Alliance française de Hong Kong Brochure

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Hong Kong

Take a breath of French air !



About the Alliance française


法國文化協會簡介 Five Good Reasons to Learn French 五個學法語的好理由


Five More Reasons to Learn French at the Alliance française de Hong Kong 再多五個到香港法國文化協會學法語的理由


Our Teaching Method : The Communicative Language Teaching 我們的教學方法:互動語言教學


Curriculum 課程大綱


Workshops and Specialised Courses 語文技巧工作坊及專科課程


Children and Teenagers Courses 兒童及青少年課程


Corporate Courses 商業機構法語培訓課程


Official Certificates and Diplomas 國際認可證書及文憑


Enrolment and Regulations 報名手續,章程及規則


Médiathèque 多媒圖書館


Cultural Activities 文化活動


PAROLES Magazine 《東西譚》


Contact Us 與我們聯絡


ABOUT THE ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE With nearly 1000 locations in 136 countries, the Alliance française is without a doubt the world’s largest network of cultural associations.

Created in Paris in 1883 by Pierre Foncin, the Inspector General for Public Education, and the diplomat Paul Cambon, its basic mission is to foster and promote French language and culture throughout the world. Other illustrious figures from the project’s inception include Jules Verne who raised money to send books and professors abroad. In each host country, the Alliance française is self-run and recognised by the local authorities as a non-profit making organization. Every chapter is directed by a board comprising distinguished local personalities from the fields of culture, education and business. The board’s acts are approved by the Foundation Alliance française in Paris, which makes sure that all our founding values and principles are adhered to throughout the world.

THE ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE FOUNDATION IN PARIS Located in the same building as the “Alliance française Paris Ile de France”, the Foundation has been operating since 2008, with three main objectives: - To federate and coordinate the worldwide Alliance française network - To bring expertise, counsel and further training to the network - To offer a cultural alternative to organisation by focusing on French-speaking cultures and supporting the promotion of cultural diversity in all its forms.


Did you know? Since early 2010, the Foundation has taken a lead role in implementing a Quality Management Approach throughout the worldwide network that aims to professionalise the staff of Alliance française chapters. At the end of 2010, the Alliance française de Hong Kong adopted these processes.

THE ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE HONG KONG Founded in Hong Kong in 1953, we are Asia’s leading Alliance française for student numbers, and the eighth largest in the world. Our centres are located on Hennessy Road in Wan Chai (with 11 classrooms) and on Jordan Road in Kowloon where, in addition to 14 classrooms, the public can access our large Resource Centre. Our French programmes span from A1 to B2 levels. We are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and are the only official examination centre in Hong Kong for all of the Diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education. On top of all this, we organise regular cultural events in partnership with respected local institutions. Among them are the French Cinepanorama, held during the winter period, and Le French May, in which we collaborate with the Consulate General of France. We also publish PAROLES, a bilingual cultural magazine (in French and Chinese).

法國文化協會簡介 近1000間分會遍佈136個國家,法國文化協會無疑是全球最龐大的文化網絡組織。

1883年由國民教育總監 Pierre Foncin與外交官 Paul Cambon成立,此 舉的首要使命就是在全球 推廣法語及法國文化。


其他從開首就參與這開拓 發展的傑出人物還包括有 科幻小說之父之稱的作 家朱利.凡爾納(Jules Verne),他負責籌募經 費把書本和老師送到外國 去。

我們的會址分別設於灣仔軒尼詩道(11間教 室)及九龍佐敦道(14間教室),公眾更可 使用我們的多媒圖書中心。

法國文化協會並非商業機 構。在每一個國家,它都 是自負盈虧,由地方政府 認可的非牟利機構,並由 當 地 的 文 化 界 、 學 界 或 Alliance française, Paris 商 界 的 知 名 人 士 組 成 的 巴黎法國文化協會 一個委員會監管。其運 作章程獲巴黎法國文化協會基金會認可和監察,以確 保世界各地的分會遵守本會的所有基本方針。

法國文化協會基金會 與巴黎法國文化協會一同座落於拉丁區拉斯巴耶大道 的一座歷史建築內,基金會自2008年開始運作,主 要有三大目標: - 團結並協調全球網絡的法國文化協會; - 給予這網絡專門知識、建議、培訓; - 彰顯法語國家和地區的文化並支持推廣各種形式的 多樣性文化,為全球一體化提供另一文化選擇。

香港法國文化協會成立於一九五三年。根據 學生人數的數字統計,它是亞洲區的首位, 在全世界則佔第八位。

我們提供一系列不同程度:入門(A1)到 中高階(B2)的法語課程。而我們的課程已 通過了香港學術及職業資歷評審局的資歷評 審。香港法國文化協會是法國教育部所頒發 的文憑在香港唯一的官方認可考試中心。 此外,香港法協亦經常與本地的商業機構或 文化團體合作舉辦文化節目,當中包括每年 年底舉辦的法國電影節及與法國駐香港及澳 門總領事館合辦的法國五月藝術節。法協還出版一本 名為《東西譚》的雙語(中、法對照)文化雜誌。

你知道嗎? 自2010年初,基金會也加入推行優質服務的行列, 旨在提升法國文化協會全體員工的專業水平,讓他 們更有效地領導中心和團隊的運作。而香港法國文 化協會亦於2010年底也開始推行這優質服務計劃。





With more than 220 million French-speakers across all five continents, French is one of the world’s most widely spoken languages. The international organisation of French-speaking countries, the Francophonie, comprises 75 states and governments.

The French lifestyle of high fashion, luxury cosmetics and fragrances alongside fine wines and fine gastronomy makes it the most refined in the world. In fact, UNESCO has declared the French multi-course gastronomic meal, with all its rites and presentation, as a 'world intangible heritage.’ French can help you savour the art de vivre.

4 - A LANGUAGE FOR THE JOB MARKET Speaking French and English is a huge advantage on the international job market, opening the doors to French companies all over the world, but also to international organisations such as United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, NATO, and international courts. As one of the world’s biggest economies and a top destination for foreign investment, France is a key economic partner. The Hôtel de Ville District, Paris Photo: Sophie Yiu ©

2 - THE LANGUAGE OF CULTURE Knowing French offers access to some of the great works of literature as well as thousands of films and songs. French is the language of Victor Hugo, Molière, Sophie Marceau, Laurent Garnier and Marion Cotillard.


