無可比擬的障礙。這是一部有關人類精神,感人和使人感 到謙卑的電影。

On the Way to School is presented by Edko Films Ltd 2013 · Color 彩色 · 74 min · France 法國 In French with English and Traditional Chinese subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director:Pascal Plisson 14

傳統上,一個畫家的繆斯代表靈感的泉源和種種的煩惱。在 《雷諾亞》一片中,她除了為年老的雷諾亞提供靈感外,也激 發了雷諾亞那剛從第一次世界大戰受傷回來的兒子尚恩的感 情。 本片改篇自真人真事,描寫父親與兒子之間複雜的關係,而這 次,父親是一個享譽國際的大師級畫家,兒子後來則成為一位 偉大的電影導演。

2012年康城國際電影節 - 一種關注 Renoir is presented by First Distributors.

Möbius is presented by Edko Films Ltd. 2013 · Color 彩色 · 103 min · France/ Belgium/ Luxembourg 法國/ 比利時/ 盧森堡 In French, English (in parts), Russian (in parts) with English (in parts) and Traditional Chinese subtitles 法語、英語(部份)、俄語(部份)對白,繁體中文及英文(部份)字幕 Director 導演: Eric Rochant Cast 演員:Jean Dujardin, Cécile de France, Tim Roth

Renoir 雷諾亞 (暫譯)

Yann Madec, long-time first mate of Frank Drevil, the star skipper of Global System Insurance, sees his dreams come true when he replaces the injured Frank at the last minute for the start of the Vendée Globe, a yacht race around the world. Nine days into the race and leading, Yann is forced to stop at the Canaries to repair his broken center-board. Back in the race, Yann discovers a teenager, named Mano, on board. Faced with the risk of disqualification because of Mano’ s presence, Yann hesitates... Their encounter leads to the most unforgettable round-the-world race ever.

En Solitaire 片名待譯 Frank是全球保安系統的星級船長,長久以來,Yann一直擔任 他的大副。當Frank受傷,臨時改由Yann代替他參加旺代環球 帆船比賽的時候,Yann 認為他等待已久的夢想終於成真。 比賽進入第九日,為了要修理損壞了的活動船板,Yann 被迫 在加那利群島停留。 重新投入比賽之後,Yann發現船上多了一個名叫Mano的年青 人,令他有點不知所措…… 他們的相遇將引起一次史上難忘 的環球帆船比賽。

2013 · Color 彩色 · 96 min · France 法國 Turning Tide is presented by Edko Films Ltd. In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Christophe Offenstein Cast 演員: François Cluzet, Samy Seghir, Virginie Efira, Guillaume Canet 15

Venus in Fur

drama 劇情片


Alone in a Parisian theatre after a day of auditioning actresses for the play he is preparing to direct, Thomas is complaining over the phone about the low standard of the auditionees. Not one has the poise to play the leading role. He is getting ready to leave when Vanda appears: an unbridled and brazen whirlwind of energy. Vanda embodies everything Thomas hates. She is crude, idiotic, and will stop at nothing to get the part. But when Thomas finds himself backed into a corner and lets her try her luck, he is amazed to see Vanda transformed. Not only has she found the right props and costumes, but she understands the character (whose name she shares) intimately, and knows all her lines by heart. The “audition” lengthens and intensifies, and Thomas’ attraction starts to develop into an obsession... Official Competition – Cannes International Film Festival 2013

La Vénus à la fourrure 玩謝大導演 巴黎某劇院,為新劇挑選女主角的導演湯馬士,經過整天令人 洩氣的試鏡後,不滿地咆哮,試鏡的女演員質素太差了,無一 可擔當女主角!正想離開之際,神秘的性感女郎雲廸娜闖進 來。雲廸娜有齊湯馬士厭惡的特質:橫蠻、尖酸刻薄、為求目 標不惜一切;但是冷眼旁觀卻發現她的精心部署,準確的道具 和服裝外,對角色十分瞭解,每一句台詞都是打從心底流露, 二人的互動漸變頻密,雲廸娜令湯馬士入迷……

2013年康城國際電影節 - 競賽部份 Venus in Fur is presented by Deltamac (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

2012 · Color 彩色 · 96 min · France 法國 · France/ Germany/ Belgium 法國/ 德國 / 比利時 In French with English and Traditional Chinese subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演:Roman Polanski 波蘭斯基 Cast 演員:Emmanuelle Seigner, Mathieu Amalric 艾曼妞薛納、馬蒂爾艾馬力

comedy 喜劇

The Volcano


A divorced couple going to their daughter big wedding in Greece... separately. Except that their flight will unfortunately not take off... and the only way to make it to the ceremony is to exceptionally get along (for once !) and hit the road together ! Needless to say that they’re going to find themselves stuck in a huge amount of troubles, lies, adventures, crazy & funny as hell to heat up the screen and set the comedy world on fire ! Just as QUAD knows how to...

Eyjafjallajökull 冤家愛作戰 艾倫(丹尼般 飾) 為了出席女兒在希臘的婚禮,在飛機上重遇 前妻維娜莉 (維娜莉寶拉頓 飾)。兩人雖然久別重逢,一見面 已經火花四濺,更撞正冰島火山爆發,被逼滯留機場,為了趕 及愛女婚禮,二人決定暫且放下成見,齊心踏上轉車的旅途。 可惜二人愛鬥氣的性格,在路上一直互相出招,惡鬥連場,鬧 出一連串荒誕事情,最後二人能否趕上婚禮?

The Volcano is presented by Deltamac (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

2012 · Color 彩色 · 92 min · France 法國 · In French with English & Traditional Chinese subtitles 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演: Alexandre Coffre 亞歷山大高法 Cast 演員: Dany Boon, Valérie Bonneton, Denis Ménochet 丹尼般、維娜莉寶拉頓、丹拿文諾查 16

Panorama 2013

2013 年法國電影一覽


dramatic comedy

dramatic comedy



Bright Days Ahead

True Friends



Traumatised because his father did not tell him the truth about the death of his mother when he was young, 50-something Walter will not tolerate the slightest lie. He never lies. And he expects his two best friends, Jacques and Paul, and his 20-year-old daughter, Clémence, to be completely truthful as well. Walter takes this attitude an extreme, even leaving his wife because she lied to him once. But Walter’s high standards are about to be severely tested when his friends prefer to hide essential facts of their personal lives from him: Jacques’ homosexuality and Paul’s love affair with... Clémence.

Amitiés sincères 真摯友誼 五十多歲華特因年幼時父親沒有對他言明母親死亡的真相而心 靈受創,因此半點都不能容忍謊話。他自己從不說謊。而他也 認為他的兩個老友亞積和保羅,還有他二十歲的女兒克麗文絲 對他絕對坦白。華特對此的要求已到了極端的地步,甚至因妻 子說了一次謊話而與她離婚。但華特嚴格的標準正面臨重要的 考驗,因他的朋友選擇對他隱瞞他們的私人生活細節:亞積的 同性戀傾向以及保羅與克麗文絲的戀情。

2012 • Color 彩色 • 104 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Stephan Archinard, François Prévôt-Leygonie 史堤芬雅洗勒、普雷禾雷戈尼 Cast 演員: Gérard Lanvin, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Wladimir Yordanoff 謝勒朗凡、尚曉格安拉特、華迪米佑丹諾夫

New talent/ DRAMA

明天無限好?卡露蓮終於退休了。前面是新的人生:可以有時 間去照顧孩子,照顧丈夫,和最重要的,她自己。然而,她很 快便明白到這新的自由之代名詞是百無聊賴和無所事事。尤其 是當她收到附近長者俱樂部的會籍作為生日禮物…… 雖然百 般不願,但她最終還是冒險一試。出奇地,她在那兒結識了一 些很不錯的人,其中包括一名對她很有好感,教授電腦科學的 年輕教師。卡露蓮漸漸掌握新的生活,開始人生的第二春:接 受一個新戀人,體驗新的事物,打破禁忌,不做別人預期她做 的事…… 誰說退休是終結的開始而不是全新的開始呢?

2012 · Color 彩色 · 95 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Marion Vernoux 馬希容韋爾努 Cast 演員: Fanny Ardant, Laurent Lafitte 芬妮雅當、羅朗拉弗德


Cycling With Molière

Les Apaches

24/11 Palace ifc · 27/11 AMC Pacific Place 4/12 Broadway Cinematheque

1/12 AMC Pacific Place • 10/12 Palace ifc

Les Apaches 流氓 科西夏島南岸的夏季:沙灘、露營場地和俱樂部擠滿了成千上 萬的遊客,五個來自維琪奧港的少年人亦經常在這些地方流 連。某天晚上,其中一個少年帶其他人到一座無人居住的豪華 別墅。他們在那裡過了一夜。翌日,在離開之前他們偷了一些 不值錢的物件和兩支有收藏價值的步槍。當屋主從巴黎回來, 她向當地一個她熟悉的小幫派的頭目投訴遭遇爆竊……

2013 · Color 彩色 · 82 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Thierry de Peretti 泰雅希特佩雷蒂 Cast 演員: François-Joseph Culioli, Aziz El Haddachi, Hamza Meziani 20

Les Beaux jours 明天無限好


首作 / 劇情片

Corsica/ Extreme South/ Summer: While thousands of tourists invade the beaches, camping grounds, and clubs, five teenagers from Corsica hang out. One evening, one of them leads the others to an unoccupied luxury villa, and they spend the night there. Before leaving, they steal some objects of no value and two collector’s rifles. When the owner of the house arrives from Paris, she complains about the theft to the local bad boy she knows...

