Dear Readers, We are proud to present nearly 200 new titles in Materials Science, Industrial Chemistry, Chemistry and Physics this year! We are again concentrating on highly topical subject clusters this year: Green Processes, Energy, Artificial Intelligence, Polymers, Nano, Analytical Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical AtTechnology.thispoint, we would like to draw your attention to three works in particular: First, starting in June, two of the most com prehensive and in-depth encyclopedias on oxidizers and liquid fuels available will be published: the “Encyclopedia of Oxi dizers” and the “Encyclopedia of Liquid Fuels”. Both encyclo pedias are published in five volumes each, are clearly structured and arranged alphabetically. These unique reference works can be found on page 26 of the catalog. Another interdisciplinary title with direct practical relevance is “Accelerated Materials Discovery” on page 8. This book explains how artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to dramatically accelerate the development of new an informative and enjoyable read of this catalog, our journals and books! Best regards Daniel Tiemann Vice President Daniel.Tiemann@degruyter.comSTEM
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, wir sind stolz, Ihnen in diesem Jahr fast 200 neue Titel aus den Bereichen Materialwissenschaften, Industrielle Chemie, Che mie und Physik vorstellen zu können! Wir konzentrieren uns auch in diesem Jahr wieder auf hochaktuelle Fokus-Themen: Grüne Prozesse, Energie, Künstliche Intelligenz, Polymere, Nano, Analytische Chemie, und Pharma-Technologie. Auf drei Werke möchte Sie an dieser Stelle besonders hin weisen: Zum einen werden ab Juni zwei der umfangreichsten und fundiertesten Enzyklopädien zu den Themen Oxidatoren und Flüssigbrennstoffe erscheinen, die es am Markt gibt: die „Encyclopedia of Oxidizers“ sowie die „Encyclopedia of Liquid Fuels“. Beide Enzyklopädien erscheinen in jeweils fünf Bänden, sind klar strukturiert und alphabetisch geordnet. Diese einzigartigen Nachschlagewerke finden Sie auf Seite 26 des EinKatalogs.weiterer interdisziplinärer Titel mit direktem Praxisbezug ist das Buch „Accelerated Materials Discovery“ auf Seite 8. Dieses Buch erklärt, wie mit Hilfe künstlicher Intelligenz und Machine Learning die Entwicklung neuer Materialien drama tisch beschleunigt werden kann. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine informative und angenehme Lektüre dieses Katalogs sowie unserer Journals und Bücher! Mit herzlichen Grüßen
*Prices in US$ apply to orders placed in the Americas only. Prices in £ apply to orders placed in Great Britain only. Prices in € represent the retail prices valid in Germany (unless otherwise indi cated). Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include postage and handling. RRP: Recommended Retail Price. **Textbooks: the eBook prices in this catalog are only valid for institutional customers. Individual customers can purchase the eBook at list price through one of our vendor partners. Ansprechpartner finden Sie auf S. 67. For contact details please see p. 67.
2/2022 Cover Vivien Böhme
The images that adorn our catalog covers are the product of a design competition that is carried out each year by De Gruyter in cooperation with Lette Verein Berlin, a vocational training association. Participants in the competition were asked to create a series of interrelated images that are united by an overarching design concept. We would like to thank Vivien Böhme for her winning submission.
Die Cover der Kataloge von De Gruyter präsentieren den Siege rentwurf eines Grafikwettbewerbs, den der Verlag in Kooperation mit dem Lette-Verein Berlin jährlich durchführt. Die Aufgabe war, ein serielles Bildkonzept mit einer eigenständigen Gestaltungsidee zu entwickeln. Die Motive sollten sich als Fortsetzung über alle Ka talogcover durchziehen. Wir danken der Gewinnerin Vivien Böhme für ihre gelungene Umsetzung.
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With the increasing world-energy demand there is a growing necessity for clean and renewable energy. This book offers an intro duction to these new types of solar cells and discusses fabrication, different architectures and their device physics on the bases of the author's teaching course on a master degree level. A comparison with conventional solar cells is given and the specialties of organic solar cells emphasized. Lukas Schmidt-Mende, Stefan Kraner and Azhar Fakharuddi, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany.
Karl-Anders Weiß (Ed.)
Series: De Gruyter STEM 2. Edition/2nd Edition June English,20212nd ed. XII, 181 pp., 109 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-068554-1 eBook *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-068555-8ISBN 978-3-11-068572-5 From handcrafted devices used for space satellites, photovoltaic devices have devel oped into mass products sold in millions and applied all over the world. The second edition of this interdisciplinary book provides insight into manufacturing techniques, materials design strategies, and life analysis of waferbased photovoltaic modules. The book covers the latest research and developments on the reliability of photovoltaic modules. Karl-Anders Weiss, Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany.
The 2nd Edition of Chemical Energy Storage expands greatly on the original by including an update to the materials and technologies first discussed. New chapters devoted to the impact of law, society, and region-specific policy on the types of chemical energy stor age that are chosen for a particular area. This book is written by the top authors in their fields and is ideal for rearchers and students alike.
Energy; Energy Storage; Renewable Energy; Green Energy; Alternative Energy Sources; Power Generation; Electrochemistry; Catalysis; Fuel Cells; Batteries; Biomass; Wind Energy; Solar Energy; Biofuels
Robert Schlögl (Ed.) Chemical Energy Storage Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition January 2022 English, 2nd ed. XIV, 698 pp., 250 fig. Pb. *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 93.50 ISBN 978-3-11-060843-4 **eBook *RRP € 1000.00[D] / US$ 1150.00 / ePUBPDF£ 909.00ISBN 978-3-11-060845-8ISBN 978-3-11-060859-5
Robert Schlögl, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany.
Reliability and Sustainability With contrib. by Bengt Jäckel, Sina Herceg, Ismail Kaaya, Elisabeth Klimm, Gernot Oreški, Sebastián Pinto Bautista
T T Lukas Schmidt-Mende, Stefan Kraner, Azhar Fakharuddin Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition August 2022 English, Approx. X, 340 pp., 300 fig.2nd, Revised Edition Pb. *RRP € 87.95[D] / US$ 100.99 / £ 79.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073692-2
**eBook *RRP € 880.00[D] / US$ 1010.00 / ePUBPDF£ 795.00ISBN 978-3-11-073693-9ISBN 978-3-11-073152-1
Flexible elastomeric optical sheets are thin, large-area (cm² to m²) polymer light guide structures that can be used to create innova tive passive light harvesting and illumination systems, designed to be draped over arbitrary surfaces or hung like a curtain. The book in troduces the optical principles and theoretical foundation of optical sheets, and summarizes the critical design guidelines for creating multifunctional monolithic optical sheets.
Jasna Jankovic, Jürgen Stumper (Eds.) PEM Fuel Cells From Characterization and Modeling to Trends and Challenges Series: De Gruyter STEM August 2022 English, Approx. XX, 400 pp., 150 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-062262-1 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-062272-0ISBN 978-3-11-062360-4
Chemical Engineering; Industrial Chemistry; Modeling; Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell; Fuel Cell Jasna Jankovic, University of Connecticut, USA; Jürgen Stumper, Juergen Stumper and Associates, Canada.
Mikhail G. Brik, Alok M. Srivastava (Eds.)
George K. Knopf Elastomeric Optics Theory, Design and Fabrication October 2022 English, Approx. X, 230 pp., 90 fig. Pb. *RRP € 160.95[D] / US$ 185.99 / £ 146.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066245-0 eBook *RRP € 160.95[D] / US$ 185.99 / £ 146.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-066523-9ISBN 978-3-11-066271-9
Fundamentals and Applications Series: De Gruyter STEM July English,2022Approx. XX, 400 pp., 90 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-060785-7 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-060787-1ISBN 978-3-11-060822-9 This book gives an overview on the fun damentals and recent developments in the field of luminescent materials. Starting from the definitions and properties of phosphors, novel application areas as well as spectro scopic methods for characterization will be described. Additionally, a short review on the current market will be covered. The reader will benefit from the vast knowledge of the authors with backgrounds in industry as well as academia.
Mikhail G. Brik, University of Tartu, Estonia; Alok M. Srivastava, GE Global Research, New York, USA.
George K. Knopf, University of Western Ontario, Canada; Evgueni Bordatchev, National Research Council, Canada.
This book is a comprehensive introduction to the rapidly developing field of PEM fuel cells. It covers the fundamentals and basic concepts of different types of fuel cells as well as recent developments of PEM fuel cells. Components, diagnostics, performance and characterization are discussed and mod elling and novel applications are covered. Written by experts in this field, this book is an invaluable tool for graduate students and professionals.
[Volume 2: Thermal, Mechanical, Tribological, Optical, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties] Juni/June Deutsch/German,2022 8., überarbeitete Auflage X, 470 S./pp., 115 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074236-7UVP/RRP £ 122.00 eBook *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 122.00ISBN 978-3-11-074237-4ISBN 978-3-11-074253-4 Keramik ist nicht nur der älteste synthetische Werkstoff der Menschheit, sondern auch Schlüssel zur Erschließung neuer Technolo gien. Ohne Keramik sind gepflegtes Woh nen und Tischkultur ebenso undenkbar wie moderne Elektronik, Fertigungstechnik und Maschinenbau, Metallurgie und Energie technik, Medizintechnik oder Luft- und Raumfahrt. Das umfassend neu überarbeitete Werk behandelt die wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen. Anorganik; Keramik; Verfahrenstechnik; Werkstoffkunde Ceramic is not just humanity’s oldest syn thetic material but also the key to developing new technologies. Without ceramic, comfort able living and fine dining would be just as inconceivable as modern electronics, manu facturing engineering, metallurgy, energy technology, medical technology, and aviation and space travel. This comprehensive, revised volume deals with the scientific and techno logical principles of ceramic. Inorganic chemistry; ceramic; process engineering; materials science Rainer Telle, Trier, Deutschland.
Band 2: EigenschaftenundOptische,Tribologische,Mechanische,Thermische,ElektrischeMagnetische
Theory and Applications of Rare Earth Activated Phosphors December 2021 English, XII, 246 pp., 110 fig. HC *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067641-9 eBook *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067645-7ISBN 978-3-11-067651-8
Phosphors are often consisting of transitionmetal compounds or rare-earth compounds, with the most common application being displays and fluorescent light. This book will guide the reader through the latest develop ments in thermo-, electro-, mechano- and bioluminescence of rare earth phosphors and crystals. Also, the effect of doping will be discussed. Luminescence; Phosphors; Thermoluminescence; Electroluminescence; Mechanoluminescence; Bioluminescence; Doping; Materials Science Ratnesh Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, BIT Raipur, India; Vijay Singh, Konkuk Univ., S. Korea; María Elena Zayas Saucedo, Univ. of Sonora, Mexico.
Keramik ist nicht nur der älteste synthetische Werkstoff der Menschheit, sondern auch Schlüssel zur Erschließung neuer Technolo gien. Ohne Keramik sind gepflegtes Woh nen und Tischkultur ebenso undenkbar wie moderne Elektronik, Fertigungstechnik und Maschinenbau, Metallurgie und Energie technik, Medizintechnik oder Luft- und Raumfahrt. Das umfassend neu überarbeitete Werk behandelt die wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen. Keramik; Anorganik; Werkstoffkunde; Verfahrenstechnik
Ceramic is not just humanity’s oldest syn thetic material but also the key to developing new technologies. Without ceramic, comfort able living and fine dining would be just as inconceivable as modern electronics, manu facturing engineering, metallurgy, energy technology, medical technology, and aviation and space travel. This comprehensive, revised volume deals with the scientific and techno logical principles of ceramic.
Ceramic; inorganic chemistry; materials science; process engineering Rainer Telle, Trier, Deutschland. Hermann Salmang, Horst Scholze, Rainer Telle (Hrsg./Eds.)
[Volume 1: Structures, Thermochemistry, Sinter Kinetics, Texture, and Methods of Examination] 8. Edition/8th Edition Juni/June Deutsch/German,2022 8., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./ Approx. X, 540 S./pp., 336 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074234-3UVP/RRP £ 122.00 eBook *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 122.00ISBN 978-3-11-074235-0ISBN 978-3-11-074252-7
Ratnesh Tiwari, Vikas Dubey, Vijay Singh, María Elena Zayas Saucedo (Eds.) Luminescence
Hermann Salmang, Horst Scholze, Rainer Telle (Hrsg./Eds.) Keramik Hermann Salmang, Horst Scholze, Rainer Telle (Hrsg./Eds.) Band 1: Sinterkinetik,Thermochemie,Strukturen,Gefüge Untersuchungsmethodenund
Hermann Salmang, Horst Scholze, Rainer Telle (Hrsg./Eds.) Band 3: Technologie von den Rohstoffen bis zur Hartbearbeitung [Volume 3: Technology from Raw Materials to Hard Machining] Juni/June Deutsch/German,2022 8., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./ Approx. X, 400 S./pp., 382 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074238-1UVP/RRP £ 122.00 eBook *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 122.00ISBN 978-3-11-074239-8ISBN 978-3-11-074254-1
Keramik ist nicht nur der älteste synthetische Werkstoff der Menschheit, sondern auch Schlüssel zur Erschließung neuer Technolo gien. Ohne Keramik sind gepflegtes Woh nen und Tischkultur ebenso undenkbar wie moderne Elektronik, Fertigungstechnik und Maschinenbau, Metallurgie und Energie technik, Medizintechnik oder Luft- und Raumfahrt. Das umfassend neu überarbeitete Werk behandelt die wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen. Anorganik; Keramik; Verfahrenstechnik; Werkstoffkunde Ceramic is not just humanity’s oldest syn thetic material but also the key to develop ing new technologies. Without ceramic, comfortable living and fine dining would be just as inconceivable as modern electron ics, manufacturing engineering, metallurgy, energy technology, medical technology, and aviation and space travel. This completely revised volume deals with the scientific and technological principles of ceramic. inorganics; ceramics; process technology; materials science Rainer Telle, Trier, Deutschland. Hermann Salmang, Horst Scholze, Rainer Telle (Hrsg./Eds.) [Set Keramik, Band 1–4] 8. Edition/8th Edition Juni/June Deutsch/German,2022 8., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./ Approx. 1910 S./pp.4 Bände. Zus. ca. 1910 Seiten Set *€ 399.00[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 460.00 / ISBN 978-3-11-078626-2UVP/RRP £ 362.50
Band 4: VerbundwerkstoffeundHochleistungskeramikFeuerfesteSilicatkeramik,Werkstoffe,keramische [Silicate ceramics, refractory materials, high performance ceramics and ceramic composite materials] Juni/June Deutsch/German,2022 8., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./ Approx. X, 500 S./pp., 187 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074240-4UVP/RRP £ 122.00 eBook *€ 133.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 122.00ISBN 978-3-11-074241-1ISBN 978-3-11-074255-8
Keramik ist nicht nur der älteste synthetische Werkstoff der Menschheit, sondern auch Schlüssel zur Erschließung neuer Technolo gien. Ohne Keramik sind gepflegtes Woh nen und Tischkultur ebenso undenkbar wie moderne Elektronik, Fertigungstechnik und Maschinenbau, Metallurgie und Energie technik, Medizintechnik oder Luft- und Raumfahrt. Das umfassend neu überarbeitete Werk behandelt die wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen. Anorganik; Keramik; Verfahrenstechnik; Werkstoffkunde Ceramic is not just humanity’s oldest syn thetic material but also the key to develop ing new technologies. Without ceramic, comfortable living and fine dining would be just as inconceivable as modern electron ics, manufacturing engineering, metallurgy, energy technology, medical technology, and aviation and space travel. This completely revised volume deals with the scientific and technological principles of ceramic. Inorganic chemistry; ceramic; process engineering; materials science Rainer Telle, Trier, Deutschland. Hermann Salmang, Horst Scholze, Rainer Telle (Hrsg./Eds.)
Keramik ist nicht nur der älteste synthetische Werkstoff der Menschheit, sondern auch Schlüssel zur Erschließung neuer Technolo gien. Ohne Keramik sind gepflegtes Woh nen und Tischkultur ebenso undenkbar wie moderne Elektronik, Fertigungstechnik und Maschinenbau, Metallurgie und Energie technik, Medizintechnik oder Luft- und Raumfahrt. Das umfassend neu überarbeitete Werk behandelt die wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen. Keramik; Verfahrenstechnik; Werkstoffkunde; Anorganik Ceramic is not just humanity’s oldest syn thetic material but also the key to developing new technologies. Without ceramic, comfort able living and fine dining would be just as inconceivable as modern electronics, manu facturing engineering, metallurgy, energy technology, medical technology, and aviation and space travel. This comprehensive, revised volume deals with the scientific and techno logical principles of ceramic. Inorganic Chemistry; Ceramics; Process Engineering; Materials Science Rainer Telle, Trier, Deutschland. INSIGHTSSMART DEBATESTOPICSCURRENTAND
Additive Manufacturing and Modeling and Simulation Series: De Gruyter STEM 2. Edition/2nd Edition September 2021 English, 2nd Edition IX, 194 pp., 46 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074721-8
T Muhammad Musaddique Ali Rafique
The book provides a comprehensive state-ofthe-art review on the topic of bulk metallic glass matrix composites and understanding of mechanisms of development of composite microstructure. It discusses mechanisms of formation and toughening both during con ventional casting routes and additive manu facturing. The second edition encompasses new studies and highlights advancement in mechanical properties, characterization, processing and applications.
Materials Science; Metallic Materials; Composites; Additive Manufacturing Muhammad Musaddique Ali Rafique, Eastern Engineering Solutions, USA. Vadim M. Schastlivtsev, Vitaly I. Zel'dovich Physical Metallurgy Metals, Alloys, Phase Transformations
Series: De Gruyter Textbook February 2022 English, XIV, 211 pp., 230 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 66.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075801-6 **eBook *RRP € 700.00[D] / US$ 810.00 / ePUBPDF£ 636.50ISBN 978-3-11-075802-3ISBN 978-3-11-075812-2 This compact overview on physical metal lurgy provides a detailed coverage of phase equilibria and phase transformations in met als and alloys. It presents the broad range of topics from processes of crystallization and diffusion mechanisms to plastic deformations and structural transformations especially in iron alloys and steels. As an introductory work it is valuable to Material Scientists and Engineers. Vadim M. Schastlivtsev, Vitaly I. Zeldovich, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia. Ashish Kumar, Abhinay Thakur (Eds.)
Corrosion; Corrosion Mitigation; Biomass; Waste Utilization; Sustainable Technologies Ashish Kumar, Abhinay Thakur, Department of Chemistry, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.
eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074723-2ISBN 978-3-11-074741-6
Bulk TheirGlassesMetallicandComposites
Biomass and other Natural Products Series: De Gruyter STEM September 2022 English, Approx. X, 340 pp., 30 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076057-6 eBook *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076058-3ISBN 978-3-11-076064-4 Corrosion Science and Engineering is now an integral part of research throughout the world. Researchers are actively looking for an alternative eco-friendly way of developing non-toxic corrosion inhibitors from natural sources. This book discusses all the recent advancements in the corrosion field with an emphasis on natural sources which is the de mand of the era to replace the commercially available toxic corrosion inhibitors.
Corrosion Mitigation
How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Speed Up Development Series: De Gruyter STEM March English,2022X,205 pp., 59 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 106.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073804-9 eBook *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 106.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073808-7ISBN 978-3-11-073325-9
Phil De Luna (Ed.)
The interface between biological and nonbiological worlds becomes increasingly blurred due to significant advances in our understanding of biological phenomena and the development of sophisticated means to manipulate molecular systems for varied ap plications. This book methodically describes artificial and synthetic assemblies mimicking biological and living systems – from bioma terials to drug discovery to microelectronics and computer sciences. Raz Jelinek, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Accelerated Materials Discovery
This book is a primer for any materials scien tist looking to future-proof their careers and get ahead of the disruption that artificial intel ligence and robotic automation is just starting to unleash. It is meant to be an overview of how we can use these disruptive technologies to augment and supercharge our abilities to discover new materials that will solve world’s biggest challenges.
Mark Benvenuto, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, USA.
