French Cinepanorama 2014 Catalogue

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43 The

19 NOV > 11 DeC 2014

Presented by:

Major Partner:


K F F Hong Kong French Film Festival

Venue and Ticke ng Services Sponsered by:




Hong Kong French Film Festival

19 NOV > 11 DeC 2014




Forewords 前言 Arnaud Barthélémy

Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macao 法國駐香港及澳門總領事

French films get a second life with their international career. Since January 2014, over 65 million people worldwide have rushed to their hometown cinemas to discover the latest French movies. 2014 has been a promising year: Serial Bad Weddings , which made 12 million entries in France, already attracted an audience of more than 3 million people across 17 countries and Thomas Cailley’s debut film, Love at First Fight , won the FIPRESCI prize, awarded by the International Federation of Film Critics. In 2013, 19 films were officially released in Hong Kong by movie distributors for public screenings and many more were presented in local film festivals. The French Cinepanorama is one of them and the oldest film festival in Hong Kong. By working closely with local distributors and theaters, Alliance Française de Hong Kong has been offering to the Hong Kong audience an outstanding overview of the French cinema for more than 60 years. The 43rd edition of the French Cinepanorama will present once again a wide range of recent films: critic-acclaimed art house films, such as Saint Laurent by Bertrand Bonello, Pierre Salvadori’s popular comedy In the Courtyard , or the eagerly awaited movie, Clouds of Sils Maria by Olivier Assayas, which was part of the last Cannes Film Festival official selection. I am glad to support Alliance Française in its commitment to bring to Hong Kong the creativity and diversity of French cinema.

法國電影在國際影壇上再度活躍起來。自 2014 年 1 月起, 全世界超過六千五百萬名觀眾趕往他們附近的影院欣賞 最新上映的法國電影。2014 年是美好的一年:影片《非常 (Serial Bad Weddings)在法國的入場入次共一千 4 女婿》 二百萬,在其他十七個國家亦已吸引了超過三百萬觀眾 入場,而杜馬凱利(Thomas Cailley)的《初戀戰士》 (Love at First Fight)更獲國際影評人協會頒發費比西國際影評人獎。

2013 年,有十九部影片由電影發行公司在香港公開放映, 有更多的是在本地的一些電影節中放映,而其中的香港法國 電影節更是香港最具歷史的電影節。香港法國文化協會透過 與本地的發行商及電影院緊密合作,在過去六十年來不斷為 香港的觀眾介紹法國的精選電影。 第四十三屆香港法國電影節再次介紹一系列不同類別的 最新電影製作:由貝特朗波尼洛(Bertrand Bonello)導演, 備受影評人的讚賞的藝術電影的《時裝巨人的狂情歲月》 (Saint Laurent) ;皮 耶 薩 爾 瓦 多(Pierre Salvadori)非 常 賣座的喜劇《In the Courtyard》,或今年康城電影節的入選 電影,奧利華阿薩耶斯(Olivier Assayas)萬眾期待的《坐看 雲起時》(Clouds of Sils Maria)。本人很高興能支持法國 文化協會致力在香港推廣法國電影的創意和多元化。

2014 年的節目表既吸引電影愛好者,同時亦兼顧到剛接觸

This 2014 program will thrill film lovers but also newcomers: comedy, drama, documentary or animated film, long feature or short movie, everyone will find a customized adventure to live with French cinema.

法國電影的朋友之口味:喜劇、劇情片、紀錄片或動畫, 長片或短片,在法國電影中,每一個觀眾都可以從中找到 一部剪裁合身的心水之作。

I wish you a great festival rich in emotion on the silver screen.


Justice Robert Ribeiro

President, Alliance Française de Hong Kong 香港法國文化協會主席

香港法國文化協會非常榮幸與 主要贊助夥伴香港寶嘉建築有限 公司合作,為大家獻上更具規模, 節目更豐富的第四十三屆香港法國 電影節。 繼去年由以往的兩個星期延長至三個星期後,電影節今年更 將範圍擴闊,延伸至新界的電影院,使九龍區覆蓋的範圍更 廣泛。 今年的節目由於影片的質素極高及種類繁多,同時又能反映 現 實, 所 以 特 別 豐 富,60 多 部 影 片 共 放 映 125 場 次。 這 60 多部電影當中有 6 部更是與法國同時間上映,有的甚至 是在法國還未公開放映。 本屆電影節邀請了四位法國電影界的知名人士來港親自 介紹他們的新作,這些將在香港發行的電影在電影節期間 作隆重首映。 本人在此謹向這些香港電影發行機構致謝,他們一年復 一年地為推廣法國電影而作出努力,是這第四十三屆法國 電影節的合作夥伴。 出席電影節開幕禮的三位嘉賓分別是:大眾期待已久的 影 片《 時 裝 巨 人 的 狂 情 歲 月 》(Saint Laurent)的 男 主 角 卡 斯 柏 烏 尼 奧(Gaspard Ulliel)以 及 2014 年 法 國 票 房 最 賣座的影片《非常 4 女婿》 (Serial Bad Weddings)的導演 Philippe de Chauveron 及演員 Frédéric Chau。 11 月 27 日及 30 日,影片《人神之間》(Of God and Men) 的導演 Xavier Beauvois 將親自介紹他的新作《The Price of Fame 》,這部電影將於 2015 年 1 月在法國公映。 最後,為紀念電影新浪潮的代表人物杜魯福逝世三十週年, 我們特別選映他的十二部經典之作,當中有十部更是剛完成 修復工程,首次向香港觀眾介紹的復刻版。 謹祝大家觀映愉快!

The 43 rd edition of French Cinepanorama, presented by the Alliance Française, in association with its Major Partner, Dragages Hong Kong, promises to be exceptional in its development and programming. Following last year’s expansion from two to three weeks, this year’s festival now extends into the New Territories and strengthens its presence in Kowloon. With over 60 films and 125 screenings, this year’s programming is particularly rich in terms of not only its quality and diversity, but also its overall relevance. Indeed, I am pleased to announce that 6 of our films will be presented here at the same time as their release in France, some even before! This year, four celebrities from the world of French cinema will honour us with their presence as they present their film for Hong Kong distribution, in preview showings for the festival. I wish to extend heartfelt thanks to the Hong Kong distributors who promote French films throughout the year and who are associated with this 43rd edition of the festival. We will first welcome three talents for the festival’s opening event: Gaspard Ulliel, the lead actor of the highly anticipated film Saint Laurent ; and director Philippe de Chauveron and actor Frédéric Chau, whose film Serial Bad Weddings has been one of 2014’s biggest box office hits in France. On November 27th and 30th, Xavier Beauvois, the director of Of God and Men , will present his latest film, The Price of Fame , ahead of its scheduled release in France in January 2015. Finally, don’t forget our François Truffaut retrospective, presented on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his death, which features 12 masterpieces by the New Wave icon, with an outstanding selection of 10 recently restored films that will be shown for the first time in Hong Kong. Have a great festival!


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Forewords 前言 Mr. Nicolas Borit

Managing Director of Dragages Hong Kong 香港寶嘉建築有限公司董事總經理

It’s a great pleasure to join hands with Alliance Française de Hong Kong as the major partner of this year’s Hong Kong French Film Festival. Both Dragages Hong Kong and Alliance Française de Hong Kong have deep roots in this dynamic city, and we’re both committed to creativity and innovation in our work. From our very first project, constructing the iconic Kai Tak Airport runway back in 1955, Dragages Hong Kong has always been linked to Hong Kong’s major infrastructure projects. Today, more than half a century later, we continue to grow in tandem with Hong Kong, working on visionary new infrastructure projects that create a strong foundation for Hong Kong’s continued success and prosperity. Much like Alliance Française de Hong Kong, our long presence here has given us an intimate understanding of Hong Kong, enabling us to bring together the finest talent for the benefit of the entire community. Indeed, like the films you are going to enjoy in this year’s Hong Kong French Film Festival, it all begins with big ideas and a relentless passion for artistry, aiming to share the best with the local community.

香港寶嘉建築非常榮幸與香港法國文化協會攜手合作, 成為本年度香港法國電影節之主要合作夥伴。香港寶嘉 建築與香港法國文化協會植根香港這個充滿動感及活力的 都市,並致力推廣嶄新創意的思維。 我們在港的首個工程項目可追溯至 1955 年,興建具標誌 性的啟德機場跑道。自此,香港寶嘉建築一直與香港大型 基礎建設緊密相連。逾半個世紀後的今天,我們繼續與 香港並肩成長,參與建設多個有利社會長遠發展的新基建 項目,為香港的持續成功與繁榮奠下穩固基石。 我們與香港法國文化協會一樣,服務香港多年,充分了解 香港的社會特色,匯聚了業內最優秀專才,為香港的整體 利益作出貢獻。事實上,各位在今年度香港法國電影節將 會觀賞到的電影,同樣源自偉大意念及對藝術的熱誠, 務求與香港市民分享最美好的事情。 展望將來,我們將恪守對香港的堅定承諾,繼續在基建 項目上引入嶄新的方案,致力締造一個可持續發展的綠化 城市,讓市民無論在生活、工作及休閒娛樂各方面,盡享 精彩豐盛人生。

Looking to the future, our commitment to Hong Kong will continue guiding us to create infrastructure solutions that enrich people’s everyday lives; constantly striving to build a greener, more sustainable city where it’s always a pleasure to live, work and play.




About the 香港法國電影節 點滴 French Cinepanorama The extraordinary dynamism of French cinema will once again mark the 43rd edition of the French Cinepanorma (FCP), the Hong Kong French Film Festival, which is the oldest and one of the largest film festivals in Hong Kong. Since the first festival in November 1953, in which the cult film directed by Jacques Tati, Mr. Hulot’s Holiday , was shown for the first time in Hong Kong, the festival has constantly promoted and accompanied the evolution of French cinema, from the prominent and influential New Wave period until today. The festival has shown hundreds of French films, attracting mostly local audiences, from cinephile to the general public – including some Hong Kong artists and directors who had their first exposure to French cinema at the festival. The programming of the 43rd French Cinepanorma reflects the continuing renewal and invigorating diversity of French cinema through very high quality first-feature films from new directors as well as films from world famous French directors, from comedy to drama, from animation films to documentaries, not to forget short films. The festival has remained accessible to all audiences and is truly representative of what French cinema is. Among the most recent films to be brought to the festival this year, several premiered at the leading film festivals of Cannes, Venice and Berlin just a few months ago. We are delighted to open the festival with France ’s official Oscar submission Saint Laurent from director Bertrand Bonello with the charismatic actor Gaspard Ulliel. We are also honoured to welcome to our opening ceremony director Philippe de Chauveron and actor Frédéric Chau of the French box office hit Serial Bad Weddings . Both films will be screened in advanced of their Hong Kong release dates during the festival. In addition, director Xavier Beauvois will be in Hong Kong to present his latest film The Price of Fame , which will be showcased prior to its official release in France, in 2015. These are only three of the six outstanding Gala Premieres the festival will host this year, thanks to the strong relationship we are fortunate enough to enjoy with Hong Kong film distributors. Last but not least, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the disappearance of French New Wave Icon François Truffaut (1932–1984), this year’s edition of the French Cinepanorama will pay tribute to this legendary director. The FCP will present a retrospective of 10 recently restored films, shown for the first time in Hong Kong, highlighting François Truffaut and his actresses. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy! 香港法國電影節是香港最具歷史和其中一個最具規模的電影節,第四十三屆香港法國電影節再度標誌着法國電影的無盡創意 與活力。 自 1953 年 11 月第一次舉辦電影節開始,當時首次在香港展映了賈克大地經典之作《于洛先生的假期》,自此,電影節 伴隨着法國電影的發展,由影響深遠的新浪潮時代至今,一直不遺餘力地推廣法國的電影製作。電影節放映過數以百計 的法國影片,吸引了無數本地公眾和電影發燒友,有不少香港藝人和導演更是透過本電影節首次接觸法國電影。 第四十三屆法國電影節透過一些新晉導演的首作和資深法國導演的高質素作品反映法國電影工業那不斷創新和多元化的 特質,展映的節目應有盡有,由喜劇到劇情片,動畫到紀錄片,當然還有短片,盡量迎合各種觀眾的口味和興趣,並充份 地展現了法國電影的實況。 本屆電影節介紹的新片當中,有幾部於數月前在康城、威尼斯和柏林等多個大型電影節中首映。我們很榮幸能以代表 法國參加奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片獎,貝特朗波尼洛(Bertrand Bonello)的《時裝巨人的狂情歲月》 (Saint Laurent)作為 (Serial Bad 電影節的開幕電影,並請來片中主角卡斯柏烏尼奧(Gaspard Ulliel)出席開幕禮,此外,影片《非常 4 女婿》 Weddings)的導演 Philippe de Chauveron 及演員 Frédéric Chau 也應邀出席開幕禮。這兩部電影在香港公開放映前將在 電影節率先登場作隆重首映。此外,將於 2015 年在法國正式公映的《The Price of Fame》的導演 Xavier Beauvois 將親自 來港介紹他的這部新作。 以上介紹的只不過是今年隆重首映的六部影片中的三部,我們得以為這些影片作隆重首映實有賴我們與香港電影發行機構 長久建立的龔固合作關係。 最後,為紀念法國電影新浪潮的代表人物杜魯福(1932-1984)逝世三十週年,本屆法國電影節將以「杜魯福與他的女演員」 作主題,展映他的十二部作品,而其中的十部更是剛完成修復工程,首次在香港放映的復刻版。 謹祝大家享受愉快的觀映時光!


Do you want to know more about the institution behind the French Cinepanorama? The Alliance Française de Hong Kong proudly brings you the French Film Festival since its creation in 1953. This self-financing, non-profit-making association is run by a committee formed by local personalities and is dedicated to foster French language and culture in the spirit of multicultural dialogue in the city. The Alliance Française de Hong Kong in a few words: Expertise

• Set up in 1953. A pioneer of French teaching in HK • Qualified French teachers Innovation

• Latest methods and technologies Recognition

• Official exam organiser for Diplomas of French as a foreign language awarded by the French Ministry of Education Immersion

• Native French teachers • Culture insights integrated in the methods • Cultural and arts de vivre events


An array of membership privileges: • Access the AFHK Multimedia Library • Discounts on cultural and arts de vivre activities • Discounts on selected French products and services The Alliance Française de Hong Kong in figures:

• 3 centres: Wanchai, Jordan, Shatin and more than: • 60 years of expertise in teaching French as a foreign language • 6,400 students per year trust us • 8,000 items are accessible at AF Library (la médiathèque) • 80 cultural events in 2013 • 15,000 spectators in 2013 • 6,400 fans on facebook and last but not least 1 dedicated team ready to share with you their passion about the French language and culture.