Bright days ahead? Caroline has retired, at last. A new life lies before her: time to take care of her children, her husband, and, most of all, herself. However, she soon comes to realize that this new freedom is synonymous with boredom and idleness. Especially when she receives a membership to her neighborhood’s senior club as a birthday present... Reluctant at first, she nevertheless decides to take the plunge. Oddly enough, she meets great people there, starting with the young computer science teacher, who is far from insensitive to her charms. Caroline gradually takes control of her life again and lives a second youth: taking a new lover, living new experiences, breaking the rules, not doing what ’s expected of her... Who said that retirement was the beginning of the end and not a new beginning?

Once a great actor, Serge Tanneur has now retired from the limelight. For the past three years, he has led a simple life of solitude on an island. Fellow high flying actor Gauthier Valence is planning a production of Molière’s play The Misanthrope and offers Serge the title role. Serge makes it difficult for Gauthier, and does not immediately commit to play the role, instead suggesting that they rehearse together for the week. With the play’s producer, Gauthier's agent, and Serge’s lover all arriving on the island at the weekend, the pressure is on Serge to make up his mind. Will Serge eventually return to the stage once more?

Alceste à bicyclette 與莫里哀結伴同行 沙治在演藝生涯的高峰退出了演藝圈。太大的壓力促使他突然 有日決定不再演戲。過去三年,他一直隱居在雷島上。另一位 演員哥蒂耶打算製作一部改編自莫里哀小說《厭世者》的電 影,他認為沙治最適合擔演片中的主角,因為他正好就是一位 避世而居,憤世嫉俗的厭世者。哥蒂耶來到島上遊說沙治復出 拍戲。然而沙治並沒有即時答應,並向哥蒂耶建議在週末一起 排演。當哥迪耶的經理人和沙治的情人同時在週末來到島上, 沙治被迫要作出決擇。他會否復出呢?

2012 · Color 彩色 · 104 min · France 法國 · In French with English Subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Philippe Le Guay 菲力普萊桂爾 Cast 演員: Fabrice Luchini, Lambert Wilson, Maya Sansa, Laurie Bordesoules 法布里斯盧治尼、林拔威爾遜、瑪雅珊莎、羅希博德蘇妮


New talent/ dramatic Comedy

dramatic comedy

首作 / 温情喜劇

The Dream Kids

Gare du Nord

22/11 Broadway Cinematheque 24/11 Palace ifc

JB, a sixteen-year-old prodigy, is the last person to join a training centre where highly promising football players are groomed. Between friendship, competition, rivalries, and the appeal of Lila, a young woman passionate about street art, JB must fight, despite the dark secret that could prevent him from fulfilling his dream.

30/11 Broadway Cinematheque 10/12 AMC Pacific Place

Les Petits princes 天之驕子 16歲神童JB怎樣也想不到有朝一日會有機會加入一個專門培 訓極有潛質的足球員的培訓中心接受訓練。置身於友情、比 賽、競爭和可愛的莉娜,一名熱愛街頭藝術的少女之間,JB 必須爭取最佳表現,雖然一個深藏的秘密可能會阻礙他實現夢 想。

2013 · Color 彩色 · 90 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Vianney Lebasque 維亞尼雷巴斯克 Cast演員: Paul Bartel, Reda Kateb, Eddy Mitchell, Ralph Amoussou 保羅巴特爾、雷達卡塔、艾迪米徹爾、羅夫阿穆素

Games of Clouds and Rain

New talent/ dramatic Comedy 首作 / 温情喜劇

Les Jeux des nuages et de la pluie 雲雨遊戲 李沁離開了性情暴躁的丈夫,並在不知不覺間留下追蹤的線索 給已偷偷喜歡她幾個月的私家偵探。除了他們單向的追逐之 外,還有一個華裔商人(任達華 飾) 在市內流連,希望找到娛 樂和調劑的節目,一對試圖克服危機的魔術師,以及一個急切 渴望穩定生活的女侍應生。有人會找到他們尋覓的,有人會互 相找到對方,亦有人甚麼也找不到。

2011 · Color 彩色 · 90 min · France 法國 · In French, English, Chinese with English subtitles 法語、英語及中文,英文字幕 Director 導演: Benjamin de Lajarte 班傑明德拉札特 Cast 演員: Hiam Abbass, Alain Chamfort, Audrey Dana, Li Heling, Simon Yam 22

Paris, Gare du Nord, a place where anything can happen and even trains pull in at all hours of the day. Like the thousands of lives that cross paths here, Ismaël, Mathilde, Sacha, and Joan encounter each other in the bustling crowds. Each day, Ismaël is stunned, fascinated, and exhausted by this place. He sees Mathilde for the first time on a platform. Little by little, they fall in love. They encounter Sacha and Joan. Sacha is looking for his daughter who has disappeared, while Joan spends her life in this station, passing through it on her way to Lille, London, and Paris. The station is like a bubble, where French, immigrants, emigrants, travelers and ghosts bump into each other and move on. It’s a crossroads where each person passes quickly and then disappears.

Gare du Nord 北方車站 巴黎的北方車站是一處甚麼事也可能發生的地方,而火車也是 無時無刻地駛進來。 而伊斯馬艾爾、瑪蒂達、薩沙和祖安這四個人就像成千上萬在 這裡走過的人一樣,在這熙來攘往的人群中偶然相遇。 每一日,這火車站都令到伊斯馬艾爾震驚和迷惑,但又感到厭 倦。他在巴黎地區高速鐵路其中一個月台上首次看到瑪蒂達。 然後,二人慢慢地墮入愛河。他們遇上薩沙和祖安。薩沙正在 尋找他失蹤的女兒,而祖安每次去里爾、倫敦和巴黎都要經過 這火車站轉車,所以一生的時間都花在這車站內。 這車站就像一個泡沫,法國人、移民、遊客和鬼魂在這兒互相 偶遇,然後繼續各自的前路。在這個十字路口上,每個人迅速 走過然後失去蹤影。

2013 · Color 彩色 · 119 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Claire Simon 克麗兒西蒙 Cast 演員: Nicole Garcia, Reda Kateb, François Damiens 妮歌嘉西亞、麗達卡塔、弗朗索瓦達米恩

The Gilded Cage

Comedy 喜劇

22/11 Palace ifc · 26/11 Palace ifc 3/12 Broadway Cinematheque

24/11 Broadway Cinematheque 7/12 HK Film Archive

Li Qin leaves her temperamental husband and unknowingly provides a trail for a detective who has been, for months, secretly devoted to her. In the wake of their one-way chase, a Chinese businessman (Simon Yam) wanders around town; two magicians attempt to overcome a crisis, and a waitress is desperate for stability. Some will find what they are looking for, some will find each other, and some simply will not.



In a posh neighborhood in Paris, Maria and José Ribeiro have lived in their small concierge quarters on the ground floor of a 19th century storied apartment building for almost thirty years. This Portuguese emigrant couple is liked by everyone over the years; Maria, an excellent concierge, and José, a marvelous building site supervisor, have become an indispensable part of the daily lives of everyone around them. They are so highly appreciated and well integrated that when they have a chance to fulfill their dream of returning to Portugal and living in comfort, no one wants to see the Ribeiros leave. Just how far will their family, neighbors, and their employers go to make them stay? And deep down, do Maria and José really want to leave France and flee their precious gilded cage?

La Cage dorée 金色牢籠 在巴黎的一個時髦地區,瑪莉亞和祖西生活在一幢建於19世紀 的公寓大樓一樓的門房宿舍已差不多三十年。多年來,這對從 葡萄牙移民來到法國的夫婦已甚得人心:瑪莉亞,一名優秀的 門房和祖西,出色的建築地盤主管已成為他們身邊的人生活中 不可或缺的一部份。他們是如此受讚賞和深入人心,因此當他 們有機會實現夢想,回到葡萄牙過舒適的生活時,沒有人願意 看到這對工作認真和謹慎的夫婦離開。為了阻止他們離開,他 們的家人,鄰居和僱主會不會不擇手段呢?而瑪莉亞和祖西是 否真的想離開法國,離開他們寶貴的牢籠。

2013 · Color 彩色 · 90 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Ruben Alves 呂邦阿爾偉 Cast 演員: Rita Blanco, Joaquim de Almeida, Roland Giraud, Chantal Lauby 麗達白朗高、祖阿甘德亞美達、羅朗謝洛德、桑桃羅比


The Girl from Nowhere


drama 劇情片



1/12 Palace ifc · 8/12 AMC Palace Place

Michel, a retired maths teacher, has been living alone since the death of his wife. He fills his days with writing an essay about the beliefs that shape everyday life. One day, he finds Dora, a young and injured homeless woman on his doorstep, and takes her in during her recovery. Her presence brings a little freshness back into Michel's life, and little by little, his apartment becomes the stage of mysterious phenomena.

