1 minute read
from my heart to yours
May is always a busy time of year, isn't it? If you're a mom with kids in school or any sort of activity, this month can feel a little bit more like mayhem, right?
There are many extra things to attend, like concerts, performances, and graduations. There are finals and formals. There's spirit week and summer activities to plan before they get filled up. Kids are coming home from college. This month can be a blur. If you're feeling weary and tired this time of year, know you're not alone!
But let's promise each other that we won't let busyness get the best of us. Here's how:

By making time to rest: Rest isn't a reward for completing your to-do list, rest is necessary to keep you from completely burning out. Take a nap. Eat on paper plates. Carve out moments where you can find space to breathe. Plan for downtime and don't feel guilty about it.
Be where your feet are: My friend Alison Wallwork told me this was the best parenting advice she's ever received. I agree! It's the reminder to be present wherever we are. When we catch our minds wandering to our never-ending to-do list or some other distraction, let's realign to be present wherever our feet happen to be.
I hope that wherever May takes you, you will celebrate this beauty and busyness of the season.
Happy May and Happy Mother's Day!