大家想知道更多關於 法國電影節背後的機構嗎? 香港法國文化協會非常榮幸自 1953 年開始在香港舉辦法國電影節。香港法國文化協會由本地知名人士組成的一個管理委員會 管理,是一個自負盈虧的非牟利機構,致力於在香港推廣法國語文和文化,促進多元文化的交流。 香港法國文化協會簡介: 專業知識 • 成立於 1953 年。香港法語教學的先驅 • 具法語外語教學專業資格的教師團隊 創新

• 先進的法語外語教學教之教材和科技 認受性

• 由法國教育部授權之文憑考試的官方認可考試中心 親身體驗 • 法語母語教師 • 從學習中領會法國語文和文化 • 全年舉辦文化和生活藝術活動

香港法國文化協會的一些重要數字: • 3 個中心:灣仔、佐敦、沙田 • 超過 60 年的法語教學經驗 • 每年報讀我們的課程的學員超過 6,400 名 • 多媒體圖書館提供的資源超過 8,000 份 • 2013 年舉辦超過 80 個文化活動 • 2013 年的觀眾超過 15,000 人 • Facebook 的擁躉超過 6,400 名 最後也是最重要的,1 個積極地與大家分享他們對法國語文 和文化的熱誠之專業團隊。

專享 法協的會員和學生可享受: • 免費使用多媒體圖書館的服務及免費登入 • Culturethèque 網上平台 • 文化及生活藝術活動之專享優惠 • 指定法國產品及服務之專享優惠 alliancefrancaisehk



Content 目錄 GALA PREMIERES 隆重首映


Saint Laurent 時裝巨人的狂情歲月


Aunt Hilda! 凱達嬸嬸! (Tante Hilda ! )


Clouds of Sils Maria 坐看雲起時 (Sils Maria)


Jack and the Cookoo-clock Heart 傑克的自鳴鐘心 (Jacques et la mécanique du cœur)


In the Courtyard (Dans la cour)


Inside the News (Les Gens du monde)


The Price of Fame (La Rançon de la gloire)


Serial Bad Weddings 非常 4 女婿 (Qu’est-ce qu'on fait au bon Dieu ?)


DOCUMENTARIES 紀錄片 Cartoonists- Foot Soldiers of Democracy 漫畫家,民主的步兵 38 (Caricaturistes, fantassins de la démocratie) School of Babel 巴別塔校園 (La Cour de Babel)

PANORAMA 2014 法國電影一覽 Almost Friends 幾乎成為朋友 (On a failli être amies)


Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸 (La Belle et la bête)


The Blue Room 藍房情殺案 (La Chambre bleue)


Breathe 佔友慾 (Respire)


Diplomacy 外交手腕 (Diplomatie)


The Easy Way Out 逃家的藝術 (L’Art de la fugue)


Eden 伊甸園


Fool Circle 悲情會所 (Tristesse club)


French Riviera 以女兒之名 (L’Homme qu’on aimait trop)


Gemma Bovery 新包法利夫人



TRUFFAUT AND HIS ACTRESSES 杜魯福與他的女演員 The Bride Wore Black 奪命佳人 (La Mariée était en noir)


Confidentially Yours 情殺案中案 (Vivement dimanche)


Jules and Jim 祖與占 (Jules et Jim)


The Last Metro 最後一班地車 (Le Dernier métro)


The Man Who Loved Women 愛女人的男人 (L’Homme qui aimait les femmes)


Shoot the Piano Player 射殺鋼琴師 (Tirez sur le pianiste)


The Soft Skin 柔膚 (La Peau douce)


The Story of Adele H. 情淚種情花 (L’Histoire d’Adèle H. )


Geronimo 婕羅妮慕


Girlhood 少女黨 (Bande de fille)

Two English Girls and the Continent 兩個英國女孩與歐陸 45 (Les Deux anglaises et le continent)


Going Away 美好星期天 (Un beau dimanche)


The Woman Next Door 隔牆花 (La Femme d’à côté)

The Good Life 美好生活 (La Belle vie)


High Society 上流社會 (Le Beau monde)



Stolen Kisses 偷吻 (Baisers volés)


Bed and Board 婚姻生活 (Domicile conjugal)



Hippocrates 醫手遮天 (Hippocrate)


Hope 希望


I Did It Again 愛本多磨 (Jamais le premier soir)


Angélique’s Day for Night 安祖蓮的戲中戲 (La Nuit Américaine)


If You Don’t I Will 你唔走我走 (Arrête ou je continue)


As It Used To Be 曾幾何時


The Last Diamond 終極鑽石 (Le Dernier diamant)


Bigshot 老大


Love At First Fight 初戀戰士 (Les Combattants)



Next Time I’ll Aim for the Heart 下次我唔會客氣 (La Prochaine fois je viserai le cœur)


The Centipede and the Toad 壞蟾蜍與笨蜈蚣 (Mille-pattes et crapaud) Ceteris Paribus 在不變的情況下


Nice and Easy 輕鬆自由 (Libre et assoupi)


The Dive 跳水 (Le Plongeon)


Nicholas on Holiday 小淘氣尼古拉的假期 (Les Vacances du petit Nicolas)


French Kiss 法式熱吻


Not My Type 非我類型 (Pas son genre)


Shopping 購物


Paris Follies 婚姻間奏曲 (La Ritournelle)


Suzanne 蘇珊


Picking Up the Pieces 生命的缺失 (La Pièce manquante)


System Overload 系統超載


Sex, Love and Therapy 性愛治療室 (Tu veux ou tu veux pas) 34



Tonnerre 托尼爾





Gala Premieres 隆重首映

OPENING FILM 開 幕 電 影 Mesmerizing & Unpredictable Biopic

Saint Laurent


Saint Laurent

19/11 & 21/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE 1967-1976. As one of History ’ s greatest fashion designers entered a decade of freedom, neither came out of it in one piece. A biopic focusing on this period in the life of the famous French fashion designer.

Official Competition – Cannes International Film Festival 2014 Represent France at 87 th Academy Awards – Best foreign-language film

時裝巨人的狂情歲月 年僅廿一歲的聖羅蘭(卡斯柏烏尼奧 飾)已是首席時裝設 計師,他以天馬行空的設計概念,為時裝界帶來一次巨大 衝擊,更令他一夜成名。然而,在華麗耀眼的天橋之下, 聖羅蘭飽受憂鬱症折磨,情緒問題令他一度傷害生命中 的兩位摯愛 — 同性愛人皮爾貝格(謝洛美雲尼亞 飾)以及 靈感繆思露露(蕾雅絲端 飾)! 在絕望與痛苦中,他到底如 何攀上創作巔峰、成為 20 世紀最傳奇的時尚神話 ?

2014 年康城國際電影節 — 競賽影片 代表法國角逐第 87 屆奧斯卡最佳外語片 2014 • Color 彩色 • 135 min • France 法國 In English with English & Chinese subtitles 英語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演:Bertrand Bonello 貝特朗波尼洛 Cast 演員:Gaspard Ulliel, Léa Seydoux, Jeremie Renier 卡斯柏烏尼奧、蕾雅絲端、謝洛美雲尼亞

Saint Laurent is presented by

Delicate & Elegant Drama

Clouds of Sils Maria


26/11 PALACE IFC • 6/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE At the peak of her international career, Maria Enders (Juliette Binoche) is asked to perform in a revival of the play that made her famous twenty years ago. But back then she played the role of Sigrid, an alluring young girl who disarms and eventually drives her boss Helena to suicide. Now she is being asked to step into the other role, that of the older Helena. She departs with her assistant (Kristen Stewart) to rehearse in Sils Maria; a remote region of the Alps. A young Hollywood starlet with a penchant for scandal (Chloë Grace Moretz) is to take on the role of Sigrid, and Maria finds herself on the other side of the mirror, face to face with an ambiguously charming woman who is, in essence, an unsettling reflection of herself.

Sils Maria 坐看雲起時 國際演藝事業正值高峰期的瑪麗亞(茱麗葉庇洛仙 飾)獲邀在 一齣二十年前曾讓她一炮而紅的話劇之重演中演出一角。當年 她演出的角色是年輕迷人的少女西麗德。這西麗德先是消除了 老板夏蓮娜對她的防避,最後還迫使夏蓮娜走上自殺的路。 可是,但這一次,瑪麗亞卻被邀請演出夏蓮娜一角。她與助手 (姬絲丁史超活 飾)出發到阿爾卑斯山偏遠的旅遊聖地 Sils Maria 排練。演出西麗德的是一名緋聞不斷的荷里活年輕女星(克麗兒 嘉利絲莫里茲 飾)。瑪麗亞面對這名曖昧迷人,本質上就像是 自己的倒影的女子時,發覺自己置身於鏡子的另一面。

Official Competition – Cannes International Film Festival 2014 年康城國際電影節 — 競賽影片 2014 2014 • Color 彩色 • 123 min • France / Germany / Switzerland 法國 / 德國 / 瑞士 In English and in French with Chinese and English (only when the dialogues are in French) subtitles

英語及法語對白,中、英文(只出現在法語對白時)字幕 Director 導演:Olivier Assayas 奧利華阿薩耶斯 Cast 演員:Juliette Binoche, Kristen Steward, Chloë Grace Moretz 茱麗葉庇洛仙、姬絲汀史超域、嘉兒莫蕊玆


Clouds of Sils Maria is presented by

Bitter Sweet Comedy

In the Courtyard


5/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 8/12 PALACE IFC Antoine is a musician. Now into his forties, he abruptly decides to give up his career. After several days of doing nothing, he gets a job as a caretaker of an old building in the east of Paris. Mathilde lives there, she is a dynamic and a generous retiree who spends her time involving herself in charity work and overseeing the building’s management.

Dans la cour (片名待譯) 安東是一名音樂家,剛步入四十歲便突然決定放棄音樂 演奏事業。過了幾天無所事事的日子後,他在位於巴黎東面 的一座舊大廈中找到了看守員的工作。已退休的瑪蒂特住 在那兒,充滿活力的她積極參與慈善工作,並負責大廈的 管理工作。

One evening, she discovers a worrying crack in the wall of her living room. Slowly her anxiety increases and turns into panic. She begins to wonder whether the building is going to collapse. Antoine becomes 一天晚上,她在客廳中發現一條使人擔憂的裂縫。慢慢地, friends with this woman. Between slip ups and 她的擔憂變成焦慮,並開始擔心大廈是否有倒塌的危險。 worries, the pair forms an awkward duo, both 已成為好友的安東和瑪蒂特這對有點兒笨拙的二人組合在 supportive although a little peculiar... 錯誤和擔憂中以奇特的方法互相扶持…

2014 • Color 彩色 • 97 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Pierre Salvadori 皮耶薩爾瓦多利 Cast 演員:Catherine Deneuve, Gustave Kervern, Pio Marmaï 嘉芙蓮丹露、葛斯塔夫迪科文、皮奧馬邁

In the Courtyard is presented by

Fascinating & Insightful

Inside the News


25/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 7/12 PALACE IFC While the press media industry is facing dramatic changes with the arrival of blogs, twitter, and other internet revolutions, Yves Jeuland turns his camera on the journalists of the famous French daily newspaper “Le Monde” . During the presidential election campaign in 2012, he follows journalists and gives an insider’s view of the great debates taking place behind the walls of this legendary French news machine. By witnessing the tensions and antagonisms within the editorial team and by sharing the journalists’ excitement, fatigue and doubts – the director draws a portrait of a profession undergoing profound changes.

Les Gens du monde (片名待譯) 正當新聞媒體行業面對博客、微博及其他互聯網革命所帶來 的衝擊時,導演 Yves Jeuland 把他的鏡頭對準了法國著名 的《世界日報》。在 2012 年法國總統競選期間,他緊隨記 者的步伐,以行內人的角度將發生在這著名法國新聞機器 裡面的重要辯論公諸於世。導演透過讓觀眾親眼目睹 編輯部人員之間的緊張和對立,並與記者們分享他們的興奮、 疲憊和疑慮來描繪這種正產生重大變化的行業的面貌。

This world most prestigious news organizations will celebrates its 70th anniversary in December.

這世界最知名的新聞機構將於今年 12 月慶祝成立七十週年 紀念。

Official Selection – Cannes International Film Festival 2014

2014 年康城國際電影節 — 入選影片

2014 • Color 彩色 • 82 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Yves Jeuland Cast 演員:Didier Pourquery, Abel Mestre, Thomas Wieder

Inside the News is presented by


Improbable Dramatic Comedy

The Price of Fame


27/11 AMC PACIFIC 30/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE On the shores of Lake Geneva lies the small Swiss town of Vevey. It’s the end of the seventies. On his release from prison Eddy – a 40-year-old Belgian small time crook – is met by his friend, Osman. They have made a deal: Osman will let Eddy stay in his shed and in exchange, Eddy will take care of his 7-year-old daughter Samira while her mother is in the hospital. It ’ s the Christmas season, but their shared, grinding poverty has made Eddy quite bitter. Then Charlie Chaplin’s death is announced on the television, as well as the true extent of his fabulous wealth. Eddy starts daydreaming... and comes up with a crazy idea: what if he stole the actor’s corpse and demanded a ransom from the family?

La Rançon de la gloire (片名待譯) 在七十年代末瑞士日內瓦湖畔一個小鎮,四十多歲的比利時 小騙子艾迪剛出冊,一無所有的他為了住在朋友奧斯曼的 木屋,答應在奧斯曼太太住院期間照顧他們的女兒莎米拉。 時值聖誔節,他們貧困到無法慶祝,卻突然得知一代笑匠 差利卓別靈逝世的「喜」訊,激發艾迪展開一個瘋狂的 計劃:他為何不偷走卓別靈的遺體,勒索他的家人脫貧?

2014 • Color 彩色 • 114 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Xavier Beauvois Cast 演員:Isabelle Caillat, Dolores Chaplin, Peter Coyote

The Price of Fame is presented by

Romantic Comedy

Serial Bad Weddings


19/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 20/11 PALACE IFC Marie and Claude Verneuil are old school: a respected upper class family with four beautiful daughters. Isabelle, Odile and Ségolène made multicultural marriages to Rachid, David and Chao respectively. When Laure announces her intention to marry Charles, her parents are delighted. A traditional wedding, at last! When Laure informs them that Charles is from Africa, something snaps. Marie plunges into total meltdown and Claude plots to sabotage the wedding. He finds an unlikely ally in Charles’s father, André, who agrees with them on only one thing: what did they do to deserve this?

Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon Dieu ? 非常 4 女婿 維內爾一家都信奉天主教,兩老瑪莉和克勞德都是有名望的有錢人, 他們有四位掌上名珠,就是依莎貝、奧迪莉、契歌莉及羅莉。她們分別 跟信奉不同宗教的新移民結婚,依莎貝嫁的是信奉回教阿拉伯人, 奧迪莉嫁的是塞法迪猶太人,契歌莉嫁的是中國人。兩老一直對女兒 異國文化聯婚不甚接受,而每逢家庭聚會猶如引發世界大戰,為宗教、 政事、種族之事爭議。 當小女兒羅莉宣告「我結婚了!」,而且準女婿還是個同聲同氣的天主 教徒時,兩老滿心歡喜以為終於可以來個典雅婚禮,可是原來羅莉準 丈夫查理是個非洲人,面對黑皮膚的準女婿,兩老大受刺激,更不惜 一切要把婚禮搞垮!而克勞德發現準親家查理父親安德烈是一名俗不 可耐的前軍人,這頭親事無論怎樣都「大纜扯唔埋」!面對三個外星人 仲要加多一個黑人,兩老大叫「前世唔修,咁大整蠱?」!電影創法國 2014 年最高票房佳績!更榮獲法國史上最高票房的法國電影第六位 !

2014 • Color 彩色 • 97 min • France 法國 In French with English and Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演:Philippe de Chauveron Cast 演員:Christian Clavier, Chantal Lauby, Ary Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Frédéric Chau


Serial Bad Weddings is presented by

Panorama 2014

2014 年法國電影一覽

Delightful Comedy

Almost Friends


22/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 4/12 PALACE IFC 10/12 BROADWAY THE ONE Marithé works in a training center for adults. Her mission: to help other people to change direction in their work and to find their vocation. Carole, who lives and works in the shadow cast by her husband, Sam, an energetic and talented Michelin-starred chef, arrives in the center one day. It’s not so much 幾乎成為朋友 a change in job that Carole seems to need, but a 瑪爾蒂在成人培訓中心工作。她的使命:幫助別人改變他們的 change of husband. Marithé does everything she can 工作方向和找到適合的職業。某日,一直在丈夫森美的陰影 to help Carole set out down a new path. 下生活和工作的嘉露到中心來求助。森美是一名充滿活力的

On a failli être amies

But what are the real motives behind her efforts? As after all, Marithé doesn’t seem to be impervious to Sam’s charms, or to his cooking.