5 - THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE Most importantly, learning French means learning the pleasure of a beautiful, rich, melodious language. Learning French is learning the language of love.


1 - 世界性的語言 超過二億二千萬說法語的人遍佈五大洲,法語是世 上其中一種最多人使用的語言。國際法語國家組織 (The Francophonie)是由75個國家及政府組成。

2 - 文化的語言 諳法語更能欣賞一些文學巨著和數以百計的法語電 影和歌曲的精髓。法文是文壇巨匠雨果和莫里哀, 影星蘇菲馬素和瑪麗昂歌迪亞,還有著名唱片騎師 Laurent Garnier的母語。

3 - 生活藝術的語言 高級時裝、高級化裝品和香水,美酒和佳饌等生活上 的享受讓法國人的生活成為世界上最講究的生活藝 術。事實上,聯合國教科文組織已宣佈法國多道菜式 的美食和有關之禮儀和擺盤方式是〝無形的世界遺 產〞的一種。法文能助妳細味生活的藝術。

4 - 就業市場的語言 諳法語和英語在國際就業市場中佔極大的優勢,這不 單打開了世界各地法國機構的大門,同時亦是通往一

European Parliament 歐洲議會

些國際組織如聯合國、歐盟、聯合國教科文組織、北 約組織和國際法庭的橋樑。作為世界其中一個最大的 經濟體系和外國投資的首選地點,法國是一個重要的 經濟夥伴。

5 - 愛的語言 最重要的是,學法語代表學習一種淵博優雅和悅耳的 語言所帶來的樂趣。學法語是學習一種愛的語言。



1 - EXPERTISE Set up in Hong Kong in 1953, the Alliance française is a pioneer in teaching French in Hong Kong with highly qualified and experienced teachers, and we are now one of Asia’s premiere Alliances françaises.

2 - INNOVATION We use the latest methods and technologies, with communicative language teaching supported by interactive whiteboards.

5 - SOCIAL NETWORKING Make new friends from all over the world in class or during our events - en français!

Enrolling now and learning French at the Alliance française will make you a part of the world’s largest network of cultural associations.

3 - RECOGNITION The Alliance française is the only official examination centre in Hong Kong for all of the Diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education (such as DELF and DALF). Our General French programmes have been accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).

4 - MEMBERSHIP Alliance française Membership Card. A personalised Card is issued to all students and members of the Alliance française de Hong Kong. With it, you can borrow documents from our Mediatheque and enjoy some great promotions, including 25% to 50% discounts on shows and activities organised by the Alliance française, and discounts on a range of French products and services in Hong Kong.


Alliance française de Hong Kong, 香港法國文化協會灣仔中心

另外五個在香港法國 文化協會學法語的理由

1 - 專業

3 - 官方認可

香港法國文化協會於1953年在香港成立,是香港開 辦法文課程的先驅,它的教學團隊極具資力和豐富的 教學經驗。現時,我們在亞洲法國文化協會網絡中的 位置更是數一數二。

香港法國文化協會是法國教育部所頒發的文憑(如 DELF及DALF)在香港唯一的官方認可考試中心。

2 - 革新 我們採用最新的方法和技術,並透過互動電子白板來 進行互動的語言教學方法。

我們的法語課程已通過了香港學術及職業資歷評審 局的資歷評審。

4 - 會員資格 法國文化協會會員證。香港法國文化協會的學員均 可擁有一張個人的會員證。憑證除了可向我們的多 媒圖書中心借書或文獻外,本會舉辦的所有文化節 目及活動也可享受七五折至半價的優惠,亦可以在 本港以折扣價購買一些法國產品或服務。

5 - 社交網絡 在課堂中或參與我們的活動時,有機會結交來自世 界各地的朋友,藉此將法語活學活用。

即時報讀法國文化協會的法語課程,成為世界上最 龐大的文化網絡的一份子。

Wanchai Centre



THE COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING Learn French with Les experts ! All of our experienced teachers at the Alliance française de Hong Kong have perfect mastery of the French language and have been rigorously trained to teach French as a foreign language. An extensive programme of continuous learning for all our teaching staff means that we are constantly improving the quality of your French learning experience.

WHAT IS IT? The communicative approach puts you - the learner - at the centre of the learning process. It lets you communicate freely in real-life contexts, using the language you need.

Did you know? At AFHK the school year is divided in 4 sessions of 10 weeks each (except for summer intensive courses). We provide a wide range of courses:

The focus is on activities that maximise your opportunities to use French in an interactive, conversational way. This is achieved through meaningful exercises such as group work, creative role-plays and task-based activities.

• General French Courses (30h) – Once a week for 3 hours or twice a week for 1½ hours.

We emphasise speaking and listening, although reading and writing are also important parts of the courses. Naturally, grammar is not neglected, but the focus remains on getting the message across.

• Children and teenagers French Courses (15h)

We encourage you to explore French for yourself so we recommend not using dictionaries in class and avoiding systematic translation.

ROLE OF THE TEACHER The teacher is there to create opportunities for you to use and practise the language in authentic situations and to give you feedback. The classroom is a community where learners learn through collaboration and sharing, and our teachers are trained to facilitate this.

THE LEARNING PROCESS Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, so don’t worry if you don’t understand everything straight away. It can be frustrating at times, especially for adults, but each time


• The AFHK also provides workshops and specialised courses (15h to 20h) for adults to boost your knowledge of French.

you don’t understand, it is an opportunity to learn how to be able to express yourself fully next time. Just relax and focus on what you know, not what you don’t!