La Fille de nulle part 哪兒來的女子 退休數學教師米修自妻子過世後便獨自生活。他每日的時間全 都用於寫作一篇有關信念如何塑造每日生活的論文。某日,他 在家門口發現多娜,一個無家可歸,受傷的年輕女子,並帶回 家讓她養傷。多娜的出現為米修的生活帶來一些新鮮感,但逐 漸,他的寓所發生一些神秘的現象。

2012 · Color 彩色 · 91 min · France 法國 · In French with English Subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Jean-Claude Brisseau 尚哥羅德比素 Cast 演員: Virginie Legeay, Jean-Claude Brisseau, Claude Morel 維珍妮雷捷、尚哥羅德比素、哥羅德莫巧

drama 劇情片

Henri 亨利 50多歲的亨利原籍意大利,與妻子麗達在比利時的查洛瓦市 開了一家小餐館。當麗達突然死亡,留下了痛失所依的亨利。 他們的女兒麗蒂思亞建議亨利找一個「白蝴蝶」來餐館幫手, 這是人們用作稱呼住在附近一間弱智人士宿舍中的人。羅莎特 便是其中一位白蝴蝶。她為人樂觀,和藹可親,只是輕度弱 智,並且有點「奇怪」。她渴望愛情、性慾和一切正常的。隨 着羅莎特的到來,新的生活開始成形。

2013年康城國際電影節 - 導演雙週,開幕電影

2012 · Color 彩色 · 107 min · France / Belgium 法國/ 比利時 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Yolande Moreau 佑蘭特摩露 Cast 演員: Pippo Delbono, Candy Ming, Jackie Berroyer, Simon André 皮寶戴邦奴、康迪明、積琪貝魯耶、西蒙安德烈

romantic comedy


23/11 Palace ifc 28/11 Broadway Cinematheque 1/12 AMC Pacific Place

30/11 Broadway Cinematheque 4/12 Palace ifc

Grigris 舞吧!舞吧! 25 歲的 Grigris 夢想有朝一日成為舞蹈員,然而,他的一條腿 已經癱瘓,這願望對他來說是極大的挑戰。但他仍然決心達成 願望。當他的外父突然病危,他的夢想終於幻滅。為了救外父 一命,他毅然決定挺而走險,偷運汽油……

2013年康城國際電影節 -正式參選電影

2013 · Color 彩色 · 101 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Mahamat-Saleh Haroun Cast 演員: Souleymane Deme, Anaïs Monory, Cyril Guei, Marius Yelolo 蘇利文德伍、雅麗依蒙羅希、史勞居伊、馬希若斯耶勞魯


Henri, a man in his fifties runs a little restaurant in Belgium with his wife Rita. When Rita suddenly dies, Henri is left distraught. Their daughter Laetitia suggests that Henri gets some help at his restaurant from a “white butterfly”, the name given to the residents of a nearby home for the mentally ill. Among them is Rosette. She is upbeat, kind, only mildly handicapped, and she is just a bit odd. She yearns for love, sexuality, and normality. With Rosette’s arrival, a new life takes shape. Opening Film, Directors’ Fortnight – Cannes International Film Festival 2013

It Boy


25 year old Grigris dreams of becoming a dancer one day, and being permanently paralysed in the leg, this poses a challenge for him. However, he is determined to fulfill this goal. His dreams are suddenly shattered when his fatherin-law falls critically ill. In order to support him, Grigris resolves to work for oil traffickers. Official Selection – Cannes International Film Festival 2013


Alice Lantins is 38 years old. She is beautiful, ambitious, and professional to the point where she neglects her personal life. In short, she has everything in place to become the next editor-in-chief of Rebelle magazine - everything except for her uptight image. But when the young and charming Balthazar, barely 20 years old, crosses Alice’s path, her life begins to change. Realising that the she holds the key to her promotion, Alice stages a fanciful idyll in this comedy.

20 ans d’ecart 廿年之距 38歲的愛麗斯美麗動人,事業心極重的她有時為了工作甚至 忽視了自己的私人生活。總之,她絕對是成為《 Rebelle 》 雜誌下一任總編輯的不二人選。但當她遇上了年僅 20 歲的 Balthazar時,她的同事看她的目光開始變得曖昧。明白到升 職與否的關鍵在於自己的手中,愛麗斯決定隱瞞一段不為人接 受的愛情。

2013 · Color 彩色 · 92 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: David Moreau 大衛摩路 Cast 演員: Virginie Efira, Pierre Niney, Gilles Cohen, Amélie Glenn 維珍妮艾菲拉、皮亞尼奈、吉爾高安、雅美妮格涅 25

New talent/ COMEDY



The RendezVous of Déjà-Vu


首作 / 喜劇


Louis leaves Matilda with whom he has a child, for Claudia. Louis and Claudia are both in theatre ; one of them juggles several roles, whilst the other does not play any roles. Claudia likes Louis, but she is afraid that he will leave her. One night, she meets an architect who offers her work. Louis likes Claudia, but is now worried that Claudia may leave him. In the middle of this, there is also Charlotte, Louis’s daughter. Official Competition – Venice International Film Festival 2013


La Jalousie 嫉妒 路易為了歌迪亞離開了與他育有一個孩子的瑪蒂達。路易和歌 迪亞都是戲劇演員;他們一個為多個角色奔波,另一個卻連一 個角色都得不到。歌迪亞喜歡路易但害怕他終有一日會離開自 己。有日,她遇到一個建築師願意給她工作。 路易喜歡歌迪 亞,但又擔心她會離開自己。而他們中間的問題還有路易的女 兒夏樂蒂。

2013年威尼斯電影節 - 正式參選電影

Hector meets Truquette on Bastille Day and becomes obsessed with seducing her. The plan is to get her to the seaside soon. His friend Pator agrees, especially if her friend Charlotte comes along for the ride. So off they go, down the country roads of a broke and broken France. Times are hard! Suddenly the government cancels a month of summer. Everyone back to work! A wad of cash and two gun shots later, the group splits up in two like France itself. But careering away from work in no way daunts the remaining trio, truly determined to find the Bastille Girl and to revel in an endless summer. Directors’ Fortnight – Cannes International Film Festival 2013

La Fille du 14 juillet 七月十四的女孩 自從 Hector 在七月十四那日遇到了Truquette之後,便計劃 帶她到海邊去。他的老友 Pator 熱烈贊成,尤其是如果她的女 朋友 Charlotte 也一起去的話。 幾個人興高采烈地出發,因為經濟不景,因此只能走較為轉折 的鄉郊小道。誰知政府突然決定將法定暑假縮短,提早一個月 開課。所有人都要回去工作,幾疊銀紙和兩發手槍後,這夥人 分道揚鑣,正如法國因那些八月要上班的人妒忌七月放假的人 而分裂為二一樣。剩下來的三人並不害怕與其他要工作的人背 道而馳,他們只想快快找到七月十四的女孩和過一個瘋狂的暑 假。

2013年康城國際電影節 - 導演雙週 2013 · B&W 黑白 · 77 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Philippe Garrel 菲臘加希爾 Cast 演員: Louis Garrel, Anna Mouglalis, Rebecca Convenant 路易加希爾、安娜莫嘉莉、雷白嘉孔弗朗

Jimmy P. (Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian)

2013 · Color 彩色 · 116 min · France/ America 法國/ 美國 In English, with no subtitles 英語對白,沒有字幕 Director 導演: Arnaud Desplechin 亞諾德保桑 Cast 演員:Benicio Del Toro, Mathieu Amalric, Gina McKee 貝尼西奧德托浩、馬蒂爾艾馬力、珍娜麥姬



drama 劇情片

Just A Sigh

29/11 AMC Pacific Place 5/12 Palace ifc · 6/12 HK Film Archive

At the end of World War Two, Jimmy Picard, a Blackfoot Indian who fought in France, becomes a patient at a psychiatric military hospital. Jimmy suffers from migraines and at times he is unable to see and hear things. His doctors eventually decide to ask Georges Deveraux - a French anthropologist and psychoanalyst who specialises in Native American cultures - for help. Right from their first encounter, a relationship of trust and mutual respect develops between the two men. Although a shy man and unfamiliar with psychoanalytical methods, Jimmy goes along with Devereux’s treatment, thus leading to his recovery... Official competition – Cannes International Film Festival 2013

2013 · Color 彩色 · 88min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Antonin Peretjatko Cast 演員: Vimala Pons, Grégoire Tachnakian, Vincent Macaigne, Marie-Lorna Vaconsin


25/11 Palace ifc · 30/11 Palace ifc 3/12 AMC Pacific Place

Jimmy P. (Psychothérapie d’un Indien des Plaines) 一個平原印地安人的心理療程 二次世界大戰結束時,北美平原部落的印第安人占美曾在法國 作戰,退役後的他卻成為肯薩斯州托皮卡一家專為退伍軍人而 設的軍方精神病院的病人。占美患有嚴重的頭痛,有時甚至目 不能見面和耳不能聽。但醫治他的醫生都束手無策,找不到他 患病的原因,最後,他們決定尋求一名專門研究北美洲原住民 文化的法國人類學家和精神科病理學家德弗羅的幫助。 由第一次見面開始,兩個男人之間已產生出互相信任和尊重。 在治療的過程中,占美越來越打開心扉,講述他的夢魘和深埋 的記憶。占美雖然是一個害羞的人,並且對精神分析的方法完 全陌生,但他仍然順從地接受一切的療程,讓德弗羅引領他走 向康復之路。

2013 年康城國際電影節 - 正式參選電影

A day. A train. Two strangers. Exchanged glances, accelerated heartbeats. Watching her leave, losing her forever or indulging himself in a moment of adventure? And what if Alix’s life was turned upside down?