五星級大廚。在瑪爾蒂看來,嘉露需要的不只是換掉工作, 還需要換掉丈夫。瑪爾蒂想盡辦法幫嘉露踏上新的人生路。 但這熱心背後的真正動機又是甚麼呢?畢竟,瑪爾蒂又不是

A comedy about woman friendships and love triangle 對森美的魅力和廚藝不為所動。 played by two iconic actresses Emmanuelle Devos 本片由兩位充滿幽默感的女演員艾曼紐德芙和卡嫻維亞合力 and Karin Viard. 主演,是一部有關女性友誼和三角關係的喜劇。 2013 • Color 彩色 • 91 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Anne Le Ny 安娜雷尼 Cast 演員:Karin Viard, Emmanuelle Devos, Roschdy Zem 卡嫻維亞、艾曼紐德芙、羅士堤詹姆

Enchanting Romance

Beauty and the Beast


22/11 BROADWAY TSUEN WAN 30/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 6/12 PALACE IFC 1810. After losing all of his ships at sea, a ruined merchant is forced into exile in the countryside with his six children. Among them is Belle, his youngest daughter, a joyful girl full of grace and charm. One day, during an arduous journey, the merchant stumbles on the magical realm of the Beast, who condemns him to death for stealing a rose. Belle offers herself up in her father’s place, as she feels responsible for 美女與野獸 the terrible fate that has befallen her family. However, at the 1810 年,一名商人因船隻全部被大海吞沒而破產,被迫帶着六個孩子 Beast’s castle, it is not death that awaits her, but a strange life 避居於郊野外。六個孩子中最小的女兒貝兒性格樂觀又優雅迷人。 in which moments of enchantment are mingled with joy and 一日,商人走過一段險峻的道路時無意間闖進了野獸的領地。野獸因為 sadness. Every evening at dinner time, Belle and the Beast sit 他採摘了一朵玫瑰花而判他死刑。貝兒認為家中遭此惡運全是因為她的 down together. At first they are like strangers with nothing 原故,因此提出代替父親受刑。然而,在野獸的城堡內等待她的並不是 in common, but they slowly discover one another. While 死亡,而是夾雜着悲與喜的奇異生活。每天晚上,貝兒和野獸會坐一起 Belle must reject his amorous advances, she tries to unravel 吃晚餐。起初就像兩個毫不相關的陌生人一般,然後慢慢地互相了解。 the mysteries surrounding the Beast and his realm. When 貝兒一方面盡力拒絕野獸的追求,但同時又希望解開與野獸和牠的領地 night falls, fragments of the Beast’s life are revealed to her in 有關的一切奧秘。每當黑夜降臨,野獸的生活片段便會在貝兒的夢中 dreams, and she discovers a tragic story in which this lonely 出現,後來她發現了這孤獨和兇猛的野獸背後的一個悲慘的故事,他 and ferocious Beast was once a stately prince... 本來是一個威武的王子…… 柏林國際電影節 Berlin International Film Festival

La Belle et la bête

2012 • Color 彩色 • 112 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Christophe Gans 基斯杜化岡斯 Cast 演員:Vincent Cassel, Léa Sédoux, André Dussolier 雲遜加塞爾、莉雅薛杜、安德烈杜素利耶


Intense & Passionate Thriller

The Blue Room



The Blue Room tells the story of an adulterous couple and their possible involvement in a murder (or two). Based on the novel of the famous detective and crime novelist Georges Simenon, the film takes place in a small French town. This psychological thriller, using edited flashbacks, remains faithful to the 1963’s book. Director Amalric, who plays the leading character, chose to cast his real life partner in the role of the “femme fatale” mistress. Cannes International Film Festival 2014

La Chambre bleue 藍房情殺案 《藍房情殺案》講述一對偷情男女以及他們牽涉在一宗雙人 謀殺案中的故事。這部以法國的一個小鎮作為背景的心理 驚慄片改編自比利時著名偵探小說作家喬治西默農 1963 年 所作的小說,以倒敘的手法剪輯,情節十分忠於原著。 導演艾馬力親自演繹男主角,並選擇他現實生活中的伴侶 飾演「致命女子」情婦一角。

2014 年康城國際電影節

2013 • Color 彩色 • 76 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Mathieu Amalric 馬蒂爾艾馬力 Cast 演員:Mathieu Amalric, Léa Drucker, Stéphanie Cléau, Laurent Poitrenaux 馬蒂爾艾馬力、莉亞杜嘉、史蒂芬妮克尼奧、羅朗普特魯

Intense & Passionate Drama





Charlie is 17 years old. She is at that age where life is all about hanging out with friends, and her emotions, convictions, passions. Sarah is the new girl in town. Beautiful, bold, with a history and a strong 佔友慾 personality. Sarah chooses Charlie. 查莉今年十七歲。這年歲的人只想與朋友在一起,只重 The film shows the passionate and obsessive 視情緒、信念、激情。莎拉是新來的女生。美麗大膽,有 friendship based on love and hate, between two high 背景和性格強硬。莎拉看中了查莉。 school girls. In her second film as a director, Mélanie Laurent excels at raising tensions and confrontation 本片描寫兩名女中學生之間的愛恨糾纏、激情與迷戀。在 她執導的第二部長片中,梅蘭妮羅朗巧妙地提升了片中的 turning her film into a passionate thriller.

Critics’ Week – Cannes International Film Festival 2014


2014 年康城國際電影節 — 國際影評人週

2014 • Color 彩色 • 91 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Mélanie Laurent 梅蘭妮羅朗 Cast 演員:Lou de Laâge, Joséphine Japy, Isabelle Carré 露德拉雅殊、祖瑟芬查佩、伊莎貝加希


Historical & Charismatic Drama



23/11 PALACE IFC • 5/12 BROADWAY THE ONE Paris, August 25, 1944. The sun is about to come up as Allied troops march on the city. Nazi General von Choltitz of the occupying forces is preparing to destroy the city, on the orders of Hitler, with a dozen bombs placed underneath monuments and bridges. Resolved to stop him from carrying out his mission, Raoul Nordling, the consul of Sweden, arrives at the general’s headquarters in the Meurice Hotel, and is armed with nothing but diplomacy in hopes of saving the City of Light. So begins a long night of negociations... This is fiction inspired by real events. General von Choltitz aborted Hitler’s plan to destroy Paris, but his reasons are still a mystery. The two men did meet a few times but only to negotiate prisoner releases. The two actors previously performed in the successful play with the same name, on the stage of the prestigious Théâtre de la Madeleine in Paris, three years before the movie adaptation. Berlin International Film Festival 2014

Diplomatie 外交手腕 1944 年 8 月 25 日巴黎。盟軍在天快亮的時候步入城市。納粹 佔領軍的 von Choltitz 將軍接到希特拉的命令,正準備摧毀這座

城市,並已在十幾處古蹟及橋樑放置了炸彈。駐法國的瑞典領事拉 烏爾為了挽救這座光之城,決心要阻止他執行這個任務,並手無 寸鐵地跑到將軍下榻的酒店,因而展開一場漫漫長夜的外交談判…

這虛構故事的創作靈感來自真人真事。von Choltitz 將軍中止了 希特拉要摧毀巴黎的計劃,但他的理由至今仍然成謎。這兩個 男人也曾見過幾次面,但只是就釋放戰犯的事進行協商。 這故事改編成電影之前三年,這兩位演員已在巴黎著名瑪德蓮 劇院中上演並大受歡迎的同名話劇中演繹相同的角色。

2014 年柏林國際電影節

2013 • Color 彩色• 84 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Volker Schlöndorff 沃爾克施隆托夫 Cast 演員:André Dussollier, Niels Arestrup 安德烈杜素利耶、尼埃爾阿雷士托

Subtle Dramatic Comedy

The Easy Way Out


21/11 PALACE IFC • 27/11 HK FILM ARCHIVE 8/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE The intermingled story of three brothers which is told in a modern comedy. Antoine is gay, in his mid-30s, lives with another man, Adar. But for a long time, Antoine has been sleeping on the floor of their bedroom. 逃家的藝術 Louis, the youngest brother, plans to marry his high 以現代喜劇手法講述三個兄弟的故事。 school sweetheart but is involved in an affair that is far 三十多歲的同性戀者安東與男友阿達同居。但長期以來,安東都 more satisfying than his relationship with his fiancee. 是睡在地上。 Their older brother, Gérard, is depressed and divorced, 兄弟中最年幼的路易打算與高中戀人結婚,但卻牽涉在另一段 and works at his parents’ hopelessly unprofitable clothing 感情當中,而且,他覺得與未婚妻的關係相比,這段關係讓他 得到更多的滿足感。 store. 他們的兄長謝勒是一個憂鬱的離婚人士,替父母打理一間蝕本的 Set between Paris and Brussels, The Easy Way Out is 服裝店。 based on a novel by Stephen McCauley and revolves 以巴黎和布魯塞爾作背景,《逃家的藝術》改編自作家 Stephen around three brothers seeking happiness and the McCauley 的小說,講述三兄弟各自以不同的方式尋找幸福和 perfect partners in very different ways. 最佳伴侶。 將於 2015 年 3 月在法國公映 Will be released in France in March 2015

L’Art de la fugue

2011 • Color 彩色 • 95 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Brice Cauvin 布烈士高雲 Cast 演員:Laurent Lafitte, Benjamin Biolay, Nicolas Bedos 羅朗拉弗德、班傑明比奧利、尼哥拉貝度


Euphoric, Melancholic & Rhythmic Drama



22/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 29/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 4/12 PALACE IFC Paul is a teenager in the underground dance music scene of early-nineties Paris. Raves dominate, but he’s drawn to the more soulful rhythms of Chicago’s garage house scene. He and a friend form a DJ duo called Cheers, while two of their friends form a group with a similarly odd name: Daft Punk. They find their audience rapidly. For Paul and his friend, this is the beginning of a dazzling but also risky ascension into the world of electronic music... The film follows the rise and fall of Paul, a DJ who pioneered the French Touch – a type of electronic dance music that became widely popular in the 1990s.

Toronto International Film Festival 2014 Will be released in France in November 2014

Eden 伊甸園 九十年代初的巴黎,保羅是地下舞蹈樂壇一個寂寂無聞的 少年。當時流行 Rave 音樂,但保羅卻是芝加哥的 Garage house scene 的擁躉。他和一個朋友組成一個 DJ 二人組合 Cheers 之同時,他們的另外兩個朋友也組成了一個類似的組合 Daft Punk。很快,他們便擁有自己的一班樂迷。自此,保羅和他的 朋友踏上了使人暈眩的成功之路,在電子樂壇迅速走紅。 本片一直緊隨着這位開創了 French Touch:一種於九十年代 廣受歡迎的電子舞曲的先河的唱片騎師在樂壇上的跌宕起伏。

2014 年多倫多國際電影節 將於 2014 年 11 月在法國公映

2014 • Color 彩色 • 131 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Mia Hansen-Løve 米婭漢森 - 洛夫 Cast 演員: Félix de Givry , Pauline Étienne, Roman Kolinka, Vincent Macaigne 菲力士特吉夫、寶蓮艾蒂安、羅曼高連卡、雲遜馬凱恩

Original, Refeshing Dramatic Comedy

Fool Circle


22/11 & 27/11 PALACE IFC 2/12 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE Leon, a smart former tennis celebrity whose spouse is tired of him, clearly doesn’t see a lot of his sibling, Bruno, who is introverted, and who has created a dating website but he definitely has no idea about women. When they both find out that their dad has passed away, they return to the city they grew up in. But instead of discovering their deceased dad at the memorial house, they discover a mysterious young woman claiming to be their step-sister. They soon learn that their father has not in fact died but vanished into thin air. The unlikely three decide to look for him and so begins a colorful adventure as the three take off in a red Porsche.

Tristesse club 悲情會所 前網球明星里安被妻子拋棄,又很少與他的親兄弟般奴 見面。般奴性格內向,對女性毫不了解,但卻建立了一個 交友網站。當他們知道父親過世後便回到自己成長的城 市。誰知在殯儀館中見到的不是父親的遺體,而是一名 自稱是他們繼妹的年輕女子。沒多久,他們便發現父親其實 並未死去,只是人間蒸發。於是,三人駕着一輛紅色保時捷 尋父去也,由此展開一段多姿多彩的旅程。

This uplifting buddy road movie is the first feature film of young director Vincent Mariette, author of the short 這令人振奮的公路電影是新晉導演雲遜馬希逸的首部長片, film Les Lézards , which was nominated for the French 他之前製作的短片《蜥蜴》是 2014 年法國凱撒獎的短片系 列的入選作品。 César Film Award 2014 in the Short film category. 2014 • Color 彩色 • 90 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Vincent Mariette 雲遜馬希逸 Cast 演員:Ludivine Sagnier, Laurent Lafitte, Vincent Macaigne 露迪雲薩尼耶、羅朗拉弗德、雲遜麥嘉恩


Poignant Dramatic Thriller

French Riviera


28/11 & 6/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE 2/12 PALACE IFC Veteran director Téchiné’s film is based on the most famous alleged murder case of the French Riviera. Nice, 1976. Following the failure of her marriage, Agnès Le Roux returns to her mother Renée, owner of the Casino Le Palais de la Méditerranée. The young lady who is also shareholder of the Casino falls madly in love with Renée’s advisor, Maurice Agnelet. Agnès wants to sell her family heritage to become independent, but her mother refuses. A riddled game empties the casino’s vaults. Renée is threatened. The shadow of the mafia and Fratoni, the boss of a competing casino are behind these misdeeds. Amid this conflict, Maurice switches side and puts Agnès in contact with Fratoni, who offers her 3 million Francs for her to vote against her mother. Agnès accepts, Renée loses control of the casino. Agnès regrets her betrayal, Maurice leaves her. Following a suicide attempt, the young lady disappears in October 1977. Her body will never be found. Thirty years later Maurice Agnelet is still the prime suspect of this crime with no evidence nor body. Convinced of his guilt, Renée fiercely fights for his conviction...