ADULT TEXTBOOKS Scénario 1 (Level A1) Scénario 2 (Level A2) Echo B1 Volume 1 & Volume 2 (Level B1) Echo B2 (Level B2)

我們的教學方法: 互動語言教學 隨專家學習法語 香港法國文化協會所有資深的導師都精通法國語文,並曾接受嚴格的法語外語教學的培訓。 而我們為所有教職員提供一套完備的持續進修計劃,這代表我們不斷地提升閣下法語學習的質 素。

甚麼是互動語言教學? 互動語言教學以閣下 ─ 學習者 ─ 為學習過程的中 心。讓閣下能在現實生活環境中靈活自如地運用所需 的語言。 重點是通過一些有意義的練習,如小組工作,角色扮 演等活動讓學員有機會在互動和對話的環境下充份地 使用法語。 我們的課程特別強調口語和聽力的訓練,雖然閱讀和 書寫在我們的課程中同樣重要。當然,文法的應用也 沒有被忽視,但重點仍然是要讓訊息得以傳遞。 我們鼓勵學員親自了解法文,因此我們並不建議學員 在課堂上使用字典,而且,如非必要,盡量避免將法 文字句逐一翻譯。

你知道嗎? 香港法協每年分為四個學期,每個學期共十星期(暑 期密集課程除外)。我們提供一系列不同的課程: •實用法語課程(30小時):每星期上課一次,每課 三小時,或每星期上課兩次,每課一小時三十分。 •法協亦為成年提人供一些提升法語能力的語文技巧 工作坊及專科課程(十五至二十小時)。 •兒童及青少年課程(十五小時)。

教師的角色 教師能在實際的情況下為學員提供使用和練習法語的 機會,並且給予適當的回應。課室是的一個小社團, 當中,學員透過合作、分享來一同學習,而我們的教 師所接受的訓練能使整個學習過程更容易。

學習過程 在學習的過程中,犯錯是自然的一部份,因此,不能 夠即時全部明白也不需要感到憂慮。雖然有時確實是 會令人感到沮喪的,尤其是成年人,但每次有不明白 的地方,便是一個良好的機會學習在下次如何能自我 表達。 不要緊張,只需專注於你所知道的,而不是你不知道 的!

成人班課本 Scénario 1(A1 - 入門) Scénario 2(A2 - 基礎) Echo B1 Volume 1 & Volume 2(B1 - 中階) Echo B2(B2 - 中高階)


Curriculum All our courses are designed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR is the internationally-used European guideline that describes the level of fluency achieved by a foreign language learner. At the Alliance française, each CEFR level is divided into multiple courses, as detailed below. At the end of our beginner, elementary and intermediate programmes, successful students will obtain a Certificate of French issued by the Alliance française de Hong Kong and recognised by the HKCAAVQ*. At the end of each CEFR level, students have the opportunity to take exams in order to obtain Diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education. CEFR* Levels

Global abilities At the end of each level, students can:

AFHK courses

ELEMENTARY • understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. A1 A1.1 • introduce him/herself and others, ask and answer Breakto questions about personal details such as where he/ through A1.4 she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. • interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. • understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, A2.1 A2 employment) to Waystage • communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring A2.6 a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. • describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need. INTERMEDIATE • understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. • deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling B1.1 B1 in an area where the language is spoken. to Threshold • produce simple connected text on topics which are B1.12 familiar or of personal interest. • describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. • understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity B2 that makes regular interaction with native speakers Advanced quite possible without strain for either party. • produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. MASTER • understand a wide range of demanding, longer C1/C2 texts and recognise implicit meaning. Proficiency • understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.


DELF A1 Recommended to be taken at the end of level A1

DELF A2 Recommended to be taken at the end of level A2

DELF B1 Recommended to be taken at the end of level B1

B2.1 to B2.18


C1 to C2


* HKCAAVQ: Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications


AFHK Certificates recognised by the HKCAAVQ


QF Level 1 Ref: 11/000207


QF Level 2 Ref: 1/000208

Intermediate (B101 - B109)

QF Level 3 Ref: 1/000209

課程大綱 香港法國文化協會的課程均以歐洲語言共同參考框架(CEFR)作標準。 CEFR是國際間用來評定外國人學習歐洲語言所達到的流利程度之準則。香港法國文化協會將 CEFR的每個階段細分為多個課程,請參考下列詳情。 成功通過每個階段的期終考試的學員獲法國文化協會頒發法語證書。 在結束本會之入門、基礎及中階程度的課程時,學員可以報考法國教育部頒發的文憑考試。

歐洲語言共同 參考框架等級

A1 入門

A2 基礎


B2 中高階

C1/C2 高階


獲香港學術及職業 資歷評審局認可 的法協證書


• 能理解日常生活中簡單的資訊。 • 能簡單的介紹自己或他人,回答或提問 一些有關個人資料的問題。 • 若對方的說話緩慢清晰,能與人作簡單 的交流。 • 能理解與熟悉的主題有關的字句及常用 語(非常基本之個人及家庭資料、購 物、本地之地理環景、就業)。 • 能簡單直接地交換一些熟悉和日常事物 的資料。




入門 A1.1


至 A1.4

建議完成 A1課程後報考



至 A2.6

建議完成 A2課程後報考



至 B1.12

建議完成 B1課程後報考

資歷級別第一級 參考號碼: 1/000207 基礎

資歷級別第二級 參考號碼: 1/000208


• 能夠理解有關工作、學校、娛樂中經常 遇到的熟悉事項的明確要點。 • 在所學語言的國家旅遊時可以處理大多 數突然出現的情況。 • 能就熟悉或與個人興趣有關的題目創作 簡短的文章。 • 能夠形容一些個人經驗和事件、夢境、 願望和抱負,並為想法和計劃作出簡短 的理由和解釋。 • 能理解一些內容複雜,主題具體或抽象 的文章中的要點,包括一些自己專業領 域上的技術性討論。 • 能以一定程度流暢自如的語言經常與該 語言作母語的人士作交流。 • 能就各種類形的題目寫作清晰詳盡的文 章,並就一個特定的題目作出見解和提 供正反的意見。 精通 • 能够理解大量篇幅冗長、要求高、並且 帶有深層含義的文章。非常準確地掌握 語言。無需費力便能理解幾乎所有閱讀 到的、聽到的內容。

中階 (B101-B109)

資歷級別第三級 參考號碼: 1/000209

B2.1 至 B2.18


C1 至 C2





Our workshops and specialised courses are instrumental in helping you achieve a high level of French language competence. They are designed to complement existing courses by providing the opportunity to improve certain language skills. Examples of workshops and specialised courses we can provide include Phonetics, Support and proficiency, Oral, Conversation, French Writing, French through French Cinema and TV5 Monde Interactive classes.

