Aflatoun International Meeting Who's Who

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Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

@2011 St. Child Savings International Aflatoun P.O. Box 15991 1001 NL Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)20 626 5025 E-mail: Website: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced Or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

able of Contents Welcome from the Aflatoun Team.....................................6 Who we are ......................................................................8 Meeting Agenda ................................................................12 Who’s Who Participants.....................................................20 Who’s Who Aflatoun Staff..................................................110 Who’s Who ICS Staff...........................................................124 Who’s Who Volunteers.....................................................128

Aflatoun – inspiring children to socially and economically empower themselves to be agents of change in their own lives and for a more equitable world 4


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Greetings from the Aflatoun Secretariat!

Welcome from the Aflatoun Team

Welcome to the Aflatoun International Meeting 2013! Thank you for making your way from near and far to continue your support for Aflatoun. This year’s conference slogan is Building Blocks For Life because Aflatoun is about giving children and youth the chance to shape their life! In the ever-increasing financially dependent global economy, less than 1% of the world’s 2.2 billion children have access to financial education. Therefore, Aflatoun works in close partnership with over 150 organizations around the world to ensure that every child is empowered by providing a child-centred social and financial education programme. In less than seven years, Aflatoun’s global footprint has grown tenfold. Currently, 2 million children and youth in over 100 countries benefit from Aflatoun’s programme. Made up of three sub-programmes - namely Aflatot, Aflatoun and Aflateen - it aims to help children aged between 3 and 18 to think critically, learn about rights and responsibilities, and gain financial knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve their dreams. The Social Education aspect teaches them to believe in themselves and become responsible citizens by understanding and being involved in social issues that affect them. The Financial Education teaches them the important skills of saving, budgeting and engaging in age-appropriate Social and Financial Enterprises. These skills create adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. This meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments and look ahead to our ambitious goals for the future. We look forward to a productive and empowering meeting! The Aflatoun Team



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

flatoun’s Vision

Aflatoun’s vision is to empower children socially and economically to act as agents of change in their own lives and for a more equitable world. The Problem, and Aflatoun’s Solution

Today, an estimated 1 billion children live in poverty. Addressing that problem involves challenging existing power structures and doing things differently. Aflatoun’s Rights-Based Approach entails building up the capacity of child rights-holders to claim those rights guaranteed to them under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It also requires strengthening the capacity of duty-bearers, such as teachers, Ministry of Education officials and parents, to deliver those rights. The programme teaches children about money, enhancing their self-esteem, and helping them perceive that prosperity and social justice ought to be complementary. Aflatoun is unique in its balance of social and financial themes. The bottom-up partner-led approach harnesses the expertise of motivated individuals and organizations around the world, and allows for a broad, low-cost distribution of this educational material.

Who we are – Aflatoun 8


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

A Strategic Approach

Aflatoun has a strategy that plans its work in accordance to three thematic areas. Each has its own mission, goals and objectives that are stated in the Strategic Plan. The three areas are: • Concept: To become the thought leader in Child Social and Financial Education (CSFE) by developing and improving curricula materials, and experimenting with new delivery methodologies. • Programme: To reach 10 million children in 120 countries with a high-quality Aflatoun programme by 2015. • Network: To strengthen its global brand, and broaden its partner network, with the goal of becoming a recognized leader in the educational field. Activities and Work Performed


Objective: To become the thought leader in Child Social and Financial Education by developing and improving curricula materials and experimenting with new delivery methodologies Aflatoun was founded in 2005 with the aim of bringing the concept of balanced Social and Financial education to children around the world. This idea inspires all Aflatoun’s work, and is the basis for the curricula that are implemented. To date, Aflatoun has developed four curricula that are age appropriate and adapted to children’s development. These education materials have been translated and contextualised around the world so as to provide children with the best possible educational experience. The strategic goal is to develop and provide partners with the best education material possible, support for the concept through advocacy, and explore and use new methods and approaches of getting the concept to teachers and children.

Aflatoun believes that a responsible and effective organization has a clearly defined strategy, and is able to show concrete results against these goals on an annual basis. Aflatoun completed its first Strategic Plan in 2011, and 2012 is the first full year of the new strategy plan for 2011-2015.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Meeting Agenda


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

1 July, Monday

Day 1


8:30 – 10:20

Welcoming Words • Voice from the Children • Voice from the Teachers • Mr. John Ohini, ICS Kenya, co-host of the 4th International Meeting • Irene Mutumba, Aflatoun Board Member • Hidde van der Veer, Aflatoun Executive Director Keynote Speech • Mrs. Lydia Nzomo, Managing Director Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD)

10:20 – 10:40


10:40 – 11:00

Key Inspirational Talks • Introduction by Jeroo Billimoria, Aflatoun Founder and Aflatoun Board Member • Mr. Efren Peñaflorida, CNN Hero of the Year 2009, Teacher and Social Worker from the Philippines • Mathilda, Aflatoun Alumni from Ghana

The Ultimate Road: Governments Focus on Economic Citizenship • Government bodies share how they are integrating SFE into their national policies and programmes

13:00 – 14:00

LUNCH (Sponsored by the Rabobank Foundation)

Different Roads for Social and Financial Education Actors from different fields speak on the efforts done to bring social and financial education to more children and youth • Education and Access: Financial sector’s Work on Financial Inclusion Financial institutions and other organizations present their programmes where education and access are linked for hard-to-reach populations • The ABC’s of 123? Financial Education for Early Childhood Can preschoolers learn about money management? Experts share their insight and experiences on CSFE for ages 3-6 • Online and On the Grid: Technological Innovations for Social and Financial Education Speakers share about their efforts and experiences for CSFE • The Power of Innovative Partnerships Various partners in the network share about the innovative work that they have done to contribute to the Aflatoun network’s vision


Parallel Session: General Board meeting

15:30 – 16:00


16:00 – 17:00

Afla-Launch: New CSFE Curriculum unveiled • The new curriculum will be shared with the network • Aflatot: SFE for early childhood • Aflatoun: regional examples for formal primary education • Aflateen: SFE for youth • Aflateen E-learning platform • UNICEF Child Social and Financial Education Module

17:00 – 17:30

Closing Session • Performance by Aflatoun Children • Closing Remarks • Special Surprise Performance

Aflatoun Achievements Aflatoun status report will be shared with the group on the progress towards the 2015 strategic goals

11:30 – 13:00


14:00 – 15:30

Theme: Social and Financial Education as a tool to empower Children and youth

8:00 – 8:30

11:00 – 11:30

19:00 – 21:00

DINNER National Park Restaurant

End of day 1 15

Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Day 2 2 July, Tuesday

Theme: Building Evidence for Quality CSFE Programming

8:30 – 8:45

Plenary Recap

8:45 – 9:30

Building Evidence for CSFE Programmes • Presenting existing data and research work to reinforce the network capacity • Reach of network to date • Supporting research streams • Introduction to Scale-Up Kit and M&E Tools

09.30 – 11:00

11:00 – 11:30


11:30 – 13:00

Afla-Academy: “Teachers as Key to Successful Educational Programmes” • Recognizing the importance of teachers and facilitators for a successful CSFE programme, Aflatoun Academy initiative was launched in 2012 and its pilot experience will be shared • Afla-Academy pilot countries • Discussion on upcoming activities

13:00 – 14.00


14:00 – 15.30

Our Aflatoun Experience: Highlighting the Aflatoun core activities • Various partners share how they have refined the different core activities for the children and youth to truly engage and enjoy the CSFE programme Breakout sessions: • Agents of Change: Encouraging Empathy-based Enterprises Partners share how conducting enterprises is the culmination of the CSFE learning experience • It’s Not About the Money: Savings Models in the Aflatoun programme Partners present how teaching young people to save is rein forced by a savings system that is relevant for them

Building Evidence for CSFE Programmes • Aflatoun partners share experiences on and discuss the practical logistics of how to conduct the different monitoring and research activities necessary for improving programmes

• Change in the Hands of Children: Child and Youth Governance Partners discuss how the empowerment of children is strengthened by their participation and control over different activities

Breakout Sessions: • The Why: Needs assessment research Informing programme design by establishing how to implement CSFE, who should participate, and under which circumstances • The What: Programme monitoring Reviewing the programme implementation and responding with improvement • The Change: Evaluating impact Determining how CSFE affects the lives of children, teachers and communities to document, ensure and enhance its positive impacts • The Dream: M&E support at scale Understanding how CSFE can maintain its quality and how its effects change when it goes to scale


• Groundswell: Curriculum Adaptation and Integration for local realities Partners share their experiences in contextualizing the CSFE curriculum for national level implementation 15:30 – 16:00

16:00 – 18:00

19:00 – 21:00

BREAK Regional Spaces: Sharing and Discussions • Regional groups come together to echo back from the breakout groups and initiate discussions for regional-level activities DINNER in Restaurant Carnivore

End of day 2 17

Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Day 3

12:00 – 13:00

Plenary Recap: Building the Network

13:00 – 14.00


14:00 – 15:30

Regional Spaces: Governance and Action Plans • Regional meeting to discuss governance matters and action points • Results of Regional Elections

3 July, Wednesday

Theme: Strong Networks, Smart Partnerships

8:30 – 8:45

Plenary Recap

8:45 – 9:45

Beyond 2013: Strong Networks, Smart Partnerships • Workshop session to discuss strategies and tools to support the network growth and share innovative partnerships • Technical Resource Speaker on social enterprises • Network Growth and Evolution,

• Selection of Task Forces Representatives • Developing action points for Regional Representatives and Task Forces 15:30 - 16:00


16:00 – 17:00

End of day Reflections

17:00 – 17:30

Closing Session for the International Meeting


Closing Dinner in Eka Hotel

• Global, Regional and National Networks • New and innovative partnerships 9:45 – 12:00

• Regional Spaces: Building the Network (with working break) • Guided activity to discuss different levels of working to strengthen the Aflatoun network • National Coordination – improving country-level outcomes • Regional Coordination – developing regional strategies • Global Coordination – strengthening global representation and communication

End of day 3 18


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Who’s Who Participants



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Fatema Abu Idrees

Rammani Acharya

Coordinator of Aflatoun Program in Bahrain Bahraini Women Union Bahrain

Chairman Junior Achievement Nepal Nepal

Ms. Fatema has had extensive experience in education for more than 30 years. She is interested in social programs especially those related to women and children. She has participated in different conferences inside and outside of Bahrain.

I am founder Chairman and President of Junior Achievement Nepal which was established in 2002 in Nepal. Which is also a International Member of Junior Achievement Worldwide, based in USA.I am also the founder president of Nepal Packaging Association which is the member of The Asian Packaging Federation, a non-profit organization based in Thailand.

