UNO Alumni Association 2022–2023 Annual Impact Report

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What type of impact has UNO made on your life?

To strengthen connections with UNO.

For many — me included — it is profound. I have the privilege of connecting with alumni at events across the country and I often hear how important UNO has been in their lives. Sometimes, they talk about an influential professor. Others talk of how a scholarship made the dream of a college degree a reality.

VISION A highly engaged network that supports UNO and each other.

This year, I was taken with the story of Praveen Neppalli Naga. He came to UNO from India 20+ years ago at the urging of his cousin, even though he knew practically nothing about Omaha or the university.


Most of his classes were easy — except for Programming Languages. Praveen was going to fail the class, but his professor convinced him to take an incomplete and try again the following semester. With that professor’s help, Praveen persevered — and earned an A in the class.

• Promote personal and professional growth.

Today, he is a vice president at Uber — and deeply grateful for that professor’s help and his degree.

• Prepare students to be engaged alumni.

• Connect alumni to colleges and affinity groups. • Support engagement and volunteerism.

There are many learners like Praveen at UNO, where more than one-third of students hope to become the first in their family to earn a college degree. The UNO Alumni Association is doing all it can to make that possible for more students than ever. Some of our work is recapped in this report, including summaries of: • Expanded Scholarship Support — something we’ve done every year since 1953, helping more than 1,000 students with millions of dollars in aid. • Lifelong Engagement — our events and programs connected with more than 8,000 individuals across 66 events. • Communications — we’ve provided alumni with some form of publication for 82 consecutive years and now have robust digital offerings, too. • A new student program that imparts skills needed for “Life After UNO.” None of what our dedicated staff accomplishes, though, is possible without the support of Maverick Nation. That includes our alumni and friends, donors, volunteers, faculty, staff and students, board members past and present, community and corporate partners and others. Thank you for whatever time, talent or treasure you might have provided to the alumni association. I hope this report shows you the impact of your investment.

2022–2023 UNO ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT TEAM Robert Badura Event Intern Anthony Flott Executive Director Nathan Hankenson Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement Katie Martikainen Director of Alumni Engagement Tristen Menichetti Communications Intern Bianca O’Shaughnessy Administrative Assistant Claire Rush Digital Marketing Manager

Anthony Flott Executive Director, UNO Alumni Engagement


Davina Schrier Director of Communications

2022–2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Chair of the Board: David Brisson (2002, 2008), Wells Fargo Securities 1st Vice Chair: Viv Ewing (1983, 1986), Children’s Square USA 2nd Vice Chair: Negil McPherson Jr. (1985, 2015) Secretary: Tami Williams (2003, 2009), UNO Treasurer: Carley Raneri (2008), Metro Community College Legal Counsel: Todd Richardson (1988), Richardson Madden Past Chair: Brian Allison (2005), Vice President, Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego Executive Director: Anthony Flott, UNO Alumni Association Ex officio Voting Officers Joanne Li, Ph.D., CFA, UNO Chancellor Lauren Miltenberger, Vice President, UNO Advancement, University of Nebraska Foundation

DIRECTORS Term Expires 2023 Ryan Curtis (2005, 2008), Leo A. Daly; Jamalia Jones, (2003), Educare of Omaha; Tammy Voisin (2004, 2014), Papillion La Vista Community Schools Term Expires 2024 Mark Adler (2008), Ralston Public Schools; Samantha Chavez (2017), OPS Foundation; Eric Gitt (2003), Allied Universal; David Hopp (2010), Woodhouse Auto Family; Amanda Temoshek (1999), Temoshek Strategic Consulting; Kate West (2007), PCL Construction-Colorado Term Expires 2025 Jaime Damkroger (2008), Talent Matters; Richard Harrison (1987), Right at Home; Melanie Krings (2008), Dvorak Law Group, LLC; Ann O’Connor, Community Volunteer; Andrew Wong, First National Bank Ex officio Directors Kaitlin Carlson, Thompson Learning Community; Deb Circo, Ph.D., UNO Grace Abbott School of Social Work; Martha Garcia-Murillo, Ph.D., Dean, College of IS&T; Tori Sims, UNO Student Regent