Did you know? The Alliance française de Hong Kong uses interactive whiteboards as well as learning tools from TV5 Monde to teach French, bringing even more collaboration, interactivity and fun into classrooms.

FRENCH THROUGH FRENCH CINEMA • To develop listening and speaking skills through activities based on French films extracts • To discover and appreciate French cinema

SUPPORT & PROFICIENCY For beginners lacking in fundamentals (grammar, structures, phonetics) and willing to practise more through oral / written communicative tasks and activites (including listening).


語文技巧工作坊及 專科課程

在學習法文的過程中,語文技巧工作坊對改進及鞏固 語文基礎十分重要。它們配合實用法語課程,提升學 習者在語文上各方面的能力。我們所提供的工作坊及 專科課程包括語音訓練、口語能力訓練、會話、法 文寫作、睇電影學法語及TV5 Monde電視台互動教 學。

你知道嗎? 香港法國文化協會採用互動電子白板,還有TV5 Monde電視台提供的學習工具,將更多的互動性 和樂趣帶進課堂中。

睇電影學法語 • 透過一些以法語電影中的片段為基礎的活動來 增強聽和講的能力 • 發掘和增加對法語電影的認識和興趣

TV5 Monde


CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS COURSES Classes for teenagers (12 to 17 years old) Classes for children (8 to 11 years old)

- Once a week for 1½ hours (15h) - Once a week for 1½ hours (15h)

We also provide Summer Intensive Courses for children and teenagers. Give your child the opportunity to learn and interact in French through a variety of fun courses and activities.

EXPERIENCE, EXPERTISE AND FUN Alliance française de Hong Kong offers the natural way to experience French language and culture from 8 to 17 years old; we give general classes all year round, as well as intensive summer sessions. Rich of more than 20 years experience in teaching French to children, Alliance française de Hong Kong runs structured classes tailored for the children's needs and their specific age group and where fun is a rule of thumb. The classes are run by qualified teachers. Our Children and Teens classes can be completed by international diplomas, the DELF Prim and DELF Junior, recognized by the French Government and especially dedicated to the children (more information in Official Certificates and Diplomas on page 20).

TEXTBOOKS Alex et Zoé 1 et 2 Pourquoi pas 1 et 2


Children will use the set of Alex et Zoé, book 1 or book 2 (textbook and exercise book) in the class. Alex et Zoé is a fun and much-acclaimed textbook to start learning French from 8 years old. It is highly interactive and kids are invited to communicate in real life situations, through games, songs and stories. Many self-assesments are offered. The characters are inspired by Charles Perrault’s fairy tales. Teenagers will use the set of Pourquoi pas !, book 1 or book 2 (textbook and exercise book). It is the first Communicative Language Teaching method for teenagers, and it takes into account their interests. With Pourquoi pas !, young students will be fully involved in both written and oral activities, in individual or group tasks.

WHY LEARNING FRENCH IS GOOD FOR YOUR CHILD? • He/She will learn the natural way, with more ease: facile ! • His/Her creativity will open up because language is creation: oh la la ! • His/Her pronunciation will be closer to the native-way. Mais oui ! • He/She will have a greater choice of jobs when he/she gets older. Chef, business man, diplomate... • He/She will learn that making mistakes leads to success: bravo ! • He/She will travel with more ease in the French-speaking countries: Bon voyage ! • He/She just will have fun... in French: bien sûr !

兒童及青少年課程 青少年班(十二至十七歲) 兒童班(八至十一歲)

每星期上課一次,每課一小時三十分(十五小時) 每星期上課一次,每課一小時三十分(十五小時)

每年暑假,香港法協也會為兒童及青少年舉辦密集法語課程。 透過各種有趣的課程和活動,為閣下的小朋友提供機會學習和交流法語。

經驗豐富、專業和趣味性 香港法國文化協會為八至十七歲的學童提供在自然的 環境下體驗法國語言和文化的機會;我們全年為兒童 和青少年開辦法語課程,還有暑期的密集課程。香港 法國文化協會開辦兒童法語課程已有超過二十年的豐 富經驗,課程是特別為兒童的需要和適合他們歲數的 組別而特別設計,尤其以趣味性為原則,並由合資格 的導師教授。我們的兒童及青少年課程完成後可以報 考國際認可的DELF Prim及DELF Junior文憑考試(詳 情請參閱第22頁之國際認可證書及文憑)。

課本 Alex et Zoé 1 et 2 Pourquoi pas 1 et 2 兒童班的課本分別是Alex et Zoe(課本和習作)第 一冊和第二冊。Alex et Zoe是一套趣味性豐富,並 獲得極多好評,專為八 歲以上的小朋友而設的法語 教科書。它透過遊戲、歌曲和故事等互動的方法讓 小朋友在實際的情況下作交流。書中的人物取材於 Charles Perrault的童話故事。 青少年班則採用 Pourquoi pas !(課本和習作)第 一冊和第二冊。這是第一套為青少年而設,並考慮到 青少年的興趣的互動語言教學的教材。在這套教材 中,青年學生透過個人或小組的工作獲得充份的機會 練習書寫和會話。

小朋友學法語有何好處? 在自然的方法下學習,更容易:facile! 啟發創意,因為語言就是創造:oh la la! 發音更接近母語的方式。Mais oui ! 長大後工作的選擇更多。Chef, business man, diplomate... • 學會失敗乃成功之母:bravo! • 到法語國家旅遊更方便:Voilà! • 純粹享受說法語的樂趣:bien sûr! • • • •



We offer corporate French language training to individuals or small groups. Convenient, flexible classes take place at times and locations suitable for you – for example, before or after working hours or during lunchtime, in-house or in our premises. We provide General French Courses as well as tailor-made training programmes according to your needs and requirements. Our teachers integrate the appropriate business, cultural and professional backgrounds for you. Participants are trained through role-play based on realistic situations that they are likely to encounter in French. Interesting topics are introduced within a functional framework from the latest French teaching methods including through audiovisual documents and other resources such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and the Internet. For more information: please see our Corporate Courses tab at the end of the brochure, or go to La DÊfense District, Paris