L’Hommequ’onaimaittrop 以女兒之名 老牌導演安德烈泰希尼的這部電影是根據法國南部一件未定罪的著名 謀殺案件改編而成。

1976 年尼斯。雅麗絲婚姻失敗後回到母親蕾妮那裡。蕾妮是地中海

一家賭場的東主。雅麗絲瘋狂地愛上了母親的顧問莫里斯。擁有賭場 部份股權的雅麗絲為了獨立想賣掉家族承傳下來的生意,但遭母親 反對。一個解謎遊戲清空了賭場的金庫。蕾妮亦因此受到威脅。

這一切似乎都是有黑幫背景的法東尼,另一間賭場的老板所為。其間, 莫里斯介紹艾麗絲認識了法東尼,後者提出給艾麗絲三百萬法郎,讓 她向母親投反對票。最終,蕾妮失去了賭場的控制權。之後,艾麗絲 後悔背叛了母親,莫里斯又離她而去。在自殺失敗後,艾麗絲於 1977 年 10 月人間蒸發。她的屍體一直都未被找到。三十年後,莫里斯仍然是 這件沒有任何證據也沒有屍體的案件之頭號嫌疑犯。而相信他有罪的 蕾妮竭盡所能要讓他入罪……

2013 • Color 彩色 • 116 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:André Téchiné 安德烈泰希尼 Cast 導演:Catherine Deneuve, Guillaume Canet, Adèle Haenel 嘉芙蓮丹露、紀堯姆卡奈、雅黛爾阿爾妮

Delightful Dramatic Comedy

Gemma Bovery


24/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE 7/12 BROADWAY THE ONE • 9/12 PALACE IFC Martin is a former Parisian bourgeois-bohemian, who has now become a baker in a village in Normandy. All that remains of his youthful ambitions are a powerful imagination and a vivid passion for great literature, especially for Gustave Flaubert. One day, an English couple moves in the house next door. They are called Gemma and Charles Bovery, almost like the heroes of Flaubert’ s book and their destiny seems to be also inspired by Flaubert’s heroes. Martin becomes fascinated by this coincidence. Nonetheless pretty Gemma Bovery didn’ t read her classics, and fully intends to live her own life. Set in a bucolic landscape of Normandy, the director refers to the classic French novel Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert’s. Toronto International Film Festival 2014

Gemma Bovery 新包法利夫人 過去,馬田是一名浪蕩的巴黎中產人士,現時他是諾曼第 一處鄉村的麵包師。他年輕時的野心到現在只剩下豐富的 想像力以及對偉大文學作品的熱愛,尤其是福樓拜的作品。 某 日, 一 對 英 國 夫 婦 搬 進 他 隔 壁 的 房 子。 他 們 是 包 法 利 夫婦,兩人的名字也正好像福樓拜書中的主角,而他們的命運 似乎也受到福樓拜筆下人物的影響。馬田對這巧合感到非常 着迷。然而,漂亮的包法利夫人卻沒有興趣閱讀古典文學, 她只想過自己的人生。 本片以諾曼第的田園生活作背景,導演安妮芳婷從福樓拜的 經典名著《包法利夫人》中掏取創作靈感。

2014 年多倫多國際電影節

2013 • Color 彩色 • 99 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Anne Fontaine 安妮芳婷 Cast 演員:Gemma Arterton, Fabrice Luchini 珍瑪雅達頓、法布里斯盧治尼


Mesmerizing & Powerful Drama





In the sultry August heat of the South of France, Geronimo, a young social worker, is dedicated to keeping local youth out of too much trouble. But when Nil Terzi, a teenage girl of Turkish origin, flees 婕羅妮慕 an arranged marriage, running in the arms of her 法國南部,炎熱的八月份,年青的社會工作者婕羅妮慕 gypsy lover, Lucky Molina, hostilities between the 一直致力於阻止區內的年輕人惹上太多麻煩。但當土耳其 two clans begin. Geronimo struggles to control the 裔少女妮爾為了逃避家族為她安排的婚姻而投奔到吉卜賽 tension around her.

Geronimo is a modern tale of Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story . Gatlif knows how to build tension. The high energy of the film is unleashed by the predominant high tempo hip hop gipsy flamenco music and dance battles.

男友勒奇的懷抱中,即時引起了兩個族群反目成仇。婕羅 妮慕為了平息身邊隨時出現的不安而疲於奔命。

《婕羅妮慕》是現代版的《羅密歐與茱麗葉》和《夢斷城西》。 吉烈夫絕對懂得如何營造張力。 富節奏感的吉卜賽弗蘭明高 hip hop 音樂和舞蹈比拼將影片 中強勁的活力全然釋放出來。

2014 • Color 彩色 • 104 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Tony Gatlif 東尼吉烈夫 Cast 演員:Céline Sallette, Rachid Yous, David Murgia, Nailia Harzoune 絲蓮莎萊蒂、哈薛旭爾、大衛穆治亞、娜莉雅阿爾祖納

Mesmerizing Drama



21/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 7/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE Marieme, 16, lives her life as succession of prohibition. She is oppressed by her family setting, failing at school and tired of the boys law in the neighbourhood, her life changes dramatically after meeting a group of three freespirited girls. She changes her name, her dress code, and quits school, hoping that her new life will lead her to more freedom and allow her to live her life the way she wants to. Beyond the irresistible energy of the four lead actresses who speak loud, dance, laugh and fight, the film highlights the construction of a feminine identity within the framework of social pressure, restrictions and taboos.

Bande de filles 少女黨 十六歲的瑪莉安一直過着抑壓的生活。她因家庭環境,成績不 理想而無法升學,還有被區內橫行的男生欺凌而感到透不過氣來。 然而,她的生活卻因為結識了三名性格自由奔放的女孩而天翻 地覆。她改掉名字又改變衣着打扮,離開學校,希望新的生活讓 她能自由自在地過她所嚮往的年青人生活。 除了片中四名女主角的吵吵鬧鬧,即興舞蹈,歡笑和打鬥外,本片 更刻劃出女性在社會壓力、規範和禁忌下如何建立自己的身份。

Following Water Lilies and Tomboy , director Celine Sciamma continues working around the question of youth and identity, through the mesmerizing original music by French composer Para One.

繼《睡蓮初醒時》和《男人頭》這兩部電影後,導演西蓮施亞瑪 繼續探討有關年青人和身份認同的問題。本片的原創音樂由法國 作曲家 Para One 創作。

Directors’ Fortnight – Cannes International Film Festival 2014

2014 年康城國際電影節 — 導演雙週

2014 • Color 彩色 • 112 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Céline Sciamma 西蓮施亞瑪 Cast 演員:Karidja Touré, Assa Aylia, Lindsay Karamoh, Mariétou Touré 卡希傑圖希、雅莎阿依尼亞、蓮西加拉蒙、瑪希耶杜圖希


Gripping Dramatic Comedy

Going Away


27/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 5/12 PALACE IFC • 9/12 BROADWAY THE ONE Baptiste is a solitary type. He is a teacher in southern France and never stays more than three weeks in the same job. One Friday he is left unwittingly in charge of Mathias, one of his pupils, by the child’s negligent divorced father who hasn’ t picked up his child after school. Baptiste takes the boy to his mother, Sandra. She’s a beautiful woman who has led a bit of a wild life and now works in a beach restaurant near Montpellier. Within a day, the trio have formed a bond, like the beginnings of a family for these three people who don’t have one. But the magic doesn’t last. Sandra owes money and if she doesn’t pay up something could happen. She must hit the road once again. To help Sandra, Baptiste has to take a look back at the origins of his own life, at the most painful and secret parts of himself.

Toronto International Film Festival 2013

Un beau dimanche 美好星期天 性格孤闢的巴蒂斯特在法國南部教書,他從來不會在同一份工 逗留超過三個星期。某星期五,在偶然的情況下他被迫照顧父母已 離婚的學生馬蒂亞,因為孩子的父親一時大意,忘記了來接兒子 放學。巴蒂斯特唯有帶男孩到他母親桑迪亞那裡。在蒙彼利埃的一 間海邊餐館工作的桑迪亞是一個過着有點兒狂野生活的美麗女子。 不到一天的時間,這三個人已成為好友,對這三個沒有家庭的人 來說,這就像一個新組成的家庭。但這魔力並沒有維持很久。 桑迪亞欠了一身債,如果無法償還,任何事都可能會發生。她必須 再次上路逃亡。 為了幫助桑迪亞,巴蒂斯特必須回顧一下自己原來的生活,回顧他 最痛苦,最隱秘的部份。

2013 年多倫多國際電影節

2013 • Color 彩色 • 95 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Nicole Garcia 妮歌加西亞 Cast 演員:Pierre Rochefort, Louise Bourgoin, Déborah François 皮亞賀舒福、路易士布干、德波娃芳絲華

Delightful & Touching Drama

The Good Life



La Belle vie

Sylvain and Pierre have been running from the law ever since a custody battle with their mother pushed their father Yves into hiding ten years ago. But now that they’re older, the two brothers are road-weary and eager to take advantage of the perks of young adulthood. When the authorities discover their whereabouts, they are forced to move yet again and Pierre, the elder, disappears. Alone with his father on an island in the Loire River, Sylvain meets Gilda: his first girl, his first crush, and the first stop on his way to “the good life” – his own.

十年前,因為父母親爭奪監護權而迫使斯凡和皮亞跟着父親 過着躲躲藏藏的生活。現今他們長大成人,兩兄弟不想再 終日搬家,渴望過正常年輕人的生活。當警方發現他們的 行蹤,他們被迫再次搬家,而這一次老大皮亞失蹤了。斯凡 獨自一人與父親住在萊雅爾河的一個島上,在那兒他邂逅 了吉達:他的第一個女友,他首次的愛戀,以及邁向屬於 「他個人」的美好日子的第一站。

Jean Denizot’s first feature is a moving coming-of-age story inspired by the news story “Fortin’s Case” that happened in France in 2009.

這是尚丹尼索的首部長片,創作靈感來自 2009 年發生在 法國的一則新聞事件「Fortin 案例」,是一個有關長大成人 的感人故事。


2013 • Color 彩色 • 93 min • France 法國 In French with English Subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean Denizot 尚丹尼索 Cast 演員:Zacharie Chasseriaud, Solène Rigot, Nicolas Bouchaud 撒加利沙塞里奧、蘇蘭烈高、尼哥拉布蘇


Sensitive Dramatic Comedy

High Society


26/11 PALACE IFC 4/12 & 11/12 BROADWAY THE ONE Alice, 20, lives in Normandy and works with wool and designs handmade clothes. She wonders what to do with her innate talent, until she meets Agnes, a rich Parisian lady who helps her enter a prestigious school of Applied Arts. Alice leaves everything behind to start a new life alone in Paris. There, she meets Antoine, the son of Agnes, and they fall passionately in love. Antoine finds in Alice a sincerity and a simplicity that free him from the “ bourgeois ” environment he rejects, while Alice enters a fascinating world: “high society”. He shares his knowledge with her and she gives him everything she has, at the risk of losing herself. A love story that reflects on social class differences.

Toronto International Film Festival 2014

Le Beau monde 上流社會 二十歲的愛麗絲住在諾曼第。她能用羊毛設計和做出漂亮的 衣服。她一直想知道如何能發揮自己的天賦所長,直到有日她 遇到了來自巴黎的貴婦艾妮絲,後者幫助她進入一所著名的 應用藝術學院。愛麗絲放下一切,獨自跑到巴黎展開新生活。 在巴黎她結識了艾妮絲的兒子安東,二人擦出了愛火。安東從 愛麗絲身上找到真誠和純撲的特質,而這些特質正好能讓他 擺脫討厭的「資產階級」環境,然而,對愛麗絲來說卻是進入 了「上流社會」:一個使人着迷的世界。他與她分享他的知識, 而她冒着失去自我的風險,獻出了自己的一切。 這是一個有關社會階級差異的愛情故事。

2014 年多倫多國際電影節

2014 • Color 彩色 • 95 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Julie Lopes Curval 茱莉露佩古娃 Cast 演員:Ana Girardot, Bastien Bouillon, Baptiste Lecaplain 安娜謝拉鐸、巴斯蒂安貝爾翁、巴蒂斯雷卡普蘭

Delightful Dramatic Comedy





Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, 醫手遮天 his father never there, and the other intern, a foreign doctor, is far more experienced than he is. 班傑明堅信自己會成為一個偉大的醫生。可是,當他在父親 This internship will force Benjamin to confront his 工作的醫院中當見習醫生時的經驗卻與他所期待的不一樣。 責任的壓力實在太大了,父親又經常不在,而與他一同作見習 limits... and start on his way to adulthood. 的一名外國醫生的經驗又較他豐富。這次實習迫使班傑明面對

Director Thomas Litti has a degree in medicine, 自己的極限…… 並讓他踏上了成長之路。 following his father ’ s path. However, his passion for movie making led him to write and direct films. 導演杜馬烈堤子承父業,取得了醫科文憑。然而,對電影製作 Hippocrates, his second film is partly autobiographical 的熱愛讓他最終還是選擇了創作電影劇本和導演的工作。他的 and pays tribute to medical studies. 第二部長片《醫手遮天》有部份自傳,是他對醫學研究的獻禮。

Critics’ Week – Cannes International Film Festival 2014 2014 年康城國際電影節 — 國際影評人週 2014 • Color 彩色 • 102 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Thomas Litti 杜馬烈堤 Cast 演員:Vincent Lacoste, Jacques Gamblin, Rea Kateb 雲遜拉哥斯特、積克甘伯蘭、雷雅卡塔


Powerful Realistic Drama





Deep in the Sahara desert, as they try to get to Europe, Leonard, a young man from Cameroon, rescues Hope, a Nigerian woman. In a fiercely hostile world where safety requires staying with your own people, these two try to find their way together, and to love each other. 希望 This film, between fiction and documentary, is about the world of migration, a terrible but fascinating world 一班人為了偷渡到歐洲,必須途經撒哈拉沙漠的心臟地帶,其間, 來自喀麥隆的李安納救了尼日利亞女子希望。在一個危機四伏的 with rules of its own. None of the actors in the film are 世界中,想要安全便需要與族人團結一起。李安納和希望為了能在 professionals. All roles are played by real migrants who 一起,能夠相愛而付出一切。 had never previously acted, as well as real gangsters, 這介乎虛構和紀錄片的影片描寫一個可怕、不受世俗條例影響但又 former smugglers, and adventurers. 令人着迷的遷徙世界。本片的演員全都是業餘人士。每一個角色均由 According to the director, the whole casting process was 從未做過演員的真正移民演繹,還有真正的流氓、前走私客和冒險者。 a plunge into the migration underworld. 據導演本人說,整個試鏡過程就像走進了暗無天日的偷渡的世界中。 But Hope is also a love story. 但《希望》同時亦是一個愛的故事。 Critics’ Week – Cannes International Film Festival 2014 康城國際電影節 — 國際影評人週 將於 2015 年 1 月在法國公映 Will be released in France in January 2015 2013 • Color 彩色 • 86 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Boris Lojkine 鮑里斯盧堅 Cast 演員:Endurance Newton, Dieudonné Bertrand Balo’o, Justin Wang 安杜朗斯紐頓、迪厄當尼貝特朗巴路、Justin Wang

Entertaining Comedy

I Did It Again


21/11 BROADWAY TSUEN WAN • 3/12 PALACE IFC 6/12 BROADWAY THE ONE Julie is a young and lively woman who is constantly unlucky in love. When she gets dumped via a messenger at work, it seems like the final straw. However, after a deep depression, she discovers a book, Learn to Be Happy , that becomes her bible and she follows its advice at work and in terms of love. Julie is inseparable from her two best friends, Louise and Rose, whose love lives are not in much better shape than Julie’s. One of them is having a secret love affair with her boss, while the other is in a dreary relationship.

