The Kantian compressed categorical matrix in relation to Space Between and the Purification Chain Primary mode “objects-in-time” Objects-in-time can evince the wellrounded intelligence and responsiveness, on cognitive and affective levels, of Being-In “soulfulness,” Space Between engendering a “soul”; soul-potentiality subsists in objects-in-time.
(Space Between)
Secondary Mode “numbers-in-space”
Space Between, that Numbers-in-space numbers-in-space and create spatial relations objects-in-time purify and abilities to each other when endowed manipulate objects; with “soul,” so that but numbers, in and of cognitive faculties of themselves, are not “objects” (assuming the capable of Being-In subsistence of a soul-in“soulfulness,” are not itself) may respond and a unity, and are only express their “spatial relations” expressiveand cognitive-affective responsive in their ramifications of such. relations, rather than within themselves.