商業機構 法語培訓課程

法國文化協會為商業機構提供小組或個別教授之法語 培訓課程。 非常方便,機構可自由選擇上課的時間、次數和時間 長短 ─ 例如在辦公時間之前或之後,或午餐時間。 我們除了提供實用法語課程外亦可因應機構的不同需 要而提供度身訂造的課程,我們的導師亦會就機構的 文化和專業背景而作出適當的調整。 參加課程的員工透過扮演工作中可能遇到的真實情況 中的角色來學習實用的法語。我們採用最新的法語教 學方法,包括視聽教材及其他資源如報刊,電視、電 台及網上的節目等,在一個實用的框架內加入一些有 趣的主題。 欲了解更詳盡的資料,請參閱本小冊子後面的附頁, 或瀏覽我們的網址。


OFFICIAL CERTIFICATES AND DIPLOMAS All of our courses prepare our students for internationally recognised qualifications, and successful candidates will be awarded certificates or diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education. The Alliance française is the only official examination centre in Hong Kong for the exams indicated below. Students from other institutions are also welcome to take those exams at the Alliance française.



DELF and DALF are French language qualifications recognised all over the world. They attest to a level of competence and mastery of the French language for those people with French as a second language. Each stands on its own and is valid for life.

It is a French language competency evaluation test. It provides a snapshot analysis of the candidate’s level of proficiency and is valid for two years.


It is an evaluation exam required for admission to the first year of French university.


(12 to 17 years old) It has the same basic structure as the standard DELF. Only the topics are different: the materials take into account the interests of young people. It can only be taken by children of secondarylevel age. The diploma awarded is identical to the standard DELF diploma.

DELF PRIM (8 to 11 years old) DELF Prim is intended for children who are beginners in French as a Foreign Language. Successful candidates receive a certificate identical to the general public version.


DAEFLE It is a diploma granted by the Alliance française de Paris designed to train future teachers of French for foreigners. The six units are completed by correspondence.

Did you know? The DELF and DALF examinations can be taken in 900 approved examination centres in 154 countries, including France.

WHICH DELF/DALF EXAM SHOULD YOU TAKE? Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

DELF /DALF (Adult)



DELF A1 Between 60 to 100 hrs of French*


DELF A2 Between 160 to 220 hrs of French*



DELF B1 Between 360 to 420 hrs of French*


DELF B2 Between 560 to 670 hrs of French*


DALF C1 Between 810 to 970 hrs of French*


DALF C2 From 1060 hrs up of French*

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages



DELF Junior (12 to 17 years old)



DELF Junior A1 Between 60 to 100 hrs of French*


DELF Junior A2 Between 160 to 220 hrs of French*



DELF Junior B1 Between 360 to 420 hrs of French*


DELF Junior B2 Between 560 to 670 hrs of French*

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

DELF Prim (8 to 11 years old)


DELF Prim A1.1 Between 50 to 60 hours of French*


DELF Prim A1 Between 60 to 100 hrs of French*


DELF Prim A2 Between 160 to 220 hrs of French*




DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française)

* These numbers of hours of studying French are just an average.


國際認可證書及文憑 我們所有的課程均為學員準備報考國際認可資格,成功的考生獲法國教育部頒發證書或文憑。而 香港法國文化協會是下列考試或測驗在香港唯一之官方認可考試中心。我們也接受其他學院的學 生報名參加考試。



DELF及DALF法語鑑定文憑由法國教 育部統一頒發,屬國際認可文憑,特別 為非法語系國家的人士而設的語文鑑證考試,其有效 期為終生,程度共分三級,DELF第一級及DELF第二 級和DALF。

它為一項基本法語能力測驗,用來檢測 及鑑定非法語人士的法語程度。此證明之 有效期限為二年。


它是進入法國大學入讀第一年課程必須通過的法語能 力測驗。

(12至17歲) 它與標準的DELF考試之基本結構相同。只是主題不 同:題材特別針對年輕人的興趣。這考試只為適合就 讀中學之年歲組別的青少年而設。獲頒發的文憑與標 準的DELF文憑相同。

DELF PRIM (8至11歲) DELF Prim是專為初學法語作為第二語 言的小朋友而設。成功的考生獲頒發 的文憑與標準的DELF文憑相同。



DAEFLE 它是巴黎法國文化協會頒發的文憑,是特別為想教授 法文的外國人而設。這遙距考試共分為六個部份。

你知不知道? 閣下可在154個國家中的900個認可考試中心報考 DELF及DALF的文憑考試。

如何選擇報考DELF/DALF的哪一個級別? 歐洲語言共同 參考框架等級

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

歐洲語言共同 參考框架等級 A1 A2 B1 B2

歐洲語言共同 參考框架等級 A1.1 A1 A2



DELF A1 60至100小時法語課程* DELF A2


160至220小時法語課程 * DELF B1 360至420小時法語課程 * DELF B2


560至670小時法語課程 * DALF C1 810至970小時法語課程 * DALF C2


1060小時以上的法語課程 *

DELF Junior(12 至 17 歲)


DELF Junior A1 60至100小時法語課程* DELF Junior A2


160至220小時法語課程 * DELF Junior B1 360至420小時法語課程 * DELF Junior B2


560至670小時法語課程 *

DELF Prim(8 至 11 歲)


DELF Prim A1.1 50至60小時法語課程* DELF Prim A1


60至100小時法語課程* DELF Prim A2 160至220小時法語課程 *

* 學習法語的時數只是一個約數。




• Registration must be in person, either at our Wanchai or Jordan Centre. Class vacancies are on a first-come first-served basis, so students should register as soon as possible to guarantee a place. Registration by post will not be accepted.

• Courses will run subject to a minimum number of participants. Alliance française reserves the right to cancel a class with fewer than 8 registered students.

• Tuition fees must be paid in full at registration. Payments may be made in cash, by EPS or by crossed cheque payable to “Alliance française de Hong Kong”.

• There will be no make up sessions or refunds for classes that are cancelled due to typhoons or rainstorms. (For more detailed information, please visit our website:

• For registration, we require both an application form and a passport photo.