Le Temps de l’aventure 邂逅之時 平凡的一天。一列火車。兩個陌生人。 眼神相會,心跳加速。 看着她離開,永遠失去她或放縱一下自己,來一次艷遇又何 妨? 但若阿歷斯的生活因此而完全脫軌怎麼辦?

2013 · Color 彩色 · 105 min · France/ Belgium/ Iraq 法國/ 比利時/ 伊拉克 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Jérôme Bonnell 謝洛姆博納爾 Cast 演員: Emmanuelle Devos, Gabriel Byrne, Gilles Privat, Aurélia Petit 艾曼紐德芙、加比爾比爾納、吉爾普里瓦、奧希莉亞柏蒂


Love is the Perfect Crime




Michael Kohlhaas

22/11 Palace ifc 27/11 Broadway Cinematheque 28/11 AMC Pacific Place

A literature professor at the University of Lausanne, Marc has a reputation for engaging in romantic affairs with his students. A few days after the disappearance of his last conquest, Barbara, one of the most vivacious female students he has known, he meets Anna, Barbaran’s grandmother, who seeks to learn more about this beautiful missing girl.


L’Amour est un crime parfait 愛情是最完美的罪案 馬克在洛桑大學教授文學。他與學生搞師生戀已是人所共知的 事。他最新的戀人是他其中一名最出色的女學生巴巴拉,她突 然失蹤,幾日後,他遇到巴巴拉的婆婆安娜,後者希望知道更 多有關這名漂亮的失蹤女子的消息。

2013 · Color 彩色 · 110 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Arnaud Larrieu, Jean-Marie Larrieu 阿諾拉里若、尚馬希拉里若 Cast 演員: Mathieu Amalric, Maïwenn, Karin Viard 馬蒂爾艾馬力、瑪伊雲、卡漢維亞


故事發生在十六世紀的塞文山脈,一個名叫 Michael Kohlhaas的馬商過着快樂富足的家庭生活。當受到一名領主 不公義對待,這名虔誠、正直的人率領他的追隨者拔劍起義, 以暴制暴!

2012 · Color彩色 · 122 min · France/ Germany 法國/ 德國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Arnaud des Pallières 阿諾德柏利耶 Cast 演員: Mads Mikkelsen, David Bennent, Paul Bartel, Bruno Ganz 麥特米克山、大衛貝勒、保羅巴提爾、般奴岡

romantic comedy


Aurore is an international concert pianist. One evening, exhausted after numerous tours, she collapses on stage. She has lost all taste for music. She feels empty, convinced she has nothing left to give her audience. That’s when she meets Jean, who is from an entirely different world. With him, she rediscovers the desire to play. But Jean is not exactly free and Dolores, his partner, has no intention of letting him live another life...

Michael Kohlhass 英雄本色




Miss and the Doctors

21/11 Palace ifc 23/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 27/11 PALACE IFC

30/11 PALACE IFC 7/12 AMC Pacific Place

Une autre vie 別樣的生活 奧羅爾是一名國際知名的鋼琴演奏家。一天晚上,因為連續多 場巡迴演奏而精疲力盡的她暈倒在台上。她對音樂全然失去了 興趣,一時感到非常空虛,更深信自己已再沒有甚麼可以獻給 觀眾。這時,她遇上了來自一個全然不同世界的尚恩。和他一 起,她重新找到演奏的慾望。但尚恩嚴格來說並不是自由身, 而他的伴侶多樂希亦沒有打算讓他過另一種生活……

2013 · Color彩色 · 95 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Emmanuel Mouret 艾曼紐爾莫希 Cast 演員: Joey Starr, Jasmine Trinca, Virginie Ledoyen 祖伊施達、若絲敏特蘭卡、維珍妮雷黛恩 28

Set in the 16th century in rural France, a horse dealer named Michael Kohlhaas leads a happy and prosperous family life. When a lord treats him unjustly, this pious and upstanding man raises an army and puts the country to fire and sword in order to have his rights restored. In Competition – Cannes International Film Festival 2013

Boris and Dimitri are brothers who work together as doctors in the Chinese quarter of Paris. One day, upon looking after a diabetic child, they both fall passionately in love with Judith, this child’s single mother. This unexpected attraction soon creates turmoil in their strong relationship.

Tirez la langue, mademoiselle 小姐與醫生 波希和迪米蒂兩兄弟都是醫生,一直以來,他們都一同在巴黎 第十三區的診所工作。他們的所有時間都是用來照顧病人。某 日,他們開始為一個糖尿病孩童診治。這孩子由單親母親茱迪 芙獨力教養。兩兄弟同時愛上了茱迪芙,突然間,一切都亂 了……

2012 · Color 彩色 · 102 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Axelle Ropert 艾西爾羅佩 Cast 演員: Louise Bourgoin, Cédric Kahn, Laurent Stocker 路薏絲布古安、薛德烈卡漢、羅朗史托加 29


See page 42 for The King and the Mockingbird


animation 動畫


“My name is Aya, I am 19. My neighborhood in Yop City, Abidjan, is always lively and buzzing with our open markets, colorful fabrics, funky cafés, and music everywhere. My two best friends are Adjoua and Bintou. They like to hang out and spend their evenings at the bars; dancing, drinking and flirting with boys. Their ambition is a C-series career plan: Combs, Clothes and Chasing Men! Me? I hope to become a doctor someday...” Big trouble hits town when Adjoua finds out she is pregnant, which changes the course of her life... Against the colorful and spirited backdrop of the Ivory Coast in the 1970s, Aya is a vibrant, beautifully animated film. From teen romance to parental tribulations, it is a rare glimpse into African daily life, set to the funky sounds of a groovy soundtrack.

Aya de Yopougon 愛雅 「我名叫愛雅,19歲。我住的地區的露天市場非常熱鬧,到處 可見都是色彩繽紛的布料,時髦的咖啡座以及輕快的音樂。 我的兩個老友是阿珠和冰桃。她們每晚都喜歡到夜店跳舞,飲 酒,以及與男孩子調情。她們的野心基本上就是梳子、衣服和 追男子!而我呢?我希望有日能成為一個醫生……」 當阿珠發現她懷了孕的時候麻煩大了,而這亦改變了她人生的 路向…… 《愛雅》以1970年代色彩繽紛的象牙海岸作背景,是一部充滿 朝氣,優美的動畫。從少年人戀愛到為人父母的艱難,本片難 得地讓我們一睹非洲人的日常生活。


2013 · Color 彩色 · 84 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Marguerite Abouet, Clément Oubrerie

Oggy and the Cockroaches

animation/ family 合家歡動畫


Since the dawn of time, two forces confront each other in a perpetual, all-consuming, and pitiless combat. This clash of titans, this ancestral struggle, this battle that lasted through the times, is not that of Good and Evil, but that of Oggy versus the Cockroaches!

See page 14 for On the Way to School

Oggy et les cafards 生死一戰 自天地初開,兩股力量便無休止,無情地互相攻擊。這些鬥爭 雖然激烈,但我們卻完全毫不知情。這種兩雄相遇,自古以來 的衝突和經年累月的戰爭並不關乎善與惡,而是Oggy與蟑螂 的戰爭。

2013 · Color 彩色 · 80 mins · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Olivier Jean-Marie 32


A Normal Life. documentary Chronicle of a Sumo Wrestler



23/11 Broadway Cinematheque 7/12 HK Film Archive

Tu seras sumo 辛抱 拓哉夢想成為一名柔道選手。然而,當他年滿十八歲的時候, 他被父親強迫進入相撲學院,他父親還對他說:「家裡已再沒 有你的位置。失敗!你想也不要想!」 遠離他的朋友和時尚的少年生活,拓哉開始接受未來的職業生 涯以及嚴謹和傳統的新生活洗禮。

2012 · Color 彩色 · 83 min · France/ Japan 法國/ 日本 · In Japanese with English subtitles 日語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jill Coulon 吉爾古隆 Cast 演員:Takuya Ogushi

documentary 紀錄片

8/12 HK Film Archive

Pierre Rabhi is a farmer, writer, and thinker. He is one of the pioneers of agri-ecology in France. Passionate and commited for forty years to working for mankind and nature, today he wants to raise awareness in order to build a new model of society where “a happy simplicity” will replace the overconsumption and the malaise of contemporary civilizations. This film retraces the itinerary of this wise man, from the Algerian desert to his international expertise in food production security. The story of a man and his exceptional ability to think and to act by bringing together what is best about humanity to preserve our planet from the sufferings it is subjected to. Pierre Rabhi, au nom de la terre tells the tale of a life path and the thinking that confronts humanity with the issues involved in its own fate.

Pierre Rabhi, au nom de la terre 地球發言人 Pierre Rabhi是一個農夫、作家兼思想家。他是法國農業生態 學的其中一位先鋒。四十年來,他致力於造福人類和大自然的 工作,今日,他希望喚醒人們的意識,明白到建立一個「簡單 快樂」的新社會模式來替代現今這個過度消費,不健康的現代 生活方式的重要性。 本片重溯這位智者的經歷,由阿爾及利亞沙漠到他的對國際糧 產業安全的專業知識。這是有關一個為造益人類和保護地球避 免繼續受人類侵害而作出思考和回應行動的傑出人士的故事。 《地球發言人》講述一個生命的歷程以及當人類面對與自己命 運有關的議題時所作出的思考。

2012 · Color彩色 · 98 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Marie-Dominique Dhelsing 34

Being President 5/12 HK Film Archive

Takuya has always dreamed of becoming a judoka. When he turns 18, he enters a sumo wrestling academy, where he is pressurised by his father who tells him: “There is no longer any room for you at home. Do not even dare think about failing!” Far from his friends and his trendy teenage lifestyle, he enters into his future career and his new, rigorous and traditional life.