Tegbar Achamyeleh

William Acquah

Programme Coordinator SYGE Ethiopia

Programme Support Manager Plan Mozambique Mozambique

Tegbar Achamyeleh is from Ethiopia, graduated in Population studies from Addis Ababa University, currently working as programme coordinator for youth, adolescents and children programmes in a non for profit youth led organization, SYGE.

William Agyekum Acquah has over 15 years of experience in childcentred development and practice. He has professional and academic training from the University College London (UCL), London, UK, and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana, as well as the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He currently works for Plan International in Mozambique as Programme Support Manager and is based in Maputo. In terms of his previous experience, he also worked for the same Organization in Ghana in Program development and senior management capacities, and before then, was a Freelance Consultant, Teaching Assistant and Demonstrator at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. William has a solid experience in Rights-Based Programme development, implementation management, and Organizational development.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Millicent Adede

Mohamed Al Forte

Programmes Officer Action for Children Development centre Kenya

Executive Manager Child Rights Libya

I am a Regional Master trainer for the Aflatoun Programme. I have invaluable experience in the implementation of the programme. I am self motivated, adaptable, success oriented with a positive attitude and a believer in team work.

Mr. Mohamed Al Forte is the Executive Manager of Child Rights Association (CRA). He directly manages Aflatoun activities in Libya.

Ayodeji Adelopo

Naseem Al Mulaiki

Family Strengthening Programme Coordinator SOS Children’s Villages Nigeria Nigeria

Coordinator of Child & Young Protection Initiative Child Protection Initiative- Sana’a Municipality Yemen

I am the 6th child of a family of 7 children. I am married with 2 lovely children. I have worked with children for about 15 years. I love life and am passionate about helping children.

Naseem coordinates the Aflatoun program activities in Sana’a in Yemen. She also provides psychological support to refugees in Yemen facilitates the adoption process.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Ghada Al Saif

Dodo Ali

Excecutive Director Awareness Center for Education Consulting Saudia Arabia

Enseignant ADENI Niger

Mrs. Ghada Al Saif, was born and educated in Saudi Arabia, holds a bachelor degree in Children Education from King Saud University. She has been involved in educating about children rights and protection from abuses in different institutions. As a founder and director of Awareness Center for Educational Consulting, she manages to introduce new educational programs in Saudi Arabia dealing with children protection. She is also a writer in local media and was able to develop a wider audience in her community to be interested in children issues. She devotes her long human rights experience to lead local organizations to give more attention to children rights through organizing festivals, family sessions and group gathering. Alsaif has participated in many national, regional and international seminars and conferences dealing with children issues.

I am Ali Dodo and I work as a teacher, I am very involved with children. I love sports, swimming and a local dish called dambou.

Nagi Al Shafe

Rami Allow

President SNEFA Sudan

Financial and Projects Manger Beyond Association Lebanon

Nagi is the president of the Sudanese Network for Education for All (SNEFA) and Vice-president of the Arab campaign of education for all. Mr. Nagi has coordinated the Aflatoun Program in Sudan since the start.

RAMI ALLOW, Financial & Projects Manager with Beyond Association, Holds MBA banking and finance, mBA Social Work and BA in Economics, 10 years of experience in Socio-economic programs funded by different donors related to children, youth and women; Youth , ICT & Business Entrepreneurship Projects Manager and Assistant Programs Director on sustainable development programs in YMCA-Lebanon, Aflatoun Project Manager in Lebanon and Regional Master Trainer, Conducted consultations, trainings and services in capacity building for NGOS in the Middle East, consultant in Regional & National Committees.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Gloria Almeyda

Angel Yesid Amado Rodriguez

Senior Program Coordinator Georgetown University-Center for Intercultural Education & Development-CIED United States


Gloria has been working at the Center for Intercultural Education & Development (CIED) in Georgetown University (GU) for the past 8 years. She works in programs for youth technical training for employment and with rural primary teachers from Central America/ Dominican Republic and Mexico. Her professional experience and commitment has been in community development and microfinance.

This is my first time participating in this kind of meeting. Last year I joined a regional meeting in Brasil.

Board Member rd BBoBoa b

Basem Altmeme

Wallace Amayo

Executive Director Community Development Society for thought and Culture Palestine

Programme Manager Childfund Kenya Kenya

Basem holds a Master’s degree in political science and he is a lecturer at the University of Hebron in the Department of Political Science. Basem is the Director of CDSTC and president of the Union of Palestinian NGO’s in Hebron. Bassem published a book about non-violent resistance in Palestine and series about non-violence heritage in Islam.


I am a Programme Manager in charge of Economic Empowerment programmes and Child Protection. I have vast experience in Main streaming Child Participation in programme development. I believe in the inherent ability of children as the change makers in this world.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Mbaye Amicoleh

Cara Angela

Director of Basic and Secondary Education Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education Gambia

Chief of the Social Department Institute of Educational Sciences Moldova

Director of Basic and Secondary Education responsible for coordinating basic and secondary education programmes nationally. I hold a masters degree in Education Management and I also represent the Ministry at The Child Fund The Gambia Advisory Board.

Head of the Social Department, Institute of Educational Sciences. Has coordinated research projects and has provided consultations on various issues related to education policies, curriculum, professional training. Research interests include citizenship education, social and financial education, inclusive education and social inclusion. She is the coordinator and the author of the curriculum and the guide for Social and Financial Education approved by the Ministry of Education of Republic of Moldova.

Nahla Amin

Amego Ankutse Maglo

CEO Sabeel Al Rashad Sabeel Al Rashad Egypt

Deputy Secretary FESEN Togo

Dr. Nahla Amin has a Phd in psychology with a specialization in addiction. She is a licensed psychologist and currently leading Sabeel Al Rashad, an Egyptian NGO working on different child and youth initiatives. Dr. Nahla has been involved with Aflatoun since its launch in Egypt in 2007.

Secretary General of the private sector of FESEN.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Milarosa Aranas

Gulnara Asilbekova

Program Manager Children International-Tabaco Philippines

Programme Development Director SOS Children’s Villages Kyrgyzstan

Milarosa Aranas fondly known as Miles is a mother of 2 kids and a 13-year development worker. She is currently the Program Manager of Children International-Tabaco Philippines, a registered Nurse and a PMI Certified Associate Project Manager. She leads a group of dedicated staff in providing basic health and nutrition, education and youth development programs to over 15,000 children and 11,000 families. She believes that every child has the potential to achieve great things given the right opportunity.

I have been working in the sphere of child protection for about 8 years. Currently I am working as Director of Programme Department for SOS Children’s Villages Kyrgyzstan where we focus our work on child care and prevention of child separation.

Kamala Ashumova

Mamane Assoumane

Executive director Reliable Future YO Azerbijan

Directeur Général Ecole Normale Niger

The greatest happiness in my life is my daughter. I spend lots of time with her and I am confident that my work will contribute to the future of our children

I have worked as a classroom specialist, training of trainers and participated in several meetings on the management of teacher training institutions.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Hani Assuli

Rob Becker

Consumer’s Relations & Awareness officer Palestine Monetary Authority Palestine

Board Member CEO of Division Direct Distribution at Achmea Achmea Netherlands

Hani Assouli 27 years old,a Consumer’s Relations & Awareness officer in the Consumer’s Relations & Market Conduct Dept. at Palestine Monetary Authority

Chairman of the Occupational Health Division, Achmea. Rob Becker worked for McKinsey & Company from 1990 to 2005, with postings in various countries. For the last six years with McKinsey he was a Boar partner in the firm, specializing in the financial sector. In 2006 he joined Achmea Pensions as d M ember CFO and was appointed CEO of Achmea Bank in 2008. BBoBoard b


Nwe Nwe Aung

Gulnar Bekenova

Executive Director Yinthway Foundation Myanmar

Chairperson Center for Initiative Support Kazakhstan

Nwe Nwe Aung has been with Yinthway Foundation, a leading NGO focused on the development of younger children in Myanmar, since 2004, and is currently its executive director. She is a member of the Education Thematic Working Group in Myanmar and also the sub-group for early childhood care and development (ECCD). Nwe Nwe is involved in developing ECCD policy guidelines at the state level, and also the ECCD curriculum for the Department of Social Welfare in Myanmar. Before joining Yinthway Foundation, Nwe Nwe worked with Save the Children, UNICEF, and the Educational Psychology Department of Yangon Institute of Education.

Gulnar is the head of Center for Initiative Support, Public Organization based in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. The organization is the leading partner of Aflatoun in Kazakhstan so far, and works with children, underprivileged young people, women. Gulnar enjoys books, swimming, gardening. Is married and has two children.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Tjipke Bergsma

Rewati Bhagwat

Deputy CEO Plan United Kingdom

CEO MelJol India

Tjipke Bergsma is the deputy CEO of Plan International. He studied Social -Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam (Masters Degree in 1985). He has held the following positions: 2006 – 2007 Plan Nederland: Director Private Fund-raising; 2005 -2006 War Child – Amsterdam, Netherlands, Director of Programs; 1999-2004 Transavia Airlines CV – Schiphol Airport, Netherlands, resp. Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Development. Programme Manager, Manager Direct Sales. Between 1992 and 1996 he worked for Plan in several capacities in various countries.

Rewati Bhagwat has almost 30 years of experience in varied fields ranging from research and counseling to strategic guidance and management. She currently serves as CEO of MelJol, a nongovernmental organization in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, which pioneered the Aflatoun program on social and financial education for children. She has been in leadership positions both in India and abroad, as executive director of Credibility Alliance, a consortium of voluntary organizations in India, and as case manager and team leader at Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton, Canada. She has a Masters in Social Work at the University of Bombay.

Patricia Betancourt

Jeroo Billimoria

Education Technical Specialist Childfund Honduras Honduras

Founder Child & Youth Finance International Netherlands

I have 36 years of experience working in the Education Sector, five of which have included working directly in the implementation of Aflatoun Programs in Honduras.

Jeroo is a serial social entrepreneur who has founded seven organizations including Aflatoun. She is currently the Executive Director of ChildFinance. Jeroo was named an Ashoka Innovator in 1999 and received the Schwab Fellowship for Social Entrepreneurs in 2001 among many other awards for her work. She was featured in David Bornstein’s book ‘How to Change the World’.

Board Member BBoBoard b


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Worku Bizuneh

Verónica Raquel Brindis Vázquez

Monitoring and Evaluation Manager World Learning Ethiopia


I have more than 16 years of work experience in project planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, and research activities. I have m.Sc and B.Sc degree in Statistics.

