Connections Fall 2009

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risk management




So what is this AFLV? The 2010 Conference line up looks like this:

AFLV Central & the National Black Greek Leadership Conference Feb. 11-14, 2010 • St. Louis, MO AFLV West & the National Cultural Greek Leadership Conference April 8-11, 2010 • Costa Mesa, CA National House Director Conference June 24-27, 2010 • Albuquerque, NM

The Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values is the showcase for cutting-edge fraternity/sorority programming, technology, thinking, and concepts. The annual conferences are the premier programs of the Association. The conferences offer comprehensive coverage of the issues for both men and women and members of all councils and chapters including IFC, NPHC, NPC, NALFO, and MGC. Additionally, the Association provides training and professional development opportunities for campus advisors, house directors, fraternity/sorority headquarters staff, and volunteers through our various programs and services.

AFLV is currently working to bring so much more to you including printed and online resources, webinars, and more! YOUR Association is growing to meet the diverse needs of you - our members. Stay connected to our website,, to watch it all unfold. You may also be interested in joining our Facebook Fan Pages or Twitter Groups to connect and network with others who share your interest in the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values and/or our many services. We want to hear from you, too! What member services, resources, or programs would you like to see? Email us at with your thoughts and ideas today!

the inside starts here FEATURES 006 // alumni advisory team: a win/win situation / rick barnes 010 // making connections through alumni networking / david westol 014 // getting your alumni back on the wagon / mike dilbeck 027 // oklahoma state tackles judicial accountability / alyssa nelson & brad duvall 030 // preparing your chapter for a judicial board hearing

I Think this Record is Broken.

COLUMNS 002 // letter from the executive director 002 // letter from the editor 003 // inbox 018 // facilitation 411 / the tabletop 020 // from the road 022 // ask the experts 028 // busted! 032 // one more thing

Connections is the official publication of the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values. The views expressed by contributors, authors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the Association. AFLV encourages the submission of content to: Lea Hanson Director of Publications Submit advertising queries to: Mark Koepsell Executive Director 970/372.1174 888/855.8670

Connections is published four times each year. Submission Deadlines: Winter 2010 – Working with Advisors: December 1 Spring 2010 – Green Initiatives: February 22 Send address corrections to: Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values 420 South Howes Bldg B; Suite 200 Fort Collins, CO 80524 970/372.1174 888/855.8670

Layout & Design Steve Whitby / Warehouse 242 Editorial Board Andrea Battaglia / Drury University Will Foran / North-American Interfraternity Conference Jenni Glick / Northwestern University Carol Preston / Ohio University Andy Robison / Purdue University

Member / Fraternity Communications Association

AFLV // 001

So it is with no surprise that risk management is a topic often averted, downplayed, and for many, avoided at all costs. After serving nearly two decades in this field, I have come to believe that all too many students (perhaps most) and a surprisingly high number of advisors choose the three monkey “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” approach to risk management. The whole, “what I don’t know doesn’t hurt me.” But you see, what you don’t know DOES hurt you. Maybe not today, and not tomorrow, but it will hurt you somewhere down the road. And when it does, it comes in like a steel knife to cut your guts out. You see, I have had to clean up after risk management was avoided. I have had to talk to parents who can’t grasp that their child is dead, dead for absolutely no good reason other than a group of individuals decided that risk management was too high a price to pay for their fun. I have had to lead my fraternity/sorority community through memorials and candle light vigils, and I have had to be the face of the community for local, state, national, and even international news outlets. Try that one on for size, defending an institution of brotherhood and sisterhood that I believe so much in, and knowing that the very brotherhood and sisterhood failed itself in allowing the tragedy to occur. And so it is my firm belief that risk management is the single most important thing our members need to understand. It is a quest of vigilance for every fraternity/sorority advisor...and if it’s not, they aren’t doing their jobs. Student leaders need to step up and create accountability systems that are real, that don’t simply rely on formal complaints being filed, but sincerely make the effort to identify all lapses in risk management procedure, formally reported or not. It’s not a power trip, it’s not about being a fun hater, it’s about saving lives. I guarantee that after a member of your community is lost everyone will come back and say “why didn’t you, why didn’t we?” Why wait for the loss? Do what is right now.

There is a lot of discussion going on right now around the idea of health care. I am fortunate enough to have health insurance so I have the privilege of complaining about the cost of it. The same goes with all the other types of insurance that a lot of people have: car, home, renter’s, the list goes on and one. Geez, you can even get insurance for personal valuables and this year Vail Resorts is offering insurance on their season passes. We live in a society where it is people’s natural tendency to plan for the worst case scenario. While that may seem pessimistic, anyone who has ever had to use their insurance (they need surgery, their house burns down, they break their leg so they can’t ski Vail) would likely say how grateful they were to have paid for insurance for that ‘just in case’ situation. Risk management is kind of like insurance… it’s really unlikely that anything bad will happen, but if it does, it’s a whole lot better if you’ve got that insurance. Think about it like this. Just because one person doesn’t drive drunk doesn’t mean that others don’t; a sober driver could still get into an accident as a result of someone else’s drunk driving. Even then, Ms. Poor Decision Maker may have shotty insurance (or none at all) and Ms. Good Decision Maker has to use their own insurance if they want to get their car fixed. See, even people who make good choices need a backup plan. We can roll our eyes as much as we want, but the fact remains that within fraternities and sororities alcohol is the biggest risk management issue. So, while we don’t have the ability to control other people’s behavior, we do have the ability to cover our own butts. This includes providing training, setting up expectations, and not providing environments that enable poor behavior. This issue of Connections focuses on risk management. While the topic may feel like old news, we think we’ve got some innovative and interesting articles that will apply to your leadership.

Executive Director Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values Editor Connections Magazine 002 // connections // 2009.fall

Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Executive Director

Risk Management. Those two words never seem to conjure up any warm and fuzzy feelings. Often they are met with a role of the eyes, a groan, or even some strong language not fit for print here. It’s the topic that makes most fraternity/sorority advisors feel as though they are beating their heads against a wall. It’s also the topic that leads most undergraduate members to believe that the campus fraternity/ sorority advisors are a bunch of fun haters.


Risk is a concept that denotes the precise probability of specific eventualities. Technically, the notion of risk is independent from the notion of value and, as such, eventualities may have both beneficial and adverse consequences. However, in general usage the convention is to focus only on potential negative impact to some characteristic of value that may arise from a future event. Risk can be defined as “the threat or probability that an action or event will adversely or beneficially affect an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives”. In simple terms risk is ‘Uncertainty of Outcome’, either from pursuing a future positive opportunity, or an existing negative threat in trying to achieve a current objective.

MGCA // 003

Workshop Details At the completion of Advance Panhellenic!, participants will: • Understand how to use the similarities and differences of all organizations of the College Panhellenic in order to advance the community • Identify how to move the College Panhellenic from maintaining to advancing • Develop an action plan to establish the roles and goals of the College Panhellenic • Leave with a plan for the College Panhellenic Council to implement necessary change on the organizational and/or community level • Have a better understanding of the mission and goals of the National Panhellenic Conference • Be able to articulate the College Panhellenic values • Examine the current College Panhellenic recruitment structure and create an action plan to enhance the process

C Introducing


Panhellenic! CAMPUSPEAK is proud to announce Advance Panhellenic!, a new Interactive Workshop designed to bring the College Panhellenic constituents together to build a community that works to advance all organizations. In partnership with the National Panhellenic Conference, this new workshop aims to bring NPC’s missions and goals to student leaders in a standardized and interactive way. In partnership with universities, local alumnae and student leaders, CAMPUSPEAK consultants will help College Panhellenics strengthen their organizations in order to tackle challenges they face on a local level. The goals of the workshop are: (1) to provide the College Panhellenic with the tools they need from the National Panhellenic Conference to be a successful student organization; (2) to initiate a starting point for College Panhellenic members to work together within the Conference and the larger community to advance the National Panhellenic Conference organizations; (3) to help develop guidelines and tips for the College Panhellenic for leadership, transitions, meetings, community building and recruitment; and (4) to build confidence and enthusiasm needed to create a plan of action that will be utilized to move the College Panhellenic forward. ¢ Prices for this workshop range from $3,500 to $5,000. Please contact us for more information.

For more information, contact Tiffanee Hopf, Director of Interactive Workshops at (303) 745-5545 or




David Westol CEO • Limberlost Consulting One can easily see by reading this article that Westol has had about a million conversations with fraternity and sorority members about risk management. In addition to knowing what you are going to say before you do, he’s got a helluva response… and it won’t even annoy you like so many other conversations about risk management tend to do. As an Attorney, Westol has an incredibly unique and valuable perspective that most other professionals in the field of fraternity and sorority life don’t have… so stop with the lawyer jokes already, this guy knows what he’s talking about. Rick Barnes Leader, Educator, Speaker, Facilitator • Rick Barnes Presents, Inc. Barnes knows that we can all count to two so he has organized his article in this simple manner. He outlines two simple rules that we can follow in order to decrease the risk (and, therefore, the amount of policy violations and tragedies) in our organizations. But, just because he breaks things down so well doesn’t mean that he’s a simple guy; Barnes has been involved in the fraternity/sorority community for more than 20 years and is a nationally recognized speaker and educator, so you know he’s legit. Mike Dilbeck Creator & Producer • RESPONSE ABILITY Project • CAMPUSPEAK speaker Dilbeck addresses a topic that isn’t discussed nearly as much as it should be: the bystander effect. Even the strongest and most experienced leader has a hard time standing up to others and intervening in problem situations. Dilbeck’s article tells a little bit about why this happens; it explains what bystander behavior is and how you can stop being one. He knows that we like coaching and positive feedback, so there’s plenty of that. More importantly, however, this article validates why being a bystander is easy… but challenges us to knock it off and start standing up for ourselves and others.