ENGAGEMENT WITH ALUMNI AND FRIENDS The mission of the UNO Alumni Association is to strengthen connections with UNO. This is accomplished through events, programs and communications. From July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, the UNO Alumni Association hosted a record 66 UNO alumni engagement events with 8,000+ attendees. The number of alumni and friends engaged speaks to the growing connections among alumni and interest in remaining involved with their beloved alma mater. Here are a few examples of the impact of engagement with alumni and friends from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

HONORING THE PAST FOOTBALL ALUMNI REUNION More than 200 alumni and friends attended the first-ever UNO Football Alumni Reunion Jan. 12, 2023, at the Omaha vs. North Dakota basketball game at Baxter Arena. Among those attending were former Coach Sandy Buda and former Athletic Director Bob Danenhauer. “The OU/UNO football reunion brought out more alums and former OU/UNO players than expected,” said Danenhauer. The UNO Alumni Association co-hosted the event with Omaha Athletics and coordinated communications with Omaha Football alumni, inviting them to attend. “It is always nice to get together and break bread with friends and discuss memories from the past,” said Danenhauer. “Thank you to the leadership at UNO Athletics for organizing and coordinating the event.” All alumni were honored at halftime and treasures from the football archives collection were on display. The reunion opened the door for reconnecting not only with each other but also with the university and Omaha Athletics.


PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT YOUNG ALUMNI ACADEMY The 12th class of the UNO Young Alumni Academy experienced unique networking and professional development opportunities through this awardwinning professional development program designed for alumni 40 and younger. “I loved the Young Alumni Academy experience. It was a unique opportunity to meet with like-minded local professionals and share our passion for growth and connection,” said Ladasia Wilson (BMS, 2019), Young Alumni Academy Class of 2023. “We also had the opportunity to have a more intimate get-toknow-you with faculty, staff and deans.” The Class of 2023 included 47 young alumni from insurance, nonprofit and public service, health care, consumer packaged goods, higher education, technology, analytics and retail, among other industries. This wide cross-section of education and experiences affords the participants a unique opportunity to learn from each other while sharing their common affinity for their alma mater. “The Young Alumni Academy is a great way to boost your social connections, learn about UNO and those who care about UNO and maybe even find something new to be passionate about,” said Wilson.


LIFELONG LEARNING AND CONNECTION GOLDEN CIRCLE LUNCH BUNCH A 39-year tradition continues among university graduates and retired faculty and staff age 65+. The UNO Golden Circle was formed at a reunion in 1984 honoring the class of 1934. This past fiscal year, 572 attended 10 Lunch Bunches to learn about university advancements and socialize with fellow Mavericks. “As an alumnus, I find the Golden Circle luncheons to be of great interest to me as I am able to stay current with what is happening at UNO,” said Roger Humphries (BS, 1977). “It also allows me to meet and interact with other alumni, which provides a great sense of belonging to the UNO community.” Presentations featured UNO’s National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology and Education Center (NCITE), the Office of Engagement, Samuel Bak Museum: The Learning Center and the Division of Biomechanics, among others including the annual Holiday Party, complete with a UNO choir concert and eggnog. “The programs are very informative. I feel very fortunate to have graduated from a university that, although I am no longer in school, provides me with continued learning experiences,” said Humphries.

