De Gruyter Computer Sciences and Engineering 2022

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Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, wir freuen uns, Ihnen mit diesem Verzeichnis unsere 2022 Neuerscheinungen in den Programmbereichen Engineering und Computer Sciences vorstellen zu dürfen. Die Hauptthemen dieses Jahres für Informatik sind Künstliche Intelligenz, Maschinelles Lernen und Internet der Dinge, und für Ingenieurwissenschaften Robotik sowie Automatisierung und Industrie 4.0. Sie werden auch zahlreiche Bücher zu Big Data, Deep Learning, Blockchain und Verfahrenstechnik finden. Wenn Sie sich über unser Gesamtprogramm informieren wollen, empfehle ich Ihnen die entsprechenden Kataloge, die Sie auch auf finden. Neben Büchern bieten wir Ihnen selbstverständlich auch wieder eine breite Auswahl an Zeitschriften an. Wir lieben den Kontakt zu unseren Lesern und freuen uns jederzeit auf Anregungen zu weiteren Publikationen. Berücksichtigen Sie uns als Verlagspartner für Ihr Werk! Viel Spaß beim Stöbern, Dear Readers, We are pleased to present you our catalogue of the 2022 new publications in the subject areas of Engineering and Computer Sciences. This year’s main topics for Computer Science are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Internet of Things, and for Engineering Robotics, Automation and Industry 4.0. You will also find numerous books on Big Data, Deep Learning, Blockchain and Process Engineering. For further information on our complete program, I recommend the corresponding catalogues, which you can also find at www., we also offer a wide selection of journals. We love the contact with our readers and are always looking forward to receiving suggestions from you for further publications. Please consider us as a publishing partner for your Havework!fun browsing and take care, Karin Sora Vice President STEM Karin.Sora@degruyter.comDACH

Die Cover der Kataloge von De Gruyter präsentieren den Siege rentwurf eines Grafikwettbewerbs, den der Verlag in Kooperation mit dem Lette-Verein Berlin jährlich durchführt. Die Aufgabe war, ein serielles Bildkonzept mit einer eigenständigen Gestaltungsidee zu entwickeln. Die Motive sollten sich als Fortsetzung über alle Ka talogcover durchziehen. Wir danken der Gewinnerin Vivien Böhme für ihre gelungene Umsetzung.


2/2022 Cover Vivien Böhme

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The images that adorn our catalog covers are the product of a design competition that is carried out each year by De Gruyter in cooperation with Lette Verein Berlin, a vocational training association. Participants in the competition were asked to create a series of interrelated images that are united by an overarching design concept. We would like to thank Vivien Böhme for her winning submission.

DE GRUYTER Genthiner Straße 13 10785 Berlin P.O.Box 303421 10728 Berlin Germany T +49 (0)30.260 05-0 F +49 (0)30.260 05-251

T Andreas Butz, Antonio Krüger, Sarah Theres Völkel


De Gruyter Studium

3Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access

Blockchain und Knowledge Graphen im Digital Health [Blockchain and Knowledge graphs in Digital Health]

Das Buch bietet einen Einstieg in die Anwen dungsmöglichkeiten der Blockchain Tech nologie für forschende Pharmaunternehmen und diskutiert das Potenzial für den Einsatz im Bereich Digital Health. Anhand von Fach beiträgen und Interviews werden die Chancen und Hürden der Blockchain Technologie im digitalen Gesundheitswesen erörtert. Cryptographie; Blockchain; Digital Health; Digitale Gesundheitsanwendung

E-Learning und Online-Learning haben in den letzten Jahren – nicht zuletzt durch die Corona-bedingte Zunahme von HomeOffice und Home-Schooling – an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dieses Buch zeigt neue Trends, Erfolgsfaktoren und Einsatzkonzepte von digitalen Lehr- und Lernformen anhand zahl reicher neuer konkreter Beispiele sowohl aus der betrieblichen Praxis weltweit operieren der Unternehmen, als auch aus renommierten Hochschulen auf. E-Learning; Online-Learning; Mediendidaktik E-learning and online learning have gained in significance in recent years, not least due to the growth of home schooling and working from home sparked by Corona. This book reveals new trends, success factors, and concepts for using digital forms of teaching and learning by looking at a range of specific new examples both from the operational practice of international companies and from renowned universities. E-learning; online learning; media pedagogy Ullrich Dittler, Hochschule Furtwangen, Furtwangen, Germany.

Daniel Burgwinkel (Hrsg./Ed.)

3. Edition/3rd September/SeptemberEdition 2022 Deutsch/German, 3., erweiterte Auflage Ca./ Approx. X, 300 S./pp., 90 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-075321-9UVP/RRP £ 38.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 960.00 /*UVP/RRP € 840.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 760.00ISBN 978-3-11-075332-5ISBN 978-3-11-075337-0


Das Lehrbuch richtet sich nach den Vorlesun gen „Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion“ und ist im Gegensatz zu bestehenden MMI-Büchern explizit als kompaktes Grundlagenlehrbuch konzipiert. Zusätzlich zum Buch wird eine Website mit Bildmaterial, Foliensätzen und vorgeschlagenen Übungsaufgaben angeboten. Die dritte und aktualisierte Auflage enthält ein neues Kapitel über Vocal User Interfaces. Virtuelle Realität; Robotik; Künstliche Intelligenz; Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation

Andreas Butz, LMU München; Antonio Krüger, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) Ullrich Dittler (Hrsg./Ed.) E-Learning Digitale Lehr- und Lernangebote in Zeiten von Smart Devices und Online-Lehre [E-Learning: Digital Courses in the Age of Smart Devices and Online Teaching] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM 2. Edition/2nd Edition Juli/July Deutsch/German,2022 5., aktual. Aufl. Ca./Approx. XXV, 280 S./pp., 50 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 61.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 71.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-075465-0UVP/RRP £ 56.50 eBook *€ 61.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 71.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 56.50ISBN 978-3-11-075472-8ISBN 978-3-11-075475-9

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM Juli/July Deutsch/German,2022 Ca./Approx. X, 180 S./pp., 40 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-069096-5UVP/RRP £ 38.00 eBook *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 38.00ISBN 978-3-11-069106-1ISBN 978-3-11-069115-3

The book offers an introduction to the possible uses of blockchain technology for research-based pharmaceutical companies and discusses the potential use in the field of digital health. The opportunities and hurdles of blockchain technology in digital health care are discussed on the basis of specialist articles and interviews. Blockchain; cryptography; Digital Health; digital health application Daniel Burgwinkel, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

This book presents the latest compiler and system possibilities provided by the COBOL programming language, enabling readers to use this now sixty-year-old language to write up-to-date programs. Even today, many criti cal business processes rely on COBOL. COBOL; programming; software Uwe Graf, Plauen, Germany.

The book is a concise, self-contained and fully updated introduction to automata theory – a fundamental topic of computer sciences and engineering. The material is presented in a rigorous yet convincing way and is supplied with a wealth of examples, exercises and down-to-the earth convincing explanatory notes. An ideal text to a spectrum of one-term courses in computer sciences, both at the senior undergraduate and graduate students.

Eine umfassende Einführung [Developing Apps using Dart and Flutter 2: A Introduction]Comprehensive

Uwe Graf COBOL Programmierung für die Neue Generation [COBOL: Programming for the New Generation] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM August/August Deutsch/German,2022Ca./Approx. VIII, 250 S./pp., 60 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 51.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 59.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074573-3UVP/RRP £ 47.00 eBook *€ 51.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 59.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 47.00ISBN 978-3-11-074585-6ISBN 978-3-11-074589-4

Władysław Homenda, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland; Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

2018 veröffentlichte Google Flutter, ein neues Framework zur Programmierung von Apps für Android und iOS. 2021 wurde die neue Version Flutter 2.0 entwickelt. Die neue, auf Flutter 2 aktualisierte Auflage des Buches erklärt die Grundlagen der App-Programmie rung mit Flutter und der Programmiersprache Dart. Anhand praxisnaher Beispiele werden dann wichtige Aspekte wie der Umgang mit Mediendateien oder die Anbindung von Cloud-Services erklärt. Softwareentwicklung; Programmiersprache; Dart; Flutter; App-Entwicklung

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM 2. Edition/2nd September/SeptemberEdition 2021 Deutsch/German, 2., aktualisierte Auflage XII, 243 S./pp., 41 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-075298-4UVP/RRP £ 33.00 eBook *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 33.00ISBN 978-3-11-075308-0ISBN 978-3-11-075317-2



Wladyslaw Homenda Witold Pedrycz Automata Theory and Formal Languages Series: De Gruyter Textbook January 2022 English, XIV, 232 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075227-4 **eBook *RRP € 600.00[D] / US$ 690.00 / ePUBPDF£ 545.50ISBN 978-3-11-075230-4ISBN 978-3-11-075231-1

In 2018, Google released Flutter, a new framework for programming apps on Android and iOS. In 2021, it developed the latest version, Flutter 2.0. The new edition of this book, updated to include Flutter 2, explains the principles of app programming using Flutter and the programming language Dart. It utilizes practical examples to explain important topics like how to deal with media files or connect to cloud services.


T Dieter Meiller mitApp-EntwicklungDartundFlutter

Im Buch werden die neuesten Compiler- und Systemmöglichkeiten der Programmierspra che COBOL vorgestellt. Das ermöglicht, auf dieser mittlerweile 60 Jahre alten Sprache aktuelle Programmen zu schreiben: noch heute beruhen auf COBOL viele geschäfts kritischen Prozesse. cobol; Software; Programmierung

Software development; programming language; Dart; Flutter; app development Dieter Meiller, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg, Germany.