AFLV // 005

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006 // connections // 2009.fall

Okay, I know. “Risk Management” has become a boring phrase in the business of fraternity and sorority leadership. Haven’t we heard it all before? > Don’t violate the law. > Take care of your brothers and sisters. > Don’t misuse alcohol. > Remember the fire codes!

Are We Really Still Talking About

RISK MANAGEMENT? by Rick Barnes / Leader, Educator, Speaker, Facilitator

Yes, we’ve heard it… but if we have it so figured out, why do we continue to read reports of major risk management violations on such a regular basis? If we’re so educated on this topic, why do risk management incidents continue to take place? Why is this threat such a struggle for our organizations? Maybe these reasons illustrate why this remains a hot topic within our communities. Have you ever noticed how risk management is really just the use of common sense that we easily apply to other areas in our lives? For example, we know that it is risky to cross the street, so we use the crosswalk to help manage that risk. We know it is risky to participate in a ropes course, so we wear the safety harness to help manage that risk. We know that football is a risky sport, so players wear loads of pads and follow strict rules to help manage that risk. We know that driving in a car can be risky, so we wear seat belts and follow traffic laws to help manage that risk. Fraternities and sororities – and student-organizations in general – have tended to be risky groups, so we have rules and regulations to help manage that risk.

AFLV // 007

THE REASONABLE PERSON STANDARD & FORESEEABILITY Before we get started let me throw in this little caveat – I am not a lawyer. If you need a lawyer you may have bigger issues than we can handle here. I’m just a dedicated fraternity member who has committed loads of time and energy to understanding the world of risk management. So, no big legal words here. No hidden agendas related to hourly charges, personal commitments to legal protection or pro-bono offers within the court of law. Speaking in laymen terms allows me to share my latest and greatest advice in regard to fraternity and sorority risk management. In the legal world they use a term that relates to much of what we are addressing – negligence. You can look up the legal definition, but it comes down to a very simple phrase. When asking whether or not you were negligent we are simply asking if you did what a reasonably prudent person would have done given the exact same set of circumstances. It is worth noting that this question doesn’t say “reasonably prudent 19-year-old chapter president” or “reasonably prudent college sophomore” – It says reasonably prudent person. This is where we are measured against societal norms.

What sorts of traditions take place during the new member education program in your organization? Do you recognize any foreseeablity concerns with any of your traditions? If yes, then you need to do something about it. Believe me, the prosecutor or campus judicial panel will not care that “you’ve always done it this way.” Some of our traditions are beautiful examples of why we’ve lasted this long - our rituals, for example – but other traditions need adjustment. Measure them all against what a reasonably prudent person would do, given the exact same set of circumstances.

What would a reasonably prudent person do given the situations we face as fraternity and sorority leaders? A way to respond to that question could be in use of the Foreseeability Test. This is really a fairly simple mechanism. Really, it is nothing more than the job description for a chapter Risk Manager. The Test can be measured in the context of one simple question: Could you foresee that by doing what you are doing, or thinking about doing, that you might have problems? It’s really a very simply yes/no question. A couple of examples: Could you foresee that by having open access to alcohol when you have a party where the majority of participants are underage, you might end up with underage consumption? Or, could you foresee that my having a function at a hotel a few miles down the road where most participants will choose to drive their car, and then will consume alcohol, that you might end up with participants driving home under the influence? Again, simple yes/no questions, but if the answer is “yes” you have an obligation to do something about it.

So let’s address a couple of our more popular risk management topics.

Fiduciary liability has a huge impact on those of us who are in leadership roles with our organizations. It’s a big word – fiduciary – but it is fairly simple in its definition. It simply says you have to do your job as outlined in your job description. All of us, as officers in our organizations, have a job description. It’s often hidden away somewhere in the constitution or bylaws, but it does exist. For chapter presidents, as an example, it will say things like the fact that you run the meetings, represent the organization to the public, etc., but it will also say that you are responsible to enforce the rules and regulations of the organization. All of our organizations will have a policy that says our members must follow the law. SO, when a chapter president knows, for example, that members are consuming alcohol even though they are under the legal age, s/he has a legal obligation to do something about that. This is where it gets pretty serious for chapter leaders. A violation of our fiduciary liability doesn’t just mean we violated our organization policies, but we violated the law! PLANNING VERSUS TRADITION Two major ways we get ourselves in trouble with risk management: planning and tradition. Sometimes we actually plan to be in violation. And at other times we don’t plan it, we just always are – because of tradition. When we have meetings and we plan the activities of our organizations, we have to measure everything we are considering against the foreseeability test. As we listen to the presentation from the social chair regarding our upcoming social events, can we foresee any problems with what s/he is planning? When the new member educator discusses activities for the new members, do we foresee any issues? As we plan a chapter retreat at the lake, what are the risk management issues we can foresee? We have to make sure that we do not actually plan to be in violation of our risk management policies. Sometimes, however, we don’t plan to be in violation but we end doing the wrong thing and use the idea of tradition as an excuse. Think about it: What are the traditions in your chapter when someone turns 21 or gets engaged? 008 // connections // 2009.fall

ALCOHOL Really, if you look at most of our risk management incidents, most of them come back to our use, misuse, or even abuse of alcohol. However, I still believe that alcohol, in and of itself, isn’t the issue. It’s not that we drink alcohol that becomes the issue – it HOW we drink. Way too many of our members choose to drink way too much when they attend our functions. In fact, the success – or lack thereof – of too many of our events is measured by how much alcohol was present or how much we were allowed to consume. Honestly, the biggest issue with alcohol is that many of us just simply need to slow down! We have rules about it is alcohol. Notebooks of rules. Videos supporting the notebooks. Go to convention and you’ll hear someone like me speaking on the topic in hopes that you will better understand the notebook and the video! But really, if we’re really honest with each other, it all comes down to two simple rules. If you can commit to these two you can throw away the notebook and trash the video. Rule number one: you have to be 21 to consume alcohol. I know, some of you may be surprised - this might seem like a brand new rule to many of you. You go to parties and it seems like everyone is drinking. But, because of this rule only a minority of every party’s attendees can actually consume alcohol. The statistics suggest that on a traditionally-aged campus, that minority may be as small as thirty-percent of the chapter. And, have you ever noticed that of the thirty percent who can legally drink, most of them don’t even want to anymore? That’s not to say they don’t drink, they just don’t drink as much. Many of these members don’t even attend the parties anymore. Call that “senioritis” or “apathy” or whatever you want to call it, but it’s usually the case. The interesting thing about this first rule is that it isn’t even a fraternity/sorority policy; it is a federally mandated state law. Therefore, you can’t just ignore it. Don’t get mad at your chapter president or your advisors, it’s the law. Rule number two – you can’t get drunk. Okay, I know it seems like everyone at every party has had too much to drink. But have you ever thought about the fact that nothing seems to be of issue, no concerns take place, until folks have had too much to drink? Actually, I think this one is bigger than rule number one. In fact, I would suggest that if we could reasonably adhere to rule number two, we wouldn’t even have the first one. Once I even heard a university chief of police say “If people didn’t get drunk the drinking age could be 12 for all I care.” So really, it’s that simple. Risk management with alcohol comes down to two simple issues – if you’re underage you can’t drink and regardless of your age you shouldn’t get drunk. If your chapter members were able to do these two simple things you could, essentially, throw away all of those notebooks and videos.

HAZING The other major issue that we seem to address way too often in the world of fraternity and sorority risk management is that of hazing. This one article does not have space to address the topic adequately, but I will say this: please do not say that brotherhood and sisterhood are developed with hazing. Here’s the real risk management fact about hazing: It is now at the top of the list of risk management issues because it is against the law in over forty states. Furthermore, it is against the policies of all of our organizations and our host institutions. It really doesn’t matter what your daddy might have gone through during his days in college. We’ve progressed since then. It doesn’t matter that you think you might be disrespected by the new members. I believe that people get the respect that they deserve. Hazing is not the answer. There is one simple rule on the topic of hazing: don’t do it. If hazing is taking place on your campus it must stop immediately. I challenge you to step up and be the leaders you claim to be by putting a stop to this heinous process. Hazing has no place in fraternities and sororities. HOW TO MANAGE RISKS USING A LADDER Now that we’ve talked about the law and how it affects our day-to-day decisions and addressed some specific risk management issues, we’ve (hopefully) agreed that risk management is an issue in our organizations. So it’s fair to ask, how do we manage our risk? Here are a few thoughts: 1) Avoid the Risk – honestly, this isn’t always a bad answer. The only way to avoid risk with fraternities and sororities is to get rid of them altogether. This may be a horribly general answer but it makes sense in the case of particular members or particular chapters. We see it happen all the time; when a chapter brings heavy risks to the school or to the national organization it is not uncommon to simply eliminate them. It may not be the best answer… but it does work. 2) Assume the Risk – this answer really scares me. Most members know our policies. I mean, a person really has to be dense not to know that one has to be 21 to drink or that bad decisions are easier to make while drunk. However, way too many of our members still choose to just assume the risks. My only request is that if you want to assume the risk, you have to also be willing to assume the responsibilities that come with it. When you get caught, don’t start screaming about how much community service your organization does, or how much money your family has donated to the school, or the fact that your parents are alumni. You knew you were in violation of the policies when you chose to assume the risk so now you have to be willing to accept the repercussions of your decisions. 3) Transfer the Liability – now this starts sounding a little better. You need transportation to your upcoming formal so you hire a bus company. You need security at your event so you hire a licensed security staff. But remember; when you hire professionals you still do not eliminate the liability. You simply share it – you transfer some of it to those you hire. Make sure they are all professionals. Check their license. Confirm their insurance. Lay out clear expectations

