Kate Gross Interview - Dynamics Magazine

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Dynamics Supporting international development around the world

Issue 4 September 2011

Brick by brick Strengthening African governance The next generation of public service

The dash for cash

Charting future investment strategies

On the trail

Tackling fraud and corruption in government

We meet ... | More than aid: why governance matters in Africa

More than


Tony Blair’s Africa Governance Initiative is designed to help governments develop the capacity to meet the rising expectations of their citizens. Here, its chief executive, Kate Gross, tells us about their work and ambitions for the future

: L

Why governance matters in


executive. “The first thing about AGI is that we are ondon’s credentials as a global city are led by the countries we work with,” she explains. not in question but few parts of the UK’s “So this really means that we go only where we capital pulse with such international flavor are asked, as we were asked in by the heads as Grosvenor Square, located at the heart of the of state of Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Liberia. borough of Westminster. One side is taken up in The other thing we look for is the possibility of its entirety by the looming US Embassy, while it transformation in countries that are at a turning is home, too, to the Canadian High Commission point. And each of these three countries has and the Italian Embassy. So perhaps it’s fitting come out of a very difficult past, but now there is that Tony Blair, Britain’s former Prime Minister leadership in place which means they can move who has filled his post-Downing Street life with forward into a an array of domestic better future.” and international The AGI’s commitments, has also The relationship Tony Blair has approach is based his offices in this with a leader is a pivot for the somewhat corner of London. unique. Its His new place of whole project. Their mutual teams are work, though, is the trust enables us to get behind deployed to very definition of work sidediscreet. No signage closed doors. by-side with here. And certainly counterparts nothing to suggest that in Presidential the building — which Offices, ministries, investment promotion agencies was once home to John Adams, second president and think-tanks to provide strategic advice and of the US — serves as the global hub for a number support and to develop capacity among the next of organizations focused on an eclectic array of generation of public service leaders. The idea is public policy challenges. For in addition to his role as the Quartet Representative, where he works for to build the capacity for effective governance that will allow those governments to drive their own the US, UN, Russia and EU to help the Palestinians development, while at the same time helping them prepare for statehood, much of Blair’s time is generate sustainable private sector development taken up by his Sports and Faith Foundations, a global climate initiative, and his Africa Governance that can develop and grow their economies away from aid dependence. Initiative (AGI). “A number of factors have shaped the The AGI, some three years young, is making approach we have taken,” adds Gross. “But really, good progress, according to Kate Gross, its chief

t Kate Gross


Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011


We meet ... | More than aid: why governance matters in Africa

More than


Tony Blair’s Africa Governance Initiative is designed to help governments develop the capacity to meet the rising expectations of their citizens. Here, its chief executive, Kate Gross, tells us about their work and ambitions for the future

: L

Why governance matters in


executive. “The first thing about AGI is that we are ondon’s credentials as a global city are led by the countries we work with,” she explains. not in question but few parts of the UK’s “So this really means that we go only where we capital pulse with such international flavor are asked, as we were asked in by the heads as Grosvenor Square, located at the heart of the of state of Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Liberia. borough of Westminster. One side is taken up in The other thing we look for is the possibility of its entirety by the looming US Embassy, while it transformation in countries that are at a turning is home, too, to the Canadian High Commission point. And each of these three countries has and the Italian Embassy. So perhaps it’s fitting come out of a very difficult past, but now there is that Tony Blair, Britain’s former Prime Minister leadership in place which means they can move who has filled his post-Downing Street life with forward into a an array of domestic better future.” and international The AGI’s commitments, has also The relationship Tony Blair has approach is based his offices in this with a leader is a pivot for the somewhat corner of London. unique. Its His new place of whole project. Their mutual teams are work, though, is the trust enables us to get behind deployed to very definition of work sidediscreet. No signage closed doors. by-side with here. And certainly counterparts nothing to suggest that in Presidential the building — which Offices, ministries, investment promotion agencies was once home to John Adams, second president and think-tanks to provide strategic advice and of the US — serves as the global hub for a number support and to develop capacity among the next of organizations focused on an eclectic array of generation of public service leaders. The idea is public policy challenges. For in addition to his role as the Quartet Representative, where he works for to build the capacity for effective governance that will allow those governments to drive their own the US, UN, Russia and EU to help the Palestinians development, while at the same time helping them prepare for statehood, much of Blair’s time is generate sustainable private sector development taken up by his Sports and Faith Foundations, a global climate initiative, and his Africa Governance that can develop and grow their economies away from aid dependence. Initiative (AGI). “A number of factors have shaped the The AGI, some three years young, is making approach we have taken,” adds Gross. “But really, good progress, according to Kate Gross, its chief