Tsinghua University Press Series: De Gruyter STEM March English,2022XIV, 468 pp., 300 fig. Pb. *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073904-6 eBook *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073495-9ISBN 978-3-11-073499-7

5Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access


T T Dingyü Xue Modeling and Simulation with Simulink® For Engineering and Information Systems

The essential, intermediate and advanced top ics of Simulink are covered in the book. The concept of multi-domain physical modeling concept and tools in Simulink are illustrated with examples for engineering systems and multimedia information. The combination of Simulink and numerical optimization methods provides new approaches for solving problems, where solutions are not known otherwise. Dingyü Xue, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. Wolfgang Schweizer MATLAB® Kompakt [MATLAB® Compact] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 7. Edition/7th Deutsch/German,Januar/JanuaryEdition20227.,aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage XX, 644 S./pp., 108 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 61.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 71.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074170-4UVP/RRP £ 56.50 **eBook *€ 600.00[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 690.00 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 545.50ISBN 978-3-11-074178-0ISBN 978-3-11-074190-2

Maschinelles Lernen ist die künstliche Ge nerierung von Wissen aus Erfahrung. Dieses Buch diskutiert Methoden aus den Bereichen Statistik, Mustererkennung und kombiniert die unterschiedlichen Ansätze, um effiziente Lösungen zu finden. Diese Auflage bietet ein neues Kapitel über Deep Learning und erwei tert die Inhalte über mehrlagige Perzeptrone und bestärkendes Lernen. Eine neue Sektion über erzeugende gegnerische Netzwerke ist ebenfalls dabei. Maschinelles Lernen; Künstliche Intelligenz; Deep Learning; Neuronale Netze Machine learning means artificially generat ing knowledge from experience. This book discusses methods from the fields of statistics and pattern recognition, and combines various approaches to find efficient solu tions. This edition contains a new chapter about deep learning and provides additional information about multilayer perceptrons and reinforcement learning. There is also a new section on generative adversarial networks. Machine learning; artificial intelligence; deep learning; neuronal networks Ethem Alpaydin, Özyegin University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ethem Alpaydin Maschinelles Lernen [Machine Learning] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 3. Edition/3rd Deutsch/German,Januar/JanuaryEdition20223.,aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage XX, 702 S./pp., 185 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 72.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 83.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074014-1UVP/RRP £ 66.50 **eBook *€ 730.00[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 663.50ISBN 978-3-11-074019-6ISBN 978-3-11-074027-1

Der Autor bietet eine in die einzelnen Fach gebiete gruppierte Dokumentation der rund 1000 MATLAB-Befehle. Die Funktionen der einzelnen Befehle werden verständlich erläu tert und anhand zahlreicher praxisorientierter Beispiele und Abbildungen verdeutlicht. Die 7., akualisierte und erweiterte Auflage wurde an die aktuelle MATLAB-Version angepasst. Simulation; Matlab; Programmiersprache; Simulink This volume documents the roughly 1000 MATLAB commands and groups them by individual subjects. It clearly explains the functions of the individual commands and demonstrates them using numerous practicebased examples and illustrations. The seventh revised edition has been adapted to reflect the latest version of MATLAB. Simulation; MATLAB; programming language; Simulink Wolfgang Schweizer, formerly University of Tübingen, Germany.


The Industrial Cookbook

A Practical Guide Series: De Gruyter Textbook July English,2021XIV, 275 pp., 223 fig. Pb. *RRP € 41.95[D] / US$ 47.99 / £ 38.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074622-8 **eBook *RRP € 420.00[D] / US$ 480.00 / ePUBPDF£ 380.00ISBN 978-3-11-074623-5ISBN 978-3-11-074659-4

This book is a beginner's guide to Automa tionML Edition 2, CAEX and the Auto mationML Editor. It teaches the basics of AutomationML, its values, innovations, architecture and language elements through a multitude of examples and step-by-step instructions. Automation; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Rainer Drath, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

This book is written by AutomationML ex perts that have industrially implemented Au tomationML in pattern solutions for a large variety of applications. For each aspect, this book provides re-usable libraries, examples and user guides. Furthermore, this book gives a future outlook to AutomationML describing current AutomationML research topics. Rainer Drath, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Nico Piatkowski


Rainer Drath (Ed.)

July English,2021XXV, 641 pp., 497 fig. HC *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074592-4 eBook *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074597-9ISBN 978-3-11-074619-8

Probabilistic Machine Learning on Ultra-Low-Power Systems Series: De Gruyter Textbook September 2022 English, Approx. X, 350 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072105-8 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-072106-5ISBN 978-3-11-072108-9


For all autonomous devices the development of resource-aware machine learning tech niques is required to reduce the tremendous resource consumption. This work provides theoretical and practical building blocks to bring full-fledged machine learning pipelines to systems with very low computational power or highly restricted energy supply. The presentation of theoretical methods is accompanied by actual learning results on ultra-low-power hardware. Dr. Nico Piatkowski, Fraunhofer Institute IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany.

T T Rainer Drath (Ed.) AutomationML


The book starts with the assumption that vagueness is a fundamental property of this world. From a philosophical account of vagueness via the presentation of alternative mathematics of vagueness, the subsequent chapters explore how vagueness manifests itself in the various exact sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, computer sci ence, and engineering. Apostolos Syropoulos, Xanthi, Greece; Basil K. Papadopoulos, Democritus University of Thrace, Section of Mathematics, Xanthi, Greece.

7Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access

Dieses Buch gibt eine Einführung in wich tige Themen beim Entwurf Eingebetteter Systeme. Einen breiten Raum nehmen die Gebiete Modellierung, Analyse und Synthese von Hardware/Software-Systemen ein. Die neue Auflage widmet sich unter anderem dem aktuellsten Themengebiet „Künstliche Intelligenz“. Eingebettete Systeme; Hardware; Software; Synthese This book provides an introduction to impor tant topics related to the design of embed ded systems, with the modeling, analysis, and synthesis of hardware/software systems playing a major role. This new edition also delves into the latest subject area: artificial intelligence. Embedded systems; hardware; software; synthesis Oliver Bringmann and Walter Lange, Universität Tübingen, Germany; Martin Bogdan, Universität Leipzig, Germany.

Oliver Bringmann, Walter Lange, Martin Bogdan Eingebettete Systeme

**eBook *€ 500.00[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 580.00 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 454.50ISBN 978-3-11-070206-4ISBN 978-3-11-070313-9

T T Roland Hellmann Rechnerarchitektur

Einführung in den Aufbau moderner Computer [Computer Architecture: Introduction to the Structure of Modern Computers]

Entwurf, Synthese und Edge AI [Embedded Systems: Design, Modeling, and Synthesis] 4. Edition/4th Deutsch/German,Januar/JanuaryEdition20224.,überarbeitete

Apostolos Syropoulos, Basil K. Papadopoulos (Eds.)

Vagueness in the Exact Sciences Impacts in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Engineering and Computing Series: De Gruyter STEM September 2021 English, X, 186 pp., 20 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070418-1 eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070430-3ISBN 978-3-11-070437-2


Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium November/November 2021 Deutsch/German, 3., korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage. XX, 349 S./pp., 188 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074169-8UVP/RRP £ 38.00 eBook *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 38.00ISBN 978-3-11-074179-7ISBN 978-3-11-074191-9

Auflage XVI, 518 S./pp., 291 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 51.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 59.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-070205-7UVP/RRP £ 47.00

Schritt für Schritt führt der Autor in den grundlegenden Aufbau moderner Rechner ein. Anschaulichkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Das Buch deckt den typischen Stoff einer einführenden Vorle sung zur Rechnerarchitektur an Hochschulen ab. Mit über 120 Aufgaben incl. Lösungen eignet sich das Buch hervorragend für das Selbststudium. Die neue Auflage enthält ein zusätzliches Kapitel über Mikrocontroller. Rechnerarchitektur; Technische Informatik; Computeraufbau; Rechnerorganisation; Rechnerentwurf In this volume, the author provides a stepby-step introduction to the basic construc tion of modern computers while focusing on providing clear, easy-to-understand content. The book covers the material typical of an introductory university lecture on computer architecture. With over 120 tasks and the accompanying solutions, it is ideally suited to self-study. The new edition contains an ad ditional chapter about microcontrollers. Computer architecture; technical informatics; computer construction; computer organization; computer design Roland Hellmann, Aalen University, Germany.

Sirisha Potluri, Katta Subba Rao, Sachi Nandan Mohanty (Eds.)


Knowledge Management and Web 3.0 Next Generation Business Models

This book presents an extensive collection of the recent findings and innovative research in the information system and knowledge engi neering domain. Knowledge engineering is a field within artificial intelligence that devel ops in particular systems that use knowledge, rather than data, to solve many computing problems, that would usually require high levels of human expertise. S. Kautish, LBEF; P. Agrawal, Univ. of Klagenfurt; , LPU; , Bhagwan Inst. of Techn.; S. Nanda, Synopsys.

Sandeep Kautish, Deepmala Singh, Zdzislaw Polkowski, Alka Mayura, Mary Jeyanthi (Eds.)

Cloud Security Techniques and Applications

This book presents research on the state-ofthe-art methods and applications. Security and privacy related issues of cloud are ad dressed with best practices and approaches for secure cloud computing, such as cloud ontology, blockchain, recommender systems, optimization strategies, data security, intel ligent algorithms, defense mechanisms for mitigating DDoS attacks, potential communi cation algorithms in cloud based IoT, secure cloud solutions. S. N. Mohanty, Vardhaman Col. of Engineering; S. Potluri, ICFAI Found. for Higher Education; K. S. Rao, B.V.Raju Inst. of Technology.

Knowledge Management makes the manage ment of information and resources within a commercial organization more effective. The contributions of this book investigate the applications of Knowledge Management in the upcoming era of Semantic Web, or Web 3.0, and the opportunities for reshaping and redesigning business strategies for more ef fective outcomes. S. Kautish, D. Singh, LBEF, Nepal; Z.Polkowski, Wroclaw Univ.; A.Maurya, Amity Univ.; M. Jeyanthi, Nagpur Inst. of Management, India. Anand Sharma, Sandeep Kautish, Prateek Agrawal, Vishu Madaan, Charu Gupta, Saurav Nanda (Eds.)