of what you expect them to do during your event. Remember, you are their employer – they are expected to do their job. When they fail to fulfill their responsibilities it will reflect upon them, but it will also still reflect upon you as well. This isn’t a bad answer, but it’s not the best or most complete solution. 4) Reduce the Liability – now we’re talking. Mistakes happen and people do silly things. However, we have to make sure our risks are at the lowest possible level. Imagine a ladder. When you climb up to the very top of the ladder there is always a sticker up there. What’s it say? We all know what that sticker says – that’s the risk management policy for that ladder. It’s a little like the risk management policies on your campus – you don’t have to stop and read all of them. They all say the same thing. They are all issues of common sense and foreseeability. Back to the ladder – standing on the top step is the riskiest spot to stand. If you don’t believe me, read the sticker. Furthermore, one doesn’t need to be a genius to know this; simple deductive reasoning tells us that if that is the riskiest spot on the ladder, then the safest spot is toward the bottom. It’s a lot like risk management with your organization; when you’re standing on your risk management policy, it makes sense to know you are probably in the riskiest spot you can be. So, come down the ladder – no underage consumption, provide safe transportation, follow all fire codes, utilize a licensed vendor, provide alternative beverages, measure everything against the foreseeability test, etc. On the other hand, leaders in fraternities and sororities need to accept that they will never completely get off the ladder; there will always be risks. But, if you fall off at the top it’s a lot more likely that you’ll get hurt. In fact, you might even lose your campus recognition or charter. But if you fall off the bottom you can quickly hop back on and, more importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, make changes to behaviors and hop back on your ladder. Yes, we know about risk management and so do our members. But it’s okay to accept that we need a continual reminder of its importance. Leaders need annual updates and continuing education on the topic. New members should be taught that we have expectations for membership in our organizations and one of those is to follow our risk management policies. Initiated members and alumni need to be role models and mentors in the process.

print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find T has no nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing H but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interR ested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, refer-

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This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane.

ences to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stu

Risk Management: Rarely Easy, Always Necessary by Dav d We o CEO o L mbe o Con u ng

This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine

nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly

This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find

As wo k w th students egu a y am asked a quest on that goes someth ng ke Okay Westo What s up w th a th s sk manage ment stuff? Why shou d we be conce ned about what happens n chapte s and espe c a y at off campus events? And sn t t t ue that awye s c eated these ssues n o de to‌ Dude Let s take these one at a t me F st t sn t stuff Second the e a e a numbe o good easons o sk management Th d the need o sk management has acce e ated du ng the past five yea s and th ngs a e mo e comp cated than eve

And ou th‌atto neys the mo e d gn fied te m do not s t on u es Ju es make dec s ons n cases that go to t a Atto neys may th nk that they have a p ma y o e n the out come o a case but they usua y don t The good o ks who s t on u es a e you e a t ves and m ne peop e om the commun ty peop e who ange n age om 18 to we past et ement When you ead a head ne ega d ng a s gn ficant udgment aga nst a ate n ty o so o ty as the esu t o a t a e membe that t was good o ks who came to that dec s on The aw s the e to p otect us and to p ov de an o de y p ocess o eso v ng d sputes and c a ms R sk management s t u y an effo t to educe the sks assoc ated w th act v t es nvo v ng unde g aduate membe s No one can cont o eve yth ng R sk management po c es g ve us a amewo k to use n educ ng the poss b ty o someth ng go ng w ong o aw y

dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and s

Look at ou othe ope at ons— ec u tment finances new membe educat on a umn e at ons Do we have st uctu ed p og ams n p ace o those aspects? O course Hence he need o sk managemen

AFLV // 011

nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apis the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, referparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the ences to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stuinsane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interGo ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to ested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stuinsane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the print, references to arcane things that you are not interfine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try ested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stuThis is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparprint. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the ent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparto read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try ent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stuto read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the but fine print, references to arcane things that you are fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apto read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references parent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will to arcane things that you are not interested in, and studrive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interGo ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to ested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stuinsane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interGo ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to ested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stuinsane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interGo ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to ested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stuinsane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This fine print, references to arcane things that you are is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to references to arcane things that you are not interested read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearnothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, ing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive inyou will find nothing but fine print, references to sane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine arcane things that you are not interested in, and print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing fine print, references to arcane things that you are not on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive ininterested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apsane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine parent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but but fine print, references to arcane things that you the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you

When did risk management kick in? I’ll take you back to the mid-1980s. Set aside hairstyles and wide lapels and ties for a moment. Fraternities and sororities were beginning to rebound from a long, cold winter in terms of profile and prestige on campuses. While the ‘60s and ‘70s were not nearly as negative in terms of numbers as some would believe, our organizations did take a major step back in terms of campus leadership.

Several other changes occurred. Alcohol was allowed in fraternity houses— that had not been the case for many years. The fraternity/sorority community began an inexorable march towards becoming a social outlet for the campus and not just for its members. The theory was, “Come party with us and you will join.” Plus, there were no rules—what some of us like to call the Outback Steakhouse days—“No rules—just right.” If you wanted to have 3,000 of your closest friends over with beer trucks parked nose to tail in the street, so be it.

As you would imagine, the results were predictable. The massive parties and events led to injuries and deaths and litigation. Chapters were closed. The negative attention attracted more critics of the fraternity and sorority experience and a number of private institutions—primarily in the northeast--eliminated their fraternity and sorority communities. Interrogatories, depositions and judgments became part of the national headquarters lexicon. At that point in time, a number of men’s national fraternities came together to discuss liability insurance. The concept of volume purchasing by a number of groups surfaced. And FIPG—the original acronym stood for “Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group”—was born in 1986. FIPG never functioned in the capacity for which it was created but the member organizations did develop the FIPG risk management policy; and 23 years later we continue to use that policy.

FIPG is now an acronym for “Fraternal Information and Programming Group.” Over fifty men’s and women’s national fraternities and sororities are members. Membership means that your organization has adopted the FIPG policy as their own risk management policy. What if my nationals is not a member of FIPG? First, there is no “s” in the singular noun, “National.” You have no idea how many hours those of us who have worked or volunteered at the national level have pondered why members add that “s.” But I digress. Even if your inter/national organization is not a member of FIPG, it has a risk management policy that in many cases is equal to if not more strict than the FIPG policy. Local chapters or organizations usually work within a campus or fraternity/ 012 // connections // 2009.fall

Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly

sorority community policy. But, for purposes of this article I will use the FIPG policy as governing policy. Why was the policy written the way it was? Every clause and provision in the FIPG policy has a death or tragedy underscoring the words—in most situations, you can add an “s” as in “deaths” or “tragedies.” Can you sum up the social event aspect for us in a few sentences? Of course. One assumption—this is for events with alcohol, correct? You got it, dude. First, no open parties. A guest list is used to restrict admission by the number of guests per member as established by campus or national policy. The list must be prepared 24 hours in advance of the event. A guest list is not the student directory or a sign-in sheet. Second, alcohol is restricted by volume and type and to either BYOB (bring

your own) or Third Party Vendor (a professional bartender sells alcohol by the glass over the bar at the going rate in that jurisdiction). BYOB means one six pack of 12 ounce beers or one four pack of wine coolers. Third Party

What do those have to do with a guest list? Many of the fights are between members and non-members. Guess how the non-members get into the events?

Vendor means that those of legal drinking age can purchase alcohol by the drink at the going rate. That means that a chapter cannot, for example, slide some money under the bar for 25 cent beers or Jell-O ® shots. That’s it? Did I mention that chapters must follow all applicable laws, statutes and policies?

No guest list? See how easy this is? And, one way or another alcohol is consumed and somebody says something and kaboom—we have hands being thrown. If we know who is at the event, we can intervene before things become…difficult. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print,

references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested fine print, references to arcane things that you are not in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no aplife. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine parent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has nothing but fine print, references to arcane things no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and arcane things that you are not interested in, and stunothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find pidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. you try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, This is the fine print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you references to arcane things that you are not interested try to read it, you will find nothing but fine print, references to in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent beararcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense ing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive text that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to insane. This is the fine print and nothing but the fine read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find nothing but but fine print, references to arcane things that you are fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has no in, and stupidly dense text that has no apparent bearing on you apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will drive insane. This is the fine will drive insane. This is the fine print and nothing but print and nothing but the fine print. Even if you try to read it, the fine print. Even if you try to read it, you will find you will find nothing but fine print, references to arcane things nothing but fine print, references to arcane things that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text that has that you are not interested in, and stupidly dense text no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, try to read it. It will that has no apparent bearing on you life. Go ahead, drive insane. 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No. How about no kegs, no cases, no party balls, no drinking games, no purchase or providing of alcohol for others, no common sources?

(Somewhat subdued) So, risk management is all about alcohol at events? Nope. It encompasses hazing, sexual assault, firearms, sexist or other inappropriate behavior and fire safety, among other things.

I don’t get it. What’s wrong with a keg? Let’s go back to your original point. You say that risk management is the product of overaggressive attorneys who sue chapters and individuals at the drop of the proverbial hat, correct?

I heard that chapter officers are usually named in lawsuits? True? Sometimes. The concept is simple: if you are an officer, you know the drill with what your chapter is doing, and if your chapter ain’t following the rules, you have the responsibility to see that it does.

Yeah. Those lawsuits are based upon negligence. However, if you and your members do not provide alcohol to others—if each person is responsible for what they as individuals consume—that greatly reduces your exposure, as the insurance folks like to say. If you don’t put alcohol in someone else’s tummy, most of the negligence case rests upon the simple fact that your chapter hosted the event. That ain’t much. Your consistent complaint is what?

When are the Oakland Raiders gonna be good again? Close but no cigar, kid. Your consistent complaint is, “When are people going to be responsible for themselves?” Captain Complaint, let me introduce you to risk management. If you don’t sell or otherwise provide alcohol to others—if they and they alone are responsible for what they consume, and you follow the rules regarding how, when and what they consume as noted above—you are in a much stronger position. Of course, some national organizations or campuses may add other requirements.