t Kate Gross


Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011


We meet ... | More than aid: why governance matters in Africa

And indeed it does feel like Blair has set up something it’s all about implementation. In the countries we work in of a surrogate Downing Street operation; teams of there isn’t always time to do whole civil service reform. staff working away in what was a residential building You’ve got to start with priorities, and the things that to fulfill his policy ambitions. “It was a really brilliant you’ve got to get delivered. And there will be more job, and I loved the breadth of the different issues that momentum for reform if you focus on change around come across your desk, as well as the intellectual and those, rather than change in the abstract.” practical challenges,” she adds. “But for me the bit that is The teams themselves are quite small, and come from interesting is being about to transfer that knowledge and a diverse range of backgrounds. “We have really, really experience into the new challenge of Africa.” excellent people,” she says proudly. “They are best in One other significant benefit of having worked at the class from the public and private sectors. They also come top end of government is the empathy she has for her from the voluntary sector and the development world as colleagues in Africa. “If I well. AGI teams are usually talk to a President’s special between five and 10 people assistant, for example, and are often secondees In the countries we work in there I know what it’s like and from other organizations. isn’t always time to do whole civil I know that in Downing They tend to come from a Street I would not have put mix of sectors; a third with service reform. You’ve got to start up with someone coming experience of government with priorities, and the things that in and telling me how to do somewhere around the my job,” she admits. “It’s world, a third from the you’ve got to get delivered. not that i didn’t need any private sector often with help – I did – but because experience of looking at I was just so busy; there public sector reform, and was always too much going on and I was always trying then a third from the development world so. People use to keep my head above water. So I can really understand AGI often as a bridge to get into development, or to move that questions about how they structure themselves, and out of it. So people use us as a stepping stone.” how they might change the way they view government, is Gross is herself a former senior civil servant in the quite often the last thing you care about as you just want UK. In addition to roles in a variety of government to get through each day.” departments and the European Commission, she was Having worked closely with Blair in Number 10, Gross private secretary to both Blair and his successor, Gordon saw first-hand how Africa, and its vast possibilities, really Brown. Asked whether she misses the civil services she captured his imagination. “He is a very optimistic person clearly has no regrets about moving on. “I’ve taken the and he really saw the potential in Africa,” she says. “And things that I enjoyed most about the civil service and he saw the injustice. All the leaders we work with he treats transplanted them here,” she says.


Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

as individuals – as peers. And he sees in what they do a lot government, reinforcing dependency on outsiders and preventing African countries from deciding their own of the challenges he himself faced. destiny.. We believe that the relationship between donors “He’s much more than a figurehead to AGI. The and Africa needs to change, and it will only change if relationship he has with a leader is a pivot for the whole African develop greater capacity., project. Their mutual trust enables us to get behind “The private sector is the other most important factor closed doors. He understands the challenges they face and it is extremely encouraging seeing how it is growing, and that making change is always difficult. He visits especially in a country like Sierra Leone where when we each country a couple of times a year, he speaks to the started in 2008 there wasn’t much interest from foreign leaders on the phone, he writes to them; he’s very active.” investors, and now there is massive interest and some This activity has contributed much towards AGI’s early genuine opportunities, But it’s still a challenge and we raft of successes. While only in existence for a relatively need to make sure that the gains from foreign investment short period of time, Gross takes clear satisfaction in are used effectively and steered toward the development being able to cite clear examples of the organization’s of public services.” positive impact. And as for AGI — which “In Sierra Leone is already planning to we’ve worked with The two biggest factors shaping expand its activities into the government on other countries over the implementing a free Africa’s future are governance next year or so — Gross healthcare policy,” she and the development of the says that their work says. “And over the course private sector. has only just begun. “I of the year the work we did would like to say that in on the nuts and bolts of a generation we won’t delivery inside government be needed,” she says. “I led to massive change, think Africa could be a totally different continent in a with three times as many kids are now being treated in generation. If you look at Africa two thirds of the world’s hospital as before the new policy was launched. Another big success is going to Rwanda and hearing its civil service fragile states are there — affecting millions of people — but if you get the right leadership there is such huge potential say that the way we do capacity building is the right for transformation, and we would like to play our part.” model for them, and the one they want others to emulate. They have designed a big program around the approach that we have taken. So seeing our work leveraged like this is very exciting.” She is keen to stress, though, that the work is continually challenging, adding that the biggest test will come when AGI exits one of the three countries it is working in. “The biggest issue is sustainability – just as it is with any development work,” she says. “We’ve exited some institutions – and we’ve had some good signs that what we have done has been continued – but leaving a country will be a big challenge.” Looking to the future, though, Gross’s buoyancy mirrors that of her boss. “We are big Africa optimists — and I think you have to be in our line of work,” she says. “The two biggest factors shaping Africa’s future are governance and the development of the private sector. Governance matters because until it is improved, aid will bypass p Kate Gross