• Students under the age of 18 must provide valid identification (such as an ID card, birth certificate or student card) at the time of registration. • Please note that the cost of textbooks and course material is separate from the tuition fees.

PLACEMENT TESTS: • New students who have some knowledge of French and students of the Alliance française de Hong Kong who have not attended a course in the last six months or more should make an appointment for a placement test. • The placement test fee is HK$50 (refundable when you enrol in one of our classes). For appointments, please call 2527 7825 for Wanchai Centre or 2730 3257 for Jordan Centre.

ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE MEMBERSHIP CARD A personalised Membership Card is issued to all students and members of the Alliance française de Hong Kong. With it, you can borrow documents from our médiathèque and enjoy great promotions such as 25% to 50% discounts on shows and activities organised by the Alliance française, and discounts on French products and services in Hong Kong (for details, please refer to our magazine PAROLES or our website:


• Tuition fees, class schedules and teachers are subject to change without prior notice.

• Tuition fees are neither refundable nor transferable. However, in cases such as permanent departure from Hong Kong, serious illness or hospitalization, credit or a refund may be arranged if full proof is presented. • In case of permanent departure before the term starts, a full refund may be granted. However, once the term has started, there will be no refund. • In the case of temporary illness or hospitalization, if full proof is presented, partial credit (by a Letter of Credit) may be granted to be used when registering for another course at a later date. • All transfers from one course to another will be considered on an individual basis. Transfers will be accepted within the same level during the second week of each term. An administrative fee of HK$50 will be charged for any transfer outside this period. • Any student who seeks a concession such as transferring from one course to another, postponement or application for a certificate of attendance must provide Alliance française with written notice. • Any student who wishes to withdraw from a course must provide Alliance française with written notice at least three business days prior to the start of his/her first class. No verbal notification can be accepted.

報名手續 章程及規則 報名手續


• 請親臨本會的灣仔中心或佐敦中心辦理報名手續, 本會採取先到先得,額滿即止的方法。請學員盡早 報名。本會恕不接受郵寄報名。

• 如報名人數少於八人,香港法國文化協會有權取消 該班課程。

• 報名時必須繳交全部學費。繳費可用現金、易辦 事或劃線支票,支票抬頭請寫「香港法國文化協 會」。

• 課程若因惡劣天氣(如天文台懸掛八號風球或黑色 暴雨警告)而被取消將不會改期補課或退款。(詳 細資料請參閱法協網址 www.alliancefrancaise.

• 報名時須遞交申請表時連同證件相片一張。 • 未滿十八歲的學員報名時必須出示身份證、出世紙 或學生證等證明文件。 • 請注意學費並不包括課本或教材。

編班試 • 非初學法文者或停課超過六個月或以上的法國文化 協會舊學員必須預約時間接受入學編級測驗。 • 編班試費用:港幣50元(此費用可在報名繳費時 從學費中扣回)。預約時間請致電2527 7825(灣 仔中心)或2730 3257(佐敦中心)。

香港法國文化協會會員證 法協的學生及會員均獲發法協會員證一張,憑證可向 本會的多媒體圖書館借閱資料,凡本會舉辦的文化活 動亦可享受七五折至半價的優惠,更可以折扣價購買 一些法國產品或服務(詳情請參閱本會雜誌《東西 譚》或瀏覽本會網址:

• 本會保留更改學費、上課時間及導師的權利。

退款、延期或轉班規則 •除課程被取消外,已繳付的學費恕不退還或轉讓。 然而,若已報名的同學必須永久離開香港、患重病 或住院,本會將視情況而定或會將部份學費退回或 以備用學費證明(Letter of Credit)的形式發還 以保留作下學期使用。但同學必須出示有效之證明 文件。 • 若已報名的同學必須永久離開香港,而學期仍未開 始,該同學可申請退回已繳的全部學費,但學期一 經開始,則學費絕不能退回。 • 若同學在開學前因患重病或必須住院,本會或 會將已繳付的學費以備用學費證明(Letter of Credit) 的形式發還以保留作下學期報名之用, 但同學必須出示有效之證明文件。 • 任何轉班的申請將作個別情況處理(本會保留接受 轉班申請與否的權利)。同學可在指定時間內(開 學的第二個星期)申請同級轉班。同學若在指定時 間以外申請轉班必須繳付HK$50的手續費。 • 同學如有任何申請:如轉班、延期、出席證明必需 以書面形式通知法國文化協會行政部。 • 同學如申請或退款,必需在開課前三天以書面形式 通知法國文化協會行政部,本會決不接受任何形式 之口頭申請。


MÉDIATHÈQUE While waiting for your next class to begin, why don’t you leaf through the latest issue of Elle, listen to French language learning materials, borrow a novel or a DVD or surf the net for information on museums in France to prepare for a future trip?

Did you know? These are few of the many reasons to come to the Alliance française’s mediatheque, where you will find the following items available, all free of charge for on-site usage: • More than 8000 novels and non-fiction books, including 300 works in Chinese and English • An extensive learner’s library with a large variety of books and audiovisual materials categorised according to levels defined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) • 2 multimedia computers displaying a selection of resources, DVDs and songs, all classified according to CEFR levels • A collection of 700 DVDs and 900 CDs • A relaxation area with more than a dozen different French magazines titles, including Elle, Paris Match, Les Inrockuptibles, and Femme Actuelle • A youth section offering more than 2400 items, including 450 comic books • 4 computers that can be used for surfing the Internet

You can borrow and return items at either the Jordan mediatheque or the Wanchai Centre reception desk (123, Hennessy Road, Wanchai. Tel: 2527 7825)

ENROLMENT FEES • Free for Alliance française de Hong Kong current students • HK$40 for students attending university or school in Hong Kong • HK$300 for all other members If you wish to borrow any DVDs or CDs, a deposit of HK$ 400 must be paid in advance.