MAVERICK SPIRIT OMAHA ATHLETICS PARTNERSHIP When you scan the crowd at Omaha Athletics games, it is likely that most of the fans hold a degree from UNO. Maverick sporting events are the backdrop to some of our alumni’s most memorable moments on campus and a major anchor that keeps them actively engaged beyond their time as a student. This makes for a natural partnership between the UNO Alumni Association and Omaha Athletics. “For any athletic department to have success expanding their brand, increasing their attendance and ultimately increasing their revenues, they must be able to identify their target markets. Omaha Athletics’ strongest target market is the over 60,000 alumni who live in the Omaha metro area. In the past 18 months, we have made significant progress in engaging this alumni base. None of this is possible without the partnership we have with the alumni office,” said Mike West, Omaha Athletics executive associate athletic director-external affairs. 6

Hosting engagement events such as the Homecoming Tailgate and Family Festival and Alumni Night on the Court and sharing exclusive alumni ticket offers benefits former and current UNO students. Alumni connections are deepened and the athletic department can enhance the UNO student-athlete experience with increased income. “I have never worked with a better group. I can’t be more grateful for the hard work and collaboration we receive from Anthony and his team,” said West. The UNO Alumni Association is proud to partner with Omaha Athletics to continue our shared mission of supporting this great university. Go Mavs!

TELLING MAVERICK STORIES UNO MAGAZINE The UNO Alumni Association has kept the Maverick community connected through the publication of newsletters and magazines since 1941. Since 2010, UNO Magazine has served as the flagship publication of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and is a collaborative effort of the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the University of Nebraska Foundation and the UNO Alumni Association. Each issue has a theme that encompasses the traditions, values and achievements of the university and promotes a sense of community and belonging among students, faculty and alumni. Under the theme Work, the Fall 2022 issue of UNO Magazine showcases how UNO uniquely prepares students to be innovative industry leaders and alumni perspectives on important industry trends. The Spring 2023 issue, themed The Future Now, highlights how Mavericks are shaping the future. Revisit the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 issues at

Fall 2022 - Work The Fall 2022 cover, designed by Kirsten Ulve, won a Best of District VI Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Award in the Spring 2023 - The Future Now category of Design – Covers.


GIVING BACK ALUMNI MONTH OF SERVICE During April 2023, 91 UNO alumni and friends donated 860 hours of community service as part of our Alumni Month of Service. Here are a few stories from Mavericks about their projects and why they volunteer. Together, we are continuing UNO’s legacy of community service around the world.

HONORING A FRIEND Kelly Gomez Johnson (Ph.D., 2017; MA, 2011; MS, 2007; BS, 2006) and friends began the HOPE Blood and Shoe Drive 10 years ago after losing their friend, Meighan Johansen, following an 18-month battle with cancer. “To honor her memory, we organized an annual event to share her legacy of hope through blood and shoe donation (she LOVED shoes!). We want our drive to be one where people stay a while to talk and feel welcome with food, child care, activities and lots of HOPE.”

Left to right: Carissa Husbands, Shannon Tolstedt (MS, 2014; BS, 2008), Caitlin Gruis, Kelly Gomez Johnson (Ph.D., 2017; MA, 2011; MS, 2007; BS, 2006) and Samantha Deck.

Over the last 10 years, the HOPE Blood and Shoe Drive has collected 746 units of blood for the American Red Cross and over 14,000 pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls. During UNO Alumni Month of Service, Gomez Johnson and friends each volunteered 20 hours of their time. “I volunteer because, as a community, we need each other,” said Gomez Johnson. “It is incredibly motivating knowing that hope is spreading in big and small ways each day and we get to be a part of it. It’s a blessing.”

CREATING A LEGACY Matt McMaster (BS, 1998) serves as a volunteer facilitator at The Family Room Church Food Pantry. He sets up tables and boxing lines, answers questions and loads groceries. He says, “This is all done with an awesome group of other volunteers that make this a lot of fun.” One of those volunteers is his daughter, a first-year student at UNO. Matt volunteers because his faith leads him to care for others in need. “I can help others directly by volunteering my time,” he said. “I currently volunteer about 10 hours a month in this capacity, so that is only 1% of my time. That is a pretty easy commitment.” 8

