6 minute read
Annex 1: NFIS and Insurance Survey: Survey Questionnaire
2018 FISPLG –
National Financial Inclusion Strategies and Insurance: Survey on Current Status and Best Practices for AFI Members and Insurance Regulators/Supervisors
National Financial Inclusion Strategies (NFIS) around the globe are increasingly considering insurance alongside other financial services such as payments, savings, and credit. However, the topic of inclusive insurance has often received little or no attention compared to the other financial services in inclusive finance. The AFI Global Standards and Policy Committee (GSPC) is therefore interested in exploring the current status, best practices, and lessons learnt from integrating insurance into NFIS.
To support the work of the GSPC, AFI and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) are partnering to generate learnings from countries that have included, or are planning to include insurance as part of their NFIS, in order to encourage the inclusion of insurance in the national strategies of other jurisdictions.
The findings will be presented at the Financial Inclusion Strategy Peer Learning Group (FISPLG) Meeting from 24 – 26 April 2018 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Against this background, this survey explores the experiences of Finance Ministries, Central Banks as well as Insurance Supervisors in the respective national context. The survey has four parts:
General questions on the strategy The process of development of the strategy The strategy document The implementation
You are also welcome to participate if you are currently in the process of developing a national financial inclusion strategy. The information will be treated confidentially, and only aggregated information will be published.
Thank you very much for your participation, which is highly appreciated! In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Ariane Schoen (a.schoen@joyn-coop.com).
1. Contact Information
2. Please indicate if your jurisdiction has a financial inclusion strategy or any other policies or strategies covering access to financial services?
Yes Not at present, but we are in the process of development Not at present, but we are planning to develop one No Not sure
3. Which type of strategy is in your jurisdiction / the strategy you are developing?
National Financial Inclusion Strategy Financial Sector Strategy Microfinance Strategy Other relevant national or regional strategy
4. In reference to the question above, kindly select the strategy that is in your jurisdiction / the strategy you are developing which includes insurance.
National Financial Inclusion Strategy Financial Sector Strategy Microfinance Strategy Other relevant national or regional strategy
5. If the following strategy is in your jurisdiction / the strategy you are developing, please provide details such as the year and title below.
National Financial Inclusion Strategy
Financial Sector Strategy
Microfinance Strategy
Other relevant national or regional strategy
6. Please indicate if the current strategy is a first or a follow-up strategy?
First strategy Follow-up strategy How many strategies did you have before? Please name them in the box below
Please use the most recent NFIS as reference for answering the following questions. If your country does not have an NFIS, please use the most relevant other strategy.
7. Please indicate if, and in which way the topic of insurance has been included into the NFIS
Yes, insurance is fully integrated as a main pillar Yes, insurance is integrated, but not as a main pilar Not yet, we are in the process of integrating insurance in our NFIS No, insurance is not covered by the NFIS
8. Please indicate what types of insurance are considered within the scope of the NFIS? (select all that apply)
No focus on any particular product type/risk Health Life Accident Home & Property Disaster Agriculture Other (please specify)
9 . Was there a preparatory diagnostic study to assess the status of financial inclusion and to in-form strategy development?
Yes, including the topic of insurance Yes, but without the topic of insurance No Not sure
10. Please indicate the stakeholders that were included in the development of the insurance section (of the strategy)? (multiple answers possible)
Central Bank
Ministry of Finance
Insurance supervisor
Other authorities (ministries)
Insurance companies (supervisors)
Insurance intermediaries (banks)
Insurance associations (MFIs, etc.)
Mobile Network Operators
Cooperatives (SAC-COs, etc.)
Other actors. Please specify.
11. Did the process of the development of the strategy receive external support (e.g. financial cooperation, technical cooperation, etc.)?
No Not sure Yes. Please specify
12. What were the major steps in the development of the NFIS? (select all that apply)
Country diagnosis Evaluation of previous strategies Consultative process with different stakeholders Establishment of working groups on specific topics Revision process Public consultation process Formal launch of the strategy Formal approval by high-level stakeholders Other (please specify)
13. What are your lessons learnt from the process of strategy development? (e.g. on preparatory study, integration of stakeholders, themes covered etc.)
14. Is insurance explicitly mentioned as a financial service in the following parts?
Diagnostic Main objectives Action Plan Indicators
15. Please indicate if there are specific targets for insurance in the NFIS (e.g. 20% of the population are covered by insurance, etc.).
No Not sure Yes. Please specify
16. Is there insurance-specific indicators introduced to measure access, usage and quality of it?
Yes No
17. The specific access insurance-specific indicators were defined, namely...
No. of agents per 10,000 people Distance to access points Other (please specify)
18. The specific usage insurance-specific indicators were defined, namely...
% of people / adults / business with insurance coverage (at least one policy) Number of insurance policies Insurance premium per GDP Insurance premium per capita Other (please specify)
19. The specific quality insurance-specific indicators were defined, namely...
% of claims costs in relation to the premiums (claims ratio) Other (please specify)
20. Kindly also indicate if there are otherinsurance-specific indicators.
21. Please share details of your monitoring system with us.
In which frequency is the data on insurance reported?
Who reports the data on insurance
Who collects the data for the NFIS?
22. What would be your recommendation to other countries preparing a NFIS with respect to the integration of insurance?
23. Do you consider the way insurance is integrated into the NFIS appropriate to the national context?
Yes No
24. Which entities are funding the implementation of the NFIS? (multiple answers possible)
Government (federal budget) Ministries Insurance supervisor Insurance industry Non-government organizations or foundations Multi- or bilateral cooperation International NGOs / Foundations International Insurance Industry Other (please specify)
25. Kindly provide more details as to which entities are funding the implementation of the NFIS.
26. With respect to insurance, please assess the key aspects of strategy implementation
Coordination (like a Secretariat)
Action Plan
Indicators to achieve targets
Monitoring system
27. Which results and impacts considering insurance have been achieved through the efforts of the
Enabling policy environment, regulation and supervision Capacity of insurers Evolution of products Efficiency of intermediation Responsiveness of clients
28. In reference to the previous question, please specify the areas in which changes took place and elaborate on the changes observed.
29. What information (such as impact evaluations or other documents on results) is available about the impact of the NFIS?
30. Is there anything else related to the integration of insurance into NFIS which you would like to share?
31. What are your major lessons learnt from the process of strategy implementation with respect to insurance? (e.g. on action plan, implementation structure)
32*. Would you be open to provide further clarification regarding your answers?
Yes No
* If you agree to share your strategy document or other relevant documents (e.g. impact evaluations) with us, please kindly send them to Ms. Ariane Schoen (a.schoen@joyn-coop.com)
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to this survey!
33. Kindly elaborate why the topic of insurance has not been included into the NFIS.