Raz Jelinek Biomimetics A Molecular Perspective Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition October 2021 English, VI, 272 pp., 200 fig.2nd, Revised Edition Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070944-5 **eBook *RRP € 830.00[D] / US$ 950.00 / ePUBPDF£ 750.00ISBN 978-3-11-070949-0ISBN 978-3-11-070994-0
This book is an advanced work on the topics of Materials Science. It includes a number of different materials classes and properties with a focus on the structure-property para digm. Each class of materials will highlight recycling techniques and other green methods of production. This book is ideal for all newcomers to the field of Materials Science as well as for those seeking a knowledge of solid state chemistry and physics.
T T Mark Anthony Benvenuto Materials Chemistry For Scientists and Engineers Series: De Gruyter Textbook September 2022 English, Approx. XX, 250 pp., 125 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065673-2 **eBook *RRP € 900.00[D] / US$ 1030.00 / ePUBPDF£ 815.00ISBN 978-3-11-065677-0ISBN 978-3-11-065682-4
Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Materials Discovery; Materials Development Phil De Luna, National Research Council of Canada, Toronto, Canada.
Active Materials Series: De Gruyter STEM December 2021 English, VI, 372 pp., 91 fig. Pb. *RRP € 71.95[D] / US$ 82.99 / £ 64.50 ISBN 978-3-11-056181-4 eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-056206-4ISBN 978-3-11-056220-0
NanomaterialsFunctional Applications in Medicine and Life Sciences Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2022 English, Approx. XX, 380 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-060545-7 **eBook *RRP € 930.00[D] / US$ 1080.00 / ePUBPDF£ 845.00ISBN 978-3-11-060549-5ISBN 978-3-11-060686-7
Peter Fratzl, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany; Michael Friedman, Karin Krauthausen, Wolfgang Schäffner, Humboldt Universität, Germany. Maximilian Kryschi, Carola Kryschi
Nanoparticles (NPs) offer an innovative platform for targeted cancer diagnosis and therapy. Advanced synthesis and surface functionalization strategies facilitate revers ible binding and triggered release of drugs. NPs are also excellent contrast agents for clinical imaging techniques. This book discusses current and future applications of functional nanoparticles in oncology, as well as strategies for tailoring novel multifunc tional nanomaterials. Maximilian Kryschi; Carola Kryschi, Friedrich-Alexander Universität ErlangenNürnberg, Germany.
Paolo Bondavalli
Paolo Bondavilli, Thales Research and Technology, Paris, France.
What is an active material? This book aims to redefine perceptions of the materials that respond to their environment. Through the theory of the structure and functionality of materials found in nature a scientific ap proach to active materials is first identified. Further interviews with experts from the natural sciences and humanities then seeks to question and redefine this view of materials to create a new definition of active materials.
O T Peter Fratzl, Michael Friedman, Karin Krauthausen, Wolfgang Schäffner (Eds.)
2D Materials And Their Exotic Properties Series: De Gruyter STEM July English,2022Approx. X, 200 pp., 78 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065632-9 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-065633-6ISBN 978-3-11-065638-1 The book will explain, in an easy way, the difficult to grasp concepts behind 2D material properties for physicists, materials scientists, and engineer. The physics will be explained in easy terms that are ideal for new comers to the field and advanced students alike. Theory and specific examples of materials and their intriguing properties will be discussed focus ing on the structure property relationships that governs materials science.
Understanding of Nanomaterials
NanoChemistry From Theory to Application for In-Depth
Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Materials Science; Nanochemistry Xuan Wang, Sajid Bashir, and Jingbo Liu, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.
Waste Series:CompositesResidue
eBook *RRP € 77.95[D] / US$ 89.99 / £ 70.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073987-9ISBN 978-3-11-073999-2
Assessment and Characterization Series: De Gruyter STEM September 2022 English, Approx. X, 120 pp., 20 fig. Pb. *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075852-8 eBook *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075853-5ISBN 978-3-11-075869-6
Murahari Kolli, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)
Advanced Composites August 2022 English, Approx. X, 200 pp., 60 fig. HC *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 ISBN 978-3-11-076640-0 eBook *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076652-3ISBN 978-3-11-076659-2 A significant effort is being put on to produce special materials for highly demanding ap plications for industrial sectors. These needs can be met by utilizing varieties of waste residues or by-products of several industrial, agricultural and natural process and turning them into practical and sustainable products. This book discusses the production of rein forcement particles and composite materials manufactured from various waste feedstocks.
Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. XV, 425 pp., 120 fig. Pb. *RRP € 77.95[D] / US$ 89.99 / £ 70.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073985-5
Xuan Wang, Sajid Bashir, Jingbo Liu
Nano and microplastics are a class of micropollutants, arising from the direct release or degradation of plastic items into ecosystems. The broad compositions and size distribu tion ranges limit the efficiency of detection, capture and remediation methods. This book covers nano and microplastics characterisa tion in complex environments and discusses strategies for qualitative and quantitative identification and generation of statistical data sets.
Ludovic Dumee, Biplob Pramanik Nanoplastics and Microplastics
Advanced Composites; Agriculture Wastes; Industrial Wastes; Household Wastes; Green Composites Applications Murahari Kolli, Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering, India; J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
The modernization of science and technol ogy using nanomaterials will open a new paradigm to meet the increasing energy demand. This book provides an in-depth un derstanding of theoretical perspectives from molecular and atomic levels. The modern analytical techniques explored provide an understanding of the interactions of particles at interfaces. This book gives a holistic view of materials synthesis, analysis, application, and safe handling.
Polymers; Environment Ludovic Dumee, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Biplob Pramanik, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
Volume 2: Applications in Biosensing, Bioimaging and Biomedicine
March English,2022 Set *RRP € 220.00[D] / US$ 250.00 / £ 200.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067574-0
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067222-0ISBN 978-3-11-067234-3 This two volumeset introduces the up-todate high-tech applications of AggregationInduced Emission (AIE) luminogens mainly in the areas of biosensor, bioimaging, and biomedicine. The 1 volume covers the ap plications of AIE materials in biosensor and bioimaging, including the technological utilizations in ionic sensing, bacterial imag ing, cell imaging, Intracellular microenviron ment analysis, advanced optical imaging and multimodality. Biosensors; Bioimaging; Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens; Biomedicine B. Z. Tang, The Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China; X. G. Gu, Beijing U. of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China.
Biosensors; Bioimaging; Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens; Biomedicine B. Z. Tang, The Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China; X. G. Gu, Beijing U. of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China. [Set Emission,Aggregation-Inducedvol.1+2]
This book explores the production and ap plications of biochar. This material is used to remove contaminants from industrial effluent and to reutilize waste sludge in the produc tion of biofuel/bioenergy. The treatment of wastewater and reuse of waste sludge in value added products manufacturing and environ mental clean-up is explored. The proposed book provides a roadmap for future strate gies for pollution abatement and sustainable development. Biochar; Bioremediation; Water Remediation; Green Chemistry; Sustainable Technologies Riti Thapar Kapoor, Amity University, India; Maulin P. Shah, Enviro Technology Limited, India.
Ben Zhong Tang, Xinggui Gu (Eds.)
eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073400-3ISBN 978-3-11-073406-5
Volume II April English,2022Approx. X, 280 pp., 50 fig. HC *RRP € 143.95[D] / US$ 164.99 / £ 130.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067298-5 eBook *RRP € 143.95[D] / US$ 164.99 / £ 130.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067307-4ISBN 978-3-11-067313-5
This two volume set introduces the up-todate high-tech applications of AggregationInduced Emission (AIE) luminogens in biosensor, bioimaging, and biomedicine. The 2 volume presents the applications of AIE materials in biomedicine, including the utilizations in biomedical polymers, organic nanoprobes, photosensitizer, AIEgens-based delivery systems, etc. It is an essential refer ence for materials scientists, physicists and biological chemists.
This two volume set introduces the up-todate high-tech applications of AggregationInduced Emission (AIE) luminogens in biosensor, bioimaging, and biomedicine. The 2 volume presents the applications of AIE materials in biomedicine, including the utilizations in biomedical polymers, organic nanoprobes, photosensitizer, AIEgens-based delivery systems, etc. It is an essential refer ence for materials scientists, physicists and biological chemists.
Riti Thapar Kapoor, Maulin P. Shah (Eds.)
B. Z. Tang, The Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China; X. G. Gu, Beijing U. of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China.
VolumeEmissionAggregation-Induced1:Applications in Biosensing, Bioimaging and Biomedicine Volume I April English,2022Approx. X, 280 pp., 50 fig. HC *RRP € 143.95[D] / US$ 164.99 / £ 130.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067210-7 eBook *RRP € 143.95[D] / US$ 164.99 / £ 130.50
BioChar Applications for Bioremediation of Contaminated Systems March English,2022XIII, 450 pp., 63 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073858-2
Advances in Agriculture, Industry and Health Sectors July English,2022Approx. X, 250 pp., 30 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075439-1 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075447-6ISBN 978-3-11-075454-4 Applications of microbial nanotechnology are currently emerging with new areas being explored. Biosynthesis of nanomaterials by microorganisms is a recently attracting interest as a new, exciting approach towards the development of ‘greener’ nano-manufac turing compared to traditional chemical and physical approaches. This book will cover recent advances of microbial nanotechnology in agriculture, industry, and health sectors. Biochemistry; Bioremediation; Biotechnology; Microbiology; Nanotechnology Vikas Kumar, Manoj Singh, Department of Biotechnology, Maharishi Markandeswar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, India.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-065587-2ISBN 978-3-11-065417-2
Vikas Kumar, Manoj Singh (Eds.)
Shyamasree Ghosh Nanoparticles and the Immune System Volume 1: Human Immune System March English,2022VIII, 143 pp., 33 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-065407-3 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-065585-8ISBN 978-3-11-065422-6
Volume I highlights the impact of nanopar ticles on the human immune system. While discussing the basic biology of the immune system, this book highlights the downstream effect of nanoparticles on the human immune system. Research studies on the development of better and more effective nanoparticles with more precise and accurate effects and with toxic minimal side effects are discussed in the book.
Immune System; Immunotoxicology; Nanomaterials; Nanoparticles Shyamasree Ghosh, School of Biological Sciences, Khurda, India.
Volume 2: Immune System of Animals
July English,2022Approx. X, 350 pp., 70 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-065408-0 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00
The fast development in the field of nano technology has led to a high variety of nanoparticles. Their risk to human and animal life as well as to the environment is still unclear. This second volume summarizes the impact of nanoparticles on the immune system of animals, discusses the influence on the ecosystem and evaluates the outcome of animal models. Both volumes are also included in a set ISBN 978-3-11-065666-4.
Immune System; Immunotoxicology; Nanomaterials; Nanoparticles Shyamasree Ghosh, School of Biological Sciences, Khurda, India. [Set Nanoparticles and the Immune System, Vol. 1+2] March English,2022 Set *RRP € 194.95[D] / US$ 224.99 / £ 177.00 ISBN 978-3-11-065666-4
This set summarizes and discusses scien tific studies that have analyzed the effect of nanoparticles on the immune system in humans and animals. Both volumes are also available individually: Vol 1: ISBN 978-3-11065407-3 and Vol 2: 978-3-11-065408-0 Immune System; Immunotoxicology; Nanomaterials; Nanoparticles Shyamasree Ghosh, School of Biological Sciences, Khurda, India.
13Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CIENCESATERIALWISSENSCHAFTENM MATERIALSS Yoshiki Oshida, Takashi Miyazaki Biomaterials and Engineering Implantologyfor In Medicine and Dentistry Series: De Gruyter STEM February 2022 English, XVI, 555 pp., 149 fig. Pb. *RRP € 87.95[D] / US$ 100.99 / £ 79.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074011-0 eBook *RRP € 87.95[D] / US$ 100.99 / £ 79.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074013-4ISBN 978-3-11-074023-3 Biomaterials are composed of metallic ma terials, ceramics, polymers, composites and hybrid materials. Biomaterials used in human beings require safety regulations, toxicity, allergic reaction, etc. When used as implant able materials their biological compatibility, biomechanical compatibility, and morpho logical compatibility must be acessed. This book explores the design and requirements of biomaterials for the use in implantology. Anatomy; Biomaterials; Biotechnology; Implantology; Physiology Yoshiki Oshida, University of California San Francisco, School of Dentistry, California, USA; Takashi Miyazaki, Japan. /bookarchive 50,000 Books Going Digital
From Microscale to Nanoscale October 2022 English, Approx. X, 170 pp., 90 fig. HC *RRP € 111.95[D] / US$ 128.99 / £ 101.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075611-1
Die derzeitige Entwicklung der Hochtech nologie ist geprägt durch steigende Anfor derungen an die Leistungsfähigkeit, Zuver lässigkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Flexibilität technischer Produkte. Eine Schlüsselrolle dabei spielt die Beherrschung tribologischer Prozesse und in diesem Sinne die funk tionsintegrative Entwicklung neuartiger, tribologisch optimierter, Kunststoffe bzw. polymerbasierter Verbunde sowie zugehöriger Bauweisen und Technologien. Faserverbunde; Werkstoffwissenschaften;Kunststoffe;Technische Chemie; Polymere
The book covers production, structure and properties of nanocelluar polymers. These materials are porous materials with pore sizes in the nanometer range, processed as bulk or film materials, from a wide set of polymers. Reduction of pore size influences the physi cal properties of cellular polymers providing improved properties and promising applica tions in automotive, aeronautic, renewable energies, construction, filtration or thermal insulation. Miguel Angel Rodríguez Pérez, Judith Martín de León, Univ. of Valladolid, Spain; Victoria Bernardo García, CellMat Technologies, Spain. Sabu Thomas, Jose James, Hanna J Maria, Jemy James (Eds.) Polymer CharacteristicsInterfacial in Polymer Blends, IPNs, Gels, and Composites Series: De Gruyter STEM November 2022 English, Approx. XV, 275 pp., 60 fig. Pb. *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071399-2 eBook *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071401-2ISBN 978-3-11-071410-4
Miguel Angel Rodríguez Pérez, Judith Martín de León, Victoria Bernardo García
Nanocellular Polymers
[The Tribology of Polymer-Based Composites] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM Oktober/October 2021 Deutsch/German, XIX, 365 S./pp., 177 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 92.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 107.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074626-6UVP/RRP £ 84.50 eBook *€ 92.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 107.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 84.50ISBN 978-3-11-074628-0ISBN 978-3-11-074651-8
eBook *RRP € 111.95[D] / US$ 128.99 / £ 101.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075613-5ISBN 978-3-11-075621-0
Current developments in high tech are being shaped by the increasing demands being placed on the performance, reliability, econ omy, and flexibility of technical products. Mastering tribological processes plays a key role here, as does the functionally integra tive development of innovative, tribologi cally optimized plastics and polymer-based composites, as well as the accompanying construction methods and technologies. Fiber-reinforced plastics; plastics; materials science; industrial chemistry; polymers
Klaus Kunze, TU Dresden, Institut Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, Dresden, Deutschland.
The interfaces in polymer blends and IPN directly influence properties and applica tions of polymers. This book describes how interfacial characteristics influence different material properties. Interfaces are crucial for many properties and applications of poly mers especially in polymer blends, where the interface between different polymers plays a critical role for mechanical properties and the application of ultra-strength composite materials. Polymers; Polymerization; Polymer Properties; Interfacial Characteristics Sabu Thomas, Hanna J. Maria, Jemy James Mahatma Gandhi U., India; Jose James, St. Joseph's College, India. Klaus Kunze
Series: De Gruyter Reference May English,2022Approx. X, 590 pp., 510 fig. HC *RRP € 175.95[D] / US$ 201.99 / £ 159.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075669-2 eBook *RRP € 175.95[D] / US$ 201.99 / £ 159.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075674-6ISBN 978-3-11-075684-5
The book describes and explains thermally stimulated current depolarization and thermal sampling. Electrical charges are created in the dielectric material by a voltage field. Analyzing how the current discharges pro vides insights into the atomic structure of the polymer, its organization and free volume. The book also includes case studies teaching how to apply the characterization techniques to understand the behavior of polymers.
Mohamed Elzagheid ChemistryMacromolecular Natural and Synthetic Polymers
T Haibin Ning
Principles and Applications Series: De Gruyter STEM November 2021 English, XIII, 330 pp., 290 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-1903-1 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1905-5ISBN 978-1-5015-1161-5
AnalysisDepolarizationDual-Phase Interactive Coupling in the Amorphous State of Polymers
Jean Pierre Ibar, New School Polymer Physics, University of the Basque Country, Spain.
The book covers continuous, long and natural fiber thermoplastic composites. It describes processing methods and explains the effect of different processing parameters on the struc ture and performance. Mechanical behavior and fracture mechanics, design and modeling are also discussed. Materials Science; Composites Haibin Ning, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.
Series: De Gruyter Textbook December 2021 English, X, 117 pp., 102 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076275-4 **eBook *RRP € 620.00[D] / US$ 720.00 / ePUBPDF£ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-076276-1ISBN 978-3-11-076279-2
15Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Jean Pierre Ibar
This book discusses macromolecular chemis try, from natural to synthetic polymers. Natu ral polymers including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are explored including their classifications and properties. Industrial synthetic polymers are discussed including their synthesis, characterization, and industrial use. Applications discussed include potential additives and biodegradable polymers. Macromolecules; Synthetic Polymers; Polymer Science; Polymer Chemistry; Natural macromolecules Mohamed Elzagheid, Jubail Industrial College, KSA.
The manufacture of artificial leather using polymeric systems is a vital component as an essential commodity for consumer, industrial and automobile applications. Both practi cal and exciting possibilities to the standard traditional coatings with PVC and polyure thanes with newer coatings of silicone and graphene induced coatings, and economical biomass materials as non-traditional fillers, stiffening and softening agents are discussed.
Sabu Thomas, Jose James, Hanna J Maria, School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, India.
Interfacial Characteristics Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. XX, 240 pp., 80 fig. Pb. *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064723-5 eBook *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064728-0ISBN 978-3-11-064746-4
Polymer andNanocompositesBlendIPNS
April English,2022IV, 424 pp., 140 fig. HC *RRP € 178.95[D] / US$ 205.99 / £ 162.50 ISBN 978-3-11-063993-3 eBook *RRP € 178.95[D] / US$ 205.99 / £ 162.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064367-1ISBN 978-3-11-064013-7
Sabu Thomas, Jose James, Hanna J Maria (Eds.)
Interfaces are important for properties and applications of polymers and polymer blends, where the interface between different poly mers is crucial for mechanical properties. The analysis of polymer interfaces in polymer blends and IPPNs and the influence of vari ous fillers is required for designing materials. This book provides a detailed descriptions of interfacial characteristics and its influence on different properties.
Chris Defonseka Polymeric Coating Systems for Artificial Leather Standard and Latest Technologies Series: De Gruyter STEM January 2022 English, XIV, 140 pp., 6 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 95.99 / £ 75.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071653-5 eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 95.99 / £ 75.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071654-2ISBN 978-3-11-071663-4
Polymers; Polymer coating; Polymer Industry Chris Defonseka, CEO Defonseka Technology Consultants, Toronto, Canada.
Jerzy J. Chruściel PolymersSilicon-basedand Materials
Silicon based materials and polymers are made of macromolecular organosilicones. These materials make up products in a variety of industries and products. This book cov ers the types of silicon-based materials that can be used to make up polymers including POSS, silicones, and organosilicon ligands. This book is ideal for researchers and as such covers the industrial perspective of using each class of material. Jerzy J. Chruściel, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Textile Research Institute, Łódź, Poland.
Seán Thomas Barry, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
November 2021 English, X, 280 pp., 129 fig. HC *RRP € 107.95[D] / US$ 123.99 / £ 97.50 ISBN 978-3-11-061286-8 eBook *RRP € 107.95[D] / US$ 123.99 / £ 97.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-061489-3ISBN 978-3-11-061300-1
Atomic Layer Deposition; Thin Film Deposition; Materials Fabrication
To optimize separations, membranes are imprinted with various molecules. The theory and mechanism of the separation as well as strategies for imprinting are explained in this book. Different molecules and applica tions are summarized such as imprinting of proteins, ions and cyclodextrins as well as sensor based imprinted membranes and drug delivery in context of molecular imprinting.