Social anthropologist, addictions therapist. She has worked with children and young people living on the streets, has coordinated several educational programs aimed at developing competencies. He currently works for EDUCA, coordinating inter-institutional relationship with the schools that make up the RED EDUCA, likewise, is the leader of the Aflatoun program in schools that implement it.

Lebogang Boikanyo

Mahendranath Busgopaul

Programme Officer Stepping Stones International Botswana

Secretary-general Halley Movement Mauritius

Lebogang Boikanyo is the Programme Officer for Leadership and Income Generation. She facilitates Aflateen and business skills sessions for youth ages 12-25. As a member of the United Ladies income generation business, she makes traditional clothing and beaded jewelry from recycled paper. In Lebo’s free time, she plays competitive netball. Lebo loves meeting people from all over the world through her job at SSI. Lebo enjoys talking to the youth and sharing her advice, as she also has experiencing growing up as an orphan.

Secretary-General of Halley Movement, NGO working in Mauritius since 1990. Researcher and executive officer for the organization


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Sergio Mauricio Bustillo Paredes

Diana Castaneda

Responsable Nacional de Desarrollo Económico Vision Mundial Bolivia Bolivia

CEO Vision Solidaria Peru

My name is Sergio Bustillo and I am 42 years and married with three children. I have a masters in Food Security and Human Development and have been working in World Vision’s in Bolivia for two years. I like sports and music.

Master´s degree in Social Work from Boston College, Boston, MA and a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from Universidad del Pacifico (Peru). Experience working with the private sector and with non-profit organizations in Peru, United States and Bangladesh. Main competencies include: entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, design and implementation of social projects and management and supervision of volunteers.

Daisybelle Cabal

Claudia Patricia Chamale Escalante

Group Head, Training and Consultations NATCCO Philippines

Education Program Coordinator Children International Guatemala

Daisybelle (Bing) M. Cabal is the Head of Training and Consultations Group of the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO). Bing has 33 years of professional and volunteer involvement in cooperatives. Her exposure and experience in the international credit union development has sharpened her knowledge and competence in taking enormous responsibility introducing innovative approaches to credit unions in the Philippines and across Asia. She worked for the project on Credit Union Benchmarking Services in Southeast Asia implemented with partner credit unions in NATCCO. Bing is a Certified Public Accountant and an Asian Development Educator.

Patricia Chamalé is the Education Program Coordinador at Children International – Guatemala. She is an education administrator by profession and an educator by vocation. She has worked at Children International since 1999 promoting school completion and life skills to the children and youth that she serves.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Monica Chiwalo

Marta Czerwinska

Project Manager- Education Catholic Relief Services in Malawi Malawi

Community animator Science for Environment Foundation Poland

Monica works with Catholic Relief Services in Early Childhood Development projects.

I work in the Science for Environment Foundation in Poland, as a community animator, through which I can implement the concept of sustainable development with the optimal usage of available local resources. I’m also responsible for local grants program, which inspires people to act and helps to work. I love to work in NGO, because there are: energy, interesting people, cool ideas. Work in the foundation gives me space and freedom. In my free time I dance and I explore the ins and outs of social psychology.

Johanna Cloete

Izequiel da Silva

Country Director Junior Achievement Namibia Namibia

Directory Finance Guinea-Bissau

A seasoned banker who became a development worker with a focus on business and economics. Financial literacy is at the core of interest and deliverables

I am the father of 3 girls and work as an I work as an analyst of IT systems. I love working with children.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Violet Diallo

National Education School Inspector Ministère des Enseignements Primaire, Secondaire et de l’alphabétisation Togo

Coordinator GAP / CAMIDE Mali

Married with three children: two girls and one boy. I love being with family, I love walks in the countryside. My favorite local dish is “Akoume ADEME” I work on issues such as educational quality:, training, curriculum development, school management, and evaluation of learning.


Violet is one of the first group of Aflatoun enquirers, bringing Aflatoun to children in the French-speaking world with CAMIDE in Mali. She runs her own consultations GAP and has extensive experience in Education in Mali..

Jean-Baptiste DIAI

Júlio Dias

Senior Finance Officer Ministry of Finance Ivory Coast

Financial Education Advisor World Vision Brazil

Chief of Asset Recovery Service at the Department of Treasury, Ministry of Finance in Abidjan , Ivory Coast. I work on good governance issues( fight against money laundering and corruption. Since June 2011 I am also in charge of the coordination of financial education programme. I was a former Paymaster from 1997 to 2001. In 2001 I moved to UK where I got a BA in Conflict Resolution and MA in Post-War Recovery Studies. During my stay in UK I worked as Direct Payment Advisor at A4e in partnership with Work and Pensions Department.

I am married with two children and work with financial education in world vision, located in Brazil.

rd Boa er b Mem

oard BBoB b


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Horija Dibba

Jaap Doek

Infant & Children Programs Coordinator Childfund The Gambia Gambia

Professor of Law (Family and Juvenile Law) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands

Horija Dibba has worked in the education and early childhood development fields for over 15 years. She currently is the Infant and Child Programs Coordinator for Childfund The Gambia, where she facilitates ChildFund’s primary education and early childhood development programs in the areas of curriculum and materials development; staff and teacher training; and direct technical assistance. Horija holds a Masters Degree in Education Administration and Management and a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education Management and Administration.

Professor Jaap Doek is a global authority in the field of Child Rights and is the ex-Chairperson of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. While Professor Doek chooses not to sit on the board of any other organization, he has made an exception for Aflatoun because he is so committed to their ideals and strongly believes in their Potential. Professor Doek was a professor of law at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, and was dean of the faculty of law. Currently retired, Professor Doek is very active in consulting with governments, INGO’s and global decision makers

Boar d Mem ber BBoB

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Atika Doghmi Communication and Partnership manager The Bayti Association Morocco My name is Atika Doghmi, I am representing the Bayti Association for children in difficult situations in Morocco. I am manager of the communication and partnership pole at the association and have been working on Aflatoun project since mid 2012. I believe that its important to teach children about social and financial education in a way that they could be active in their societies. I wish that this international meeting strengthen more our approach in this context.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Charles Elamaldeniya

Brian Elliott

Secretary Coalition for Educational Development Sri Lanka

Founder and CEO Amsterdam Worldwide Netherlands

Charles is director of KERD Foundation and chairman of the Coalition for Educational Development. He is director and cofounder of Child Rights Advocacy Network in Sri Lanka. He is also an advocate for quality education for all in Sri Lanka, with more than 12 years’ experience in the NGO field and working with grassroots-level organizations.

Brian has been a driving force behind Amsterdam Worldwide’s growth into one of the new respected names in international advertising, helping to redefine the way advertising is done for cross border brands that are looking for top creativity and value for money. Canadian born, Brian did his early training in international advertising in Frankfurt, and went on to found two agencies. He has been a longtime volunteer with Aflatoun, helping shape its global brand and communication strategy.

Ndiaye elhadji Bakary

Aida Erazo

Manager of CEFE Ministry of Environment Senegal

Manager DLEPS Local Development and People’s Economy Ecuador

I’m involved in the protection of nature I’m the vice-president of an international NGO:Planet’ere.

Business Management Engineer, with postgraduate in Microfinance and Local Development. Works in Plan International for 6 years. After to know Aflatoun decide create a own organization to promote Aflatoun and helps to children, teenagers and adults to improve their lives.

Board Member BBoBoard b


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Ana Escamilla

Allende Samori Fernandes Quade

Advisor Economic Security Plan International in El Salvador El Salvador

Technician INDE/ MINISTER OF EDUCATION Guinea-Bissau

I am an economist. I am working at Plan International in El Salvador as Advisor Economic Security. In 2009 I was trained as a trainer of trainers Regional Master Aflatoun and since then implemented Aflatoun in El Salvador. I enjoy direct contact with children and young people and see the changes you are able to do in their lives.

I am licenced sociologist and a teacher at superion school of education.

Christine Feenstra Product Coordinator Christian Education Foundation Suriname Working for Stichting Projekten since 2007 and with the Aflatoun programme since 2010. I participated in train the trainers trainings in the Aflatoun Programme and we are implementing the program now in Suriname.


Patricia Fafa Formadi Development Worker/Teaching New Dawn for Social Development Ghana A Development worker with New dawn for Social Development and a lecturer Lecturer at the \university for Development Studies. I have 15 years teaching experience and 16 years in Development work with a passion of working with women and children to realize their rights.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Natalie Foxworthy

Milena Grillo

Program Officer - Education and Youth Development Children International United States

Executive Director Fundacion PANIAMOR Costa Rica

Natalie Foxworthy is the Program Officer for Education and Youth Development at Children International. She earned a Masters of International Development and Nonprofit Management at the University of California, San Diego and has focused this degree specifically on youth development. She served as a Peace Corps volunteer in El Salvador where she worked closely with the local youth group and the community development organization to implement a variety of community projects. In her experience working with Children International, the Foundation for the Development of Women and Children (FUNDEMUN), Peace Corps and the Baja Project. She has provided technical support in the areas of youth development, education, health and community development in Latin America, Africa and Asia.


Mother of 4 children and grandmother to 9-year old Antonio, and a passionate advocate for children rights in the Latin American Region. Eager to learn more about Aflatoun action worldwide!

MVE MESSA Fridolin

Rebeca Gyumi

Secretary General Syndicat de l’education Nationale (SENA) Gabon

Radio/TV Presenter FEMINA Tanzania

School Inspector, Trainer at the Teacher Training Institute in Libreville, member of the Social and Economic Council, Secretary General of the National Education Union, president of the Association of Unions of Public, Private and Semi Private School.

I’m a lawyer, grew with Femina from school, in their famous students’ clubs (Fema club). I am passionate about youth issues.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Abir Hajibrahim

Rafael Vinicio Herrera

Team leader Sebc - mobaderoon Syria

Program Manager Children International Dominican Republic

I am a team leader in sebc-mobaderoon network the partners of Aflatoun in Syria.

Rafael Vinicio Herrera is the Program Manager at Children International – Dominican Republic. He studied Sociology at UASD in Santo Domingo and later earned his Masters in Community Intervention from INTEC. Rafael is the founder of Colectivo de Trabajo Cultural de Jarabacoa through which he realized extensive cultural and historic investigations and wrote his book Jarabacoa, Origen y Desarrollo Histórico. He has worked with Children International since 1991 in many capacities including his current role of Program Manager.

Goufi Hamida

Armenouhi Hovannisian

Project Director Réseau Algérien pour la Défense des Droits de l’Enfant Algeria

Executive Director Junior Achievement of Armenia Armenia

I am a trainer of the Aflatoun program. I also work as a trainer of sexual abuse against children, projects for the protection of children.


