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The second edition of the IGF Survey was launched in June 2021. The objective of the survey was twofold: 1. To track financial inclusion policymaking progress on
IGF policies and look at how AFI MU could support such initiatives and their implementation. 2. To gather the information that will be used in developing ongoing knowledge products.
This survey, targeted at the entire IGFWG membership, was completed by the following 29 member institutions: > Banco Nacional de Angola > Bangladesh Bank > Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan > Banque de la République du Burundi > National Bank of Cambodia > Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras de Costa Rica > Superintendencia de Bancos de Ecuador > Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria de
Ecuador > Central Bank of Egypt > Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador > Centre for Financial Inclusion of Eswatini > Reserve Bank of Fiji > Bank of Ghana > Central Bank of Jordan > Central Bank of Liberia > Maldives Monetary Authority > National Banking and Securities Commission of
Mexico > Banco de Moçambique > Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia > Bank Al-Maghrib > Palestine Monetary Authority > Bank of Papua New Guinea > Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas > Central Bank of Samoa > Bank of Sierra Leone > Centrale Bank van Suriname > Bank of Tanzania > Central Bank of The Gambia > Banco Central de Timor-Leste
Qualitative interview research was undertaken. The nature of the research topic on credit guarantees for green and inclusive segments is specialized and covers information that requires subject matter expertise. The research itself was small in scale which lent itself well to an interview approach. A non-probability sampling technique called purposive sampling was used. Non-probability sampling means that the sample is not statistically representative of the population. Rather, the researcher’s judgment is used to build-up a sample to satisfy the research needs of the project. The research follows the “grounded theory” approach which emphasizes the generating of theories rather than their testing. Grounded theory also focuses on the collection of data to support real world scenarios by using empirical data to generate theories. The interview data was analyzed to facilitate extracting references and quantifying the frequency of pertinent comments and inferences using the constant comparative method. Key relationships between the coded data are then further identified via axial coding. Eventually, the most significant categories of data were identified via selective coding. This approach to coding is consistent with the grounded theory approach which uses the constant comparative method to analyze data via a continual validation of coding, categories and concepts as they emerge. The sample consists of seven subject matter experts with a strong professional understanding of sustainable finance. These research interviewees were selected specifically on the basis of their relevance to the research as is consistent with purposive sampling. The interviewees included four central bank or regulatory authority representatives and two guarantee fund managers: > Bank Al-Maghrib (Central Bank of Morocco) > National Bank of Cambodia > Superintendencia de la Economía Popular y Solidaria de Ecuador (SEPS) & Corporación Nacional de
Finanzas Populares (CONAFIPS) > Ghana Incentive-Based Risk-Sharing System for
Agricultural Lending (GIRSAL) > Jordan Loan Guarantee Corporation (JLGC) > Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) > Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI)