AFIC Annual Report 2011

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The peak body for Australian Muslims

Hand in hand for a brighter Australia.




48 years of community services and counting...

Over 110 Councils and Societies across Australia, Cocos and Christmas Island and increasing...

CONTENTS Message from the President


Governor General's Message


Prime Minister's Message


Message from the Leader of the Opposition


Message from the Premier of Victoria


Message from the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia


Message from the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt


Message from the Ambassador of United Arab Emirates


Message from the Australian Multicultural Foundation


Message from the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police


Message from the Chief Minister of Northern Territory


Message from the Premier of Western Australia


AFIC Executive Committee for 2011


AFIC Staff


Message from the Catholic Bishop of Sale


Message from the Director-General of Security (ASIO)


Premier of QLD


Message from the National Council of Churches in Australia


Calender of Events


Message from the Premier of New South Wales


Message from the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia


Highlights of 2011


Summary of Press Releases: 2011


Message from the Greens Senator for Victoria


Malek Fahd Islamic School Annual Report


Malek Fahd Hoxton Park Annual Report


Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills Annual Report


Islamic College of Melbourne Annual Report


Islamic College of Brisbane Annual Report


Islamic School of Canberra Annual Report


Islamic College of South Australia Annual Report


Langford Islamic College Annual Report


Tasmania Muslim Association Annual Report


Islamic Council of Northern Territory Annual Report


Islamic Council of Victoria Annual Report


Islamic Council of South Australia Annual Report


Islamic Council of Queensland Annual Report


Islamic Council of Christmas Island Annual Report


AFIC General Donations for the Year 2011


Photo Gallery


President’s Closing Remarks


Message from the President BR IKEBAL ADAM PATEL In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Assalaamu Alaikum. I thank Allah All Mighty for this opportunity as I complete my fifth year and final term as President of Muslims Australia AFIC. I am pleased to present the 2011 annual report on behalf of Muslims Australia AFIC Executive Committee. The catalogue of activities and positive achievements set out in this Annual Report speaks for itself. The Federation has been as productively busy in 2011 as in previous years. As I finish my term, I remain as I began a strong supporter of growing the Australian Muslim Community in access and equity; advocacy and representation; and creating a pathway hand in hand towards a brighter Australia and the benefit it brings. Under my presidency, our determination and perseverance in fostering social justice, building partnerships and strengthening networks was pivotal to the direction of Muslims Australia AFIC's future as we worked to modernise and improve facilities and services and be more dynamic in our response to community needs. The past 12 months have seen the impacts of some of our plans, developments, and projects undertaken and successes achieved. The mix of skills, experience and expertise of the Executive Committee has contributed to the ongoing achievements of the organisation and we pray that the hard work and tireless effort continues well into the future, InshaAllah. Our attitude towards the future influences our mind-set towards the rest of life. Being positive about life ahead is among life's greatest motivators. Hope is the best attitude one can harbor towards the future; this realistic expectation that something good or better could/will happen if only we continue doing the best we can. Remember that today well-lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Once again it gives me great pleasure to present Muslims Australia AFIC's annual report. We ask All Mighty Allah to accept our efforts and forgive our shortcomings and may Allah always guide us to do work that will please Him. Assalaamu Alaikum.

Ikebal Adam Patel, President Muslims Australia (AFIC)


PRIME MINISTER'S MESSAGE HONOURABLE JULIA GILLARD It gives me great pleasure that I send my best wishes to Muslims

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is to be

Australia(AFIC) and acknowledge its good work representing

congratulated for supporting and promoting the rich

Australia's Muslim community.

cultural diversity of our nation. Australia is a richly multicultural nation which embraces the th

In 2012 you will host your 48 Congress, marking

religious and cultural traditions of our diverse population. Our

almost half a century dedicated to representing

diversity is a source of social and economic strength and gives

Muslim Australians, and engaging with the wider

vibrancy and dynamism to Australian life.

Australian community. Through its advocacy for Islam and Australian Muslims AFIC has I greatly admire your commitment to cross-cultural

contributed greatly to interfaith dialogues as well as supporting

initiatives which promote understanding and harmony,

Islamic communities, mosques and schools across Australia. It also

and inspire positive interfaith dialogue.

plays a crucial role certifying and exporting Australia's Halal foods.

The Council is a champion of Islamic heritage and the

I was pleased to welcome to Australia the Secretary General of the

contribution made by Muslim Australians to our

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, His Excellency Professor

multifaceted identity.

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, earlier this year to discuss with him Australia's strong support for regional interfaith dialogue. His visit

I send my best wishes for the year ahead.

also included meetings with Muslim community leaders and organisations that promote intercultural and interfaith relations. These community leaders and organisations are engaging in groundbreaking work in the Muslim community, including facilitating interfaith activities; building capacity in local

Quentin Bryce AC

communities to be more resilient against pressures that they may

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

face and promoting youth activities. Once again, I would like to acknowledge the work of AFIC and send my best wishes to Australia's Muslim community.

The Honourable Julia Gillard MP Prime Minister of Australia

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I am pleased to offer this message of support to members

I am pleased to have this opportunity to offer my best wishes to all

of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

involved in the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils 48 Congress.

Australia is a nation of migrants whose citizens come

Victoria is well-known and well-regarded for its harmonious multicultural

from many different cultures and nations. This diversity

and multi-faith society. We are fortunate to enjoy a cohesive culture in

enriches our society and allows us to learn from each

which individuals can learn from each other and together help to forge a

other as we work to make our country the best it can be.

more inclusive community.

Muslims have made significant contributions to Australia

The Victorian Coalition Government regards our shared commitment to

over many years. I commend the Australian Federation

our nation's democratic institutions, laws, values and the notion of a 'fair

of Islamic Councils for your work in serving the

go' as the basis on which to build a strong and unified society.


community and promoting a vibrant and harmonious Australia.

We support organisations that promote multi-faith and interfaith activities that contribute to the cohesion and wellbeing of our community.

I am pleased to send my best wishes to the organisers of th

the 48 Congress and all those who will attend.

On behalf of the Victorian Coalition Government, I commend the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils' commitment to promoting

Yours sincerely.

interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural community initiatives that encourage mutual respect and understanding.

Tony Abbott MHR Leader of the Opposition Ted Baillieu MLA Premier

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Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia

MESSAGE FROM THE FEDERATION OF ETHNIC COMMUNITIES’ COUNCILS OF AUSTRALIA PINO MIGLIORINO I congratulate the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils on another important and successful year in representing the voice of Muslim Australians in Australia. AFIC has again been prominent in many public debates around the nature of Australian society and the position of Muslims in this society. Through partnerships with government departments, law enforcement agencies, private enterprise and interfaith dialogue, AFIC has promoted a message of harmony, inclusion and dialogue. AFIC's activities to provide a rational voice have been notable. Whether in public debates around the live export of animals, or issues around the inclusiveness of family law in Australia, AFIC has taken its place and participated in these often robust discussions. At all times it has attempted to raise awareness of the valuable contribution of Muslim Australians to Australian life and society. AFIC has continued in its efforts to promote social harmony, appreciation of Australia's multicultural heritage and the elimination of discrimination. These efforts are particularly important in a global environment where all faiths must make conscious choices to work towards harmony and the genuine promotion of diversity in order to avoid polarization and negative stereotyping. AFIC plays a vital role in building a society where Muslims from a very diverse range of backgrounds along with all other Australians are genuinely able to experience a strong sense of belonging and safety, achieve their potential and enjoy equal access to all services. AFIC's active engagement in this regard will again be very important in the coming year. I would like to again congratulate the AFIC President, Ikebal Adam Patel, the AFIC committee, staff and members of AFIC for their important contribution to Australia. On behalf of FECCA I wish to encourage you to continue in your efforts to serve our communities and promote a society where Australians from all religious, cultural and linguistic backgrounds can participate fully, experience genuine equality, a true sense of belonging and freedom from discrimination and prejudice. I look forward to FECCA continuing its strong relationship with AFIC and working together for a fairer and peaceful Australia. Yours sincerely

Pino Migliorino Chair

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It gives me great pleasure to extend my best

I welcome this opportunity to send my best wishes to the delegates

wishes to the participants in the AFIC 48th

participating in the 48 Congress of the Australian Federation of Islamic

Congress 2012.

Councils (AFIC). I congratulate AFIC President, members of the Executive


Board and all members around Australia for their dedication and hard I highly commend the AFIC members for the

work to promote harmony and goodwill.

outstanding work they have done in enriching Australia's diverse culture over the years.

The Congress is an excellent opportunity for the members to share views

Muslim community in Australia has participated

and consolidate talents and efforts to guide the organisation's future

effectively and positively in Australia's

direction in its service delivery to the communities. It is also an

prosperity and welfare.

opportunity to celebrate the organisation's achievements over the past year.

Islam's message is based on principles of unity, understanding, cooperation and consultation in

For five consecutive years, the Embassy of the UAE has had excellent

all matters affecting our day to day life, for the

cooperation from the AFIC member organisations for the Embassy's charity

sake of humanity. Furthermore, dialogue is

projects. Every year during the Holy month of Ramadan hundreds of food

inspired by the teachings and values of Islam

parcels get distributed to families in communities in NSW, Victoria,

through stretching our hands to all with love,

Queensland and the ACT. This is one aspect of our cooperation, and good

peace, justice and tolerance, in order to bridge

example of AFIC's tireless efforts in the service of the community.

the gaps between us. AFIC support to foster harmony, understanding and advocate for the May Allah grant you a healthy and blessed life.

community's integrity has been much valued and appreciated.


I wish the AFIC 48 Congress all the best in its future endeavours.

I look forward with enthusiasm to continue our cooperation in 2012.

Sincerely Yours,

Yours sincerely,

Omar Metwally

Ali Nasser Al Nuaimi



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It is with pleasure that I write the following message for the forthcoming AFIC – Muslims Australia Congress

I would like to extend my greetings to the Islamic communities of


Australia and wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. I would also like to thank the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils for

The Australian Muslim community's contribution to

inviting me to contribute a message to the Muslims Australia Annual

Australia's social, cultural, political and economic


development has been considerable over many years. During my time as the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police It is encouraging to see that Australian Muslims have

(AFP), I have been fortunate enough to be involved in the continued

lead initiatives and programs promoting interfaith

development of partnerships between the AFP and many Islamic

dialogue and broader community engagement. These

communities, particularly in New South Wales and Victoria. These

actions have brought many diverse communities

relationships have been built on trust, mutual understanding and a

together to share what we have in common.

desire to cultivate a safer and more secure society.

Today, if we look at the rich tapestry of Australian

The AFP places a strong emphasis on focused social initiatives because

Muslims and their active participation in Australian

we believe that communities are often best placed to guide and support

society they can be proud of what they have achieved,

individuals before their behaviours come to the attention of law

in particular, the new generation of young Australian

enforcement. The AFP Community Liaison Teams in Melbourne and


Sydney have been working with Islamic communities for a number of years on projects to build social cohesion and acceptance between

AFIC provides an important platform and voice for all

different cultures, religions and communities.

Australians to have a better understanding of Islam and Australian Muslims, and of their commitment to

During 2011 I was impressed by the efforts of members of the Islamic

Australia's growth, safety and prosperity.

community who undertook projects which will have enduring benefits for Australian society. These initiatives include celebrating cultural and

I wish AFIC every success in their forthcoming

religious heritage, organising national sporting events which foster

congress and in continuing to build those vital bridges

community spirit and delivering interfaith dialogues and conferences

of communication and respect amongst all Australians.

that encourage an inclusive society. The Islamic community can be proud of the significant contribution it has made in promoting social harmony in Australia. I look forward to the continuing partnership between the AFP and the Islamic

Dr Hass Dellal

communities of Australia during 2012.

OAM Executive Director

Tony Negus APM

Australian Multicultural Foundation

Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police

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MESSAGE FROM PREMIER OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA HON COLIN BARNETT I am pleased to extend my best wishes to Muslims Australia (AFIC) and those

People from more than 100 nationalities call the


attending the 48 Muslims Australia Congress in 2012.

Northern Territory home and this broad diversity of cultural backgrounds makes the Territory a great

Western Australia benefits from being one of the most culturally and

place to live.

religiously diverse states in Australia. Muslim Western Australians are valued members of our State's community and make a valuable contribution to all

Our Islamic community has made a major

spheres of life, adding to the social and cultural richness of the Western

contribution to the social, cultural and economic

Australian community and the economic prosperity of the State.

development of the Northern Territory and will continue to do so. I am inspired by their efforts and

There is a long history of Muslim contributions to Australia and Western

value their contribution.

Australia. In the 19 and 20 centuries, Muslim cameleers from Afghanistan



and South Asia began settling here, providing their vital skills that enabled The Territory’s Islamic community is known for its

transport, trade and communication links between Western Australia and the

commitment to family, hard work and generosity.

colonies of the east coast. Today, with a much larger community, Muslim Australians are represented in all realms of society, and are leaders in

The Islamic Societies of Darwin, Palmerston and

business, academia, trade, arts and service to the community. The ongoing

Alice Springs actively engage in interfaith dialogue

achievements of the Muslim community in Western Australia and indeed

and cross cultural community initiatives.

Australia as a whole deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated.

On numerous occasions it has been an honour for

The State Government is committed to working with Western Australia's

me to visit the local Islamic Centre in my electorate

Muslim community and continuing the important partnerships that enable us

of Wanguri to attend the annual Islamic Open Day.

to develop a more vibrant, inclusive and cohesive Western Australian

Events such as this strengthen cultural diversity and


harmony in our Territory community. On behalf of the Western Australian Government, I congratulate AFIC for its I congratulate the Islamic Council of the Northern

important work on behalf of the Muslim community in Australia, and for its

Territory for its contribution to our community and

leadership in promoting understanding and harmony between all


wish AFIC every success for its 49 Congress.


Sincerely, Paul Henderson MLA

Colin Barnett MLA

Chief Minister Northern Territory

Premier WA

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AFIC EXCO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2011 Governance and Structure The Executive members are elected to serve a minimum one term and a maximum of two consecutive terms. The President chairs board meetings comprising of eight members from across Australia's States and Territories and Islands. The Executive Committee with the endorsement of the Federal Congress has a clear strategic oversight of Muslims Australia's functions and is responsible for setting the organisation's strategic direction. The individual committee members provide a wealth of experience and expertise in their diverse professional fields which assists to successfully discharge their respective roles and obligations as representatives of the peak, national Islamic organisation in Australia, Muslims Australia – AFIC.

Contact: Mobile: 0409 775 102

As Muslims Australia - AFIC President, Br Ikebal Patel is the CEO and responsible for the overall operations and direction for the peak body for Australian Muslims. He has been responsible for steering Muslims Australia in a new direction of inclusiveness and pro active development and growth. Br Ikebal has been the media and public relations contact. Br Ikebal has vast experience in community service. Ikebal is an Electrical Engineer and works for Essential Energy, a New South Wales Government owned electricity distributor in as the Senior Project Manager.

PRESIDENT Br Ikebal Patel of ACT

QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) - University of Auckland, NZ, 1981 Graduate Diploma in Management, Deakin University, 2000 Masters in Business Administration (MBA), Deakin University 2001 Justice of Peace in New South Wales MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES * Institution of Engineers Australia, MIE Aust. CPEng. * Institution of Electrical Engineers - England, MIEE * Engineering Council – United Kingdom COMMUNITY SERVICE ROLES * President – Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (Feb 2007 to date) – Peak national body representing and articulating the interests of all Australian Muslims in the areas of education, political representation, social and religious integration and Halal food certification. * Chair – Muslim Advisory Council of ACT - An ACT Government appointed position advising the ACT Government on issues affecting the ACT and surrounding Muslim community, (2005 to 2011). * Secretary of Management Board – Migrant Resource Centre of Canberra and Queanbeyan Inc. (2006 to July 2007). * Chairman – Islamic Council of ACT – a council affiliated with the peak national Islamic body, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) representing the interests of ACT and surrounding Muslims. (2006 to May 2007). * Board Chairman – Islamic School of Canberra (2005 to date). Instrumental in the establishment of this school to ensure that Canberra Muslim children are provided with secular education at the highest level and their religious education is provided to ensure that Canberra produces good Australian Muslim citizens. M U S L I M S AU S T R A L I A | A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1


* Member – Civil Liberties Australia (ACT) Inc. – an organisation to protect and advance civil liberties and human rights and responsibilities (2006 to date). * Board Member – Victoria University AFIC College, Melbourne. A joint venture between Victoria University and Australian Federation of Islamic Councils at the St Albans Campus. (2002 to 2007). * Current Chairman

- Malek Fahd Islamic School - Sydney - Malek Fahd Hoxton Park - Sydney - Malek Fahd Beaumont HIlls - Sydney

Deputy Chairman

- Langford Islamic College - Perth - Islamic School of Brisbane


- Islamic College of South Australia – Adelaide

Br Ikebal Patel of ACT

- Islamic College of Melbourne * Australia Day Ambassador in the Australian Capital Territory for 2011 * Winner of Pride of Australia Fair Go Medal in 2010 * A Census Ambassador in 2011 * An SBS Ambassador * Advisory Committee Member – Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University, established in 2002 is a venue where people from diverse faith, religious and spirituality can deepen their understanding of their own faith and actively participate in interfaith dialogue, education and action. * Board Member - Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations (APRO) * Committee Member – Melbourne University Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies * Board Member – National Dialogue for Australian Jewish, Muslims and Christians * President of P&C Council – Narrabundah College, ACT. (2004 to 2006) * Member of Queanbeyan Tourism Steering Group. * Secretary – Islamic Society of ACT (2000 – 2002) * Board Member – Narrabundah College (1999 – 2003)* * Vice President – Telopea Park School P&C (2000 – 2001) * Chairman of Fundraising Committee – Telopea Park School (2001) * Member of P&C – Albury Public School (1998) * Chairman of Fundraising Committee – Albury Public School (1998) * Various community roles in Albury, Fiji and Auckland NZ as a student. COMMUNITY HARMONY AND RELATED LECTURES * Presented various lectures on community harmony and tolerance and the teachings of Islam for living in a diverse community to various audiences. These included Federal Police, Rotary Clubs, Order of Australia Association and similar gatherings. * Represented the Australian community as part of an Australian Government delegation to Waitangi in New Zealand in the 3rd South East Asia Pacific Interfaith Dialogue – Building Bridges. * Represented Australia as part of a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade delegation to Indonesia and Malaysia speaking on the engagement of Australian Muslims with the wider community in Australia, and some of the success stories. * Was invited to Philippines as a guest of the Australian Ambassador during 2010 Ramadhan for interfaith workshops and lectures. * Presented a paper at Interfaith Meeting in Phnom Penh on Islamic Education in a Western environment. * Presented various talks on Halal food certification and integrity of the Halal processes in Australia, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates, China, Holland and Russia. PROFESSIONAL ROLES * Work for Country Energy, a NSW Electricity Distributor as an Electrical Engineer in a senior position as Senior Project Manager. PERSONAL AND BUSINESS INTERESTS * Family owns and operates a motel the Parkway Motel in Queanbeyan near Canberra. Ikebal has taken up farming and chasing sheep, goats and cows as well as ducks and chooks in his spare time.

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Br Hafez Kassem is able to draw on his range of networking and communication skills to assist AFIC meet its goals. Br Hafez Kassem is presently the Managing Director of Palm Childcare. His many years of Islamic community and social work includes:


1975: Joined Alminiah Charitable Association 1976: Joined the Lebanese Moslem Association (LMA). 2000: Established El-Minia IslamicYouth Centre Association and elected as President. 2001: Joined Muslim Council of NSW Inc and one of the pioneers of this umbrella body. 2002: Elected as Treasurer of Muslim Council of NSW Inc. Represented MCNSW Inc in various conferences, meetings and Congresses. 2007: Entered Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc as Executive Member.


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Br Harun Abdullah is one of the longest serving members of Muslims Australia – AFIC Executive Committee members. His experience is broad ranging and a champion for social justice and human rights. Br Harun holds a B.A. (Hons) from University of Tasmania and is an employee of Centrelink.

SECRETARY Br Mohammed Harun Abdullah of Tasmania

His experience is as follows: * Member ofTasmanian Muslim Association since 1984 * Secretary Islamic Centre ofTasmaniaTrust Inc 1994 to Present. * Member of AFIC EXCO 1998 to Present. Positions held include Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary. * Member of Board of Islamic College of South Australia * Member Board of Malek Fahd Islamic School * Member Board Islamic School of Canberra Br Harun is especially concerned for welfare of newly arrived refugees and also interested in homeless issues, mental health and drug addiction problems. Br Harun worked as a Welfare Officer with the StVincent de Paul Society for 11 years. He has been on the Board of Migrant Resource Centre (Southern Tasmania) for 12 years and served as Chairman. He is particularly interested in strengthening relationships between Muslims and other faith communities. He is passionate about dispelling myths and misunderstanding about Muslims and vilification of the Muslim community. He also seeks to promote a policy of access and equity in AFIC Schools so that young people of all abilities can develop as Muslims and have the skills to meet the challenges of life in Australia.

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Br Mohammed Masood is a retired Business Administrator / Business Development Manager. Br Masood brings an array of experiences and expertise having lived in different parts of Australia, including Western Australia, ACT and currently residing in Melbourne.

TREASURER Br Mohamed Masood of Victoria

He has worked as a Company director for over 30 years for many leading companies in Australia, United Kingdom and Sri Lanka. He has done extensive community work during residency in Sri Lanka. Closer to home, Br Masood is one of the founding members of Canberra Islamic Centre and paved the way for the first stage of land lease of Canberra Islamic Centre. As President of Werribee Islamic Centre Br Masood actively assisted in the establishment of Virgin Mary Mosque, the project completed in record time, it took four months from the start of the project to the Mosque completed, ready and open for prayers - a remarkable accomplishment demonstrating hard work , persistence and perseverance. Br Masood also assists with fund raising for various humanitarian causes including, Human Appeal International, Royal Children's Hospital Auxiliary and Australian Islamic Mission. He has many talents; he is experienced and has well developed networking abilities which have stood him in good stead in his role as treasurer of AFIC. His also enjoys a good working relationship with local government, State and National parliamentarians, local, interstate and overseas business communities.


Br Ashraf Ali is an Electronics Engineer with many years of experience and with technical know-how and expertise in IT and related fields. He has a strong family background of leadership and extensive Islamic involvement in setting up many Islamic Education institutions in Fiji and New Zealand.


Br Ashraf has followed the footsteps of his elders with the backing of good Islamic and Secular education. His early experiences range from President of the “Muslim Students Association� in Fiji and was a member of Mau'antul Islam Association. Progressing onto local community activities, Br Ashraf is one of the founders of Ahle-Sunnat Federation of Australia Inc that is located to the west of Liverpool City. The organisation mostly services the rural community as well as the general community. Br Ashraf was President of the Ahle-Sunnat Federation of Australia Inc for almost eight years. He also served as the General Secretary of The Muslim Council of New South Wales Inc AFIC's State body in NSW. Br Ashraf is also involved with Inter Faith initiatives and cross cultural activities and is well known for his voluntary work with Islamic organisations.

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Sr Heba Ibrahim is presently an Executive Member of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils – AFIC. Sr Heba also held positions with Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) as Secretary and Board members for over three years (portfolios are: government, policy and advocacy as well as interfaith).


Sr Heba is currently undertaking a Master of Public Policy and Management at The University of Melbourne and is very active in interfaith and multicultural affairs. Sr Heba is outspoken on issues and policies that affect faith and multiculturalism.


Sr Siti Maraim Abdullah Kawi has been actively involved in the community at all levels, for many years. Sr Siti Mariam's actions originate from a stance of justice and compassion and has had primary focus on women's issues.

EXECUTIVE MEMBER Sr Siti Mariam Abdullah Kawi

Sr Siti Mariam's experience includes: * Member of Christmas Island District High School Board (1980-1987) * Teacher of Home Economics and LOTE at Christmas Island High School * Vice President of Christmas Island Women's Association (1990 until present) * President of Muslim Women's Welfare Association (1993- 1996) * President of the Muslim UMMAH CIIC (1997 -2000) * Represented Muslims Woman's Association and the Christmas Island Woman's Association at the Bejing Non Government Organisation Woman's Conference "Through Woman's Eyes" at the 4th World Woman's Conference in Beijing (1989-1990) * Advisory Council of Christmas Island (1993 - present) * Elected Councillor for thee Shire of Christmas Island for the AFIC Federal Council (1993) * First female representative of Christmas Island for the AFIC Council (1993) * Justice of Peace * Recipient of the Bicentennial Medal awarded by the Hon Sir William Deane (2003) In 2009 Sr Siti Maraim Abdullah Kawi was awarded the honour an OAM in Perth for her many years of devotion and services to the community.

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Br Shaheed Ali's extensive experience in building and construction is an asset to the community. Br Shaheed is an experienced construction entrepreneur and over a period of 24 years continues to provide valued construction services and advice in relation to building Mosques and Islamic Centres.


Br Shaheed assisted, in a voluntary capacity in the early construction work with the Islamic School of Brisbane. He has also contributed his skills to the building of Buranda Mosque, Bald Hill Mosque, Rochedale Mosque, Algester Mosque and renovated Holland Park Mosque. His position's as Executive member, Secretary, Treasurer and President of the Islamic Society over the years and former position in the Islamic Council of Queensland serves him well as a productive contributor to AFIC's Board of Management. Br Shaheed serves on the Board of Management of Islamic School of Brisbane. His interest and passion to ensure the youth are properly represented and their interests are paramount in programs and policies is noteworthy. He also provides valuable contribution within AFIC Halal services portfolio.


The Executive Committee is very grateful to all staff members who have ensured effective service delivery on all levels. The Executive Committees thanks the staff for their outstanding contributions to the success and achievements of Muslims Australia. The Executive recognizes their hard work and dedication during challenging times and applauds their objectivity and responsibility to achieve community and industry outcomes. This is also an opportunity to thank the spouses and families of our staff for their support and understanding during 2011. The Executive Committee also appreciates the work of our slaughtermen, supervisors and inspectors in Halal services and we look forward to our staff and other support services continued co operation and assistance to grow Muslims Australia AFIC in all its services to the community. Sheik Mohamed Anas Nadwi – Islamic Affairs and Halal Services Manager Said Ali – Halal Services Coordinator Abdul Rahman – Halal Services Uzma Husaini – Administration Manager Hana Baghdadi – Administration Officer Cheng Liu Lu – Financial Services Cheryl Lu – Financial Services Nazmeen Sayeed – Office Manager

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Dear Friends,

I welcome the opportunity to send my good wishes to the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) and its members for the

As the Muslims Australia (AFIC) 48th Conference draws

forthcoming Annual Congress.

nears, please accept my humble best wishes and blessings.

The 48th Annual Report is not only an important document recognising AFIC's work throughout the past year, but also serves as

The AFIC Annual Report will no doubt include a large

a reminder of the enduring contribution AFIC makes to the Muslim

survey of the activities of Muslim communities in

and broader Australian community.

Australia . In Australia, we enjoy a vibrant and diverse society made up of a From the point of view of interfaith dialogue, may I

remarkable array of communities, with the Muslim community

state the delight I experience being with my Muslim

having a long and proud heritage and playing an integral role in our

brothers and sisters.

wider society.

Our solidarity is based on genuine friendship and the

As the peak body for Australian Muslims, AFIC is particularly

promotion of the dignity of each human person we

important — representing its members across Australia, through


considered advocacy as well as delivering a range of community based projects and initiatives.

Australia is an ancient land but still very young regarding respect for diverse religions.

In addition to delivering these important services within the Muslim community, AFIC is active and highly effective in promoting greater

Muslims in Australia are to be congratulated on the

understanding of beliefs, culture and heritage of the Muslim

many ways they reach out to the whole of Australia to

community. AFIC's commitment to positively representing the

create the peace and maturity we all desire.

Muslim community with integrity and dedication is vitally important in building effective partnerships.

If we want an Australia based on peace for the future, then all faiths in our new land must trust each other

I commend the important work undertaken by AFIC and its members

and work hard together to claim this peace.

across Australia. Once again, I send my good wishes for a successful and constructive Annual Congress meeting.

I stand committed to work in the future with my Muslims friends to allow this vision become a daily reality in Australia.

David Irvine Director-General of Security, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)

Please accept my respect and prayers for you all at your AGM. Bishop Christopher Prowse DD Catholic Bishop of Sale

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I'm delighted to congratulate Australia's Muslim communities for On behalf of the National Council of Churches in Australia

the contribution they make to our rich, multicultural society.

(NCCA) and her 19 member churches I extend warm greetings to The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is normally referred

all Members of AFIC and participants in the 2012 Muslim

to as Muslims Australia, and it has been an important influence for

Australia Congress.

good for the 48 years of its existence. During the last year the NCCA has been delighted to work with People from Islamic countries have done much to foster the

AFIC building peace, harmony and understanding within the

economic development of Queensland and of our country as a

Australian community. Interfaith dialogue through the Australian

whole, beginning in the early days of European settlement.

National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews (ANDCMJ) has been instrumental in growing the relationships of these three

Afghans and people from India and what's now Pakistan brought

Abrahamic Faiths. This dialogue group holds a unique place in

their camels with them to open up vast tracts of inhospitable

interfaith dialogue and offers a good model of what is possible.

country and to help found our earliest communications networks.

Supporters of interfaith dialogue in other countries are frequently encouraged by the nature of interfaith relationships in Australia.

Muslims in Queensland and Australia distinguish themselves as sports people, as members of the professions, in business and in

AFIC along with a broader representation of faith traditions in

government and administration.

Australia comprise the Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations (APRO). Together we continue to promote the importance of faith in a multicultural / Multifaith Australia.

Through your presence Australians generally are more aware than they might otherwise have been of the glorious Islamic cultural

The members of ANDCMJ and APRO greatly value the

heritage that is here for all of us to share.

participation of AFIC in interfaith dialogue and cooperation. The We Queenslanders hail from more than 200 birthplaces and

NCCA always welcomes the invitations to be part of the

observe more than 100 religions and philosophies.

significant festivals and events organised by members of AFIC. Times of sharing together further strengthen the culture of Respect, Peace and Harmony that are a vital feature of

We live in peace, respecting each other's cultures and traditions.

multicultural Australia. Muslims Australia does much to foster that toleration and respect and I thank you very much for your unstinting efforts in those

The NCCA values the close friendship it has with AFIC and looks


forward to continuing the dialogue, working together and an even greater understanding of one another in the future.

I wish you all the best for this year's Muslims Australia 48


Grace and Peace.


Reverend Tara Curlewis General Secretary Anna Bligh MP Premier of Queensland M U S L I M S AU S T R A L I A | A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1



Date 14/1/11

Activity/Event Canberra – Australian Religious Response to Climate Change – teleconference.


Canberra – Australia Day Ambassador, media engagement in launching Australia Day celebrations.


Sydney – Meeting with Minister Hon Chris Bowen on Migration Intake and Refugee settlement. Meeting with Hon Gordon Moyes from Family First Party.


Sydney – Muslims Australia Finance Sub committee meeting.


Melbourne – Islamic College of Melbourne meeting with Victorian Government School Registration panel and Wyndham City Council.


Canberra – Australia Day Ambassador engagements.


Sydney – Malek Fahd Islamic School staff meeting and lunch.


Brisbane – Islamic Women’s Association of Qld celebrating 20 years and Opening of new premises with Governor General of Australia.


Brisbane - Ipswich and Toowoomba Flood relief cleaning and inspection of mosque and community.


Canberra – Meeting with Kuwaiti Ambassador and Saudi Ambassador.


Queanbeyan – Meeting with community elder re Beaumont Hills school project.


Canberra – Islamic School of Canberra boundary realignment.


Queanbeyan – Meeting with Mayor Tim Overall re Islamic cemetery and mosque land.


Canberra – National Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Canberra – Meeting with Teachers Union re Islamic School of Canberra.


Wagga Wagga – Meeting Prof Ross Chambers regarding development of Islamic Studies at Charles Sturt University.


Canberra – Kuwait National Day Celebrations.


Melbourne – Muslims Australia Executive meeting and Federal Council meeting.


Melbourne – Islamic College of Melbourne board meeting.


Canberra – Meeting with Iran Ambassador and Islamic School of Canberra.


Sydney – Meeting with Westpac, NAB and PMDL consultants.


Canberra - Meeting with Director of Department of Primary Industries regarding Halal Slaughter standards.


Canberra - International Women's Day celebrations with Minister Joy Burch MLA.


National Press Club Canberra - NAB Economic Breakfast.


Melbourne - Meeting with Muslim World League regarding Halal certification standards.


Auburn Town Hall Sydney - South Asian Muslim Association of Australia (SAAMA) JASHNE BUZURG festival. M U S L I M S AU S T R A L I A | A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1




Canberra - Symphony in the Park ACT Chief Ministers Invitation to celebrate Canberra's 98 Birthday.


Parliament House Canberra - Meeting with Senator Kate Lundy.


Sydney - Community Consultation Open Forum with NSW Muslims.


Canberra - Freedom of Religion and Belief report launch at the Centre for Christianity and Culture. Parliamentary Roundtable on Interfaith.


Canberra - Parliament House, Guest Speaker in Launching the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism "Embracing Multicultural Australia”.


Canberra – Department of Immigration and Citizenship meeting.


Kuala Lumpur - Conference of the Recognised Halal Certification Bodies.


Canberra – Malaysian High Commission function.


Sydney – National Dialogue between Christians, Muslims and Jews.


Malek Fahd Islamic School Sydney – hosting Indonesian MPs and opening of Malek Fahd Hoxton Park and Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills schools.


University of Sydney – Conference on Radicalisation.


Brisbane - Islamic College of Brisbane Board meeting.


National Islamic Museum of Art and History – Canberra.


Wagga Wagga – Meeting with Heinz and Abattoir for Halal certification.


Victoria Police project with Muslims engagement – Canberra meeting.

20/5/11 to 23/5/11

Jedda Saudi Arabia – meeting with Islamic Development Bank for schools funding and IDB scholarships. Mecca - Muslim World League Rabitta various cooperation, Halal issues.


Moscow - Presenting Paper at World Halal Conference.

30/5/11 to 3/6/11

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Meeting with WAMY Secretary General, Arabic For All CEO, and various Ministers.


ACT Muslim Advisory Council Meeting - Canberra.


Canberra - Race Relations Roundtable.


Sydney - Appearance before Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee on Multiculturalism.


Sydney - AFIC Executive Committee Meeting.


Canberra - Opening Nominations for the Australian of the Year Awards 2012 with the PM and Cabinet dept.


Perth – Meeting at Langford Islamic College and also public meeting re Census 2011.


Christmas Island - 40 Anniversary of the Island Mosque.


Canberra - Anniversary of the Independence of the USA.


Adelaide – Public forum re 2011 Census and Islamic College of SA inspection of building works.


Lebanon – Meeting with various organisations and Ministers.


Mecca Saudi Arabia – Muslim World League Rabita Conference on Muslims Dialogue.


Sydney - Malek Fahd Islamic School Accounting staff appointment, distribution of Ramadhan food parcels parcels with UAE Embassy and SBS interview.


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Sydney - Launch of the 2011 Census and Appointment as Census Ambassador by Hon Bill Shorten MP.


Canberra - Throne Day of the Kingdom of Morocco.


Islamic School of Canberra – meeting with consultants.


Federal Parliament Canberra – Announcement of Australian Multicultural Council by Prime Minister.


Sydney - Attorney General Community Engagement Forum.


Sydney - Iftar at Malek Fahd Islamic School.


Government House Sydney - Award of Pride of Australia Medal 2011.


Canberra - United Nations Ceremonial Tree Planting by Sec General of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon. Meeting with Deputy Secretary of Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) on ritual slaughter and animal welfare.


Eid Ul Fitr Festival Sydney.


ACT Muslim Advisory Council Meeting - Canberra.


Canberra - ALP National Policy Committee Roundtable.


Sydney - Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills Campus Open Day and AFIC Federal Council Meeting.


SBS Board Lunch – Sydney.


Canberra - National Day of Malaysia.

29/9/11 to 5/10/11

Somalia - Self funded Humanitarian food and medicine relief visit.


Sydney - MFIS audit and ICV Lease.

15-16/10/11 Sydney - AFIC Congress. 20/10/11

Sydney - Schools strategy meeting.


Adelaide – Opening of Multi Purpose Hall in Islamic College of SA. Melbourne - Inspect land for possible school.


Canberra – Saudi Arabia National Day.


Canberra – Meeting with Malaysian High Commissioner.


Sydney – AFIC EXCO meeting.


Canberra – Islamic School of Canberra Board Meeting.

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MESSAGE FROM THE PREMIER OF NSW BARRY O’FARRELL The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is one of the key peak organisations for Muslim Australians operating in New South Wales. Its Annual General Meeting is therefore a significant event for the community.

As a visible and growing influence within a very multicultural Australian society, and as awareness about Islam within the Australian community becomes more prevalent, the Muslim community itself bears responsibility to interact with the broader Australian community so that partnerships and relationships may be established and fostered allowing the growth and acceptance of Muslims within the community to be accepted in the openness and friendship that we all desire.

Muslim Australians are already active in almost every field of mainstream activity from sport to business to politics and education. Their contribution to our society is noticed. It is vitally important that Muslim Australians continue to have every opportunity that this society has to offer, includnig those afforded by our values of democracy and inclusion.

It becomes imperative therefore that, rather than being isolated and separated within the Australian community, Muslims engage with the Australian people through both formal and informal channels. Particularly relevant is the formation of associations with the various Federal and State Government Departments and instrumentalities, with law enforcement agencies and with business people engaged in enterprise and trade.

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils provides the community with a solid back-up and a firm voice with governments and within the broad society of New South Wales.

The Muslim community will also benefit from being involved in, and their participation will be welcomed by, those promoting objectives such as interfaith dialogue and cross cultural initiatives and activities.

I with the participants at the Annual General Meeting great wisdom and success as they discuss the futher advancement and interests of the highly valued Muslim communty of New South Wales. Sincerely,

As the Muslim community integrates more openly within the Australian community, it will find that bridges are crossed, doors opened, and understanding will increase that will add significantly to the development of a safe, vibrant, peaceful and prosperous Australian society.

Barry O’Farrell MP Premier NSW

Hassan T. Nazer Ambassador, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Hand in hand for a brighter Australia. M U S L I M S AU S T R A L I A | A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1




In 2011 Muslims Australia AFIC continued to provide services, consultation and community engagement within the context of its objectives and functions. QUEENSLAND FLOODS


2011 began with the most devastating floods in Queensland

The Chief Minister of ACT named Br Ikebal Patel, the President of

which left many parts of Brisbane, Ipswich and other areas under

Muslims Australia (AFIC), and the national peak body

water. This disaster brought out the true spirit of Australian

representing the interests of Australian Muslims as the ACT's

mateship amongst all of Queensland's diverse population.

2011 Australia Day Ambassador. He was also the Chair of the Muslims Advisory Council of ACT and Board Chairman of the

Muslims Australia AFIC offered its Islamic College of Brisbane

Islamic School of Canberra.

premises as a recovery centre to the Brisbane City Council during the crises with the Lord Mayor thanking Muslims Australia

As an Australian Day Ambassador, Br Ikebal attended various

and the College for the support.

events in Canberra as well as being awarded a special Ambassador's pin by the local Woolworths store manager.

Muslims Australia AFIC made a donation to the Queensland's Premier's Fund which had been set up to assist Queenslanders in need. Muslims Australia (AFIC) President, Br Ikebal Patel together with Br Ahmed Hussein from Darra Mosque visited the Muslim communities of Toowoomba, Ipswich and Brisbane to witness firsthand the devastation and losses caused by the force of the flood water, and also help with the recovery effort.

EDUCATION & LEARNING One of the key priorities of Muslims Australia AFIC is to ensure Australian children have equal access to quality education within the framework of Australian curriculum standards. The educational successes at Muslims Australia's schools in Sydney, the legendary Malek Fahd Islamic School with excellent student performance records; equally high performance results at Islamic School of Brisbane, Islamic College of South Australia, Langford Islamic College and Islamic School of Canberra have paved the way for our newest schools in 2011.

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ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF MELBOURNE Muslims Australia AFIC proudly announced the opening of its 6



school, located in Tarneit, Melbourne in 2011. Muslims Australia AFIC is grateful to the Department of

To cater for the voluminous demand for places at Muslims

Education in Victoria, Wyndham City Council and all partners

Australia's, Malek Fahd Islamic School in Greenacre, the second

and supporters who contributed to the establishment of this new

and third campuses of our prestigious Malek Fahd Islamic School


opened its doors for the first intake of children in 2011. We are confident our students at campuses of Malek Fahd Hoxton Park and Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills, Sydney will emulate the exemplary educational achievements and success of Malek Fahd Islamic School.

SCHOOLS IN OTHER LOCATIONS Muslims Australia AFIC investigated the merits of establishing schools in Darwin, Townsville, Werribee and other locations. A final determination has not been made and warrants further study.

STOCK AND PURCHASES Muslims Australia AFIC consolidated the purchases at our schools of services such as insurance, electricity, phones, software, uniforms. Work is progressing on other items like stationery and similar that can be bundled and purchased as a whole of business for better outcomes for the community.

ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK SCHOLARSHIPS The MOU between Muslims Australia and the Islamic Development Bank is on its way to provide access to further studies. In 2011 the first scholarships have been reviewed and applicants accepted to do further studies in selected fields. This is an excellent outcome for Muslims Australia AFIC in providing opportunities for students to further their studies and enrich their lives and make a positive contribution to Australia.

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BUILDING COMMUNITY CO OPERATION Society memberships have increased significantly over the last

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al

five years. This is mainly due to the active engagement of Muslims

Nahyan Humanitarian Foundation under the direction of UAE

Australia executive committee with their respective and local

embassy in Canberra with Muslims Australia AFIC distributed

societies and Muslims Australia being responsive to their needs.

foods parcel to the needy in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. This is the fourth year of this much appreciated Ramadan Project presented to the most vulnerable members of society.


We thank the many helpers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

Muslims Australia AFIC continued its support for community

who ensure the Ramadan food parcels reach needy families

projects and initiatives across Australia.

during the blessed month of Ramadan.

路 Muslims Australia AFIC provided resources to its state Islamic Council in Victoria to upgrade facilities for prayer services, office space and leisure activities. 路 Muslims Australia AFIC funded Muslim students from Vanuatu, Solomons, Papua New Guinea and Tonga for religious and higher education. 路 Sponsorship of the Islamic Council of Queensland Quran Competition, as well as sponsoring Human Appeal International's HSC high Achievers of 2011. 路 Muslims Australia AFIC also sponsored print media, namely Al Wasat, Al Muslim, Al Nahal, Ummah Directory and Rabitat publication in their efforts to inform and provide resource services for Muslims in Australia.

CENSUS 2011 Muslims Australia AFIC has actively lobbied the Muslim community to be counted during this very pivotal point in this great nation. Muslims Australia sought community cooperation and participation in this vitally important exercise and encouraged Muslims to engage in this Census process and be counted as Muslims. The Federation prays that 2011 Census will reflect a more accurate picture of the numbers of Muslims in Australia.

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SUBMISSIONS Muslims Australia AFIC made the following submissions to the Australian government:

Muslims Australia AFIC Vice President attended the Eighth Doha

1. Islamic Finance Review

Conference of Inter Faith Dialogue. The conference hosted over

2. Multiculturalism

200 participants from 55 countries covering the five continents.

3. Australia's Humanitarian Program for 2011/12 4. Towards a Secure Australia

SUPPORT & COOPERATION NATIONAL CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN ISLAMIC STUDIES Muslims Australia AFIC provided support and cooperation to many partners to promote a better understanding of Islam and Muslims in Australia. One such collaboration was with NCEIS at the University of Melbourne for the development of a common curriculum framework for the teaching of Islamic Religious Education at Islamic schools.


Various articles were written either directly or in partnership with others on Halal matters, treatment of Muslim patients, dawah and similar. Muslims Australia magazine was printed and distributed as well as the Annual Report.

Muslims Australia supported the Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) for the Donatelife


Community Awareness initiative. This project provides an


Islamic Council of Victoria

opportunity to work together on a unique and innovative way to address information provision to Muslim communities in Australia in relation to the Donatelife project.


Engagement with the Attorney General's Department to ensure Australian Muslims proactively identify areas where it can contribute affirmatively to Australia's peace, development and good governance and to further the mutual interest of all Australians.

HOSTED OVERESEAS DELEGATIONS A number of delegations were hosted either directly or on behalf of DFAT and foreign missions and other partners.

PARTICIPATED IN INTERFAITH ACTIVITIES Co chaired the national dialogue between Christians, Muslims and Jews and participated in various other activities.

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DONATIONS Various local and international natural disasters were assisted

Muslims Australia AFIC achieved another milestone in signing a

either directly or through donations from the community. Funding

MOU with the leading, prestigious Islamic University in the

was made available for various activities by members of the

world, the Al Azhar University in Egypt for cooperation and

community or societies and councils.

scholarly exchange to promote educational excellence in all fields of study.

MOSQUE AND PRAYER FACILITIES Secured land for mosque and prayer facilities in Wagga Wagga from the Charles Sturt University in partnership with the local communities and in the process of securing land in other locations including Albury.

POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT It was recognised that the Muslim community had to engage in the political process in Australia and this was an issue that was encouraged for all to consider through various public meetings in different states.

PARTNERSHIPS Islamic Scientific Educational social Cultural Organisation Conference 2011 - Muslims Australia AFIC was represented at this year's Conference. ISESCO aims to provide the promotion of educational, scientific, cultural, communication and information development, and enhance the capacities of the Member States


in these areas. ISESCO also seeks to serve the causes of Islam and Muslims inside and outside the Islamic world, present an Islamic civilization vision, in international events, on the subjects of

Muslims Australia AFIC is recognised as the premium Halal

dialogue among cultures and alliance of civilizations, and

certification provider by industry and Muslim countries. This year

disseminate the culture of justice and peace and the values of

saw Halal certification approval from all Muslim countries after

tolerance, coexistence and respect for cultural diversity as well as

some 20 years without this approval in some cases.

of the spiritual, civilizational specificities of nations and peoples. Muslims Australia AFIC presented a paper at the Conference.

Muslims Australia AFIC acknowledges the valued support of members of the Shariah committee in providing counsel in all matters relating to Halal meat, food and other products. Muslims Australia is also thankful to the slaughtermen and other personnel in upholding the values of Islam and ensuring Halal integrity of products. During this year Muslims Australia AFIC reiterated clearly its adherence to the Islamic ruling and the importance of animal welfare in relation to Halal slaughter and the prevention of any type of cruel or inhumane treatment of animals at all times.

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MOSCOW HALAL CONFERENCE Muslims Australia AFIC was represented at the Second Moscow

Muslims Australia, AFIC Assistant Treasurer attended the First International Halal Congress organized by Islamic Chamber and Information Centre, in partnership with the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Islamic Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre (SESRIC), Iran Chamber of Commerce Industry and Mines and Muslim Excellence and Competitiveness Corporations Award, in Ankara, Turkey.

International Halal exhibition which gathered several thousand people from more than 50 Russian regions and 20 foreign countries, which included Australia. The growth of international Halal market is a phenomenon and a resource for Australian suppliers. The exhibition also featured expert discussions and presentation of investment projects.

The International Halal Congress (IHCO) reported on Halal products, cosmetics medicine and other services catering for an increasing global Muslim population. All aspects of Halal certification of products and administration of Halal processes also covered during the Conference.

JAKIM HALAL CONFERENCE Muslims Australia was also represented at the JAKIM Conference in Malaysia with the aim of firstly, to strengthen cordial relationship between JAKIM and Muslims Australia AFIC and also to create networking opportunities to strengthen relations among certifiers and industries. Secondly, to discuss and to exchange opinions on several issues pertaining to Halal certification particularly the Malaysian Halal Standard formulated and used by Malaysian Government. Comprehensive understanding of this standard which will enable Muslims Australia AFIC to implement the monitoring and supervision of abattoirs and processing plant products connected to meat under Muslims Australia AFIC supervision.

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2011 th



6 WORLD HALAL FORUM Muslims Australia AFIC representative participated in the 6th


World Halal Forum. The Halal industry's premier event opened

2011 saw the 50 anniversary of Christmas Island. The President

with over 600 delegates from over 40 countries at Kuala Lumpur

of Muslims Australia AFIC was present at the this milestone event

Convention Centre on April 4th, 2011. This year's World Halal

at Masjid At-Taqwa together with other Imams from the

Forum produced an exciting milestone in the Halal industry - the

mainland. The community of Christmas Island should be

unveiling of a first of its kind 'Halal Food Index', which positions

congratulated for their unity and hard work under the able

Halal as an Asset Class within the investment community. The

leadership of Br Zainal and Sister Farida. The delegation also

SAMI (Socially Acceptably Market Investments) Halal Food Index

took the opportunity to visit the detention centre and talk with

comprises over 200 companies listed in Muslim-majority


countries with a total market capitalisation of over US$100billion at time of release. The SAMI Halal Food Index is powered by IdealRatings with the backing of Thomson Reuters and supported by World Halal Forum. The World Halal Forum, now in its 6th year, is the world's most sought after Halal industry event and has a proven track record as an important platform in determining the direction of the global Halal industry. Muslims Australia AFIC is well positioned to lead in the provision of services in Australia.

MUSLIM BURIAL GROUNDS Muslims Australia AFIC continued to secure burial areas for Muslims. This year the President approached the Queanbeyan Mayor seeking Council’s assistance in addressing Muslim burial areas. Muslims Australia is pleased to report that an area of the Queanbeyan Cemetery has been surveyed and marked and is now ready for use.

More highlights of 2011 in our Photo Gallery

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47 ANNUAL CONGRESS The Annual Congress of the Muslims Australia (AFIC) was held at Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney on 8 and 9 October 2011. Delegates attending from all States of Australia including Christmas Island, Northern Territory and Alice Springs met over two days to receive reports of activities and to chalk out programs and policies for the next year.

Hon. Tony Burke

Members of Muslims Australia Executive Committee with Yab Pehin Sri Hj. Abdul Taib Mahmud,Chief Minister of Sarawak(third from the right) th

The 47 Annual Congress Dinner was attended by the Hon. Tony Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Mr Burke represented the Hon. Julia Gillard Prime Minister of Australia, Mr David Irvine, Chief of ASIO and other senior Ministers in the Government were also in attendance. Members of the Diplomatic Corp and community leaders from different faith groups all joined in the celebration.

Mr David Irvine - Chief of ASIO

Delegates at 2011 Muslims Australia AFIC Congress Dinner th

The Baitul Mal Project along with the new logo of Muslims Australia (AFIC) were officially launched during the 47 Annual Congress Dinner by Yab Pehin Sri Hj. Abdul Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak and President of the Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP). M U S L I M S AU S T R A L I A | A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1


SUMMARY OF PRESS RELEASES: 2011 4 January 2011

14 January 2011



Muslims Australia - AFIC expressed great pride at the selection of Usman Khawaja as the first Muslim on the Australian Cricket team. Mr Patel further went on to congratulate the selectors on their choice and applauded their genuine respect for the game and progressive thinking with regard to those who could make the biggest impact on, and indeed contribution to the game. Mr Patel did however comment that it was of utmost importance that Usman go out and enjoy himself and the company of some of the greatest cricketers of the modern era, and rest assured that his natural talent and flair would no doubt follow.

The President of Muslims Australia AFIC announced that Muslims Australia AFIC has organised a team of volunteers from the Islamic College of Brisbane consisting of students, parents and members of the Brisbane Muslim community to assist in cleaning up and recovery in Brisbane. The relief effort aims to alleviate some of the strain placed on those most harshly affected by the catastrophic floods. The President today urged members of the Brisbane Muslim community to enlist in this mass clean-up effort, and offer their time and services to those who are less fortunate. He has expressed his long held belief regarding the overall impact such suffering can have on Australia as a whole in bringing together all people in such difficult times. He conveyed a message of unity and hope, stressing that Australia as a whole is hurting if some in a particular locality are in difficulties. He went on to applaud the enthusiastic fund raising efforts carried out by Muslims Australia, and shared his hope that this effort, coupled with the donation of volunteers time would make some small difference to those affected by the natural disaster. 6 January 2011

NOT IN THE NAME OF ISLAM The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC), today spoke out against the views expressed by Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon regarding the implementation of Shariah law in Australia. (The Australian, 21 January 2011).

6 January 2011

MUSLIMS AUSTRALIA AFIC QUEENSLAND FLOOD APPEAL Muslims Australia AFIC President Mr Ikebal Adam Patel announced a major flood appeal for the residents of Queensland affected by the devastating flood waters. Mr Patel said, Muslims Australia AFIC is asking Muslim communities around Australia to remember the Queensland flood affected communities during the Friday congregational prayers at the mosques and to seek respite from the current inclement weather. Mr Patel also advised that Muslims Australia AFIC will be spear heading a major fund raising effort amongst the Australian Muslims for the affected communities and will make a donation to the Queensland Premier's flood relief effort.

Muslims Australia AFIC representative reminded Australians that the Quran clearly teaches us to embrace the laws of the country in which we live. Thus, in order to be a pious, devout Muslims, we must respect and abide by the laws of this great country. He then went on to illustrate that aspects of Islam were, in fact, already embedded in the Australian Legal system. For example the comprehensiveness of Australian family law with regards to divorce, death and succession, and the importance placed on the family unit. Furthermore, he pointed out the fact that in Australia, people can agree to a legally binding contract using the laws of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism or any kind of ideology as long as the contract does not abrogate the law or have an

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SUMMARY OF PRESS RELEASES: 2011 illegal purpose. This in itself was a clear indication that the two systems were not in conflict or competition. They clearly complimented one another, as many similarities and similar objectives could be drawn.

international arena. He said “We are saddened by any loss of life anywhere and especially under such circumstances. The will of the people and the changes being negotiated should achieve a peaceful outcome without any further loss of life and injury to this great nation's reputation which has been the centre of civilisation.”

The Muslim community is always adversely affected by such comments, and their untrue and misguided nature sends the wrong message to the community at large which is unhelpful. 2 February 2011


He further stated, “The support from the Australian government, in terms of providing charted flight services to Australian citizens caught up in events in Egypt is much appreciated”. He said a peaceful, negotiated settlement is an outcome all of us wish for. The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC) is proud to announce the opening of Muslims Australia's newest school, the Islamic College of Melbourne in Tarneit.

10 February 2011


He expressed gratitude to the Department of Education in Victoria, Wyndham City Council and all partners of Muslims Australia who contributed to the establishment of this new school.

Referring to media comments made by senior Liberal politicians, the president of Muslims Australia, called on MPs to focus on the positive contributions of Australia's ethnic population, rather than igniting flames of racism that feeds those who wish to divide and destruct. There has been enough misery due to natural causes, and Australian Muslims were at the forefront of sharing the grief as well as donating generously their time and resources and these loose comments are getting beyond an insult now.

He reiterated the importance of delivering quality education that is accessible and within the framework of Australian curriculum standards. 10 February 2011


The Halal industry in Australia is a billion dollar industry which not only meets the vital needs of the Muslim community in Australia, (like kosher products are vital to the Jewish community), but also fosters trade between Australia and Islamic countries contributing to the Australian economy and benefiting both Muslim and non Muslim farmers, abattoir workers and butchers. The reputation of Australia's premium quality beef and lamb and all

The President of Muslims Australia AFIC, called on all Australians and especially those of Egyptian heritage to be patient whilst the events in Egypt are resolved and for us to pray for the well being of their relatives in Egypt. He said the country is going through unprecedented events that will have an impact domestically and on the

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SUMMARY OF PRESS RELEASES: 2011 manufactured food products that are Halal is at risk by these irresponsible comments which have no basis for any concern.

Minister Chris Bowen has to be applauded for his very strong leadership taken during times of extreme opposition from various circles and the appointment of Senator Kate Lundy is timely and welcome.

18 February 2011


22 March 2011

AUSTRALIANS LET US REJOICE FOR WE ARE YOUNG AND FREE... The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC), expressed disquiet at Channel's Nine's most recent coverage of a sixty minutes story in which Michael Usher reports opinions on race, religion, bigotry and immigration. Muslims Australia (AFIC) the peak body representing Muslims in Australia unequivocally rejects any notion expressed in the program that democracy is incompatible with the lifestyles of Muslims in Australia. As Australian citizens, we respect and abide by the laws of the land and we communicate this message to our members and all citizens of this beautiful land, said the President.

The President of Muslims Australia commenting on the insistence of the Shadow Minister of Immigration Mr Scott Morrison that “Muslim Migration” is a growing concern as irresponsible and highly offensive. Mr Morrison seems to want to create a tract record – offend on day one, and retract on day two, as in the insensitivity shown by his comments in relation to the recent funerals of the asylum seekers in the boat tragedy.

He further stated Muslims Australia (AFIC) supports the Australian version of multiculturalism; after all, Australia is a nation of migrants with a history dating back some 50,000 years with the arrival of the first Aboriginal people. We are a nation of over 40% either born overseas or had one parent born abroad. People from almost 200 countries have made Australia their home – adding colour, diversity and a unique blend of cultures, religions and customs incorporated into the Australian “fair-go, mate-ship” set of Australian values”

Muslims in Australia are disappointed and disheartened at the continual verbal abuse and discrimination meted out to Muslims. This attitude is fast going beyond a joke and has to stop now before racial and religious profiling becomes a fair game.

The President invites the media and others, when seeking to report the views of the majority of Muslims in Australia to seek such representation from long standing organisations, Islamic scholars at Universities around Australia who are available to provide a balanced view of Islam and Muslims in Australia. The Australian National Imam's Council (ANIC), Imams Council of NSW and Board of Imams of Victoria have all been set up to address issues relating to Islam and the everyday lives of Muslims in Australia and welcomes the opportunity for discussion, question and answer.

18 February 2011

MULTICULTURALISM: AUSTRALIAN STYLE The President of Muslims Australia has congratulated the Gillard Government in announcing the formation of a new independent organisation, The Australian Multicultural Council, as a positive effort on the part of the government to progress and grow Australia as a inclusive and welcoming nation.

The President in conclusion encouraged all eligible voters in NSW, who will be going to the polls this weekend to take a stand, make a concerted effort to make your vote count in selecting your State government. The rights and freedoms afforded to citizens of this magnificent land must not be taken for granted or rail roaded by those who are motivated by self centred agenda's inconsistent with Australian law and seeking to instil fear and hatred into the hearts and minds of many!

“Multiculturalism - Australian style is unique, our diverse ethnic communities look forward to consultations with the Australian Multicultural Council in making our model of Multiculturalism, one that is envied around the world. It is now time for Australia to redefine the whole concept of Multiculturalism and the vibrancy that this has brought about in all Australians lives in areas such as cuisine, art, music, dressing up and many other areas”.

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animal rights groups and AFIC Halal certification services which all realise potential prosperity combined with compassion and good business sense to achieve equitable outcomes for all.

CANBERRA, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE'S TURN FOR NEW SCHOOLS The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC), accompanied by the Vice President, proudly opened two new schools in Sydney, the Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills Campus and Malek Fahd Hoxton Park Campus on the first school day of second term. The two new schools will cater for the ever-increasing demand for enrolment as evident in the extremely long waiting lists at the prestigious Malek Fahd Islamic School in Greenacre.

Muslims Australia (AFIC) during its National Federal Congress meeting in 2008 called on the Australian Government to cease live exports immediately. AFIC Federal Congress members agreed live cattle/sheep export is traumatic for the animal during the journey and as evidenced, cruel and inhumane and un-Islamic at their destination during slaughter. Muslims Australia (AFIC) again calls on the government to cease live exports and promote Halal slaughter in Australia under the supervision of Islamic authorities and Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services (AQIS).

The President said, “Muslims Australia's goal is to provide students access to best practice educational resources. A balanced education is the first step in equipping our children to maximise their educational abilities and talents to become useful, productive, contributing members of the Australian society. Graduates of our schools are now serving as Engineers, plumbers, doctors, nurses, lawyers and pharmacists and many other trades and professions. The continued and exemplary high achievements of students at our existing schools is an incentive for prospective students to emulate at the new schools.”

23 June 2011

BURQA – ALTERNATE IDENTIFICATION The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC) commented on the issue of identification for those wearing the Burqa or other head covering. Mr Patel said, "I understand the difficulties the police are faced with in identifying people wearing a face veil, and stand with the police against criminal activity."

8 June 2011


He further mentioned that Muslims Australia (AFIC) also supports the right of Muslim women to wear a veil under the principle of freedom of religious expression. He said Muslims Australia (AFIC) fully supports the police and law enforcement agencies and wants to work with the authorities to assist them in reaching an acceptable solution which will protect the community while respecting the rights and dignity of Muslim women. Muslims Australia (AFIC) is pleased to take a proactive role in this matter, as the body representing an important faith group within the Australian community, in recommending strategies for alternate identification methods. These include having female police officers in whose presence the face covering could be removed for a positive identification, having finger prints taken, or alternatively using retina scan technology.

The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC expressed serious concern and sadness at media reports and images of cruel treatment of Australian cattle in Indonesian abattoirs. Mr Patel stated, “Islam places great importance on the care and consideration of all of God's creatures. It implies a duty to animal welfare, both during the rearing and during the slaughter.”

A crime free environment is paramount for a civilised and harmonious society, and so is freedom of religious expression. There is no reason for these not to coexist in a nation such as Australia, which is renowned for its culture of generosity.

Muslims Australia (AFIC) is committed to animal welfare in Halal accreditation services and has partnered with Halal Kind Meats to reinforce this message. The Halal Kind Meat concept incorporates the interests of rural industry leaders,

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9 September 2011



The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC) welcomes the appointment of Dr Helen Szoke as Australia's new Race Discrimination Commissioner. “Dr Szoke's track record as the Commissioner and Chair of the Board of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission will contribute to the success and efficacy of her new role”.

The President said, the case of people seeking asylum should not be allowed to become a hard fought rugby match between the political parties with the lives of the most vulnerable human beings being thrown in scrums to be mauled and rucked just for some cheap political point scoring. One can understand that with a parliament hanging in balance, the sight of the try line can be very tantalising, but this should also be a time when real leaders arise and show courage to ensure that their legacy will live on way beyond their term in office.

He stated that the Muslim community is the most culturally and ethnically diverse in Australia incorporating over 100 languages with English as a second language in many instances. The barriers to employment, housing, health and other services this community faces is higher than the Australian average according to Muslims Australia's research. Some of these barriers include racism and blatant discrimination which Muslims Australia is confident Dr Szokes' new portfolio will address. He said “Eradicating racism is task we all share as Australian citizens. Australia's signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights sixty years ago is a milestone. The protection and promotion of the human rights encapsulated in the Declaration is vital to global efforts to achieve lasting peace

He further stated the need for secure borders is imperative, Australian security and customs agencies see to that adequately. Muslims Australia – AFIC calls upon the Government to abolish off shore processing and consider local measures to process people seeking asylum more expeditiously. He also calls on the government to seek remedies from within the communities, through community based organisations to offer those who present no security or other threats to the safety of Australia and its citizens to be assisted quickly so that people can get on with their lives and into meaningful employment.

3 September 2011

9 September 2011


SEPTEMBER 11 – 10 YEARS LATER The President of Muslims Australia – AFIC, speaking on the th 10 anniversary of the attacks in the USA, said “That was the day the world changed, one of the darkest days in history, for so many the sorrow lingers, anguish abounds and we share the pain of separation”.

It is indeed a great pleasure for me as President of Muslims Australia AFIC to extend to the Muslim community of Australia the most sincere greetings of Eid-ul-Fitr. I also take this opportunity on behalf of Australian Muslims to extend our good wishes to all fellow Australians.

He reiterated Muslims Australia's condemnation in the strongest terms of this and any such criminal attacks on

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SUMMARY OF PRESS RELEASES: 2011 24 October 2011

civilians. He said Islam rejects such acts, since it forbids the killing of civilians even during the time of war, especially if they are not part of the fight. As a human community we have to be vigilant and ensure that such evils are vigorously challenged and condemned for what it is.

NAPLAN SUCCESSES IN 2011 The President of Muslims Australia AFIC is pleased to announce Muslims Australia AFIC's schools excellent NAPLAN results. He congratulated students of Malek Fahd Islamic School, Sydney, Islamic School of Canberra, Islamic College of Brisbane, Islamic College of South Australia, Adelaide, Langford Islamic College, Perth and our latest additions, Islamic College of Melbourne, Malek Fahd Hoxton Park and Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills schools have all scored above average marks in most subjects.

He stated in the aftermath of the attacks, local Muslims were faced with a difficult period of mourning. As they grieved for those who were lost, Muslims were also facing scrutiny and suspicious glances from a portion of the society who began to associate all Muslims with the actions of a fringe terrorist group.

He thanked the Federal Government as well as all State and Territory Governments for their support and guidance to the schools to ensure that they continue providing optimum educational outcomes to one of Australia's emerging communities. 4 November 2011


On the other hand, many innocent individuals lost their lives in the pursuit of 'justice', revenge or retribution. These lives were those of civilians, family members, children, soldiers (including Australians) and also so called terrorists or terrorist 'sympathisers'. Rendition suddenly became a word understood even in Arabic and Guantanamo propelled the USA from the victim to the likes of brutal countries like Libya.


The Staff and the Executive committee of Muslims Australia (AFIC) extend sincere greetings to the Muslim community of Australia on the occasion of Eid ul Adha, Hajj Mabroor to all who have made the journey to perform hajj. We pray and look forward to your safe return, inshaAllah.

Muslims Australia - AFIC also acknowledges the Australian achievement of an open and welcoming society in which the members of all religious groups enjoy mutual respect and acceptance. We will be ever so vigilant to preserve this achievement, and act as partners in the creation of a culture of peace and respect for human rights and dignity.

Eid ul Adha is also a time for sacrifice in the great traditions of our prophets. We also reflect on the plight of those less fortunate and those who are suffering at this time.

In conclusion he said, “The entire Qur'an, taken as a complete text, gives a message of hope, faith, and peace to a faith community of one billion people. The overwhelming message is that peace is to be found through faith in God, and justice among fellow human beings.�

We take the opportunity on behalf of Muslims of Australia to also extend our good wishes to all Australians of all faiths on this auspicious occasion of Eid ul Adha and pray for peace, harmony and goodwill among all Australians and all over the world.

Let's all reflect on this day as to what the world has to offer our grandchildren rather than how many children our actions may have orphaned or how many grandmothers may have lost their loved ones through the various wars. An attitude of 'us' and 'them' and an 'eye for an eye' will either leave us all blind or in a perpetual atmosphere of hate, anger and distrust.

May God fill everyone's life with abundance of joy, peace and happiness. Eid Mubarak.

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SUMMARY OF PRESS RELEASES: 2011 9 December 2011

applicant to Australia, to be assessed for their suitability to become valuable members of a diverse Australian community.

POLITICAL POINT SCORING ON THE BACK OF AUSTRALIAN SHEEP The President of Muslims Australia – AFIC, commenting on Federal member for Cowan, Mr Luke Simpkins MP's, speech in Parliament calling for labelling of (Halal) meat in supermarkets, as an overreaction and another attempt at political point scoring.

Muslims Australia is also grateful to the government for allowing the asylum seekers to work, support and protect their families until the final assessment on their application is determined. This is a positive move and a gesture of good will ensuring the self respect and dignity of the individual is maintained during a difficult and anxious period.

He said, “Meat is one of Australia's core food export products and underpins a significant proportion of Australia's food export statistics. Exporting is vital to the meat industry representing 60 per cent of the industry's trade with exports consisting mainly of beef, mutton, lamb and goat meat. In fact, Australia is the world's second largest exporter of beef exporting to more than 100 countries across the globe.

Muslims Australia – AFIC seeks to assist in this process through its networks within the Muslim community and also maintain ongoing communications with the Department of Immigration and other representatives with a view to provide pathways to support the settlement of asylum seekers as matter of priority. 20 December 2011

Our biggest markets for meat exports are traditionally Japan, USA, Korea, China and the Middle East with the US and Japan being Australia's largest market destinations on total volumes and dollar value.”


Mr Patel further stated, “If local supermarkets respond to consumer demand for Halal meat on their shelves we see no impediment to identifying the meat as Halal. We believe animals that are slaughtered in a Halal manner are treated well and with compassion. We were reminded of the importance of caring for animals when we saw images of the brutal treatment of pigs before slaughter at an abattoir in Victoria which was as a result closed by the authorities. The treatment of all animals with kindness is paramount in Islam.

The President of the Muslims Australia (AFIC) expressed his condolences to the families of those killed aboard the boat which capsized in waters off Trenggalek regency, East Java. Mr Patel said that this tragedy shows that countries in the region had still failed to find solutions to refugee problems. The asylum seekers and refugees for the most part are fleeing political or religious persecution, torture and repressive regimes. They are escaping from conflict and war and searching for a better life and greener pastures but some irresponsible people refer to the asylum seekers as illegal immigrants.

9 December 2011

HUMANITARIAN IMMIGRATION POLICY WELCOMED The President of Muslims Australia AFIC, Mr Ikebal Patel applauded the Gillard government and the Minister of Immigration Mr Chris Bowen's decision to allow asylum seekers who completed all the relevant security, health and character checks to be released into the community on bridging visas. This is a way forward and a more humanitarian solution to a critical humanitarian crisis.

The increased refugee arrivals is a consequence of the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places and this trend will continue until the underlying conflict is resolved. The loss of life in the last few years now requires leadership from all sides of politics in Australia and in partnership with the regional governments to find a lasting and humane solution to this ongoing refugee predicament.

Muslims Australia's stance on people seeking refuge is clear, these are some of the most vulnerable members of the community who are simply seeking to resume their lives and start afresh in Australia. If they do not pose a threat to Australia, they have a chance similar to every other visa

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SUMMARY OF PRESS RELEASES: 2011 30 December 2011


MESSAGE FROM THE GREENS SENATOR FOR VICTORIA RICHARD DI NATALE I would like to extend my good wishes to AFIC as you prepare your annual report. AFIC's report highlights the contribution of Australia's Muslim community to our thriving multicultural society and celebrates the many achievements of the year and I am pleased to have the opportunity to offer my support.

The President of Muslims Australia (AFIC), in deploring the recent attacks on churches and other places of worship in

I congratulate the Federation for its good work as an advocate

Nigeria during the recent Christmas celebrations

for Australia's Muslim community in the last year. The Greens

commented, “The perpetrators of these atrocities cannot be

recognise the importance of a strong multicultural society and

believers of any religion and the authorities in Nigeria needs

treasure Australia's vibrancy and diversity. Australia's Muslims

to apprehend and bring to justice not only those who

are an important part of that diversity. This is especially true in

committed these acts but also the people and groups behind

my state of Victoria, where almost 100,000 Muslims live and

the planning of these cowardly acts."

work, every day acting as ambassadors for their community. Victoria would be a poorer place without these representatives

The world during recent times has seen more than enough

of one of the world's major faiths and a variety of vibrant

suffering, death, and destruction due to natural causes such

cultures. It is through the work of organisations like AFIC that

as tsunamis, hurricanes, earth quakes, floods, bush fires and

their contribution is highlighted and their place in Australian

the like. These are unavoidable events and unfortunately

society is cemented.

humanity will just have to accept the power of nature in unleashing its fury from time to time and in locations of its

Please accept my sincere best wishes and allow me to wish

choosing. But death and destruction brought about by


humans on each other for political, sectarian or religious

you all the best with the 48 Congress this year. I look forward

reasons just does not have any place in the modern world.

to working with you on multicultural issues throughout the coming year and beyond.

The President urged the prosperous nations of the world to Sincerely,

direct more of its aid funds towards uplifting the living conditions of the poorest of the world, but more specifically to the education of the disadvantaged so that the cycles of

Richard Di Natale

poverty can be broken and the ignorant can be empowered

Senator for Victoria

in their own rights rather than being reliant perpetually on those who are interested in making mischief in their communities. M U S L I M S AU S T R A L I A | A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 1


MALEK FAHD ISLAMIC SCHOOL ANNUAL REPORT Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakaatuhu.

4. NAPLAN Results Once again the children excelled in the NAPLAN tests in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9.

1. Opening of Campuses Alhamduillah the highlight of the year was the opening of Hoxton Park and Beaumont Hills campuses in April. The

5. Co-curricular Activities

Hoxton Park campus opened with 68 children in

The students participated in a wide range of activities such

Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2. The Beaumont Hills

as interfaith dialogue, stream-watch programme, and many

campus had 21 children in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2.

more. The school had a number of special celebrations that

In 2012 Hoxton Park has 94 children and Beaumont Hills

included Harmony Day, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day

has 212.

and the Eid Festival.

2. Enrolment at Greenacre

The Eid Festival raised about $20,000.00 for the Heart

The school enrolment in 2011 was 2,007 students. In 2012

Foundation, the Cancer Council and MS Australia. The

there are 2,035 students.

students collected funds for a wide range of charities and the Westmead Children's Hospital. Blood donations by the staff and senior students is a regular feature of the school.

3. Higher School Certificate Examination (HSC) A milestone was reached with all the 112 HSC students qualifying for university entry in courses such as Medicine,

6. Visitors

Dentistry, Optometry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Law,

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs organised a

Business, etc. The school maintained its first position in the

number of delegations from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore,

Bankstown Education District. In 2010 there were 75

Indonesia and Lebanon.

graduates. In 2012 there will be 133 graduates InshaaAllah. 7. A Very Large School With its two new campuses, the school has 2,341 students in 2012 and within a few years we will become the largest and one of the best schools in Australia InshaaAllah. 8. Appreciation With the help of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala, the Federal and the State Governments, AFIC, the School Board, the members of the staff, the parents and the children, we had a very successful year and we look forward to another rewarding year in 2012 InshaaAllah. Dr Intaj Ali Principal.