Series: Smart Computing Applications 1 July English,2021XX, 192 pp., 49 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073750-9 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073257-3ISBN 978-3-11-073270-2

Series: Smart Computing Applications 2 November 2021 English, VI, 206 pp., 70 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072264-2 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072278-9ISBN 978-3-11-072293-2

Knowledge Engineering for Modern Information Systems Methods, Models and Tools Series: Smart Computing Applications 3 January 2022 English, VI, 232 pp., 78 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071316-9 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071363-3ISBN 978-3-11-071369-5


October 2022 English, Approx. X, 300 pp., 50 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071427-2 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071432-6ISBN 978-3-11-071442-5

P. Vasant, U. Petronas, Malaysia; G. W. Weber, Poznan U., Poland; E. Munapo, NWU S.Africa; V. Panchenko, Russian U. of Transp., Russia.

This book discusses how intelligent algo rithms and smart performance measurement approaches can be applied to the production of green energy and the management of car bon dioxyde emissions. It provides insights into the sustainable computational strategies to face problems through the utilization of techniques such as smart hybrid quantum computing, swarm intelligence, cloud com puting, and optimization. P. Vasant, U Petronas; G. Weber, Poznan U of Tech; , Russian U of Transp; J. Thomas, Malaysia KDU Penang U Col. M. Niranjanamurthy, Sheng-Lung Peng, E. Naresh, S. R. Jayasimha, Valentina Emilia Balas (Eds.) inAdvancesIndustry 4.0 Concepts and Applications Series: Smart Computing Applications 5 June English,2022Approx. X, 350 pp., 40 fig. HC *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072536-0 eBook *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072549-0ISBN 978-3-11-072553-7

This book presents the emerging technologies of Industry 4.0. It describes the growing trend towards automation and data exchange in the manufacturing industry, with a focus on the internet of things (IoT), the industrial internet of things (IIoT), cyber-physical systems (CPS), smart factories, cloud computing, cog nitive computing, and artificial intelligence. M. Niranjanamurthy, E. Naresh, M. Shilpa, Ramaiah Inst.; S. R. Jayasimha,Visvesvaraya Univ.; P. Sheng-Lung, Dong Hwa Univ. Pandian Vasant, Gerhard Wilhelm Weber, Elias Munapo, Anirban Banik (Eds.)

Smart Green Energy Series:Production Smart Computing Applications October 2022 English, Approx. X, 300 pp., 50 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071448-7 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071765-5ISBN 978-3-11-071774-7


9Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access

Smart Computing Applications

This book provides details on current ap proaches of artificial intelligence, focusing on supply chains design and management across strategic industries. Topics such as intel ligent algorithmic enhancements and smart performance measurement approaches are discussed, and insights into the implementa tion of sustainable computational intelligence strategies to current problems are given.

Pandian Vasant, Gerhard Wilhelm Weber, Vladimir Panchenko, J. Joshua Thomas (Eds.)


Raghavendra Rao Althar, Debabrata Samanta, Debanjan Konar, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya Software Source Code Statistical Modeling Series: De Gruyter STEM July English,2021XVI, 342 pp., 120 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070330-6

Neeraj Priyadarshi, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Kamal Kant Hiran, Jens Bo Holm-Nielson, Ramesh C. Bansal (Eds.)

De Gruyter Frontiers in Computational Intelligence 13 March English,2022XII, 204 pp., 94 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070543-0 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070924-7ISBN 978-3-11-070934-6

N.Priyadarshi, S.Padmanaban, J.B. Holm-Nielson, Aalborg University, Denmark; K.K.Hiran, Udaipur University, India. Vishal Jain, Jyotir Moy Chatterjee, Ankita Bansal, Utku Kose, Abha Jain (Eds.)



Researchers, academicians and professionals expone in this book their research in the ap plication of intelligent computing techniques to software engineering. As software systems are becoming larger and complex, software engineering tasks become increasingly costly and prone to errors. Evolutionary algorithms, machine learning approaches, meta-heuristic algorithms, and others techniques can help the efficiency of software engineering.

eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070339-9ISBN 978-3-11-070353-5

De Gruyter Frontiers in Computational Intelligence 12 December 2021 English, VIII, 310 pp., 215 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071379-4 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071404-3ISBN 978-3-11-071415-9 This book explains the application of Arti ficial Intelligence and Internet of Things on green energy systems. The design of smart grids and intelligent networks enhances energy efficiency, while the collection of environmental data through sensors and their prediction through machine learning models improve the reliability of green energy systems.

R.Rao, First American India; D.Samanta, S.Bhattacharyya, Christ Univ., Bangalore; D.Konar, Sikkim Manipal Inst. of Technology, India.

V. Jain, BVICAM, India; A. Bansal, NSUT, India; A. Jain, Delhi U., India; J.M. Chatterjee, LBEF, Nepal; U.Kose, Süleyman U., Turkey.


Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Renewable Energy Series:Systems

This book will focus on utilizing statistical modelling of the software source code, in order to resolve issues associated with the software development processes. Writing and maintaining software source code is a costly business; software developers need to constantly rely on large existing code bases. Statistical modelling identifies the patterns in software artifacts and utilize them for predict ing the possible issues.


Pancham Shukla, Rajanikanth Aluvalu, Shilpa Gite, Uma Maheswari (Eds.) Computer Vision Applications of Visual AI and Image Processing Series: De Gruyter Frontiers in Computational Intelligence 15 October 2022 English, Approx. XII, 250 pp., 90 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075667-8 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075672-2ISBN 978-3-11-075682-1

Mariyam Ouaissa, Zakaria Boulouard, Mariya Ouaissa, Yassine Maleh (Eds.)

Artificial Intelligence of Things in EnvironmentsSmart Applications in Transportation and Logistics Series: De Gruyter Series on the Internet of Things March English,2022X,153 pp., 61 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075533-6 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076047-7ISBN 978-3-11-076049-1

Artificial Intelligence for Virtual Reality Series: De Gruyter Frontiers in Computational Intelligence 14 June English,2022Approx. VIII, 300 pp., 50 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071374-9 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071381-7ISBN 978-3-11-071385-5

This book focuses on the use of AI/MLbased techniques to solve issues related to IoT-based environments, as well as their ap plications. It addresses, among others, signal detection, channel modeling, resource optimi zation, routing protocol design, transport layer optimization, user/application behavior prediction, software-defined networking, congestion control, communication network optimization, security, and anomaly detec tion. M. Ouaissa, M. Ouaissa, University Meknes, Marocco; Z. Boulouard, Hassan II University, Marocco; Y. Maleh, Slimane University, Morocco.

11Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access

Jude Hemanth, Madhulika Bhatia, Isabel De La Torre Diez (Eds.)

This book explores the possible applica tions of Artificial Intelligence in Virtual environments. These were previously mainly associated with gaming, but have largely extended their area of application, and are nowadays used for promoting collaboration in work environments, for training purposes, for management of anxiety and pain, etc.. The development of Artificial Intelligence has given new dimensions to the research in this field.

This book focuses on the latest developments in the fields of visual AI, image processing and computer vision. It shows research in ba sic techniques like image pre-processing, fea ture extraction, and enhancement, along with applications in biometrics, healthcare, neu roscience and forensics. The book highlights algorithms, processes, novel architectures and results underlying machine intelligence with detailed execution flow of models.

P.Shukla, London Metropolitan U, UK; R.Aluvalu, U.Maheswari, Vardaham College Hyderabad, India; S.Gite, Symbiosis Inst. Pune, India.

J. Hemanth, Karunya IT, India; M.Bhatia, Amitiy University, India; I. De La Torre, University of Valladolid, Spain.

This book uncovers the stakes and possibili ties involved in realising personalised health care services through efficient and effective deep learning algorithms, enabling the health care industry to develop meaningful and cost-effective services. This requires effective understanding, application and amalgamation of deep learning with several other comput ing technologies, such as machine learning, data mining, and natural language processing.

V. Jain, Bvicam New Delhi; J. M. Chatterjee, LBEF; H. Hedayati, Kabul Univ., S. Krit, Zohr Univ.; O. Deperlioglu, Kocatepe Univ.



Akash Kumar Bhoi, Ranjit Panigrahi, Victor, Hugo C. de Albuquerque, Rutvij H. Jhaveri (Eds.)


Intelligent Biomedical Data Analysis 5 September 2021 English, XIX, 321 pp., 76 fig. HC *RRP € 128.95[D] / US$ 148.99 / £ 117.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070020-6 eBook *RRP € 128.95[D] / US$ 148.99 / £ 117.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071225-4ISBN 978-3-11-071227-8

Series: Intelligent Biomedical Data Analysis October 2022 English, Approx. X, 400 pp., 100 fig. HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075073-7 eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075094-2ISBN 978-3-11-075098-0

This book highlights how optimized big data applications can be used for patient monitor ing and clinical diagnosis. In fact, IoT based applications are data driven and mostly em ploys modern optimization techniques. This book also explores challenges, opportunities, and future research directions, and discusses the data collection and pre-processing stages, challenges and issues in data collection, data handling, and data collection set-up. R.Panigrahi, A.K.Bhoi, Sikkim Manipal Univ., India; V.H.Albuquerque, ARMTEC Fortaleza, Brazil; R.H. Jhaveri, PDPU, India. Aditya Khamparia, Rubaiyat Hossain Mondal, Prajoy Podder, Bharat Bhushan, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque, Sachin Kumar (Eds.)