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011


We meet ... | More than aid: why governance matters in Africa

And indeed it does feel like Blair has set up something it’s all about implementation. In the countries we work in of a surrogate Downing Street operation; teams of there isn’t always time to do whole civil service reform. staff working away in what was a residential building You’ve got to start with priorities, and the things that to fulfill his policy ambitions. “It was a really brilliant you’ve got to get delivered. And there will be more job, and I loved the breadth of the different issues that momentum for reform if you focus on change around come across your desk, as well as the intellectual and those, rather than change in the abstract.” practical challenges,” she adds. “But for me the bit that is The teams themselves are quite small, and come from interesting is being about to transfer that knowledge and a diverse range of backgrounds. “We have really, really experience into the new challenge of Africa.” excellent people,” she says proudly. “They are best in One other significant benefit of having worked at the class from the public and private sectors. They also come top end of government is the empathy she has for her from the voluntary sector and the development world as colleagues in Africa. “If I well. AGI teams are usually talk to a President’s special between five and 10 people assistant, for example, and are often secondees In the countries we work in there I know what it’s like and from other organizations. isn’t always time to do whole civil I know that in Downing They tend to come from a Street I would not have put mix of sectors; a third with service reform. You’ve got to start up with someone coming experience of government with priorities, and the things that in and telling me how to do somewhere around the my job,” she admits. “It’s world, a third from the you’ve got to get delivered. not that i didn’t need any private sector often with help – I did – but because experience of looking at I was just so busy; there public sector reform, and was always too much going on and I was always trying then a third from the development world so. People use to keep my head above water. So I can really understand AGI often as a bridge to get into development, or to move that questions about how they structure themselves, and out of it. So people use us as a stepping stone.” how they might change the way they view government, is Gross is herself a former senior civil servant in the quite often the last thing you care about as you just want UK. In addition to roles in a variety of government to get through each day.” departments and the European Commission, she was Having worked closely with Blair in Number 10, Gross private secretary to both Blair and his successor, Gordon saw first-hand how Africa, and its vast possibilities, really Brown. Asked whether she misses the civil services she captured his imagination. “He is a very optimistic person clearly has no regrets about moving on. “I’ve taken the and he really saw the potential in Africa,” she says. “And things that I enjoyed most about the civil service and he saw the injustice. All the leaders we work with he treats transplanted them here,” she says.


Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

as individuals – as peers. And he sees in what they do a lot government, reinforcing dependency on outsiders and preventing African countries from deciding their own of the challenges he himself faced. destiny.. We believe that the relationship between donors “He’s much more than a figurehead to AGI. The and Africa needs to change, and it will only change if relationship he has with a leader is a pivot for the whole African develop greater capacity., project. Their mutual trust enables us to get behind “The private sector is the other most important factor closed doors. He understands the challenges they face and it is extremely encouraging seeing how it is growing, and that making change is always difficult. He visits especially in a country like Sierra Leone where when we each country a couple of times a year, he speaks to the started in 2008 there wasn’t much interest from foreign leaders on the phone, he writes to them; he’s very active.” investors, and now there is massive interest and some This activity has contributed much towards AGI’s early genuine opportunities, But it’s still a challenge and we raft of successes. While only in existence for a relatively need to make sure that the gains from foreign investment short period of time, Gross takes clear satisfaction in are used effectively and steered toward the development being able to cite clear examples of the organization’s of public services.” positive impact. And as for AGI — which “In Sierra Leone is already planning to we’ve worked with The two biggest factors shaping expand its activities into the government on other countries over the implementing a free Africa’s future are governance next year or so — Gross healthcare policy,” she and the development of the says that their work says. “And over the course private sector. has only just begun. “I of the year the work we did would like to say that in on the nuts and bolts of a generation we won’t delivery inside government be needed,” she says. “I led to massive change, think Africa could be a totally different continent in a with three times as many kids are now being treated in generation. If you look at Africa two thirds of the world’s hospital as before the new policy was launched. Another big success is going to Rwanda and hearing its civil service fragile states are there — affecting millions of people — but if you get the right leadership there is such huge potential say that the way we do capacity building is the right for transformation, and we would like to play our part.” model for them, and the one they want others to emulate. They have designed a big program around the approach that we have taken. So seeing our work leveraged like this is very exciting.” She is keen to stress, though, that the work is continually challenging, adding that the biggest test will come when AGI exits one of the three countries it is working in. “The biggest issue is sustainability – just as it is with any development work,” she says. “We’ve exited some institutions – and we’ve had some good signs that what we have done has been continued – but leaving a country will be a big challenge.” Looking to the future, though, Gross’s buoyancy mirrors that of her boss. “We are big Africa optimists — and I think you have to be in our line of work,” she says. “The two biggest factors shaping Africa’s future are governance and the development of the private sector. Governance matters because until it is improved, aid will bypass p Kate Gross