I am the Executive Director of JAA since 1992. Founder of Orran, an organization helping needy children since 2000. I am married and I have 5 children.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


BA Ibrahima

Khondoker Ariful Islam

ENSEIGNANT/DIRECTEUR d’ECOLE Inspection De L’Education et De La Formation Senegal

Country Representative BRAC Afghanistan Afghanistan

I live in Senegal where I have done all my studies (Bachelor in History).I am a teacher and I am the Coordinator of the Aflatoun Programme in Senegal, married and father of two children. I love football and nature.

I have 30 years working experience in education program in three different context Bangladesh, Uganda and Afghanistan. During this session, I will share my experience what lesson I learnt during implementation of the education program in different context and what really needs for children to develop their financial literacy and saving mindset.

Luan Imeri

Donat Iyakaremye

Manager Center for human rights and conflict resolution Macedonia


Luan Imeri is project manager at the Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution. He has a M.A. degree on Human resource management with focus on Diversity Management and B.A. on Economics (department of economics). He also received additional training in human rights, child rights, conflict resolution, nonviolent transformation of the conflicts, mediation (interethnic/gender and mediation), election processes, financing etc.

I have experience in community development, saving youth projects and, integrating poor producers in value chain.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Uwizeye Jean-Pierre

Roger Kaffo Fokou

Financial Education Project Manager Association of Micro-Finance Institutes in Rwanda (AMIR) Rwanda

Teacher (trade union member) SNAES Cameroon

Jean-Pierre works for Association of Micro-Finance Institutes in Rwanda (AMIR) as Financial Education Project Manager. In that capacity he manages the DfID-funded Innovations for Education project which is being implemented in partnership with Aflatoun Academy. Previously he worked as Director of Kigarama Secondary School for four years and as a consultant and entrepreneurship expert at Zeal Development Company Ltd. Jean-Pierre has a BA in Education from Kigali Institute of Education and an MBA from Kampala International University.

Have worked as literature and french teacher for 29 years, married (6 children); trade union leader (SNAES); writer (essays, poetry)...

Ingrid Jones

Rita Karam

Executive Director Partnerë për Fëmijët Albania

Secretary General Higher Council for Childhood Lebanon

I have been the Executive Director of Partnerë për Fëmijët for nine years. Main interest is the improvements in the lives and rights of children and protection from all forms of harm, discrimination and exploitation. I am also the Europe Regional Representative in the Board of Aflatoun.


Boar Mem d ber BBoB

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I have a master degree on child rights and I have been working since 16 years old on implementing CRC articles. I also have an experience for 10 years in the rehabilitation of children from sexual abuse in Lebanon. I now create a child and youth finance committee under the umbrella of the Higher Council for Childhood to elaborate a national strategy.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Breki Karlsson

Alexander Mar Kekula

Director Institute for financial literacy Iceland

National Director SOS Children’s Villages Ghana Ghana

Breki Karlsson is Founder and Director of the Institute for Financial Literacy. He has studied financial literacy since 2005, when he pioneered the first national survey on financial literacy in Iceland. Breki has authored textbooks and TV series and has a weekly radio segment at the Iceland Broadcasting Service. He has a MSc. Degree in Economics and International Business from Copenhagen Business School, and a wide-ranging professional experience with financial literacy, policy making, entrepreneurship, and strategic planning


Alexander Mar Kekula is the National Director of SOS Children’s Villages Ghana. He joined the Organization in June 2009 as the Deputy National Director and subsequently served as the Acting National Director from April 2011 upon the departure of the then National Director. Alexander was confirmed as the substantive Nation Director for SOS Children’s Villages Ghana in April 2012. Alexander holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance and International Management from University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland; Master of International Management with concentration in International Finance and Master of Software Systems from University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. He also holds a Competent Communicator Certificate from Toastmasters International. Alexander worked briefly with John Hancock Financial Services in 1999 before transitioning into the communication and broadband industry. From January 2000 to June 2009, he worked and consulted for Cox Communications, Residential Communications Network (RCN), Media One, AT&T Broad Band, Comcast and Charter Communications. He is happily married to Magdear with two children: Andrea and Alex.

Mercy Karogo

Kobontle Boingotlo Kgakge

Senior Deputy Director Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Kenya

Principle Education Officer Ministry of Education and Skills Development Botswana

Currently the Head of Department of Curriculum and Research which spearheads the development of all curriculum and curriculum support materials for all levels of education. She is Currently a PHD student in Business Administration and Managements specializing in Entrepreneurship. She is a Trained Master Trainer in Financial Literacy and she is leading a team of curriculum developers in the field of curriculum development in Financial Literacy for all levels of Education and Training.

Kobontle Boingotlo Kgakge is a Curriculum Development Officer Business Subjects at the Ministry of Education and Skills Development, Department of Curriculum Development and Evaluation, Botswana. She acquired a diploma in Secondary Education in 1999 from Tonota College of Education, and her Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting in 2006 from the WITS University in the Republic of South Africa. Mrs. Kgakge has nine years of teaching experience in Business Subjects (Commerce and Accounting) at both Junior and Senior Secondary School level. Furthermore, she is involved in promoting entrepreneurial skills in learners through the Junior Achievement Programme and Botswana Business Subjects Association. She is part of the team working to integrate Aflateen into the national curriculum.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Laila Khalid

Mariam Khayat Assi

Parliament Member SNEFA Sudan

Chief Executive Officer-CEO Beyond Association Lebanon

Ms. Laila Khalid is a member in the parliament in Khartoum. She works on different issues about education in Sudan.

MARIA ASSI, BEYOND ASSOCIATION, Chief Executive Officer and Programs Director: Holds a BA in Arts-Theatre, Mrs. Assi has more than 15 years experience in the social/development field and provides vision and direction for the Beyond Association, was the programs Director of YMCA Lebanon for 5 years and consultant in International & National Committees regarding Child Labor, Human Rights, Child Protection, and Youth Polices.

Monwer Khandker

Fady Khoury

Programme Coordinator BRAC Bangladesh

Project & Training Coordinator YMCA Lebanon

Monwer Khandker has been with BRAC for almost 30 years. He has been Programme Coordinator at BRAC Education Programme since 2009, and is responsible for various education programmes on adolescent development, ethnic children, and children with special needs, among others. He also previously worked with BRAC Afghanistan as part of the post-war reconstruction process in the country’s primary education system. Monwer has a Masters in Education at Queen’s University in Canada, specializing in Curriculum and Instructional Design.

Fady khoury : project and Training coordinator at the YMCA Lebanon, volunteered with the YMCA Youth Department in 1990 and worked for the training department since 1997 studied hotel management and create his own Event Organizing Business in 2012,Regional Master Trainer for Middle East & North Africa in Child Finance Education with Aflatoun Organization.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Brian King

Aletta Koetlisi

Country Director - Tajikistan Mercy Corps Tajikistan

Project Manager Catholic Relief Sevice Lesotho

Brian King is the Country Director for Mercy Corps in Tajikistan, where he manages a portfolio of programming covering health, economic development and disaster risk reduction. He has been working internationally for the past 10 years, managing development programming in Romania, Mongolia, Liberia, and Tajikistan. Mr. King currently resides with his family in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

II like spending time at church. I also do a lot of community work where i work with adolescents and youth especially on HIV prevention.

Nandi Kitoto

Musa Sanu Konteh

Lecturer Bondo Teacher Training College Kenya

Program Manager Childfund Sierra Leone Sierra Leone

Caleb Nandi Kitoto lectures on Social Studies at Bondo Teacher Training College in western Kenya. He is also a part-time lecturer on History of Education at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, on Distance Education at the University of Nairobi and on Teaching Practice at Kampala University. Nandi also does sales and marketing work on behalf of Oxford University Press in connection with teaching and learning resource materials. He has both a Bachelors and a Masters of Education specializing in Adult Education. He is currently preparing for PhD registration.


Sanu Konteh has substantial experience managing projects that assist deprived, excluded and vulnerable children and youth in Sierra Leone. He has worked directly with a number of international development agencies in the area of livelihood, work readiness, microfinance, and ex-combatant reintegration. Since 2007, Sanu has worked with Child Fund Sierra Leone and its local partner in Northern Sierra Leone. He holds a Masters Degree in Development Studies and a Bachelor of Science Degree (with honors) in Environment and Development.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Fikile Kuhlase

Andrey Levchenko

Senior General Manager The Banking Association South Africa South Africa

CEO New Perspectives Foundation Russia

Senior General Manager for Socio-economic Growth and Development Division of The Banking Association South Africa. Responsible for Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, SME Development and Corporate Social Investment. Manage flagship financial literacy programme of the Banking Association - Teach Children to Save South Africa. Highest qualifications AMP and Master in Management (Public & Development Management) cum laude. Passionate about development!

In 2008, Andrey Levchenko came to work as an International Projects Manager at the New Perspectives Foundation. Since that moment, he’s taken part in numerous youth projects (civil responsibility, computer literacy, life skills development, financial literacy, youth employability, etc.), and, given his background as a teacher, he is especially interested in the work, stimulating different ideas, which help to discover the real capabilities of young people, especially in terms of maintaining intercultural dialogue.

Brian Lariche

Wenjie Liu

Secretary Humana Child Aid Society Malaysia

Education Policy Researcher Shanghai Pudong Education Bureau China

Besides being EXCO for Humana, Brian is also a master trainer for the Aflatoun and Aflateen program. He is also does Capacity training for NGO’s.

Mr Wenjie Liu has worked as a researcher on education policy for more than 15 years and is recognized for his innovative design of education policy and reform in China, particularly in Shanghai. He is well-known as the key designer of Shanghai’s K12 education policy. He previously worked as school principal of a secondary school.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Marina Lutovac

Lachhindra Maharjan

President of NGO NGO Children First Montenegro

Executive Director SAATH Nepal

I am a lawyer and I have been working in child focused NGOS for over 15 years. 9 years in Save the Children and since 2009 in NGO Children First working on promotion and protection of Children’s rights

I have double Master’s Degrees: Social Work and Sociology. I am the Research Consultant for Aflatoun Child Savings International. I have recently conducted a research on “Aflateen Program in the Context of Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities”. I am the Executive Director of a youth-led organization SAATH, Nepal.

Andrew Magunda

Ganda Souleyman Malato

Director of Programs, Monitoring and Evaluation The Private Education Development Network (PEDN) Uganda

Professeur permanent à l’ENS Syndicat des Enseignants du Tchad (SET) Tchad

I am passionate about youth, M&E and business.