GRADS GIVE UNO graduating seniors make a small gift to their soon-to-be alma mater in honor of their UNO experiences and to support the next generation of Mavericks. From August 2022 to May 2023, 350 graduating seniors donated $3,585 to support fellow Mavericks through the Maverick Pantry Excellence Fund, the UNO Student Scholarship Fund and the UNO Student Hardship Fund. The Maverick Food Pantry contributes to the university’s culture of caring by providing those in immediate need within the UNO and UNMC communities with food and personal hygiene products and connections to other area resources for support. “We like to think that we don’t only feed students, but we’re also feeding students’ well-being, students’ success and student retention,” said Madeline St. Clair, Maverick Food Pantry manager. “Having pantries and other basic resources on campus lets students know that they’re supported and that UNO cares for them.” Donations to the Maverick Food Pantry Excellence Fund directly support pantry operations and help them expand their services. “We’re also providing other basic needs, diapers, access to public benefits and help with housing or clothing situations. We really want to evolve into a basic needs hub and not just provide food,” said St. Clair. St. Clair shared some testimonials from students who have benefited from their services. One student said: “Not having to worry about my food and hygiene needs is such a game-changer. It gives me a sense of freedom to focus on the other important areas of my life such as school and work.” Through Grads Give, soon-to-be alumni pay it forward to help another Maverick fulfill their dream of a college degree.


GIVING BACK WEAR BLACK, GIVE BACK: UNO GIVING DAY On October 12-13, 2022, UNO celebrated Wear Black, Give Back, its annual 24-hour day of giving. On this day, supporters made 3,795 gifts and contributed $553,702, exceeding the giving day goal of 2,500 donors and achieving the single-greatest number of supporters giving to UNO in any 24-hour period in the university’s history. Student participation increased from 232 in 2021 to 475 in 2022, a 105% increase. The UNO Alumni Association helped advance these efforts by hosting a celebratory barbeque on campus and sponsoring the Student Organization Challenge, resulting in increasing the number of participating groups from 35 to 57 and $34,276 given by 828 donors. UNO alumni remain the largest donor affiliation. A generous $146,843 was given by 778 donors, an increase of 65.8% in donations and 32.5% in number of donors from 2021. The UNO Alumni Association shared the Wear Black, Give Back messages and how to make an impact on this one day of giving through all communications channels and in person when engaging with alumni. During the 24-hour giving campaign, 54 gifts were made to the UNO Alumni Association totaling $4,785. A special thanks to Carol Kirchner (MBA, 1999) who established a $500 challenge gift if 50 people donated to the UNO Alumni Association. These gifts help keep association membership free while offering professional development programs, networking opportunities, social events, discounts on insurance and travel, scholarships to future UNO alumni and more.


RECOGNIZING EXCELLENCE CITATION FOR ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS The Citation, inaugurated in 1949, is presented at each UNO commencement. The UNO Alumni Association’s highest honor encompasses career achievement, community service, involvement in business and professional associations and fidelity to the university.

Tony Kiehn (MA, 2005), founder and president of Fortis Pacific

Praveen Neppalli Naga (BSBA, 1989), vice president of engineering at Uber

UNO ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME A joint venture of the UNO Alumni Association and UNO Athletics, the UNO Athletic Hall of Fame began in 1975 to recognize former athletes, coaches, administrators and others who have made lasting contributions to Maverick Athletics. Krista Unger Wood, Softball Brian Masek, Football Foluso (Makinde) Adepitan, Track and Field


RECOGNIZING EXCELLENCE ALUMNI PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD The Public Service Award recognizes UNO alumni who have a record of outstanding public service benefiting the advancement of the university and higher education in general. Senator Mike McDonnell

YOUNG ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Established in 2014, Young Alumni Awards recognize outstanding career achievement, active community involvement or exceptional service to the university by UNO graduates 40 or younger. Elizabeth O’Connor Sahra Kaboli-Nejad

JIM LESLIE OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARDS Established in 1974, Outstanding Service Awards honor faculty, staff, alumni or friends who have shown long, outstanding service to the alumni association and/or university. With the 2022 honorees, the list of recipients grew to 117 individuals. The award was renamed the Jim Leslie Outstanding Service Award in 2022 in honor of Jim Leslie, president of the UNO Alumni Association from 1973 to 2006. Al Hansen Chris Denney Laurie Ruge


Front row, left to right: Steven Williams, Bede Bolin, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, UNO Chancellor Joanne Li, Erin Bass, P. Roxanne Kellar. Back row, left to right: UNO Alumni Association Executive Director Anthony Flott, Adam Weaver, George Hunt.