BORROWING ITEMS At Jordan, you can make your selection directly from the items on display or choose from the range of new titles and recommended items. Elsewhere, you can refer to our on-line catalogue, then contact us by telephone, fax or e-mail:

CULTURAL EVENTS Throughout the year, artists and lecturers gather at the Médiathèque in order to bring you exciting events connected with French culture, such as cinema, literature, music and comic strips. For more information, please consult our website: Soirée avec Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Fête de la francophonie 2009. 與作家圖森的約會,2009年國際法語國家同樂日

JORDAN CENTRE 1/F, 52 Jordan Road, Kowloon Tel: 2730 8598 OPENING HOURS Monday to Friday: 12:00 noon ~ 8:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm


多媒圖書中心 還未夠鐘上課?何不到法國文化協會的多媒圖書中心閱讀最新一期的雜誌《Elle》,或聆聽一些 法語學習的教材,又或者借一本小說或電影光碟,要不然也可以上網找尋法國旅遊景點或博物館 的資料,為下次旅遊作準備……

你知道嗎? 法國文化協會的多媒圖書中心提供下列資料文獻給免 費在場借閱:

閣下可選擇親自到多媒圖書中心或在灣仔中心(灣 仔軒尼詩道123號一樓,電話:2527 7825)辦理借 還手續,悉隨尊便。

• 超過8000本小說及參考書籍,包括300本中文或英 文著作 • 一個專為法語學習者而設的圖書館,所有書本及視 聽教材全部按照歐洲語言共同參考框架(CEFR) 的不同程度 • 兩台多媒電腦,提供的一系列經過特別選擇;並按 照CEFR程度分類的資料、電影、歌曲等 • 700多張電影光碟、900多張音樂光碟 • 一個休閒區,並備有十多種題材不同的雜誌供在場 閱讀,包括:Elle、Paris-Match、 Les Inrockuptibles、Femme Actuelle等等 • 青少年天地內提供2400多份資料,當中包括450多 冊漫畫 • 4台電腦供上網之用



開放時間 星期一至五:中午十二時至晚上八時 星期六:早上十時至下午五時

• 香港法國文化協會學生的會費已包括在學費之內。 • 正在大學或中學學習法文的香港學生:HK$40。 • 其他會員:HK$300。

多媒圖書中心全年均會邀請一些藝術家、作家或學者 到來主持一些有關法國文化,如電影、文學、音樂、 漫畫等題材的講座。 欲了解更詳盡的資料,請瀏覽我們的網址。 佐敦中心 佐敦道五十二號一樓 電話:2730 3257

任何人士欲外借電影或音樂光碟必須預先繳付 HK$400按金。

借閱資料 同學或會員可親自前往佐敦中心直接從架上陳列的文 獻,或特別推介的作品或新作中挑選。 亦可安坐家中,利用我們提供的網上目錄 來挑選,再透過電話、傳真或電郵與我們 聯絡。電郵地址如下:。


CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Discovering French artists, watching French films and enjoying concerts, shows or performances in French, represent important aspects of your enjoyment of French language and culture. Throughout the year, the Alliance française de Hong Kong organises cultural events, bringing the best of the French artistic scene to Hong Kong:


array of artistic disciplines that include the visual arts, opera, classical and contemporary music, dance, new circus, theatre and cinema as well as the culinary arts.

Showing the diversity of contemporary French cinema, the Alliance française has been presenting French films here for more than 50 years with the oldest and best-loved cinema festival in Hong Kong. Thanks to its ever original, curious and high-quality film selections, the Hong Kong French Film Festival, also known as the French Cinepanorama, is an essential rendez-vous for all the city’s film lovers. Every year in November and December, we present a selection of around 40 recent and awardwinning films. From fiction to documentaries and animation to restored classics, short films and more, the festival provides a unique opportunity to experience the brilliance of French cinema through original and fascinating works and for French talents to enchant Hong Kong.

Le French May is a unique opportunity to discover the best of the French artistic scene in Hong Kong!

LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL Organised by the Consulate General of France in association with the Alliance française de Hong Kong and with the support of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Le French May has grown over the last 20 years to become one of the largest French arts festivals in Asia. During its history, Le French May has staged over 500 events of the highest international calibre, covering a broad


Francophone World festival Every year in March, French-speaking communities around the world celebrate the vibrancy and richness of francophone cultures with a variety of activities to appeal to everyone’s taste: exhibitions, film screenings, live music, displays of the latest awardwinning French-language books, cooking demonstrations or wine tastings… Each year is different but always fun.

THE ARTISTS’ FUND The Artists’ Fund aims at helping Hong Kong artists develop arts. On presentation of a project and its subsequent approval by a jury, funds are allocated to finance a production expenses, and other essential project costs.

Isabelle Huppert and Director Benoît Jacquot at the Opening of the 38th French Cinepanorama. 伊莎貝許拔與導演賓諾雅積高出席第三十八屆 法國電影節 The World of Francophone Comics Exhibition, Fête de la francophonie 2011, Hong Kong Arts Centre 「漫畫家筆下的法語世界」漫畫展覽,2011年 國際法語地區同樂日,香港藝術中心

Les Sept planches de la ruse, Le French May 2009 《七巧板》,2009年法國五月藝術節

Musical Showdown, Wax Tailor, Le French May 2010. Photo de Chris Lusher

The Upside Down World of Philippe Ramette, Le French May 2011, Photo de Sophie Yiu 「菲臘.哈密特那顛倒的世界」攝影展覽, 2011年法國五月藝術節


文化活動 認識法國藝術家,睇法國電影,欣賞法語演出的演唱會、節目和表演對閣下享受法國語言和文化 所帶來的樂趣非常重要。香港法國文化協會每年均會舉辦多項文化活動,為本會的學生、會員及 熱愛法國文化的人士提供更多接觸法國語文和文化的機會。



由香港法國文化協會主辦的法國電影節 已超過50年的歷史。它是香港歷史最悠 久的電影節,亦是香港其中一個最受歡迎和最大型的 電影盛會,是影迷不能錯過的約會。每年的十一月及 十二月,法國電影節放映約四十部法國最新及得獎的 電影,種類包括劇情片、紀錄片、動畫、短片或經典 作品的復刻版。法國文化協會在電影節期間亦會邀請 一些著名導演或新晉導演來港介紹他們的作品。

世界各地的法語國家及 地區在每年三月二十日 前後的一星期內均一同 慶祝法語文化的豐富多姿。在香港,法國文化協會與 多個法語國家領事館聯合主辦一連串能迎合不同人士 之口味的活動:展覽、電影、音樂演奏、介紹最新之 得獎法文書籍、烹飪示範或試酒會…… 每年都有新 搞作,新趣味。