(Sigh) Anything else? Gosh, I’m glad that you asked. Some common sense things to do: Identify at least one member for every ten people—those members agree not to drink that night and instead hang at the party. They do not act as a bouncers or police officers—they simply are sober persons who can help with situations. Some other things: do not place pledges or new members in the role of screening people for admission or checking IDs…use wristbands for those who can or cannot consume alcohol…be careful when providing Delta Delta (Designated Drivers) rides…have a start time and an end time. Okay. I get the whole no drinking game/no keg stuff. Why such a hard line stance on the guest list deal? A significant number of claims (which often lead to lawsuits) arise each year for the men’s groups. Those usually occur at social events with alcohol involved. What are we talking about here? Guys who try to dance beyond their capabilities? I like your sense of humor, pal. Then again, you are a Raiders fan. Try “fights.”

Okay. What if I’m an officer and I don’t like hazing so I leave town for the weekend when hell week is going on and some guy is hurt from the hazing. How can I be liable? I wasn’t there. But you knew about the hazing. You knew when and how it would occur and you knew that when your new guys joined earlier in the semester—in fact, you probably knew the exact date or dates when things would happen on the night that these guys formally pledged. If you knew that and didn’t do anything to prevent it, does that meet the definition of a good officer?

Dude, that’s way harsh. To some it might be. To others…it is simply justice. How would you feel if the injured individual was your son or daughter? I once heard you talk about the three most dangerous nights for pledges. Those are bid night, “Bigs” night, and initiation. During the 2008-2009 academic year, at least six young men died while in the pledge or new member process at campuses across the United States. At least five of the six appear to be the result of hazing—we won’t know for sure until the trials are held. Alcohol was involved with five of the six and that is very common. What we do know is that one death is too many. Are there resources—manuals, books, things we can download—to help us with risk management? Oh, yeah. If you belong to a national organization, I’d start there. Ask your Fraternity/Sorority Advisor for help. has a manual available and there are lots of folks—staff members, volunteers at all levels, consultants— who can assist. Final thoughts? We’re not the Fun Police. The only advantage we have is that we have years of experience dealing with these situations and the problems and issues are very consistent. If you care about your sisters or brothers, then you do the right things to help keep everyone safe. Your final thoughts? I’m going to have a hard time convincing some of my brothers to follow the policy. Leadership is simple, isn’t it? Albert Einstein said it best: “Example is not the best form of leadership. Example is the only form of leadership.” If you lead by example, others will follow. AFLV // 013

Two years, four months and four days after a college man was found dead in his fraternity chapter house in a drug-related incident, officials at the private university decided to take action. University officials realized that drug use was no longer an “isolated� incident, and the use of illegal drugs by members of this chapter was not isolated to the student who died. Furthermore, following the death, some members of the chapter did not fully cooperate with the official investigation. Before the death, there were opportunities for someone to say something or do something. During the investigation, there were surely opportunities for others to show leadership.

Leaders Taking Action: From Bystander Behavior to Intervention by Mike Dilbeck Creator & Producer of the RESPONSE ABILITY Project and CAMPUSPEAK speaker

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members, nor is it meant to create feelings of guilt. Quite the contrary, these missed opportunities ought to empower you to see what you may not be seeing now. They also serve as a starting place to help you, and others committed to the fraternity and sorority movement, make the positive changes we all intend to make.

As a fraternity or sorority leader, you have no doubt found yourself in a situation like these chapter members did. You may have asked yourself one or more of the following questions: Do I intervene when I see inappropriate, unhealthy and maybe even illegal behavior? Do I stand up and say something, do something? Do I live by my own personal and organizational values? Or, why do I let myself freeze, turn and walk away, and do nothing, say nothing? Fraternities and sororities attract some of the brightest and best students around. You are capable. You are smart. You have solid values. You are committed to making a difference in your community. If this is all true, then why don’t you stand up for what’s “right” and actually intervene in situations like hazing, drug/alcohol abuse, eating disorders, offensive remarks, discrimination (racism, homophobia, sexism, anti-Semitism, etc.), sexual abuse/assault, academic cheating, and other unhealthy and inappropriate behaviors? Why aren’t you, as student leaders, handling these problems on your own? Why do values seem to disappear when it comes to these problem areas? DEFINING BYSTANDER BEHAVIOR According to Dr. Alan Berkowitz (2009), a recognized expert on social

justice and bystander issues and author of the new book RESPONSE ABILITY: A Complete Guide to Bystander Intervention, bystander behavior occurs “when someone witnesses a problem behavior and does not do anything about it; a bystander does not respond” (p. 5). One could actually say that most problems in the fraternity and sorority community have bystanders. Something happens -- or is happening -- someone sees it, hears about it, or at least knows about it, and does nothing. For example, very rarely does hazing happen in a chapter where others do not know about it, or at least hear about it. The same thing applies when individuals make the dangerous choice to drink and drive, or place themselves in any number of dangerous situations. In many cases, someone sees dangerous behavior yet does nothing and says nothing. So, if you haven’t gotten the point so far, this is it: you are a bystander. This statement is not to invalidate or minimize those times when you have intervened and made a difference – it happens all the time. However, if you are really honest with yourself, anyone can identify times where they have turned away and done or said nothing. Now, this does not necessarily make bystanders bad people or bad fraternity/sorority

Allan and Madden’s (2008) findings from the National Study of Student Hazing provide evidence that “There are public components to hazing including: 25% of coaches or organization advisors were aware of the group’s hazing behaviors; 25% of the behaviors occurred on-campus in a public space; in 25% of the hazing experiences, alumni were present; and students talk with peers (41%) or family (26%) about their hazing experiences (p.2).” These findings begin to make “real” the fact that leaders often do know about problem situations and, yet, most of the time choose not to intervene. Think of one of those moments. Take a minute to picture one moment when you saw something or heard about something happening and did not act according to your own values. The only way this article will make any difference is to make it real in your life and then take action. THE FOUR STAGES OF BYSTANDER BEHAVIOR According to Berkowitz (2009), research on why individuals do not intervene “has identified four stages in the process of moving from inaction to action. Understanding these stages can help us notice when we are ‘in’ one of them and motivate us to take action to move ourselves into the next stage” (p.9). The first step is to notice the event. There are many events that are obvious (physical hazing, sexual assault, etc.) and many that are not as obvious. For example, if you are not a member

of an oppressed or mistreated group, you may not notice when an inappropriate remark is made to/about that group. However, if you are a member of that group, you will likely notice with no real effort. Second, you must interpret the event as a problem. If the event is not seen as being a problem, it will not warrant your attention. Anything that allows you to minimize the significance of a problem will foster bystander behavior. This is the world of reasons, excuses, explanations, and rationalizations we use to let us “off the hook” for dealing with a problem. The third stage is determining whether or not you are responsible for dealing with the problem. Most people base their feelings of personal responsibility on whether or not we play a direct role in a problem situation. This is a limited relationship. We actually limit how much we are responsible for so that our risks are minimized. I’ve even heard this comment recently, “If I don’t go to the event, then I am not responsible.” This reflects a minimized relationship to leadership as well as a limited view

of being responsible. I invite you to re-examine and broaden your personal definition of responsibility. As Berkowitz (2009) explains, “To be part of the solution, you must first understand how you are part of the problem” (p. 14). This gives you a whole new way of looking at a problem and possible actions you can take. It is critical to understand that any mistreatment hurts not only those affected but also the bystanders. “For example, sexual violence may harm women who men care about, but it also hurts us as men when it leads women to fear us, view us as only interested in sex, and question our sincerity,” Berkowitz says (p.15). Therefore, this gives every man the opportunity to see how he is part of the problem and to intervene. So, to be part of the solution requires that we do something about the problem whether or not we believe that we have any responsibility for causing it. The final stage in bystander behavior is determining whether or not you have the skills and resources to act. This is where leaders have an opportunity to train themselves and gather resources so that they feel empowered to intervene at any given moment. The most important thing to know at this point is that there are options. Direct confrontation, while one valid option, is not the only option for intervening. In his book, Berkowitz outlines several intervention options and skills. For now, let’s assume that you have gone through all four stages: you have noticed the event, you have interpreted it as a problem, you have determined that you have a responsibility to deal with it, and you have the necessary skills and resources to intervene. So why don’t you? What’s stopping you? THE BARRIERS TO INTERVENING In the moment of considering intervention, several barriers are in the way. Bystander behavior theory says that there are five barriers to actually intervening. “While distinct from the stages of bystander behavior, the reasons for not intervening also overlap with them to some extent” (Berkowitz, 2009, p. 18). These five barriers are: social influence, fear of embarrassment, diffusion of responsibility, fear of retaliation, and pluralistic ignorance. Social Influence: No one is doing anything so it must not be that big of a deal. Here, you are actually seeing no one do anything, so you don’t intervene. Fear of Embarrassment: Fear of embarrassing yourself or getting negative reactions from others by intervening. Diffusion of Responsibility: Assuming someone else will do something. Fear of Retaliation: Fear of physical or emotional harm. This also includes the fear of lack of support from superiors. Pluralistic Ignorance: Where social influence is based on actual actions of others, this barrier is based on your own perceptions and assumptions that you are the only one that thinks this way and that you are in the minority. This also allows the offenders to believe that “everyone does it” or feels the same as them. These five barriers are reflected in the Allan and Madden hazing study that notes some of the reasons students do not reporting hazing activities. The most common reasons were: “I didn’t want to get my team or group in trouble” (37%); “I was afraid of negative consequences to me as an individual from other team or group members” (20%); “I was afraid other members of the team or group would find out I reported it and I would be an outsider” (14%); “I might be hurt by team or group members if they learned I had reported it” (8%); and others (50%) (p. 29). According to Berkowitz, “...the reasons for not intervening serve as barriers that prevent an individual from moving through the stages” (p. 18). Now 016 // connections // 2009.fall