ALUMNI OUTSTANDING TEACHER AWARDS The Alumni Outstanding Teaching Awards were established in 1997 to honor distinguished teaching in the classroom. Peer committees in UNO colleges choose recipients, each of whom receives a $2,000 award and a commemorative plaque. With the 2022 awards, the association has issued $239,000 through the program. Erin Bass, Ph.D., Management, College of Business Administration Danielle Battisti, Ph.D., History, College of Arts and Sciences Bede Bolin, M.S., M.A., Gerontology, College of Public Affairs and Community Service Kate Cooper, Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Informatics, College of Information Science & Technology George Hunt, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering P. Roxanne Kellar, Ph.D., Biology, College of Arts and Sciences Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, M.Ed., Teacher Education, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Adam Weaver, Ph.D., BCBA, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences Steven L. Williams, MFA, Theatre, College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media


SUPPORTING FUTURE FOREVER MAVERICKS UNO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAM One way the UNO Alumni Association supports future Forever Mavericks is by offering financial support through its scholarship program. In 20222023, the UNO Alumni Association awarded $20,500 in scholarships to 20 aspiring UNO alumni, including Jiya Chaudhari. Because of the UNO Alumni Association Scholarship, Chaudhari is working toward her dream of being a neurosurgeon. She chose UNO because she said it “felt like home.” “When I stepped foot here, everyone was just super kind and understanding and it just felt like everyone was super approachable and it was just very diverse and inclusive,” she said. There was one barrier. She needed financial aid, but she didn’t qualify for many scholarships as an international student. “I’m an Indo-Canadian. My parents were from India, and I was born in Toronto,” said Chaudhari. “Every scholarship that I was trying to find, you had to be a citizen to be eligible. I was literally just crossing off those options. And then I came across the UNO Alumni scholarship and they said that it was available to anyone.” Because of this scholarship, Chaudhari can focus on studying neuroscience instead of trying to juggle work and school. “This scholarship just really has helped a lot with reducing stress both financially and for time management because then I don’t have to worry about working and studying at the same time.” The UNO Alumni Association Scholarship is made possible by donors. Gifts directly to the UNO Alumni Association through the UNO Fund support alumni as well as future Forever Mavericks. “I just can’t express in words how grateful I am,” she said. “I would just like to say a big thank-you.”


2022 UNO Alumni Association and Lee Denker Scholarships Jiya Chaudhari Lilly Gierhan Jozy Piper Vivian Kaldahl, Lee Denker Scholarship recipient

2022 Student Leadership Scholarships Tori Sims, 2022-2023 Student Body President/Regent Veronica Chapman, 2022-2023 Student Body Vice President

2022 Distinguished Alumni Scholarship Makena Colson

LIFE AFTER UNO A new professional and personal development program for students designed to help Mavericks excel as official UNO alumni was launched during the spring 2023 semester. The program is free for all UNO students, from first-year students preparing in advance to near-graduates applying for jobs. Life After UNO helps future Forever Mavericks successfully navigate their next steps. Sixty-five students attended the first two sessions held on UNO campus. At the inaugural session, a panel of UNO alumni and staff from UNO’s Academic Advising and Career Services shared how to transition from college to a career and the skills you will need to be successful in your job and personal life beyond UNO. For the second session, UNO alumna Melanie Krings led a presentation on dinner etiquette, how to effectively network at dinner receptions and the proper dining practices for professional outings.


UNO FUND – UNO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DONORS The UNO Alumni Association recognizes the generosity of donors who support its mission and ongoing success.