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MALEK FAHD HOXTON PARK ANNUAL REPORT Praise be to Allah the Most Merciful and Most Gracious. It is with great delight that I report the events of our inaugural school year at Malek Fahd Hoxton Park. May I add my appreciation to the staff, Ms Laura Ghannoum, Mrs Firoza Ahmed, Mrs Fatma Molina and Mrs Lina Malak whose contribution and commitment to their class and the school made our first year an outstanding success. Alhamdulilah the Malek Fahd Islamic School Hoxton Park Campus finally opened its doors in Term Two 2011. Our first and official day of school was 24 April, 2011. This was a significant milestone and a momentous occasion in the history of our School which is now in full swing and will insha Allah grow and move forward in our community. In 2011 Malek Fahd Hoxton Park comprised of one Kindergarten, Year 1 and a Year 2 class with 80 students in total. The students, I am pleased to report, produced outstanding work in all six Key Learning Areas alhamdulilah. Our children took part in events such as The Premier's Reading Challenge, athletics carnival, book parade, Ramadan fundraising efforts and attended excursions to The Sydney Aquarium, The Powerhouse Museum and Featherdale Park just to mention a few. The reports and pictures of all these events are included in our inaugural School Yearbook. Insha Allah our new Primary buildings currently under construction will be completed and ready for occupation in Term 2, 2012. This will be followed with the construction of the first stage of the High School facility. Our School in 2012 will continue to grow with new enrolment of Kindergarten students and the introduction of a Year Four class insha Allah. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the school stakeholders; the School Principal, Dr Intaj Ali, the hardworking staff members; Mrs Malak, Ms Ghannoum, Mrs Ahmed, Mrs Molina and Mrs Ali, the devoted parents and the School Board for their continued support of our school. A special thank you is extended particularly to all the children who make it a great pleasure to come to school every day and to witness their hard work and happy faces. I look forward to 2012 with renewed commitment and great anticipation and may Allah (swt) continue to bless our school and our effort in providing our children with the best education possible so that they may grow and become active citizens and leaders in our society. Wassalam. Mr Ayman Darwich Deputy Principal

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MALEK FAHD BEAUMONT HILLS ANNUAL REPORT Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. Alhamdulillah, a year of gratification and satisfaction has come to an end. It is with the greatest of pleasure and honour that I forward to you reflection on the achievements this newly established campus of Malek Fahd Islamic School . The Malek Fahd Islamic School Beaumont Hills Campus commenced on 27th April with 20 students and 3 staff members and an office secretary. It was really a time of excitement for the children, parents and teachers. Dr Intaj Ali, principal of Malek Fahd Islamic Schools, officially welcomed the pioneer students, parents and teachers of this new campus in the Hills Districts. After introduction of the staff members he spoke on the vision and the future development of the school. We had a Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 class this year. It was a busy year for staff and students; however, it has been a positive and productive journey. Apart from the Board of Studies approved curriculum, the school provides opportunities for students to participate in a range of sporting and co-curricular pursuits. There were some outstanding performances by the students in the assemblies and in the Eid Festival at Greenacre. On our School Open Day over 400 parents and friends were amazed to witness the high quality performances by the students. The principal, Dr Intaj Ali and Br Ikbel Patel, Chairman of AFIC/School Board addressed the gathering. Our students participated in the Premier's Reading Challenge, fundraising, athletics and swimming carnivals. All students enjoyed excursions linking to their learning in the classroom by visiting the City Farm, Featherdale Wildlife Park to name a few. There is daily recital of Quranic versus each morning as part of assembly and students have Quran for half an hour and Arabic for the other half. In 2012 our school will be a fully fledged K-6 primary school. The school will grow with new enrolments. There will be 2 streams of Kindergarten and single stream in each of Year 1 to 6 classes. Classroom teachers have been interviewed and recruited. The construction of a High School will begin soon Insha Allah. During the year we had visits from Board of Studies inspectors; Dr Intaj Ali - Principal of Malek Fahd Islamic Schools; Mr Ikbel Patel President of Australian Federation of Islamic Council; Br Hafiz Kassem - Vice President of AFIC; Mr Rob Paterson - Senior Constable/Youth Liaison Officer of Hills Local Area Command and were blessed by the presence of the AFIC members when they held their meeting at the school during our Open Day. I would like to convey my profound gratitude to the school principal, Dr Intaj Ali for his patronage and leadership which guide the institution in the right path and to the School Board for their continuous support for this new campus. I would like to acknowledge the work and efforts of the staff members; Ms Cabe Ferris, Mrs Mehar Khan, Sheikh Rameh and Mrs Shainaaz Ali. Also, I would like to thank the parents and students for their support and cooperation. We thank Allah Subhaan O Taala for his bountiful blessings which helped the institution to function efficiently and look forward to another rewarding year. Wassalam. Shamsher Ali Deputy Principal

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ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. All praise and thanks to Allah Subhan o'Tala for providing us the opportunity to serve in this noble profession as teachers. As role models we can make vital difference in the lives of young children and thus contribute towards shaping the nation. It is my great pleasure to write this message for the Australian Muslim. At Islamic College of Melbourne, it is our vision to ensure excellence in both academic and Islamic development with continuous progress to produce a new generation of Muslims, who are committed Australians embracing the Australian values of care and compassion. Islamic College of Melbourne was registered on 1/2/2011 and the students began classes on 7/2/2011. By end of last year the student enrolment figure reached 97. This year the school registration was extended up to grade 6 and the student enrolment jumped to over 400 students attending school from grades prep to year 6. We recognize the importance of the parental involvement in school.Their role is very vital in the areas of supervision of home work, assisting in classroom learning and encouraging good behavior management. I would like to acknowledge the help and co-operation of the staff, students, and the school community. Our heartfelt thanks go to AFIC, the local School Board, the local City Council and the Members of the Parliament for their continued support. I wish everyone a very successful participation in the congress, may Allah reward us. Mr. Mohammed Hassan Principal

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ISLAMIC SCHOOLOF CANBERRA ANNUAL REPORT Islamic School of Canberra saw another successful year in 2011. Progress and improvements have been made on an ongoing basis in all areas of operation of the school. The school's curriculum and pedagogies were constantly revised and modified to keep abreast with current trends and changes. With the improvements in curriculum and pedagogies the students' academic performance improved steadily and this gave confidence to parents in the School's ability to provide high quality education to their children. The School had also gone through a registration process to register a year 8 class for 2012. An application was also made for the in-principle approval for the registration of years 9 -12 classes.

Australia. It is a valuable tool for monitoring the progress of Australian students and for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of our school curriculum and pedagogy. Our Year 3 and 5 students participated in NAPLAN in 2008, 2009 and 2010. In 2011 our first year 7 class also took part. From 2008 until now, the NAPLAN results of our school has been among the best in the ACT. In the last three years from2009 to 2011 the Islamic School of Canberra stood first, second or third in five or six subjects. At the national level the school also received similar ranking. In addition to maintaining outstanding academic performance students also did well in Islamic Studies and Arabic. Moreover, the students undertook various forms of co-curricular activities. In the early part of the year, the school held a Harmony Day assembly and organised a multicultural food festival to sell food items from all around the world. In terms of charity work, students and staff raised money for the less fortunate people in the drought stricken area of East Africa. In addition to collecting money in class, we held an “Out of Uniform� day, when all students and staff came dressed in their outing attire and collected almost $1700 to help the poor and needy. During the month of Ramadan, the school held Iftaar at the school which was attended by a large number of parents and members of the Muslim community.

To maintain high standards in teaching and to keep abreast with the latest trends in education teachers and executive staff are encouraged to participate in professional development. In 2011 the principal and teachers of Islamic School of Canberra attended 18 professional development sessions. The professional development programs attended by the teachers were related to the improvement in curriculum renewal (in line with Education Department's Curriculum Document 'Every Chance to Learn') new pedagogies with inclusion of modern technologies, bench mark testing, classroom management, national curriculum and professional standards. Although the student numbers did not increase at the rate that was anticipated, it has continued to increase gradually since 2008. At the beginning of 2011 some 139 students were enrolled at the school. In Terms 2 and 3, the enrolment increased to 148 and the school had to split a composite class into two classes and recruit another teacher to teach the additional class.

The school also ran a gardening club to encourage students to think about and learn to use natural resources in an environmentally sustainable manner. The activities of the gardening club enabled students to gain a firsthand horticultural experience and understand what it involved to plant and nurture the crops and plants at different stages. The children also held a cake stall to raise funds to buy some native Australian plants and other decorative items to improve the appearance of the school gardens.

The school had 10 teachers. These included a curriculum coordinator, seven academic teachers, and two Arabic and Islamic Studies teachers. In addition, the school had the services of an administrative assistant and a groundsman/cleaner. All teaching staff were well qualified with nine of the 10 teachers having post graduate qualifications.

The Islamic School of Canberra strives for excellence and makes concerted efforts to provide its students a balanced educational program that focuses on intellectual, physical, moral and social development. In its brief history the school has made considerable progress in providing a well balanced educational program. The academic achievements have reached extremely high standards ranking among the top schools in the ACT and next to Malek Fahd among the AFIC schools. The school has been successful in enabling students to live by Australian and Islamic values and show care and compassion to those who are less fortunate and needy. In 2012, the school anticipates to achieve even better results.

With the regular review of curriculum and implementation of new pedagogies the academic performance of our students continued to improve. This was reflected in the improvement in the standard of work done by the students in the classrooms and achievements in International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) organised by the University of New South Wales and the National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) conducted by the Education Department.

Dr Imam Ali Principal

In ICAS, our students won a record number of awards of excellence in 2011. NAPLAN are taken by all Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students throughout

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ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA ANNUAL REPORT grew with the requirements of the new curriculum. Every Primary classroom had an overhead projector or interactive whiteboard installed and more “hands-on” learning resources obtained to enable all students to learn through a variety of ways. We currently have six computer rooms across the school that services the early learning centre, primary and high school classes, including specialist areas of Arabic, Digital Printing, Retail, Information Technology, Information Processing and general computing. As we look towards 2012, the introduction of iPad2 into all Year 10 classrooms moves in the direction of electronic textbooks and resources.

The Islamic College of South Australia is a vibrant independent college that is growing quickly with progressive facilities and strong learning outcomes for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Recognition to all students, staff and families is extended. We also thank our college Chair, Br Harun Abdullah, board members and AFIC (Muslims Australia) for their encouragement and support throughout the years. During 2011 we saw two new buildings completed in January; a Science and Language Centre for Arabic, laboratory for subjects such as Biology, Physics, General Science and Chemistry and a Multipurpose hall for prayer, assemblies, sports and after school programs. Our new canteen has also been well received by our students and families. With the Trade Training Centre in Digital Printing beginning in 2011 and completed in January 2012, subject choices and career pathways are becoming wider, supporting needs of all students, both academic and vocational education directions. We thank the contributions of the Australian Government, Muslims Australia and the Association of Independent Schools for their support in helping fund such buildings with our hall costing over $2.3m and the Science and Language Centre costing $1.9m. The official openings held in Term 4 last year were a highlight of our school year.

The encouragement of giving back to the community and helping others in need is always integrated throughout curriculum programs with a strong emphasis on Australian/Islamic Values. Some programs in 2011 included: Jump Rope for Heart, fundraising for flood victims, buddy class activities, Clean-up Australia Day, Tree Planting Day, National Anthem and school song sung every Monday, Harmony Day, Information sharing for parents group – literacy and Quranic Competion/Iftar – students raising money to help others in need. In 2011 the Islamic College of SA chose to do a whole school review where parents, students and staff were interviewed by three independent educational consultants about the school with the support of the Association of Independent Schools SA/National Partnerships. The Islamic College community (parents, students, staff) were unanimous in identifying the Islamic religion and ethos as the major strength of the college. The Quranic, Arabic and Islamic Studies were identified as crucial to maintaining the uniqueness of this college. They also believed there was a “united community mindfulness” through the acceptance of many diverse cultures represented and they valued the richness this multiculturalism bought to the school (ICOSA Report 2011). From this review a three year strategic plan is currently being put into place and will be put on the school website by the middle of 2012.

The Islamic College of SA congratulates 2011, Year 12 students not only on their results and individual efforts, but on their enthusiasm to achieve, to have a go and the way they demonstrated leadership qualities within our school context with younger students. Career pathways Year 12 students have ventured into this year include: Medical Radiation Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmacy, Law, Psychology, Commerce, Education and TAFESA Vocational pathways. For students to be able to achieve a place in these courses they need to achieve a good ATAR score. Our students received excellent ATAR scores with 26% of Year 12's achieving an ATAR score of 90% and above and 40% receiving 80% and above. All Year 12 students received their South Australian Certificate of Education. This is an excellent achievement by all students. In turn we thank students, families and teachers for their commitment and support.

Staff and teachers have ongoing professional development depending on their teaching focus or position in the college. All staff are encouraged to pursue higher skills and interests independently and attend workshops offered at the college or AISSA. The outcomes are evident in the way staff strive to educate all students in a positive way that brings about a greater awareness of the globalised world they live in.

The Primary School was an exciting place to be in 2011, with the expansion of many learning programs that included the National Partnerships Literacy Program, singing and after school programs in Sports, Maths and Quranic Studies. With the new incoming National Curriculum, the growth of ICT resources at the college continually

Julia Abdelale Principal

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LANGFORD ISLAMIC COLLEGE ANNUAL REPORT Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. 2011 has started well as the college received good feedback from the community which was translated to increased enrollment. In 2010 the enrollment was 350, and we are now a college with 445 students. We are grateful to parents who have entrusted their children's education with us. We are also mindful of the huge responsibilities we have for them, in their learning, well being, and safety. In early 2011 the college has undergone refurbishment to cater for the increased number of enrolment, among other things we have done are, the expansion of IT lab, the home economics rooms, conversion of old library into 2 classrooms and science lab store room/preparation room. The construction of the new library (BER) was completed in April 2011. A few months later, the construction of the new multipurpose hall (BER) which was started in December 2010 has been completed in October 2011, Alhamdulillah. I am pleased to see that these new infrastructures are already being utilized. Students have been borrowing books from the library using the brand new barcode reader donated by the P&F group. Sports and assembly are now held in the comfort of air-conditioned multipurpose hall. The High School IT lab is now fully equipped with air-conditioned and 30 iMac computers. Students are enjoying the brand new kitchen for their food science classes, the other home economic - the textile & design room is providing the opportunity for students to learn the art of fabric handling. All these new facilities have been adding value to our college learning environment. The college is working hard to provide our students with environment which is conducive to learning. Apart from adding learning infrastructures, the college is fully fenced which is intended to provide the physical safety of our students, parents expect their children to be in a safe environment. The college also takes discipline very seriously, for the emotional well being of our students. Bullying, fighting, and other inappropriate behaviors are not tolerated in this college. The feedback I have received from parents and enrolling parents is very positive and encouraging. They appreciated my tough stand on discipline because their children are enjoying the opportunity to learn without being disrupted by misbehave students. I look forward to 2012 with more infrastructures upgrading, adding a few more sporting facilities in the hall, landscaping the whole college ground etc, but more importantly, improving the students' academic outcome will be our focus. Br Hans Djajamihardja Principal

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TASMANIA MUSLIM ASSOCIATION INC. ANNUAL REPORT Assalaamu Alaikum brothers and sisters.

The Holy month of Ramadan and the Eid ul Fitri celebrations are the most important time of the year in the life of our community. In 2011, successful Iftar functions were held on each Saturday night. They were sponsored by community members and also by the TMA. The Eid-ul Fitri celebrations were the largest ever held. I particularly wish to acknowledge the contribution of the Saudi students who set up a marquee and served traditional sweets and Arabic coffee to the community.

Our community has faced a challenge in the last 12 months with the arrival of asylum seekers at the Brighton Detention Centre. Imam Sabri has paid frequent visits to the Detention Centre and provided counselling and support to our Muslim brothers. Every Friday he has welcomed them to the Mosque and led prayers for the success of their applications for permanent residence. Many detainees have been in custody for several years and are living under incredible stress. Let us all make them feel welcome when they visit the Mosque.