that you know the barriers, how do you have power in a situation and take action? Simply being aware when you are being limited, constrained and even stopped by one or more of these barriers will give you the opportunity to go beyond that barrier and act anyway. When you are not aware of the barrier, you are trapped by it. In the moment that you distinguish that a barrier is in the way, that barrier no longer grips you, you can move through the stages, and you are free to act. THE POWER OF BYSTANDER INTERVENTION Regarding the fraternity chapter mentioned at the beginning of this article, the chapter has been placed on deferred suspension until this November. During the suspension, they are required to pay for each of their members to take a “Training for Intervention Procedures” class, among other requirements. This is just one indication that authorities and university officials are beginning to take notice of the power of bystander intervention. Bystander intervention training is a powerful approach for dealing with many of the problems in the fraternity and sorority community. Such training could be an opportunity to empower those who are not causing the problems to stand up to those who are. This conversation is much more of a human development tool than a form of risk management. Granted, risks will be minimized when you – and other students, alumni, faculty, and staff -- are intervening against inappropriate behavior. However, this is ultimately what you joined a fraternity or sorority for after all -- to be empowered and enabled to become a caring, contributing, and responsible citizen of society. “TO DO” LIST FOR INTERVENING: Examine, broaden and re-define your personal relationship to being responsible and what you are responsible for. Distinguish in any given moment the intervention stage you are in and what barrier is in the way of taking action -- then move through the stages and act. Share this information with others -- discuss bystander behavior and intervention skills in your chapter and on your campus. References Allan, E. & Madden, M. (2008). Hazing In View: Initial Findings from the National Study on Student Hazing. College of Education and Human Development, University of Maine. Berkowitz, A. (2009). RESPONSE ABILITY: A Complete Guide to Bystander Intervention. Chicago: BECK & CO. Resources RESPONSE ABILITY: Transforming Values Into Action A complete educational DVD package including two full-length videos, facilitator’s guide and one copy of the book (RESPONSE ABILITY: A Complete Guide to Bystander Intervention). Also available are live presentations and workshops by Mike Dilbeck and Dr. Alan Berkowitz. RESPONSE ABILITY: A Complete Guide to Bystander Intervention (book) A paperback book written by Dr. Alan Berkowitz on bystander behavior and intervention skills. DR. ALAN BERKOWITZ: The personal website for Dr. Alan Berkowitz which includes his complete biography, information on his workshops, papers/publications, interviews, awards, and curriculum vitae. HYPERLINK “http://www.” MIKE DILBECK: Mike Dilbeck, creator and producer of the RESPONSE ABILITY Project, has his own blog where he posts messages and stories regarding bystander behavior. You can also view a highlight video of his keynote speech on bystander behavior. To book Mike to speak on your campus or for your organization, contact CAMPUSPEAK at (303) 745-5545 or

Some call them the Greek felonies: hazing, alcohol/drug abuse, and sexual assault. These are the underbelly of our fraternal world and can kill a chapter charter so fast it would make Chuck Norris’ head spin. How can you prevent such problems in your chapter? It begins with education and awareness, and ends with accountability. This installment of Facilitation 411 will focus on prevention of and preparation for a crisis situation. WHAT DO WE DO NOW? “Hope for the best, plan for the worst” is a common phrase in any leadership circle and your position as a council or chapter leader is no different. In many organizations, drills called “table top exercises” are used to develop and teach crisis management skills. These activities are real-life situational scenarios that provide a basic description of a crisis and then several questions posed to the group, all centering on the premise of “What do we do now?”

USE YOUR EXPERTS There are dozens of other crisis scenarios that affect the fraternity and sorority world, and have a direct impact on you as a student leader. Facilitating a tabletop exercise is fairly easy with some basic preparation, but there are times when you should bring in some experts. One mark of a good leader is to know when to make a referral or when to ask for help. Dealing with crisis management is one of those times. Here are some topical areas and ideas to facilitate education within your chapter or council.

Here are a few scenarios, taken from real situations: > The chapter is co-hosting a social event at an off-campus bar. The bartender has been serving all students alcohol, regardless of age. The police raid the bar and issue citations to more than half of your chapter members of minor in possession of alcohol. What do you do tonight? Tomorrow? Next week?

Fire Safety Collaborate with your local fire department on monthly or semesterly inspections of fraternity/sorority housing.

> The chapter’s new member class has dwindled from 24 to 10 over the last six weeks leading up to initiation. The chapter president receives an email from a parent of one of the former new members threatening a lawsuit against the chapter for hazing. What do you do? > Local law enforcement appears at your chapter facility with a search warrant for drugs and drug paraphernalia (if your chapter has no central housing, then proceed as if law enforcement appeared at the off-campus house of your chapter president and treasurer). Brainstorm steps you need to do in the next three minutes, the next three hours, the next three days, and the next thirty days. > The local television news crew appears outside the chapter meeting and asks to speak with someone regarding an alleged sexual assault. No further information is given. What do you do? These four examples are open-ended by design. As a facilitation technique, split up your chapter members into small groups of four or five, and let them discuss steps they would take for each case. Provide markers and paper so each group can organize their thoughts and action items. Allow ten or fifteen minutes to work on it, and give them plenty of room to have private conversations. These discussions will not work in a crowded chapter meeting room. Call the large group back together and facilitate a discussion by drawing out action steps from each group. Ask questions like, “So what is the first thing you would do in this situation?” Work the entire room, asking each group to participate. If the answers become repetitive, move on to a new case study and give different groups a chance to share. The important facilitation tool here is giving all groups the opportunity to participate. Even if a group is entirely off base or wrong, their contributions will still provide a teachable moment for discussion. At the end of an experiential tabletop exercise, the chapter leadership or advisors can provide a detailed checklist of what members should do in a crisis situation. Such checklists would include things like calling 911 for life safety emergencies, contacting university officials, notifying your inter/national headquarters, holding an emergency chapter meeting as soon as possible, or other such actions. Consult with your advisory board, headquarters staff, or university officials for assistance. Chances are, they will already have crisis plans in place and can assist you in educating your membership on these plans. 018 // connections // 2009.fall

Sponsor a fire extinguisher training and demonstration in a high traffic area of campus. If your chapter has group housing, offer your facility to fire officials for a training program. Chapter members can play acting roles in the scenario, and the fire prevention specialists can teach members how to prevent fires or survive a fire as part of the exercise If your chapter has no group housing, collaborate with fire officials on smoke detector training and fire prevention techniques. Theft Bring in a police detective to offer tips on preventing identity theft and securing personal property. These activities may include bicycle registration drives, consumer awareness of email safety and tracking electronic equipment using serial numbers. If your chapter maintains housing, work with your housing corporation or university on automatic door locking mechanisms. Alcohol & Drug Education Bring in a local prosecutor, judge or police officers to discuss criminal statutes and consequences of alcohol and drug charges. Partner with your campus student wellness office or health education office to bring bulletin board kits, peer educators, or other interactive seminars to your members. Sexual Assault Conduct a mock trial using a local judge, prosecutor, and attorneys, and play out one of the scenarios listed in the tabletop section. Utilize student leaders to play acting roles in the production. The mock trial can be used for a number of scenarios, but it is particularly effective with sexual assault cases. Bring in a speaker from your college counseling center to learn how to support victims of sexual crimes. Utilize rape prevention organizations to educate on sexual protocol and how not to mix drugs or alcohol with sexual decisions. WHAT DO I DO NOW? Start by doing a tabletop exercise in place of a normal meeting. Get all members thinking about this topic and their role in managing risks and preventing crises. And plan now to conduct at least one large educational program related to risk management each semester. These do not have to be boring or stale – take any of the above-named ideas and build upon them with your local and national resources. The important thing is to do something, so your chapter and council are better prepared to handle these problems when they arise.


M a TATION 4 n ag 11 i ng wit R isk ha Ta bl e To p

AFLV // 019

Western Michigan Tackles Risk Management This fall, the governing councils at Western Michigan University will cosponsor CAMPUSPEAK’s Ladder of Risk: Campus Edition, which focuses on FIPG-compliant social event planning. The program was selected as an effort to confront and provide solutions for some of the obstacles that chapters face when attempting to implement and abide by FIPG (Fraternal Information and Programming Group) policies. An audience of council leaders and chapter officers will participate in the program in order to insure that the message reaches the most meaningful audience possible. The community also benefits from a growing relationship with the University’s Office of Health Promotion and Education (OHPE). GAMMA members currently utilize OHPE’s peer education training and existing programming modules in order to provide innovative risk management education to the chapters. Students also share a voice with faculty and staff on OHPE’s Alcohol Risk Reduction Task Force, which proactively discusses and addresses campus and community alcohol use, policies and enforcement, and educational programming.



There may not be guarantees against risk in life, but chapters need not reinvent the wheel to keep members prepared. Being proactive and turning to campus departments for training and programming support can keep risk management interesting and relevant.

A Great Start to Creative Risk Management Programming Mankato State University Student leaders at Minnesota State University, Mankato are providing programming during both National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) and National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW). This is the first time student-led groups have participated in these events on campus. These weeks provide encouragement to think outside the box and to do things that may not have been tried before. Events include a “Would you know it if you saw it” contest during NHPW and a mocktail contest and a panel discussion regarding the Amethyst Initiative during NCAAW. Partnerships have been developed with Residential Life and Campus Security on campus. Additionally, the local Anheuser Busch distributor is interested in promoting responsible behaviors and has become involved. These events give the university community an opportunity to experience something other than a speaker who has been booked by a staff member on campus, and it shows that students are advocating for responsible behaviors on their own.