Jamais le premier soir 愛本多磨 年輕活潑的茱莉之愛情路很不暢順。上班時從信差的手上 接到分手信,這給她帶來致命的一擊。幸而,意志消沉了 一段時間後,她發現了《學習如何快樂》這本書,這書被 她視作聖經一樣,在工作和愛情上照足書中的建議而行。 茱莉與她的兩個女友露薏絲和露絲形影不離,她們二人的 愛情生活與茱莉的可說是不相伯仲。其中一個與自己的 老板偷情,另一個則困在一段沉悶的感情關係中。

Julie is a regular client of her local bookstore, where she devours all the books in the Self-Help section. She plays a love-hate game with Marc, the gruff and uptight bookshop owner, and falls for the charm 茱莉是一間書店的常客,經常在自助區啃書。她與書店的 of Ange, a good-looking young guy who is also into 東主馬克維持一段又愛又恨的愛情關係,而她同時又看上 了年輕英俊的安傑,後者也是一個自我增值的擁躉。 personal development. 2013 • Color 彩色 • 91 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Melissa Drigeard 梅麗莎德里雅 Cast 演員:Alexandra Lamy, Mélanie Doutey, Julie Ferrier 阿歷山大雷美、梅蘭妮杜蒂、茱莉花希爾


Ironic & Original Comedy

If You Don’t I Will


29/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 4/12 & 9/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE Pomme and Pierre have been together for a long time, but where has their love gone? Life seems to be a routine of meeting old friends, doing exercise together and taking occasional woodland hikes. Pierre seems permanently irritable; and spends an inordinate amount of time with young TV newswoman Mettie. It’s not that they can no longer tolerate being a couple, being the two people they are... Either of them would say “If you don’t, I will” to the other one. There is still a spark between them, their sense of humor is still alive and they still want to believe in their relationship. However, during one of their regular long walks in the forest, Pomme refuses to come home... The film focuses on the end of a relationship through absurd and comic situations.

Panorama Section – Berlin International Film Festival 2014

Arrête ou je continue 你唔走我走 蘋果和皮亞相戀多時,但他們之間的愛情怎麼就不見了?生活 變成了例行公事,見見老友,一起做運動和間中到野外遠足。 皮亞又經常發脾氣,還整日與電視台的新聞女主播瑪迪在 一起。他們二人的性格……,這並不表示蘋果和皮亞已不能再 忍受一雙一對的關係,只是,他們隨時都可以對對方說出:「你 唔走我走」。但他們之間的愛情仍有火花,他們的幽默感仍在, 仍希望相信彼此之間的關係。但一次到森林遠足時,蘋果卻 拒絕回家…… 本片透過荒謬和惹笑的情況來描寫一段關係的終結。

2014 年柏林國際電影節 — 影片大觀

2014 • Color 彩色 • 102 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Sophie Fillières 蘇菲斐莉耶 Cast 演員:Mathieu Amalric, Emmanuelle Devos 馬蒂爾艾馬力、艾曼紐德芙

Witty Thriller

The Last Diamond


6/12 BROADWAY THE ONE • 10/12 PALACE IFC Simon, a thief released on parole, agrees to carry out the biggest job of his life, which is to steal the “Florentin”, a mythical diamond being auctioned by its owners. To succeed, he must get close to Julia, a diamond expert, for whom the sale has a personal importance. Beyond the boldly daring theft, Simon will lead Julia towards a destiny that she could never have imagined.

Le Dernier diamant 終極鑽石 竊匪西門在假釋期間接了一單他有生以來最大的買賣,就 是偷竊一顆充滿傳奇,名為 Florentin 的鑽石,它的擁有者 正要將它拍賣。要任務得以成功,他必須接近鑽石鑑證 專家茱莉亞,而這次拍賣對茱莉亞本人也非常重要。 除了藝高人膽大的盜竊外,西門也將帶茱莉亞踏上她絕對 想像不到的命運。

2014 • Color 彩色 • 108 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Eric Barbier 艾力巴比爾 Cast 演員:Yvan Attal, Bérénice Bejo 伊雲艾泰、貝雷尼斯貝祖


Unusual & Unique Romance

Love At First Fight


29/11 & 10/12 PALACE IFC 8/12 BROADWAY THE ONE Between his friends and the family business, Arnaud’s summer is shaping up to be a peaceful one until he meets Madeleine a beautiful, impulsive and abrupt young girl who is persuaded that the end of the world is near. Expecting the worse, she is ready to prevent it from happening by any means and drags Arnaud along with her as she enrols in a summer military boot camp. How far will Arnaud follow Madeleine’s attractive irrationality? Recognised by festivals for his short film Paris Shanghai in 2010, Thomas Cailley’s first long feature is a story of love and survival full of exceptional energy and led by two charismatic actors. Directors’ Fortnight – Cannes International Film Festival 2014

Les Combattants 初戀戰士 阿諾這個夏季看來頗為平靜,只需打理家族生意和與朋友 聚會,直至他遇上了瑪德蓮,一個美麗但粗魯衝動的少女,她 堅信世界末日即將來臨並已作好最壞的打算,她決意不惜一切 也要阻止末日的發生,而且還拖着阿諾一起報讀一個暑期新兵 訓練營。 面對瑪德蓮無理取鬧的吸引力,阿諾會有多聽話呢? 杜馬凱利製作的短片《巴黎上海》曾在多個電影節中獲獎, 這是他的第一部長片,內容講述愛情和求生的本能。由兩名 充滿魅力的演員合力演出。

2014 年康城國際電影節 — 導演雙週

2014 • Color 彩色 • 98 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Thomas Cailley 杜馬凱利 Cast 演員:Adèle Haenel, Kévin Azaïs 雅黛爾阿爾妮、奇雲阿薩伊

New French Thriller 新法式驚慄片

Next Time I’ll Aim for the Heart 21/11 PALACE IFC 28/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 2/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE

La prochaine fois je viserai le cœur

Chronicle of the “Oise Killer”. For several months, between 1978 and 1979, the inhabitants of the Oise in France live in a state of terror and anxiety when a maniac is in town, running 下次我唔會客氣 over young woman with his car and picking up female hitch-hikers, to injure and kill them. The man 「奧瓦茲殺手」手記。 is everywhere and nowhere, escaping the traps set 1978 年至 1979 年間,一個瘋子用汽車撞倒一名年輕女子後 up by investigators and avoiding roadblocks. Very 不顧而去,之後又接載搭便車的女性並將她們傷害和殺死, good at escaping as he is in fact a model cop who 因此連續好幾個月,法國奧瓦茲的居民都活在恐懼和焦慮 hides amongst his team while being in charge of 底下。這名男子無處不在,巧妙地躲過警方設立的陷阱和 investigating his own crimes until... 路障。他是逃走的能手,事實上,他是一名模範警員, This thriller, inspired by a real story from the 70s, is 躲在同袍之間,而且還負責調查自己所犯的案件,直至…… told from the killer’s point of view, which makes the 這部驚慄片改編自七十年代的一件真人真事,並以殺手的 atmosphere of the film even more thrilling. 角度來講述整個事件的過程,讓影片增加使人心悸的氣氛。 將於 2014 年 11 月在法國公映 Will be released in France in November 2014 2014 • Color 彩色 • 111 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Cédric Anger 薛德烈安傑 Cast 演員:Guillaume Canet, Ana Girardot 紀堯姆卡奈、安娜謝哈度


Pleasant & Entertaining Comedy

Nice and Easy



Libre et assoupi

Sebastien comes from a middle-class family and has more diplomas than there are workdays in a week. Although he could look for a good position, Sebastien has only one ambition in life: to do nothing. He wants to contemplate his life, have time to read on his 輕鬆自由 couch, dance in his apartment and sit every day in a 士巴蒂斯坦來自一個中產家庭,擁有多張文憑。士巴蒂斯坦 park in Paris. Encouraged by his two roommates who 雖然可以找一份好工,但他的人生目標只有一個:甚麼都 are either in the middle of an internship or doing odd 不做。他只想思考生命,有時間躺在沙發上閱讀,在公寓中 jobs, Sebastien should also try to do something... Starring the popular standup comedian Baptiste Lecaplain and the exquisite Charlotte Le Bon, the movie illustrates with a great deal of humor what postgraduates can experience when they enter working life in France.

跳舞及每天到巴黎的公園坐坐。他有兩名室友,一個正在 實習,另一個只是做些散工,受到他們的鼓勵,士巴蒂斯坦 覺得自己應該做些甚麼的……

本片由人氣演員巴蒂斯雷卡柏蘭及美艷女星夏樂蒂雷邦 主演,以幽默的手法描寫法國畢業生進入工作社會時可能 遇到的經驗。

2013 • Color 彩色 • 93 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Benjamin Guedj 班傑明蓋迪 Cast 演員:Baptiste Lecaplain, Charlotte Le Bon, Félix Moati 巴蒂斯雷卡柏蘭、夏樂蒂雷邦、菲力士莫亞堤

Family Comedy

Nicholas on Holiday


23/11 BROADWAY TSUEN WAN 27/11 & 7/12 PALACE IFC It’s the end of the school year and the long-awaited moment of summer vacation has arrived. Little Nicholas, his parents, and Grandma go to the Hotel Beau-Rivage by the seaside. On the beach, Nicholas quickly makes a new set of friends: there’s Blaise, who isn’t on vacation because he lives in the area, Fructueux, who likes everything, even fish, Djodjo, who doesn’t speak like them because he’s English, Crépin, who cries all the time, and Côme, who always wants to be right and who annoys everyone. But Nicholas also gets to know Isabelle, a little girl who always looks at him with her big, round and worried eyes, and who Nicholas believes his parents want to force him to marry. Misunderstandings accumulate, blunders begin and there is no doubt, this will be an unforgettable vacation for everyone!

Les Vacances du petit Nicolas 小淘氣尼古拉的假期 學年結束,期待已久的暑假終於到來。小尼古拉與父母及祖母前往 海濱渡假。在沙灘上,尼古拉很快便交了一班新朋友:不是來渡假, 因為是住在這裡的布萊斯;甚麼都喜歡,甚至是魚也喜歡的弗萊殊; 說話口音怪怪的,因為他是英國人的祖祖;愛哭鬼蓋彬,還有總是 自以為是,很討厭的戈武。但尼古拉也認識了依莎貝兒,一個總是用 她又圓又大的眼睛擔憂地看着他的小女孩。尼古拉認為他的父母想 強逼他娶她。誤會加深,錯誤橫生。唯一肯定的:對所有的人來說, 這將是一個難忘的假期!

The French family comedy sequel to Little Nicholas to the big screen in Hong Kong. The movie is based on the iconic 60s French children’s comic book written by Goscinny and 曾在 2010 年在香港上映的法國合家歡喜劇《小淘氣尼古拉》的續集 illustrated by Sempé. It offers a rose-tinted view of French 再度登上香港大銀幕。本片改編自六十年代極受歡迎的兒童漫畫集 《小淘氣尼古拉》。 life in the 60s. 2014 • Color 彩色 • 97 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Laurent Tirard 羅朗泰哈特 Cast 演員:Mathéo Boisselier, Valérie Lemercier, Kad Merad, Dominique Lavanant 馬蒂奧波西利耶、華麗兒雷米絲、卡特梅拉、當明尼拉華朗


Energising & Unpredictable Romance

Not My Type



Pas son genre

Clément, a young Parisian philosophy teacher is transferred to the northern town of Arras for a year. Far from the bright lights of Paris, he doesn ’t know what to do with his spare time. That’s when he meets Jennifer, an attractive young hairdresser who becomes his lover. But while Clément’s life is ruled by the ideas of philosopher and writer Kant and Proust, Jennifer spends her time reading popular novels and celebrity gossip magazines, and going to karaoke nights with her girlfriends. Their hearts and bodies are free to embark on a passionate love affair, but will it be strong enough to overcome the social and cultural barriers between them?

年輕的巴黎哲學教師克萊蒙獲調派到北部城鎮阿拉斯工作 一年。遠離了巴黎五光十色的生活,他不知如何打發空閒 的時間。不久之後,他邂逅了誘人的理髮師珍妮花,二人 成為情侶。不過,克萊蒙的生活向來都是受哲學和作家 康德和普魯斯特等人的思想所影響,而珍妮花閒餘的時間 卻喜歡閱讀流行小說和八卦雜誌,以及與一班女朋友唱 K。 他們兩人的身心可以不顧一切地投入熱戀之中,但愛情是 否足以讓他們克服二人之間的社會和文化差距?

Toronto International Film Festival 2014

2014 年多倫多國際電影節

2013 • Color 彩色 • 111 min • France / Belgium 法國 / 比利時 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Lucas Belvaux 盧卡士貝爾和 Cast 演員:Émilie Dequenne, Loïc Corbery 艾美莉特凱妮、盧伊哥貝希


Charming Romantic Comedy

Paris Follies


29/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 6/12 PALACE IFC 7/12 BROADWAY KINGSWOOD GINZA Brigitte and Xavier are cattle breeders in Normandy. Brigitte is a dreamer, with her head in the clouds, whereas Xavier ’ s feet are firmly on the ground and his main focus is his work. Life is good but the departure of their children from home increasingly weighs Brigitte down. Xavier spends most of his time taking care of the cattle and she keeps hoping for something else, something more. She impulsively decides to set off one weekend for Paris under the guise of a doctor’s appointment, where she meets a charming Danish gentleman. Xavier then realizes that he is perhaps going to lose her. Will they manage to stay together? A charming tale of love about a couple’s weariness. It is the second time actress Isabelle Huppert has starred in a film by Marc Fitoussi (Copacabana , 2010).

La Ritournelle 婚姻間奏曲 碧姬和沙維耶在諾曼第經營飼養優質乳牛的牧場。生活無憂的 碧姬卻因兒女長大離家而感到失落,她覺得自己被困於乏味的 日常工作之中。丈夫沙維耶大部份時間都用於照顧牛群。而愛 幻想的她卻一直渴望多一點別的東西。一時衝動下她決定借與 醫生有約作藉口,在週末前往巴黎。城市的繁華讓她像活過來 一般,而當她遇見一名年輕英俊的丹麥男子時更衝動地接受了 他的追求。而這時沙維耶才意識到自己可能面對失去妻子的 危機。他們能否重拾過去的關係呢? 一個細膩感人的愛的故事,探討夫婦間疲憊和出軌的關係。本片 是女星依莎貝雨蓓第二次在導演馬克費杜斯的影片中擔綱演出 (2010 年《巴西嘉年華之夢》)。

2013 • Color 彩色 • 98 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Marc Fitoussi 馬克費杜斯 Cast 演員:Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Michael Nyqvist, Pio Marmaï 依莎貝雨蓓、尚彼耶達浩山、米奇艾爾尼奇域治、皮奧馬邁爾

Delicate & Graceful Drama

Picking Up the Pieces


29/11 & 9/12 PALACE IFC

La Pièce manquante

One morning, Paula walks out of the family home, abandoning her husband André and their two children, Violette and Pierre. Stunned by the situation, André attempts to hide Paula ’s departure from people around him, and forces his own children 生命的缺失 not to say a word. Over the course of the summer, 某天早上,寶娜離家出走,拋棄了丈夫安德烈和兩個孩子。 the three of them will have to come to terms with this 極度震驚中的安德烈除了嘗試隱瞞寶娜離去的事實,還 absence, and keep on growing up. Even André... 禁止兒女談論這件事。夏天逐漸過去,一家三口亦慢慢地

For this first film, Nicolas Birkenstock questions 學會接受家中少了一個人的生活,人總是要長大的。甚至 family and absence in a poetical and delicate drama. 是安德烈…… 導演尼高拉貝肯史托在他這部首作中以細膩抒情的手法 探討家庭和缺失的問題。

2013 • Color 彩色 • 90 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Nicolas Birkenstock 尼高拉貝肯史托 Cast 演員:Philippe Torreton, Lola Dueñas, Armande Boulanger 菲聶托雷東、盧拉杜納斯、雅曼特布朗傑


Romantic Comedy 浪漫愛情劇


Tu veux ou tu veux pas

Judith and Lambert are marriage counselor. Every day they see broken couples in their office, as well as others with life problems. But there’s more to the story. He’s a repentant sex addict who has decided to 性愛治療室 be abstinent. She’s a nymphomaniac hiding her lack 茱迪和林拔是婚姻顧問。他們每日的工作就是輔導一些 of love behind her sexual impulses. What can possibly 婚姻失敗或遇上其他生活問題的夫婦。但事情往往並非 happen? 如表面看到咁簡單。他是一個改過自新,決定要禁慾的 性慾主義者。而她是一個色情狂患者,用性衝動來隱瞞 愛的缺乏。這樣的兩個人在一起,會發生甚麼呢?