Series:HealthcarePersonalisedServices Intelligent Biomedical Data Analysis 7 October 2021 English, XVIII, 250 pp., 82 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070800-4 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070812-7ISBN 978-3-11-070817-2

Computational Optimization and Cohesive Approaches

Healthcare Big Data Analytics

Deep Learning for

This book uncovers the stakes and possibili ties of handling pandemic diseases with the help of Computational Intelligence, using cases and applications from the current Covid-19 pandemic. The book chapters will focus on the application of CI and its related fields in managing different aspects of Covid-19, including modelling of the disease spread, data-driven prediction, identification of disease hotspots, and medical decision support. A. Khamparia, LPU, India; B. Bhushan, HMRITM, India; M.R.H. Mondal, P. Podder, BUET, Bangladesh; V.H. de Albuquerque, UNIFOR, Brazil. Vishal Jain, Jyotir Moy Chatterjee, Hadi Hedayati, Salahddine Krit, Omer Deperlioglu (Eds.)



Mangey Ram, Liudong Xing (Eds.)


Modern Concepts and Applications Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences November8 2021 English, XII, 262 pp., 96 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072556-8 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072559-9ISBN 978-3-11-072563-6

This book presents the state-of-the-art methods in Linear Integer Programming, including some new algorithms and heuristic methods developed by the authors in recent years. Topics as Characteristic equation (CE), application of CE to bi-objective and multiobjective problems, Binary integer problems, Mixed-integer models, Knapsack models, Complexity reduction, Feasible-space reduc tion, Random search, Connected graph are also treated.

Elias Munapo, Santosh Kumar Linear ProgrammingInteger Theory, Applications, Recent Developments Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences December9 2021 English, XVII, 183 pp., 39 fig. HC *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070292-7 eBook *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070302-3ISBN 978-3-11-070311-5

Applications in Engineering Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences 10 January 2022 English, X, 192 pp., 65 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071617-7 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071621-4ISBN 978-3-11-071625-2

13Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access

A. Kumar, S. Pant, Uni. of Petroleum & Energy, Dedrahun, India; M.Ram, Graphic Era dtb Uni., India; O.Yadav, Uni. of North Dakota, USA.

Reliability is a fundamental criterium in engi neering systems. This book shows innovative concepts and applications of mathematics in solving reliability problems. The contents address in particular the interaction between engineers and mathematicians, as well as the cross-fertilization in the advancement of science and technology. It bridges the gap be tween theory and practice to aid in practical problem-solving in various contexts. M. Ram, Graphic Era University, India; L. Xing, University of Massachussetts, USA.

Santosh Kumar, RMIT University, Australia; Elias Munapo, North West University, South Africa.

This book offer a thorough overview of the most popular and researched meta-heuristic optimization techniques and nature inspired algorithms. Their wide applicability makes them a hot research topic and an efficient tool for the solution of complex optimization problems in various field of sciences, engi neering and in numerous industries.

Anuj Kumar, Sangeeta Pant, Mangey Ram, Om Yadav (Eds.)

Bernard J. Geurts, University of Twente, The Netherlands.

This book focuses on artificial intelligence in the field of digital signal processing and wire less communication. The implementation of machine learning and deep learning in audio, image, and video processing is presented, while adaptive signal processing and bio medical signal processing are also explored through DL algorithms, as well as 5G and green communication. Finally, metaheuristic algorithms of related mathematical problems are explored. A. Sharma, A. Jain, Univ. of Petroleum, Bidholi, India; A. K. Arya, Kyung Hee Univ., S. Korea; M. Ram, Graphic Era Univ., India. Souvik Bhattacharyya, Koushik Ghosh (Eds.) Noise Filtering for Big Data Analytics Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences 12 June English,2022Approx. VIII, 240 pp., 75 fig. HC *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 ISBN 978-3-11-069709-4 eBook *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-069721-6ISBN 978-3-11-069726-1

Artificial Intelligence for Signal Processing and Wireless Communication Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences 11 April English,2022Approx. X, 230 pp., 83 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073882-7 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073465-2ISBN 978-3-11-073472-0


This book explains how to perform data denoising on large scale with a satisfactory level of accuracy. Three main issues are tackled: the elimination of error propagation while developing a filtered model, the maintenance of the positional importance of the data while purifying the data, and the preservation of memory in the data.

Direct Large-Eddyand Simulation Series: De Gruyter Series in Computational Science and Engineering July English,2022Approx. XII, 300 pp., 40 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-051621-0 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-053236-4ISBN 978-3-11-053182-4 This authoritative book presents an overview of the mathematics behind the simulation of turbulent flows and discusses in detail the phenomenology of turbulence in fluid dynamics, direct and large-eddy simulations, subgrid modeling, and also covers validation and reliability issues.

Abhinav Sharma, Arpit Jain, Ashwini Kumar Arya, Mangey Ram (Eds.)


Souvik Bhattacharyya, Koushik Ghosh, University of Burdwan,West Bengal, India.

Bernard J. Geurts

T T T Michael Has Sustainable Products Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Management, Supply Chains, Eco-Design Series: De Gruyter Textbook February 2022 English, X, 233 pp., 22 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076729-2 **eBook *RRP € 600.00[D] / US$ 690.00 / ePUBPDF£ 545.50ISBN 978-3-11-076730-8ISBN 978-3-11-076739-1

Sustainable production presented from an overarching perspective. The book provides information on the identification and as sessment of footprints, concepts of sustain ability practice in manufacturing companies, stakeholder management and communication. For the reader Sustainability; Life Cycle Assessment; Risk Management; Supply Chain Management; Eco-Design Michael Has, Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut Polytechnique Grenoble PAGORA, International School for Biomaterials, Grenoble, France.

Das Buch zeigt, wie mit den Programmen

Lutz Lambert Mechatronische Systeme Modellbildung und Simulation mit MATLAB®/SIMULINK® [Mechatronic Systems: Simulations using MATLAB® and SIMULINK®] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium März/March Deutsch/German,2022 IX, 280 S./pp., 267 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073799-8UVP/RRP £ 33.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 430.00 /*UVP/RRP € 360.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 330.00ISBN 978-3-11-073801-8ISBN 978-3-11-073311-2


Mechatronik; Matlab; Simulink; Regelungstechnik; Steuerungstechnik

15Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access

MATLAB und SIMULINK Simulationsmo delle von mechatronischen Systemen erstellt werden. Exemplarisch werden aktuelle mechatronische Anwendungen, wie Robo tersteuerung, Pedelec-Antrieb, Quadrocop ter-Regelung, FahrstuhlsteuerungKleinsatellitenausrichtung,vorgestellt.

This book shows how to use the programs MATLAB and SIMULINK to generate simulation models of mechatronic systems. It looks at current mechatronic applications such as pedelec drives, small satellite orienta tion, and robot, quadcopter, and elevator controls. Mechatronics; MATLAB; SIMULINK; control systems engineering Lutz Lambert, HFH Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Bands liegt auf der modellbasierten Softwareentwicklung im Au tomotive-Bereich als Teildisziplin der modell basierten Entwicklung und deren Anwendung in der Entwicklung von Steuerungs- und Regelungsfunktionen für autonomes Fahren. Als Umgebung wird entweder MATLAB/ Simulink oder alternativ der general-purpose Programmiersprache C++ und des RobotOperating-Systems ROS verwendet. Mechatronik; Autonomes Fahren; Maschinenbau; Modellbasierte Entwicklung This volume focuses on model-based soft ware development in the automotive field as a sub-discipline of model-based development. It also examines how it is being applied in the development of control functions for autono mous driving. The environment used is either MATLAB®/Simulink® or, alternatively, the general-purpose programming language C++ and the Robot Operating System (ROS). Mechatronics; autonomous driving; machine engineering; model-based development Frank Tränkle, Hochschule Heilbronn, Germany.

Frank Tränkle MechatronischerEntwicklungModellbasierte Systeme mit Software- und Simulationsbeispielen für Autonomes Fahren [Model-Based Mechatronic Systems with Examples of Software and Simulations for Autonomous Driving] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium September/September 2021 Deutsch/German, XVI, 276 S./pp., 87 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-072346-5UVP/RRP £ 33.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 430.00 /*UVP/RRP € 360.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 330.00ISBN 978-3-11-072352-6ISBN 978-3-11-072355-7

Christian Spieker, Oliver Haas, Univer sität Kassel, Deutschland; Karsten Golde, Christian Gierl, Paul Sujoy, TU Darmstadt, Deutschland.

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 2. Edition/2nd Dezember/DecemberEdition 2022 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 225 S./pp. Br./Pb. *€ 25.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 29.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-067252-7UVP/RRP £ 23.50 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 300.00 /*UVP/RRP € 260.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 235.00ISBN 978-3-11-067253-4ISBN 978-3-11-067268-8

Ziel des Buches ist eine Erleichterung des Verständnisses der Vorlesung „Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik 1“. Das Arbeitsbuch ist didaktisch an das Lehrbuch „Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik 1“ angelehnt, so dass der Studierende passend zu den jeweiligen Kapi teln Aufgaben mit Lösungsweg nachschlagen kann. Elektronik; Elektrotechnik; Gleichstrom; Schaltungstechnik; Klausur Elektrotechnik

Ziel des Buches ist eine Heranführung an die Klausur und eine Erleichterung des Verständ nisses der Vorlesung „Grundlagen der Elekt rotechnik 1“. Das Arbeitsbuch ist didaktisch an das Lehrbuch „Grundgebiete der Elektro technik 2“ angelehnt, so dass der Studierende passend zu den jeweiligen Kapiteln Aufgaben mit Lösungsweg nachschlagen kann. Elektronik; Elektrotechnik; Drehstrom; Wechselstrom; Klausur Elektrotechnik

[Electrical Engineering Workbook, Volume 2: Alternating Current, Threephase Current, Transmission Lines, Applications of the Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms]

Dabei steht im Zentrum, die Lesekompetenz für die jeweilige Disziplin zu etablieren und zu verbessern, damit inner halb medien- und DisziplinenStudienprogrammekulturwissenschaftlicherFachtextedereinzelnendiskutiertwerdenkönnen. Medientechnik; Interdisziplinarität; Archäologie; Elektronik; Rechnerbau The multi-volume textbook provides students and media scholars with an introduction to the natural sciences, engineering and technol ogy disciplines. The focus is on establishing and improving reading skills for the respec tive discipline so that specialist texts from the individual disciplines can be discussed within media and cultural studies study programs. archeology; electronics; interdisciplinarity; media technology; computer engineering Stefan Höltgen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany.

