2 minute read
Spring Cleaning the Heart
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 ESV
Do you love spring cleaning? Although I don’t really like the actual act of cleaning, I love the end result. A few days ago I went through some of my kids’ clothes they’ve outgrown and have two full trash bags to give away. Their closets now have more space and it feels good to get rid of things that don't belong in there anymore.
I have more plans to spring clean other areas of my house and can’t wait for the free space and refreshment it will bring to our home.
Spring cleaning isn’t something we should limit to our homes, we should spend some time analyzing and cleaning out our hearts. Lately, I’ve done this myself and it has been so beneficial.
God has opened my eyes to how I’ve carried fear and shame in my heart for a very long time. He’s helped me to realize this has held me back from living the abundant and free life God intends for us. It all happened because I got curious about my feelings and am working through them. It’s been hard, scary and painful, but the results have been liberating. It has taken time and some money to invest in myself in this way, time and money I could have spent on other things, but I’m coming out a better person and that makes the investment more than worth it.
What about you, friend? Do you have feelings in your heart you don’t want anymore? Unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy or fear? Do you do things you wish you could change?
Maybe it’s your reactions: how you worry or lose your temper. Maybe it's your thoughts: negative soundtracks you keep repeating. Or maybe it's your habits: doing what you know you shouldn't do or neglecting to choose a better option.
None of us is immune from brokenness in this life, we all carry around pain and past hurts that will impair us and our relationships if we don’t address them. Get curious and don’t be afraid of digging deep to discover more about yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and to spend time and money on becoming a better you.
Here are some resources I’ve found helpful:
Counseling: Visit The American Association of Christian Counselors or www.aacc.net or call the Focus on the Family Counseling Department: 1-855-771-HELP
Breaking Free by Beth Moore**
Boundaries by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend*
Daring Greatly by Brené Brown**
Rising Strong by Brené Brown**
Why You Do the Things You Do by Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Gary Sibcy**
Lord, we acknowledge that we need You to refresh and heal our hearts from past wounds or current struggles. Please allow this healing to change our actions and reactions so that we can live life to the full, as You intended for us. We know that Jesus died to set us free, please help us believe it and live it out. We love you and praise you for being our Healer. Amen.