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Grand Valley State University Makes Strides for Better Management of Risk The fraternity and sorority community at Grand Valley State University has made some significant changes in several areas of risk management that have positively impacted the Greek and campus communities. GAMMA took education outreach to a whole new level in 2008-2009. While maintaining many of their annual events such as National Hazing Prevention Week, Safe Spring Break, and Mocktailgaters, GAMMA also offered TIPS Training as a Greek Week event. TIPS is a skills-based training program that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving. This program was extremely successful because it brought forward members of all four councils together to go through the alcohol awareness training. It was especially exciting because it was student-driven, hugely successful, and got members of all of the councils, particularly MGC and NPHC, to admit to issues that they face at functions and events. Additionally, NPHC/MGC took another huge step forward to create a joint policy in regard to Probate and Coming Out Shows. These shows now are self-regulated in terms of place, manner, and length. The newly implemented policy has already received positive feedback and has even been adopted by the Office of Student Life for all organizations. Finally, Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity has sponsored the first “party” of the year for the last five years. “Club GV,” which is sponsored the first Friday of the school year, is an alcohol free event with a live DJ, drinks, and responsible partying information. The event features staff members from the Alcohol Campus Education and Services Office (ACES), a revolving PowerPoint of facts and statistics, and great educational opportunities. This event has dramatically changed the culture of the first Friday at GVSU. All other fraternities and sororities participate in some capacity and last year over 4000 non-Greeks attended this event.


From the Road is a chance to highlight best practices from Fraternity and Sorority communities across the nation. What has your campus done lately that deserves recognition? If you would like to be featured in an upcoming issue, go online to and submit an overview of a great activity that your council or community has done lately.

AFLV // 021


Okay, my chapter has had so many (totally lame) presentations about binge drinking that it’s losing its impact. We could recite the whole “one beer equals one glass of wine equals one shot” presentation. My assumption is that we are probably not the only people who feel this way. So, the question is, a plea really, give me something that will really impact people. Everyone knows that it’s a good idea not drink so much you pass out (or die) but it still happens… we need a new approach.

brandon Says: Martin Luther King Jr. once said “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” Never have his words been truer than in today’s fraternity and sorority. It is clear in this situation that chapter leaders and members are hearing and retaining the information presented, but a number of members are not applying the information in their daily lives. Therefore, I would encourage your chapter leadership to look beyond educational programming and consider your mission, standards, expectations and accountability. Fraternities and Sororities are rooted in values of integrity, scholarship, leadership, service, responsibility and personal growth, and we as members need to set expectations and standards that are consistent with our values. Challenge your chapter members to think about how the “one beer equals one glass of wine equals one shot” guideline impacts chapter expectations. Challenge your chapter members to hold each other accountable to your values and expectations. When member behavior does not meet expectations, consider alternative educational opportunities that will work to correct negative and unhealthy behaviors. If members refuse help or continue to make poor choices, the chapter may need to ask a tough question…. “Does this member deserve to continue membership in our values based organization?” While I encourage you to seek alternative programming that has a fresh spin on the same old information, programming & information alone is not the solution. Chapters need to challenge members to think about the impact of the decisions they make, and adjust their behaviors to reflect the character and integrity our mission calls us to demonstrate. Additional educational programs may include: Explanation of General Fraternity Insurance Coverage and Risk Management Policy, Criminal Liability Education/Basic Legal Concepts Program, Fire Prevention Program, Sexual Abuse & Harassment Program, or Career Development.

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AMY Says: This fall we used a fantastic video, Spin The Bottle Sex, Lies, and Alcohol by the Media Education Foundation, which infuses popular culture into a video about drinking and risky behavior. The video utilizes clips from popular movies, TV shows, and commercials to show how media impacts expectations of societal norms and explores gender roles of men and women in relation to the consumption of alcohol. The video can really spark conversation amongst viewers, especially if you stop the video in between each segment for discussion with chapter members. Spin The Bottle is one of the best videos I have seen to use for alcohol education. The video is expensive, so see if your council or the fraternity/sorority life office will purchase the video and make it available to chapters to facilitate conversations about alcohol and add a new twist to alcohol education. TRAVIS Says: I have seen some really cool and different presentations out there that deal more with being responsible for each other and being “spotters” for your brothers or sisters that don’t necessarily focus in the alcohol as much as what it means to be a brother/sister. You may look for more presentations that focus on social responsibility or bystander behavior as a way to break up the malaise of alcohol education.

ASK THE Experts

Brandon Cutler Kansas State University

Travis Smith Colorado School of Mines

Amy Colvin Millikin University

WANT TO BE AN EXPERT? If you are a professional who has great advice, email and let us know that you are interested in being one of our future Experts. AFLV // 023


Can individuals in a chapter REALLY get sued if something horrible happens in the chapter, such as hazing or injury? What about council officers and fraternity/sorority advisors?

Brandon Says: Yes, Chapter members, council officers, and fraternity/ sorority advisors can all be sued if “something horrible” happens. Not only have chapter leaders, members, and advisors been held accountable through the Civil Courts, there are numerous cases in which fraternity and sorority leaders have been found guilty in the Criminal Courts and sentenced to prison. When a chapter or community leader is aware of, should be aware of, or participates in an activity that violates laws, policies and/or causes serious injury or death they significantly increase their risk of civil or criminal consequences. While I am not aware of any cases in which council officers or campus based fraternity/ sorority advisors have been found guilty in civil or criminal cases, there are examples, such as the 2007 Rider University case, of these individuals facing charges. If you would like to research examples for more evidence, try a Google search. The following searches will provide you with examples of legal action against chapter & community leaders/members: “fraternity/ sorority member deaths,” “administrators indicted in hazing death,” or “hazing death lawsuits.” Viewing the articles found during your Google search should be an educational and enlightening experience for chapter leaders and members that promote or ignore chapter activities that are illegal, unethical, unsafe, or unhealthy.

Travis Says: The bottom line is that any individual can get sued for any illegal activity, and knowledge of the illegal activity also puts one at risk. One only has to look at news articles over the past few months to note that individuals have and continue to get sued for Fraternity related happenings. Ask students, advisors, and national offices of chapters represented at University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Utah State University, University of Delaware, Cal Poly, and San Diego State to just name a few. The bottom line is any good lawyer is going to chase the money. They will bring in as many parties as they possibly can that have anything to do with the activity in question so they can increase their own paycheck. This is not a commentary about lawyers mind you, just good business. Another thing to keep in mind is that being named in a lawsuit does not necessarily imply guilt, however you will need to secure legal representation, which is costly, time consuming, and stressful. In the event that guilt is found with an individual, their wages can be garnished, and if necessary their parents can also bear the brunt of the monetary responsibility. Another thing to keep in mind is that there are two different types of trials that litigation can drag you into, civil and criminal. If you remember the case of O. J. Simpson it illustrates this example more clearly. O.J. was found not guilty of murder in criminal court, but found responsible in civil court enough to cost him millions of dollars.

ASK THE Experts 024 // connections // 2009.fall


Our Interfraternity Council wants to create a new crisis management plan this year, what types of things should this include?

Brandon Says: Good News! You do not have to reinvent the wheel to create an outstanding crisis management plan. The Fraternal Information and Programming Group (FIPG) has created a crisis management guide that outlines the necessary components of a good crisis management plan. You can find this resource at the FIPG website ( by selecting “Resources” link and viewing pages 51-54 of the FIPG Risk Management Manual. You will need to include the campus specific information such as phone numbers, emails, and names, but the rest is already done. Additionally, don’t leave anything out. While most crisis management plans are sufficient in regards to fire, injury, or death it is becoming increasingly important to plan for the “what if” such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters or pandemic flu outbreaks. For example, we are currently dealing with the impact of H1N1 (Swine Flu) and we are being asked to isolate members who are ill. If your chapter is housed, where will you isolate your ill members? The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Chapter house at Kansas State was heavily damaged by a tornado in June 2008, if the tornado had hit during the school year, where would you house all the members? These are just a few examples of crisis situations that we need to be prepared to address.

Amy Says: Crisis management plans can be a fantastic resource for chapters in case of an emergency. Make sure to include the university protocol and important contact numbers of individuals such as the fraternity/sorority advisor and the IFC president/vice president risk management. The other key component to having a crisis management plan is making sure the officers of the chapters you govern are aware of, know, and can execute the plan. Once you have created your new plan make sure you spend some time going over the protocol and ensuring all chapter officers are aware of the expectations and plans for implementation in case a crises occurs.

AFLV // 025

Is your Greek experience turning into a cautionary tale? Maybe it’s time to find out a better way to do it.

AFLV is Ready When You Are. LeaderLink: virtual training that matters for today’s fraternal leaders.

Dynamic Recruitment on a Deferred Recruitment Campus presented by Matt Mattson & Jessica Gendron Williams from Phired Up Monday / November 2nd / 2PM EST

Officer Training & Transition presented by Dan Wrona & Marsha Carrasco Cooper from Rise Partnerships Tuesday / November 17th / 2PM EST

For more info, or to sign up, go to and click on LeaderLink.