Pierre Rabhi, au nom de la terre


Patrick Rotman films the French president as he goes about his daily activities. This is the first time a filmmaker has had such exclusive access. Employing a stripped-back directing style, the film enters deep into and reveals the heart of the Elysée Palace.

Le Pouvoir 總統 柏德烈洛曼在片中紀錄了法國總統的日常活動。這是首次電影 製作者獲准作這樣深入的獨家報導。影片採用了披露性的導演 手法,深入揭示愛麗舍宮的秘密。

2012 · Color 彩色 · 105 min · France 法國 · In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Patrick Rotman 柏德烈洛曼 Cast 演員:François Hollande 弗朗索瓦何朗特

60 years of French Cinema 六十年法國電影回顧


Amelie From Montmartre

The Class

romantic comedy 浪漫喜劇

23/11 HK Arts Centre • 30/11 HK Film Archive

24/11 HK Arts Centre • 30/11 HK City Hall

Amélie is no ordinary girl. Life deals her curious blows: her goldfish slip into the city fountain, her mother dies on the square in front of the Notre-Dame cathedral, and her father transfers all his attention to a garden gnome. Amélie grows up and becomes a barmaid in a Montmartre café, whilst leading a simple life feasting on crèmes brûlées, skimming stones across the Seine, observing people, and letting her imagination run wild. At 22, with her own sense of justice, she decides to help those around her, and along the way, she discovers love. This visually mesmerizing and original piece comes from the director of Delicatessen and The City of Lost Children .

Le Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain 天使愛美麗 自小便懂得將枯燥生命加點糖的愛美麗,廿二歲那年 立下宏 願 — 要令別人活得更精采。首先冒寫情書,為終日憶念負心 亡夫的妻子填補空虛,跟着替人撮合姻緣,為果販伙計出口 氣…… 憑着她的小聰明和愛心,愛美麗如天使般遊走於各人 的生命,將歡樂獻給每一戶人家。但做慣紅娘的她,遇上一個 他,最從情歸何處?這齣扭轉大家生命觀的作品是來自《妙不 可言》和《童夢失魂夜》的導演。

François and his fellow teachers prepare for a new year at a high school in a tough neighbourhood. Armed with the best intentions, they brace themselves to not let discouragement stop them from trying to give the best education to their students. Cultures and attitudes often clash in the classroom, a microcosmo of contemporary France. As amusing and inspiring as the teenaged students can be, their difficult behavior can still jeopardize any teacher’s enthusiasm for the low-paying job. François insists on an atmosphere of respect and diligence. Neither stuffy nor severe, his extravagant frankness often takes the students by surprise. But his classroom ethics are put to test when his students begin to challenge his methods... Palme d'Or – Cannes International Film Festival 2008 2008 • Color 彩色 • 128 min • France 法國 In French with English and Traditional Chinese subtitles

drama 劇情片

24/11 HK Arts Centre • 1/12 HK City Hall

Beauty of the Day dramatizes the collision between depravity and elegance, one of the favorite themes of director Luis Buñuel. Catherine Deneuve stars as a wealthy but bored newlywed, eager to taste life to the fullest. She seemingly gets her wish early in the film when she is kidnapped, tied to a tree, and gang-raped. It turns out that this is only a daydream, but her subsequent visits to a neighboring brothel, where she offers her services, certainly seem to be real. This illusion/reality dichotomy extends to the final scenes, in which we are offered two possible endings. Because of a question of copyright and ownership, Beauty of the Day disappeared from view shortly after its 1967 release, not even resurfacing on videotape. When it was reissued theatrically in 1994, many critics placed the perplexing but mesmerizing film on their lists of that year's best films.

Entre les murs 課室風雲 弗朗索瓦任教的中學位於一個治安惡劣的地區,他與其他教師 們一同準備迎接新學年的到來。他們已作好心理準備絕不氣 餒,立志要讓學生們得到最良好的教育。 課室是當代法國社會的縮影,很多時因為文化和行為態度上的 差異而引發衝突。雖然教導青少年學生可以是很有趣和富啟發 性的工作,但有時學生們執抝難搞的態度卻容易令教師對這份 工資低廉的工作失去原本的熱忱。 弗朗索瓦堅持課室內要保持互相尊重和勤奮的學習氣氛。他既 不古板亦不嚴厲,但他過度坦率的態度經常令學生們感到震 驚。而他在課室內所訂立的道德標準卻因為學生們開始挑戰他 的方法而受到考驗……

The 400 Blows

drama 劇情片

21/11 HK City Hall • 28/11 HK Arts Centre

Belle de jour 青樓紅杏 導演布紐爾最擅長以戲劇性手法將墮落與優雅矛盾地結合在一 起。嘉芙蓮丹露飾演一名富裕的新婚婦人,渴望盡情享受生 命。而影片一開始沒多久,她似乎真的願望成真:她遭綁架, 被綁在樹上並且被輪姦。但原來一切都只是南柯一夢。但她隨 後到訪附近的妓院並自願向妓院提供服務,這似乎非常真實。 這種將虛幻/現實一分為二的手法一直延續至影片的結尾,為 我們提供了兩種結局的可能性。 《青樓紅杏》因為版權和擁有權的問題,在1967年公映後沒多 久便消聲匿跡,甚至沒有錄影帶的版本。當1994年,這電影戲 劇性地再度被發行時,很多影評人都將這部令人迷惑但又極之 吸引的影片加入他們當年的最佳電影的名單中。

1967 • Color 彩色 • 102 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Luis Buñuel 路易布紐爾 Cast 演員: Catherine Deneuve, Jean Sorel, Michel Piccoli 嘉芙蓮丹露、尚素希爾、米修畢哥利 38


2008年康城國際電影節 - 金棕櫚獎 法語對白,繁體中文及英文字幕 Director 導演: Laurent Cantet 羅倫康堤 Cast 演員: François Bégaudeau, Nassim Amrabt, Laura Baquela, Vincent Caire 弗朗索瓦貝高鐸、納森安帕特、羅拉巴凱娜、雲遜凱爾

2001 • Color 彩色 • 120 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Jean-Pierre Jeunet 尚皮亞桑里 Cast 演員: Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, Isabelle Nanty 柯德莉塔圖、馬素卡沙維治、伊莎貝南蒂

Beauty of the Day


It’s as simple as this: if you still haven’t seen The 400 Blows , then you don’t love films. Possibly the most celebrated debut featuure ever, it helped launch the French New Wave into the mainstream and forever changed the landscape of cinema. Antoine Doinel, the anti-hero of the story, is Truffaut’s alter-ego: a bright young boy who is bitter and disenchanted at the world around him. Played to perfection by Jean-Pierre Léaud, Doinel’s hardened gaze and tough exterior belie the vulnerability and pain of his youth. A required viewing for any cinephiles, those who’ve seen it will undoubtedly want to revisit this heartbreaking masterpiece again.

Les Quatre cents coups 四百擊 法國新浪潮響徹影壇的第一把清脆聲音,從來沒有一個導演 可以拍出如此動人的首作。十多年電影養份與雷諾亞的寫實 精神,造就出這股強大的電影動力,杜魯福是法國電影以至 世界電影的一個奇蹟。安坦.但奴五部曲(杜魯福半自傳)的第 一部,故事從他成長在一個掏空了愛的家開始,他的詩情和對 生命的熱情,在獨裁的課室也找不到和應。他逃出家門逃離學 校,為生計淪為小偷…… 回頭已是太難。安坦逃出冰冷的教 導所奔向海邊,長鏡頭緊追不捨,最後凝在他孤獨面對自由的 一臉悵惘──歷史上令一眾影癡最是心碎的一個經典畫面。

1959 • B&W 黑白 • 93 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Claire Maurier, Albert Rémy 尚彼埃李奧、克麗 兒莫希雅、阿爾拔雷美 39

Hiroshima, mon amour

27/11 HK Arts Centre • 1/12 HK Film Archive

A French actress filming an anti-war film in Hiroshima has an affair with a married Japanese architect as they share RESTORED their differing perspectives on war over a 36 hour period. VERSION/ They have had a brief relationship, and are now separating. drama The two debate memory and forgetfulness as she prepares 修復版 / 劇情片 to depart, comparing failed relationships with the bombing of Hiroshima, and the perspectives of people inside and outside the incidents. 廣島之戀 Shown out of competition “for diplomatic reasons” at the 一位法國女演員到廣島參加一部反戰的電影之拍攝工作,在該 1959 Cannes Film Festival, Hiroshima, mon amour won the 地愛上了一位日本已婚建築師。故事講述了他們在一起36小 International Critics Award and received the Film Writers 時期間互相分享對戰爭的看法。一段短暫熾熱的戀情後終於是 Award. It also shared a Prix Méliès with Truffaut’s The 400 分手的時候。在她準備離去之前二人討論回憶和遺忘,透過廣 Blows . It received the New York Film Critics Award for 島原子彈爆炸來比較兩人失敗的戀情,以及這次爆炸事件對人 Best Foreign Film in 1960 and Marguerite Duras, the film’s 們的內在和外在的影響。 screenwriter, was nominated for an Oscar. 《廣島之戀》於1959年康城電影節中以外交理由以作不參展的 Cannes Classics – Cannes International Film Festival 2013 放映,但贏得了國際影評人獎和電影作家獎的榮譽,同年於杜 魯福的《四百擊》分享梅里愛獎。《廣島之戀》十分成功,更 於1960 年榮獲紐約影評人最佳外國電影獎;而瑪嘉烈杜赫絲 亦獲提名角逐同年奧斯卡金像獎「最佳電影原創故事及劇本 獎」。