This book serves as a guide for the final examination and to facilitate understanding of the course materials in “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Volume 1.” The work book is didactically matched to the chapter sequence of the textbook Basic Topics in Electrical Engineering, Volume 2, so the student can consult exercises with solutions for each chapter. Electronics; electrical engineering; three-phase current; alternating current; electrical engineering examination

Christian Spieker, Oliver Haas, Universität Kassel, Deutschland. Christian Spieker, Oliver Haas, Karsten Golde, Christian Gierl, Sujoy Paul Volume 2: derFourier-,AnwendungenDrehstrom,Wechselströme,Leitungen,derderLaplace-undZ-Transformation

Christian Spieker, Oliver Haas Volume 1: Gleichstromnetze, magnetischeelektrischeverstärkerOperations-schaltungen,undFelder [Electrical Engineering Workbook, Volume 1: Direct Current Networks, Operational Amplifier Circuits, Electrical and Magnetic Fields] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 2. Edition/2nd Edition Mai/May Deutsch/German,2022 Ca./Approx. X, 190 S./pp. Br./Pb. *€ 25.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 29.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-067248-0UVP/RRP £ 23.50 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 300.00 /*UVP/RRP € 260.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 235.00ISBN 978-3-11-067251-0ISBN 978-3-11-067266-4

16 NGINEERINGNGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTENI  E T T Stefan Höltgen (Hrsg./Ed.) Medientechnisches Wissen Stefan Höltgen (Hrsg./Ed.) Band 4: ComputerbauElektronikpraxis,Elektronik, [Electronics, computer engineering, archeology] Mit Beitrag v./With contrib. by Henry Westphal, Malte Schulze, Mario Keller, Thomas Fecker Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium Mai/May Deutsch/German,2022 X, 300 S./pp., 300 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-058179-9UVP/RRP £ 38.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 480.00 /*UVP/RRP € 420.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 380.00ISBN 978-3-11-058180-5ISBN 978-3-11-058182-9 Das mehrbändige Lehrbuch vermittelt Studierenden und Medienwissenschaftlern eine Einführung aus den Naturwissenschaf ten, Ingenieurwissenschaften und TechnikDisziplinen.

This book serves as a guide to facilitate un derstanding of the course materials in “Fun damentals of Electrical Engineering, Volume 1.” The workbook is didactically matched to the chapter sequence of the textbook Basic Topics in Electrical Engineering, Volume 1 so the student can consult exercises with solu tions for each chapter. Electronics; electrical engineering; direct current; circuit technology; electrical engineering examination

Christian Spieker, Oliver Haas ElektrotechnikArbeitsbuch

Adriano Oprandi

Das zweibändige Werk behandelt die wich tigsten Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. Band 1 befasst sich im Wesentlichen mit linearen elektrischen Netzen und Operationsverstärkerschaltungen bei Gleichstrom sowie mit elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern. Das Buch enthält neben den integrierten Aufgaben zahlreiche zusätzliche Übungsbeispiele.

This compact work addresses the application of differential equations in diverse areas in the fields of engineering, physics, and math ematics. It provides an introduction to the theory, before explaining and calculating the various applications and examples in detail. Analysis; differential equations; applied physics Adriano Oprandi, Basel, Switzerland.



[Volume 2: Alternating Current, Threephase Current, Transmission Lines, Applications of the Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms] Begr. v./Founded by Horst Clausert, Gunther Wiesemann Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 13. Edition/13th Deutsch/German,Dezember/DecemberEdition202213.,korrigierte

17Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NGINEERINGNGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTENI    E

für Ingenieure und Physiker [Applied Differential Equations in Brief for Engineers and Physicists]

Band 2 behandelt die Wechselstromlehre ein schließlich des Drehstromsystems, die Lei tungstheorie, die Maxwellschen Gleichungen, die Fourier-Darstellung von Zeitfunktionen, die Berechnung von Ausgleichsvorgängen mit Hilfe der Laplace-Transformation und die Z-Transformation. Elektronik; Wechselstrom; Schaltungstechnik; Elektrotechnik Volume 2 focuses on alternating current theory, including three-phase current systems, transmission line theory, Maxwell’s equa tions, Fourier representation of time func tions, the calculation of balancing processes using the Laplace and the Z transforms. Electrical engineering; electronics; alternating current; circuit technology Ludwig Brabetz, Oliver Haas, Christian Spieker, Uni Kassel.

Dieses kompakte Werk befasst sich mit den Anwendungen von Differentialgleichungen in diversen Bereichen des Ingenieurwesens, der Physik und Mathematik. Es wird die Theorie einleitend behandelt, dann die verschiede nen Anwendungen und Beispiele im Detail erklärt und durchgerechnet. Analysis; Differentialgleichung; Angewandte Physik

Elektrotechnik; Elektronik; Gleichstrom; Schaltungstechnik

Band 2:

[Basic Topics in Electrical Engineering] Ludwig Brabetz, Christian Koppe, Oliver Haas Band 1: undschaltungen,OperationsverstärkerGleichstromnetze,-elektrischemagnetischeFelder [Volume 1: Direct Current Networks, Operational Amplifier Circuits, Electrical and Magnetic Fields] Begr. v./Founded by Horst Clausert, Gunther Wiesemann Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 13. Edition/13th Edition Mai/May Deutsch/German,2022 13., aktualisierte und korrigierte Auflage Ca./Approx. X, 260 S./pp., 260 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-063154-8UVP/RRP £ 38.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 960.00 /*UVP/RRP € 840.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 760.00ISBN 978-3-11-063158-6ISBN 978-3-11-063177-7

This two-volume textbook covers the es sential fundamentals of electrical engineer ing and information technology. Volume 1 focuses on direct current linear electrical net works and operational amplifier circuits and on electrical and magnetic fields. In addition to integrated exercises, the book also contains numerous supplementary sample exercises. Electrical engineering; electronics; direct current; circuit technology Ludwig Brabetz, Oliver Haas, Christian Spieker, Uni Kassel. Ludwig Brabetz, Oliver Haas, Christian Koppe

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium März/March Deutsch/German,2022 XVI, 656 S./pp., 165 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 82.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 94.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073797-4UVP/RRP £ 75.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 950.00 /*UVP/RRP € 830.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 750.00ISBN 978-3-11-073798-1ISBN 978-3-11-073310-5


Grundgebiete Elektrotechnikder

Auflage Ca./ Approx. X, 344 S./pp., 250 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-063160-9UVP/RRP £ 38.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 960.00 /*UVP/RRP € 840.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 760.00ISBN 978-3-11-063164-7ISBN 978-3-11-063180-7

Opportunities and Challenges

How do you protect electrical systems from high energy electromagnetic pulses? This book completes the overview of systems and practices against EMPs from high altitude sources started with the previous “Protect ing Electrical Equipment – Good Practices for preventing high altitude electromagnetic pulse impacts”, including practical protec tion methods and means for evaluating their effectiveness.



Electrical ApplicationsElectronicsandEngineering

This book explores applications related to core electrical & electronics engineering, electronics & telecommunication engineer ing and electrical engineering. Topics such as electrical power systems and electronics, electrical machines, optical communications, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and many more will be covered. This book is an ideal resource for engineers in industry, academics and graduate students. Electrical Engineering; Electronics Engineering; Telecommunication Engineering; Electrical Power Systems; Electronics R. N. Patel, V. K. Singh, Vikas Dubey, V. B. S. Srilatha Indira Dutt, Khaja Mohiddin, India. Anand Pandey, Ashish Goyal Metal Series:ProcessesCutting De Gruyter STEM April English,2022XX, 93 pp., 57 fig. Pb. *RRP € 51.95[D] / US$ 59.99 / £ 47.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067656-3 eBook *RRP € 51.95[D] / US$ 59.99 / £ 47.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067666-2ISBN 978-3-11-067679-2

Khaja Mohiddin, R. N. Patel, Vikas Dubey, V.B.S. Srilatha Indira Dutt, Amit Thakur (Eds.)

Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. XX, 360 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072267-3 eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072268-0ISBN 978-3-11-072288-8

The book describes conventional metal cut ting process (turning, milling, shaper, grind ing, drilling), computer aided manufacturing and modern machining processes (EDM, LBM, AJM, ECM), accompanying theoretical concepts with graphical represenations. Each chapter is followed by several problems and questions that help the reader to significantly understand the formulas and the calculations of machining responses. A. Pandey, A. Goyal, Jaipur, India.

Vladimir Gurevich Protecting Electrical Equipment New Practices for Preventing High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Impacts February 2021 English, XII, 204 pp., 80 fig. HC *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072309-0 eBook *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072314-4ISBN 978-3-11-072319-9

Vladimir Gurevich, Central Electrical Laboratory of Israel Electric Corp. Israel.

Hubert Hinzen

Mit Hilfe des systematischen Überblicks gewinnt der Leser Orientierung in diesem komplexen Fach. Jedem Kapitel sind zur wei teren Vertiefung ein entsprechend abgestimm ter Aufgabenteil sowie ein ausführliches Verzeichnis an weiterführender Fachliteratur und Normen angefügt. Die 5., korrigierte Auflage bietet neue Anwendungsbeispiele und Übungsaufgaben. Maschinenbau; Betriebsfestigkeit;Maschinenelemente;TechnischeMechanik

Fatigue behavior; mechanical engineering; machine components; applied mechanics Hubert Hinzen, Hochschule Trier.