Laura Donato Imprinted MembranesPolymeric
Jia-wen Qiu, Yu-Dong Feng, Chun-Hua Wu Thermal Control Thin Films
This book will help chemists and nonchemists alike understand the fundamentals of surface chemistry and precursor design, and how these precursors drive the processes of atomic layer deposition, and how the surface-precursor interaction governs atomic layer deposition processes. The underlying principles in atomic layer deposition rely on the chemistry of a precursor with a surface.
17Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
September 2022 English, Approx. X, 250 pp., 100 fig. HC *RRP € 143.95[D] / US$ 164.99 / £ 130.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065222-2 eBook *RRP € 143.95[D] / US$ 164.99 / £ 130.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-065469-1ISBN 978-3-11-065231-4
Thermal Control Films; Thin Films; Spacecraft Technologies; Composite Materials; Intelligent Materials; Microstructured Materials; Thin Film Devices
Jia-wen Qiu, China Academy of Space Tech., China; Yu-dong Feng, Chun-hua Wu, Lanzhou Inst. of Phys., China.
T Seán Thomas Barry
Series: De Gruyter Textbook November 2021 English, VIII, 105 pp., 75 fig. Pb. *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071251-3 **eBook *RRP € 670.00[D] / US$ 780.00 / ePUBPDF£ 610.00ISBN 978-3-11-071253-7ISBN 978-3-11-071259-9
Spacecraft Technology Together with National Defense Industry Press
Laura Donato, the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy.
The book presents up-to-date thermal control film materials, technologies and applications in spacecraft. Commonly used thermal con trol film materials and devices for spacecraft are discussed in detail, including single-struc ture passive thermal control film materials, composite structure passive thermal control film materials, intelligent thermal control film materials, and microstructure thermal control thin film devices.
Chemistry of Atomic Layer Deposition
Series: De Gruyter Textbook November 2021 English, X, 240 pp., 87 fig. Pb. *RRP € 53.95[D] / US$ 61.99 / £ 48.50 ISBN 978-3-11-061070-3 **eBook *RRP € 540.00[D] / US$ 620.00 / ePUBPDF£ 485.00ISBN 978-3-11-061083-3ISBN 978-3-11-061092-5
This introduction to thermodynamics discusses typical phase diagrams features and presents the wide range of techniques such as Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Thermogravimetry and others. In the last part the author brings many examples for typical practical problems often solved by thermal Asanalysis.aninstructive guideline for practitioners the work reveals the connection between experimental data and theoretical model and vice versa. Detlef Klimm, IKZ, Berlin, Germany.
From Theory to Research Series: De Gruyter STEM March English,2022IX,198 pp., 145 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065599-5 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-065648-0ISBN 978-3-11-065658-9
Theo Siegrist X-Ray Structure Analysis
This book offers a compact overview on crystallography, symmetry, and applications of symmetry concepts. The author explains the theory behind scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic radiation. X-ray diffrac tion on single crystals as well as quantitative evaluation of powder patterns are discussed.
Theo Siegrist, Florida State University, Florida, USA.
This book covers 10 surface characterization techniques divided into three sections. The first section covers the theoretical back ground, instrumentation and their salient fea tures and a general understanding behind the results. The second section delves into deeper discussion of every terminology and concept. The third section is composed of 5 sets of examples from different research papers for every technique. Characterisation; Electrons; Surface Science; X-rays Rawesh Kumar, Indus University, India. Detlef Klimm Thermal Analysis and Thermodynamics
In Materials Science Series: De Gruyter STEM June English,2022Approx. X, 260 pp., 182 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074377-7 eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074378-4ISBN 978-3-11-074384-5
T Rawesh Kumar Surface TechniquesCharacterization
Ilya N. Bindeman, University of Oregon, USA; Andreas Pack, Georg-AugustUniversity, Göttingen, Germany.
Bartosz Tylkowski, Karolina Wieszczycka, Renata Jastrząb, Xavier Montane (Eds.)
Volume 86 of Reviews in Mineraology & Geochemistry (RiMG) concentrates on understanding the variations among ratios of the three isotopes of oxygen, with primary emphasis on terrestrial systems. 14 chapters span a wide range of subjects: from ab-initio theoretical approaches to observation of triple oxygen isotope variations in the Earth litho-, hydro- and atmosphere.
Polymer Engineering 2. Edition/2nd Edition July English,20222nd, Revised Edition XXV, 475 pp., 60 fig. HC *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073844-5 eBook *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073382-2ISBN 978-3-11-073389-1 Polymer Engineering focuses on the prepara tion and application of polymers in several hot topics such as artificial photosynthesis, water purification by membrane technologies, and biodiesel production from wastewater plants. The authors not only describe the lat est developments in polymer science, but also support these experimental results by compu tational chemistry and modelling studies.
29th Annual Conference of the CrystallographicGerman Society, March 15–18, 2021, Hamburg, Germany Series: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie/ Supplemente 41 April English,2021VI, 94 pp. Pb. *RRP € 230.00[D] / US$ 260.00 / £ 205.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074007-3 eBook *RRP € 230.00[D] / US$ 260.00 / £ 205.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074017-2ISBN 978-3-11-074022-6
Bartosz Tylkowski, Xavier Montane, Tarragona, Spain; Karolina Wieszczycka, Renata Jastrzab, Poznan, Poland.
Together with Mineralogical Society of America Series: Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry 86 February 2021 English, XIV, 494 pp. Pb. *RRP € 49.95[D] / US$ 70.00 / £ 45.50 ISBN 978-1-946850-06-5 eBook *RRP € 46.95[D] / US$ 53.99 / £ 42.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-2467-7
„Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. Supplement“ Volume 41 presents the complete Abstracts of all contributions to the 29th Annual Conference of the German Crys tallographic Society in Hamburg (Germany) 2021.–Plenary Talks – Microsymposia – Poster Session Authors presenting their research results at the Annual Meeting of the German Society of Crystallography in Hamburg (Germany) 2021.
Triple IsotopeOxygenGeochemistry
O Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron-DESY
19Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CCNDUSTRIELLEIHEMIE INDUSTRIALHEMISTRY
Ilya N. Bindeman, Andreas Pack (Eds.)
De Gruyter STEM 2. Edition/2nd Edition January 2022 English, 2nd. edition XII, 391 pp., 161 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 95.99 / £ 75.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070104-3
A Starter Guide Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. X, 120 pp., 20 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-2435-6 eBook *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-2441-7ISBN 978-1-5015-1607-8
Luigia Sabbatini and Elvira di Giglio, Universita degli Studii di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy. Merv Fingas (Ed.)
The book is designed to give a fresh look at the world of elastomers. It introduces techni cal concepts with practical examples. Plenty of applications and real-world examples make the book an interesting read as an intro ductory guide. The book is ideal for graduate students and career starters.
Prakash Sanjeevaiah, Star Thermoplastic Alloys and Rubbers Inc., Illinois, USA.
This fully updated edition provides a broad approach to the surface analysis of polymers being of high technological interest. Modern analytical techniques, potential applications and recent advances in instrumental appara tus are discussed. The self-consistent chapters are devoted to techniques from photoelectron spectroscopy to electron microscopies and wettability.
The Chemistry of Oil and Petroleum Products Series: De Gruyter STEM June English,2022Approx. XX, 680 pp., 281 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-069436-9 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-069452-9ISBN 978-3-11-069461-1 This first publication devoted to the chemis try of oil and petroleum products covers the broad range of topics from heavy fuel oils, gasoline/diesel fuel, crude oils and (diluted) bitumen to today's research on asphaltenes. Recent methods are summarized and the large new groups of chemicals found in oils are identified as well as described in detail. The work points the way for a more com plete understanding of the composition of petroleum. Merv Fingas, Spill Science Inc., Edmonton, Canada. Prakash Sanjeevaiah
eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 95.99 / £ 75.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070109-8ISBN 978-3-11-070114-2
Luigia Sabbatini, Elvira De Giglio (Eds.)
Polymer Series:CharacterizationSurface
Biorefinery: From Biomass to Chemicals and Fuels
This book focuses on innovative textile materials and is a perfect guide for profes sionals in the textile industry and scientists alike. An overview of particle technology is provided before addressing all topics relevant to particle-enhanced textiles, i.e. the proper ties and application of micro/nanoparticles in textiles, production techniques, safety, as well as regulatory and intellectual property aspects.
Towards Circular Economy
21Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Dr. Jean Cornier, vdlconsult, Munich, Germany; Dr.-Ing. Franz Pursche, RWTH Aachen, Germany. Michele Aresta, Angela Dibenedetto, Franck Dumeignil (Eds.)
This updated edition presents topical knowledge and technologies for the thermal, chemo- and enzymatic-catalytic conversion of biomass into chemicals, materials and fuels. International experts from academia and industry cover the complete value chain from raw materials into final products. A new focus discusses feedstock, processes and products in potential concepts of future biorefining. Biorefinery; Green Chemistry; Sustainable Process Engineering Michele Aresta and Angela Dibendetto, U Bari, Italy; Franck Dumeignil, U Lille, France, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
Particle Technology and Textiles Review of Applications Series: De Gruyter STEM July English,2022Approx. XV, 400 pp., 150 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067076-9 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067077-6ISBN 978-3-11-067086-8
Bireswar Banerjee (Ed.) Rubber Products Technology and Cost Optimization
August 2022 English, Approx. XX, 250 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066724-0 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-066853-7ISBN 978-3-11-066740-0
2. Edition/2nd Edition December 2021 English, 2nd, revised edition XX, 649 pp., 242 fig., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070536-2 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070538-6ISBN 978-3-11-070541-6
Bireswar Banerjee, Consultant, Kolkata, India. Jean Cornier, Franz Pursche (Eds.)
This book describes cost-effective and environmentally friendly technologies in the field of rubber products. These include rubber compounding, devulcanization, and lean management. The authors also explore innovative applications of rubber in automo tive and defense technologies, as well as dis cussing potential alternatives to rubber which could disrupt the field in the future.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074763-8ISBN 978-3-11-074773-7
eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00
The book covers industrial chemicals from A to Z and includes more than 1000 chemicals. It describes preparation, physical and chemi cal properties, and industrial applications. It serves as a unique reference guide to any researchers, students, chemists and chemical engineers in the industry.
Polymer RoadmapCircularity
eBook *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1561-3ISBN 978-1-5015-1562-0
Katrina Knauer, Cody Higginson Circular TechnologiesPlastics Chemical Recycling Series: De Gruyter STEM November 2022 English, Approx. X, 120 pp., 40 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-2328-1
Muralisrinivasan Natamai Subramanian, Plastic Consultant, Tamil Nadu, India. Volume 2: M–Z November 2022 English, Approx. X, 490 pp., 30 fig. HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074780-5
eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00
The book introduces the innovative chemi cal recycling technologies being developed at various scales, from pyrolysis of mixed plastics, to unzipping of polymers into their respective monomers, to breaking down plastics into entirely new chemicals. It is ideal for industrial and academic researchers investigating chemical methods for manag ing plastic waste and synthetic pathways for breaking down plastic waste into usable chemical building blocks.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074797-3ISBN 978-3-11-074804-8
Dagmar D'hooge, Yoshi W. Marien, Jean-Luc Dubois (Eds.)
Muralisrinivasan Natamai Subramanian, Plastic Consultant, Tamil Nadu, India.
Currently, large amounts of plastic waste are incinerated or landfilled, despite the existence of several recycling routes. In this book, a roadmap is provided to increase the amount of recycled plastic waste. Focus is on poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, which is a polymer widely used for its optical proper ties. The entire recycling chain, from collec tion of plastic waste, to mechanical/chemical recycling, and purification is covered.
HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074755-3
Recycling of poly(methylmethacrylate) as a case study Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. X, 180 pp., 30 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071649-8 eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071651-1ISBN 978-3-11-071662-7
The book covers industrial chemicals from A to Z and includes more than 1000 chemicals. It describes preparation, physical and chemi cal properties, and industrial applications. It serves as a unique reference guide to any researchers, students, chemists and chemical engineers in the industry.
Katrina Knauer and Cody Higginson, BioCellection, USA. Muralisrinivasan Natamai Subramanian Encyclopedia of Industrial VolumeChemicals1:A–L November 2022 English, Approx. X, 490 pp., 30 fig.
Polymer Recycling; Circular Economy; Polymer Production; Plastic Waste; Mechanical Recycling; Chemical Recycling Dagmar D'hooge, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; Yoshi W. Marien, LCT, Belgium; Jean-Luc Dubois, ARKEMA, France.
This encyclopedia summarizes fundamentals and industrial applications of colorants. The first volume gives and introduction to dyes and pigments by addressing topics such as history, classification, health hazards and en vironmental issues. Detailed information on the physicochemical basics and various tech niques to characterize dyes and pigments are provided. All three volumes are also included in a set ISBN 978-3-11-058881-1.
Volume 1: Antraquinonoid Pigments –Series:FundamentalsColor
Series: De Gruyter Reference January 2022 English, 2525 pp. Set *RRP € 389.00[D] / US$ 450.00 / £ 353.50 ISBN 978-3-11-058881-1
This encyclopedia summarizes fundamen tals and industrial applications of colorants. The third volume provides a comprehensive overview of fundamentals and industrial applications of dyes, structured in a contentwise manner. Optical and technical properties as well as synthesis, manufacturing processes and toxicology are discussed. All three volumes are also included in a set ISBN 9783-11-058881-1. Dyes; Pigments; Color; Colorants; Coloring Matter; Coatings Gerhard Pfaff, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Gerhard Pfaff (Ed.) [Set Encyclopedia of Color, Dyes, Pigments]
This encyclopedia comprehensively sum marizes fundamental and applied chemistry of dyes and pigments. The set consists of three volumes that discuss fundamentals and techniques of colorant science (ISBN 9783-11-058588-9), organic and inorganic pig ments (ISBN 978-3-11-058684-8) as well as a detailed overview of dye chemistry (ISBN 978-3-11-058686-2).
Dyes; Pigments; Color; Colorants; Coloring Matter; Coatings Gerhard Pfaff, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.
23Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Gerhard Pfaff (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Color, Dyes, Pigments Gerhard Pfaff (Ed.)
De Gruyter Reference January 2022 English, XVI, 406 pp., 200 fig. HC *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 ISBN 978-3-11-058588-9
eBook *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-058807-1ISBN 978-3-11-058663-3
This encyclopedia summarizes fundamentals and industrial applications of colorants. The second volume includes the fundamental science and industrial applications of organic and inorganic pigments, structured in a content-wise manner. Extensively discussed topics are synthesis, manufacture, the use of fillers and various application systems of pig ments. All three volumes are also included in a set ISBN 978-3-11-058881-1.
Dyes; Pigments; Color; Colorants; Coloring Matter; Coatings Gerhard Pfaff, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Volume 2: Series:EffectMeasurementColor–MetalPigments
De Gruyter Reference January 2022 English, XVI, 441 pp., 200 fig. HC *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 ISBN 978-3-11-058684-8 eBook *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-058710-4ISBN 978-3-11-058694-7
Dyes; Pigments; Color; Colorants; Coloring Matter; Coatings Gerhard Pfaff, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Volume 3: Mixed Metal Oxide Pigments – Zinc Sulfide Pigments Series: De Gruyter Reference January 2022 English, XVI, 377 pp., 200 fig. HC *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 ISBN 978-3-11-058686-2 eBook *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-058712-8ISBN 978-3-11-058688-6
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076061-3ISBN 978-3-11-076065-1 This book discusses perovskite solar cells, from composition, to the whole device. The materials, structures, fabrication methods, and the recent progress are presented. It also explores ways to achieve more efficient de vices while overcoming challenges associated to this technology. Special emphasis has been given to the perovskite-based tandem solar cells and their evolution.
Perovskite-Based Solar Cells From Fundamentals to Tandem Devices March English,2022XV, 78 pp., 72 fig. HC *RRP € 108.95[D] / US$ 125.99 / £ 99.00 ISBN 978-3-11-076060-6 eBook *RRP € 108.95[D] / US$ 125.99 / £ 99.00
Saida Laalioui
Together with China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. Series: GREEN – Alternative Energy Resources 7 June English,2022Approx. X, 445 pp., 266 fig. HC *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 ISBN 978-3-11-034420-2 eBook *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-034436-3ISBN 978-3-11-038373-7
Songyuan Dai (Ed.)
Perovskite solar cell; tandem solar cell; high efficiency; materials stability Saida Laalioui, Green Energy Park, IRESEN, Morocco. download and
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Developing renewable energyis of strategic importance to achieve sustainable energy supply. Photovoltaic technology has been widely used in industry and will be one of the major energy sources in the future. This book presents principles of solar photovoltaic conversion, and introducesthe physical and chemical processes involved. Mechanisms which affectsolar cell peformance are also discussed. Electrochemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Renewable Energy, Chemical Engineering, Physics Songyuan Dai, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China.
The book contains information on liquid fuels to be used as rocket propellants. In the general subject area of fuels for rocket pro pellants, there are both liquid fuels and solid fuels in use. Solid fuels serve a dual purpose as binders in solid rocket propellants and are not included in this book. Liquid fuels with their widely varying hydrogen content have a strong influence on the specific impulse of rocket propellant combinations.
Explosives, Propellants, High Energy Materials
Eckart W. Schmidt, Consultant, Hazardous Materials, Bellevue, WA, USA.
Mohammad H. Keshavarz, Malek-ashtar University of Technology, Iran; Thomas M. Klapötke, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity Munich, Germany.
Energetic Materials; Synthesis; Thermodynamics
Pre-publication price valid until 30 June 2022 eBook € 999.00 [D] / US$ 1150.00 / £ 908.00 Ab/As of 1 July 2022 € 999.00 [D] / US$ 1150.00 / £ 908.00 *RRP € 1030.00[D] / US$ 1190.00 / £ 935.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075028-7ISBN 978-3-11-075038-6
T T Thomas M. Klapötke Chemistry High-Energyof Materials Series: De Gruyter Textbook 6. Edition/6th Edition July English,2022Approx. XX, 480 pp., 211 fig.6th, Revised and Extended Edition Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073949-7 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-073950-3ISBN 978-3-11-073610-6
Eckart W. Schmidt ofEncyclopediaLiquidFuels
Organic energetic materials contain metastable molecules capable of undergoing very rapid and highly exothermic reactions. Many methods have been developed to estimate the sensitivity of an energetic compound with respect to external stimuli causing detona tion such as heat, friction, impact, shock and electrostatic charges. This book introduces these methods and demonstrates which ones can be easily applied by users.
April English,2022Approx. L, 4100 pp., 639 fig.The contents is published in 5 Volumes.
25Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
The 6th revised edition expands with new research developments, including new melt casts, reactive structure materials, a compu tational study on the detonation velocity of mixtures of solid explosives with non-explo sive liquids, calculation of craters after explo sions. This work is of interest to advanced students in chemistry, materials science and engineering, as well as to all those working in military and defense technology. Explosives; Military Technology; Propellants; Thermochemistry Thomas M. Klapötke, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity, Munich, Germany.
Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz, Thomas M. Klapötke The Properties of Energetic Materials Sensitivity, Physical and Thermodynamic Properties Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition October 2021 English, 2nd, Revised Edition XVI, 268 pp., 120 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074012-7 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-074015-8ISBN 978-3-11-074024-0
Pre-publication price valid until 30 June 2022 HC € 799.00 [D] / US$ 920.00 / £ 726.50 Ab/As of 1 July 2022 € 999.00 [D] / US$ 1150.00 / £ 908.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075025-6
April English,2022Approx.
Hind A. Al-Abadleh, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada.
Encyclopedia of Oxidizers contains informa tion on both liquid and solid oxidizers. When selecting combinations of bipropellants, hypergolic or nonhypergolic, it is usually the oxidizer that determines the reactivity of the combination once oxidizer and fuel meet in the rocket engine combustion chamber. The choice of oxidizers has less of an impact on the specific impulse than the choice of fuels with their widely varying hydrogen content.
Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry State of the Science Series: De Gruyter STEM May English,2022Approx. XX, 180 pp., 65 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-1936-9 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075029-4ISBN 978-3-11-075039-3
Aerosol science and engineering is a vibrant field of particle technology and chemical reaction engineering. The book presents a timely account of this interdisciplinary topic and its various application areas. It will be of interest to scientists or engineers active in aerosol physics, aerosol or colloid chemis try, atmospheric processes, and chemical, mechanical, environmental and/or materials engineering. Pratim Biswas, University of Miami, College of Engineering, Miami, USA; Grigoriy Yablosky, University St Louis, St Louis, USA.
Aerosols Science and Engineering June English,2022Approx. X, 120 pp., 55 fig. HC *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073096-8 eBook *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072948-1ISBN 978-3-11-072955-9
Pre-publication price valid until 20 June 2022 eBook € 999.00 [D] / US$ 1150.00 / £ 908.00 Ab/As of 21 June 2022 € 999.00 [D] / US$ 1150.00 / £ 908.00
XL, 3760 pp., 729 fig.5 Volumes. In total XL, 3.600 pages. Num. figs. Pre-publication price valid until 20 June 2022 HC € 799.00 [D] / US$ 920.00 / £ 726.50 Ab/As of 21 June 2022 € 999.00 [D] / US$ 1150.00 / £ 908.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075024-9
*RRP € 1030.00[D] / US$ 1190.00 / £ 935.50
PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1937-6ISBN 978-1-5015-1256-8 Atmospheric aerosols are an important and a highly complex component of the Earth’s atmosphere that alter the radiative forcing and the chemical composition of the gas phase. These effects have impacts on local air quality and the global climate. Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry outlines research findings to date in aerosol chemistry and advances in analytical tools used in laboratory studies for studying their surface and bulk reactivity.
Explosives, Propellants, High Energy Materials Eckart W. Schmidt, Consultant, Hazardous Materials, Bellevue, WA, USA. Pratim Biswas, Gregory Yablonsky (Eds.)
Eckart W. Schmidt
The second edition of this book presents the fundamentals of chemistry in light of their importance for the environment and environmental processes. The new edition includes updated references and a more practical approach to the topic. The compre hensive discussion is structured in three parts: introducing the theory of physical chem istry, evaluating elements and compounds, and presenting principles of environmental chemistry. Environmental Chemistry; Soil; Water; Air; Atmosphere; Pollution; Environmental Processes
Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. X, 120 pp., 80 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-064026-7 eBook *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064036-6ISBN 978-3-11-064047-2
Antony Ananth Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Methods and Industrial Applications
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma; Water Purification; Catalysis; Surface Treatment; Plasma; Plasma Chemistry; Plasma Generation; Plasma Technology; Water Treatment Plant Antony Ananth, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea.
27Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Detlev Möller Atmospheric Chemistry A Critical Voyage Through the History April English,2022Approx. XV, 800 pp., 106 fig. HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073739-4 eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073246-7ISBN 978-3-11-073251-1
This practical and concise introduction to atmospheric pressure plasma focuses on techniques and applications rather than on theory. After introducing the basics of plasma physics, it compares the industrially-available technologies and describes several impor tant applications, ranging from catalysis to surface and waste-water treatment. In the last chapter, the book also deals with social aspects like career opportunities and ethical issues.
This book details atmospheric chemistry from its inception to modern day. Beginning from the investigation of waters in the air this book explores how scientists disovered and analyzed atmospheric chemicals throughout time. Other topics covered are: dust in the air including soot and air pollution, gases in the air including nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ozone and more, and lastly pioneers in modern atmospheric chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry; History of Science; Scientific Discovery Detlev M. Möller, Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus, Germany. T Detlev Möller Chemistry Environmentalfor Scientists Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition August 2022 English, Approx. XV, 400 pp., 68 fig. Pb. *RRP € 77.95[D] / US$ 89.99 / £ 70.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073514-7 **eBook *RRP € 780.00[D] / US$ 900.00 / ePUBPDF£ 705.00ISBN 978-3-11-073517-8ISBN 978-3-11-073025-8
Detlev M. Möller, Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus, Germany.
Green; Sustainable Chemistry; Synthesis Syed Kazim Moosvi, Waseem Gulzar Naqash, Mohd. Hanief Najar, J&K Government, Srinagar, India.
eBook *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-059684-7ISBN 978-3-11-059315-0
T Bingzhi Dong, Tian Li, Huaqiang Chu, Huan He, Shumin Zhu, Junxia Liu (Eds.)
Water TechnologyResource Management for Engineering Applications Series: De Gruyter STEM August 2021 English, VI, 109 pp., 63 fig. Pb. *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072134-8 eBook *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072135-5ISBN 978-3-11-072155-3
The book describes on an introductory level the designing of chemical processes and products so as to reduce or eliminate the use or production of toxic or hazards substances. It explains the code of conduct meant to reduce the environmental impact of any chemical process, whether at laboratory scale or industrial scale. The synonyms of Green Chemistry are the Sustainable Chemistry or the low-environmental-impact Chemistry.
Drinking TreatmentWater
This book provides an up-to-date overview on the membrane technology for the drink ing water. The applications of PVDF-TiO2 nanowire hybrid ultrafiltration membrane, nanofiltration membrane, forward osmosis membrane, etc. in water treatment are dis cussed in detail. With abundant practical ex amples, the book is an essential reference for scientists, students, and engineers in chemical engineering, environmental chemistry, and material science.
Water resource systems and technologies are important fields in engineering today. This book will discuss various areas on water re source management. Topics discussed include water harvesting techniques, waste water purification, and urban water systems as well as concrete, pavement, and mortar stabiliz ers, and earthquake resistance technologies and how they relate to water management systems. Water Treatment; Water Purification; Sustainability Vikas Dubey, Sri R.K. Mishra, Vaibhav Deshpande, Bhilai Institute of Tech; Marta Michalska-Domańska, Military University of Tech. Syed Kazim Moosvi, Waseem Gulzar Naqash, Mohd. Hanief Najar Green Chemistry Principles and Designing of Green Synthesis Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2021 English, VIII, 67 pp., 44 fig. Pb. *RRP € 35.95[D] / US$ 42.99 / £ 33.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075188-8 **eBook *RRP € 360.00[D] / US$ 430.00 / ePUBPDF£ 330.00ISBN 978-3-11-075189-5ISBN 978-3-11-075203-8
Drinking Water; Hydrochemistry; Water Treatment; Water Purification Bingzhi Dong, Tian Li, Huaqiang Chu, Huan He, Tongji Univ.; Shumin Zhu, Hunan Univ.; Junxia Liu, Guangdong Univ. of Technology. Vikas Dubey, Sri R.K. Mishra, Marta Michalska-Domańska, Vaibhav Deshpande (Eds.)
New Membrane Technology Together with Tongji University Press December 2021 English, VII, 396 pp., 320 fig. HC *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 ISBN 978-3-11-059559-8
This book is a concise and up-to-date in troduction to the topic of photocatalysis. It covers the fundamentals of photocatalysis, design of photoreactors and modelling and simulations for photoreaction. Also, indus trial applications such as hydrogen produc tion, water disinfection, degradation of air pollutants, pesticides and pharmaceuticals are described. Catalysis; Photoreaction; Hydrogen Production Suresh C. Pillai and Vignesh Kumaravel, Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland.
Water Treatment; Environmental Microbiology; Microbiology; Wastewater Treatment; Biogeochemical Cycling Maulin P. Shah, Gujarat, India.
29Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
De Gruyter Textbook August 2021 English, X, 386 pp., 97 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066845-2
Jeyaseelan Aravind, Murugesan Kamaraj (Eds.)
The presence of emerging contaminants in the environment is a worldwide concern and new technologies to mitigate these contami nants are being developped. The book covers a wide range of emerging technologies, from microbial to nanotechnology-based remediations. It provides researchers with effective materials and methods to address environmental issues due to these emerging pollutants.
T Suresh C. Pillai, Vignesh Kumaravel (Eds.)
Remediation Technologies April English,2022XIII, 238 pp., 100 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-075158-1 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075172-7ISBN 978-3-11-075178-9
**eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-066848-3ISBN 978-3-11-066858-2
Maulin Shah (Ed.)
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072722-7ISBN 978-3-11-072739-5 This book highlights the importance of various emerging technologies that are used to clean up the environment from pollution caused by human activities. It assesses sev eral existing applied and environmental mi crobiological techniques and introduces new technologies through applied aspects. Select topics covered include municipal wastewater treatment, environmental microorganisms, metal pollutants in the environment, and biogeochemical cycling.
MicrobiologyEnvironmental Emerging Technologies October 2022 English, Approx. XV, 375 pp., 40 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072721-0 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00
J. Aravind, Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, India; M. Kamaraj, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Ethopia.
Carbon dioxide reduction is a key research challenge in the global mission to reduce CO2 emissions. The process presents a unique challenge in that it can produce sever al different products, presenting the user with the challenge of selectively and efficiently producing on single useful material. This book presents an introduction to the field. Electrochemistry; Carbon Dioxide; Sustainability; Environment Samuel C. Perry, University of Southampton, UK. Mark Anthony Benvenuto (Ed.)
T Samuel C. Perry
Green Chemistry Advances in Alternative Energy Series: Green Chemical Processing October 2022 English, Approx. XX, 150 pp., 70 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070638-3 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070663-5ISBN 978-3-11-070669-7
This book focuses on the processes and mate rials behind energy technologies. The author details the underlying chemistry of renewable sources, such as biofuels and wind power, as well as the traditionally used coal and gas. Chapters on energy storage technologies and the connection between energy generation and climate change round off this uniquely concise overview of the relationship between chemistry and energy.
De Gruyter STEM August 2021 English, VI, 152 pp., 79 fig. Pb. *RRP € 71.95[D] / US$ 82.99 / £ 64.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-2213-0 eBook *RRP € 71.95[D] / US$ 82.99 / £ 64.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-2223-9ISBN 978-1-5015-1544-6
Mark Anthony Benvenuto Chemistry and Energy From Conventional to Renewable Series: De Gruyter Textbook January 2022 English, IX, 138 pp., 83 fig. Pb. *RRP € 57.95[D] / US$ 66.99 / £ 52.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066226-9 **eBook *RRP € 560.00[D] / US$ 640.00 / ePUBPDF£ 509.00ISBN 978-3-11-066227-6ISBN 978-3-11-066233-7
Energy; Renewable Sources; Sustainable; Green; Technology Prof. Dr. Mark Anthony Benvenuto, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, USA.
The continued greening of the energy sector, with inroads being made through numerous sources of materials that can produce energy, is the main focus of this, Green Chemical Processing, Volume 8. It includes contribu tions from area experts in widely different fields, all involved in energy production, and makes connections to the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry. Mark Anthony Benvenuto and Heinz Plaumann, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, USA.
Dieses Buch stellt die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Mikroalgen-Biotechnologie sowie ihre industriellen Anwendungen vor. Dank ihrer Fähigkeit, Kohlenstoffdioxid und Sonnenlicht in wertvolle Produkte umzuwan deln, haben Mikroalgen großes Potential für „grüne“ Technologien. Die Autoren diskutie ren sowohl die biochemischen Grundlagen als auch die spezifischen verfahrenstechni schen Herausforderungen von Prozessen mit Mikroalgen. Biotechnologie; Bioverfahrenstechnik; Mikroalgen
Ron Stites, Stites and Associates, LLC, Colorado, USA.
Clemens Posten, Carola Griehl
eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-066783-7ISBN 978-3-11-066788-2
Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. XV, 350 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066782-0
Clemens Posten, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Carola Griehl, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
This book introduces the principles of micro algal biotechnology with a view to its indus trial applications. Microalgae are capable of converting carbon dioxide and sunlight into valuable products, giving them great potential for “green” technologies. The authors discuss both the biochemical foundations and the unique process engineering challenges of microalgal processes.
Lessons from Industrial Chemistry and Process Science Series: De Gruyter STEM May English,2022Approx. X, 150 pp., 20 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-045171-9 eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-045163-4ISBN 978-3-11-045196-2 Companies often struggle to turn successful research into viable commercial products, processes and systems. This book defines technology development and reveals methods to succesfully evaluate, fund and commercial ize a technology.Cases studies help the reader evaluate the connection between a technology and potential markets, set useful hypotheses, develop statistically valid conclusions, and apply those conclusions to business goals.
Clemens Posten, Carola Griehl
Ron Stites Technology Development
Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium Oktober/October 2022 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. XV, 375 S./pp., 200 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 82.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 94.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-067035-6UVP/RRP £ 75.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 950.00 /*UVP/RRP € 830.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 750.00ISBN 978-3-11-067042-4ISBN 978-3-11-067055-4
This book presents the fundamental prin ciples of microalgal biotechnology as well as its industrial applications. Thanks to their ability to transform carbon dioxide and sun light into valuable products, microalgae have great potential for “green” technologies. The authors discuss both the biochemical prin ciples and the specific process engineering challenges of processes that use microalgae. Biotechnology; bioprocess engineering; microalgae Clemens Posten, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Deutschland; Carola Griehl, Hochschule Anhalt, Köthen, Deutschland.
BiotechnologieMikroalgen[Microalgal Biotechnology]
Microalgal Biotechnology
31Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CCNDUSTRIELLEIHEMIE INDUSTRIALHEMISTRY
3. Edition/3rd Edition April English,20223rd, completely revised and extended Edition Approx. XV, 330 pp., 128 fig. Pb. *RRP € 75.95[D] / US$ 87.99 / £ 69.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066531-4 **eBook *RRP € 1520.00[D] / US$ 1760.00 / ePUBPDF£ 1390.00ISBN 978-3-11-066533-8ISBN 978-3-11-066542-0
Vemuri Balakotaiah, Ram R. Ratnakar Applied Linear Analysis ChemicalforEngineers
T T Vinay Prasad Methods for Scientific Research A Guide for Engineers Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. X, 300 pp., 70 fig. Pb. *RRP € 53.95[D] / US$ 61.99 / £ 48.50 ISBN 978-3-11-062529-5 eBook *RRP € 53.95[D] / US$ 61.99 / £ 48.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-062530-1ISBN 978-3-11-062537-0
This revised and updated 3rd edition of Engi neering Risk Management presents manage ment principles, risk diagnostics, analysis and treatment methods, followed by examples of practical implementation in chemistry, phys ics, and nanotechnology. An all-new chapter on dynamic risk assessment makes this a uniquely up-to-date and comprehensive trea tise on engineering risk management theory and strategies. Thierry Meyer, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Genserik Reniers, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
This book is an introductory guide for research project management. It summarizes essential methods for good scientific practice and organisation. This text provides advice for literature surveys, developing and imple menting a research plan, writing scientific texts, intellectual property and authorship, statistical analysis, and performing experi mental as well as theoretical experiments.
Research Methods; Engineering; Scientific Planning; Project Management; Scientific Writing; Intellectual Property; Statistical Analysis
A Multi-scale Approach with Mathematica® Series: De Gruyter Textbook September 2022 English, Approx. X, 590 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 87.95[D] / US$ 100.99 / £ 79.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073969-5 **eBook *RRP € 880.00[D] / US$ 1010.00 / ePUBPDF£ 795.00ISBN 978-3-11-073970-1ISBN 978-3-11-073978-7
The book details mathematical techniques for chemical and other engineers. Many practical examples encountered by chemi cal (and other) engineers, modern approach involving multiple length and time scales, use of symbolic software (such as Mathematica) and combination of analytical methods with graphics are included. It may be used by graduate chemical (and other) engineering students as well as industrial practitioners and possibly specialists.
Vinay Prasad, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Thierry Meyer, Genserik Reniers Engineering Series:ManagementRisk De Gruyter Textbook
Vemuri Balakotaiah, Cullen College of Engineering, USA; Ram R. Ratnakar, Shell International Exploration & Production, USA.
An Introduction for Chemists Series: De Gruyter STEM March English,2022VI,138 pp., 79 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 95.99 / £ 75.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071786-0 eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 95.99 / £ 75.50
**eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-076031-6ISBN 978-3-11-076038-5
T T Styliani Avraamidou, Efstratios
This book provides the fundamental underly ing mathematical theory, numerical algo rithms and efficient computational tools for the solution of multi-parametric and stochas tic mixed integer optimization problems. It enables process engineers to analyze, design and evaluate process manufacturing systems which are economically attractive, energy efficient and environmentally benign, while at the same time exhibit good performance characteristics. Styliani Avraamidou, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA; Efstratios Pistikopoulos, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA. David Fernandez Rivas Empathic EngineeringEntrepreneurial
33Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Jerry Carr-Brion Process Development
David Fernandez Rivas, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071787-7ISBN 978-3-11-071791-4 Written by an experienced professional, the book introduces chemists to process develop ment, using examples from the pharmaceuti cal, agrochemical and fragrance industries. The focus is on small molecules rather than biomolecules, and on relatively small-scale production rather than bulk petrochemicals. The coverage is broad, going from initial route development, through pilot plant opera tions, to full-scale production.
Jerry Carr-Brion, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Parametric Programming Approach Series: De Gruyter Textbook May English,2022Approx. X, 290 pp., 200 fig.Additional didactic material. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076030-9
Pistikopoulos Multi-level OptimizationMixed-Integer
The Missing Ingredient Series: De Gruyter Textbook June English,2022Approx. X, 140 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 30.95[D] / US$ 36.99 / £ 28.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074662-4 **eBook *RRP € 310.00[D] / US$ 370.00 / £ 280.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074682-2ISBN 978-3-11-074690-7 This book is an easy-to-use practical guide to kickstart solving or innovating now. The steps in this guide are accompanied with examples that can assist in e.g., developing a new technology or product, or bringing to the market a new concept. It can help scientists and engineers that are considering starting an new business, or join an existing company, or at least understand more about the risks and benefits of being an entre/intra-preneur.
Dmitry Yu. Murzin, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland.
Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2022 English, Approx. 10 , 250 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-046825-0 **eBook *RRP € 620.00[D] / US$ 720.00 / ePUBPDF£ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-046826-7ISBN 978-3-11-046835-9
Dmitry Yu. Murzin Chemical Series:TechnologyReaction
Vanja Maria de Franca Bezerra Chemical Process Synthesis Connecting Chemical with Systems Engineering Procedures
This book prepares process engineers (including chemical, polymer, petroleum, materials) in utilizing numerical methods for solving engineering/scientific problems. Each problem is solved using theory and followed by a solution using MATLAB. Simple cod ing is explained and demonstrated for use in tackling engineering problems. Behzad Nazari, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
January 2022 English, 2nd, revised edition XIII, 625 pp., 613 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 66.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071252-0 **eBook *RRP € 700.00[D] / US$ 810.00 / ePUBPDF£ 636.50ISBN 978-3-11-071255-1ISBN 978-3-11-071260-5
T T Behzad Nazari Process Engineering Numerical Methods with MATLAB Series: De Gruyter STEM August 2022 English, Approx. X, 200 pp., 50 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-060115-2 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-060116-9ISBN 978-3-11-059986-2
The book discusses the sciences of opera tions, converting raw materials into desired products on an industrial scale by applying chemical transformations and other industrial technologies. Basics of chemical technology combining chemistry, physical transport, unit operations and chemical reactors are thor oughly prepared for an easy understanding. Reaction Engineering; Reaction Technology; Chemical Engineering; Chemical Process Design; Chemical Process Engineering
De Gruyter Textbook
Discusses synthesis problems by applying important concepts and cost analysis tools: evolutionary, not only heuristic methods of assesment and their connection with graphs theory. In this manner, the author studies benchmark applications of process systems and outlines necessary steps and methods for process synthesis. Black-Scholes option pricing formula as a valuable method for cost analysis and process intensification complete the approach. VMF Bezerra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Tecnologia, Brasil.
Walter Müller, FH Düsseldorf, Deutschland.