The most important one is the Inter Faith Program. The continued success of our community depends upon us imparting Islamic knowledge to the next generation. We are fortunate to have a vibrant Madrassa at our Mosque. This is managed and directed by Sr Suraya who is passionately committed to the education of young Muslims. The Madrasaa had 47 students in 2011 and had the support of a large group of volunteer tutors. I want to thank Sr Suraya for her untiring commitment to the Madrassa over the last 2 years.

Imam Sabri performs the normal role expected of an Imam but he also undertakes a lot of other important duties. The most important one is the Inter Faith Program. There are frequent visits to the Mosque by school groups from The Friends School and various Catholic schools. During these visits, Imam Sabri is able to dispel misconceptions about Islam and build a new generation of people who are positively disposed towards the Muslim community.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend to the incoming Committee that it organises visits by Islamic speakers. This would have the affect of improving the Islamic knowledge of all of us and building unity in our community.


Br Abdul Hanan Haroon President,TMA

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ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY INC. ANNUAL REPORT “All thanks and praises are due to Allah, Whom we thank, seek for

successfully negotiated a loan of Aus $ 75,000 from AFIC for building

help and invoke for forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the

of a temporary Masha-Allah which will be utilised later as Imam's

evils within ourselves. He Whom Allah guides will never be misled

accommodation. Due to successful lobbying of ICNT Ma-sha-Allah

and he whom He misguides will never find one to guide him. I bear

the money has been approved by the Federal Council of AFIC. ICNT

witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that

continuously maintained its support to sign off the building contract

Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.�

of the Palmerston Mosque. Masha-Allah the building of the mosque is now continuing at a steady pace. ICNT actively participated in the

1. Preface

fund collection of this mosque by arranging two food bazaars at the

Alhamdo-Lillah! All praise is due to Allah alone who has preserved

Mosque. ICNT also arranged successful fund collection at Sydney,

the ICNT as the symbol of Islamic unity in NorthernTerritory.

Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra. Thanks to ISD and the Imam of ISD with fund collection at Sydney. Also thanks to Lebanese Muslim

As the Secretary of ICNT, I present before you a summary of the main

Association (LMA) for allowing ICNT to collect fund at Lakemba

activities of the Council during the year 2010-2011. The report

Mosque after Friday prayer. Many other Mashalas of Sydney also

covers the events from AGM of 2010 to AGM of 2011 in general

allowed ICNT to collect fund. With the help of the Chairman of

terms and focuses on some of the issues that have come before the

Islamic Council ofVictory Br. Hasan an international student of CDU

Executive Committee and the Muslims in general. Due to Ramadan

arranged another fund rising at Melbourne.

and two Eids followed by overseas trip of most of the executive committee members of different societies the AGM of ISP and ISAS

ICNT also prepare a submission to the Federal Government on

could not be conducted in time. This lead to the delay of AGM of

partnership program of the Mosque by DIAC for its new detention

ICNT also.

centre at Wickham point.

2. ICNT Executive Committee

4. New Section for Muslims atThorak Regional Cemetery

The Executive Committee was elected to office in Annual General

ICNT's took the initiative to negotiate a new section at the Thorak

Meeting held in August 2010 for two-year term. The ICNT Executive

Regional Cemetery for the Muslims. After few meetings with the

Committee is entrusted with managing the affairs of the Council.

Litchfield Council the Cemetery agreed to provide a new section for the Muslims this section will now accommodate more then 600

The affair of ICNT during this year was crucial in terms of major

graves. ICNT after consultation with all three societies and the Imam

reform that took place with AFIC constitution. ICNT executive

also finalised the guideline for use of the Muslim section of the

committee played a crucial role to bringing better amendments to the

cemetery with Litchfield city council. This guideline will be gazetted

constitution of AFIC. ICNT also participated in consultation process

by the minister once it is finalised. Litchfield City Council also

of new school project of AFIC at Sydney, moving of Canberra Islamic

allowed ICNT to put a sign at the Muslim section of the cemetery.

School and many other national level issues from the Government and opposition side. ICNT also actively guided AFIC with many media issues during the year. ICNT participated in AFIC Congress and Federal Council meetings regularly and contributed to AFIC's many activities. 3. Palmerston Mosque After six years of long negotiation and consultation with NT Land Administration and AFIC Inshallha finally the land has been officially handed over to AFIC by the Chief Minister of Northern Territory by planting a tree at the sight and followed by a BBQ arranged by ISP. ICNT and ISP also manged to fence the land during this time. The master plan of the project is also finalised. Thanks to Br. Firozkhan Ibrahim for his effort and time with the plan. As per the plan ICNT

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5. ISAS (Islamic Society of Alice Spring) After the unfortunate illness of long time President of ISAS Br. Abdul Khan ICNT took a leading role establishing an interim committee at ISAS. May Allah help Br. Khan to recover soon. ICNT is in regular contact with ISAS to establish an elected and functional committee of ISAS. 6. Conclusion We pray to Allah SWT to help us with strength, confidence, and social harmony so that we could build a stable and practising Islamic community in Northern Australia. Special thanks to AFIC, ISD, ISP and ISAS for their continuous support towards ICNT. This is very significant for the Muslims around this area in their dedication towards the cause of the outback-Muslim community. Wassalamu alaikum wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakatuh. Mohammad Abdul MAZID ICNT Secretary

Annex 1 Islamic Policies Regarding Muslim Cemetery Islam has a unique style of building graves and cemeteries that is characterized by humility, simplicity and economy in costs and that avoids glorifying the dead with elaborate monuments. Based on Islamic teaching of Quran, Sunnah (prophetic traditions), and the practices of the early Muslims followings are allowed for graves:1. To put a mark on the grave or a plaque to know the grave. Where necessary, only name, 1

birth & death date may be inserted on the plaque. 2. To make the grave by shaping convex from soil.


The practices as listed below are common in different Muslim countries but have no support whatsoever in the Quran, Sunnah (prophetic traditions), or in the practices of the early Muslims and often mistakenly taken as Islamic way. 1. To step over, lean, or sit on a grave.


2. To build any form of construction on the grave, or decorate the grave. 3. To plaster the grave, whitewash the grave, or use cooked stones.



4. To put candles, flowers, food or money around the grave. Small branches of live tree may be put on the grave.


May Allah SWT give us the ability to hold fast the teaching and guidance of the Prophet SAW. 1

It is not supported to write verses from Qur'an or the prophetic traditions on the plaque.


According to the Hadith that was reported by Sofyan who said: “That I saw the grave of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) is made convex” (Bukhari), convex out of soil.


Abu Hurrairah relates that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:”It is better for a person to sit on burning coal by which his clothes may catch fire and the heat thereof may touch his skin, rather than that he sits on a grave ”(Muslim).


Ali ibn abi Taleb reported that : " Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) instructed him to destroy all statues, and not to leave a grave raised high without leveling it with the ground " ( Muslim), which means no construction on the grave.


Jabir reported: ”Prophet Muhammad forbade the whitewashing of a grave, sitting on it, or erecting any type of structure on it " (Muslim).


Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) said in an authentic Hadith: ”Curse those who light lamps on graves " (Authentic-Ahmed).

This is what the Prophet SAW did when he was passing by a grave and saw that the people of the grave were being punished. This was not an ordinary and common practice. Since the Prophet did it, it may be done. Water may also be used to solid the top soil if it is feared that strong wind will blow the soil away and erase the mark that it's a grave.

Annex 2 ICNT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2010-2011 Chairman

Chowdhury Md. SADARUDDIN

Vice- Chairman

Dr. Khalid Ali KHAN (Resigned)




Mohammad Abdul MAZID


Mazhar KHAN (ActingVice-Chairman) Mozaffor H SARKER ISAS to decide one member from Alice Springs

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ICV Islamic Council of Victoria


In 2011, the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) continued managing

Muslim bodies: AIS – Australian Intercultural Society, ECCV –

a range of services important to both the Muslim and non-Muslim

Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, FCCV – Faith

communities and engage and participate in activities beneficial to

Communities Council of Victoria (Faith Victoria), JCMA – Jews,

the building of harmony and understanding within the wider

Christians, Muslims Association, JCCV – Jewish Communities


Council of Victoria, MAG (OMAC) Multifaith Advisory Group, Northern Interfaith Intercultural Network and Vic Pol Multifaith

The appointment of Nail Aykan into the position of General


Manager in May 2011 has brought about new developments and operational changes within the organisation. Nail has continued

In 2011 the ICV established and built stronger relationships with

with the visions brought by the previous Manager, Ahmed Imam

over 20 non-Muslim bodies; AFP – Australian Federal Police, AG –

and also brought new fresh and innovative approach to

Attorney General's Dept, AMF – Australian Multicultural

management through new strategic directions.

Foundation, CAC – Chaplains Advisory Committee, CMY – Centre for Multicultural Youth, Corrections Victoria / Dept of Justice,

Some new initiatives in 2011

DFAT, DIAC, Good Shepard / NAB Bank, Healthcare Chaplaincy Council of Victoria Inc, JCCV – Jewish Communities Council of


Two new office premises for all ICV operations in 7 Jeffcott

Victoria, La Trobe Uni Centre for Dialogue, Melbourne City

Street (suites 106 & 202)

Council, NCEIS – National Centre for Excellence in Islamic

* Commence building refurbishments for the top floor

Studies, RISE, SBS TV, South Asian Community Link Group-

* Completion of ground floor mosque & opening

Australasia, Thomas Embling Mental Health Services, VASS,

* The creation of the Office for Women

VEOHRC – Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights

* Two new positions: Community Development and Outreach

Commission,Vic Dept Health,Victoria Police and White Ribbon.

Officer and Women's Support Officer, and *

The commencement of the Multimedia Project & Hospital

The ICV works with and supports many Muslim causes/groups:


Arkan Toledo, Benevolence – Convert Support Group, BOI (Victorian Board of Imams) / ANIC (Australian National Imams

The ICV held its AGM in October 2011 with a farewelling to the

Council), Care with ME, City Circle, Turkish Diyanet, IMA –

outgoing President Hyder Gulam, whereby Br Ramzi Elsayed

Islamic Museum of Australia, International Students, IslamicVoice

became President.

Radio, M Network, MCCA – Muslim Community Co-operative of Australia, MEF – Melbourne Eid Festival, MLN – Muslim Legal

The 2011 period also saw an changes and improvements to

Network, SareeraYouth and Select ICV Member Societies

existing services such as CISP (Community Integration & Support Program), Muslim Connect (Corrections Rehabilitation Program),

Other select activities of participation and support of other bodies

NILS (No Interest Loan Scheme), Prison Chaplaincy, Hospital

throughout the year include: ABS – Census 2011, AMF – Religious

Chaplaincy, MEP - Indonesian Exchange Program, MLP - Muslim

Leaders Civics & Media Training Program, Attorney General

Leadership Program and the roll out of the Post Disaster

Meetings, DFAT Meetings, DIAC Meetings, Eid Prayers at Flagstaff

Management Program named MEMP (Muslim Emergency

Gardens (x 2), Iftar at the ICV for 30 nights, IMAX – Ibn Battuta

Management Plan) and theYouth Engagement Program.

Film, Islamic Banking & Finance Conference, Melbourne Eid Festival (MEF) - Eid Festival (x 2), Official Launch of MEMP Launch

The ICV manages a total of 15 volunteer portfolio's: Arts,

– Post Disaster Management, MMF – Melbourne Muslim Festival,

Communications, Eid Festivals, Eid Prayers, Environment, Hajj

launch of NILS (No Interest Loans Scheme), SBS Ambassador

Expo, JCMA (Interfaith), Juma Prayers, Multifaith / Multicultural /

Program and White Ribbon – Domestic Harmony Day.

Ethnic, Office for Women, Ramadan Iftars, Refugee, Religious Services,Volunteers and Zakat (Charity Fund)

The 2011 year has been a very busy and productive one. Please refer to the ICV 2010/11 Annual Report for further information and

2011 also saw the strengthening of both Multifaith & Multicultural

insight into many other projects and activities supported and

relationships with Muslim community groups and many non-

facilitated by the tireless Board of Directors.

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ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA ANNUAL REPORT In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most

The President of ICSA, Br Farouk Khan has been


instrumental in initiating the Drugs and Alcohol Awareness Campaign. He regularly visits universities,

Assalaamu Alaikum.

schools and sports club to discuss the dangers and pitfall of drink and drugs and their prohibition in Islam. The

It gives me great pleasure to present a summary our

Council of Imams also plays a role in providing support

Council's activities and achievement for 2011.

and counselling services to those in need.

In 2011 we saw a New Executive Committee of

In 2011 Islamic Council of South Australia actively

Management leading the way forward after a time of

participated in many of Muslims Australia AFIC's

stagnation. The enthusiasm, vigour and cultural diversity

activities and also worked in close cooperation with

of our team is pleased to report many good outcomes for

AFIC on a variety of matters affecting the settlement and


acceptance of Muslims in Australia. We look forward, InshaAllah in the year ahead to continue to provide

We hold regular meetings addressing the immediate

services for our ever growing Muslim community in

needs of our local Islamic communities in terms of

South Australia.

access and availability of services and resources. We are also seeking to maximise our potential by ICSA have had regular dialogues with the Multicultural

engaging with government and other bodies to secure

Commission of SA and SA Police. The Imam's Council of

resources to continue to meet the continued and diverse

SA is another achievement of our Council. The Imam's

needs of our community.

Council plays an important role and link in addressing issues of Muslim identity and offers advice and resources

We also take this opportunity to thank Allah SWT for all

on a number of issues affecting the daily lives of Muslims

His blessings and we thank the members of our

in South Australia.

Executive Committee, the countless brothers and sisters who have provided their time, efforts and counsel on

The Islamic College of South Australia is an important

many of the issues presented in 2011. All of the brothers

asset of the Muslims of South Australia. ICSA works

and sisters have eagerly volunteered their time, energy

closely with ICOSA and AFIC to ensure the children of

and resources for the sake of Allah to progress the lives of

this school receive the high level of facilities, the best

the Muslims in South Australia and promote the teaching

teachers and support staff. We are grateful to the Federal,

of Islam.

State and local governments for their support and encouragement in this regard.

May Allah forgive our mistakes and may Allah accept our efforts to serve Him only.

Halal services are another important function of our Council. We provide information and Halal services for


local business to cater for the growing demand for Halal food in Adelaide and other areas.

Metin Yavuz Secretary

ICSA also provides support and assistance to mosques in

Islamic Council of South Australia.

the region, namely, Whyalla Mosque, Remark Mosque and Murray Bridge Mosque.