Professor at ENS in N’Djaména. Secretary General of the Teachers Union of Chad.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Hem Mary

Lloyd McCormick

IEP program manager KAPE Cambodia

Director, Youth Programs Childfund International United States

I am an Inclusive Education Program Manager. I am responsible to oversee and coordinate a number of projects funded by 4 donors in 3 provinces that encompass the main purpose of providing Inclusive Education in particular to girls, ethnic minorities, vulnerable and marginalized children. I oversee and provide TOT on in kind scholarship provision, life skill, multi-culture, social awareness, career development, student and youth council programs as well as specialized coaching and remedial learner programs. I have graduate Master Degree of Project Management, Norton University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia in May 2013. Invited by The Oaktree Foundation to participate in a fund-raising speaking tour given to schools, community, youth and university groups to raise awareness of development issues and in particular to present the work of KAPE in addressing these issues. The tour was across 6 states and received high profile attention including live interviews on national and local media. (March 2011 - April 2011).Chosen to attend the US Government funded 2012 Women’s Empowerment Program, in Washington, USA, (October 2012 - November 2012).

Lloyd has over 17 years experience in international development work with a focus on micro enterprise and youth development. In addition, he has over 10 years experience in private sector business management.

Thato Matlhabaphiri (SCAR)

Addisu Mekonnen

Hip hop artist, radio anchor Yarona FM Botswana

Child Social and Financial Specialist World Learning Inc Ethiopia

Thato Mathabaphiri (Scar)Hip-Hop Artist & Idols East Africa Judge Hip-hop artist Thato Matlhabaphiri, known as Scar, is a judge on Idols East Africa. As a judge, his pan-African search for the next big star took him to places like Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. A native to Botswana, Scar’s music has dominated the Botswana hip-hop industry since 2001, with the release of three studio albums. His work has been critically acclaimed, receiving two awards at the annual Botswana Hip Hop Music Awards (BHIPMA) in 2004, for Lyricist of the Year and Track of the Year (“My People”). He also has his own morning radio show reaching thousands of youth across the country. Scar was nominated several times for the coveted Channel O Music Video Awards, and won the prestigious award for Best Hip Hop Video in 2007. He has also guest starred in productions like Big Brother Africa, the Annual Miss Botswana pageant, and the 2009 Road to MTV Africa Music Awards in Kenya. Scar donated his voice to the role of the male doctor in the Botswana Teach AIDS animations. In 2012, Scar composed, produced and performed the “Aflateen Anthem: It’s the Good Life” song for the promotion of Aflateen: Social and Financial Education for Youth, an innovative programme delivered by Stepping Stones International in Botswana.

I am Addisu Aragaw from Ethiopia,37 years old and married. I’m working to make a change



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Justo Mendez Aramburu

Irina Mironova

Founder Nuestra Escuela Puerto Rico

Director ChildFund-Belarus Belarus

Co Founder of Nuestra Escuela in Puerto Rico Representatives of Aflatoun/Aflateen Leaders of Encuentro de Nuestra América


I have been working in development programs for the past 18 years and I have successful experience in innovative programs for vulnerable children and families in area of de-institutionalization, child protection, disability and HIV/AIDS; a facilitator and coordinator of the various collaborators. Since 2005 -Chief of Party of USAID funded project “Community Services to Vulnerable Groups”

Chantha Mingboupha

EL Hamdi Mohamed

Deputy Director Ekphatthana Microfinance Institution Laos

Education Inspector Ministère de l’éducation nationale Morocco

Chantha Mingboupha has been deputy director at Ekphatthana Microfinance Institution (EMI) since 2002. His interests include savings and credit, small and medium enterprise development, and gender and development, among others. He is fluent in Lao, English, Vietnamese, and Thai.

I am an inspector, Head of Division at the Central Unit of Educational Research and treasurer of the Moroccan Association of Planification and Orientation for Education.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Phillimon Mlambo

Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Zarudeen

Executive Director JA Zimbabwe

Zonal Director of Education Provincial Department of Education Kenya

Career Youth Development Worker. Over 15 years experience in youth development. Passion in enterprise development

I have been working in education sector for 25 years. Specialized in training and development. I am interested in working for vulnerable children. I have been nominated as Member of Standing Committee on General Education of National Education Commission.

Matilda Student Aflatoun Alumni Ghana Matilda is a Ghanaian and she is from Accra. She is now a grade 9 student and 15 years of age. She used to be a member of Aflatoun club while she was in Basic Primary school in Accra. She served in different positions in Aflatoun’s Executive committee in her school. She had an opportunity to join international and regional forums in Amsterdam and Abuja representing her club mates. Her wish is to see Aflatoun being implemented in many schools in Ghana and other countries around the world.


Mathias Mulumba Financial Literacy coordinator National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) Uganda Curriculum Developer for technology and enterprise learning area, experienced agriculture teacher for secondary school


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Marin Molosag

Silvia Murto de MĂŠndez

First Deputy Governor National Bank of Moldova Moldova

Executive Director of Finance Financiera El Comercio S.A.E.C.A. Uruguay

Marin Moloag has held the position of the First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) and is a member of the Council of Administration of the NBM since December 2009. Before his appointment as First Deputy Governor of the NBM, he had held the position of Deputy Governor of the NBM (2002-2009). His career within the NBM started with the position of Chief Economist within the Relations with Foreign Banks and International Financial Institutions Section in 1992 and he had been later promoted to the position of Head of Relations with Foreign Banks and International Financial Institutions Section (1997-2000) and then to Head of Foreign Relations Division (2000-2002). In addition, Mr. Marin Molo?ag served as a Professor of Banking/Financial Law at the University for Humanitarian Studies in Chi?in?u, Moldova (1996-1999). Mr. Marin Molo?ag was born on January 25, 1971 in Chi?in?u. He graduated the State University of Moldova in 1993, Law Department, where he also studied for a PhD degree on Banking Law (1996-2000). In addition, Mr. Marin Molo?ag has gained his secondary degree in Banks and Finances in 2005 from the International Institute of Management (Chi?in?u, Moldova).

I have been working for 21 years in the finance industry, I have a degree in Accounting and Business Administration, and Master in Administration Business, Catholic University of Paraguay. I am President of the Association of FinancierasDel Paraguay (ADEFI) a second time. In my position, I work in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and therefore the Aflatoun program in partnership with Plan International (Paraguay).

Monica del Pilar Montiel Copo

Joshua Muskin

Agency Director Children International Ecuador

Senior Programme Officer, Education Aga Khan Foundation Switzerland

Monica Montiel is the Agency Director of Children InternationalQuito. She has always been interested in human sciences. She studied Linguistics, and later Human Talent Management and Financial Management. She has more than 20 years of experience working for NGO’s, as a life mission; many years in the financial area; and the last 5 years as the head of Children International-Quito. She is convinced that Education is the best means to achieve human development.

Joshua started his career as a teacher, Joshua Muskin has now worked in international development and education for over 30 years. Over this period, he has harboured a focus on raising the quality and relevance of education to equip children and youth for productive, fulfilling lives at home, in work and in the community. In this pursuit, he has crossed more than 60 borders on every continent except Antarctica.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Nazan Mustafa

Irene Mutumba

SOS Kinderdorf Kosovo SOS Kinderdorf Kosovo Kosovo

Executive Director The Private Education Development Network Uganda

I work at SOS Kinderdorf Kosovo.

I am a teacher by profession a social and business entrepreneur. Passionate about social change and positive transformation among children, youth and communities at large.

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Betty Muthoni

Rhoda Nanre Nafziger-Mayegun

Program Officer SOS Children’s Villages Kenya Kenya

Executive Director LYNX-NIGERIA Nigeria

I am passionate about working with children and my community.

I am passionate about youth development and the role that young people have in the present and future of Africa. I have worked with children and youth since I was a teenage myself and believe strongly that with the proper orientation, knowledge about history and self, and social and financial skills young people can really make a positive impact in their communities, countries and the world.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Lata Narayan

Romualda Navikaite

Professor Centre for Lifelong Learning, Tata Institute of Social Sciences India

Director Lithuanian Children’s Fund Lithuania

Lata is a professor at the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, India. A social worker by training, Lata’s work includes teaching, training, research, and action, currently in the thematic areas of youth and lifelong learning. She is the Asia regional representative in the Board at Aflatoun, as well as a Board member at MelJol, the NGO that initiated the Aflatoun programme and the concept of social and financial empowerment of children and youth.

Board Member BBoBoard b

I am one of the founders of the Lithuanian Children’s Fund (February 1988). LiCf initiated and provided methodological and material support for the emergence of the alternative children care in Lithuania. Since 1994 the LICF has been in close cooperation with the Kirtimai Roma community in Vilnius. We implemented several projects with the Roma communities. Now we are rendering several projects, the largest one is ESF project “Developing for Career” in favour of inhabitants from 6 children care homes and 2 vocational schools. The social skills and financial education are provided for children in this project and project “Together” financed by the World Childhood Foundation. The LICF is one of the founders of the NGO Confederation for Children of Lithuania (2005).

Kouame Natiha Michel

Victor Ndiege

Project Coordinator DEI Cote d’Ivoire Ivory Coast

Programme Team Leader Green Forest Social Investment Trust Kenya

I am Kouame Natiha Michel, I am from CIvory Coast I hope this meeting will help us implement Aflatoun in our country.

Victor Ndiege is currently the Programme Team Leader at Green Forest Social Investment Trust (GFSIT)-a social enterprise facilitating organization in Suba District-Homa bay County, Kenya, which he joined in mid 2009. In addition to the Aflateen Programme with youths and students, Victor coordinates the programmes of GFSIT with participating community groups; carries out various project management activities and performance assessments; liaises with partners and other stakeholders to maximize impact on communities participating in various social enterprises. Prior to joining GFSIT, Mr. Ndiege worked as Programme Officer at OSIENALA (Friends of Lake Victoria) in Kisumu and other parts of the Lake Victoria basin on sustainable environmental conservation and livelihoods. As a community organizer, social business trainer and practitioner, he has over 6 years of experience in the field of social enterprise development and management especially renewable energy and sustainable development with women and youths. Victor is socio-economist by training.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Victoria Ndolo

Caroline Noland

Programme Coordinator Save the Children International Kenya

Development Officer Primary Education Project Pakistan

Victoria Ndolo has been working in development work with a focus on Financial Sector Development and Rural Finance. She has previously worked with Financial Sector Deepening Trust Kenya-Decnetralised Financial Services Project and World Council of Credit Unions projects within Kenys. Victoria is keen to see the youth financial capability enhanced and to give them a bright future by helping them to control their money.