2013 • Color 彩色 • 87 min • France / Belgium 法國 / 比利時 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Tonie Marshall 湯尼馬素 Cast 演員:Sophie Marceau, Patrick Bruel 蘇菲馬素、帕德烈布爾

Poignant & Moving Drama



3/12 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 8/12 AMC PACIFIC PLACE A rocker who’s too sentimental, a young girl who’s indecisive, an elderly, whimsical father. In the small town of Tonnerre, the joys of love never last long. Then a disappearance as sudden as it is unexpected makes passion give way to obsession. Two years after A World Without Women , which has positively acclaimed by critics and festivals, Guillaume Brac returns with this tale of passion which is partly autobiographical, edging towards the film noir and set in a timeless atmosphere.

Tonnerre 托尼爾 一個是過於感情用事的搖滾樂手,一個是永遠拿不定主意 的少女,再加上一個滿腦子奇思怪想的年老父親。在小鎮 托尼爾中,愛情帶來的歡樂永遠是短暫的。一次意料之外 的突然失蹤讓激情變成迷戀。 繼兩年前《沒有女人的世界》在電影節中廣受讚賞後, 紀堯姆巴克這次為觀眾獻上一部不受任何時空限制,帶 黑色電影意味,半自傳式的影片。

2013 • Color 彩色 • 106 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Guillaume Brac 紀堯姆巴克 Cast 演員:Vincent Macaigne, Solène Rigot, Bernard Menez, Jonas Bloquet 雲遜馬凱恩、素蘭維高、賓納德文尼斯、鍾納斯布祿奇




Creative & Smart Comedy

Aunt Hilda!



Tante Hilda !

In her plant museum, Tante Hilda, a great nature lover, conserves thousands of plants from around the world, many of which are nearly extinct.

Meanwhile, Attilem is a new cereal developed by 凱達嬸嬸! industrialists, which can be cultivated with little water and no fertilizers, producing huge yields. It seems like 熱愛大自然的凱達嬸嬸在她的植物館內培植了數以千計來 the miracle solution to stamping out famine, taking 自世界各地的植物,當中有很多更是幾乎絕種的品種。 over from oil, whose reserves are rapidly diminishing. 這時,「阿鐵林」,一種由工業家研發,只需要用少量的 But disaster isn’t far off... A funny new cartoon by the French animation studio behind the 2012 Oscar-nominated feature A Cat in Paris .

水灌溉,並且不需要施肥便可以有豐富收成的穀物面世。 隨着地球上燃油的儲存量迅速減少,飢荒便接踵而來, 這神奇的發明看來是杜絕飢荒的最佳良方。但災難其實已 近在眉睫…… 這有趣的動畫是法國動畫工作室繼 2012 年奧斯卡的入選 動畫《A Cat in Paris》之後的新作。

2014 • Color 彩色 • 89 min • France / Luxembourg 法國 / 盧森堡 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jacques-Rémy Girerd, Benoît Chieux 積克雷米謝勒、賓諾瓦薛銳

Jacques and the Cuckoo-clock Heart

Creative Adventure 創意新穎歷奇動畫

23/11 AMC PACIFIC PLACE • 30/11 PALACE IFC Edinburgh 1874. Jack is born on the coldest day on Earth. Because of the extreme cold, his heart freezes and stops beating. The wicked midwife Madeleine finds a way to save him by replacing his heart with a cuckoo clock. But in order to survive with this mechanism and not endanger his life by allowing his clock to stop working, he must closely follow three rules. Firstly, Jack should never touch the hands of his heart. Secondly, he must keep his temper under control. Thirdly, and most importantly, he can never, ever fall in love. But then he meets Miss Acacia, a pretty street singer, on his first trip to the city and his clock hands start racing. Now there begins a journey of escape and pursuit, from Edinburgh to Paris, and to Miss Acacia’s home in Andalusia. The animation is an adaptation of the novel La mécanique du cœur written by co-director and musician Mathias Malzieu. The novel then became a music album released in 2007 by Malzieu’s famous French rock band Dionysos and this is now part of the soundtrack of the film.

Jacques et la mécanique du cœur 傑克的自鳴鐘心 1874 年的愛丁堡。傑克在地球上最冷的一天出生。因為天氣實在

太冷了,他的心被凍結成冰停止跳動。負責接生的女巫醫找到救治 他的方法,用一個自鳴鐘代替了他的心臟。而為了生存,傑克必須 讓自鳴鐘的機械不停地運作,否則有性命之危,因此,他必須遵守 三個規則。第一,傑克絕對不能觸碰心上的指針。第二,他必須 控制自己的脾氣。第三亦是最重要的,他永遠不能談戀愛。可是, 在他第一次進城便遇見了漂亮的街頭歌手雅嘉絲亞,心臟的指針 開始失速地行走。然後便開始一段逃亡和追逐的歷程,由愛丁堡 跑到巴黎,再到安達盧西亞,雅嘉絲亞小姐的家。 這動畫改編自本片的其中一位導演兼作曲家 Mathias Malzieu 的小說 《心臟的機械裝置》。這小說後來由 Mathias 自己的著名法國樂隊 Dionysos 灌錄成一張音樂專輯,並於 2007 年發行,這專輯現已 成為這動畫的配樂。

2013 • Color 彩色 • 93 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Stéphane Berla, Mathias Malzieu 史蒂芬貝勒、馬蒂亞馬士若





紀錄片 Cartoonists – Foot Soldiers of Democracy

23/11 PALACE IFC 4/12 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 12 wonderful, funny, tragic and crazy satirical cartoonists from around the world defend democracy with a single weapon, a pencil, at the risk of their own lives. They deal with political or military dictatorships, economic pressures, mafia problems or religious issues. They come from France, Tunisia, Russia, 漫畫家,民主的步兵 America, Burkina-Faso, China, Algeria, the Ivory Coast, Venezuela, Israel and Palestine and offer a 十 二 位 來 自 世 界 各 地, 慣 以 搞 笑, 悲 劇 及 諷 刺 手 法 創 作 的 remarkable panorama of the world from a different 漫 畫 家 不 顧 危 險 地 利 用 一 件 武 器: 一 支 鉛 筆 來 捍 衛 民 主。 他 們 處 理 的 問 題 包 括 政 治 或 軍 事 強 權、 經 濟 壓 迫、 黑 社 會 point of view.


The documentary is a project developed by producer Radu Mihaileanu and Plantu, French cartoonist at Le Monde newspaper for the last 40 years , also cofounder with Kofi Annan of “Cartooning for Peace”, a network of artists who fight for cultural respect and freedom of expression through humor and editorial cartoons as a universal language.

或 宗 教。 這 些 漫 畫 家 來 自 法 國、 突 尼 斯、 蘇 聯、 美 國、 布 基 納 法 索、 中 國、 阿 爾 及 利 亞、 象 牙 海 岸、 委 內 瑞 拉、 以色列及巴勒斯坦,他們以不同的角度為觀眾提供一個綜觀 世界的機會。Plantu 過去四十年都在《世界日報》工作,他更 與 Kofi Annan 一 同 成 立 了「Cartooning for Peace」, 這 是 一群藝術家透過幽默和專題的漫畫作為普世語言來捍衛文化 尊嚴和自由表達的網絡。

Out of Competition – Cannes International Film Festival 2014 2014 年康城國際電影節 — 非競賽 2013 • Color 彩色 • 106 min • France / Belgium / Italy 法國 / 比利時 / 意大利 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Stéphanie Valloatto 史蒂芬妮華露阿圖


School of Babel


30/11 BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 8/12 PALACE IFC They’ve just arrived in France. They are Irish, Serbian, Brazilian, Tunisian, Chinese, and Senegalese. For a year, Julie Bertuccelli filmed the exchanges, conflicts, and joys of this group of students aged between 11 and 15 who all attend the same class to learn French. In this small theater of the world, the innocence, energy, and contradictions of these adolescents are expressed. Driven by the same desire to change their lives, these students challenge many established ideas about youth and integration, and give us hope for the future.

La Cour de Babel 巴別塔校園 這一班人剛來到法國。他們來自愛爾蘭、西伯利亞、巴西、 突尼斯、中國和塞內加爾。導演茱莉貝杜尼斯花了一年的 時間拍攝這群年齡介乎十一歲至十五歲,在同一個課堂中 學習法文的兒童之間的交流、衝突和歡樂。在這微型的人生 舞台上充份地展示了這些年輕人的純真、活力和矛盾。這班 學生都有着相同的願望,就是改善生活,因此,他們向很多 有關年青人和融入社會的固有想法作出挑戰,讓我們對未來 充滿希望。

The documentary was shot over one school year at La Grange-aux-Belles secondary school in Paris’ 10th district, and is a moving film about friendship, mutual respect, giving a clear insight into the way foreign 這紀錄片用了一年的時間在巴黎第十區的 La Grange-auxBelles 中學內拍攝,是一部有關友誼、互相尊重的感人電影, students are integrated into the system in France. 同時亦讓觀眾對外國學生融入法國的制度有更深刻的了解。

2013 • Color 彩色 • 90 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Julie Bertuccelli 茱莉貝杜尼斯


A tribute to François Truffaut


François Truffaut and His Actresses 杜魯福與他的女演員

“I make films to bring my teenage dreams to life, to bring myself pleasure, and if possible, bring others pleasure.”

Thirty years after the death of François Truffaut, tributes to the director keep pouring in, which reflects the large number of people who loved, admired or were influenced by his work, whether they are directors, actors, actresses or simply spectators. “In my opinion, Jules et Jim is the most precise expression of contemporary society that I have seen portrayed on screen”, wrote Jean Renoir to Truffaut. Jacques Rivette admired the purity of his eye, while Milos Forman marvelled at his absolute honesty. All of the actresses who worked with him praised his great thoughtfulness. “He really loved women, and actresses all the more so”, says Catherine Deneuve, to whom he made substantial contributions. “Cinema is the art of women”, wrote Truffaut in 1958. What better tribute could the French Cinepanorama make than to devote its retrospective to François Truffaut and his actresses, featuring ten restored films shown for the first time in Hong Kong, as well as two classics from the Antoine Doinel series. 「我拍電影是要實現我少年時的夢想,是要讓自己開心,可能的話也讓別人開心。」 他離世三十年後,悼念他的人也愈來愈多,因為愛他,仰慕他或受他的作品影響的人,不論是導演、男女演員 或普通的觀眾都實在太多了。尚雷諾亞 (Jean Renoir) 在他寫給杜魯福的信中這樣寫道:「我認為《祖與占》

(Jules et Jim) 是我在大銀幕上看到最準確地描寫當代社會的電影」。積葵利維特 (Jacques Rivette) 欣賞他 純正的目光,米洛斯福曼 (Milos Forman) 則欣賞他的絕對真誠。曾與他合作過的男女演員均對他的優雅講究 深表讚揚。極受杜魯福賞識的嘉芙蓮丹露說:「他真的很喜歡女性,尤其是女演員」。 「電影是女性的藝術」,杜魯福於 1958 年曾這樣寫道。因此,香港法國電影節透過首次在香港展映他的十部 修復版影片,以及經典的安坦但奴系列中的兩部電影來回顧杜魯福及其女演員實在是再適合不過了。

The HKIFF Cine Fan will also pay tribute to François Truffaut in its Nov/Dec programme. 電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)的十一、十二月節目同時向杜魯福致敬。


Restored Version / Drama

The Bride Wore Black

修復版 / 劇情片


La Mariée était en noir

After a failed suicide attempt, a widowed woman hunts down the five men who killed her beloved husband on her wedding day. She methodically kills each of the men using various methods and dressing 奪命佳人 only in white, black or both. A chilling and bewitching 一名心已死的寡婦自殺失敗後,開始向五名男子展開復仇 film featuring the remarkable Jeanne Moreau, who stars as a sensual and mysterious woman, both victim 大計,他們在她結婚當天殺死了她深愛的丈夫。她有系統 地用不同的方法殺死每一個人,每次殺人時都是穿着白色、 and a killer. 黑色或黑白色的衣服。片中,既是受害者亦是殺人者的 珍摩露在杜魯福的鏡頭下化身成奪命天使。

1967 • Color 彩色 • 107 min • France / Italy 法國 / 意大利 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Jeanne Moreau, Michel Bouquet, Jean-Claude Brialy 珍摩露、米修布基、尚高洛特比亞利

Restored Version / Comedy Thriller

Confidentially Yours

修復版 / 驚慄喜劇


Vivement dimanche

Julien Vercel, an estate agent in the South of France, is suspected of the murder of Claude Massoulier, Julien ’ s wife ’ s lover, while hunting in the same area. But Julien’s voluptuous, wise and self-assured secretary, Barbara Becker, who is in love with him, 情殺案中案 while not quite convinced he is innocent, decide to 在南部經營地產的朱利安被懷疑在同一區搜獵期間,殺死 lead her own private investigations. 了他妻子的情人哥洛德。而對他暗戀已久的女秘書巴巴拉 Based on the novel The Long Saturday Night , by 雖然並非完全相信他的清白,但仍神勇地自願為他追兇。 the American author Charles Williams, this film noir, shot in black and white, is a final homage to Alfred 這 部 以 黑 白 攝 製, 改 編 自 美 國 作 家 Charles Williams 的 小說《激烈的週日》的黑色電影是杜魯福的遺作,亦是他 Hitchcock and Truffaut’s last film. 對希治閣的最後獻禮。

1983 • B&W 黑白 • 110 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Fanny Ardant, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jean-Pierre Kalfon 芬妮雅當、尚路易杜南寧、尚彼亞卡豐


Restored Version / Drama

Jules and Jim

修復版 / 劇情片

27/11 HK ARTS CENTRE • 7/12 HK FILM ARCHIVE Jules is German and Jim is French. They are friends, artists, and are both in love with the same women Catherine. Set over twenty years, starting just before the First World War, this mythical romantic love triangle expresses the complexities of love, freedom and friendship.

Jules et Jim 祖與占 祖是德國人,占是法國人,他們同時愛上了同一個女子 嘉芙蓮。由第一次世界大戰初開始橫跨二十多年,這神話般 的三角戀愛故事揭開了愛情、自由和友情之間錯縱複雜的 關係。

1961 • B&W 黑白 • 102 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner, Henri Serre 珍摩露、奧斯卡華納、亨利西爾

Restored Version / Romance, Drama

The Last Metro

修復版 / 浪漫劇情片


Le Dernier métro

During the German Nazi occupation of Paris in 1942, The Jewish director of the Montmartre theatre, Lucas Steiner, is supposed to run away. However, for the love of his wife, he decides to stay and hide in a cellar beneath the stage, where he secretly relays 最後一班地車 instructions through Marion, his actress wife who takes over the reins of the theater and stars in their 1942 年,巴黎遭納粹德軍佔領,猶太裔戲劇導演盧卡士本應 逃 亡 去 也。 但 因 為 愛 妻 子 的 原 故, 他 情 願 留 下 來 躲 在 new play next to the dashing Bernard Granger. It was Truffaut' s long-held desire to make a film set during the Occupation of France during World War II, which he had experienced as a child. The film won 10 French César Awards in 1981 and was nominated for the Oscar Best Foreign Film. The title The Last Metro refers to the imperative that Parisians catch the last metro (subway) home to avoid breaking the strict curfew imposed by the Nazis.

