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The approach to the development of an NFIS involves several phases: preformulation, formulation and implementation/M&E . Here, to formulate a concept note, policymakers may consider the IGF policy FRAME model canvas (Formulation, Resource, Action, Measurement, Evaluation).



List, identify or plan your diagnostic and formulation activities/plans:

> IGF-disaggregated data collection (including climate and financial vulnerabilities) > Review and alignment with existing environment and climate change policies, including complementary climate financial plans/ strategies: > Enabling financial inclusion policies or strategies > IGF barriers challenges and opportunities > Target group and sectors > Green taxonomy listing / green definition > Preliminary IGF vision and mission statement > Key IGF objectives and pillars aligned with IGF 4P policy framework > Identification of key stakeholders > Institutional coordination sensitization and structure plan


What resources are required? How

are you planning to mobilize your resources and for what purposes

(human resources, capacity building, refinancing, national green budget, etc.)?


What IGF-related action items (refer to vision/mission/ objectives /pillars/ green taxonomy set out under Formulation) are foreseen for short,

medium and long-

term phases? Set timelines, if possible.


When aligning your IGF objectives, set clear measurable targets. What measurement methodology and disaggregated indicators could be adopted in your organization? Segregate measurement indicators from both the supply side and demand side, if possible.


Align action deliverables and targets to

achievement of status results, means of verification and identify responsible


The composition of the FRAME model canvas may be interlinked, cross-cutting or open sequenced/hierarchical, as per the member institution’s convenience. The FRAME model, explained below, mainly provides policymakers with efficient pre-planning and builds capacity towards formulating the main policy document.


The formulation follows the NFIS development cycle, including the pre-formulation to draft the green NFIS. Activities may involve diagnostic studies, synergizing national climate policies cum data collection, mapping of climate vulnerabilities and risks in the country, gender-sensitive mapping exercises of existing initiatives and gaps to financial inclusion goals, development of the concept note, setting the vision and mission statement, identifying challenges and setting objectives, stakeholder sensitization and consultation, etc.


The measurement phase is also linked to resource mobilization and action goals/targets. This is a very crucial phase that includes pre-planning to adopt disaggregated measurement methodologies for both demand- and supply-side data collection. It is recommended that measurement is merged together with the overall financial inclusion data indicators.


This phase refers to post-implementation evaluation with the development of efficient gender-sensitive M&E result frameworks. This phase may involve aligning IGF goals/objectives/action items/green taxonomy with time-bound target settings and also establishing clear roles of responsible organizations/departments/ agencies.

The phases of IGF policy FRAME model are detailed next.


After the green NFIS is formulated, mobilization of resources (setting up of national green funds or arrangements to access international funds), budget for capacity building and sensitization, institutional arrangements, human resource developments are initiated. This activity falls under an implementation/M&E phase but can be considered for pre-implementation activities. Resource allocation may accordingly also be considered to incorporate requirements of the next phase of action.


Action may mean considering the future implementation plan or formulating solid green NFIS action items aligned to the vision, mission, key objectives, taxonomy, etc. This may involve articulating phased action items for short-, medium- and long-term implementation plans.

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