Having recently moved to Pakistan from the US, I’m one of the newer members of the Primary Education Project. I have a background in business, economics, and religious charity work. I’m excited to learn from everyone’s incredible programs and share any insights I can about our work with Aflatoun in rural village schools.

Corrinne Ngurukie

Katharina Norden

Regional Technical Advisor, Youth Save Project Save the Children Kenya

CEO, Co-Founder Three Coins Austria

As the Regional Technical Advisor for Africa for the Youth Save project, Corrinne Ngurukie provides technical assistance to partner financial institutions in Kenya and Ghana on youth based programming, market research, product development and marketing for youth. She has over ten years’ experience in the financial services sector and brings a wealth of experience in youth financial services specifically in providing TA and training in market research, product development, strategic marketing, product marketing and customer service strategy.

Katharina has been a passionate entrepreneur since age 13, when she launched her first venture. With a background in law, journalism, and organizational development, she found her passion in social entrepreneurship. Katharina’s idea for using social gaming for training financial literacy skills was awarded Coca Cola’s “Ideas against Poverty” prize in 2011. Today, she dedicates her professional life to Three Coins ( Before founding Three Coins, Katharina was actively involved in the set-up of Ashoka in Austria with a focus on youth entrepreneurship.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Gertrudes Noronha

Agatha Nzeribe, PhD

Programme Coordinator Wona Sanana Mozambique

Education Specialist UNICEF Nigeria Nigeria

Wona Sanana (WS) is a Mozambican NGO that promotes active learning and integrated development of children from early childhood to adolescence in school, family, and community settings. I am the program coordinator

I am an UNICEF Education Specialist. I support state governments in ten states of Nigeria to design, implement, and monitor education programmes in ECD, basic and Junior Secondary in manner that address issues of access, quality and equity.

Osman Nour

Lydia Nzomo

Professor Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI) Saudi Arabia

Chief Executive Officer Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Kenya

Prof. Nour-Ph.D is a professor in Sociology from Michigan University , USA3-Researcher , lecturer, Population expert and consultant for the Mena Child and Youth Program at the Arab Urban Development Institute-Member of the International Union for Population Studies, Paris, France. She is also a member of the curriculum committee (Aflatoun).

Dr Nzomo is a PHD holder in the field of Educational Psychology. She is in charge of Curriculum Development as well as development of Print and Electronic curriculum support materials. Dr. Nzomo has a long experience on teacher management when she served at senior positions in the Kenya’s Teacher’s Service Commission.

Key note speaker


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Judith Ogaga

David Ochieng Oloo


Vice Principal, IBMYP The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Kenya

I love working with children and being a change agent in their lives.

I am a teacher by profession. I teach senior mathematics and am greatly interested in the youth’s social and economic development. To this end, we endow our students with ethical leadership skills within a multi-cultural context.

George Okado

Llorenc O’Prey

Executive Director Child Savings Kenya Kenya

Research and Evaluation Consultant Participle United Kingdom

George Okado is the Executive Director of Child Savings Kenya, an organization that Works towards promoting Child and Youth Financial Literacy in Kenya. George is an IT Specialist by profession and runs the ICT Policy Institute-Kenya. He has served as a board member in many development organizations and business institutions like K-Rep Bank and Child Help line Kenya. He is currently working closely with the Kenyan Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) for the integration of Financial Literacy in the national curricula at all stages of Education in Kenya.

I have worked with a broad range of organizations, both in government and for NGO’s, helping them to understand how research and evaluation can support their work.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Mustafa Ozer

Jared Penner

Program Manager Habitat Center for Development and Governance Turkey

Education Manager Child & Youth Finance International Netherlands

Working with Habitat for 2 years and managing financial literacy and entrepreneurship projects at Habitat.

Education Manager Child at Youth Finance International.

Efren Peñaflorida

Kathryn E Phelps

CEO and Head Dynamic Teen Company Philippines

Director of Programs Children International United States

Efren Penafloñda is a teacher and social worker from the Philippines. He is the founder and head of Dynamic Teen Company, which offers Filipino youth an alternative to street gangs and fraternities through education, recreating school settings in unconventional locations such as cemeteries and trash dumps. In 2009, he was named CNN Hero of the Year as part of the news network’s program to honor individuals who make extraordinary contributions to help others. His organization’s pushcart classroom program has been replicated in several sites in Metro Manila in partnership with the Department of Education in the Philippines.


Key note speaker

Kathy earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Miami and a Masters of Public Health from George Washington University. Her background is focused on program design, monitoring and evaluation, with topical focus on youth development and adolescent health programming. In her experience working with Children International, Advocates for Youth, and The AIDS Support Organization (TASO), she has provided technical support for health, education and youth development programs in Latin America, Asia and Africa.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Gofetamang Phirinyane

Atiq Ur Rehman

Principle Education Officer Ministry of Education and Skills Development Botswana

Program Officer Trainings Sahil Pakistan

Gofetamang Phirinyane is currently a Principal Education Officer at Curriculum Development and Evaluation in the Ministry of Education and Skills Development of Botswana. She is married with three children. Her highest qualification is a Masters degree in English Literature. On completion of her Post Graduate degree, she worked as a teacher for 13 years, teaching English Language and Literature and Guidance and Counselling. She is presently responsible for developing curriculum, monitoring and evaluating all educational programmes from Primary to Senior Secondary schools. In addition, she is a Project Officer for the Life Skills Programme, whereby she trains officers, teachers and facilitators on how to implement Life Skills in schools. Mrs. Phirinyane is excited to be a team member of the Aflateen committee because I strongly believe Aflateen, like the Life Skills programme , also endeavours to help the adolescents to unlock their potential by nurturing their mental , physical and social well being and creating realizable opportunities for them to understand themselves and become self sufficient. Aflateen will definitely complement the Life Skills programme currently offered in Botswana schools, from Standard 1 to Form 5.

I am from pakistan. I am working with Sahil NGO. Our organization focuses on assisting children who come from sexually abusive backgrounds. We also implement the Aflatoun program in our region.

Madhav Pradhan

Natalia Ribas Pueyo

President Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Centre Nepal

Project Manager P.A.U. Education Spain

As president of CWIN (Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Centre), Madhav Pradhan has been working for over 20 years with children and youth in promoting and protecting their rights, particularly with children and youth at risk. He believes in going beyond charity and instead promotes rights, empowerment, and participation. Madhav has a Masters in Business Administration at Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu.

Natalia Ribas Pueyo is a Project Manager in P.A.U. Education, working on a wide variety of public and privately funded projects and campaigns on mobility, education, employability and creativity.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Ghada Rifai

Jacinthe ibrahim rihan

Project manager Mobaderoon Syria

Deputy Program Support Manager Plan International Egypt Egypt

Architect from Syria, working recently with mobaderoon network (active citizen network in Syria) working on project Managment in development sector, training several programs such as (active citizens, leadership in community development, building bridges and peace building) Ghada worked before as program manager with Syria trust for development (citizenship for children and rural development), as well she participated in the rehabilitation project of the old city of aleppo and acted as head of planning section since 2001, and shed had a vital role in activating Aleppo urban observatory with Aleppo city council and established an initiatives of Aleppo child friendly city with city development strategy of Aleppo (madinatouna), Ghada continued her diploma study in project Managment and urban panning

I work as deputy program support manager in Plan Intentional Egypt, we have been working with Aflatoun international for 5 years We work to create a platform for social and financial inclusion including the ministry of education and many Egyptian organizations.

Olivier van Riet Paap

Wawire Robert

Associate Director 3i Group

Director Action for Child Development Trust Kenya

Netherlands Olivier has worked in Europe, North America, Middle East, Africa and Asia. In 2005 and 2006, Olivier took a sabbatical from work to pursue a long time passion and temporarily worked with Jeroo to realize her Aflatoun dream. Olivier holds a Master of Science degree in Business Economics from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Olivier now serves on the Aflatoun Board.


Board Memb er BBoBoa b rd

I am a teacher and sociologist by profession. I have experience working on Aflatoun and Aflateen projects in Kenya and Tanzania for the past 4 years. I am the founder of Action for Child Development Trust.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Cintia Rodriguez

Liliana Rotaru

Manager Project CDEHSC/CILAJ Bolivia

Executive Director CCF Moldova Moldova

School curriculum according to the Ministry of Education

I work for Child Protection NGO sector for 12 years. During this time I understood how important education is for promoting children’s rights. Aflatoun programme offers so many new educational approaches that I can bring to my country and organization.

Dov Rosenmann

Bashige Runiga

Manager Human and Social Development Childfund Brasil Brazil

Coordinator ADEFE asbl Democratic republic of Congo

10 years experienced manager in international NGO environment. Consolidated work-based knowledge on the field of child centered development and child rights. Energetic leadership profile with significant track of records driving strategic planning processes, change management and innovation.

Specialist in rural development and non formal education.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Siham Salih

Joseph Sawma Awad

Program Unit Manger Plan Sudan International Sudan

President and General Manager Beyond Association Lebanon

Siham is leading a team that facilitates development process in 72 communities Edduweim Program Unit –Plan Sudan international – under the motto of Promotion child right to end child poverty through the approach of child center community development – Siham is one of the ladies who broke the social and cultural barriers towards women empowerment as she managed to move from the far east of Sudan to contribute to the rural development work in the Whit Nile state ( South Of Sudan ) . Siham is very keen on achieving remarkable changes in the life of the girls and boys in the program Area . Siam’s motto ; brighter future for all.

Joe is president and general manger at Beyond Association. He also serves as an Aflatoun Board Member - MENA: He holds a BA in Accounting, and is responsible for overall programs direction. He was the CEO of YMCA-Lebanon which initiated, coordinated, and implemented: a national emergency relief program for Lebanon; a countrywide emergency medical assistance program for the needy and displaced; and before that, he was the Chief Financial officer of YMCA and a National and International Consultant in Finance and Development.

Nodar Sarjveladze

John Schiller

Chairman Foundation Resources Georgia

Global Advisor - Savings Groups Plan International United States





I am Chairman of Foundation for Development of Human resources and Professor at Tbilisi State University


Board r be Mem

oard BBoB b

John Schiller is Plan’s Global Advisor for Savings Groups, responsible for promoting the methodology throughout Plan’s 49 program countries and 17 national organizations. Prior to this role he worked for five years at Plan’s West Africa Regional Office overseeing implementation of the region’s microfinance strategy, which focused on wide discrimination and scale up of community-based microfinance models aimed primarily at poor rural women and youth. Before this he was Microfinance Coordinator for Plan International from 1995 to 2007 during which time he helped build Plan’s capacity to do high quality microfinance programming through partnerships with local MFIs and other microfinance promoters.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013


Tatiana Sergeeva

Amir Shariff

Educator Academy of Public Administration Russia

Senior Program Officer The Asia Foundation Malaysia

Employer: Academy of Public Administration, Moscow region of Russia State Educational, Positions held: Chair, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Sciences Institution of Higher Professional Education) ( D. Mathematics Education(Doctor of Science), Expert on the development and implementation of education programs and materials of general and extracurricular education for schoolchildren, training and upgrade qualifications of teachers.

