The Hidden City #3

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issue #3 online magazine

Produced by Anonima Fumetti in collaboration with Scuola Cottolengo and Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti Editing

Nico Vassallo and Bonsignori Fr Andrea Cover

Arash Eftekhari Optimization, Graphic Design, Editing

Studio ParlapĂ - Davide G.G. Caci Artistic Advice

Gianfranco Costagliola e Pierpaolo Rovero Web Editing

Gianfranco Goria English Translation

Fiorenzo Delle Rupi

Online magazine produced by:

5 Scrum at Cottolengo! Third arc: Hi, Duffer!

Nico Vassallo Initial Idea Alberto Arato Story Andrea Dotta Art & Colors Studio Parlapà Lettering & Editing 15 Whistle and Paddle Jacopo Maria Vassallo Research and Interviews Alberto Arato Story Marco Patrucco Art, Colors & Lettering 19 Music Jacopo Maria Vassallo Research and Interviews Alberto Arato Story Fabrizio Muò Art, Colors & Lettering

THE HIDDEN CITY An ordinary day of an ordinary year, a child like any was measuring his room with who knows what projects in mind. His mother, intrigued by that unusual game, asked him what he was doing. The child, with that special innocence that only children can have, mildly answered: “I want to see how many beds we can put in there, to take in as many sick children as possible.” Her mother smiled, and everybody resumed their activities. And yet, in time that project was not abandoned. That child was Giuseppe Cottolengo and those rooms would actually host many sick patients in need of a bed. So, with our third issue, we don’t want just to entertain you with a few nice true stories told through a comic book. We also want everybody to think back at the games they used to play when they were children. Yes, those games where we knew no fear, and we were sport champions, valiant knight or princesses dreaming of a true, pure love made of feelings, of heartbeats triggered by a simple look. The Hidden City goes on, exploring these feelings in particular, this wish to stay together and dream the sweet scent of a “discovery”. Summer is a time of rest, a time to spend together, and it is always good to meet dozens and dozens of volunteers in the streets of the hidden city, young and old people alike, spending their holidays in the wards, attending the old and those in need, instead of looking for elusive thrills on a beach or under the dazzling lights of a disco. It is good to find out that there is always another “share” of people who still believe in solidarity, to know that one’s own welfare and purse is not everything. Believe me, there is something different that urges us to be different, to have different goals. Where? Well, in that place... or better... in that hidden city lying within our own heart.

Bonsignori Fr Andrea

ARC 3: Hi, duffer!

It’s not that hard, is it?

You selfrighteous…

Good, thick, you certainly know how to tackle!

That’s enough for today. You have learnt the art of tackling, the building block of rugby, the base of the game, the dynamics of every action, what makes a true player out of every rugby player, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…

He squashed you, didn’t he?

Foul. He always makes foul. That’s how he stops me. But if I wanted...

Quit this foul nonsense! Just learn how to play!

It’s easy for you to speak like that... you are the coach’s favorite...


This is not going well...

Fool! NAG! What did you say? Say that again, if you dare!

Oaf! No, not well at all...

Way to go, excellent training!

Nice job, Thick’! You’re the man!

Did you see my tackle?

You are a legend, Thick. A le-gend!

Oh, yes, I saw you being tackled!


Nobody here knows what a foul is...

Your tackle?

I saw you! You were

terrific! Now, here is someone who knows what rugby really is!

How can you always get hit without getting hurt?

you Indeed, me how l l e t have to o it. d n a you c

Incompetent simpletons. I am the only one who knows the sport enough, and yet Thick gets all the praise!

If I weren’t part in this team... it would be a disaster! Thick is just useless...

Hi, duffer, you’re taking the tramway too?

Speaking of the devil...

Helllp! Thief!

Let go of my bag! Just let go of my bag!

ew A f ys a d r... e lat

...and so, when I saw the thief, I thought: “I have to stop him,” and without a thought, I jumped on him, I landed him, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

You self righteous...!

So! What are you doing here?

It’s training time! Get out, right now!

Have you seen Thick? He’s quite green with envy.

Well, he’s tasting his own medicine. First Bonderien was jealous of Thick, and now...

Back in my country they say: jealousy is like ball: the more you push it in the water, the more it springs to the surface.

Let’s see what you can do on the field.

It hurts when you’re no longer the talk of the day, doesn’t it?

I don’t need any heroics to be noticed!

And I don’t need crummy coaches to get noticed.

Watch out for my next tackle!

You watch out.

Today you will play in the same training team.

In the same team?

Playing with him? Not in your life!

Will you stop repeating my words?

Will you stop repeating my words?

Incompetent! ENOUGH! Cut it out!


He must stop first!

No! Him!


A full combo. How about another match?

I think we have time for three rematches...

Virtues in sport?

It’s like comparing a turnip with a pickle.

Who’s the turnip?

Bonderien, I think. And Thick... the pickle!

That’s what it really counts to an athlete, isn’t it?

Anyway, I think they deserve a lesson.

ow who And I think I kn them! to it can teach

They’re of too full s! e v l e s them

Coach! Coach!

We have a request, please...

{whisper, whisper}

I’ve got some news. I’ve decided I’ll introduce a few changes in our tackling system. I hope you like them...

I don’t think I got it...


Neither did I. Wrinkle must be out of his mind...

That had to hurt!

In my country they say: nothing cures jealousy like blows...

Wanna be the next to tackle, Bonde?

Oh, no, you go first!

No, please, I Insist...

ing about So, we were talk , didn’t we? virtues in sport Of turnips and pickles, actually...

You mean mashed Thick and Bonderien...

Jealousy, you said?

A little.

Jealousy is a devious and shameful passion... ...that none dares to confess!

...yet it is easy to cure...

...with a good healthy blows...

...dealt with sportive friendship, of course!

BACON My introduction: They call me Bacon

Name: Matteo

Family Name: Ronzio Main Features: Belly (“I am not fat, it’s muscles; you need them to be a prop!!!!”)

Girlfriend: Girls!: bah! They are (almost)

always on a diet... If I had to choose,

Ethel would be nice, though... Best Friends: Claw, Woodpeecker

Occasional Enemies: Thick Sworn Enemies: BondeRien (they hate each other)

Wishes: To design the universal snack machine. You describe the snack you want, and the machine cooks it up freely, right on the spot. Thoughts: : Hunger is a bad thing; you have to drive it away (by eating). I wonder why good things are never healthy. It’s not my fault if I’m always hungry. If you must eat alone, eat for three.

The Hidden City is a project of:

Scuola Cottolengo

In collaboration with: Anonima Fumetti association of professional of comics, with the task of enhancing the art of comics also as a chance to read for young people.

Associazione Sportiva GiuCo (Sports Association GiuCo) association that uses Sport as a way of integration. For several years now it play “normal” championships with all disadvantaged people according to the principles of St. Joseph Cottolengo.

Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori (‘Christian Workers Movement’) It is an order of a social nature, solidarity and voluntary non-profit organization. M.C.L. wants to promote the affirmation of Christian principles in life, in culture, in the legal, legislation. It works for a renewed social order in which are guaranted, according to justice, the recognition of rights and the satisfaction of the spiritual and material needs of workers.

This work has been supported by:

For info on The Hidden City, contact us.

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