This book presents the principles of process integration, the use of pinch technology as well as energy recycling in and oil, gas, petrochemical and industrial processes. It provides a complete overview of all rel evant and similar references by considering standards and the way of performing heat exchangers network and implementing the EPC projects for optimizing them via latest process modeling. Process Integration, Pinch Technology; Heat Exchanger Networks; Process Intensification; Process Design; Energy Saving Vahid Pirouzfar and Yeganeh Eftekhari Islamic Azad University, Iran; Chia-Hung Su Ming Chi University, Taiwan. T Walter Müller
Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems From Chemical Reaction to Process Design and Operation May English,2022Approx. X, 350 pp., 100 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070943-8 eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070985-8ISBN 978-3-11-070991-9
VerfahrenstechnikMechanische und ihre Gesetzmäßigkeiten [Mechanical Process Engineering and its Laws] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 3. Edition/3rd Deutsch/German,Oktober/OctoberEdition20213.Auflage XV, 304 S./pp., 161 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 46.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 53.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073953-4UVP/RRP £ 42.50 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 540.00 /*€ UVP/RRP € 470.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 425.00ISBN 978-3-11-073954-1ISBN 978-3-11-073615-1
Trennvorgänge; Mischvorgänge; Partikel; Oberflächenprozesse
The essential principles of green chemistry are the use of renewable raw materials, highly efficient catalysts and green solvents linked with energy efficiency and process optimiza tion in real-time. Experts from different fields show, how to examine all levels from the molecular elementary steps up to the design and operation of an entire plant for develop ing novel and efficient production processes.
35Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CCNDUSTRIELLEIHEMIE INDUSTRIALHEMISTRY
Separation processes; mixing processes; particles; surface engineering processes
Matthias Kraume, Sabine Enders, Anja Drews, Reinhard Schomäcker, Sebastian Engell, Kai Sundmacher, Germany.
Mechanische Verfahren, die auf gemeinsamen physikalischen Prinzipien beruhen, werden konsequent in gemeinsamen Kapiteln zusam mengefasst, was ein tiefes Verständnis für die zugrundeliegenden Gesetzmäßigkeiten und die Analysefähigkeit von zusammengesetzten Verfahrensschritten ermöglicht. In Exkursen werden speziell benötigte und außerfachliche Grundlagen vorgestellt.
In joint chapters, this volume consistently summarizes mechanical processes based on common physical principles, providing a deep understanding of the fundamental laws and analytical capabilities of complex pro cess steps. It also presents the extracurricular fundamentals that are specifically required.
Vahid Pirouzfar, Yeganeh Eftekhari, Chia-Hung Su Pinch Technology Energy Recycling in Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Industrial Processes Series: De Gruyter Textbook June English,2022Approx. X, 100 pp., 103 fig. Pb. *RRP € 51.95[D] / US$ 59.99 / £ 47.00 ISBN 978-3-11-078631-6 **eBook *RRP € 520.00[D] / US$ 600.00 / ePUBPDF£ 470.00ISBN 978-3-11-078632-3ISBN 978-3-11-078643-9
O T Matthias Kraume, Sabine Enders, Anja Drews, Reinhard Schomäcker, Sebastian Engell, Kai Sundmacher (Eds.)
T T Edwin Zondervan (Ed.)
De Gruyter Textbook August 2022 English, Approx. XII, 250 pp., 70 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-063361-0 **eBook *RRP € 810.00[D] / US$ 930.00 / £ 735.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-063364-1ISBN 978-3-11-063389-4
The book provides a general overview about chemical and biochemical process technology. It focuses on the structure and development of production processes, main technological operations and some impor tant aspects of process economics. For the technological operations the author emphasis operating principles, reasons for application and available industrial equipment.
Process systems engineering (PSE) deliv ers tools for guided decision-making in the development of new processes and products. Future complex energy systems aim to be more efficient, cost-effective, environmen tally benign, and interconnected. The design and operation is extremely challenging for decision-makers, engineers, and scientists and here lies a crucial role for the process systems engineer.
André B. de Haan and Johan Padding, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
For a Smooth Energy Transition
Chemical Industry; Energy Transition; Process Systems Engineering; Process Optimization; Process Engineering Edwin Zondervan, University of Twente, The Netherlands. Jordi Bonet, Alexandra-Elena Plesu Popescu
An Introduction Series: De Gruyter Textbook March English,20222nd rev. ed. XVII, 577 pp., 400 fig.2nd, Revised Edition Pb. *RRP € 77.95[D] / US$ 89.99 / £ 70.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071243-8 **eBook *RRP € 780.00[D] / US$ 900.00 / ePUBPDF£ 705.00ISBN 978-3-11-071244-5ISBN 978-3-11-071246-9
Process EngineeringSystems
Strategy in
Strategy in Process Engineering is a compre hensive guide to develop and design efficient processes. Starting from the necessary requirements in the early steps of design and covering the simplification of mathematical models, feasibility analysis, strategies for problem solving and process integration and intensification, it gives the reader a thorough guide of the steps of process engineering.
July English,2022Approx. X, 300 pp., 300 fig. HC *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070498-3 eBook *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 165.99 / £ 131.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070520-1ISBN 978-3-11-070531-7
André B. de Haan, Johan T. Padding Process Technology
Jordi Bonet and Alexandra-Elena Bonet Ruiz, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Series: De Gruyter Textbook May English,2022Approx. X, 384 pp., 185 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-058573-5
T T Vandana Sakhre, Uday Pratap Singh Reactive Distillation Advanced Control using Neural Networks Series: De Gruyter Textbook May English,2022Approx. XIV, 120 pp., 73 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065614-5 **eBook *RRP € 620.00[D] / US$ 720.00 / ePUBPDF£ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-065626-8ISBN 978-3-11-065641-1
Formulas in Practice November 2021 English, XVIII, 244 pp., 60 fig. HC *RRP € 175.95[D] / US$ 201.99 / £ 159.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075661-6 eBook *RRP € 175.95[D] / US$ 201.99 / £ 159.50
37Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Neural Networks is an integral part in ma chine learning and a known tool for control ling nonlinear processes. The area is under rapid development and provides a tool for modelling and controlling of advanced pro cesses. This book provides a comprehensive overview for modelling, simulation, mea surement and control strategies for reactive distillations using neural networks. Vandana Sakhre, Manipal Academy of Higher Education Dubai Campus, United Arab Emirates; Uday Pratap Singh, SMVDU, Jammu, India. Samuel Jorge Marques Cartaxo Tubular ExchangersHeat for Chemical Engineers
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075708-8ISBN 978-3-11-075713-2
This book consists of steps for the thermal & mechanical design of d-type water tube boilers. It provides the reader with guidance for burner, fan size, and capacity selection, furnace thermal and dimensional design, super heater primary thermal and mechani cal design, and boiler bank and economizer design. Calculations of the methods and efficiency are also described.
Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Process Engineering; Boilers Mehran Mousapoor, Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery, Teheran, Iran.
Samuel J. Marques Cartaxo, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil. Mehran Mousapoor Industrial Water Tube Boiler Design
This book explains basics from physical chemistry and fluid mechanics to understand, construct and apply tubular heat exchangers for the (chemical) industry. Examples from practice highlight the required equations, physical properties and raise critical steps for the design of for example tubular doublepipe, multi-tubes and finned heat exchang ers. Exercises and corresponding solutions deepen the gained knowledge and clarify the described theory.
**eBook *RRP € 810.00[D] / US$ 930.00 / £ 735.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-058587-2ISBN 978-3-11-058591-9
Heinz P. Bloch, Montgomery, TX, USA. Katarzyna Staszak, Karolina Wieszczycka, Bartosz Tylkowski (Eds.)
Heinz Bloch
Process Intensification by Rotating Packed Beds Series: De Gruyter STEM July English,20222nd, Revised Edition Approx. XV, 350 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072490-5 eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072499-8ISBN 978-3-11-072509-4 Process intensification aims for increasing efficiency and sustainability of (bio-)chemi cal production processes. This book presents strategies for improving fluid separation such as reactive distillation, reactive absorption and membrane assisted separations. The authors discuss computer simulation, model development, methodological approaches for synthesis and the design and scale-up of final industrial processes.
Process Intensification by Reactive and Membrane-assisted Separations Series: De Gruyter STEM 2. Edition/2nd Edition May English,20222nd, Revised Edition Approx. XV, 350 pp., 257 fig.2nd, Revised Edition Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072045-7 eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072046-4ISBN 978-3-11-072060-0
Optimized LubricationEquipment
The book describes the methods and proce dures to optimally applying lubricant to all kinds of general purpose machines. These include process pumps, electric motors and other equipment incorporating rolling element bearing where traditional methods are usually very much out of step with best available practices. Failure analysis, reli ability strategies, remedial steps or desirable substitute approaches are also explained.
Mirko Skibirowski und Andrzej Górak, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany. Mirko Skiborowski, Andrzej Górak (Eds.)
Membrane Technologies From Academia to Industry August 2022 English, Approx. XVI, 300 pp., 150 fig. HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068812-2
Reactive and MembraneAssisted Separations Mirko Skiborowski, Andrzej Górak (Eds.)
HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074934-2 eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074944-1ISBN 978-3-11-074955-7
Conventional Lube, Oil Mist Technology and Full Standby Protection 2. Edition/2nd Edition November 2021 English, XXV, 230 pp., 106 fig.2nd, Revised and Extended Edition
eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-068826-9ISBN 978-3-11-068831-3 Membrane techniques are an excellent alternative to traditional methods of purifica tion and separation. This book covers issues related to the most recent developments in the field of membrane techniques. The latest scientific research and their potential applica tions in industrial solutions are described. In addition, the currents trends in food technol ogy, biotechnology and pharmaceutical and medicine are discussed. Bartosz Tylkowski, Eurecat, UTQ, Tarragona, Spain; Katarzyna Staszak, Karolina Wieszczycka, Poznan University of Technology, Poland. Mirko Skiborowski, Andrzej Górak (Eds.)
Alfredo Cassano, Enrico Drioli (Eds.) Membrane Systems in the Food ProductionSystemsVolumeProduction1:MembraneintheFood
Process intensification aims for increasing efficiency and sustainability of (bio-)chemi cal production processes. This book presents strategies for improving fluid separation such as reactive distillation, reactive absorption and membrane assisted separations. The authors discuss computer simulation, model development, methodological approaches for synthesis and the design and scale-up of final industrial processes.
Volume 2: Membrane Systems in the Food Production
The two-volume work presents applications of integrated membrane operations in agrofood productions with significant focus on product quality, recovery of high added-value compounds, reduction of energy consumption and environmental impact.
Volume 2: Wellness Ingredients and Juice Processing Series: De Gruyter STEM July English,2021VI, 256 pp., 50 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071270-4 eBook *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071271-1ISBN 978-3-11-071277-3
Volume 1: Dairy, Wine and Oil Processing Series: De Gruyter STEM July English,2021VI, 300 pp., 85 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074288-6 eBook *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074299-2ISBN 978-3-11-074307-4
Alfredo Cassano and Enrico Drioli, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy.
The two-volume work presents applications of integrated membrane operations in agrofood productions with significant focus on product quality, recovery of high added-value compounds, reduction of energy consumption and environmental impact.
Alfredo Cassano and Enrico Drioli, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy.
Mirko Skibirowski and Andrzej Górak, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
Volume 1. Dairy, Wine and Oil Processing. Volume 2. Wellness Ingredients and Juice Processing.
Volume 1. Dairy, Wine and Oil Processing. Volume 2. Wellness Ingredients and Juice Processing.
39Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Active IngredientPharmaceuticalManufacturing
Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy of Medicinal Plants Series: De Gruyter STEM May English,2022Approx. XX, 250 pp., 268 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-059589-5 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-059594-9ISBN 978-3-11-059365-5
Flow chemistry offers several advantages for a change to more sustainability and flexibility in the production of pharmaceuticals. This book explains the basic concepts of flow chemistry and describes various examples for continuous synthesis and crystalliza tion of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Recently developed techniques but also protocols already applied in industry offer a useful source for researchers in academia and professionals.
Medicinal Plants; Medicinal Chemistry; Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lalith Jayasinghe, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka; Mayuri Napagoda, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
Synthesis by Continuous-Flow Technology Series: De Gruyter STEM November 2022 English, Approx. X, 300 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064625-2 eBook *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064628-3ISBN 978-3-11-064637-5
The book reviews current brand and generic business in pharmaceuticals manufacturing practices. Based on examples, the reader can interpolate, extrapolate and exploit mutual behavior of chemicals to design and commer cialize processes that fulfill the demands, also considering the minimization of the environ mental impact on effluents. Readers will be able to simplify process development, design and commercialize economic manufacturing processes.
Girish K. Malhotra, EPCOT International, Pepper Pike, Ohio, USA. Mayuri Napagoda, Lalith Jayasinghe (Eds.)
Plants produce secondary metabolites that humans harness for their own benefit. About half of drugs currently in clinical use are based on these chemicals found in nature. This book covers secondary metabolites pres ent in medicinal plants and their biosynthe sis, biological activities, and isolation and separation techniques. This book is ideal for researchers in the areas of biochemistry, medicine, and pharmacology.
Girish K. Malhotra
Rodrigo Octavio Mendonca Alves de Souza, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Rodrigo Octavio Mendonca Alves de Souza
Chemistry of Natural Products
Flow Chemistry
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Nondestructive Creation Series: De Gruyter STEM May English,2022Approx. X, 300 pp., 139 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070282-8 eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070284-2ISBN 978-3-11-070289-7
Bimal K. Banik, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia; Bubun Banerjee, Akal University, India.
Bio-enhancement has been historically used by ayurvedic peoples and is now being investigated for its pharmacological efficacy. Piperine, naringin, quercetin, nitrile glycoside and others are able to enhance the bioavail ability of active pharmaceuticals. Many herbal drugs show low activity due to their poor lipid solubility or improper molecular size. This book details various facets of herbal bio-enhancers in a single comprehen sive text.
Biochemistry; Drug Delivery; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry Prashant L. Pingale, GES's Sir Dr M S Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, India.
Anil K. Sharma, Girish Kumar Gupta, Mukesh Yadav (Eds.) Medical Microbiology Series: De Gruyter Textbook April English,2022Approx. X, 250 pp., 140 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 95.99 / £ 75.50 ISBN 978-3-11-051764-4 **eBook *RRP € 800.00[D] / US$ 920.99 / £ 727.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-051773-6ISBN 978-3-11-051774-3 Medical Microbiology is an excellent and easy-to-use textbook which explains the roles of microorganisms in human health and ill ness. Written in a clear and engaging manner, the book provides an overview of pathogenic organisms, their diagnosis and treatment tools as well as the molecular mechanisms of hostpathogen interactions and antimicrobial drug resistance. Immunology; Medical Microbiology; Microbiology; Pathogenic Microorganism
41Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
T Prashant L. Pingale (Ed.) Drug TechnologyDelivery
Herbal Bioenhancers in Pharmaceuticals Series: De Gruyter STEM April English,2022Approx. XV, 350 pp., 60 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074679-2 eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074680-8ISBN 978-3-11-074689-1
Bimal Krishna Banik, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.) Heterocyclic Anticancer Agents June English,2022Approx. XX, 400 pp., 150 fig. HC *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073926-8 eBook *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50
Cancer is an incredibly diverse and difficult disease to treat, and even after decades of research there is no definitive cure. Heterocy clic anticancer agents are an important class of drugs for cancer therapies. This book ex plores different heterocycles and their use as anticancer therapies. Topics covered include different heterocyclic derrivatives, the impact of heterocycles on anticancer agent develop ment, and naturally occuring heterocycles.
Anticancer Agents; Heterocycles; Organic Chemistry; Pharmaceutical Chemistry
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073577-2ISBN 978-3-11-073581-9
Anil K. Sharma, Girish Kumar Gupta and Mukesh Yadav, M. M. University, India.
An Introduction to Functional Food Products and Nutraceuticals Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2022 English, Approx. XII, 200 pp., 50 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-068921-1 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-068922-8ISBN 978-3-11-068932-7
Medicinal and Biological Inorganic Chemistry
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072496-7ISBN 978-3-11-072508-7
Michail Syrpas, Vaida Kitrytė, Petras Rimantas Venskutonis Functional Foods
Challenges in Food Production and Distribution During and After the Pandemics Series: De Gruyter STEM December 2021 English, VI, 181 pp., 37 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072492-9 eBook *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50
Advancements in science and technology indicate that food ingredients can modulate body functions and prevent illness. More over, factors like rising healthcare costs, an aging population and an increased concern of consumers in nutritional well-being are driving globally consumer interest in func tional foods and nutraceutical products. This textbook provides an introduction to the key aspects of functional foods and nutraceutical products.
Microbiology of Food Quality
Michail Syrpas, Petras Rimantas Venskutonis and Vaida Kitrytė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
Medicinal Chemistry; Biological Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry
January 2022 English, X, 138 pp., 5 fig. HC *RRP € 107.95[D] / US$ 124.99 / £ 98.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-2455-4 eBook *RRP € 107.95[D] / US$ 124.99 / £ 98.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1611-5ISBN 978-1-5015-1615-3
Ajay Kumar Goswami, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, India; Irena Kostova, Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria. Elias Hakalehto (Ed.)
T Ajay Kumar Goswami, Irena Kostova
With consumer awareness increasing, the importance of the environmental impact of everyday products such as food becomes a major factor for the customer. This awareness was increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. This book introduces green and sustain able food technology and its use during a pandemic. In addition, it covers current topics such as future food processing, methods of maintaining industrial hygiene and microbio logical quality and safety Microbiology; Food Science; Food Production; Food Technology; Industrial Hygiene Elias Hakalehto, Finnoflag Oy, Finland.
The book provides a detailed state-of-the-art overview of inorganic chemistry applied to medicinal chemistry and biology. It covers the newly emerging field of metals in medi cine and the future of medicinal inorganic chemistry. It is an essential reading for every researcher and student in medicinal and bioinorganic chemistry.
Waste Management in Food Industry Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2022 English, Approx. XVI, 300 pp., 50 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065214-7 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-065220-8ISBN 978-3-11-065229-1
43Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
T Victor Angelo Soffiantini Analytical Chemistry
Among liquid chromatography methods, ion chromatography (IC) can be considered one of the most valuable analytical tools. This book covers the various applications of ion chromatography in food science, such as food quality control, food authentication and analysis of residues in food products. In addition, state-of-the-art instrumentation such as combustion IC, online eluent generation systems and capillary IC is also described.
Principles and Practice Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2021 English, XII, 302 pp., 65 fig. Pb. *RRP € 51.95[D] / US$ 59.99 / £ 47.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072119-5 **eBook *RRP € € 520.00[D] / US$ 600.00 / ePUBPDF£ 470.00ISBN 978-3-11-072120-1ISBN 978-3-11-072121-8
The textbook is based on the APPLIED use of laboratory instrumentation and apparatus in practice in the real working world with ab solute minimum use of complex calculations and mathematics. Instrumental theory is kept to a minimum, with useful practical hints and unbiased instruction on lab instruments’ ca pabilities and operations. All text is in simple to understand language of the complexities of chemical analyses.
Chromatography; Ion Exchange Chromatography; Food Analysis Edward Muntean, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of ClujNapoca, Romania.
Edward Muntean Food Analysis Using Ion Chromatography
Series: De Gruyter STEM November 2022 English, Approx. XII, 170 pp., 50 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-064438-8 eBook *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064440-1ISBN 978-3-11-064449-4
Victor Angelo Soffiantini, Bio-Science Technologies, Durban, South Africa.
Pavel Diviš and Stanislav Obruča, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.
T Pavel Diviš, Stanislav Obruča
With an increase in waste created, recovery and recycling of food waste is growing in im portance. This book gives an excellent over view of the processing of waste from the food industry. It covers analytical methods for waste analysis, aerobic and anaerobic treat ments, wastewater technologies and valoriza tion of food processing waste. Additionally, the current legislation for waste management in the food industry is described.
Optical Nanospectroscopy
by the editors: “Optical Nanospectroscopy. Applications”. Optical Spectroscopy; Super-resolution Microscopy; Nanophotonics; Plasmonics; Alfred J. Meixner, Monika Fleischer, Dieter P. Kern, University of Tübingen, Germany.
T T Gerhard Schlemmer, Jan Schlemmer
Nicola D’Ascenzo, Qingguo Xie
This two-volume graduate textbook for the first time makes the field of nanospectroscopy accessible for students. Volume 1 covers the basics from the fundamentals of light-matterinteraction, through an overview over optical spectroscopies in general to the specific techniques in nanospectroscopy. Vol. 2: Instrumentation, Simulation & AMaterials.furtherpublication
Analytical Chemistry; Instrumental Analysis. Gerhard Schlemmer, Consultant, Germany; Jan Schlemmer, Germany.