Das vorliegende Buch ergänzt die Anzahl der in Band 1 und 2 vorgestellten Maschinenele mente und bereitet mit seinen übergreifenden Betrachtungen auf die weiterführenden

This systematic overview guides readers through this complex subject. Each chapter is accompanied by an exercise section to con solidate knowledge as well as an extensive bibliography of further reading suggestions and standards. The fifth corrected edition provides new examples of application and exercises. Mechanical engineering; machine components; fatigue behavior; applied mechanics Hubert Hinzen, Hochschule Trier, Germany.

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium September/September 2022 Deutsch/German, 3.–5. Aufl. Mit Hilfe des systematischen Überblicks gewinnt der Leser Orientierung in diesem komplexen Fach. Jedem Kapitel sind zur wei teren Vertiefung ein entsprechend abgestimm ter Aufgabenteil sowie ein ausführliches Verzeichnis an weiterführender Fachliteratur und Normen angefügt. Die 5., korrigierte Auflage bietet neue Anwendungsbeispiele und Übungsaufgaben.

1: elemente,Federn,Betriebsfestigkeit,Verbindungs-Schrauben [Machine Components 1: Fatigue Behavior, Springs, Connecting Elements, Screws] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 5. Edition/5th Deutsch/German,Oktober/OctoberEdition20225.,aktualisierte

Fächer, z. B. Konstruktionslehre und Werk zeugmaschinen vor. In der neuen Auflage wird den Kapitel über Bremsen erweitert und werden neuen Anwendungsbeispiele Thisaufgenommen.volumeadds to the machine elements presented in volumes 1 and 2 and prepares readers for further subjects, e.g., machine tools and the theory of design engineering, with its overarching observations. This new edition expands the chapter on brakes and includes new examples of application. Hubert Hinzen, Hochschule Trier, Germany. Hubert Hinzen [Set Maschinenelemente, 1–3] [Machine Components set, 1-3]

3. Edition/3rd Deutsch/German,Oktober/OctoberEdition20223.,aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage Ca./Approx. XVIII, 480 S./pp., 300 Abb./ fig. Br./Pb. *€ 51.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 59.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074715-7UVP/RRP £ 47.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 600.00 /*UVP/RRP € 520.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 470.00ISBN 978-3-11-074739-3ISBN 978-3-11-074748-5

Betriebsfestigkeit; Maschinenelement;Maschinenbau;TechnischeMechanik

Band 2 der dreibändigen Reihe „Maschinen elemente“ führt die ausführliche Behandlung der Grundlagen konsequent weiter. Themen sind insbesondere Lagerungen, Welle-NabeVerbindungen und Getriebe. Die 5. Auflage erweitert die Kapitel über Walzgetriebe und Riementriebe. Maschinenbau; Getriebe; Maschinenelemente; Ingenieurwesen Volume 2 of the three-volume “Machine Components” series continues with the its extensive examination of the fundamentals, focusing here on the topics of bearings, keys, and transmissions. The fifth edition contains an expanded chapter on friction and belt drives. Mechanical engineering; transmissions; machine elements; engineering Hubert Hinzen, Hochschule Trier, Germany. Hubert Hinzen 3: Verspannung, Schlupf und AntriebeBremsen,Wirkungsgrad,Kupplungen, [3: Distortion, Slip and Efficiency, Brakes, Clutches, Drivetrains] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

19Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NGINEERINGNGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTENI    E

Auflage Ca./ Approx. XIX, 581 S./pp., 300 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 51.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 59.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074630-3UVP/RRP £ 47.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 600.00 /*UVP/RRP € 520.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 470.00ISBN 978-3-11-074645-7ISBN 978-3-11-074657-0

The fifth corrected edition provides new ex amples of fields of applications and exercises.

Hubert Hinzen 2: Lager, Verbindungen,Welle-Nabe-Getriebe [2: Bearings, Keys, Transmissions] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 5. Edition/5th Deutsch/German,Oktober/OctoberEdition20225.,aktualisierte Auflage Ca./ Approx. X, 480 S./pp., 300 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 51.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 59.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074698-3UVP/RRP £ 47.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 600.00 /UVP/RRP £ 470.00*UVP/RRP € 520.00[D] /ISBN 978-3-11-074707-2ISBN 978-3-11-074713-3

This systematic overview guides readers through this complex subject. Each chapter is accompanied by an exercise section to con solidate knowledge as well as an extensive bibliography with suggestions for further reading suggestions and a list of standards.

T Hubert Hinzen Maschinenelemente

S. Bernhard, Technical Univ. Central Hessen, Germany; A. Brensing, K. Witte, Univ. of Applied Sciences RheinMain, Germany.

Classical Physics; Conservation of energy; Kinetic energy; Mechanics; Motion; Potential Energy Hiqmet Kamberaj, International Balkan University, Skopje, Macedonia.


This book explains the principles of biosignal processing and its practical applications using MATLAB. Topics include the emergence of biosignals, electrophysiology, analog and digital biosignal processing, discretization, electrodes, time and frequency analysis, ana log and digital filters, fourier transformation, z-transformation, pattern recognition, statisti cal data analysis, physiological modelling and applications ( EEG, EKG, EMG, PPG).


Stefan Bernhard, Andreas Brensing, Karl-Heinz Witte Biosignal Processing

This textbook covers all fundamental con cepts of physics and describes how different theories are developed from physical obser vations and phenomena. After some essential calculus the author presents the complete classical mechanics giving numerous examples and with a clear focus on problemsolving techniques. Due to the high number of exercises at the end of each chapter and their solutions the work is valuable for self-study.

Basics and Recent Applications with MATLAB ® Series: De Gruyter Textbook September 2022 English, Approx. VI, 350 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073959-6 **eBook *RRP € 620.00[D] / US$ 720.00 / ePUBPDF£ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-073629-8ISBN 978-3-11-073967-1

T T Hiqmet Kamberaj Classical Mechanics Series: De Gruyter Textbook September 2021 English, XIV, 344 pp., 140 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075581-7 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-075582-4ISBN 978-3-11-075593-0

The task of flight navigation is to determine positions, bearings, and flight times on the selected route. This book presents the mathematical and physical contexts of flight navigation and provides an overview of the principles of cartography. The second edition also addresses current systems and meth ods for performance-based navigation, and includes a chapter about steering through air traffic control tracking systems. Radiolocation, navigation systems, aviation technology Wieland Richter, Eurowings, Hamburg, Germany.

T Xian-Da Zhang

Multiple TechnologiesAccessfor 5G New Approaches and Insight

Together with Posts and Telecom Press Co., Ltd. Series: De Gruyter STEM June English,2021VII, 146 pp., 88 fig. Pb. *RRP € 51.95[D] / US$ 59.99 / £ 47.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066581-9 eBook *RRP € 51.95[D] / US$ 59.99 / £ 47.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-066636-6ISBN 978-3-11-066597-0

The book systematically introduces theories of frequently-used modern signal process ing methods and technologies, and focuses discussions on stochastic signal, parameter estimation, modern spectral estimation, adap tive filter, high-order signal analysis and nonlinear transformation in time-domain signal analysis. With abundant exercises, the book is an essential reference for graduate students in electrical engineering and information science. Xianda Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

Jie Zeng, Xin Su, Bin Ren, Lin Liang (Eds.)

21Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NGINEERINGNGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTENI    E

Starting with an overview of current research progresses on multiple access technology, the book then presents the theoretical funda mentals, technical principles, transmission scheme, key technologies and evaluation results of new multi-access technologies, especially focusing on its typical applications 5G communication systems. With extensive practical cases, it is an essential reference for researchers, engineers and graduate students. X. Su, J. Zheng, Tsinghua U., China; B. Ren, Datang Wireless Mobile Innovation Center, China; L. Liang, China Telecom Co., Ltd, China.

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM 2. Edition/2nd Deutsch/German,Januar/JanuaryEdition20222.,erweiterte Auflage XII, 301 S./ pp., 137 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 72.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 83.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-076977-7UVP/RRP £ 66.50 eBook *€ 72.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 83.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 66.50ISBN 978-3-11-076980-7ISBN 978-3-11-076983-8

Wieland Richter Flugnavigation Grundlagen, Mathematik, Kartenkunde, leistungsbasierte Navigation [Flight Navigation: Principles, Mathematics, Performance-BasedCartography,Navigation]

Modern ProcessingSignal

Together with Tsinghua University Press Transl. by Xiyuan Wang, Dongxia Chang, Ling Zhang, Daoming Zhang Series: De Gruyter STEM January 2023 English, Approx. X, 490 pp., 20 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-047555-5

**eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-047556-2ISBN 978-3-11-047566-1

Aufgabe der Flugnavigation ist die Bestim mung von Positionen, Kursen und Flugzeiten auf der gewählten Strecke. Dieses Buch stellt die mathematischen und physikalischen Zusammenhänge der Flugnavigation dar, und gibt einen Überblick über die Grundlagen der Kartographie. Die 2.Auflage behandelt dazu die aktuellen Systeme und Verfahren der leistungsbasierten Navigation und bietet ein Kapitel über die Führung durch die Ortungs ysteme der Flugsicherung. Navigationssysteme; Ortung; Flugtechnik

[Handbook of Miniature Electrical Drives – Volume 1: Small Motors, Power Electronics] Mit Beitrag v./With contrib. by Thomas Bertolini, Thomas Fuchs, Tobias Heidrich, Axel Mertens, Andreas Möckel, Thomas Roschke, Hans-Dieter Stölting, Heinz Weissmantel Januar/January Deutsch/German,20225.Aufl. 1106 S./pp. Set *€ 129.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 149.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-061210-3UVP/RRP £ 118.00

Thermodynamics; energy; energy technology; heat transfer Michael Seidel, Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Cologne, Germany.