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011


We meet ... | More than aid: why governance matters in Africa

AGI Sierra Leone project In 1991, Sierra Leone plunged into a ten year civil war notorious for its brutality. Rape and amputation became weapons of war, children its footsoldiers. Yet just a decade after Tony Blair sent in British troops to restore peace, Sierra Leone is a country on the move. Elected President in 2007 after one of the fastest improvements in political stability of any country in the world, Ernest Bai Koroma has pledged to run his government like a business. AGI’s work, which began in 2008, has focused on improving the tracking and implementation of Koroma’s top priorities. Take health. The war left Sierra Leone with some of the worst maternal and infant mortality rates in the world. Little wonder Koroma made his Free Healthcare Initiative for pregnant women and children an early priority. AGI’s team in the Ministry of Health helped Koroma’s government to develop a clear plan for abolishing user fees, to align donors behind it, and to make sure the necessary reforms to drug supply, hospital infrastructure and health workers’ salaries were undertaken. Launched in April 2010, the programme has doubled the number of women giving birth in hospital, and seen recorded deaths among children treated for malaria fall by more than 80%. Results like these show why improving government effectiveness can have such an impact on people’s lives.

I have seen AGI’s impact in the way my government functions and in its capacity to implement my priorities in health, agriculture and private sector development. President Ernest Bai Koroma

This partnership with AGI is exemplary; it has produced substantive and tangible results. President Paul Kagame


Sierra Leone

AGI Rwanda project



AGI Liberia project “I have been one of the lucky ones,” writes President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in her memoir. It’s easy to see why. Minister of Finance during the 1980 coup, she was one of only four Cabinet ministers to survive; 14 others, including then President Tolbert, were murdered. The coup marked the beginning of two decades of conflict that would cost 250,000 lives and leave the social and economic fabric of Liberia in tatters. Elected as Africa’s first female head of state in 2005, Johnson Sirleaf is widely regarded as one of the continent’s most inspirational leaders. Her Lift Liberia programme has seen school enrolment climb 40 percent and external debt slashed. The early years of Johnson Sirleaf’s term convinced her that a strong presidency would be critical in driving through her agenda. In 2009, she invited AGI to support wideranging reforms to the Office of the President to improve government co-ordination and the tracking and communication of her top priorities: roads and electricity. One area of focus has been the Cabinet process. Dr Momo K. Rogers, Director General of Cabinet, believes the partnership with AGI has enabled him to develop tools to make Cabinet more effective. “Working with the AGI Governance Advisor,” he says, “we have managed to prepare a Cabinet Manual and tracking templates specific to the Liberian Cabinet.” Johnson Sirleaf rejects the idea that a stronger centre undermines capacity elsewhere in government; on the contrary, she argues, “a well performing Presidency enhances the work of all of our other sector ministries.”

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

I want to thank the members of the AGI team because they’ve worked so well with our staff to achieve better results, not only for the Presidency but because a well performing Presidency enhances the work of all of our ministries. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

The horror of the 1994 Rwandan genocide defied comprehension: 800,000 people killed in 100 days. Few countries have been through what Rwanda has and come out the other side — which makes the recovery under way in Rwanda all the more remarkable. What sets Rwanda apart is the scale of its ambition. Setting its sights on becoming a middle income country by 2020, it has achieved one of the fastest growth rates in the world. But the Government of Rwanda knows that to sustain this progress, it needs to unlock the potential in agriculture, energy and other sectors that could drive Rwanda’s economy for a generation. That’s why, with support from AGI, it has developed the Strategic Capacity Building Initiative (SCBI). This innovative programme began with the Government defining a game-changing goal for each sector, and then identifying the capacity needs that stand in the way of achieving it. Long-term capacity assistance will now address the gaps the Government has identified while training 150 young Rwandans to do the job – and preparing them for future leadership roles. For example, SCBI will help the Ministry of Infrastructure implement a programme to double the number of households with mains electricity. Building on AGI’s successful partnership with the government to date, the SCBI will, uniquely for an initiative of its type, include support to the centre of government institutions responsible for setting priorities and coordinating delivery.