The book is intended as a detailed guide to use and evaluate the modern digital technol ogy to build advanced PET systems. Digital Positron Emission Tomography represents the latest trend among non-invasive func tional nuclear imaging techniques. The book describes the physical fundaments of a novel sensor, the MVT SiPM, able to detect single photons with a space resolution of 50 um and a time resolution of few tens of picosecods.
This book introduces the techniques of Instrumental Analysis with respect to fun damental basics, technical realization, key applications, major strengths and limitations. The approach used is to highlight differences and consolidate similarities of the techniques, focusing especially on the viewpoint of the laboratory rather than on the scientific ideal or the limits of what is possible.
Volume 1: Theoretical Fundaments of Digital SiPM Technologies and PET August 2022 English, Approx. X, 180 pp., 30 fig. HC *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-060396-5 eBook *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-060577-8ISBN 978-3-11-060415-3
Weak Light Detection in Functional Imaging
Nicola D’Ascenzo and Qingguo Xie, Huazhong University of Science, China.
Alfred J. Meixner, Monika Fleischer, Dieter P. Kern (Eds.)
Christiana Höppener, Sebastian Mackowski, Adam Pierre-Michel, Raul D. Rodriguez, Pietro G. Gucciardi (Eds.)
Volume 1: Fundamentals & Series:Methods De Gruyter Textbook October 2022 English, 20 , 330 pp., 300 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61,95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-042702-8 **eBook *RRP € 620.00[D] / US$ 690.99 / ePUBPDF£ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-042703-5ISBN 978-3-11-042319-8
Instrumental Analysis Chemical IT Series: De Gruyter Textbook July English,2022Approx. X, 320 pp., 120 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068964-8 **eBook *RRP € 830.00[D] / US$ 950.00 / ePUBPDF£ 750.00ISBN 978-3-11-068966-2ISBN 978-3-11-068972-3
Volume 2 “Instrumentation, Simulation & Materials” presents theoretical and experimental methods.
Antonio Cricenti, Ulrich Hohenester, Manuela Scarselli (Eds.)
Die Einführung in die Titration und die instrumentelle Maßanalyse in der 20. Auflage informiert umfassend über Theorie und prak tische Anwendungen. Von der Säure-BaseTitration, über Redox- und Komplexbildungs titrationen bis hin zur pharmazeutischen Analytik und Umweltanalytik werden alle gängigen Verfahren detailliert beschrieben und erklärt.
45Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
This two-volume graduate textbook for the first time makes the field of nanospectroscopy accessible for students. Volume 2, covering theoretical and experimental methods essen tial for nanospectroscopy, explains necessary instrumentation, gives insights into simula tion tools and introduces a wide variety of investigated nanomaterials. Vol. 1: Fundamentals & Methods. A further publication by the editors: “Optical Nanospectroscopy. Applications”. Optical Spectroscopy; Nanophotonics; Plasmonics; Calibration Methods; Alfred J. Meixner, Monika Fleischer, Dieter P. Kern, University of Tübingen, Germany. Evgeniya Sheremet, Norman McMillan (Eds.) Applications August 2022 English, 20 , 330 pp., 300 fig. HC *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-044289-2 eBook *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-044290-8ISBN 978-3-11-043498-9
This work highlights modern examples where optical nanospectroscopy is exploited in modern photonics, optical sensing, the life sciences, medicine, or state-of-the-art appli cations in material, chemical and biological Textbooksciences. “Optical Nanospectroscopy” by the editors: “Fundamentals & Methods” (Vol. 1) and “Instrumentation, Simulation & Materi als” (Vol. 2). Optical Spectroscopy; Nanophotonics; Plasmonics; Medical Technology; Chemical Sensors; Alfred J. Meixner, Monika Fleischer, Dieter P. Kern, University of Tübingen, Germany.
De Gruyter Textbook
Volume 2: Series:SimulationInstrumentation,&Materials
October 2022 English, 20 , 330 pp., 300 fig. Pb. *RRP € 61.95[D] / US$ 71.99 / £ 56.50 ISBN 978-3-11-042704-2
**eBook *RRP € 620.00[D] / US$ 720.00 / ePUBPDF£ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-042705-9ISBN 978-3-11-042316-7
Analytische Chemie; Anorganische Chemie; Physikalische Chemie; Instrumentelle Analyse
Ralf Martens-Menzel, Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Berlin, Germany.
De Gruyter Textbook
October 2022 English. Set *RRP € 99.00[D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-043783-6
This two-volume graduate textbook for the first time makes the field of nanospectroscopy accessible for students.
Volume 1 “Fundamentals & Methods” covers the basics from the fundamentals through an overview over optical spectroscopies.
Alfred J. Meixner, Monika Fleischer, Dieter P. Kern, University of Tübingen, Germany. T Maßanalyse Titrationen mit chemischen und physikalischen Indikationen [Volumetric Analysis: Titrations with Chemical and Physical Indications] Begr. v./Founded by Gerhart Jander, Karl-Friedrich Jahr Bearb. v./Rev by Ralf Martens-Menzel, Lena Harwardt, Hanns-Jürgen Krauss Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium Mai/May Deutsch/German,2022 20., überarb.Aufl. Ca./Approx. X, 400 S./pp., 100 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-071074-8UVP/RRP £ 38.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 960.00 /*UVP/RRP € 840.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 760.00ISBN 978-3-11-071081-6ISBN 978-3-11-071088-5
The twentieth edition of this introduction to titration and instrumental volumetric analysis provides readers with comprehensive infor mation about their theory and practical ap plications. It describes and explains all con ventional methods, from acid-base titration to redox and complex-formation titration, from pharmaceutical to environmental analysis. Analytical chemistry; inorganic chemistry; physical chemistry; instrumental analysis
Set: Series:VolNanospectroscopy,Optical1+2
T Omar Al Sayed Omar, Moustafa A. Khalifa High Performance Liquid Chromatography
eBook *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 166.99 / £ 132.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-052945-6ISBN 978-3-11-052895-4
Abhay Andar, Benjamin Adelstein, Michael Adelstein Microfluidics Applications in Biotechnology
Theory, Instrumentation and Application in Drug Quality Control March English,2022XVI, 306 pp., 223 fig. Pb. *RRP € 144.95[D] / US$ 166.99 / £ 132.00 ISBN 978-3-11-052880-0
Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. XX, 380 pp., 80 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-063615-4 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-063633-8ISBN 978-3-11-063659-8
Analytical Chemistry; HPLC; Analytical Instrument; Chromatography M. A. Khalifa and Omar Al Syed Omar, Drug and Food Quality Control Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Kuwait.
Dr. Abhay Andar, UMBC, Baltimore, MD, USA; Ben and Mike Adelstein, Potomac Laser, Baltimore, MD, USA. Budin Michov FundamentalsElectrophoresis Essential Theory and Practice Series: De Gruyter Textbook April English,2022Approx. XX, 420 pp., 163 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 66.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076162-7 **eBook *RRP € 700.00[D] / US$ 810.00 / ePUBPDF£ 636.50ISBN 978-3-11-076164-1ISBN 978-3-11-076167-2 Electrophoresis methods are simple and informative analytical methods, which are used in biochemistry and medicine. They are necessary for precise investigation of proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Electro phoresis is practiced in chemical, biochemi cal, and clinical laboratories, as well as in forensic medicine laboratories. This book will discuss the fundamentals of electropho resis methods at the graduate level. Electrophoresis; Biochemistry; Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Laboratory Medicine Budin Michov, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
This book covers the impact of microfluid ics on the field of Biotechnology, including biologics manufacturing, biosensors, macro molecule purification, nucleotide sequencing, organs-on-a-chip, and stem cell manufactur ing. The authors, coming from both academia and industry, provide an in-depth look into the economics, manufacturing, scale-up, regulatory affairs and future outlook for microfluidic technologies.
The book provides an indispensable guide on how to use HPLC in pharmaceutical analysis and drug control. Following a hands-on approach, the authors give practical advices how to prepare stationary and mobile phases, choose a suitable detector and set up an HPLC analysis. The publication gives insight into the key pharmaceutical applications of HPLC and the latest requirements of the major regulatory agencies.
Nuclear chemistry represents a vital field of basic and applied research. This Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry describes the relevant parameters of instable atomic nuclei, the vari ous modi of radioactive transmutations, the corresponding types of radiation including their detection and dosimetry, and finally the mechanisms of nuclear reactions. This new edition has updated lirature references and new material throughout.
Volume 2: Series:ApplicationsModern De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition November 2022 English, 2., revised edition Approx. XX, 610 pp., 355 fig. Pb. *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074267-1
This textbook presents the essentials of electrochemical theory, sheds light on the instrumentation, including details on the electronics, and in the second part, discusses a wide variety of classical and advanced methods. The third part of the book covers how to apply the techniques for selected aspects of material science, microfabrication, nanotechnology, MEMS, NEMS, and energy applications. Jochen Kieninger, University of Freiburg, Department of Microsystems Engineering, Germany.
Modern applications of nuclear chemistry concern various scientific disciplines, such as high-sensitive, high-selective, and non-de structive analytical technologies, pharmaceu tical and medical research, molecular diagno sis and patient treatment, and nuclear energy. This book also discusses the issues waste managements and environmental aspects. The new edition has updated literature references and includes new material throughout.
Electrochemical Methods for the Micro- and Nanoscale
Frank Rösch Volume 1: Introduction Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition November 2022 English, 2., extended edition Approx. XX, 480 pp., 380 fig. Pb. *RRP € 102.95[D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074271-8 **eBook *RRP € 1030.00[D] / US$ 1150.00 / ePUBPDF£ 940.00ISBN 978-3-11-074272-5ISBN 978-3-11-074280-0
47Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Frank Rösch (Ed.) NuclearRadiochemistryand
**eBook *RRP € 1030.00[D] / US$ 1190.00 / ePUBPDF£ 940.00ISBN 978-3-11-074270-1ISBN 978-3-11-074279-4
Nuclear Chemistry; Nuclear Medicine; Radiochemistry Frank Rösch, University of Mainz, Germany.
T Jochen Kieninger
Theoretical Essentials, Instrumentation and Methods for Applications in MEMS and Nanotechnology Series: De Gruyter STEM March English,2022XVIII, 386 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 103.99 / £ 82.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064974-1 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 103.99 / £ 82.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064975-8ISBN 978-3-11-064993-2
Nuclear Chemistry; Nuclear Medicine; Radiochemistry. Frank Rösch, University of Mainz, Germany.
Frank Rösch (Ed.)
Doros Petasis, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, USA; Michael Hendrich, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
T Ian S. Butler (Ed.)
EPR spectroscopy is a technique used in chemistry, biology, and physics. It detects molecules and materials with unpaired elec trons. As a highly sensitive method, it can be used to analyze very small samples, crystals, or labile reaction intermediates like radicals. This unique textbook takes a practical ap proach, introducing EPR spectroscopy and computational methods. The reader will learn how to measure and interpret EPR spectra.
High-pressure Molecular Spectroscopy
This book compiles spectroscopy methods under high pressure to investigate differ ent systems such as guest-host interactions, chemical reactions, multiferroics, lanthanide ions and-doped glasses or in general inor ganic materials. Among others, luminescence studies, inelastic scattering as well as infrared and Raman studies under high pressure are discussed and described regarding various applications. Ian S. Butler, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
August 2022 English, Approx. XX, 200 pp., 100 fig. HC *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066528-4 eBook *RRP € 156.95[D] / US$ 180.99 / £ 142.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-066861-2ISBN 978-3-11-066544-4
Doros T. Petasis, Michael Hendrich EPR Spectroscopy
July English,2022Approx. 10 , 300 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-041753-1 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-041756-2ISBN 978-3-11-042357-0
Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy; EPR Spectroscopy; Spectroscopy; Analytical Chemistry naturwissenschaftlichenVielfaltEntdecken/textbooksSieeineangeistes-undThemen REICHEUNDBEWÄHRTEERFOLG-LEHR-UNDSTUDIENBÜCHER
T Wolfgang Neumann, Anna Mogilatenko, Kurt Scheerschmidt
Series: De Gruyter Textbook July English,2022Approx. XX, 350 pp., 250 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-062624-7 **eBook *RRP € 810.00[D] / US$ 930.00 / £ 735.00
This work provides a comprehensive descrip tion of all major structural defects in crystals. It shows how dislocations, grain boundar ies, twins and many other influence both the structure and properties of crystals. Specifc spectroscopic and diffraction methods as well as etching procedures for characterization are Itdescribed.isavaluable source for all scientists con cerned with crystal defects analysis. Wolfgang Neumann, Anna Mogilatenko, Kurt Scheerschmidt, Germany. Lou Massa, Chérif F. Matta, Lulu Huang
Environmental and Biochemical Toxicology Concepts, Case Studies and Challenges
December 2022 English, Approx. X, 200 pp., 50 fig. HC *RRP € 107.95[D] / US$ 123.99 / £ 97.50 ISBN 978-3-11-056566-9 eBook *RRP € 107.95[D] / US$ 123.99 / £ 97.50
The Nature of Crystal Defects
Jürgen Gailer, Raymond J. Turner (Eds.)
Solid State Chemistry; Crystallography; Quantum Chemistry; Quantum Mechanics Prof. Louis J. Massa, City University of NY, USA; Prof. Cherif F. Matta, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada.
Raymond J. Turner, Jürgen Gailer, University of Calgary, Canada.
Formation, Structure, Analysis Series: De Gruyter STEM April English,2023Approx. XX, 350 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062145-7 eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-062150-1ISBN 978-3-11-062196-9
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-056667-3ISBN 978-3-11-056571-3
49Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Quantum Crystallography is a novel scientific discipline combining quantum chemistry methods and crystal structure determination. The current book describes quantum-mechan ical approaches to obtain crystallographic data of enhanced value and explains how they correlate with real diffraction and scattering experiments. In particular, the book covers DFT, Clinton equations, KEM and QTAIM methods and their applications in crystallo graphic studies.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-062628-5ISBN 978-3-11-062634-6 This text coherently links biochemical fundamentals and mechanism with economic and societal problems of environmental pol lution. It addresses interdisciplinary topics such as regulatory problems, sampling and quantification, model organisms as well as a philosophical perspectives on the Anthro pocene. Case studies from industry and exercises illustrate current issues and discuss future aspects.
Cannabis Chemistry; Cannabis Biology; Cannabis; Cannabinoids Mahmoud ElSohly, University of Mississippi, University, MS, USA. Karsten Schrör Acetylsalicylic Acid August 2022 English, 3rd, revised edition Approx. XIV, 550 pp., 145 fig. HC *RRP € 159.95[D] / US$ 183.99 / £ 145.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074572-6 eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074641-9ISBN 978-3-11-074648-8
This book is the first and to date only com pendium on the history, pharmacology, toxi cology, and clinic of acetylsalicylic acid – not only the best known, but probably the most successful drug in medical history. Written by one of the world's leading experts in the field of aspirin research, it addresses the latest re sults of research by critically evaluating over 100 studies and summing up collected results from over 40 years of research. Drug, Organic chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology Karsten Schrör, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.
This book serves as an introduction to gradu ate students and early career researchers on chemistry and botany of the cannabis plant. Cannabis botany, propagation, biotechnol ogy, chemistry, cannabinoids and their biosynthesis, chemovars of cannabis and their identification as well as the other chemical classes of compounds known to exist in the plant are discussed. This book will build a base of knowledge on the complexity of can nabis chemistry.
This work provides the broad range of appli cations of inorganic compounds. Due to their well defined properties they play an impor tant role in many fields either on a large scale in our daily life or as niche products. Experts from industry and academia present the vast amount of distinguished materials focusing on their synthesis and function.
Fundamentals Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2022 English, Approx. XV, 300 pp., 100 fig. Pb. *RRP € 77.95[D] / US$ 89.99 / £ 70.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071835-5 **eBook *RRP 780.00[D] / US$ 900.00 / £ 705.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071836-2ISBN 978-3-11-071852-2
Cannabis Chemistry and Biology
Rainer Pöttgen, Thomas Jüstel, Cristian A. Strassert (Eds.) Applied ChemistryInorganic Rainer Pöttgen, Thomas Jüstel, Cristian A. Strassert (Eds.)
Volume 1 covers e.g. coatings, (inter)metal lics, technical gases, ionic solids, catalytic materials. Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Applications in Chemistry; Materials Rainer Pöttgen and Cristian A. Strassert, Universität Münster, Münster, Germany; Thomas Jüstel, University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany.
T O T Mahmoud A. ElSohly (Ed.)
Volume 1: PhotofunctionalConstructionFromto Materials Series: De Gruyter Textbook July English,2022Approx. X, 350 pp., 150 fig. Pb. *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073814-8 **eBook *RRP € 670.00[D] / US$ 780.00 / ePUBPDF£ 610.00ISBN 978-3-11-073314-3ISBN 978-3-11-073332-7
51Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
T Rainer Pöttgen, Thomas Jüstel, Cristian A. Strassert (Eds.)
Volume 2: From Magnetic to Bioactive Materials Series: De Gruyter Textbook July English,2022Approx. X, 350 pp., 150 fig. Pb. *RRP € 66.95[D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073837-7
This work provides the broad range of appli cations of inorganic compounds. Due to their well defined properties they play an impor tant role in many fields either on a large scale in our daily life or as niche products. Experts from industry and academia present the vast amount of distinguished materials focusing on their synthesis and function. Volume 2 covers e.g. electronic, magnetic, biomedi cal, carbon- and sulfur-based materials and ceramics. Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Applications in Chemistry; Materials Rainer Pöttgen and Cristian A. Strassert, Universität Münster, Münster, Germany; Thomas Jüstel, University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany. Rainer Pöttgen, Thomas Jüstel, Cristian A. Strassert (Eds.) [Set Applied Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 1+2]
Series: De Gruyter Textbook June English,2022 Set *RRP € 109.95[D] / US$ 126.99 / £ 100.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074233-6
Main Group Chemistry; Chemical Bonding; Inorganic Chemistry Risto Laitinen, Univeristy of Oulu, Finland.
**eBook *RRP € 670.00[D] / US$ 780.00 / ePUBPDF£ 610.00ISBN 978-3-11-073347-1ISBN 978-3-11-073357-0
Der „Riedel“, Standardlehrbuch und wertvol les Nachschlagewerk, richtet sich in seiner 10., aktualisierten Auflage an Chemiestu dierende im Grundstudium und an alle mit Interesse an soliden Grundkenntnissen in An organischer Chemie. Klar strukturiert und auf das Wesentliche konzentriert werden sowohl theoretische Grundlagen als auch anorga nische Stoffchemie umfassend im Rahmen einer ausgereiften Didaktik präsentiert. Anorganische Chemie; Chemie; Stoffchemie; Chemiestudium
This book aims to explain the nature of chemical bonding and its impact on the struc ture, properties and reactivity of compounds. After an introductory part, outlining the theo retical framework of chemical bonding, the book gives a thorough overview of different bonding types and intermolecular forces as well as experimental and computational tools to study them.
This work provides the broad range of appli cations of inorganic compounds. Due to their well defined properties they play an impor tant role in many fields either on a large scale in our daily life or as niche products. Experts from industry and academia present the vast amount of distinguished materials focusing on their synthesis and function. Volume 1 covers e.g. coatings, (inter)metal lics, technical gases, ionic solids, catalytic materials. Rainer Pöttgen and Cristian A. Strassert, Universität Münster, Münster, Germany; Thomas Jüstel, University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany. Erwin Riedel, Christoph Janiak Anorganische Chemie [Inorganic Chemistry] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 10. Edition/10th Edition März/March Deutsch/German,2022 10. Aufl. XVI, 998 S./pp., 400 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 92.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 106.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-069604-2UVP/RRP £ 84.50 **eBook *€ 1800.00[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 2070.00 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 1636.50ISBN 978-3-11-069444-4ISBN 978-3-11-069458-1
T Risto S. Laitinen, Tapani Pakkanen Main Group Molecules Bonding and Intermolecular Interactions Series: De Gruyter Textbook October 2022 English, Approx. X, 300 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-061327-8 **eBook *RRP € 810.00[D] / US$ 930.00 / £ 735.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-061333-9ISBN 978-3-11-061337-7 How do atoms bond to form molecules and how do molecules interact with each other?