The book systematically introduces smart power system design and its infrastructure, platform and operating standards. It focuses on multi-objective optimization and illus trates where the intelligence of the system lies. With abundant project data, this book is a practical guideline for engineers and researchers in electrical engineering, as well as power network designers and managers in administration. Qiang Lu, Ying Chen, Xuemin Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Michael Seidel Thermodynamik –verstehen durch Üben [Understanding Thermodynamics through Practice] Michael Seidel Bd 2: Wärmeübertragung [Thermodynamics – Understanding through Practice. Volume 2: Heat Transfer] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 2. Edition/2nd Edition Mai/May Deutsch/German,2022 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage Ca./Approx. X, 300 S./pp., 100 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074490-3UVP/RRP £ 33.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 430.00 /*UVP/RRP € 360.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 330.00ISBN 978-3-11-074509-2ISBN 978-3-11-074517-7

Qiang Lu, Ying Chen, Xuemin Zhang

Toward Multi-objective Optimization in Dispatching Together with Tsinghua University Press March English,2022XIII, 226 pp., 55 fig.

HC *RRP € 116.95[D] / US$ 134.99 / £ 106.50 ISBN 978-3-11-044784-2 eBook *RRP € 116.95[D] / US$ 134.99 / £ 106.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-044882-5ISBN 978-3-11-044802-3

Smart Power Systems and Smart Grids




T Carsten Fräger, Wolfgang Amrhein (Hrsg./ Eds.)

Das praxisorientierte Kompendium der elektrischen Antriebe kleiner Leistung zeigt Aufbau, Eigenschaften, Anwendungen und Wirkungsweise aller Motorarten. Band 1: Kleinmotoren und die zugehörige BandLeistungselektronik.2:Antriebeaus Motor und Elektronik sowie Antriebsauslegung, Schwingungen und Mechanik. Die Autoren sind Experten aus Hochschule und Industrie. Antriebstechnik; Elektromagnetismus; Elektromotor; Elektromechanik This practical compendium of small-capacity electrical drives explains their structure, properties, applications, and how all kinds of motors Volumeoperate.1:low-power motors and their power volumeelectronics;2:motor and electronic drives as well as drive design, oscillations, and mechanics. The authors are tertiary and industry experts. Drivetrain electronics; electromagnetism Carsten Fräger, FH Hannover, Germany; Wolfgang Amrhein, Universität Linz, Germany.

Der Band Wärmeübertragung orientiert sich an der Kraft des Anwendungsbeispiels. Neben einem kompakten Überblick zu den fachlichen Zusammenhängen enthält jedes Kapitel darauf zugeschnitten vollständig durchgerechnete Lösungen für wichtige praktische Anwendungen. Die 2. Auflage erweitert die Inhalte und bietet dem Leser zusätzliche Übungen.

Thermodynamik; Energie; Energietechnik; Wärmeübertragung This book is guided by the the power of examples of application. Alongside a compact overview of the technical contexts, each chapter contains tailored solutions that have been carefully calculated for important practical applications. The second edition ex pands the content and provides readers with additional exercises.

Alexander Schaum

**eBook *RRP € 930.00[D] / US$ 1080.00 / ePUBPDF£ 845.00ISBN 978-3-11-074065-3ISBN 978-3-11-074091-2

This book shows how to analyse and simulate power electronics circuits using the software PSIM®. It helps engineers and students in understanding, simulating and designing appropriate circuit components, materials and topologies. It includes simulations ex amples from real wolrd situations that make it suitable as additional reading in a power electronics course.

Farzin Asadi, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey; Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan.

Dissipativity in Control Engineering Applications in Finite- and InfiniteDimensional Systems July English,2021XIV, 228 pp., 30 fig.

Hugo Miguel A. L. Figueiredo Da Silva (Ed.) Mechanical Design in Transportation and Engineering Series: Mechanical Design in Engineering June English,2022Approx. VIII, 300 pp., 50 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071046-5 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073572-7ISBN 978-3-11-073576-5

This book offers a well-balanced collection of research works that merge theoretical and numerical developments, and their applica tion in engineering. This volume focuses on applications in transportation industry, heavy and light machinery as well as structural applications. The works included in this volume comprise prototype manufacturing and experimental testing, and the innovations presented are proven to work in practical applications.

23Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NGINEERINGNGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTENI    E

HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067793-5 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067794-2ISBN 978-3-11-067809-3 From the first feedback control for the ancient water clock in Alexandria, control engineering and design has gained significant attention with the advancement of technol ogy. This book guides the reader through the theoretical foundations for stability, dissipa tivity and system-theoretic concepts. Updated examples and applications for both finitedimensional systems and infinite-dimensional systems will be described and explained.

Hugo Da Silva, University of Minho, Portugal.

Alexander Schaum, Kiel University, Germany.

T Farzin Asadi, Kei Eguchi Power Electronics Circuit Analysis with PSIM® Series: De Gruyter Textbook September 2021 English, XII, 594 pp., 1200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074063-9

Series:MachiningNonconventional Advanced Mechanical Engineering 7 August 2022 English, Approx. 250 pp. HC *RRP € 164.95[D] / US$ 189.99 / £ 150.00 ISBN 978-3-11-058410-3 eBook *RRP € 164.95[D] / US$ 189.99 / £ 150.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-058447-9ISBN 978-3-11-058415-8 The term “nonconventional machining” refers a group of processes that removes mate rial by various methods involving thermal, electrical, chemical and mechanical energy. Nonconventional machining is required when workpieces are extremely hard, too flexible or have complex geometries. Most recent methods and applications are described by acknowledged experts in the field to provide a useful reference for academics, researchers and decision takers. Paolo Davim, Aveiro, Portugal.

The book aims at proposing applications of state-of-the-art and new soft computing techniques to tackle challenges of contem porary smart manufacturing, offering robust and resilient soft computing-based solutions that address demands for dynamicity, (near) real-time actions, product personalization, predictive quality and maintenance, and increased efficiency.

T. Sibalija, Belgrade Metropolitan University, Serbia; J. P. Davim, Universitiy of Aveiro, Portugal. J. Paulo Davim (Ed.)

• Introduces fundamental theories and theories with practical •applicationsPresentstechnologies in an easy-tounderstand way Wei Gao and Yuki Shimizu, Tohoku University, Japan. Tatjana Sibalija, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.) Soft Computing in ManufacturingSmart Solutions toward Industry 5.0 Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering December 2021 English, XIV, 277 pp., 133 fig. HC *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 ISBN 978-3-11-069317-1 eBook *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-069322-5ISBN 978-3-11-069325-6


Wei Gao, Yuki Shimizu Optical Metrology for EngineeringPrecision December 2021 English, XI, 644 pp., 714 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-054109-0 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-054236-3ISBN 978-3-11-054127-4


This book provides readers the fundamentals of optical metrology for precision engineer ing. The next-generation measurement tech nologies based on ultrashort pulse laser and optical frequency comb are also presented, making it an essential reference book for various engineering fields.


Sascha Eichstädt, Alexander Shestakov (Eds.)

Dynamic Measuring Systems Fundamentals and application of time-dependent measurements Series: De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences September 2022 English, Approx. X, 200 pp., 70 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071303-9 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071310-7ISBN 978-3-11-071313-8

25Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NGINEERINGNGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTENI    E

Beat Jeckelmann, Robert Edelmaier (Eds.)

Sascha Eichstädt, PTB Berlin, Germany; Alexander Shestakov, SUSU University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences September 2022 English, Approx. VIII, 200 pp., 120 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071568-2 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50

The Series:InfrastructureMetrological

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071583-5ISBN 978-3-11-071590-3 This book concentrates on the infrastructure aspects of metrology. It introduces the under lying concepts: international system of units, traceability and uncertainty, and describes the concepts that are implemented to assure the comparability, reliability and quantifiable trust of measurement results. The benefits metrological principles in fields as medicine or in the evaluation of cyber physical systems are also shown.

Beat Jeckelmann, form. Federal Instit. of Metrology, Switzerland; Robert Edelmaier, Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying, Austria.

This volume of the De Gruyter Series on Measurement Science and Technology describes the link between measurement science and information theory. It includes big data measurement and data fusion, data acquisition and processing as well as the interpretation of big-data strstrategies. It also comprises the fusion of measurement data in digitally networded measurement and sensor systems. Michael Heizmann, Karlsruhe, Germany.

This book introduces the concepts at the basis of dynamic measuring systems: vocabulary, modelling, calibration, measurement data analysis, uncertainty evaluation. It also pro vides the necessary mathematical foundations for signal processing, stochastic processes and control theory. Concepts and practi cal approaches for dynamic calibration and dynamic measurement are introduced to the readership through concrete examples.

De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences October 2022 English, 200 pp., 40 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-064274-2 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064702-0ISBN 978-3-11-064282-7

Michael Heizmann (Ed.)



HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-076918-0

Fractional Calculus Perspective Series: Fractional Calculus in Applied Sciences and Engineering 10 March English,2022X,262 pp., 105 fig. HC *RRP € 149.95[D] / US$ 172.99 / £ 136.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072907-8 eBook *RRP € 149.95[D] / US$ 172.99 / £ 136.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072912-2ISBN 978-3-11-072913-9

Fractional evolution equations, Existence, Attractivity, Stability, Periodic solution Yong Zhou, Xiangtan and Macau University, China; Bashir Ahmad, Ahmed Alsaedi, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.

The subject of outliers modeling and their detection originates from industry. NonGaussian and nonlinear features of the real-life challenges combined with process complexity require appropriate engineering tools. Control engineers demand state-ofthe-art data analytics to support their daily plant monitoring and control supervision. This book incorporates inspiring contribu tions showing that fractional calculus with non-Gaussian statistics delivers robust data analytics capturing the essence of process uncertainties and complexities.

J Paweł D. Domański, YangQuan Chen, Maciej Ławryńczuk (Eds.)