Amir Shariff is a Senior Program Officer in The Asia Foundation’s Malaysia office with a strong background in corporate social responsibility. He currently oversees the Foundation’s longest running program, Books for Asia as well as implementing the Aflateen program in Malaysia

Joanna Shackleton

Anja Slegt

Business Development Advisor Stepping Stones International Botswana

Coach Anja Yoga Netherlands

Ms. Shackleton is currently the Business Development Advisor for Stepping Stones International, a dynamic charitable organization in Botswana specializing in the care of orphaned and vulnerable adolescents. Ms. Shackleton is an Aflatoun Regional Master Trainer, and led Botswana’s first national training on the Aflateen youth curriculum for 20 participants, representing 10 local CSOs across the country. She coordinated the production of “Aflateen Anthem: It’s the Good Life” with Botswana’s preeminent hip-hop artist, SCAR, who will help launch Aflateen to the global network. Ms. Shackleton possesses a range of international experience from working with the Government of Canada’s Climate Change and Health Office as a Research and Policy Assistant, in addition to experience with the Special Education Department in the Ashanti Region, Ghana, as well as Handicap International Kenya-Somalia as a Lead Researcher for HIV & AIDS programming for Deaf populations. Ms. Shackleton has a Masters in International Development and Global Studies from the University of Ottawa, Canada and certification from the Management Development Institute (MDI) UCLA, Anderson School of Management and University of Cape Town, South Africa.

As a coach I would like to help people be more knowledgeable about themselves and their capabilities. I also do Yoga for different age groups. I am attending this meeting eager to get to know more about Aflatoun and the partners that make this network so strong.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Suryadi Suryadi

Svetlana Sylimova

Teacher LeKDiS Nusantara Indonesia

Director Vinnytsya Municipal Social Services Center Ukraine

He completed his degree in Education from Institute of Prenduan Madura, now he is now working on his Master Degree in Education and Management at University of Malang. And undertakes a wide range of teacher training. He has extensive experience in providing training, workshop and technical assistance in the educational field. He has been an Aflatoun program coordinator for LeKDiS since 2009 starting from piloting stage to scaling up of Aflatoun program in Indonesia. He is also an Aflatoun Regional Master Trainer

I was born in Kazakhstan in 1956. Now I live in Ukraine. I’m married. I’ve got two children. I work in the field of social work.

Albuquerque Susana

Adam Tekeste

Financial Education Coordinator Asssociacao de Instituicoes de Credito Especializado (ASFAC) Portugal

Economic Strengthening Specialist World Learning Ethiopia

Coordinator of Financial Education Programmes ASFACE, since 2004. Promotes financial education projects, co-producing and participating in TV shows as an expert, developing training partnerships with the Ministry for Education and other public entities and NGO’s, organizes and participates in international/national seminars on financial education.


I am Adam Tekeste Tefera, an Ethiopian national and holder of a Master of Arts in Rural Development & Bachelors of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics, has 20 years experience working for international and local NGO’s, the government and as a consultant, specializing in rural financial service, livelihoods and Business Development programs. He has developed experience on several USAID-funded projects in Ethiopia (Urban gardens Program, PC3program, High Risk Corridor Initiative, OFDA emergency and rehabilitation program) and has proven skills in the areas of leadership, program management, M&E, facilitation and training.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Mai Huong Thi Tran

Ofelia Maria Valdez Arias

Vice President Vietnam Association for Protection of Children’s Right Vietnam

Economic Security Advisor Plan International - Paraguay Paraguay

I am working in the field of child rights protection

Economic Security Advisory, working with Plan since four years ago. Coordinating financial inclusion projects, for women and youth, from poor rural areas in Paraguay. Coordinating projects of social and financial education for children Aflatoun; working with partners in the public and private sector in order to scaling up those projects.

Andualem Tesfaye

Kenneth van der Wijne

Child Care and Development Program Coordinator Hiwot Integrated Development Association (HIDA) Ethiopia

Financial Manager Stichting Projekten Christelijk Onderwijs Suriname Suriname

I am Andualem Tesfaye, from Ethiopia. I am working for HIDA as Child Care and Development Program Coordinator. My educational background is education and I have more than 15 years work experience in the area of Children project development and implementation.


Born and raised in Paramaribo which is the capital of Suriname a country at the north – east cost of South America. A small country with a big diversity in people living there. Geographically Suriname is north of Brazil. Both of my parents were school teachers and at an early age they taught me the basic principals of saving but also about being helpful. After school right after I had done my homework and taken a nap, I had to do community work in my neighborhood for at least an hour or two once a week. For my parents this was one of the basic principals of life. I had my first saving account at the age of six. I have studied bookkeeping and management.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Ljiljana Vasic

Shweta Verma

Director Pomoc deci Serbia

Regional Program Coordinator - Asia and Africa Children International India

Director and founder of Pomoc deci NGO in Serbia. Ten years of experience in developmental work for children and youth.

Shweta has over 12 years of experience in the development sector and has worked for USAID, Population Services International, John Hopkins University Centres for Communication Program and other similar organizations. She holds a Post-Graduation in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and also an MBA. Shweta’s strength lies in program management and communication. She has managed large public health projects both with government and partners and has travelled widely within the South East Asia region and Africa.

Lieke Verhofstand

Prom Vibol

Program Manager Rabobank Foundation Netherlands

Head of Life Skills Office Ministry of Education Youth and Sport Cambodia

For the last 40 years, Rabobank Foundation has been giving disadvantaged and underprivileged people an opportunity to improve their circumstances and increase their independence. We pursue this mission at home and abroad.

My name is PROM Vibol, born in 10 Jan 1965, Cambodia. I master degree in Physic and Mathematics of Science from Moldova State University in 1992. Nowadays, I am the head of Life Skills Office of the Department of Curriculum Development of the MoEYS.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

John Wali

Thomas Wang

Executive Director Junior Achievement Kenya Kenya

Master Teacher Yangzhou High School, Jiangsu Province China

I am passionate about empowering young people and excited at the possibilities of creation and development of innovative solutions for young people. John serves as the Executive Director for Junior Achievement Kenya the Country’s largest not for profit that equips youth with entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills so that they can succeed in life and work. John is an Acumen Fellow and a holder of an MBA (Strategic Management) and BA (Economics).

Thomas is a master teacher specializing in History at Yangzhou High School in Jiangsu Province, China. He is skilled in participatory learning and has received recognition in Jiangsu Province for his teaching career spanning over 20 years. Thomas has also been volunteering as a master trainer for the Aflatoun program since it was introduced in China in 2009. He leads a team of over 200 Aflatoun teachers that promote social and financial education for children and youth in different provinces in the country.

Alan Wang

John Weda

Founder and CEO Better Education China

Program coordinator SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGES Kenya

Alan is founder and CEO of Better Education, a pioneering nonprofit organization dedicated to financial education for young people in China, and is also Board member at an educationfocused organization and a family foundation. Alan has been in charge of numerous projects in education all over the country sponsored by Ford Foundation, Citi Foundation, Oxfam Hong Kong, and Narada Foundation, among others. Before he joined the non-profit field, Alan was a manager in an international IT company. Alan has an MBA degree from Hong Kong University and is pursuing a Ph.D. in education at Soochow University.

I am a Kenyan citizen by birth. I am Married with two children. I have been in the field of community development for 15 years.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Adekunbi Wuraola

Mvelenhle Yaka

Executive Director Junior Achievement Nigeria Nigeria

Socio-economic Growth and Development The Banking Association South Africa South Africa

Adekunbi Wuraola is the current Executive Director of Junior Achievement Nigeria (JA Nigeria), a 1993 graduate of the University of Lagos, has her post graduate degree in Education from University of Nottingham and a Masters in Sustainable Development from the School of Oriental & African Studies of the University of London. She is the first female president of Junior Chamber International in Nigeria, an author of 3 books- Young people & Money, My Career, My Decision & Change Agents making a difference & changing lives in the Nigeria as well as publishes the Non-Profit quarterly magazine - Africa Social Space. She enjoys playing the saxophone as well as speaks French as a second language.

I work for The Banking Association South Africa on Socio Economic Growth and Development prioritizing Financial Inclusion, Financial Education/Literacy and CSI

Kefyalew Yismaw Program Manager Save your Generation Ethiopia Ethiopia I am an Ethiopian. I was born at the historical town of Gondar in 1976. I graduated in sociology and social administration from Addis Ababa university.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Who’s Who Aflatoun Staff



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Simon Bailey Head of Advocacy, Research, and Communications Aflatoun Netherlands

I am the Head of Advocacy, Research and Communications at Aflatoun. My job is to ensure Aflatoun’s programmes are working and we are getting the Aflatoun message out. Prior to working at Aflatoun, I worked in the Canadian Parliament, managed social policy pilot programmes in Canada, and researched micro insurance in Bangladesh. I have a graduate degree in political theory from the London School of Economics and an undergraduate degree in History from the University of Toronto.

Menno de Vries Office Manager Aflatoun Netherlands I am the Office Manager at Aflatoun. Having had very different jobs, I found use of my experience doing my best to be a good help for the whole Aflatoun team for over 3,5 years now.

Sophie Conin

Rediet Kassaye

Communications Manager Aflatoun Netherlands

Programme Manager-Anglophone Africa Aflatoun Netherlands

Having been with Aflatoun for a few years now, I’m happy to be involved with the organization of this International Meeting. My role is also to ensure good media coverage of the event as well as encourage sharing of information, child stories, films and other Aflatoun and Aflateen experiences between partners and with stakeholders.

I work with partners in different African countries to implement the Aflatoun Programme. I have B.A. in Sociology and Social Administration from Addis Ababa University and a Masters in Development Studies with Specialization in Children and Youth Studies from Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. Before Aflatoun, I worked on projects that focuses on Children with Disabilities and Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Elizabeth MacFadyen Fund-raiser Aflatoun Netherlands

Chiara Massaroni Programme Support Officer Aflatoun Netherlands

I have been working for Aflatoun, first in the capacity of PA to Jeroo Billimoria and now as an assistant fund-raiser.

