1 minute read
This case study examines the role of financial institutions in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through socially responsible finance (SRF), a broad range of political and commercial adjustments aimed at ensuring financial systems protect society and the environment.
This concept is explored through examples of credit and investment decisions, as well as a detailed assessment of Bangladesh Bank’s role in reshaping the financial system to improve social and environmental outcomes.
While this document focuses largely on examples from Bangladesh, it also touches on experiences from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Fiji, Georgia, Liberia and São Tomé and Príncipe that provide additional lessons from central banks facing comparable economic situations.
Finally, we look at global best practices by highlighting the work of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) and banking guidelines, such as the Equator Principles (EP). This is followed by concluding remarks on how central banks can bring about positive change in the near future.