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ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF QUEENSLAND ANNUAL REPORT The last twelve months have been very busy and an eventful one

events and raised about $125,000 for the flood victims of

for ICQ in many respects. We continue to make progress in


serving the Ummah of Queensland through the help and support of member societies as well as the community. ICQ is now back

On the 14th of May ICQ co-ordinated a fundraising dinner for the

on the map as the umbrella body representing the interests of

victims of the current crises in Libya. The money was forwarded

Muslims of Queensland. The Council maintains a close contact

through an agency inTurkey to buy emergency medicines, etc. for

with the various Government Departments and other agencies

the victims who have been displaced and who are now in refugee

and is regularly contacted on matters affecting the Muslim


community.The main activities for the year included: Community Leaders Meet to Discuss National Census Fundraising for Queensland FloodVictims

In order to educate our community about the National Census to

In January, Queensland experienced one of the worst floods in

be held on the 9th of August, ICQ organised an information session

the last fifty years. Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Goodna and Brisbane

at the Islamic College of Brisbane on the 30th of April for the

were among the worst hit areas. Several lives were lost and

Muslim community leaders. Representatives from the Census

damage to crops, livestock and property was enormous. For many

Office helped with the session.

their lives have changed forever. Many farmers are still struggling to get back on their feet especially when you consider that prior to

The President of AFIC, Br Ikebal Patel, who also attended the

the floods they had endured long periods of drought and then

session spoke about the importance of our community

storms and cyclones.

participating in the census and nominating Islam as their religion on the questionnaire. According to the last census the number of

The members of our community were quick to respond by

Muslims in Australia is stated as being about 350,000 but what

arranging food parcels, emergency kits and even cash to the

the actual number is, is anyone's guess.

victims of the floods. A large number of them worked as volunteers in the cleaning and other relief efforts.

Democracy Workshops The Federal Government through the Department of

The Islamic Council of Queensland organised a major th

Multicultural Affairs has provided a grant of about $40,000

fundraising event on the 30 of January at the Islamic College of

jointly to AMARAH, Crescents of Brisbane and ICQ, to run

Brisbane which was attended by thousands of people as well as

Democracy Workshops throughout the State of Queensland with

important dignitaries. About $45,000 was raised on the day

the help of Australian Electoral Commission. The aim of the

including a donation of $10,000 from AFIC. The money was

workshop is to educate our community about the electoral

handed over to the Premier of QLD by the President of ICQ on

processes at the local, State and Federal elections, your right as a

behalf of the Muslim community of Australia.

voter, engaging with the elected representatives, etc.

The generosity and community spirit of the Muslim community

This is a pilot project and we are privileged that our community

have been recognised by the Premier and Mr Stephen Robertson

and Queensland have been selected to run these first workshops.

MP who made a special mention of it in the Queensland Parliament.

Halal Certification The halal food business is fast growing into a multi-billion dollar

Fundraising for theVictims of Libyan Crises

business and everyone is joining the bandwagon to make a fast

Whenever our communities abroad suffered a disaster, ICQ

buck. Unfortunately a lot of business owners (especially the non-

responded quickly by raising funds and assisting the victims in

Muslims) do not understand what “halal� means. To many, just

whatever way possible. In October 2009 it raised about $70,000

buying the chicken or meat from a halal butcher is enough to

for the victims of earthquake/tsunami in Indonesia and Western

make their premises halal. In one recent case in Gold Coast when

Samoa and in September/October 2010 it organised three major

asked to explain what he understood by halal the owner replied,

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“I do not know but it is good business for me because a lot of

Mt Gravatt Cemetery

people with white robes and towels on their head come and eat

This is the only major Muslim cemetery in Brisbane and the rate at


which the site is filling up is a serious concern to ICQ. At present there are about 300 burial sites remaining and although the

In order to tackle this growing problem ICQ took the matter up

Brisbane City Council has agreed to clear some bushland and

with the Deputy Premier/Attorney general of Queensland.

make additional sites available to us the onus is on us to find

Alhamdulillah, he has been very supportive of our concern and

alternatives. We are seriously looking at introducing dual burials

has agreed to set up a committee from his department and ICQ to

in one grave as a short term solution.

formulate policy guidelines with a view to enacting legislation to make it an offence for anyone to advertise the premises as halal

Islamic Societies inTownsville

unless it has been properly certified.

Alhamdulillah, at long last an agreement has been reached to unite the two factions and all the members have agreed to

During the year a number of meetings were held with the

dissolve the Townsville Spiritual and Welfare Islamic Association

Attorney General's Dept. and the Department of Primary

and joinTownsville Islamic Society.

Industries. This would be followed up after the next State elections which would be held on 23rd March.

At an Extraordinary General Meeting convened by the ICQ th

President, Br Yusuf, on the 15 of January a new constitution was Funding to Run Workshops - Empowering Youth to Say No to

adopted and upon registration of this constitution elections will


be held to accommodate members from both societies.

ICQ has been given a grant of $41,000 by the Federal Attorney General's Department to run the above workshops throughout

Identification Laws Amendment Bill 2011

Queensland. Insah Allah, we hope to run twelve workshops in

A bill was introduced in the State Parliament by the Independent

Queensland. The workshops held in Brisbane and Townsville

MP, Mr Peter Wellington, which if approved would give powers to

were informative and successful. The main speaker was Dr

the corrective officers to request a person to remove the face

Abdalla from Griffith University.

covering. At the request of the government the Islamic Council of Queensland is making a submission to express our views and to

New Islamic Society in Gatton

see how we can work with the authorities.

On the 3rd of July a new society was formed in Gatton which would be known as the Islamic Society of Lockyer and Somerset.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the management committees

About 60 people attended the inaugural meeting and forty seven

of all the member societies, the members of ICQ Executive

of them became members of the new society on that day.

Committee and the community for their support in enabling me to carry out my duties during the year.

Annual Qur'an Competition The annual Qur'an Competition has become a very popular

ICQ Executive Committee

event in our calendar. A large number of boys and girls anxiously

At the AGM of the Council held in September 2011 the following

look forward to this day, which is strongly supported by the

were elected as members of the Executive Committee for next

respective Mosques/Madrassahs and schools as well as the

two years:

parents and the members of the community. We thank AFIC for President:

Haji MohammedYusuf

Vice President:

Br Amar Ali Khan

Inter-Madrassah SoccerTournament


Br Mohammed Khalid

This tournament which was sponsored by ICQ last year has

Asst. Secretary:

BrYunus Rashid

become very popular. This year the tournament was jointly


Br Syed Junaid Qadri

sponsored by ICQ and CIQ (Council of Imams Queensland) on


Br Ahmad Khan

financially supporting this event.


the 17 of July. The objective of the competition is to create

Comm. Members: Br Saheek Hassan, Br Mohammed Shameem

brotherhood among the various societies/madrassahs besides

and Br Sayraz Mohammed.

providing a day of fun and entertainment to the youths and adults alike.

MohammedYusuf President, ICQ

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ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF CHRISTMAS ISLAND ANNUAL REPORT This report provides an overview of the activities of the Christmas Island Islamic Council over this year.

. Monthly meetings between the President and Vice-President of CIIC and the Administrator, Shire and Police. . CIIC has twice this year organised a Family Day for the Islamic community of the island. . Performed tarawih prayers and tadarrus of Qur'an every night in the month of Ramadan which has successfully obtained an increasing attendance this year. The mosque attendance for the Subuh prayer also, alhamdulillah continues to increase. . Qur'an practice by individuals each morning after the Subuh prayers in the mosque as well as at the accommodation of our visiting Imam – Ustaz Zainur Maarif. . Community gatherings this year have included weekly Iftar gatherings during Ramadan, Family Day activities (twice this year) and, as in previous years, a gathering along with du'a to some community members who will be traveling to perform Hajj this year. th

. CIIC celebrated the 50 anniversary of the establishment of the mosque with various activities throughout the whole week in June. During the celebration we were honored to have a visit from the president of AFIC – Br Ikebal and special guest-speakers from Brisbane and Malaysia. This project was with the support of the CIP, Shire of CI, Administration and local businesses. . CIIC is continuously trying to improve the teaching programs at our madrasah. Two new teachers have been appointed to replace two retirees. Assisting teachers with test papers for semester tests and meetings between parents and teachers of the madrasah have been ongoing. . CIIC provide various classes every week, including classes for school children, youth groups, parents, married couples and seniors. . During the celebration of Maulidul Rasul this year, CIIC invited Imam Yusof Parker from Perth as our visiting imam to give some tazkirah at the mosque. The visit by Imam Yusof Parker was successful in targeting youth groups by providing lectures and religious classes in English. During the celebration of Maulidul Rasul, we also presented awards to our highest achieving Madrasah students of 2011.

I would like to acknowledge and express my sincere thanks to the executive members of CIIC for their hard work and commitment, and to AFIC for their support throughout the year.

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AFIC GENERAL DONATIONS FOR THE YEAR 2011 Company / Organisation AFIC Baitul Mal Australia


Al-Imdaad Foundation


Al-Minia Association of Culture


Australian Bosnian Herzegovinian Cultural Association


Bangladesh Islamic Council


Baitul Mal Australia


Beirut refugee camps visit contribution


Donation to Youth Victoria


El-Minia Islamic Youth Centre


FAMSY Organising Committee


Fiji Tavua Mosque donation


Focus on Africa Development Inc.


George Khouzame Foundation


Grant to Islamic Council of SA


Halal Kind Meats


Human Appeal International donation


ICQ for QLD Flood


ICV - Islamic studies Program Nawal Ali


Indonesia Community Iftar donation


Islamic Council of ACT


Islamic Council of QLD


Islamic Council of Victoria


Islamic Science University of Malaysia -Ahmad Ramli Workshop


Islamic Society of Bald Hills


Islamic Society of Holland Park


SODA Donation


SODA Donation


Somali Development & Integration


Sydney South Welfare Centre


Muslims New South Wales Inc.


UMMA Centre


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Muslims Australia AFIC 47th Congress from left Br Harun Abdullah - Secretary AFIC, Sr Mariam Kawi - Executive Member AFIC, Yab Pehin Sri Hj. Abdul Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak, The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane, MLC and Br Hafez Kassem - Vice President Muslims Australia

Officials of Australian Bearue of Statistics and Muslims Australia together members met in Sydney to work out a strategy on how to engage Muslims

Muslim Academics from around Australia met in Canberra to strategise and work on various matters as a Think Tank. From Left to right, Dr Asmi Wood (ANU), Br Nezer Faris (Griffith University), Br Ikebal Patel, AFIC President, Dr Jan Ali (UWS), Associate Professor Abdalla Muhammed (Griffith University), Sheikh Feeda Majoub, Dr Nadirsa h Hosen (University of Wollongong), Prof Abdullah Saeed (University of Melbourne) at the entrance to Islamic School of Canberra

H.E. Ali Nasser Al Nuaimi. UAE Ambassador making a donation

th Islamic Women’s Association of QLD (IWAQ) 20 Anniversary

on behalf of his family, to ICQ President, Mohammed Yusuf

Students of the Islamic College of Brisbane and the Australian International Islamic College sing the National Anthem


RISEAP Executive Meeting in Fiji

with Muslims in NSW in the upcoming Census

Volunteer Lending a helping hand – Queensland Flood Relief. Brisbane of e group of year 10-12 students from Islamic Colleg

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r & Director, Islamic Museum of Australia), Soil Turn. Dr Ishaq Bhatti, Moustafa Fahour (Founde Br Ramzi Elsayed (ICV President) AFIC), Australia Muslims Br Ikebal Patel (President,

Hon. Minister Simon Crean MP Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government Minister for the Arts with Mr Ahmed Fahour (MD Australia Post & Patron, IMA)

tion Muslims Australia AFIC partners with Imdaad Founda in humanitarian aid to Somalia

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Humanitarian Foundation and Muslims Australia Ramadan Food Parcel Project 2011


Unveiling of the plaque (from left): Mr Graham Perrett MP (Member for Moreton), Mr Ikebal Patel (Muslims Austra lia President), Mr Mohammed Yusuf (ICB Board Chairman), Dr Craig Emers on MP (Minister for Trade) and Dr Mubarak Noor (ICB Principal) AFIC President with the Mayor of Riyadh and Dr Ali Al Namlah, ex-Minister during talks in Riyadh

Br Ashraf Ali with Dato Wan (Head of Jakim), Maulana Al-Sheikh Afeefuddin Al-Jailani

From Left - Khadi Palestine Al Sheik Taysir Al Tamimi, Hafez Kassem, Sheik Kaldoun Araymat, Dr Mahmoud Akkam (Syria)

AFIC President, Br Ikebal Patel, together with Br Ahmed Hussien from Darra Mosque visited the th The 6 World Halal Forum 2011

Br Ashraf Ali, Muslims Australia AFIC Executive Committee member with Tun Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi at the World Halal Forum in Malaysia in April 2011

Muslims of Toowoomba and Ipswich and Brisbane to witness and help

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Hand in hand for a brighter Australia.

Nashid presentat ion th

50 Outdoor lecture during the

Island Anniversary of Christmas

Ladies' tug of war on family day during the

by madrasah stu dents led by Us taz Zainul during the 50 th Anniversary of Christmas Island


50 Anniversary of Christmas Island

The UAE Ambassador - HE Ali Nasser Al Nuaimi at the Islamic School of Canberra with the students

g the Waterslide on family day durin

th Island 50 Anniversary of Christmas

Secondary Science Laboratory Building at Malek Fahd Islamic College

The new primary library at Malek Fahd Islamic College

The new multi-purpose hall at Langford Islamic

The new multi-purpose hall at Langford Islamic College

Islamic College of South Australia


Lecture by guest Imam from Brisbane during the 50th Anniversary of Christmas Island

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CLOSING REMARKS FROM THE PRESIDENT BR IKEBAL ADAM PATEL In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I thank Allah the All Mighty for this valuable opportunity to have served as President of Muslims Australia AFIC for the past 5 years. It has been an honour and a humbling experience. Muslims Australia has evolved into a progressive and dynamic player within the Australian landscape. As an organisation that now operates eight schools, Muslims Australia (AFIC) has processes in place for procurement of services and for major projects. At the same time we have taken a position that we will actively encourage Muslim suppliers of services and products but purely on merit. Instead of a perceived bias against Muslims from doing business with our entities just because they were Muslims, we now encourage Muslims also to tender for our projects and decisions will be made based purely on merit and by an independent panel to avoid conflict of interest issues. In the same light, we are sure that there are many ideas amongst the Muslim community that would lead to better outcomes for all concerned. These could be in the provision of services, at our schools, and other considerations generally. We encourage these suggestions so that they can be deliberated on and implemented if warranted. I would like to thank all of the many brothers and sisters and other partners who have assisted Muslims Australia (AFIC) executive and staff in the delivery of the above in very difficult times. Special thanks go to all the Board Chairman of the various schools, all of the Board Members and the Principals, Staff and the Parents and the community for their support, assistance and encouragement. We would like to thank the Board of Imams, the Ambassadors and High Commissioners for their support and assistance in various ways. We would also like to acknowledge the various other partners in our work and especially the State and Federal Governments for their assistance in our various projects. In conclusion, we have tried to work to the best of our abilities and with the guidance of the Councils, Societies and elders. As humans, I am sure we may have erred or lapsed in our efforts and for this I apologise to you all on behalf of the Executive Committee and the staff and seek refuge from Allah Subhano taalah. Not a single dawn breaks out without two angels calling out: “Oh Son of Adam, I am a new day and I witness your actions, so make the best out of me because I will never come back until the Day of Judgement.” – Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. Let us make each day count by the will of Allah the All Mighty and we pray that Allah accepts our humble efforts and we ask Allah SWT to continue to guide the work of Muslims Australia in service of community and country. May Allah reward all who have contributed to the success of Muslims Australia to date and InshaAllah we look forward to their continued valuable contribution to the growth and success of Muslims Australia in years ahead. Assalaamu Alaikum.

Ikebal Adam Patel President Australian Federation of Islamic Councils

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