UNO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DONORS July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023 Golden Level ($1,000$2,499) William Boers Mary Crouch Melissa Dane Silver Level ($500$999) Scott Durbin Vivyonne Ewing Patrick Gerbus Dwight Morgan Michael Nolan Marvin Peters Bronze Level ($250$499) Susan Clark Richard Cummings Lee Denker Anthony Flott Peter Halley Carol Kirchner David Kriegler Joanna Lindberg Mark Stokes William Sturgeon Andrew Wong Steven Zuckweiler Maverick Level (up to $250) Mark Adler Ronald Adwers Gildas Agbassou Bradley Allen Don Anderson James Anderson Maria Paulina Arredondo Marjorie Artzer Rose Baird Sarah Bartolomei Howard Barton Christine Baude John Beal Dennis Bechtold Lori Bechtold Philip Beckenhauer Craig Benham Krystal Betts Margaret Bianchi Oalga Bighia Brett Bonar John Bower Renee Brazeal Patrick Buckley


Patricia Burton David Byrne Michael Carr Annette Carter Christopher Carter Lila Carter Bryan Carver Oscar Castillo Samantha Chavez Ethan Christensen Keith Clark Michelle Clark Constance Claussen Jaycey Cleland Willis Corcoran Will Corcoran Jackson Cordell Stephen Cornelius Brittany Crider Cynthia Critcher Ryan Curtis Laura Dahlke Collin Daily Jaime Damkroger Ethan Damman Jack Dehner Francisco Delgado Julie Denker Brandon Denney Christopher Denney Mary Dircks Keristiena Dodge Brian Dorn Sarah Doyle Andrea Draney Elizabeth Draney Jennifer Dreibelbis Stephen Driscoll Theodore Dubuc Larry Duff Deborah Dugdale Benjamin Dumas Cheryl Dyer Jacob Eary Paul Ebisch Kevin Ekstrom Blair Emsick Stephen Enke Alexander Erks Helen Evans Paul Farivari Michaela Favara Jeffrey Ferber Joyce Fitch

Jeremy Fitzpatrick Jane Fowler Julie Fowler Jensy Franco Judy Frohm Joseph Gasnick Joel Gehringer Joan Gentzler Marissa Gigantelli Jay Gillespie Michael Giventer Wanda Glasshoff Terry Goehring Frank Goldberg Gavin Grabill Dan Grace Douglas Grande Laura Green Angelica Gutierrez Marcus Hammett Gary Haney Richard Harrison Sarah Hart Dayton Headlee Tina Henderson Nathaniel Hernandez Katherine Higbee Kristi Hill Donald Hirsh Douglas Hobel David Hopp Donald Hotz Michael Howard Heather Hubbard Johnny Hula Lavern Huliska Roger Humphries Mary Husten Benjamin Hwang Nora Idriss Karen Jackson Andrea Jacobs Debra Jacobsen Gerard Jacobsen Terrance Jacobson Jaidon Jaekel Colton Janes Leon Janssen Jodie Javorsky Colby Jensen James Jester Mary Jochim Jamalia Jones Jeffrey Jones

Jill Jones David Kain Timothy Kasun Joyce Kavalec William Keiderling Leslie Kennedy Sheila King Leah Kirchner Nduulwa Kowa Greg Krabbenhoft Susan Kraft Amy Krejcarek Judy Kubicek Sue Kutschkau Allison LaBrie Randall Lasenburg Bernard Lawton Carol Lehan Timothy Lehr Thomas Leise Kyle Linden William Linger Spencer Lisiecki Daniel Littley Elaine Locke Jaime Lopez Rhonda Lustig Frankie MacGregor Todd Madsen Olivia Malik Michael Markey Marty Martinez Charles May Lindsey Mayer Kevin McAndrews Jason McDermott Patrick McGinty Charles McMahon Negil McPherson Sandra Meinecke Teresa Merrick Timothy Merrihew Bradley Meurrens Antoinette Meyers Jeffrey Miller Abigail Mitchell Susan Mitchell Molly Moriarty Norma Morrow Raja Mukherjee James Murray Sara Myers Willie Nantz Jennifer Nathanson

