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The Policy Recommendations for Drivers of Youth Financial Inclusion are presented in a summarized way in the following table when the more extensive explanation is found below the table.
> Develop accessible and secure digital infrastructure to promote access
> Develop interoperable payment systems particularly for students, youth gig workers and youth MSMEs
> Disaggregate data to inform policies that promote youth financial inclusion
> Integrate youth into national strategies that promote financial inclusion
> Revise structural policies and credit infrastructure to promote youth financial inclusion
> Develop regulatory sandbox to promote innovative financial products
> Provide linkages between informal and formal financial services, particularly through digitization
> Promote the digital and financial literacy and capability of youth
> Invest in digital tools and learning systems that support the education and digital skills development of youth
> Integrate financial education, entrepreneurship and digital skills into national curriculum
> Build the capacity of teachers to improve the overall quality of education and focus on new areas
> Ensure dignified non-vulnerable type of employment and protection of youth
> Invest in digital infrastructure to leverage opportunities in the digital economy for youth employment
> Ensure youth employment in growth sectors
> Create stimulus packages to build the rapid economic recovery of the unemployed
> Leverage public-private partnerships to build the digital and employability skills of youth
> Establish PPP to promote youth employment in the agricultural sector
> Create stimulus packages to build the economic recovery of MSMEs and digitize payments
> Reduce the cost and process of doing business for MSMEs to promote formalization
> Invest in digital infrastructure to expand markets for MSMEs and create an enabling environment for AfCTA
> Leverage PPP to build digital and entrepreneurship skills, provide BDS support and provide access to finance for MSMEs
> Facilitate access to finance through innovative channels
> Provide procurement and other income generating opportunities for women and youthled MSMES to offer innovative solutions to a crisis
> Profile businesses to identify which type of business are the most impacted by pandemics such as COVID-19
TABLE 3: continued
Driver Of Youth Financial Inclusion Policy Recommendations
> Institutionalize youth engagement to promote design, implementation and evaluation of policies that promote financial inclusion
> Strengthen, democratize and leverage existing youth bodies and networks
> Promote intergenerational leadership
> Invest in youth-led initiatives and programs that promote youth leadership and ensure more accountable, responsive and inclusive governance across all levels
> Institutionalize youth engagement to ensure young people’s knowledge and insight inform crises response and recovery efforts at all levels
> Take a community wide approach to engage and support youth
> Provide additional support services to youth during a crisis to promote their economic and social well-being
> Ensure data protection and privacy particularly for vulnerable groups who are at higher risk from digital financial services
> Promote the use of offline resources and local vernacular to reach vulnerable youth
> Scale up, innovate and digitize social protection measures for vulnerable youth
> Promote the leadership of vulnerable youth
To promote a holistic, synergistic and collaborative approach, it is important to promote policy recommendations for the mitigation and recovery phases through an intersectional lens to align with the multidimensional and interrelated nature of the challenges African youth face (FCDO, 2020). Governments should mainstream youth issues across all ministries. For example, in Kenya it seconded youth officers from the Ministry of Youth in Kenya to other line ministries such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is also important to tailor or customize solutions to a specific context (e.g. regulatory environment) and specific youth segments and their lifecycle needs.
Collaborative partnerships across the public and private sector and civil society should be established to share learning, leadership, infrastructure and technical solutions. To achieve this end, it is important to map existing initiatives and policies across different sectors and leverage existing infrastructure such as youth initiatives, youth networks and partnerships.
Engaging youth networks for communication, engagement, mentoring and support can facilitate achievements across all 5Es (e.g. Youth Advisory Group). Partnerships and peer exchange can be leveraged at the national level among regulators and policymakers but they can also be scaled up at the regional level to promote intra-regional collaboration, coordination, sharing and learning. Virtual peer learning and information exchange has been prioritized during the pandemic, particularly among AFI members.
It is important for youth stakeholders to collaborate, monitor, report, and evaluate the implementation of the recovery measures and their impacts on youth. National and international advocacy and convening events can be leveraged to engage and motivate stakeholders across the various sectors and promote youth financial inclusion (e.g. Global Money Week, Savings Day, Youth Day, Financial Inclusion Week).