法國五月藝術節 由法國駐港總領事館主辦,香港法國文化 協會合辦,並獲康樂及文化事務署贊助的 法國五月藝術節在過去的二十年間已成為 亞洲最盛大的藝術節之一。過去的法國五月曾舉辦過 超過500個響譽國際的節目,當中包括視覺藝術、歌 劇、古典及當代音樂演奏會、舞蹈、新興馬戲、戲劇 及電影,還有烹飪藝術等不同的節目。法國五月藝術 節為香港的公眾提供了欣賞最優秀的法國藝術之良 機。


藝術家基金 藝術家基金成立的目的是希望幫助在香港居住的藝術 工作者實踐一些與法國有關的專業計劃。申請人所遞 交的計劃書須經由評審團審批,選出的得獎者可獲頒 發一筆獎金作為到法國的旅費或短暫逗留、製作費或 是其他的費用,但必須是與實踐該計劃有關。

Cinématique, Le French May 2011 《數碼漫遊》,2011年法國五月藝術節

Directors Yann Samuell, Olivier Assayas and the actresses of On Tour at the Opening of the 39th French Cinepanorama 導演恩森姆爾、奧利維耶阿薩亞斯與《巡迴表演》的女演 員出席第三十九屆法國電影節

M Asian Tour, Le French May 2010 M亞洲巡迴演唱會,2010年法國五月藝術節

Lang Toi, My Village, Le French May 2010 《我的家鄉》,2010年法國五月藝術節



PAROLES is the longest running cultural magazine for cinema, dance, theatre, visual arts and literature published in Hong Kong. Founded on the 1st January 1982, PAROLES will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2013. It is the successor to Journal de Hong Kong, the first Alliance française publication, which was founded in 1970.

been the official program of Le French May festival for seven years, enabling this annual event to become established in Hong Kong. PAROLES is also a regular supporter of various local arts festivals, including the Fringe Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, European Film Festival, International Film Festival and New Vision Festival.

Published in a bilingual format (French/Chinese) since September 1992, it is a multidisciplinary magazine covering French cultural events in Hong Kong such as French Cinepanorama and Le French May, as well as local affairs and the latest trends in the Hong Kong arts community. PAROLES is a platform of cultural exchanges between China and France. It has

With a print of 5,000 copies, PAROLES is available at Alliance française and various Hong Kong arts venues, universities, bookshops and meeting places for the French-speaking community. The magazine and its former issues can also be consulted on-line on our website: html


PAROLES Alliance Française de Hong Kong Mars / Avril 2009

Alliance Française de Hong Kong Septembre / Octobre 2008

Alliance Française de Hong Kong Janvíer / Février 2010

Architectures franco-hongkongaises 共建香江:法國築蹟160年 PAROLES

Septembre / Octobre 2008

Francophonie : cinéma, musique, littérature 國際法語節:電影、音樂、文學 Yan Pei-ming : Les funérailles de Monna Lisa 嚴培明:蒙羅麗莎的喪禮 PAROLES



Mars / Avril 2009 1

Art, Mer et Nature 藝術、海與大自然 PAROLES

Janvier / Février 2010 1


香港出版的文化刊物當中,《東西譚》當算是歷史最 悠久的了。它的內容包羅萬有:電影、舞蹈、戲劇、 視覺藝術及文學。它1982年1月首次出版,2013年將 是它的三十週年誌慶,其前身是香港法國文化協會於 1970創刊的《Journal de Hong Kong》。 《東西譚》自1992年9月起以雙語(法、中對照)出 版。是一本涉及多元文化(電影、舞蹈、戲劇、視覺 藝術、文學)的雜誌,除了介紹在香港舉辦的法國文 化活動,如法國電影節及法國五月藝術節外,也會報 導香港藝術界的最新趨勢。《東西譚》是中國與法國 文化交流的平台。它是法國五月節前七年的正式節目

PAROLES Alliance Française de Hong Kong Septembre / Octobre 2010

Photographie : City Flâneur 都市漫遊者:社會紀實攝影


表。一直以來,《東西譚》大力支持本地舉辦的各個 藝術節:藝穗節、香港藝術節、歐洲電影節、法語國 家短片節等。 現時,《東西譚》每兩個月出版一次,每期出版 五千本,有興趣的人士可於法國文化協會、香港 藝術中心、演藝學院、各大學、部份專門的書店 及法國餐廳免費取閱。讀者更可透過法國文化協 會的網址在網上閱讀最新一期的《東西譚》www.

PAROLES Alliance Française de Hong Kong Janvíer / Février 2011

Alliance Française de Hong Kong Novembre / Décembre 2010

PAROLES Alliance Française de Hong Kong Mars / Avril 2011

La bande dessinée de Hong Kong au Festival d’Angoulême

安古林國際漫畫節之香港漫畫 PAROLES

Septembre / Octobre 2010 1


Jan / Fév 2011 1

French May 2011: Philippe Ramette, poète de l’apesanteur th

The 39 French Cinepanorama




P A R O L E S • Nov / Déc 2010 1


Mars / Avril 2011 1


Contact Us Reception: Opening hours 接待處辦公時間 Monday to Friday 星期一至五:8:30 am - 9:00 pm Saturday 星期六:8:45 am - 12:15 pm, 1:45 pm to 5:00 pm Sunday and public holidays: Closed 星期日及公眾假期休息

WANCHAI CENTRE 灣仔中心 1 & 2/F, 123 Hennessy Road Wanchai, HONG KONG (Wanchai MTR-Exit A2) 香港灣仔軒尼詩道123號一樓及二樓 (灣仔地鐵站A2出口) Tel: (852) 2527 7825 Fax: (852) 2865 3478

JORDAN CENTRE 佐敦中心 G/F - 3/F, 52 Jordan Road Kowloon, HONG KONG (Jordan MTR-Exit A or C2) 香港九龍佐敦道52號一至三樓 (佐敦地鐵站 A 或 C2 出口) Tel: (852) 2730 3257 Fax: (852) 2736 0721

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