The tenth, updated edition of the standard “Riedel” textbook, a valuable reference work, is aimed at bachelor’s students of chemistry and anybody else interested in gaining solid basic knowledge of inorganic chemistry. Clearly structured and focusing on the es sentials, it comprehensively presents both theoretical principles and general inorganic chemistry within the scope of a sophisticated pedagogical concept. Inorganic chemistry; chemistry; general chemistry; studying chemistry Erwin Riedel, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; Christoph Janiak, HeinrichHeine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
T Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.)
Green Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Bond Formation; Sustainable Synthesis; Green Synthesis; Sustainable Developments, CarbonCarbon Bonds; C-heteroatom Bonds; Bioactive Heterocycles
Tellurium; Inorganic Chemistry; Safety; Toxicology
Bimal K. Banik, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Michael Springborg, Meijuan Zhou Quantum Chemistry
Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Green Chemistry Network Centre, University of Dehli, India; Bubun Banerjee, Akal University, India. Bimal Krishna Banik, Sangeeta Bajpai (Eds.) Tellurium Chemistry Series: De Gruyter STEM September 2022 English, Approx. XX, 400 pp., 70 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073930-5 eBook *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073584-0ISBN 978-3-11-073587-1 Tellurium, a well-known chalcogen, finds potential applications in various fields from chemistry to other branches of science such as nanotechnology and macromolecular sci ence. However, its safety must also be taken into consideration when exploring its indus trial applications. This book explores the breadth of tellurium's applications, outlines strategies for industrial use, and describes the safety conerns of this element.
Michael Springborg and Meijuan Zhou, University Saarland, Germany.
An Introduction Series: De Gruyter Textbook September 2021 English, XII, 340 pp., 150 fig. Pb. *RRP € 72.95[D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074219-0 **eBook *RRP € 730.00[D] / US$ 840.00 / ePUBPDF£ 655.00ISBN 978-3-11-074220-6ISBN 978-3-11-074223-7 This compact work clarifies why quantum chemistry is so essential for understanding the electronic behavior and chemical bonding of atoms and molecules. After a brief intro duction to quantum theory it discusses free particles, tunnel effect, rotation and vibra tion. Applications are extensively presented such as the spectroscopic characterization of substances and computer-assisted techniques for modelling chemical molecules. Theoretical chemistry; Quantum chemistry; Chemical bonding; Computational chemistry
Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Heteroatom October 2022 English, Approx. XX, 400 pp., 150 fig. HC *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075949-5 eBook *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075954-9ISBN 978-3-11-075959-4
Carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond-forming reactions are the backbone of synthetic organic chemistry. Scientists are constantly developing and improving these techniques in order to maximize the diversity of synthetically available molecules. These techniques must be developed in a sustain able manner in order to limit their environ mental impact. This book highlights green carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond forming reactions.
In Silico Chemistry and Biology: Current and Future Prospects provides a compact over view on recent advances in this highly dy namic branch of chemistry. Various methods of protein modelling and computer-assisted drug design are presented, including frag ment- and ligand-based approaches. Many successful practical applications of these techniques are demonstrated. The authors also look to the future and describe the main challenges of the field.
T David Brook Mechanistic Organic Series:Chemistry
2. Edition/2nd Edition September 2021 English, XXII, 507 pp., 141 fig. HC *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072818-7 eBook *RRP € 133.95[D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072823-1ISBN 978-3-11-072833-0
53Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Chirality and stereogenicity are closely related concepts and their differentiation and description is still a challenge in chemoinfor matics. In his 2015 book, Fujita developed a new stereoisogram approach that provided theoretical framework for mathematical aspects of modern stereochemistry. This new edition includes a new chapter on ComputerOriented Representations developed by the author based on Groups, Algorithms, Programming (GAP) system. Enantiomers; Organic Chemistry; Stereochemistry; Theoretical Chemistry; Computational Chemistry Shinsaku Fujita, Shonan Institute of Chemoinformatics and Mathematical Chemistry, Kanagawa-ken, Japan.
Girish Kumar Gupta, Mohammad Hassan Baig (Eds.) In Silico Chemistry and Biology
Current and Future Prospects
Pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Proteins; Drug Design Girish Kumar Gupta, Sri Sai College of Pharmacy, Punjab, India; Mohammad Hassan Baig, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea.
Shinsaku Fujita
May English,2022Approx. XX, 200 pp., 200 fig. HC *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 ISBN 978-3-11-049517-1 eBook *RRP € 113.95[D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-049395-5ISBN 978-3-11-049245-3
De Gruyter Textbook November 2022 English, Approx. X, 280 pp., 250 fig. Pb. *RRP € 71.95[D] / US$ 82.99 / £ 64.50 ISBN 978-3-11-056461-7 **eBook *RRP € 720.00[D] / US$ 830.00 / ePUBPDF£ 645.00ISBN 978-3-11-056466-2ISBN 978-3-11-056504-1
Understanding of reaction mechanisms is very important for a chemist since it helps to plan and carry our reactions in a controlled manner. This textbook explains how to elucidate reaction mechanisms employing theoretical and instrumental methods and what practical knowledge they bring. The book covers a full spectrum of techniques, in cluding spectroscopic studies, isotope effects, kinetics, trapping methods and computational approaches.
Chemical Reactions; Synthesis; Organic Chemistry; Reaction Kinetics; Reaction Mechanism David Brook, San Jose State University, USA.
Organometallic Chemistry, Organometallic Compounds; Catalysis; Organic Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry Ionel Haiduc and Luminita SilaghiDumitrescu, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073384-6ISBN 978-3-11-073388-4 Heterogeneous catalysts are an important tool for greener catalytic processes due to the ease of their removal from a reaction medium. When these catalysts can operate in the ideal green solvent, water, they improve the sustainability of the process. This book explores aqueous mediated heterogeneous catalysts and their use in synthesis. Topics covered include nanomaterials, quantum dots, metal organic frameworks, and their use as catalysts. Green Chemistry; Sustainable Technology; Catalysis; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Aqueous Catalysis
Series: De Gruyter STEM August 2022 English, Approx. X, 300 pp., 500 fig. Pb. *RRP € 71.95[D] / US$ 82.99 / £ 64.50 ISBN 978-3-11-056267-5 eBook *RRP € 71.95[D] / US$ 82.99 / £ 64.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-056268-2ISBN 978-3-11-056368-9
July English,2022Approx. XX, 450 pp., 150 fig. HC *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073845-2 eBook *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50
Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds
Aqueous HeterogeneousMediatedCatalysis
The current book is an excellent introduction to organic chemistry of aromatic compounds, a distinct class of molecules. The publication covers the most important reaction types, as electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution, benzyne-mediated reactions, synthesis of polycyclic and heteroaromatic compounds with a special focus on reaction mechanisms and explains the factors which impact the rate and position of substitution in aromatic molecules. Aromatic Compounds; Chemical Reactions; Synthesis; Organic Chemistry; Organic Synthesis Kenneth Maly, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. Asit K. Chakraborti, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.)
Ionel Haiduc ChemistryOrganometallic Fundamentals and Applications Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2. Edition/2nd Edition May English,2022Second, Completely Revised Edition Ap prox. XVI, 500 pp., 650 fig. Pb. *RRP € 92.95[D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-069526-7 **eBook *RRP € 930.00[D] / US$ 1080.00 / ePUBPDF£ 845.00ISBN 978-3-11-069527-4ISBN 978-3-11-069544-1
Asit Kumar Chakraborti, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India; Bubun Banerjee, Akal University, India.
T Kenneth Maly
This book provides the reader with a compre hensive introduction to the topic of organo metallic chemistry. With an easy to follow structure covering both non-transition metals and transition metals as well as the applica tions of organometallic reagents in organic synthesis, this book is a must-have for the organometallic chemist.
Volume 1: ApplicationsSynthetic May English,2022Approx. XX, 521 pp., 493 fig. HC *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073518-5 eBook *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073035-7ISBN 978-3-11-073047-0
Catalysis; Nanotechnology; Magnetic Technology; Sustainablility; Green Chemistry Rajender S. Varma, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; Bubun Banerjee, Akal University, India. Rajender S. Varma, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.)
Volume 2: ApplicationsIndustrial June English,2022Approx. XV, 235 pp., 81 fig. HC *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-078203-5 eBook *RRP € 154.95[D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078216-5ISBN 978-3-11-078224-0 Magnetic nanocatalysts are an important tool for greener catalytic processes due to the ease of their removal from a reaction medium.
This book explores different magnetic nanocatalysts, their use in industrial applica tions, and their recyclability. Topics covered include wastewater treatment, drug delivery, and industrial catalysis. Catalysis; Nanotechnology; Magnetic Technology; Sustainablility; Green Chemistry Rajender S. Varma, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; Bubun Banerjee, Akal University, India.
Rajender S. Varma, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.) [Set Nanocatalysis,Magnetic volume 1+2] May English,2022,Numerous figs. Set *RRP € 270.00[D] / US$ 310.00 / £ 245.50 ISBN 978-3-11-079079-5 Magnetic nanocatalysts are an important tool for greener catalytic processes due to the ease of their removal from a reaction medium. The two books details their uses in synthesis and industry. Catalysis; Nanotechnology; Magnetic Technology; Sustainablility; Green Chemistry Rajender S. Varma, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; Bubun Banerjee, Akal University, India.
A Green Tool for Sustainable English,JuneDevelopments2022Approx.XV, 450 pp., 200 fig. HC *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073753-0 eBook *RRP € 185.95[D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073254-2ISBN 978-3-11-073268-9 Organocatalysis are an important tool for greener catalytic processes due to the lack of precious metals used. This book explores different organocatalysts and their use in synthesis. Topics covered include zwitter ionic imidazolium salt catalysts, asymmetric catalysts in aqueous media, beaker yeast ca talysis, organocatalysts for Aldol and Michael reactions, amino acid-based organocatalysts, and Brönsted acidic surfactant organocata lysts. Green Chemistry; Sustainability; Organocatalysis; Catalysis Bimal K. Banik, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia; Bubun Banerjee, Akal University, India. Rajender S. Varma, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.) Magnetic Nanocatalysis Rajender S. Varma, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.)
Bimal Krishna Banik, Bubun Banerjee (Eds.)
55Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
Magnetic nanocatalysts are an important tool for greener catalytic processes due to the ease of their removal from a reaction medium. This book explores different magnetic nanocatalysts, their use in synthesis, and their recyclability. Topics covered include mag netic nanocatalysts for S-S bond formation, N-hetercycle formation, C-heteroatom bond formation, silica-supported catalysts, multi component reactions, and their recyclability.
Erstmalig integriert ein Werk sowohl naturals auch geisteswissenschaftliche Sichtweisen in einer übergreifenden Theorie der Zeit. Physik, Biologie, Philosophie und Medi zin finden im invers-entropischen Zeitpfeil gemeinsame theoretische Grundlagen eines Weltverständnisses. Das Verständnis der wirklichen Fließrichtung der Zeit ordnet die Welt neu. Es leitet den Leser zu einem begründeten, weil aufgeklärten Optimismus. Zeitreisen; Urknall; Big-Bang Theorie; Entstehung des Lebens; Raumzeit Big-Bang Theory; Origin of Life; Spacetime; Time Travel Dr. Jörg Schmitz-Gielsdorf, Aachen, Germany.
Manfred Bühner
Wie alles anfing Von Molekülen über Einzeller zum Menschen [How Everything Began: From Molecules to Unicellular Organisms to Humans]
Der fliegende Zirkus der Physik Fragen und Antworten [The Flying Circus of Physics: Questions and Answers] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche 10.ReiheEdition/10th Deutsch/German,Dezember/DecemberEdition202110.Auflage XXVIII, 702 S./pp., 100 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-076055-2UVP/RRP £ 33.00 eBook *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 33.00ISBN 978-3-11-076063-7ISBN 978-3-11-076066-8
Jearl Walker
Ob Blitz oder blauer Himmel, Glühwürm chen, Teetassen oder Seifenblasen – im täglichen Leben stolpert man laufend über Naturphänomene. Jearl Walker hat die span nendsten und witzigsten aufgegriffen und in diesem Buch deren physikalische Erklärun gen skizziert – nicht in Formeln, sondern mit Worten. Einige Lösungen sind einfach zu finden, andere sind enorm schwierig. Alltagsphysik; Angewandte Physik; Physikalische Phänomene Lightening or blue skies, glow worms, tea cups, and bubbles – we are constantly run ning into natural phenomena in our everyday lives. In this volume, Jearl Walker takes up the funniest and most interesting of these and provides physical explanations – not in formulas, but in words. Some of the solutions are easy to find, others are extremely difficult. Everyday physics; Applied physics; Physical phenomena Jearl Walker, Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA.
Ca./Approx. X, 300 S./pp., 15 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 29.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 34.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-078927-0UVP/RRP £ 27.00 eBook *€ 29.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 34.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 27.00ISBN 978-3-11-078935-5ISBN 978-3-11-078938-6
Manfred Bühner, Freiburg i.Br, Germany.
Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche Juli/JulyReihe Deutsch/German,2022 Ca./Approx. X, 250 S./pp., 40 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 30.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 36.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-078304-9UVP/RRP £ 28.00 eBook *€ 30.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 36.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 28.00ISBN 978-3-11-078315-5ISBN 978-3-11-078324-7
Wie entstand unser Leben auf der Erde?
Die ses Werk beschreibt anschaulich die Bedeu tung der Chemie als Grundlage der Evoluti on: vom Sternenstaub über selbst-kopierende Moleküle zur chemischen Fortpflanzung und schrittweise zur Entwicklung der ersten Zellen. Eingehend wird die Bedeutung von Mutationen erläutert, die zu Photosynthese und komplexen Zellen führte, was schließlich die ungeheure Vielfalt mehrzelliger Lebewe sen erst möglich machte. Einzeller; Mehrzeller; Fortpflanzung; Leben; Evolution
Jörg Karl Siegfried Schmitz-Gielsdorf Zeit (t) – Die Sphinx der Physik Lag der Ursprung des Kosmos in der Zukunft? Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche 3.ReiheEdition/3rd Deutsch/German,August/AugustEdition20223.Auflage
This volume describes with great clarity the significance of chemistry as the foundation of evolution: from star dust to self-replicating molecules to chemical proliferation and, gradually, to the development of the first cells. It explains in depth the significance of mutations that led to photosynthesis and com plex cells, which was ultimately what made the unbelievable diversity of multicellular organisms possible in the first place. Life; Evolution; Reproduction; Unicellular Organisms; Multicellular Organisms
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-066663-2ISBN 978-3-11-066710-3
Theo Woike, Technical University Dresden Germany; Dominik Schaniel, Université de Lorraine, France.
This book provides a detailed theoretical analysis of human movement, building from simple physical models to more complex analyses (e.g. Lagrangian mechanics) and biomechanical models, including forces internal to the body. The book integrates principles of Physics with the functioning of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems to understand how movement in general, and dance movements specifically, can be executed.
Melanie Lott, Denison University, Grainsville (Ohio), USA.
The mechanical properties of cells can be used to distinguish pathological from normal cells and tissues in many diseases. This book will outline the physics behind cell and tissue mechanics, describe the methods which can be used to determine their mechanical proper ties, and present various diseases in which a mechanical fingerprint could be established. The book is designed to not require a back ground in either Physics or Life Sciences. M. Lekka, Polish Acad. of Sci., Poland; D. Navajas, U. Barcelona, Spain; A. Podestà, U. Milan, Italy; M. Radmacher, U. Bremen, Germany.
The second volume focuses on different experimental facilities interested in structure analysis with pico- and femtosecond X-ray pulses. Besides theoretical foundations of Xray interaction with matter the authors cover ab-initio based methods for describing struc tures and their evolution on these time scales, augmented by prototypical research results.
Malgorzata Lekka, Daniel Navajas, Manfred Radmacher, Alessandro Podestà (Eds.) Mechanics of Diseases
57Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access HYSICSHYSIKP P
Melanie Lott Biomechanics of Dance Series: De Gruyter STEM October 2022 English, Approx. X, 270 pp., 200 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-064228-5 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064229-2ISBN 978-3-11-064233-9
Structures on Different Time Scales
Biomedical Aspects of the Mechanical Properties of Cells and Tissues Series: De Gruyter STEM August 2022 English, Approx. XX, 350 pp., 300 fig. Pb. *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-064059-5 eBook *RRP € 89.95[D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-064063-2ISBN 978-3-11-064068-7
Volume 2 Series: De Gruyter STEM September 2022 English, Approx. XII, 300 pp., 160 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066642-7 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50
The discussion of examples and various scenarios for set-ups is especially helpful for users.
Theo Woike, Dominik Schaniel (Eds.)
Wie funktioniert ein Quantencomputer und auf welche Weise kann man mit Photonen abhörsicher Nachrichten übertragen?
Anders Bengtsson, University of Borås, Sweden.
Das Werk führt in die Quantenmechanik ein, indem es ausgehend von anschaulichen Experimenten zunächst erläutert, weshalb die klassische Physik zur Beschreibung unserer physikalischen Welt nicht ausreichend ist. Im Anschluss wird Quantenmechanik als die Theorie eingeführt, die experimentelle Befunde widerspruchsfrei erklären kann. Anwendungsbeispiele reichen vom Flashin formationsspeicher über Quantenkryptogra phie bis zum Quantencomputer. Quantenphysik; Quantentheorie; Teilchenwellen; Quantenkryptographie; Quantencomputer
How does a quantum computer work, and what is the best way to transmit bug-proof messages using photons? This introduction to quantum technology addresses students of engineering and informatics, and imparts the principles of quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum measurement technology, and quantum simulation, without requiring comprehensive prior knowledge of physics. Quantum sensors; quantum logic gates; quantum communication; quantum computers Rainer Müller und Franziska Gerke, Universität Braunschweig, Deutschland.
Series: Texts and Monographs in Theoretical English,JulyPhysics2022XII, 300 pp., 20 fig. Set *RRP € 189.95[D] / US$ 218.99 / £ 172.50 ISBN 978-3-11-069487-1 This monograph takes stock of the situation in higher spin gauge theories for the first time. Besides a thorough recapitulation of the field's history, it reviews the progress that has been made and offers a pedagogical introduc tion to the subject. Abstract approaches to the theory are offered to facilitate a conceptual rethinking of the main problems and to help see patterns hidden by heavy formalism.
Diese Einführung in die Quantentechnolo gie wendet sich speziell an Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Informatik und vermittelt die Grundlagen von Quanten computing, -kommunikation, -messtechnik und simulation, ohne dass dabei umfassende physikalische Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt werden. Quantensensoren; Quantenkommunikation;Quantengatter;Quantencomputer
Eine Einführung in die Welt der Wellen und Wahrscheinlichkeiten [Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to the World of Waves and Probabilities]
Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium September/September 2022 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 250 S./pp., 285 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 51.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 59.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-065935-1UVP/RRP £ 47.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 600.00 /*UVP/RRP € 520.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 470.00ISBN 978-3-11-065936-8ISBN 978-3-11-065945-0
Anders Bengtsson Higher Spin Field Theory Concepts, Methods and History Volume 2: Interactions
Quantentechnologien Für Ingenieure [Quantum Technologies: For Engineers] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium Oktober/October 2022 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 240 S./pp., 110 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 46.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 53.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-071719-8UVP/RRP £ 42.50 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 540.00 /*UVP/RRP € 470.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 425.00ISBN 978-3-11-071721-1ISBN 978-3-11-071727-3
Anders Bengtsson, University of Borås, Sweden. Anders Bengtsson [Set Higher Spin Field Theory, Vol 1+2]
Rainer Müller, Franziska Greinert
T T Holger Göbel
This textbook introduces the reader to quan tum mechanics, starting from an explanation of compelling experiments that illustrate why classical physics cannot adequately describe our physical world. Next, it introduces quan tum mechanics as a theory that explains the experimental results without contradiction. Application examples include flash informa tion memory, quantum cryptography, and the quantum computer. Holger Göbel, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Series: Texts and Monographs in Theoretical DecemberPhysics 2022 English, Approx. XII, 300 pp., 20 fig. HC *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067544-3 eBook *RRP € 123.95[D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067552-8ISBN 978-3-11-067554-2 This monograph takes stock of the situation in higher spin gauge theories for the first time. Besides a thorough recapitulation of the field's history, it reviews the progress that has been made and offers a pedagogical introduc tion to the subject. Abstract approaches to the theory are offered to facilitate a conceptual rethinking of the main problems and to help see patterns hidden by heavy formalism.