1959 • B&W 黑白 • 90 min • France 法國 2013年康城國際電影節 - 康城經典電影 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Alain Resnais 阿倫雷里 Cast 演員: Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada, Bernard Fresson 伊曼奈烈華、岡田英次、班納法烈遜

Love on the Run

romantic comedy 浪漫喜劇

23/11 HK Arts Centre 27/11 HK Film Archive

In the previous Antoine Doinel film, Bed and Board , the marriage between Antoine (Jean-Pierre Léaud) and Christine (Claude Jade) had survived Antoine’s infidelity. Love on the Run is set eight years later when Antoine is over thirty. After a troubled marriage of five years, Antoine and Christine Doinel divorce amicably at court. His former sweetheart and presently lawyer, Colette Tazzi, sees Antoine leaving court. When Antoine goes with Alphonse to the train station he sees Colette on another train, and he jumps from the platform to the train and travels with her. On board the train together, they recall their young love and disclose their sentimental relationships; but when Colette tells how she raises money for her self-support, Antoine is disappointed and seeks out Sabine, a vinyl seller with whom he is having an affair.

L’Amour en fuite 愛情逃跑 《婚姻生活》後九年已過,安坦已三十出頭,杜魯福終於為他 的生命來個總結。安坦現在工作穩定,還如願出版了小說,但 終於離了婚,喜歡愛情歷險的死性仍然不改。不過這一次,新 歡舊愛到跑了出來,給他滾水淥腳式的愛情來一個大清算。初 戀對像歌麗如審判官那樣讀他的自傳,安坦從少年走過來的一 幕幕重現,撩動觀眾心弦。安坦重遇母親和舊情人,讓他有機 會撫平傷口。成熟了的是安坦還是杜魯福?也許都是。人是會 成長的,過去的總會過去。

1979 • Color 彩色 • 94 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Marie-France Pisier, Claude Jade 尚彼埃李奧、瑪莉芳絲琵絲雅、葛羅特札特 41

The King and the Mockingbird


24/11 HK Arts Centre • 1/12 HK Film Archive

This classic French animated film is one of those rare pieces of art that are a true explosion of fantasy that will capture a child ’s imagination completely and also fascinate adults. Charles XVI reigns tyrannically over the kingdom of Takicardie. Only the chatty, fun-loving mockingbird that lives in a nest high up in the gigantic palace near the King’s secret chambers has the cheek to taunt him, much to the King’s annoyance. The King is in love with a beautiful shepherdess and he wants to marry her, but she is in love with a brave young chimney sweep and together, they run away to escape the King and his wicked plans. They hide at the top of the tallest tower in the palace, and while hiding, they save a little bird caught in one of the evil King’s traps. The mockingbird is so grateful to them for saving his son that he promises to help them in return for their kindness.

Le Roi et l’oiseau 國王與鳥 這部法國經典動畫是一部藝術結晶之作,充滿無窮的想像力, 吸引了無數小童和成年人的興趣。 查理十六世在國內施行暴政。只有一隻在國王秘密寢室附近的 築巢,非常健談的反舌鳥夠膽當面嘲諷國王,這令他十分煩 惱。 國王愛上了一個美麗的牧羊女,想要和她結婚,但她卻愛上一 個以洗煙窗為生,勇敢的年輕人。為了躲避國王和他邪惡的計 謀,他們一起逃走,並躲在皇宮最高的塔頂之上。期間,他們 救了一隻被國王的陷阱困着的小鳥。反舌鳥非常感激他們救了 牠的兒子,為了報恩,答應幫助他們渡過難關。

1979 • Color 彩色 • 87 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Paul Grimault 保羅格雷姆

drama 劇情片


Daniel is a successful self-employed businessman who has been dating Sonia for nearly three years. Daniel deeply loves Sonia, and while she feels the same way about him, he often has his doubts; Daniel is irrationally jealous and suspects that Sonia has lost her desire for him, no matter what she does to convince him otherwise. One day, while riding home on the subway, he sees a woman being attacked and tries to come to her aid, to no avail. Afterwards, a stranger approaches Daniel and shares his opinions about the incident; Daniel doesn’t think much of it until the stranger begins appearing on a regular basis, taking an uncomfortably strong interest in him. The man’s interest quickly becomes full-blown stalking, and no matter how hard Daniel tries to persuade him that he’s not interested in him - including resorting to violence - the stranger will not believe that Daniel doesn’t return his affection.

Official Selection – Venice International Film Festival 2009

Persécution 迫害 丹尼爾是一位成功的自僱商人,與桑妮亞拍拖已差不多三年。雖 然二人互相深愛對方,但丹尼爾還是對這段感情患得患失;經常 因妒忌而失去理智,儘管桑妮亞已多番作出保證,但他仍然懷 疑她對自己已失去興趣。某日,他坐地鐵回家時目睹一名女子受 襲,想幫助她但並不成功。之後,一個陌生人前來與丹尼爾分享 他對這次事件的意見;而過後,丹尼爾對此也沒有多想,直至該 陌生人不停地在他面前出現,並對他產生出令人不安的濃厚興 趣。該名男子的興趣最後演變成失控的死纏爛打。無論丹尼爾如 何勸說他,試圖讓他明白自己對他沒有興趣,甚至使用暴力,也 不能使那陌生人相信丹尼爾並不回應他的感情。

2009年威尼斯國際電影節 - 正式入選電影 2009 • Color 彩色 • 100 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Patrice Chéreau 柏德烈薛浩 Cast 演員: Romain Duris, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Gilles Cohen 羅曼杜希、夏樂蒂金絲寶、尚曉格安格拉特、吉爾高昂

The Piano Teacher


drama 劇情片

27/11 HK Arts Centre • 7/12 HK Film Archive

修復版 / 喜劇

Mr. Hulot’s Holiday 23/11 HK Arts Centre 29/11 HK Film Archive

In a seaside resort on the Atlantic coast, vacationers settle in, their city dweller habits in tow. Monsieur Hulot, behind the wheel of his clanking old jalopy, shatters the summer quiet. To the children’s great delight, he offers the hotel residents a vacation one they have never experienced before. This film was presented by Alliance Française de Hong Kong in 1953, the year of its realease.


Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot 于洛先生的假期 渡假的人帶着他們城市生活的習慣來到大西洋海岸的一處海濱 渡假村。于洛先生開着他的老爺車叮叮噹噹的到來,打破了夏 日的寧靜。 他的出現讓孩童們樂透了,但卻為旅館的住客帶來一個他們從 未經歷過的假期! 香港法國文化協會於1953年當本片剛推出時在香港放映這部電 影。

1953 • B&W 黑白• 114 min • France/ Germany 法國/ 德國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Jacques Tati 賈克大地 Cast 演員: Jacques Tati, Nathalie Pascaud, Micheline Rolla 賈克大地、娜塔妮巴絲高、米絲蓮露拉

Erika Kohut is a piano teacher at a prestigious conservatory in Vienna and a brilliant pianist in her own right. She lives with her dominating, jealous mother; sharing the same bed at night, in a claustrophobic love-hate relationship, whilst her father is dying in a mental hospital. Erika walks a tightrope between her two lives, the proper, cultured musician and her other side, the woman who watches porn in booths, peeps on couples in drive-ins and mercilessly mutilates herself. When a brash, handsome young man pursues her Erika coldly rejects him. This only makes Klemmer more determined, however, and Kohut eventually relents - but with conditions. She puts them down in a letter, the details of which lead to horrific consequences. Grand Prize – Cannes International Film Festival 2001

La Pianiste 鋼琴教師 艾麗嘉在維也納一間著名音樂學院教授鋼琴,而她本人亦是一 位出色的鋼琴家。她與專制和善妒的母親住在一起,晚上更同 睡一床,二人的關係愛恨糾纏,而她的父親正在精神病院中重 病垂危。艾麗嘉困難地遊走於兩種不同的生活之間,一面是端 裝有教養的音樂家,另一面是一邊看小電影或到汽車酒店偷窺 情侶偷歡,一邊自虐的女子。 當一個莽撞的年青人對她展開追求時她冷淡地拒絕了他。但這 反而令克雷米的意志更堅定。最後,艾麗嘉終於肯接受 ─ 但 卻是有條件的。她將條件寫在信上,誰不知這卻引來可怕的後 果。

2001 • Color 彩色 • 130 min France/ Austria/ Germany 法國/ 奧地利/ 德國 2001年康城國際電影節 - 大獎 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Michael Haneke 米高漢尼卡 Cast 演員: Isabelle Huppert, Annie Girardot, Anna Sigalevitch, Susanne Lothar 伊莎貝雨蓓、安妮謝拉鐸、安娜史嘉維珠、蘇珊洛妲




The Red Circle

22/11 HK City Hall • 28/11 HK Arts Centre

Corey is a cool, aristocratic thief, released from prison on the same day that Vogel, a murderer, escapes from the custody of Mattei, a police superintendent. A friendship soon develops between these two men. Corey robs Rico, his mob boss, and then enlists Vogel and an ex-police sharpshooter, Jansen, in a jewel heist at a store on the Place Vendôme. While Corey is harassed by the vengeful Rico, Mattei pressures Santi, a nightclub owner and pimp, to help him trap the thieves...