劇院舞台下的地窖中,並在那兒透過他的女演員妻子發施 號令,並讓她與英俊的賓納德一起主演他的新劇。

杜魯福一直以來都想拍一部有關第二次世界大戰法國被 納粹佔領時期的電影,那是他童年時親身經歷的一段日子。 本片奪得了 1981 年法國凱撒獎的十個獎項,更被提名奧斯卡 金像獎的最佳外語片獎。片名《最後一班地車》是指佔領 期間,納粹軍在巴黎嚴厲執行宵禁,巴黎人必須乘搭最後 一班地鐵回家。

1980 • Color 彩色 • 131 min • France 法國 In French and in German with English subtitles 法語及德語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Jean Poiret 嘉芙蓮丹露、謝勒狄帕度、尚波希


The Man Who Loved Women

Restored Version / Romance, Drama

修復版 / 浪漫劇情片

26/11 HK ARTS CENTRE • 28/11 HK FILM ARCHIVE Scientist Bertrand Morane loves woman and therefore is never in the company of men after 5pm. He seduces women in the evening, and writes about the experiences in the early morning. Though 40ish and somewhat square, no woman in the town of Montpelier seems capable of resisting his earnest advances. What drives Morane from woman to woman, and what accounts for his remarkable success?

L’Homme qui aimait les femmes 愛女人的男人 科學家布特朗熱愛女人,因此下午五時過後身邊一定沒有 男人。他晚上到處獵艷,早上起來便將晚上的經歷寫下來。 四十多歲的布特朗雖然有點兒木納,但蒙彼利埃市內的 女性似乎都不能抗拒他的誘惑。是甚麼令布特朗追着一個 又一個的女人打轉?又是甚麼讓他這麼受女性歡迎的呢?

“The legs of women are compasses which circle the 「女人的腿是圍繞着地球轉動,讓地球穩定和諧的指南針。」 globe, giving it its balance and harmony.” (The Man (《愛女人的男人》) Who Loved Women)

1977 • Color 彩色 • 118 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Charles Denner, Brigitte Fossey, Nelly Borgeaud, Nathalie Baye 查爾斯丹拿、碧姬科西、妮莉波治奧、娜塔妮貝雅

Restored Version / Film Noir

Shoot the Piano Player

修復版 / 黑色電影


Tirez sur le pianiste

After his wife’s suicide, Charlie, an introverted pianist forgoes a promising concert career to become a resident piano player in a Parisian small-time bar, where he meets the lovely waitress Lena. One night, Charlie’s criminal brother comes into the cafe asking 射殺鋼琴師 for help, as he got into trouble with gangsters. Charlie 性格內向的鋼琴家查里在妻子自殺後,放棄演奏會的表演 gets dragged into the chaos and is forced to rejoin 事業,跑到巴黎的一家小酒館中賣藝。在那兒他結識了 the family he once fled. 女侍應蓮娜。某天晚上,查里作奸犯科的親兄弟因得罪了

Mixing film noir with humor and doomed romance, 黑幫而到小酒館向他求救。查里也因此被牽連,最後被迫 Truffaut’s second film sets the tone using flashbacks, 回到他欲逃離的家中。 jump cuts, hand-held shots, giving us a playful yet 這部糅合了黑色幽默和情劫的電影是杜魯福執導的第二部 melancholic film.

作品,他利用回憶的片段,跳來跳去的剪接、手拿鏡頭 近距離拍攝的手法帶給我們一部既俏皮又帶有點兒憂鬱的 影片。

1959 • B&W 黑白 • 78 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Charles Aznavour, Marie Dubois, Nicole Berger, Michèle Mercier 查爾阿斯納胡、瑪希爾杜布瓦、妮歌布姬、米雪爾麥西耶


Restored Version / Drama

The Soft Skin

修復版 / 劇情片


La Peau douce

Pierre Lachenay, a middle-aged, successful publisher and lecturer, is married to Franca, and father of Sabine, a 10-year-old girl. While traveling to Lisbon for a lecture, Pierre meets a beautiful air stewardess who he begins a love affair with. When they return to 柔膚 Paris they continue their affair, but find it difficult to 中年男子皮亞有妻有女,是一名成功的出版商及大學講師。 keep it hidden. 一次到里斯本出差時結識了一名漂亮的空姐,二人即時 This revenge story around adultery is his most “Hitchcockian” film, as Truffaut himself admits.

搭上,情難自禁發生關係。回到巴黎後,二人仍然繼續偷情 的關係,但最終卻是偷情偷出禍來。 杜魯福本人承認,這部有關出軌沒有好下場的故事是他最 「希治閣」式的影片。

1964 • B&W 黑白 • 103 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Jean Desailly, Françoise Dorléac, Nelly Benedetti 尚特沙利、法蘭絲娃杜莉雅、妮莉班尼達蒂

Restored Version / Drama

The Story of Adele H.

修復版 / 劇情片

2/12 HK ARTS CENTRE • 6/12 HK FILM ARCHIVE The film tells the story of Adèle Hugo, the second daughter of French author and poet Victor Hugo, who is devastated by the accidental death of her elder sister Léopoldine. Living with her family in exile on the island of Guernsey, Adèle meets and is seized by an obsessive love for a British officer, Lieutenant Pinson. She follows him to Halifax, under the assumed name of Miss Lewly. But he rejects her. Realizing her love is unrequited, she sinks into despair and madness.

L’Histoire d’Adèle H. 情淚種情花 本片講述大文豪雨果的二女兒雅黛兒的故事。雅黛兒因 姐姐的意外死亡而大受打擊。她與家人流亡到海峽群島的 根息島上居住,在那兒她結識並迷戀上一名英國軍官。為 了愛情她不惜改名換姓,飄洋過海老遠跑到北美雪地。可 惜她的愛情並未獲得回應,因而讓她陷入瘋狂和絕望之中。

The film, based on Adèle’s own diary, is about desire, self-destruction and madness. It stars the dazzling 本片的故事根據雅黛兒的日記編寫,內容對愛慾、自我毀滅 performance of Isabelle Adjani who was nominated for 和瘋狂有深刻的描寫。飾演女主角的伊莎貝雅珍妮憑本片 the Oscar and the French Cesar for her role as Adele H. 獲提名奧斯卡金像獎及法國凱撒電影獎的最佳女主角獎。 1975 • Color 彩色 • 96 min • France 法國 In French and in English with English subtitles 法語及英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Isabelle Adjani, Bruce Robinson, Sylvia Marriott 伊莎貝雅珍妮、布魯斯羅賓遜、施維亞瑪莉奧特


Two English Girls and the Continent

Restored Version / Drama 修復版 / 劇情片



Paris, 1902. Claude, a young middle-class Frenchman, meets Anne Brown, an English girl visiting Paris. They form a friendship, and the girl invites him to spend his holiday at her family’s mansion where her mother and sister live. During the visit, he falls in love with the 兩個英國女孩與歐陸 sister, Muriel. They want to marry, but their families 1902 年,法國青年哥洛德在巴黎與到來觀光的英國少女 decide to delay the marriage for a year. Claude 安娜巧遇。二人結成好友,少女還邀請他到她與母親和 returns to Paris, where he starts a relationship with 妹妹一同居住的祖屋渡假。渡假期間,哥洛德與安娜的妹妹 Anne. This romantic triangle is comparable to Truffaut’s Jules and Jim , as they are also both based on novels by Henri-Pierre Roche. However in this movie a man is caught between two women. The film explores a more intimate and darker version of the torments of relationships.

梅希爾共墮愛河。二人有意結婚,但雙方的家人決定將 婚期延後一年。回到巴黎後,哥洛德又與安娜打得火熱。

這 三 角 戀 的 故 事 與《 祖 與 占 》 相 似, 它 們 都 是 改 編 自 Henri-Pierre Roche 的小說。但本片中卻是一個男人糾纏 在兩個女人之間,它探討感情折磨中更隱閉和黑暗的一面。

1971 • Color 彩色 • 130 min • France 法國 In French and in English with English subtitles 法語及英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Jean-Pierre Léaud, Kika Markham, Stacey Tendeter 尚彼亞里奧、吉卡馬克姆、施黛西湯德蒂

Restored Version / Romance, Drama

The Woman Next Door

修復版 / 浪漫劇情片


La Femme d’à côté

Bernard Coudray is a happily married man living with his wife and child in their country home near Grenoble. One day, a married couple, Philippe and Mathilde Bauchard, move into the house next door. The woman turns out to be Bernard’s former lover. 隔牆花 This tale of obsessive love and destruction was 布特朗與妻子及孩子住在格勒諾布爾的郊區,過着幸福的 Truffaut’s first collaboration with actress and last wife 婚姻生活。某日,一對夫婦,菲聶和瑪蒂特搬進了他們 Fanny Ardant. 隔壁的房子居住。那婦人原來是布特朗的舊情人。這部 講述狂情熱戀和毀滅的影片是杜魯福首次與女演員,亦是 他最後的一任妻子芬妮雅當合作。

1981 • Color 彩色 • 106 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Gérard Depardieu, Fanny Ardant, Henri Garcin 謝勒狄帕度、芬妮雅當、亨利加山



Stolen Kisses


20/11 & 22/11 HK CITY HALL Discharged from the army as unfit, Antoine Doinel seeks out his love, Christine Darbon, a violinist. Christine is away skiing with friends. When she finds out that Antoine is back from military service, she goes to greet him at his new job as a hotel night clerk. Perhaps this time, the romance will turn out happily for Antoine. However he is quickly fired from the hotel. Antoine loses three jobs during the film, including the army one, and is clearly destined to lose a fourth, all symbolic of his general difficulty with finding his identity and “fitting in”. The film is inspiredby the novel The Lily of the Valley , 1835 (Le Lys dans la vallée) by French novelist and playwright Balzac.

Baisers volés 偷吻 因體能不足的關係而退伍的安坦.但奴前去找他的愛人 姬絲丁。但姬絲丁剛好與朋友滑雪去了。當她知道安坦已 退役回來便到他任職夜班接待員的酒店見他。這一次,安坦 的愛情或許會開花結果吧。只不過安坦很快便被酒店解僱。 連軍隊在內,安坦在片中已失去了三份工,而且很明顯 第四份也注定會失去,這一切都是他難以找到自己的身份 和「融入」社會的象徵。 改編自法國小說作家兼劇作家巴爾扎克 1835 年所作的小說

The film belongs to Truffaut ’ s series of five films 《幽谷百合》,本片是杜魯福五部安坦.但奴系列電影中的 about the character Antoine Doinel. 其中一部。 1968 • Color 彩色 • 90 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Jean-Pierre Léaud, Delphine Seyrig 尚彼耶里奧、達芬西域


Bed and Board


21/11 & 23/11 HK CITY HALL Antoine Doinels is expecting his first child with his wife Christine Darbon and still struggling to find steady employment, he gets into a relationship with a beautiful Japanese woman. But then Christine discovers that Antoine is having an affair...

Domicile conjugal 婚姻生活

Comic, with a touch of the burlesque, Bed and Board 仍在努力尋找固定工作的安坦在妻子姬絲丁懷孕期間與 is a bittersweet look at the life of young couple who 一名漂亮的日籍女子偷情。姬絲丁發現了安坦有外遇… are often are in between adolescence and adulthood. 惹笑又有點兒滑稽,《婚姻生活》以苦樂參半的手法描寫 The film belongs to Truffaut ’ s series of five films about Antoine Doinel, and directly follows Stolen Kisses , showing Antoine and Christine’s married life.

一對思想仍未成熟的年輕夫婦的生活,是杜魯福繼《偷吻》 之後,五部安坦.但奴系列電影中的其中一部,內容講述 安坦和姬絲丁的婚姻生活。

1970 • Color 彩色 • 100 min • France 法國 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:François Truffaut 杜魯福 Cast 演員:Jean-Pierre Léaud, Claude Jade, Hiroko Berghauer 尚彼耶里奧、葛羅德札特、Hiroko Berghauer


Short Films Selection

短片精選 (71’)

La Nuit Américaine

Angélique’s Day for Night 安祖蓮的戲中戲 2013 • 7’25” | Director 導演:Joris Clerté, Pierre-Emmanuel Lyet

When Angélique sees François Truffaut’s La Nuit américaine (Day for night) , she discovers that it is possible to invent her life. 當安祖蓮看了杜魯福的《戲中戲》之後,她發現原來可以創造自己的生命。

As It Used To Be 曾幾何時 2013 • 8’13” | Director 導演:Clément Gonzalez

In a near future, all the teachers conduct their classes through a web cam with an empty classroom. But a history teacher sees his routine changed when a student suddenly enters his classroom. 在不遠的將來,所有老師都是在一間空的課室內對着網絡攝錄機講課。但一名歷史科 老師的日常程序卻因一名學生突然進入課室而改變了。

Bigshot 老大 2012 • 4’44” | Director 導演:Maurice Huvelin

“Swans sing before dying – ‘twere no bad thing should certain persons die before they sing.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 詩人 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 說:「天鵝在垂死前會唱歌 — 某些人唱歌前死掉其實也 不算壞事。」

Mille-pattes et crapaud

The Centipede and the Toad 壞蟾蜍與笨蜈蚣 2013 • 10’ | Director 導演:Anna Khmelevskaya

In a distant forest, the centipede, supple and graceful, arouses the admiration of all the insects. Only the old toad, haughty and jealous, hates him. One day, he decides to get rid of the centipede. 在遙遠的森林裡,優雅柔軟的蜈蚣是所有昆蟲仰慕的對象。只除了傲慢又善妒的老蟾蜍, 牠憎死了蜈蚣。有一日,牠決定剷除蜈蚣。

Ceteris Paribus 在不變的情況下 2013 • 6’54” | Director 導演:Jean-Baptiste Dusséaux

A man in his mid-thirties explains to a friend that he' d rather see prostitutes than waste time having affairs. But what about the prostitute? Who will have the last word? 一名三十多歲的男子正向朋友解釋他寧願光顧妓女也不願浪費時間偷情。那妓女的看法 又如何?誰人的話能作準呢?