Oklahoma State University Tackles Judicial Accountability: Three Factors for Success by Alyssa Nelson & Brad Duvall / Oklahoma State University

Judicial accountability is an essential function that all fraternity and sorority communities should build into their governing operations. Oklahoma State University’s (OSU) Interfraternity and Panhellenic communities are a noteworthy example; one that has taken measures to ensure that the values of each chapter are upheld. FACTOR ONE: PREVENTION Preventative measures and risk management awareness topics were implemented in hopes that no chapter will ever be called before a judicial board. The Panhellenic and Interfraternity councils sponsor a variety of programs throughout each school year in order to educate members on risk management topics, student leadership, and sound decision-making. A best practices program that works for the OSU IFC and Panhellenic communities is the Risk Management Seminars. The Student Judicial Affairs staff works in conjunction with the Internal Vice Presidents of each council to train chapter risk managers on topics such as crisis management and social event registration policies. The seminars allow student leaders to ask any questions they may have and also encourage peer-to-peer idea sharing. FACTOR TWO: TAKING OWNERSHIP OF JUDICAL HEARINGS Seminars are an effective preventative measure, but inevitably an infraction will occur. For many, judicial board hearings are difficult situations. The OSU Interfraternity and Panhellenic executive boards have made it a priority to help chapter leaders and advisors be better prepared for the judicial process. A helpful tips document was created that accompanies every charge letter. This information sheet guides the respondent through every step of the hearing process, including information on the structure of the hearing, the manner in which evidence must be submitted, and an overview of the appeals process, along with the timeline for each step. This document also includes a link to the OSU Student Rights and Responsibilities Governing Student Behavior that defines the policies to which the student body adheres. This practice has improved the judicial process of the Panhellenic and Interfraternity councils since its inception. FACTOR THREE: SELF-GOVERNANCE AND INSTITUTIONAL TRUST The OSU administration allows the Interfraternity and Panhellenic councils to handle all violations except hazing violations. This provides the councils an invaluable learning opportunity as well as providing the means to hold one another accountable. The University’s confidence has allowed the Interfraternity and Panhellenic councils to excel in self-governance. Both councils understand that the support received from the University is integral to the success of peer-to-peer accountability. A responsible and pragmatic-minded council should recognize that it is not enough to educate the chapters before a violation occurs. Guidance must also be offered to the chapters upon entering the judicial process. Chapter leaders must take responsibility before, during, and after the judicial process. Perhaps most important, council leadership must hold member chapters responsible for ill behaviors before university or local officials must step in. This requires a great deal of trust between the governing councils and the university leadership. The OSU Interfraternity and Panhellenic communities believe they are taking proactive and preventative steps toward judicial accountability. How about your council or chapter? Use the three factors presented above to start building accountability models in your community. AFLV // 027

UNL Suspends Sigma Chi Fraternity for 4 Years Sigma Chi fraternity, facing a pair of lawsuits and charges of repeated hazing in the last academic year, has been suspended from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus for four years. But given the troubles plaguing Sigma Chi - two lawsuits alleging hazing, a police search that uncovered large quantities of alcohol in the fraternity house and hazing or alcohol charges against nine of its members - strict punishment is warranted, [the vice chancellor] said. [The vice chancellor] said he hopes to send two messages with the suspension: “One, the university is very serious about the potential violations and will not tolerate them. And two, that we really do have a strong Greek system. The vast majority of our chapters are very, very good.” University leaders considered a wide range of punishments for Sigma Chi - including expulsion - but ultimately decided to give the fraternity another chance. Plus, he said, not all fraternity members were violating university policies… “Unfortunately, a few ruined it for all.” UNL police began investigating Sigma Chi earlier this year after a former pledge came forward and claimed he had been subjected to repeated hazing from fall 2008 to early 2009. The pledge said he had been verbally assaulted, paddled, forced to drink alcoholic concoctions until he vomited and made to participate in humiliating activities with other pledges, such as one in which they leap-frogged each other through the fraternity house while being pelted with ice and wet paper towels. The pledge also alleged he had been sexually assaulted by a female stripper during an off-campus party. [Although] sexual assault charges won’t be filed in the case.


Blake, K. (2009, September 14). Drugs found in fraternity. The Daily Aztec. Retrieved from: Lee, M. (2009, September 15). UNL suspends Sigma Chi fraternity for 4 years. Lincoln Journal Star. Retrieved from article_31732e7a-a221-11de-8a7a-001cc4c03286.html McSwane, D. J. (2009, August 27). CSU Zeta Phi Beta ousted for hazing. Rocky Mountain Collegian. Retrieved from paper864/news/2009/08/27/News/Sorority.Booted.For.Hazing-3758159.shtml

Stupid Things that You Have Done Lately

BUSTED! The goal of Busted! is to call attention to an event, situation, or practice that has actually occurred and utilize it as an experience that others can learn from.

In a search of the house in March, UNL police uncovered evidence to support hazing allegations as well as a large amount of alcohol, even though UNL is a dry campus.

It is commonly said that fraternities and sororities suffer from unfair stereotypes and are undervalued for our true purpose as values-based organizations. Unfortunately, some fraternity and sorority members commonly mock these stereotypes by behaving in ways that only solidify them in the minds of others. Busted! aims to confront these stupid decisions via direct confrontation.

The search led to hazing and procuring charges against nine Sigma Chi members. Six of them have been convicted; the others are working their way through the court system.

Actions such as these do nothing but reinforce the negative stereotypes of today’s fraternities and sororities. Embarrassed? Then knock it off.

Now, a group of local fraternity alumni have stepped forward to help the fraternity get back on the right track. They will serve in an informal capacity, providing guidance, advice and support as needed. Trust us, we are just as annoyed as you are. This is the same old story. When will people learn? When will people realize that leap-frogging while being pelted with ice cubes is hazing? And, if we may be so blunt, it’s silly and preposterous. We know that people tend to do stupid things when others are also doing them, but we were thinking more along the lines of wearing knit ponchos or legwarmers. While this may seem obvious to most reasonable people, the article indicates that this suspension means Sigma Chi will not be recognized and no one will be allowed to live or hold activities in the fraternity house. UNL’s vice chancellor for student affairs said that the sanctions are the toughest imposed on a UNL fraternity in recent memory. We agree, it’s a tough one… but… it’s not so tough that it can’t be reversed. The suspension could be lifted after two years if the fraternity’s Alumni Board successfully crafts a plan to ensure compliance with UNL’s Student Code of Conduct and regular house inspections. We call shenanigans on this: so, what you’re saying is that crafting a plan to comply with the Code of Conduct (a.k.a DOING WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO) can get a hazing chapter off the hook? Also, why do people feel as though they need to say things like ‘a few bad apples ruined it for the whole bunch’? This is obvious, and what happens all of the time; it’s part of being affiliated with a group. As far as we’re concerned a person should not affiliate with a group that has strict behavior guidelines if they don’t think they’re able to adhere to them… on the flip side, we shouldn’t invite members to join our organizations (or allow them to remain affiliated) if they’re going to act like jerks. Pointing out that ‘not all Sigma Chi’s are hazers’ is nice and all… but everyone already knows that. Plus, validating the fact that most Sigma Chi’s aren’t hazing jerks doesn’t fix the fact that this one in particular happens to be one. 028 // connections // 2009.fall

CSU Zeta Phi Beta Ousted for Hazing CSU’s [Colorado State University] Omicron Omicron chapter of Zeta Phi Beta was quietly ousted from the university in the spring as a result of a campus police investigation that found numerous alleged incidents of hazing, harassment and cruelty that one whistle-blower victim called “torture.” One student also said she was forced to write the sorority president’s academic papers, a violation of the school’s honor code and grounds for expulsion for both parties. In a 54-page police incident report, a CSU Police Department detective over the course of several months unraveled a culture of abuse and fear under the leadership of former sorority President. “She had us at her apartment for three days straight. No sleep, no food. I threw [up] because I was so hungry,” said one alleged victim in a statement to police. “The physical activity included running, pushups, wall-sits and other strenuous calisthenics, and were clearly designed as initiation into the Zeta sorority … these events clearly caused risk of bodily injuries to the parties involved …” Smith wrote in his report. The investigation was sparked in February after one victim wrote to the school’s Greek Life office.

Drugs Found in Fraternity

Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity has been expelled from San Diego State. The fraternity had been placed on interim suspension pending the outcome of the hearing after the SDSU Police Department searched a nearby house and yielded a large quantity of illegal drugs and implicated Sigma Alpha Mu members in drug sales. The fraternity was required to cease all activities and maintain all chapter-related facilities alcohol and drug-free during the interim suspension. Still, on June 10, another police search of an apartment in the Sigma Alpha Mu section of Fraternity Row found illegal drugs and evidence of drug sales. [An SDSU Spokesperson] added that the two recent incidents were not the first for the fraternity. In fact, he said that the fraternity has a history of policy violations for more than a year. Another of its violations is serving alcohol to minors. Additionally, during Operation Sudden Fall, the campus drug bust in the spring of 2008, the university placed Sigma Alpha Mu on interim suspension and later lifted it. [The current chapter] president of Sigma Alpha Mu said that the university’s decision was unexpected: “It’s shocking. It’s like you’ve been devoted to something for so long and then it’s gone”… “It’s like losing a big part of your life; and then, afterwards, you’re wondering what you’re going to be doing next.” [The chapter president] said the decision was fair, but he believes the punishment was too harsh. The expulsion revokes recognition of the fraternity on campus as an organization for at least four years. [The chapter president] said that it seems like the Greek community is continually blamed for wrongdoings. “It’s not just the Greeks; (drugs are) everywhere,” He said. “I hate to say this, but it’s college.” What’s really best about this article are the comments that follow it online. One commenter called ‘Proud to be a Sammy’ stated: “Sammys has [sic] done countless work for sdsu [sic]and this is how we get repaid. they [sic] never even mention the specifics because they know the evidence is so rediculously [sic] small to expell [sic] a chapter from campus. Its [sic] such a joke that because they are so sad that playboy [sic]rated them the 3rd best party school they have to highly publicize a stupid incident to make it look like they are regulating and all the students would tell you they are just hurting the situation, not changing anything, killing the greek system, and negatively affecting the lives of many.”