Le Cercle rouge 奪寶群英 冷面大盜哥爾在出獄當日遇上剛逃獄的殺人犯溫祖。哥爾打劫 黑道大佬域高,然後與溫祖連同酗酒的前警探神槍手積臣,三 人計劃聯手打劫巴黎珠寶店。哥爾的老大維高對他展開追殺; 警探馬迪向夜店老板兼皮條客桑狄施壓,要後者幫助他設計緝 拿三人……


Cannes Classics - Cannes International Film festival 2002

1970 • Color 彩色 • 150 min • France/ Italy 法國/ 意大利 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director導演: Jean-Pierre Melville 尚皮亞梅維爾 Cast演員: Alain Delon, Bourvil, Gian Maria Volonté 阿倫狄龍、寶維爾、吉安馬利亞禾朗提

drama 劇情片

To Our Loves

23/11 HK Arts Centre • 1/12 HK City Hall

15-year-old Suzanne is enjoying life; sneaking out to fool around with her boyfriend, and flirting with sailors. When two life-changing events drive her into an unfulfilling cycle of pleasure seeking, she sleeps with an American man that drives off her boyfriend, and her father leaves the family for another woman. After this, she bounces from boy to boy, and her relationships with her mother and brother worsen to violence. She continues to seek happiness in life without knowing how to love...

A nos amours 獻給我們的愛 十五歲的蘇珊正享受生命,瞞着父母外出與男朋友鬼混,與水 手調情。她的男朋友因為她與一個美國人上床而與她分手,她 父親為了另一個女人拋棄家庭這兩件足以改變生命的事件導致 她只顧貪圖享樂。她的男朋友換了一個又一個,與母親和弟弟 的關係惡化,最後演變成暴力。但她不停地在生活中尋找幸 福,只是她並不懂得如何去愛……

1983 • Color彩色 • 102 min • France 法國 • In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演: Maurice Pialat 莫里斯皮亞拉 Cast 演員: Sandrine Bonnaire, Evelyne Ker, Pierre-Loup Rajot 桑德蓮博納妮、伊芙蓮加爾、皮亞路哈祖 44

short Films Selection 短片精選 (66 ’)

The Big Beast 大怪獸 (La Grosse bête) 2013 • 6’20” • Director 導演:Pierre-Luc Granjon In the kingdom, a legend says that a huge beast will come to eat you when you least expect it. 在國內,一直流傳着有一頭大怪獸會在人們不知不覺間將人吞噬。

7/12 HK Film Archive

All films are in French with English subtitles 全部短片法語對白,英文字幕

The Little Blond Boy With a White Sheep 小孩與 白棉羊 (Le Petit blond avec un mouton blanc) 2013 • 8’35” • Director 導演:Éloi Henriod It is the start of the school term. Pierre escapes from the joylessness of school on the occasion of an essay. He remembers the happy memories of his holidays spent in the company of his sheep. 開課了。彼得藉着寫作逃離沉悶無趣的學校。他回憶起假期時與他的小棉羊在 一起的快樂時光。

Bouddha 佛祖 (Bouddhi) 2012 • 8’ • Director 導演:Sophie Galibert A young girl, recently returned from a trip to Nepal, invites a friend to her place. They chat and then decide to meditate, beginning something that will shatter their relationship.

Ludwig’s Demons 貝多芬的魔鬼 (Les Démons de Ludwig)

一個剛從尼泊爾旅行回來的少女邀請一個女朋友到她家作客。她們聊天之後決 定一同冥想。此舉將破壞她們之間的關係。

2013 • 10’ • Director 導演:Gabriel Jacquel A man goes up on stage, sits on his piano stool, and gets ready to play Beethoven. Very soon, the sheets of music take control of the keyboard, and disrupt this grand maestro’s performance.

Diagnosis 診斷 (Diagnostic)

No Comment 沒有意見

2013 • 8’10” • Director 導演:Fabrice Bracq Dr. Semyc specialises in a widespread disease for which there is no cure to date. It is a tricky task to announce the diagnosis, but he nonetheless accomplishes this exercise to perfection. 森美醫生是一種廣泛傳染,至今仍未有治療方法的疾病的病理學家。向病人宣 佈診斷結果從來都是一件棘手的工作,然而他卻能完美地完成任務。

Hope 希望 2012 • 5’21” • Director 導演:Dominique Blanc Taking place in a theatre, at the end of a show, the clown says goodbye to the only member of the audience after completing his final turn. In despair and crying back in his dressing room, he removes his make-up. A face appears, that of a woman...

一名男子走上舞台,坐在鋼琴前的椅子上,準備演奏貝多芬的音樂。沒多久, 樂譜便完全控制了琴鍵,破壞了大師的演出。

2012 • 3’41” • Director 導演:Alexandra Naoum A young woman goes to two unexpected meetings at the Jardin du Luxembourg. Against a humorous backdrop, No Comment explores female prejudices towards men. 一名年輕女子到盧森堡花園去出席兩個意外的約會。《沒有意見》以風趣幽默 的手法來處理女性對男性的偏見。

LEAVING 離去 (PARTIR) 2012 • 6’17” • Director 導演:Christophe Brachet It is the dream that guides our existence. It is the dream that sometimes leads us far away from everything. And it is also the dream that loses us and chains us to reality. But the choice to leave always remains a possibility.

在最後一場表演結束時,小丑向劇院中唯一的觀眾說再見。極度失望的小丑回 到化妝間落妝時失望地痛哭。一個面孔出現在鏡中,是一個女子的面孔……

我們的生命是受到夢想的指引。有時,夢想會帶我們遠離一切。但亦是夢想使 我們迷失和將我們困在現實當中。但總是可以選擇離去的。

Legging It 拔腿就跑 (Jambes à son cou)

Pianoworks 13 鋼琴組曲13

2013 • 7’10” • Director 導演:Romilly Walton Masters A misunderstanding brings about an unexpected turn of events to a romantic date. To get out of this embarrassing situation, a woman takes matters into her own hands. Despite everything, love conquers all.

2012 • 2’19” • Director 導演:Julien Martorell Pianoworks 13 is mix of motion design and live action. Accompanied by a soundtrack produced solely on the piano, each of the four hip-hop dancers perform in their own style. The film portrays the strong bonds between the body, the instrument, and the instrumentalist. Through the dancers’ movements, a type of calligraphic language is created. 《鋼琴組曲13》結合了動作設計和實景故事。在鋼琴音樂的配樂下,四位 hiphop 舞者各自發揮自己的動作。影片展現了軀體、樂器和演奏者之間的緊密連

因誤會導致一次浪漫的約會出現了使人意想不到的狀況。一個女子為了逃避面 對這尷尬的局面,決定親自解決問題。無論怎樣,愛能戰勝一切。




PALACE ifc Podium L1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central 香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場一樓 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 5 November 2013 由2013年11月5日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買

Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂 劇院 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環愛丁堡廣場5號 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 香港電影資料館 電影院 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 香港西灣河鯉景道50號

agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心 agnès b. 電影院 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔港灣道2號

Tickets available from 5 November 2013 onwards at URBTIX outlets 門票由2013年11月5日起於城市電腦售票網發售 Tickets 票價:

AMC Pacific Place Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong 香港皇后大道88號太古廣場一樓 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 5 November 2013 由2013年11月5日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買

HK City Hall & HK Film Archive 香港大會堂及香港電影資料館 $60: Regular Price 正價 $55: Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員 (每場限購票兩張) $45: Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (Tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis)

HK Arts Centre 香港藝術中心 $70: Regular Price 正價 $65: Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員 (每場限購票兩張) $50: Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (Tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis)

全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾 人士及看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人 ( 全日制學生及綜援受惠人士優惠票先到先 得,額滿即止)

全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾 人士及看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人 ( 全日制學生及綜援受惠人士優惠票先到先 得,額滿即止)

Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心 Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, KLN (Yaumatei MTR-Exit C) 九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園 (港鐵油麻地站 C出口)


$70 Regular Price 正價 $63 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) $56 Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員 (每場限購票兩張) $90 For the screening of Blue is the Warmest Colour 《接近無限溫暖的藍》 (For discount of this film, please visit our website 本片的折扣優惠請瀏覽本電影節的網址) Phone ticketing 電話購票:2388 3188 Online ticketing 網上購票:www.cinema.com.hk Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388 0002 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$8手續費

$40: Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人 (每場限購票兩張) Special Package 特惠套票: $240:For 5 tickets of any five screenings 任選五場放映,每場一張

$45: Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) (每場限購票兩張) Special Package 特惠套票: $240:For 5 tickets of any five screenings 任選五場放映,每場一張

Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢:2734 9009 x Telephone Credit Card Bookingg 信用卡電話購票:2111 5999 Internet Booking 網上購票:www.urbtix.hk x Programme Enquiries 節目查詢:2527 7825 Websites 網址:www.hkfrenchfilmfestival.com x www.afhongkong.org x www.lcsd.gov.hk/fp Remarks 備註: • Patrons can only enjoy either one of the above discount schemes for purchase of the same ticket. Please inform the box office at the time of purchase which discount scheme you wish to enjoy. 訂購每張門票,最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠,請於購票時先向票務人員說明欲使用之優惠。

• The Hong Kong Film Archive box office only provides counter sales and ticket collection services for film programmes at LCSD venues. 香港電影資料館售票處只設發售及領取康文署場地放映的電影節目門票之服務。


$90 Regular Price 正價 $81 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人 (每場限購票兩張) $77 Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員 (每場限購票兩張) Phone ticketing 電話購票:2388 3188 Online ticketing 網上購票:www.cinema.com.hk Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388 6268 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$8手續費

• Discount for Alliance Française membership cardholders and Broadway Cinematheque VIP members is not available for internet booking and telephone credit card booking. 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人及百老匯電影中心VIP會員優惠不適用於網上購票及信用卡電話購票。 There is a service fee of $7 per ticket, up to a maximum of $23 per transaction for internet booking and telephone credit card booking. 網上購票及信用卡電話購票手續費為每張門票$7,而每次不多於$23

$90 Regular Price 正價 $81 Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) $110 For the screening of Blue is the Warmest Colour 《接近無限溫暖的藍》 (For discount of this film, please visit our website 本片的折扣優惠請瀏覽本電影節的網址) Phone ticketing 電話購票:2265 8933 Online ticketing 網上購票: www.amccinemas.com.hk Enquiry Hotline: 2265 8933 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$8手續費

Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 5 November 2013 由2013年11月5日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買

Special Notes: At the time of this programme goes to print, some of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In the event that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old (with the original tickets intact) from 13 to 24 December 2013 at the Alliance Française de Hong Kong, 2/F, 123 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter and sponsors. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. 本節目表付印時,部份影片未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有影片被分類為第三級者,未滿18歲的持票人可帶同完整門票由2013年12月13 日 至24日到灣仔軒尼詩道123號二樓法國文化協會辦理退票手續。 本節目的內容並不反映主辦機構及贊助者的意見。如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目或時間的權利。




Presented by

Date 日期

20/11 Wed (三) 21/11 Thu (四) 22/11 Fri (五)

Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂•劇院

Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 香港電影資料館•電影院

agnes b. Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心•agnes b. 電影院

7:00 pm Persecution 迫害 (100’) 7:00 pm The 400 Blows 四百擊 (93’) 7:00 pm The Red Circle 奪寶群英 (150’)

AMC Pacific Place


2:00 pm The Class 課室風雲 (128’) 4:30 pm Love on the Run 愛情逃跑 (94’) 6:30 pm Mr. Hulot’s Holiday 于洛先生的假期 (114’) 8:30 pm To Our Loves 獻給我們的愛 (102’) 2:00 pm Beauty of the Day 青樓紅杏 (102’) 4:30 pm The King and the Mockingbird 國王與鳥 (87’) 6:30 pm Persecution 迫害 (100’) 8:30 pm Amelie from Montmartre 天使愛美麗 (120’)

24/11 Sun (日)

8:00 pm Lovers 別樣的生活 (95’) 7:45 pm Love is a Perfect Crime 愛情是最完美的罪案 (110’) 9:50 pm The Gilded Cage 金色牢籠 (90’) 6:10 pm Oggy and the Cockroaches 生死一戰 (80’) 7:45 pm The Nun 修辱 (114’) 9:50 pm It Boy 廿年之距 (92’)

7:50 pm Just A Sigh 邂逅之時 (105’) 8:00 pm The Gilded Cage 金色牢籠 (90’) 9:50 pm Lovers 別樣的生活 (95’)

7:30 pm Love on the Run 愛情逃跑 (94’)

28/11 Thu (四)

7:30 pm Henri 亨利 (107’)

29/11 Fri (五)

7:30 pm Mr. Hulot’s Holiday 于洛先生的假期 (114’)

8:00 pm Bright Days Ahead 明天無限好 (95’)

7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm

Hiroshima, mon amour 廣島之戀 (90’) The Piano Teacher 鋼琴教師 (130’) The 400 Blows 四百擊 (93’) The Red Circle 奪寶群英 (150’)

9:50 pm

The Volcano 冤家愛作戰 (92’)

30/11 Sat (六)

4:30 pm Amélie from Montmartre 天使愛美麗 (120’) 7:30 pm Henri 亨利 (107’)

7:30 pm The Class 課室風雲 (128’)

4:00 pm Miss and the Doctors 小姐與醫生 (102’) 6:00 pm Just A Sigh 邂逅之時 (105’)

1/12 Sun (日)

2:00 pm Beauty of the Day 青樓紅杏 (102’) 4:30 pm To Our Loves 獻給我們的愛 (102’) 8:00 pm Henry 亨利 (107’)

6:30 pm The King and the Mockingbird 國王與鳥 (87’) 8:30 pm Hiroshima, mon amour 廣島之戀 (90’)

1:30 pm 3:15 pm 5:05 pm 7:30 pm 9:50 pm 7:50 pm

2/12 Mon (一) 3/12 Tue (二) 4/12 Wed (三)

7:50 pm Inch’ Allah (107’) 8:00 pm The Dream Kids 天之驕子 (90’) 6:20 pm A Normal Life. Chronicle of a Sumo Wrestler 辛抱 (83’) 8:00 pm Lovers 別樣的生活 (95’) 9:50 pm The Rendez-Vous of Déjà-Vu 七月十四的女孩 (88’) 3:45 pm Games of Clouds and Rain 雲雨遊戲 (90’) 5:30 pm Bright Days Ahead 明天無限好 (95’)

3:50 pm Renoir 雷諾亞 (112’) 6:00 pm The Dream Kids 天之驕子 (90’) 7:45 pm Cycling With Molière 與莫里哀結伴同行 (104’)

25/11 Mon (一) 26/11 Tue (二) 27/11 Wed (三)

The Rendez-Vous of Déjà-Vu 七月十四的女孩 (88’) The Girl from Nowhere 哪兒來的女子 (91') Bright Days Ahead 明天無限好 (95’) Michael Kohlhaas 英雄本色 (122’) Chinese Puzzle (117’) Grigris 舞吧!舞吧!(101’)

7:50 pm Cycling With Molière 與莫里哀結伴同行 (104’) 7:45 pm Love is a Perfect Crime 愛情是最完美的罪案 (110’) 7:35 pm Jimmy P. (Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian) 一個平原印第安人的心理療程 (116’) 3:50 pm Oggy and the Cockroaches 生死一戰 (80’) 5:25 pm Michael Kohlhaas 英雄本色 (122’) 7:45 pm Möbius (103’) 6:20 pm Les Apaches 流氓 (82’) 8:00 pm It boy 廿年之距 (92’)

9:50 pm Just A Sigh 邂逅之時 (105’)

5/12 Thu (四)

7:30 pm Being President 總統 (105’)

9:50 pm

Jimmy P. (Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian)

6:30 pm Blue is Warmest Colour 接近無限溫暖的藍 (179’)

6/12 Fri (五)

7:30 pm Jimmy P. (Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian) 一個平原印第安人的心理療程 (116’) 1:30 pm Games of Clouds and Rain 雲雨遊戲 (90’) 3:30 pm Short Films Selection 短片精選 (66’) 5:30 pm The Piano Teacher 鋼琴教師 (130’) 8:15 pm A Normal Life. Chronicle of a Sumo Wrestler 辛抱 (83’) 2:30 pm Pierre Rabhi, au nom de la terre 地球發言人 (98’) 7:00 pm On the Way to School (74’)

9:50 pm

True Friends 真摯友誼 (104’)

8:15 pm

5:20 pm

Aya of Yop City 愛雅 (84’)

7:50 pm Turning Tide (96’) 9:45 pm Miss and the Doctors 小姐與醫生 (102’)

一個平原印第安人的心理療程 (116’)

8/12 Sun (日)

9/12 Mon (一) 10/12 Tue (二) 11/12 Wed (三) 12/12 Thu (四)



9:40 pm Opening film - The Nun 修辱 (114’)

23/11 Sat (六)

7/12 Sat (六)

Broadway Cinematheque

9:50 pm The Volcano 冤家愛作戰 (92’) 7:45 pm Love is a Perfect Crime 愛情是最完美的罪案 (110’) 8:00 pm It Boy 廿年之距 (92’) 9:45 pm Renoir 雷諾亞 (112’) 2:00 pm Gare du Nord 北方車站 (119’) 4:15 pm Blue is Warmest Colour 接近無限溫暖的藍 (179’) 7:30 pm Grigris 舞吧!舞吧! (101’) 2:00 pm Aya of Yop City 愛雅 (84’) 3:40 pm Jealousy 嫉妒 (77')

9:50 pm Möbius (103’) 8:00 pm The Gilded Cage 金色牢籠 (90’) 9:50 pm Cycling With Molière 與莫里哀結伴同行 (104’) 8:00 pm Venus in Fur 玩謝大導演 (96’)

Jealousy 嫉妒 (77’)

7:30 pm Chinese Puzzle (117’) 9:45 pm The Girl from Nowhere 哪兒來的女子 (91’) 7:45 pm 8:05 pm 9:45 pm 8:15 pm

Inch’ Allah (101’) Les Apaches 流氓 (82’) Venus in Fur 玩謝大導演 (96’) On the Way to School (74’)

7:30 pm Gare du Nord 北方車站 (119’) 7:30 pm 9:50 pm 7:50 pm 9:50 pm

Michael Kohlhaas 英雄本色 (112’) Jealousy 嫉妒 (77’) True Friends 真摯友誼 (104’) Turning Tide (96’) 51

6 0 th A n n i v e r s a r y


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