We meet ... | More than aid: why governance matters in Africa

AGI Sierra Leone project In 1991, Sierra Leone plunged into a ten year civil war notorious for its brutality. Rape and amputation became weapons of war, children its footsoldiers. Yet just a decade after Tony Blair sent in British troops to restore peace, Sierra Leone is a country on the move. Elected President in 2007 after one of the fastest improvements in political stability of any country in the world, Ernest Bai Koroma has pledged to run his government like a business. AGI’s work, which began in 2008, has focused on improving the tracking and implementation of Koroma’s top priorities. Take health. The war left Sierra Leone with some of the worst maternal and infant mortality rates in the world. Little wonder Koroma made his Free Healthcare Initiative for pregnant women and children an early priority. AGI’s team in the Ministry of Health helped Koroma’s government to develop a clear plan for abolishing user fees, to align donors behind it, and to make sure the necessary reforms to drug supply, hospital infrastructure and health workers’ salaries were undertaken. Launched in April 2010, the programme has doubled the number of women giving birth in hospital, and seen recorded deaths among children treated for malaria fall by more than 80%. Results like these show why improving government effectiveness can have such an impact on people’s lives.

I have seen AGI’s impact in the way my government functions and in its capacity to implement my priorities in health, agriculture and private sector development. President Ernest Bai Koroma

This partnership with AGI is exemplary; it has produced substantive and tangible results. President Paul Kagame


Sierra Leone

AGI Rwanda project



AGI Liberia project “I have been one of the lucky ones,” writes President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in her memoir. It’s easy to see why. Minister of Finance during the 1980 coup, she was one of only four Cabinet ministers to survive; 14 others, including then President Tolbert, were murdered. The coup marked the beginning of two decades of conflict that would cost 250,000 lives and leave the social and economic fabric of Liberia in tatters. Elected as Africa’s first female head of state in 2005, Johnson Sirleaf is widely regarded as one of the continent’s most inspirational leaders. Her Lift Liberia programme has seen school enrolment climb 40 percent and external debt slashed. The early years of Johnson Sirleaf’s term convinced her that a strong presidency would be critical in driving through her agenda. In 2009, she invited AGI to support wideranging reforms to the Office of the President to improve government co-ordination and the tracking and communication of her top priorities: roads and electricity. One area of focus has been the Cabinet process. Dr Momo K. Rogers, Director General of Cabinet, believes the partnership with AGI has enabled him to develop tools to make Cabinet more effective. “Working with the AGI Governance Advisor,” he says, “we have managed to prepare a Cabinet Manual and tracking templates specific to the Liberian Cabinet.” Johnson Sirleaf rejects the idea that a stronger centre undermines capacity elsewhere in government; on the contrary, she argues, “a well performing Presidency enhances the work of all of our other sector ministries.”

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

I want to thank the members of the AGI team because they’ve worked so well with our staff to achieve better results, not only for the Presidency but because a well performing Presidency enhances the work of all of our ministries. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Dynamics │ Issue 4 │ September 2011

The horror of the 1994 Rwandan genocide defied comprehension: 800,000 people killed in 100 days. Few countries have been through what Rwanda has and come out the other side — which makes the recovery under way in Rwanda all the more remarkable. What sets Rwanda apart is the scale of its ambition. Setting its sights on becoming a middle income country by 2020, it has achieved one of the fastest growth rates in the world. But the Government of Rwanda knows that to sustain this progress, it needs to unlock the potential in agriculture, energy and other sectors that could drive Rwanda’s economy for a generation. That’s why, with support from AGI, it has developed the Strategic Capacity Building Initiative (SCBI). This innovative programme began with the Government defining a game-changing goal for each sector, and then identifying the capacity needs that stand in the way of achieving it. Long-term capacity assistance will now address the gaps the Government has identified while training 150 young Rwandans to do the job – and preparing them for future leadership roles. For example, SCBI will help the Ministry of Infrastructure implement a programme to double the number of households with mains electricity. Building on AGI’s successful partnership with the government to date, the SCBI will, uniquely for an initiative of its type, include support to the centre of government institutions responsible for setting priorities and coordinating delivery.



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