According to the report, pledges were forced to purchase and wear black jump suits while performing laborious tasks -- namely during the “seven hours of hell” held at [the chapter President’s] apartment in which recruits were forced to run, eat animal food and perform boot-camp like training. The physical conditioning included “Zeta TV,” a rigorous exercise where students were forced to horizontally support themselves with only one arm and their toes until they counted to 1,920, the year of the national sorority’s founding. “… if anyone put their feet down, complained, rested, did not count, etc., we would have to start all over. Again, we all were so tired that we had to start over numerous times. NUMEROUS. By the end of the night one of the invited member’s shoulder blades, arms and wrists were swollen. She had to go to the hospital because it looked so bad,” one witness told CSUPD. The CSUPD investigation found multiple claims of bodily harm resulting from the malicious hazing. “As the night went on we had to drink kitty milk, since Zeta nick names are the cats. We ate so many onions by this time (student) and (student) threw up, and [one member] told us if we were to throw up we would have to lick the vomit off the floor. So they threw up inside their suits,” one victim said in her statement to police. Another witness said in her statement that the training caused one student, who

Mr. Proud, you spelled a few things wrong in your rebuttal, otherwise, you are TOTALLY right (sense the sarcasm?)! SDSU is totally just trying to pull itself from the trenches after that dang Playboy ranking. I mean, those rankings are really important and expelling a chapter (even though it’s for NO reason… obviously) is going to make everything better. Isn’t it funny (if by ‘funny’ you mean ‘too bad’) when people completely miss the point? After doing a little more digging, it turns out that the drugs found were specifically approximately two pounds of marijuana. One commenter stated “go through your damn dorms and I’m sure you’ll gather MUCH MORE than a stupid 2 pounds worth of pot”. Okay, we get it… on the scale of harmfulness we can all agree that marijuana is less harmful than other drugs, like heroin. But ‘two stupid pounds of pot’? This writer clearly has no clue about the basics on marijuana. Two pounds of marijuana is 32 ounces. Considering most smokers buy weed by the eighth of quarter of an ounce, that’s enough weed for at least 200 people’s personal use. This is not a stupid and meaningless amount, it’s enough to fill up a regular sized school backpack – and you’d really have to shove it in there. Furthermore, considering that an ounce of pot sells for somewhere between $300 and $400, two pounds is more than 11 THOUSAND dollars of merchandise. We don’t think it’s that farfetched to say that if you collected all of the weed from the all of the pockets on all of the people at Woodstock, you still might not have two pounds of pot. Not to be a jerk, but any person with basic math skills and social awareness knows that nobody EVER has two pounds of pot around unless they are selling it.

undergoes dialysis because of kidney problems, to faint on more than one occasion, the report said. Stop the presses!! All four women admitted to hazing in police statements, but denied that any pledges were ever harmed. This statement makes us want to scream…. What do you mean they weren’t harmed? We don’t know about you, but we think that having to undergo dialysis, having swollen wrists and arms, and experiencing massive fatigue and starvation all undoubtedly fall in the ‘harmful’ category. You’ve got to love collegian newspapers – this one published the full police report. The whole 54 pages of it. What’s so upsetting and literally scary is how fearful the women were in their statements continually stressing how important it was that the chapter leaders didn’t know that they had revealed information to the police. It appears that the Zeta Phi Beta national organization was aware of the allegations from near the beginning and even came to campus to investigate them. It’s evident that those investigations led to more pledges ‘coming out’ with their own allegations of hazing, so that’s good. But, one thing the national organization officers didn’t know is that while they were on campus doing the investigations, the chapter president had taken all of the evidence (body suits, bricks, etc.) and given it to one of their graduate members to hide… and she did it! Who are these people?

Preparing Your Chapter for a Judicial Board Hearing Adapted from a resource submitted by Oklahoma State University Interfraternity Council We’ve all been there. Okay, not everyone has been there… but good chapters sometimes do bad things. For whatever reason, your chapter is facing a judicial board hearing with your governing council judicial body. Preparation is key. In these situations, many chapter leaders find themselves in an unfamiliar position: you know there are things that you should do to prepare, but you do not know where to start. This article’s intent is to serve as a resource for just this reason. Here are a few tips that might assist in navigating the process. These tips are based on general process and procedure. The specific process at your institution or for your community may be slightly different. Remember, the hearing is an administrative hearing, not a court of law. Therefore, formal rules of evidence are not necessarily applicable to the hearing. The process is designed to be non-adversarial and more often than not the standard of evidence is ‘preponderance of the evidence’ rather than ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’. In other words, the objective of the judicial body is to determine the facts of the case, and using the preponderance of the evidence standard of “more likely than not” to determine if a violation of institutional regulations did or did not occur. If the judicial body determines that a violation did occur, then sanctions may be imposed. In preparing for the case, keep the following factors in mind: Focus your energy on the allegations and the behaviors/choices that may have occurred within your organization that may have led to the current challenges. This is not a time to worry about what any other chapter or organization is doing, or whether or not some person or organization has an ax to grind with you. Prior to the hearing, take an opportunity to meet with the hearing officer/ adjudicating body to discuss the process in order to ensure you are clear about what will occur at the hearing.

030 // connections // 2009.fall

Take the process seriously and prepare carefully. Tell the truth, no matter how harmful the allegations may be. The process is designed to be non-adversarial and an accurate representation of the facts will allow your chapter to address any behavioral challenges that may have contributed to their allegations. You may have the ability to have an advisor accompany you during the hearing. It may be common practice that advisors cannot speak or ask questions on your behalf, nor serve as a witness during the hearing. If this is the case, your advisor may only advise, which may include the following: help you prepare for the hearing, take notes during the hearing, and help you keep calm and in control. You generally will have the opportunity to make an opening statement. If so, that opening statement should be a general overview of what occurred during the incident that is alleged to have violated rules. If your chapter did engage in prohibited conduct, you may wish to state this up front and then speak to reasons why the incident occurred and any internal actions the chapter has taken. A further evidentiary phase is a time for you to present the details of what occurred during the incident that is alleged to have violated rules. During this time, you may have the opportunity to present evidence or witnesses that can help clarify or substantiate your side of the story. If there is someone who could better explain what happened during the alleged incident, bring him or her as a witness. You most likely will have the opportunity to present a closing statement. If so, your closing statement should summarize the evidence presented. This is also your opportunity to explain why a finding of “not responsible” should be determined, or explain what you feel is an appropriate sanction (if you accept responsibility). The overall theme here is: be prepared and be honest. Realize that mistakes and bad judgments happen. With this in mind, it’s important to enter a hearing with an outlook that is based on integrity, accountability, and an open mind. Remember, the point of judicial boards is peer accountability and giving the opportunity for everyone involved to learn from the experience.


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{ }

one more { thing we know you’re near the end, but we’d love to tell you

Top Ten Risk Management Guidelines

before you go and look at the back cover of the mag.

10. Identify and Assess Risks Risk is everywhere. Success in this area of chapter management often comes down to recognizing and managing those risks. The types of risks most often faced in fraternities and sororities tend to revolve around our social lives and include alcohol, drugs and violence. Some risks are intuitively obvious; unfortunately, some may not be as obvious.

9. Know the Numbers In other words; you need to know what you’ve got to lose in the worst case scenario. This could be something as small as your privilege to attend the upcoming formal or something as big as your chapter’s charter. Spend the time and money to get the tools and expertise needed to best quantify the chapter’s risks. Ideally, risk management ought to be about ‘doing the right thing’ but we know that that’s not always the case. Perhaps tying a dollar amount to the process can help hit the point home with other [less concerned] members. 8. Realize that Risks are Interrelated One thing usually leads to another. A few people drinking underage or drinking a little too much, in and of themselves, are not usually what advisors, parents, administrators are all up in arms about… it’s what that risky behavior tends to lead to. Recognizing that risks interact between and within chapter activities is one basis for the chapter/community-wide risk management approach that most institutions are requiring and is now widely practiced at most responsible campuses.

5. Take Risk Management Seriously As leaders, you have the responsibility for modeling behavior. So, if you go into the annual risk management training and say “Okay, everyone. I know this is boring, but we HAVE to do it in order to get Greek Awards” you are only mocking the process. If you think it’s a joke, then so will everyone else. Let people know that risk management is a serious and important part of the chapter/community. And if you have to – fake it or find someone who’s behind the effort to take your place. 4. Reduce Exposure to Risk This statement might seem obvious but you’d be surprised. Risks arise from exposure and the funny thing is that usually we can see them coming. In other words, if you simply avoid risky behavior, it’s a lot more likely that you’ll avoid a catastrophe. Right, right: sometimes bad things really do just happen to good people. But, in these cases, a chapter can usually do a pretty good job of showing that they did their best to avoid the problem. 3. Assess the Risk/Return Ratio Risk management does not equal risk aversion; just like in businesses, some risky decisions can benefit a chapter. After all, change happens and we’re all expected to roll with it. However, other risks are hugely problematic. Usually determining whether a risk is good or bad is easy, but not always. Decisions that are driven by risk/reward assessments usually have a higher probability of successful outcomes. So, think about decisions and assess the risk… Is it a risk that you and your chapter/community are willing to take? What are the possible outcomes?

7. Continually Reassess Risks Things change, and so do risks. You get new members (and alumni), create and change your chapter events, hang out with new people and chapters, and on-and-on. Hey, even new types of drugs become ‘popular’ and/or become more mainstream. These changes can be rather sudden or they can be creeping and hidden. Be proactive and when things change in your chapter/community, take a moment to consider how those changes might affect your risk management culture and/or procedures.

2. Make Your Risk Manager Important Be sure that your chapter Risk Manager is well trained and viewed as an important part of the leadership team. Good training means more than requiring them to attend a transition meeting and tossing them a binder. Work with your governing council, headquarters, campus advisors, etc. This position ought to be a serious role but it is too often filled as one of those ‘random’ jobs. Plus, in depth training needs to be provided to this person and the expectations need to be high in order for the Risk Manager to provide the leadership that your chapter or council truly needs.

6. Commit Adequate Resources Don’t be cheap. Running a chapter or council is expensive, but there are better places to cut costs. Effective risk management requires considerable expertise and resources including basic risk management training for all members, chapter and community activities, speakers and experts, and assistance from advisors and other leadership. Although these things may cost money, it’s worth it in the end.

1. Create a Risk Aware Culture Use synergy to your advantage. The best way to manage risk well is by educating the entire organization/community on the practical aspects of risk management, and that especially includes the most senior chapter/council leaders and the advisors. Risk management responsibilities and expectations should be very clear. Simple training and building awareness can lead to a risk management culture that will drive chapter success.

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