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Gender Inclusive Finance (GIF
In 2020, three countries reported implementing Gender Inclusive Finance (GIF)-related policy changes. Since 2018, 11 countries in the AFI network have implemented 17 GIF-related policy changes aimed at enhancing women’s financial inclusion.
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reforms from 3 countries reported in 2020
Since 2017, there were 17 reforms in 12 countries reported Sex-disaggregated data
While these reported policies by AFI members were categorized in other policy areas, they also contained elements of Gender Inclusive Finance. This suggests that increasingly Gender Inclusive Finance is being embedded in the policies and regulations member developed.
In Angola, Banco Nacional de Angola signed a Cooperation Protocol with their Ministry of Social Action, Family and Women's Promotion (MASFAMU) to promote joint actions of Financial Education that aim at promoting Women's Financial Literacy, with the objective of contributing to the progressive reduction of gender inequalities through the creation of an environment conducive to credit through the promotion of the Microfinance activity, operating in the areas identified as potential for the empowerment of women, families and consequently of society. As reported in the previous edition, an important trend reported by members in the past three years was the emphasis on financial inclusion data and measurements, where more than one-third of GIF-related policy changes were on the development of sex-disaggregated data frameworks and collection.