Gregory Naughton Scott Neill Anne Newman Seth Nickolaison Samuel Nobbs Michael Nolan Mary Northrop Bonnie O’Brien Eric O’Malley Matthew O’Malley Beverly Oberle Pedro Okoruwa Jeffrey Olson Stephen Osberg Vasu Parikh George Parizek Julia Parker Scott Paschang Audrey Paulman Diane Peabody Gregory Pedersen Joy Petiya Camille Pfeifer Jacob Phillips Paul Plouzek Efren Pol Clarine Polak William Powell Ann Prewitt Julia Quigley Santhosh Raman Carley Raneri Dorothy Rasgorshek Patricia Reding Ling Ren Todd Richardson Adam Roberts Jose Rodriguez Lloyd Roitstein John Roth Shannon Roth John Russell Wayne Russell Roger Sayers Amy Schindler Ruth Schuck Alex Schulte Kyle Schulze Noah Schumacher Anthony Sgroi Michael Sherlock Santhosh Shetty Ronald Short Ian Simpkins

Lacy Smith Andrew Smith Michael Smith Thomas Smith Constance Sorensen-Birk Paula Spanke Justin Speicher Hugh Spellman Kati Stanzel Mark Staroska Linda Steele James Steinauer Jay Suchan Katlin Svendsen William Targy Shane Taylor Amanda Temoshek Breanna Thompson John Thompson Lauren Thompson Lori Thrune Mark Tooher Julianne Tullis Monica Tvrdy Francis Tworek Judy Underriner Jon Vacha Carolyn Vannier Kiara Walker Craig Walter Bridget Weide Sol Weinberg Joel Wentworth Katherine West Li Westman Michael Wheeldon Christopher Wieker Lowell Wilhite John Williams Kafele Williams Linda Williams Noni Williams Connor Willingham Carol Wood Jais Woolf Michael Yoerger Logan Youngblood Robert Zambelli Augusto Zorrilla Mendez

ENGAGEMENT SCORES The UNO Alumni Association team uses the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) framework to measure meaningful alumni engagement. CASE defines alumni engagement as activities that are valued by alumni, build enduring and mutually beneficial relationships, inspire loyalty and financial support, strengthen the institution’s reputation and involve alumni in meaningful activities to advance the institution’s mission. The UNO Alumni Engagement team added Students Reached this year to measure our engagement with future UNO alumni. Below are the scores for July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023.


Experiential Engagement Meaningful experiences that inspire alumni, are valued by the institution, promote its mission, celebrate its achievements and strengthen its reputation.


Communication Engagement Interactive, meaningful and informative communication that supports the institution’s mission, strategic goals and reputation.


Volunteer Engagement Rewarding volunteer roles that are endorsed by and valued by the institution.


Students Reached Number of UNO students who engaged in UNO Alumni Association activities or we communicated directly with about our mission.


BUDGET Alumni Engagement Fund at UNO Draw

$50,000 (7%)

Revenue $673,458

Investment Income

$325,822 (48%) Unrealized Gains on Endowment

$279,558 (42%) Insurance and Travel Programs

$18,078 (3%)

Engagement Program Support

$195,944 (59%)

Expenses $334,275

Scholarship/Academic Excellence

$43,166 (13%) Board/Operations Programs

$33,496 (10%) UNO Magazine

$61,669 (18%)

The UNO Alumni Association is a FISO (Fully Integrated Supporting Organization) of the University of Nebraska Foundation. Fundraising and allocation of donations for the UNO Alumni Association are managed by the University of Nebraska Foundation.


University of Nebraska at Omaha Alumni Association 2285 S. 67th Street, Suite 200, Omaha, NE 68106 402-504-3342 | 800-432-3216

@unoalumni #UNOalumni #MavSpirit

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