AFI continued to support members with in-country implementation based on their stage of financial inclusion development. In 2019, 633 AFI members participated in practical, memberfocused capacity building programs that provided the opportunity for peer-topeer knowledge exchange on priority topics for the network. In addition, 15 countries received support to implement high-impact financial inclusion policies through the provision of technical assistance from peer experts or external expertise facilitated by AFI.
AFI continued to offer practical capacity building programs in response to the needs and demands of members. Knowledge tools developed by the AFI Working Groups and the Regional Initiative Technical Groups (EGFIP) were used to provide guidance for members and were supplemented by input from strategic partners, offering a holistic view of the implementation of financial inclusion policies. The training covered all seven thematic areas of AFI’s financial inclusion policy interventions, including the first-ever member training on IGF co-hosted with Bank Al-Maghrib, Morocco. In 2019, AFI delivered 17 on-site trainings that reached 633 policymakers (44 percent female; 56 percent male) from 77 member institutions. Overall, 89 percent of participants affirmed that the capacity building activities met their stated objectives, while 100 percent of participants agreed that the capacity building activities had “met the learning objective” and helped them to “acquire practical solutions”. See page 26 for examples of AFI’s Capacity building events. 2. IN-COUNTRY IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT
AFI is very valuable as it brings together all the members under one vision of financial inclusion. This member training allows you to learn about innovations from each other and not just on digital credit. You can compare notes on all matters.” Governor Patrick Ngugi Njoroge Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) at the CBK-AFI Member Training on Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Digital Credit
This training reflects the need for awareness raising and offers a timely reminder of the severity of climate change and its costs, and the financial sector is not immune.” Hakima El Alami Head of Cashless Payment Oversight, Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) at BAM-AFI Member Training on Inclusive Green Finance
AFI has implemented a systematic process for providing in-country implementation support to members that enhances practical skills through hands-on involvement and ownership. Based on the specific policy development needs and stages of each member, AFI will provide support through activities that have proven effective and beneficial to members, including conducting tailored and practical capacity building events; supporting skill transfer (technical assistance); providing small policy grants; supporting members through high-level representation from AFI MU at their in-country financial inclusion symposiums; providing communication support to highlight their progress in global forums; and facilitating national dialogues on their financial inclusion objectives.