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Financial Inclusion Strategy
Twenty Financial Inclusion Strategy-related policy initiatives were introduced by 18 member institutions in 2021. In the past three years, approximately onethird of member institutions of the AFI network have developed and implemented 42 policy and regulatory reforms on a financial inclusion strategy, while to date, a total of 58 countries have developed and are implementing their national financial inclusion strategies.
20 66
reforms reported by 18 member institutions in 2021
Since 2019, 32 member institutions reported 66 FIS-related policy changes Review of existing national financial inclusion strategies; development of national financial inclusion strategies
Six member institutions have reported that their national financial inclusion strategies were developed or launched in 2021 – namely Bangladesh Bank, Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador, Central Bank of The Gambia, Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia, Banco Central de São Tomé e Príncipe, and Central Bank of Sri Lanka. In addition, eight countries in the AFI network have reported that their existing national financial inclusion strategies were reviewed and are currently in various stages of developing new national financial inclusion strategies in collaboration with their national stakeholders.
In September 2020, the AFI Membership Council approved the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) Policy Model, which provides normative guidance on the development and implementation of national financial inclusion strategies to achieve financial inclusion goals, building on the network’s collective expertise. The survey asked members if they had used any AFI knowledge products in their policymaking, and 65 percent reported using AFI Policy Models, providing a positive indication of the level of usage of AFI Policy Models in developing and implementing financial inclusion policies and regulations by the network.
For further information, please read FISPLG's National Financial
Inclusion Strategies: Current State
of Practice (2022).