All films are either in French with English subtitles or in English with English subtitles 全部短片法語或英語對白,英文字幕


Le Plongeon

The Dive 跳水 2013 • 9’50” | Director 導演:Delphine Le Courtois

Leo, who just turned thirteen, sets himself a personal challenge and decides to jump off the top diving board. As he waits for his turn amongst adults, he looks back on the childhood he is leaving behind and his dive takes on a deeper meaning. 剛滿十三歲的里奧挑戰自己的極限,決定從最高的跳水板上跳下來。他在一班成年人間 排隊等候上跳板時回想一下自己即將遺下的童年,這次跳水便變得有意義多了。

French Kiss 法式熱吻 2013 • 2’30” | Director 導演:Céline Groussard

A man and a woman meet just by chance and, somewhat unexpectedly, discuss sex in a foreign language. 一男一女在偶然的情況下相遇,都不期然地使用外語討論性愛。

Shopping 購物 2013 • 8’30” | Director 導演:Vladilen Vierny

The supermarket is about to close. A boy hurries up with his last minute shopping. 超級市場快要關門。一個男孩趕緊在最後一分鐘購物。

Suzanne 蘇珊 2013 • 10’ | Director 導演:Wilfried Méance

Suzanne’s life will change forever. No one seems to notice it. 蘇珊的命運將永遠改變。但似乎並沒有人留意到。

System Overload 系統超載 2013 • 4’16” | Director 導演:Johanna Vaude

A system is running at top speed when an intrusion jeopardizes its foundations and its dogmas, provoking a chain reaction. The machine is out of control... 一個正在以高速運轉的系統突然被入侵,它的基數和條碼受到破壞,引起了一系列的 連鎖反應。整部機器失去控制…


Ticketing Information 購票須知 THEATRE, HONG KONG CITY HALL 香港大會堂 劇院 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環愛丁堡廣場 5 號

CINEMA, HONG KONG FILM ARCHIVE 香港電影資料館 電影院 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 香港西灣河鯉景道 50 號

agnès b.CINEMA, HONG KONG ARTS CENTRE 香港藝術中心 agnès b. 電影院 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔港灣道 2 號 Tickets available from 30 October 2014 onwards at URBTIX outlets 門票由 2014 年 10 月 30 日起於城市電腦售票處發售 TICKETS 票價:



香港大會堂及香港電影資料館 $60 : Regular Price 正價 $55 : Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) $45 : Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (Tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis)

香港藝術中心 $70 : Regular Price 正價 $65 : Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) $50: Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (Tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis)

全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及 看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人(全日制學生及綜援 受惠人士優惠票先到先得,額滿即止)

$40 : Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening)

全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及 看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人(全日制學生及綜援 受惠人士優惠票先到先得,額滿即止)

$45 : Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)


SPECIAL PACKAGE 特惠套票: $240:For 5 tickets of any five screenings

SPECIAL PACKAGE 特惠套票: $240:For 5 tickets of any five screenings



Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢:2734-9009 | Telephone Credit Card Booking 信用卡電話購票:2111-5999 Internet Booking 網上購票 | Programme Enquiries 節目查詢:2527-7825 Websites 網址 | | REMARKS 備註: • Patrons can only enjoy either one of the above discount schemes for purchase of the same ticket. Please inform the box office at the time of purchase which discount scheme you wish to enjoy. 訂購每張門票,最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠,請於購票時先向票務人員說明欲使用之優惠。

• The Hong Kong Film Archive box office only provides counter sales and ticket collection services for film programmes at LCSD venues. 香港電影資料館售票處只設發售及領取康文署場地放映的電影節目門票之服務。

• Discount for Alliance Française membership cardholders and Broadway Cinematheque VIP members is not available for internet booking and telephone credit card booking. 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人及百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員優惠不適用於網上購票及信用卡電話購票。 • There is a service fee of $7 per ticket, up to a maximum of $23 per transaction forinternet booking and telephone credit card booking. 網上購票及信用卡電話購票手續費為每張門票 $7,而每次不多於 $23。


Ticketing Information 購票須知 PALACE ifc Podium L1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central 香港中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心商場一樓 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 30 October 2014 由 2014 年 10 月 30 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 TICKETS 票價: $90: Regular Price 正價 $81 : Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

$77 : Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388-3188 | Online ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388-6268 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone (HK$8/ticket & HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費(星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10)

AMC PACIFIC PLACE Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong 香港皇后大道 88 號太古廣場一樓 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 30 October 2014 由 2014 年 10 月 30 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 TICKETS 票價: $90: Regular Price 正價 $81 : Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

$110:For the screening of Saint Laurent 《時裝巨人的狂情歲月》 (For discount of this film, please visit the festival website 本片的折扣優惠請瀏覽本電影節的網址 ) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2265-8933 | Online ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2265 -8933 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone (HK$8/ticket & HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費(星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10)

BROADWAY CINEMATHEQUE 百老匯電影中心 Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, KLN (Yaumatei MTR-Exit C) 九龍油麻地眾坊街 3 號駿發花園(港鐵油麻地站 C 出口) Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 30 October 2014 由 2014 年 10 月 30 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 TICKETS 票價: $75 : Regular Price 正價 $68: Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

$60: Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388-3188 | Online ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388-0002 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone (HK$8/ticket & HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費(星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10)



6-11/F, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 100 號 6-11 樓 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 30 October 2014 由 2014 年 10 月 30 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 TICKETS 票價: $75 : Regular Price 正價 $68: Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

$64: Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388-3188 | Online ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388-0002 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone(HK$8/ticket & HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費(星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10)


L1-L3 Tsuen Wan Plaza, 4-30 Tai Pa Street, Tsuen Wan, NT 新界荃灣大壩街 4-30 號荃灣廣場 L1-L3 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 30 October 2014 由 2014 年 10 月 30 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 TICKETS 票價: $70: Regular Price 正價 $63: Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

$60: Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388-3188 | Online ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388-0002 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone(HK$8/ticket & HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費(星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10)


Fortune Kingswood, 18 Tin Yan Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, NT 新界元朗天水圍天恩路 18 號嘉湖銀座廣場 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 30 October 2014 由 2014 年 10 月 30 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 TICKETS 票價: $70: Regular Price 正價 $63: Alliance Française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

$60: Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老匯電影中心 VIP 會員(每場限購票兩張) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388-3188 | Online ticketing 網上購票 | Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388-0002 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone(HK$8/ticket & HK$10/ticket for Weekdays & Weekends Screenings respectively) 網上及電話購票均會收取手續費(星期一至五每張 $8,週末每張 $10) SPECIAL NOTES: At the time of this programme goes to print, some of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In the event that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old (with the original tickets intact) from 15 to 19 December 2014 at the Alliance Française de Hong Kong, 2/F, 123 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter and sponsors. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.

本節目表付印時,部份影片未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有影片被分類為第三級者,未滿 18 歲的持票人可帶同完整門票由 2014 年 12 月 15 日至 19 日到 灣仔軒尼詩道 123 號二樓法國文化協會辦理退票手續。 本節目的內容並不反映主辦機構及贊助者的意見。如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目或時間的權利。


Film Schedule 放映時間表 DATE 日期



香港大會堂 劇院

香港電影資料館 電影院

agnès b. CINEMA, HONG KONG ARTS CENTRE 香港藝術中心 agnès b. 電影院

20/11 Thu(四) 7:30 pm Stolen Kisses 偷吻 (90’) 21/11 Fri(五)

7:30 pm Bed and Board 婚姻生活 (100’)

22/11 Sat(六) 8:15 pm Stolen Kisses 偷吻 (90’) 23/11 Sun(日) 4:00 pm Bed and Board 婚姻生活 (100’) 26/11 Wed(三)

7:30 pm Hippocrates 醫手遮天 (102’)

7:00 pm Confidentially Yours 情殺案中案 (110’) 9:10 pm The Man Who Loved Women 愛女人的男人 (118’)

27/11 Thu(四)

7:30 pm The Easy Way Out 逃家的藝術 (95’)

7:00 pm Jules and Jim 祖與占 (102’) 9:00 pm The Last Metro 最後一班地車 (131’)

28/11 Fri(五)

7:30 pm The Man Who Loved Women 愛女人的男人 (118’)

29/11 Sat(六)

1:30 pm Confidentially Yours 情殺案中案 (111’) 4:00 pm Short Films Selection 短片精選 (71’) 5:30 pm The Good Life 美好生活 (93’)

2/12 Tue(二)

7:00 pm The Woman Next Door 隔牆花 (106’) 9:10 pm The Story of Adele H. 情淚種情花 (96’)

3/12 Wed(三)

7:30 pm The Last Metro 最後一班地車 (131’)

7:00 pm Shoot the Piano Player 射殺鋼琴師 (78’) 8:50 pm Two English Girls and the Continent 兩個英國女孩與歐陸 (130’)

4/12 Thu(四)

7:30 pm Two English Girls and the Continent 兩個英國女孩與歐陸 (130’)

5/12 Fri(五)

7:30 pm The Woman Next Door 隔牆花 (106’)

6/12 Sat(六)

1:30 pm The Story of Adele H. 情淚種情花 (96’) 3:30 pm Shoot the Piano Player 射殺鋼琴師 (78’) 5:30 pm The Soft Skin 柔膚 (103’) 8:15 pm The Blue Room 藍房情殺案 (76’)

7/12 Sun(日)

5:30 pm Jules and Jim 祖與占 ] (102’) 8:15 pm The Bride Wore Black 奪命佳人 (107’)

9/12 Tue(二)

7:00 pm The Bride Wore Black 奪命佳人 (107’) 9:10 pm The Soft Skin 柔膚 (103’)


Film Schedule 放映時間表




19/11 Wed(三)

6:45 pm OPENING FILM – Saint Laurent 時裝巨人的狂情歲月 (135’) 9:55 pm Serial Bad Weddings 非常 4 女婿 (97’)

20/11 Thu(四) 7:55 pm Serial Bad Weddings 非常 4 女婿 (97’)

7:40 pm Not My Type 非我類型 (111’)

21/11 Fri(五)

7:00 pm Saint Laurent

7:45 pm Next Time I'll Aim for the Heart 下次我唔會客氣 (111’) 9:55 pm The Easy Way Out 逃家的藝術 (95’)

時裝巨人的狂情歲月 (135’)

22/11 Sat(六) 8:10 pm The Blue Room 藍房情殺案 (76’) 9:45 pm Fool Circle 悲情會所 (111’)

8:00 pm Almost Friends 幾乎成為朋友 (91’)

23/11 Sun(日) 1:30 pm Cartoonists – Foot Soldiers of Democracy 漫畫家,民主的步兵 (106’) 3:35 pm Diplomacy 外交手腕 (84’)

3:30 pm Jacques and the Cuckoo-clock Heart 傑克的自鳴鐘心 (93’)

24/11 Mon(一) 5:45 pm Aunt Hilda! 凱達嬸嬸 ! (89’) 7:30 pm Sex, Love and Therapy 性愛治療室 (87’)

9:50 pm Gemma Bovery 新包法利夫人 (99’)

25/11 Tue(二) 7:50 pm Nice and Easy 輕鬆自由 (93’)

8:00 pm Inside the News (82’)

26/11 Wed(三) 7:30 pm Clouds of Sils Maria 坐看雲起時 (123’) 9:50 pm High Society 上流社會 (95’)

9:45 pm Not My Type 非我類型 (111’)

27/11 Thu(四) 5:55 pm Nicholas on Holiday

7:30 pm The Price of Fame (114’)

28/11 Fri(五)

9:55 pm French Riviera 以女兒之名 (116’)

小淘氣尼古拉的假期 (97’) 7:45 pm Fool Circle 悲情會所 (90’)

8:00pm Breathe 佔友慾 (91’)

29/11 Sat(六) 8:00 pm Love at First Fight 初戀戰士 (98’) 9:55 pm Picking Up the Pieces 生命的缺失 (90’)

7:40 pm Paris Follies 婚姻間奏曲 (98’) 9:35 pm Eden 伊甸園 (131’)

30/11 Sun(日) 1:30 pm Jacques and the Cuckoo-clock Heart 傑克的自鳴鐘心 (93’)

3:25 pm Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸 (112’)

1/12 Mon(一)

7:40 pm Geronimo 婕羅妮慕 (104’)

2/12 Tue(二)

9:45 pm French Riviera 以女兒之名 (116’)



7:40 pm Next Time I’ll Aim for the Heart 下次我唔會客氣 (111'’)

3/12 Wed(三) 7:50 pm I Did It Again 愛本多磨 (91’)

8:00 pm Breathe 佔友慾 (91’) 9:50 pm Hope 希望 (86’)

4/12 Thu(四) 7:45 pm Almost Friends 幾乎成為朋友 (91’) 9:35 pm Eden 伊甸園 (131’)

7:40 pm If You Don’t I Will 你唔走我走 (102’)

8:00 pm High Society 上流社會 (95’)

5/12 Fri(五)

8:00 pm Going Away 美好星期天 (95’) 9:55 pm Hippocrates 醫手遮天 (102’)

8:00 pm In the Courtyard (97’) 9:55 pm Sex, Love and Therapy 性愛治療室 (87’)

9:50 pm Diplomacy 外交手腕 (84’)

6/12 Sat(六)

5:50 pm Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸 (112’) 8:00 pm Paris Follies 婚姻間奏曲 (98’) 9:55 pm Geronimo 婕羅妮慕 (104’)

7:30 pm Clouds of Sils Maria 坐看雲起時 (123’) 9:50 pm French Riviera 以女兒之名 (116’)

7:50 pm The Last Diamond 終極鑽石 (108’) 9:50 pm I Did It Again 愛本多磨 (91’)

7/12 Sun(日)

1:30 pm Inside the News (82’) 3:10 pm Nicholas on Holiday 小淘氣尼古拉的假期 (97’)

1:40 pm Aunt Hilda! 凱達嬸嬸 ! (89’) 3:25 pm Girlhood 少女黨 (112’)

2:00 pm Gemma Bovery 新包法利夫人 (99’) 4:00 pm Nice and Easy 輕鬆自由 (93’)

8/12 Mon(一) 5:40 pm School of Babel 巴別塔校園 (90’) 7:25 pm In the Courtyard (97’)

7:50 pm The Easy Way Out 逃家的藝術 (98’) 9:45 pm Tonnerre 托尼爾

7:50 pm Love at First Fight 初戀戰士 (98’)

9/12 Tue(二)

7:45 pm Geronimo 婕羅妮慕 (104’) 9:45 pm If You Don’t I Will 你唔走我走 (102’)

8:00 pm Going Away 美好星期天 (95’)

8:00 pm Picking Up the Pieces 生命的缺失 (90’) 9:50 pm Gemma Bovery 新包法利夫人 (99’)

10/12 Wed(三) 7:50 pm Love at First Fight 初戀戰士 (98’) 9:45 pm The Last Diamond 終極鑽石 (108 ’)

8:00 pm Almost Friends 幾乎成為朋友 (91’)

11/12 Thu(四) 7:50 pm The Good Life 美好生活 (96’)

8:00 pm High Society 上流社會 (95’)








9:45 pm Breathe 佔友慾 (91’) 7:40 pm Girlhood 少女黨 (112’)

8:00 pm I Did It Again 愛本多磨 (91’)

7:35 pm Eden 伊甸園 (131’)

3:30 pm Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸 (108’)

3:50 pm The Good Life 美好生活 (93’) 5:40 pm Hippocrates 醫手遮天 (102’)

3:30 pm Nicholas on Holiday

小淘氣尼古拉的假期 (97’)

8:00 pm Hope 希望 (86’)

8:00 pm Going Away 美好星期天 (91’)

7:40 pm Next Time I’ll Aim for the Heart 下次我唔會客氣 (111’) 6:00 pm If You Don’t I Will 你唔走我走 (98’) 8:00 pm The Blue Room 藍房情殺案 (76’) 2:00 pm School of Babel 巴別塔校園 (90’) 3:45 pm The Price of Fame (114’) 9:50 pm Fool Circle 悲情會所 (90’) 7:50 pm Tonnerre 托尼爾 (106’) 7:45 pm Cartoonists – Foot Soldiers of Democracy 漫畫家,民主的步兵 (106’) 9:50 pm Not My Type 非我類型 (111’) 8:10 pm Sex, Love and Therapy 性愛治療室 (87’)

8:00 pm Paris Follies 婚姻間奏曲 (98’)


The Alliance Française de Hong Kong proudly presents every year French Cinepanorama The Hong Kong French Film Festival

Your French language and cultural centre in Hong Kong since 1953 自 1953 年起為您服務 的法國語文和文化中心 alliancefrancaisehk


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