Outliers in Control Engineering

Paweł D. Domański, Maciej Ławryńczuk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; YangQuan Chen, Mesa Lab, University of California, USA. Yong Zhou, Bashir Ahmad, Ahmed Alsaedi Theory of Fractional Evolution Equations

Series: Fractional Calculus in Applied Sciences and Engineering 11 April English,2022Approx. X, 300 pp.

eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076927-2ISBN 978-3-11-076936-4

Fractional evolution equations (FEEs) provide a unifying framework to investigate well-posedness of complex systems of vari ous types describing the time evolution of concrete systems (such as time-fractional dif fusion equations). This monograph is devoted to the investigation of the existence, attractiv ity, stability and periodic solutions for such fractional evolution equations.

Michael Koch (Editor-in-Chief) i-com Journal of Interactive Media Volume 21 (2022) English, 3 issues per volume (Approx. 280 pp.) ISSN e-ISSN1618-162X2196-6826 SubscriptionPrint rates € 339.00 / *US$ 458.00 / *£ 278.00 Single Issue € 124.00 / *US$ 168.00 / *£ 102.00 InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 339.00 / *US$ 458.00 / *£ 278.00 Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00 Print/Online € 396.00 / *US$ 501.00 / *£ 324.00 i-com – Journal of Interactive Media is de voted to human-computer interaction, media design, usability, engineering and systems evaluation, software ergonomics, cooperative systems, e-learning, mobile and ubiquitous systems, user-adaptive systems, agent devel opment tools and methods for media in dif ferent application fields, barrier-free systems design, and the social aspects of information and communication technologies.

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27Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access

*US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00 Print/Online

*US$ 623.00 / *£ 444.00

Managing Editor: Katarzyna Gajewska English, 1 issue per volume (Approx. 350 pp.) ISSN 2192-8029

JO JO J Egon van den Broek (Editor-in-Chief)

Open Computer Science Volume 12 (2022) English, 1 issue per volume ISSN 2299-1093 Open Computer Science is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. The journal publishes research results in the following fields: algorithms and complexity theory, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, networking and security systems,programming languages, system and software engineering, and theo retical foundations of computer science.

The purpose of the Journal of Nonlinear Engineering is to provide a medium for dissemination of original research results in theoretical, experimental, practical, and applied nonlinear phenomena in engineering. The journal serves as a forum to exchange new ideas and applications of nonlinear prob lems occurring in aeronautical, biological, civil, chemical, communication, electrical, industrial, mechanical, mathematical, physi cal, and structural systems.

David Hui (Editor-in-Chief) Nonlinear Engineering Modeling and Application Volume 11 (2022)

Herwig Altena, Olaf Keßler, Marcel A. J. Somers (Editors-in-Chief)


*£ 89.00

JournalHTM of Heat Treatment and Materials Zeitschrift für Mehrsprachig/Multilingual,Band/VolumeWärmebehandlung,Werkstoffe,Fertigung77(2022)6Heftepro Band/issues per volume (Ca./Approx. 672 S./pp.) ISSN e-ISSN1867-24932194-1831 Einzelheft/SinglePrint Issue € 109.00 / *US$ 125.00 / InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 452.00 / Subscription € 99.00 / € 542.00 /


as energy and environmental issues. Thomas



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Individual Subscription € 149.00 / *US$ 224.00 / *£ 120.00 Print/Online € 1420.00 / *US$ 1634.00 / *£ 1165.00 Materials, Materials Testing, Materials Proces sing, Material Properties, Life Cycle Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Technology Discover our diverse range of titles on topics across the humanities and natural sciences ANDTRIEDTRUSTEDTEXTBOOKS



Volume 39 (2022) Impact Factor: 1.032 5-year Impact Factor: 1.082 English, 4 issues per volume (Approx. 500 pp.) ISSN e-ISSN0334-00822191-0332 SubscriptionPrint rates € 599.00 / *US$ 905.00 / *£ 491.00 Single Issue € 165.00 / *US$ 249.00 / *£ 135.00 InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 599.00 / *US$ 905.00 / *£ 491.00 Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00 Print/Online € 724.00 / *US$ 1085.00 / *£ 592.00 The International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines is devoted to cutting edge research in theory and design of propagation of jet aircraft. It serves as an international publica tion organ for new ideas, insights and results from industry and academic research on thermodynamics, combustion, behavior of related materials at high temperatures, turbine and engine design, thrust vectoring and flight control as well Böllinghaus (Editor-in-Chief) Volume (2022) Factor: 1.177 5-year Impact Factor: 1.589 12 issues per volume (Approx. 1230 pp.) ISSN e-ISSN0025-53002195-8572 SinglePrint € 147.00 / *US$ 169.00 / *£ 121.00 Subscription *£ 992.00



Materials Testing MaterialsMaterialprüfung–Components –Technology – Application

J J Valery Sherbaum (Editor-in-Chief) Vladimir Erenburg (Ed.) andJournalInternationalofTurboJetEngines

Pant, Sangeeta 13 Papadopoulos, Basil K. 7 Patel, R. N. 18 Paul, Sujoy 16 Pedrycz, Witold 4 Peng, Sheng-Lung 9 Piatkowski, Nico 6 Podder, Prajoy 12 Polkowski, Zdzislaw 8 Posts and Telecom Press Co., Ltd., 21 Potluri, Sirisha 8 Priyadarshi, Neeraj 10 R Ram, Mangey 13, 14 Rao Althar, Raghavendra 10 Ren, Bin 21 Richter, Wieland 21 Roschke, Thomas 22 S Samanta, Debabrata 10 Schaum, Alexander 23 Schulze, Malte 16 Schweizer, Wolfgang 5 Seidel, Michael 22 Sharma, Abhinav 14 Sharma, Anand 8 Sherbaum, Valery 28 Shestakov, Alexander 25 Shimizu, Yuki 24 Shukla, Pancham 11 Sibalija, Tatjana 24 Singh, Deepmala 8 Somers, Marcel A. J. 27 Spieker, Christian 16 Stölting, Hans-Dieter 22 Subba Rao, Katta 8 Su, Xin 21 Syropoulos, Apostolos 7 T Thakur, Amit 18 Thomas, J. Joshua 9 Tränkle, Frank 15 Tsinghua University Press, 5, 21, 22

29Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access A Agrawal, Prateek 8 Ahmad, Bashir 26 Albuquerque, Victor Hugo C. de 12 Alpaydin, Ethem 5 Alsaedi, Ahmed 26 Altena, Herwig 27 Aluvalu, Rajanikanth 11 Amrhein, Wolfgang 22 Asadi, Farzin 23 B Balas, Valentina Emilia 9 Banik, Anirban 9 Bansal, Ankita 10 Bansal, Ramesh C. 10 Bernhard, Stefan 20 Bertolini, Thomas 22 Bhatia, Madhulika 11 Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha 10 Bhattacharyya, Souvik 14 Bhushan, Bharat 12 Bogdan, Martin 7 Böllinghaus, Thomas 28 Boulouard, Zakaria 11 Brabetz, Ludwig 17 Brensing, Andreas 20 Bringmann, Oliver 7 Burgwinkel, Daniel 3 Butz, Andreas 3 C Chang, Dongxia 21 Chatterjee, Jyotir Moy 10, 12 Chen, YangQuan 26 Chen, Ying 22 Clausert, Horst 17 D Da Silva, Hugo Miguel A. L. Figueiredo 23 Davim, J. Paulo 24 De La Torre Diez, Isabel 11 Deperlioglu, Omer 12 Dittler, Ullrich 3 Domański, Paweł D. 26 Drath, Rainer 6 Dubey, Vikas 18 Dutt, V.B.S. Srilatha Indira 18 E Edelmaier, Robert 25 Eguchi, Kei 23 Eichstädt, Sascha 25 Erenburg, Vladimir 28 F Fecker, Thomas 16 Fräger, Carsten 22 Fuchs, Thomas 22 G Gajewska, Katarzyna 27 Gao, Wei 24 Geurts, Bernard J. 14 Ghosh, Koushik 14 Gierl, Christian 16 Gite, Shilpa 11 Golde, Karsten 16 Goyal, Ashish 18 Graf, Uwe 4 Gupta, Charu 8 Gurevich, Vladimir 18 H Haas, Oliver 16, 17 Has, Michael 15 Hedayati, Hadi 12 Heidrich, Tobias 22 Heizmann, Michael 25 Hellmann, Roland 7 Hemanth, Jude 11 Hinzen, Hubert 19, 20 Hiran, Kamal Kant 10 H. Jhaveri, Rutvij 12 Holm-Nielson, Jens Bo 10 Höltgen, Stefan 16 Homenda, Wladyslaw 4 Hossain Mondal, Rubaiyat 12 Hui, David 27 J Jain, Abha 10 Jain, Arpit 14 Jain, Vishal 10, 12 Jayasimha, S. R. 9 Jeckelmann, Beat 25 Jeyanthi, Mary 8 K Kamberaj, Hiqmet 20 Kautish, Sandeep 8 Keller, Mario 16 Keßler, Olaf 27 Khamparia, Aditya 12 Koch, Michael 26 Konar, Debanjan 10 Koppe, Christian 17 Kose, Utku 10 Krit, Salahddine 12 Krüger, Antonio 3 Kumar, Anuj 13 Kumar Arya, Ashwini 14 Kumar Bhoi, Akash 12 Kumar, Sachin 12 Kumar, Santosh 13 L Lambert, Lutz 15 Lange, Walter 7 Ławryńczuk, Maciej 26 Liang, Lin 21 Lu, Qiang 22 M Madaan, Vishu 8 Maheswari, Uma 11 Maleh, Yassine 11 Mayura, Alka 8 Meiller, Dieter 4 Mertens, Axel 22 Möckel, Andreas 22 Mohiddin, Khaja 18 Munapo, Elias 9, 13 N Nandan Mohanty, Sachi 8 Nanda, Saurav 8 Naresh, E. 9 Niranjanamurthy, M. 9 O Oprandi, Adriano 17 Ouaissa, Mariya 11 Ouaissa, Mariyam 11 P Padmanaban, Sanjeevikumar 10 Panchenko, Vladimir 9 Pandey, Anand 18 Panigrahi, Ranjit 12


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