As a Programmes Support Officer, I make sure that the work of the Aflatoun Programme Managers goes as smoothly as possible, taking care of their daily logistic and programmatic tasks. Before working with Aflatoun I worked on rural development and educational projects in Rwanda and Madagascar. I also worked on human rights and political dissidence as a research assistant with Amnesty International in Tunisia. I have a master degree in International Relations and a bachelor degree in Political Science.

Hassan Mahtat

Valerie Meza De Leon

Programme Manager Francophone Africa Aflatoun Netherlands

Americas Program Manager Aflatoun Netherlands

As the Program Manager for Francophones countries, I work with different partners to implement the Aflatoun Programme and work to establish new partnerships in other countries that have not been involved in the programme. Having been very passionate about dinosaurs, I saved for long weeks to afford a panini booklet and collect stickers of all the different dinosaurs species before it was out of season. I did not manage to have all but I was very happy with what I gathered.

Eight years experience in Education for children and Programs Assessment in Latin America and the Caribbean in the non profit sector. Her work has been dedicated to the execution of programmatic strategies, training, networking, advocacy and knowledge exchange in the region. She has been providing technical support to NGO’s that dedicate their work to children and youth. Valerie Meza has a bachelor degree in Clinical Psychology from Francisco Marroquin, University in Guatemala, and two master degrees one in Development and International cooperation from the University of Florence and the second one in Environmental Management from the SAFE Institute in Rome. The last three years she has dedicated her work to manage the Aflatoun network in the Americas region, working together with partner organizations to bring life skills to children and youth through social and financial education.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Paul Moclair Aflatoun Academy Project Leader Aflatoun Netherlands

Chandra Rinie Pudjiatie Digital Communication Aflatoun Netherlands

Paul has worked with the Aflatoun Secretariat since September 2008. Since April 2012 he has headed up a project called Aflatoun Academy which partners with Teacher Training Institutes. The goals of Aflatoun Academy or to help scale the program and to enhance its quality.

I have great passions in design, technology and children education. I am excited for the opportunity in nurturing these passions through my work in Aflatoun. Here I am involved in digital communication projects including website and e-learning development, where I conduct participatory workshops with user and developing design concepts. I hold a master degree in Strategic Product Design from Delft University of Technology. In my spare time I love reading, pilates and cuddling story time with my daughter.

Chitra Mookerjee

Nancy Refki

Resources Assistant Aflatoun Netherlands Work as PA to Hidde and help with HR. I enjoy working at Aflatoun and being around young and dedicated people.


Program Manager Middle East and North Africa Aflatoun Netherlands Nancy Refki is a program manager for Middle East and North Africa at Aflatoun Child Savings International, an educational organization specializing in social and financial education for children and youth that aspires to provide children with the knowledge and skills to improve their lives and the lives of people in their community. Nancy has previously managed programs in Save the Children and Junior Achievement/Injaz in the Middle East. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics from the American University in Cairo and a Master’s degree in International Development and Childhood and Youth Studies, from the International University of Japan and Erasmus University in the Netherlands respectively.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Valerie Rios Event Manager Aflatoun Netherlands

Bernice Roldan Program Manager Asia Aflatoun Netherlands

I work as a professional freelance event manager which focuses on events for a social cause. I love organizing events and am proud to be involved again in this year’s International Meeting. After a hard day’s work, you might find me doing yoga, running, or dancing with her little girl.

As program manager for Asia at the Aflatoun secretariat, I work with partners implementing our program on social and financial education for children and youth, and reach out to stakeholders to support our work. Before joining Aflatoun, I trained Filipino migrants on-site on savings, investment, and social entrepreneurship, and lobbied for migrant rights and welfare. I have a Masters in Development Studies at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, specializing in Local and Regional Development, and a B.A. in English Studies: Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines.

Ana Rodrigues

Anjali Sakhuja

Programme Manager Europe and Lusophone countries Aflatoun Netherlands

Deputy Executive Director Aflatoun Netherlands

Ana Rodrigues has a background in Early Childhood Education BSc. Degree from Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, in Portugal and holds an MA in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, in The Hague, The Netherlands. The MA programme’s specialization was on Children and Youth Studies. Ana lived in Central America where she volunteered at the United Nations mandated University for Peace rural “lab-school”, participating in a project of the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica and UNESCO for conflictresolution in schools. Currently Ana works as Programme Manager at Aflatoun, Child Savings International where she supports partners in Europe and Lusophone countries.


I have just joined Aflatoun as Deputy Executive Director and will be leading and guiding the Programme team of Aflatoun. Have several years of experience with Programmes and till date have been Programme Director of Child Fund International in India.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Alodia Santos

Ketevan Sulava

Head of Programmes Aflatoun Netherlands

Programme Manager Central Asia and Eastern Europe Aflatoun Netherlands

As Head of Programmes, I work with the Programmes team and the Aflatoun network to ensure that social and financial education for children and youth reach as many people as possible. I am a development communications professional, where I was involved in educational communication in health financing, sexual and reproductive health and children & youth formation. I graduated BA Journalism from the University of the Philippines, and MA Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies (the Hague). Working with Aflatoun, and the amazing network of partners has been an honour and an empowering experience.

As Program Manager for Central Asia I work and frequently interact with our partner organizations in the region to promote Child Social and Financial Education in schools and non-formal education setting. Before coming to the Netherlands I worked at Save the Children Georgia. As program officer I was responsible for promoting knowledge about tolerance, gender and human rights among children, teachers, parents and caretakers. I was also involved in the child and youth peace-building and peace-education projects implemented by the local NGO’s in Georgia.

Daniel Shephard

Maartje Nieke Tijhuis

Research & Curriculum Manager Aflatoun Netherlands

Deputy head of Resources Aflatoun Netherlands

I work to ensure that the Aflatoun curriculum is as effective as possible through work on monitoring, evaluation and lesson development.

Born and raised in Amsterdam. Studied Philosophy. Graduated on Spinoza and Busddhism. Worked in HR at McKInsey and now as Financial manager at Aflatoun. Have a lovely husband and two great kids of 2 years and 6 months



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Messalina Tiro Fund-raiser Aflatoun Netherlands

I joined Aflatoun in mid-September of 2012 as a fund-raiser. Prior to Aflatoun, I worked in the financial industry as a communications advisor. After five years in a corporate environment, I am very happy to be doing what I am most passionate about: raising awareness and funds for a great cause. This International Meeting is my first with the Aflatoun family and I am very much looking forward to making connections and learning from all of you


Hidde van der Veer Executive Director Aflatoun Netherlands I worked for almost twenty years in the Dutch diplomatic service including work on grant making for ngo’s and small entrepreneurs in developing countries. I was also the deputy representative for the Netherlands at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. As the Executive Director, I am responsible for all aspects of Aflatoun’s programmes and advocacy. I enjoy the challenge of running the organization.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Who’s Who ICS Staff



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

John Otini Regional Program Manager Social Business Executive Director ICS Kenya

Kifunda Jonathan Area Manager ICS Tanzania

We are the ones we have been waiting for to spread the Aflatoun message all over the world I work closely with the respective managers and officers in Kakamega/Busia, Maetu, Simanjiro and Suba. This function also entails managing collaboration and partner relationships for purposes of policy influence and resource mobilization.

Polycarp Musonye

Rose Kibe

Logistics Officer ICS Kenya Kenya

Communication and Fund-raising Officer ICS Kenya

I provided logistical support to the IM team. During my free time , I usually visit children homes and also visit children wards at our National hospital. This is because love working with children. It is so comfortable to be around children you learn a lot apart from taking care of them.


I am responsible for the Communication and Fund-raising efforts for the Africa region programmes, working closely with the NL team


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013




Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Zsófia Balia Spanish Translator Hungary “My name is Zsófia Balia. I am from Budapest in Hungary. I’m a speech and language therapist and special needs teacher for children with learning disabilities. Learning and teaching have always played an important role in my life. I graduated from speech and language therapy and special needs education for children with learning disabilities at Eötvös Loránd University Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education in Budapest. I love working with children and I would like to join a group of enthusiastic and dynamic people and continue helping others”

Gloria Njeri Kamau Volunteer Kenyan “My name is Gloria Njeri Kamau but I prefer Glow. I am Kenyan but for the past thirteen years I lived and schooled in several African countries; Nigeria, Malawi & South Africa. Currently in my first year in University of Johannesburg studying a BA in Psychology. My future aspirations is to major in Development Studies and work for an non- governmental organization that deals with Children and Human Rights. I am honored to volunteer at this year’s Aflatoun International Meeting.”

Sheila Obilo

Eunice Mungai

Communications Volunteer Kenyan


“I am a Kenyan citizen. I have just completed my undergraduate degree in Communications, majoring in Public Relations. I endeavor to build a long term career in the Communications sector through professionalism, dedication and passion, not only in Kenya but the African continent at large. I am eager to learn and expand my knowledge and understanding in the world of Communications. During my free time, I pursue my love for art. I love color and I am fascinated by both fashion and interior design. I am very excited to be part of the Aflatoun International Meeting.”


I am Graduate from Strathmore University with a bachelors degree in commerce, Finance major. I have experience in accounting & finance as well as administrative roles. I look forward to be part of the team volunteering for the Aflatoun Conference and I am certain that i will be of great assistance.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Natasha Wangui Nduhiu Volunteer

Consolata Kobia Volunteer

I am a writer with a background in International Relations. Development issues are important to me, and I believe education is central in the process. I have written for various publications, and am always looking for opportunities to grow. Ultimately, I intend to help children publish their stories to promote literacy in the country. I love to work with others and look forward to the conference.

Consolata will complete her bachelor’s degree of Commerce from University of Nairobi Kenya in December 2013, she holds a diploma in Human Resources Management from same university and a diploma in secretarial studies from Kenya National Examination Council. She lives in Nairobi Kenya with her sister. In her free time, Consolata likes to volunteer in organizations, to do charity work and is a high-performance driving person.

Sandra Sanya

Anastasia Platonova


I am a 24 year old graduate with a BA in International Relations from USIU-A. I love to read and have a great interest in anything relating to children’s welfare. I have a quirky sense of humour and often shall be found curled up with a book while listening to music.


Russian Translator

I’m originally from Russia but moved to Kenya a year ago with my husband. I love travelling& exploring new life-styles. I graduated from Pedagogical University with a Degree of Masters in Arts; Specialty: Teacher of English and German. I’m very outgoing and social person and have several hobbies. I love working with positive people from different countries and getting new experiences.


Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

Natasha Katua

I am a student at Keele University studying International Relations and Politics. I am interested in working with initiatives that deal with socio-economic problems as well as policy reform. I am especially inspired by Aflatoun’s programme in regards with how it aims to educate and empower children and building our global community.



Aflatoun International Meeting 2013

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