Wolfgang Pfeiler Experimentalphysik [Experimental Physics] Wolfgang Pfeiler Band 6: Festkörper,Statistik,Materialien [Volume 6: Statistics, Solid Bodies, Materials] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 2. Edition/2nd November/NovemberEdition 2021 Deutsch/German, XXV, 422 S./pp., 400 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 61.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 71.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-067565-8UVP/RRP £ 56.50 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 720.00 /*UVP/RRP € 620.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-067573-3ISBN 978-3-11-067583-2
Das sechsbändige Lehrbuch wurde um fassend aktualisiert und erscheint in der 2. Auflage komplett in Farbe. Sein logischer Aufbau und die übersichtliche Darstellung unterstützen die Studierenden mit klaren Lernhilfen auf verschiedenen Ebenen. Festkörperphysik; Materialwissenschaft; Statistische Physik
Wolfgang Pfeiler, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Electron collisions with atoms, ions, and molecules have been investigated since the earliest years of the last century because of their pervasiveness and importance in fields ranging from astrophysics and plasma phys ics to atmospheric and condensed matter physics. Written in an accessible yet rigorous style, this book introduces the theory of electron-atom scattering in a quantum-relativ istic framework.
59Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access HYSICSHYSIKP P
The second edition of this six-volume text book has received a comprehensive update and is appearing completely in colour. Its log ical structure and clear presentation support students with learning aids on various levels. Solid-body physics; materials science; statistical physics
Series: De Gruyter Textbook March English,2022XIV, 180 pp., 50 fig. Pb. *RRP € 71.95[D] / US$ 82.99 / £ 64.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067535-1 **eBook *RRP € 720.00[D] / US$ 830.00 / ePUBPDF£ 645.00ISBN 978-3-11-067537-5ISBN 978-3-11-067541-2
This sophisticated and highly regarded textbook introduces to basic phenomena and concepts. It covers all current topics of mod ern Solid State Physics and discusses as well disordered solid materials, which are gaining increasingly scientific significance. Helpful for the preparation of examinations are numerous exercises in all chapters. Siegfried Hunklinger and Christian Enss, University Heidelberg, Germany.
Alle 6 Bände sind als Set erhältlich. T T T Siegfried Hunklinger, Christian Enss Solid State Physics Series: De Gruyter Textbook May English,2022Approx. XV, 635 pp., 370 fig. Pb. *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066645-8 **eBook *RRP € 830.00[D] / US$ 950.00 / ePUBPDF£ 750.00ISBN 978-3-11-066650-2ISBN 978-3-11-066708-0
Maurizio Dapor, European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, Italy.
Maurizio Dapor Electron-Atom Collisions Quantum-Relativistic Theory and Exercises
Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 5. Edition/5th Edition März/March Deutsch/German,2022 5. korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage XIV, 652 S./pp., 350 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 61.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 71.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-064144-8UVP/RRP £ 56.50 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 720.00 /*UVP/RRP € 620.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 565.00ISBN 978-3-11-064145-5ISBN 978-3-11-064155-4
Die 5., korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage die ses Standardwerks behandelt die Grundlagen der Strömungslehre in bewährter didaktischer Aufbereitung als übersichtliche Lehreinheiten mit umfangreichem Feedback. Konsequent von der Kontinuumshypothese ausgehend vermittelt es klare Vorstellungen von physika lischen Ursachen und den zugrundeliegenden Idealisierungen behandelter Modelle sowie Kenntnisse für numerische Berechnungen und Anwendungen. Instationäre Strömung; Stationäre Strömung; Strömungsmechanik; Turbulenz; Viskose Strömung; Visualisierung
Strömungslehre [Fluid Mechanics]
T T T Physik für das Lehramt [Physics for Teachers] Hermann Nienhaus Band 3: Atom-, Kern- und Quantenphysik [Volume 3: Atomic, Nuclear, and Quantum Physics]
The fifth corrected and expanded edition of this standard reference work, this textbook ef fectively lays out the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics in clearly organized teach ing units with comprehensive feedback. Start ing with the continuum hypothesis, the book gives readers a firm grasp of physical causes, idealized models, and principles of numerical calculation as well as their application. Non-stationary flow; stationary flow; fluid mechanics; turbulence; viscous flow; visualization H. Schade, O. Paschereit, HFI, TU Berlin, Germany; E. Kunz, BSU Hamburg, Germany; F. Kameier, FH Düsseldorf, Germany.
Heinz Schade, Ewald Kunz, Frank Kameier, Christian Oliver Paschereit
Dieser bewährte Vorkurs bereitet Studien anfänger umfassend und didaktisch sehr geschickt auf das Hochschulstudium Physik vor. Das Werk erläutert die physikalischen Grundlagen, lockert die Theorie mit ausführ lich gerechneten Beispielen auf und ist eine große Unterstützung sowohl vorlesungsbe gleitend als auch im Selbststudium. 3., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage: Hervorhebung der Lernziele. Elektrizitätslehre; Magnetismus; Mechanik; Thermodynamik This pedagogically proven, comprehensive preparatory course prepares new students to study physics at tertiary level. This vol ume explains the physical principles, uses examples with extensive calculations to break up the theory, and provides great support both as an accompaniment to lectures and during self-study. Third, completely revised edition: Emphasis on learning objectives. Electricity; Magnetism; Mechanics; Thermodynamics; Jan Peter Gehrke, Dr. Patrick Köberle, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany.
Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium August/August Deutsch/German,2022XX, 300 S./pp., 300 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 41.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-046890-8UVP/RRP £ 38.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 480.00 /*UVP/RRP € 420.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 380.00ISBN 978-3-11-046897-7ISBN 978-3-11-046918-9
Die vierteilige Reihe für Physik im Lehramts studium behandelt kompakt und anschau lich die Grundlagen der Physik. Bekannten falschen Vorstellungen der Studierenden be gegnet der erfahrene Dozent mit erläuternden Randbemerkungen. Beispiele aus dem Alltag, technische Anwendungen und historische Wissenschaftsentwicklung werden in Vertie fungsthemen vermittelt. Band 3 umfasst die Atom-, Kern- und Quantenphysik. Atomphysik; Kernphysik; Mehrelektronensysteme; Radioaktivität This four-part series for physics teachers in training addresses the principles of physics in a clear and compact way. The experienced lecturer confronts familiar falsehoods held by students with explanatory side notes, conveying examples from everyday life, technological applications, and the historical development of science in consolidation top ics. Volume 3 comprises atomic, nuclear, and quantum physics. Atomic physics; nuclear physics; multi-electron systems; radioactivity Hermann Nienhaus, Universität DuisburgEssen, Deutschland.
Jan Peter Gehrke, Patrick Köberle Physik im Studium –Ein Brückenkurs [Physics for Students – a Bridging Course] Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium 3. Edition/3rd September/SeptemberEdition 2021 Deutsch/German, 3., erweiterte Auflage XIV, 384 S./pp., 107 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 35.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 42.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-070392-4UVP/RRP £ 33.00 **eBook ePUBPDFUVP/RRP US$ 430.00 /*UVP/RRP € 360.00[D] /UVP/RRP £ 330.00ISBN 978-3-11-070393-1ISBN 978-3-11-070408-2
An introduction Series: De Gruyter Textbook 2019. Edition/2019th Edition December 2021 English, XI, 241 pp., 82 fig. Pb. *RRP € 53.95[D] / US$ 61.99 / £ 48.50 ISBN 978-3-11-063522-5
Cavity QED, Resonator Design and Technological Applications Series: De Gruyter STEM September 2022 English, Approx. CC, 10 pp., 70 fig. Pb. *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-063623-9 eBook *RRP € 80.95[D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-063626-0ISBN 978-3-11-063630-7
**eBook *RRP € 540.00[D] / US$ 620.00 / ePUBPDF£ 485.00ISBN 978-3-11-063530-0ISBN 978-3-11-063545-4
Deepak Pandey, Bonn University, Germany.
Deepak Pandey Fiber-Based Optical Resonators
After introducing the basics of optical resona tors and cavity quantum electrodynamics, this book illustrates several aspects of fiber-based resonators: from their employment in daily life and precision experiments to the different design techniques, including the most recent developments in the field. The book describes in detail the applications to different research areas and highlights the future potential as quantum technology devices.
61Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access HYSICSHYSIKP P
This work gives a concise but comprehensive introduction to theory, calculus, and typical experimental set-up used for magneto-optics. Magneto-optics describes in general any interaction between electromagnetic radiation and materials which are either magnetic or in a magnetic field. This book focuses on the spectral range between near-infrared and near ultraviolet light because it can be experimen tally investigated using simple quartz optics.
Paul Fumagalli, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Joachim Schoenes, Geroldswil, Switzerland.
T Paul Fumagalli, Joachim Schoenes
Going Books50,000 bookarchive
Managing Editor: Juliusz Skoryna Impact Factor: 1.120 5-year Impact Factor: 1.067 English, 1 issue per volume ISSN 2391-5471 Open Physics is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal devoted to the publication of fundamental research results in all fields of physics. The journal provides the readers with free, instant, and permanent access to all content worldwide; and the au thors with extensive promotion of published articles, long-time preservation, languagecorrection services, no space constraints and immediate publication.
JO JO Sally Seidel (Editor-in-Chief)
Managing Editor: Juliusz Skoryna Impact Factor: 5.841 5-year Impact Factor: 7.848 English, 1 issue per volume (Approx. 630 pp.) ISSN 2191-9097
JO Stefan Maier (Editor-in-Chief) Dennis Couwenberg (Ed.)
Impact Factor: 8.902 5-year Impact Factor: 8.449 English, 18 issues per volume (Approx. 3125 pp.) ISSN 2192-8614
ReviewsNanotechnology Volume 11 (2022)
Open Physics Volume 20 (2022)
Nanophotonics covers recent international research results, specific developments in the field and novel applications. Nanophotonics focuses on the interaction of photons with na no-structures, such as carbon nanotubes, nano metal particles, nano crystals, semiconductor nano dots, photonic crystals, tissue and DNA. It belongs to the top journals in the field.
David Hui (Editor-in-Chief)
Nanophotonics Volume 11 (2022)
Nanotechnology Reviews (NTREV) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated in general to Nanoscience.
Holzforschung Cellulose – Hemicelluloses – Lignin –Wood VolumeExtractives76(2022)
Impact Factor: 2.363 5-year Impact Factor: 2.393 English, 12 issues per volume (Approx. 1200 pp.) ISSN e-ISSN0018-38301437-434X SubscriptionPrint rates € 2506.00 / *US$ 3753.00 / *£ 2054.00 Single Issue € 230.00 / *US$ 344.00 / *£ 188.00 InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 2506.00 / *US$ 3753.00 / *£ 2054.00 Individual Subscription € 249.00 / *US$ 374.00 / *£ 205.00 Print/Online € 3007.00 / *US$ 4505.00 / *£ 2467.00 Holzforschung is an international scholarly journal that publishes cutting-edge research on the biology, chemistry, physics and tech nology of wood and wood components. High quality papers about biotechnology and tree genetics are also welcome. Rated year after year as one of the top scientific journals in the category of Pulp and Paper (ISI Journal Citation Index), Holzforschung represents innovative, high quality basic and applied research. Hubert Huppertz (Editor-in-Chief)
The journal Zeitschrift für Kristallographie –New Crystal Structures was founded in 1997 as spin off of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie to meet the high demand to publish results of structure determination. All publications and their submitted CIF-data are freely available online (Open Access). The journal publishes results of determination of hitherto unknown crystal structures and refinements of previ ously published crystal structures
Zeitschrift Kristallographiefür – New Crystal Structures Volume 237 (2022) Impact Factor: 0.334 5-year Impact Factor: 0.451 English, 6 issues per volume (Approx. 1300 pp.) ISSN e-ISSN1433-72662197-4578 SubscriptionPrint rates € 411.00 / *US$ 554.00 / *£ 337.00 Single Issue € 75.00 / *US$ 102.00 / *£ 62.00
63Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
JO Open Chemistry Volume 20 (2022)
Impact Factor: 1.800 5-year Impact Factor: 1.554 English, 1 issue per volume ISSN 2391-5420 Open Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, open ac cess journal that publishes original research, reviews and short communications in the fields of chemistry in an ongoing way. Our central goal is to provide a hub for research ers working across all subjects to present their discoveries, and to be a forum for the discussion of the important issues in the field.
Wood Research and Technology J JO Lennart Salmén (Editor-in-Chief)
64 INDEX A Adelstein, Benjamin 46 Adelstein, Michael 46 A. ElSohly, Mahmoud 50 Al Sayed Omar, Omar 46 Ananth, Antony 27 Andar, Abhay 46 Aravind, Jeyaseelan 29 Aresta, Michele 21 Avraamidou, Styliani 33
Krauss, Hanns-Jürgen 45 Krauthausen, Karin 9 Krishna Banik, Bimal 41, 52, 55 Kryschi, Carola 9 Kryschi, Maximilian 9 Kumar, Ashish 7 Kumaravel, Vignesh 29 Kumar Gupta, Girish 41, 53 Kumar, Rawesh 18 Kumar Sharma, Rakesh 52 Kumar, Vikas 12 Kunze, Klaus 14 Kunz, Ewald 60 L Laalioui, Saida 24 Laitinen, Risto S. 51 Lekka, Malgorzata 57 Li, Tian 28 Liu, Jingbo 10 Liu, Junxia 28 Lott, Melanie 57 L. Pingale, Prashant 41 M Mackowski, Sebastian 44 Maier, Stefan 61 Malhotra, Girish K. 40 Maly, Kenneth 54 Maria, Hanna J 14, 16 Marques Cartaxo, Samuel Jorge 37 Martens-Menzel, Ralf 45 Martín de León, Judith 14 Massa, Lou 49 Matta, Chérif F. 49 McMillan, Norman 45 Meixner, Alfred J. 44 Mendonca Alves de Souza, Rodrigo Octavio 40 Meyer, Thierry 32 Michalska-Domańska, Marta 28 Michov, Budin 46 Mineralogical Society of America, 19 Mishra, Sri R.K. 28 Miyazaki, Takashi 13 Mogilatenko, Anna 49 Möller, Detlev 27 Montane, Xavier 19 Moosvi, Syed Kazim 28 Mousapoor, Mehran 37 Müller, Rainer 58 Müller, Walter 35 Muntean, Edward 43 Murzin, Dmitry Yu. 34 N Najar, Mohd. Hanief 28 Napagoda, Mayuri 40 National Defense Industry Press, 17 Navajas, Daniel 57 Nazari, Behzad 34 Neumann, Wolfgang 49 Nienhaus, Hermann 60 Ning, Haibin 15 O Obruča, Stanislav 43 Oreški, Gernot 3 Oshida, Yoshiki 13 P Pack, Andreas 19 Padding, Johan T. 36 Pakkanen, Tapani 51 Pandey, Deepak 61
B Baig, Mohammad Hassan 53 Bajpai, Sangeeta 52 Balakotaiah, Vemuri 32 Banerjee, Bireswar 21 Banerjee, Bubun 41, 52, 54, 55 Barry, Seán Thomas 17 Bashir, Sajid 10 Bengtsson, Anders 58 Benvenuto, Mark Anthony 8, 30 Bernardo García, Victoria 14 Bezerra, Vanja Maria de Franca 34 Bindeman, Ilya N. 19 Biswas, Pratim 26 Bloch, Heinz 38 Bondavalli, Paolo 9 Bonet, Jordi 36 Brik, Mikhail G. 4 Brook, David 53 Bühner, Manfred 56 Butler, Ian S. 48 C Carr-Brion, Jerry 33 Cassano, Alfredo 39 Chakraborti, Asit K. 54 China Science Publishing & Media Ltd., 24 Chruściel, Jerzy J. 16 Chu, Huaqiang 28 Cornier, Jean 21 Couwenberg, Dennis 61 C. Perry, Samuel 30 Cricenti, Antonio 45 D Dai, Songyuan 24 Dapor, Maurizio 59 D’Ascenzo, Nicola 44 Davim, J. Paulo 10 Defonseka, Chris 16 De Giglio, Elvira 20 de Haan, André B. 36 De Luna, Phil 8 Deshpande, Vaibhav 28 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron-DESY, 19 D'hooge, Dagmar 22 Dibenedetto, Angela 21 Diviš, Pavel 43 Donato, Laura 17 Dong, Bingzhi 28 Drews, Anja 35 Drioli, Enrico 39 Dubey, Vikas 5, 28 Dubois, Jean-Luc 22 Dumee, Ludovic 10 Dumeignil, Franck 21 E Eftekhari, Yeganeh 35 Elzagheid, Mohamed 15 Enders, Sabine 35 Engell, Sebastian 35 Enss, Christian 59 F Fakharuddin, Azhar 3 Feng, Yu-Dong 17 Fernandez Rivas, David 33 Fingas, Merv 20 Fleischer, Monika 44 Fratzl, Peter 9 Friedman, Michael 9 Fujita, Shinsaku 53 Fumagalli, Paul 61 G Gailer, Jürgen 49 Gehrke, Jan Peter 60 Ghosh, Shyamasree 12 Göbel, Holger 58 Górak, Andrzej 38 Goswami, Ajay Kumar 42 Greinert, Franziska 58 Griehl, Carola 31 Gucciardi, Pietro G. 44 Gulzar Naqash, Waseem 28 Gu, Xinggui 11 H Haiduc, Ionel 54 Hakalehto, Elias 42 Harwardt, Lena 45 He, Huan 28 Hendrich, Michael 48 Herceg, Sina 3 Hohenester, Ulrich 45 Höppener, Christiana 44 Huang, Lulu 49 Hui, David 62 Hunklinger, Siegfried 59 Huppertz, Hubert 63 I Ibar, Jean Pierre 15 J Jäckel, Bengt 3 Jahr, Karl-Friedrich 45 James, Jemy 14 James, Jose 14, 16 Jander, Gerhart 45 Janiak, Christoph 51 Jankovic, Jasna 4 Jastrząb, Renata 19 Jayasinghe, Lalith 40 Jelinek, Raz 8 Jüstel, Thomas 50, 51 K Kaaya, Ismail 3 Kamaraj, Murugesan 29 Kameier, Frank 60 Kern, Dieter P. 44 Keshavarz, Mohammad Hossein 25 Khalifa, Moustafa A. 46 Kieninger, Jochen 47 Kitrytė, Vaida 42 Klapötke, Thomas M. 25 Klimm, Detlef 18 Klimm, Elisabeth 3 Knopf, George K. 4 Köberle, Patrick 60 Kolli, Murahari 10 Kostova, Irena 42 Kraner, Stefan 3 Kraume, Matthias 35
Paschereit, Christian Oliver 60 Petasis, Doros T. 48 Pfaff, Gerhard 23 Pfeiler, Wolfgang 59 Pierre-Michel, Adam 44 Pillai, Suresh C. 29 Pinto Bautista, Sebastián 3 Pirouzfar, Vahid 35 Pistikopoulos, Efstratios 33 Plesu Popescu, Alexandra-Elena 36 Podestà, Alessandro 57 Posten, Clemens 31 Pöttgen, Rainer 50, 51 Pramanik, Biplob 10 Prasad, Vinay 32 Pursche, Franz 21 Q Qiu, Jia-wen 17 R Radmacher, Manfred 57 Rafique, Muhammad Musaddique Ali 7 Reniers, Genserik 32 Riedel, Erwin 51 Rimantas Venskutonis, Petras 42 Rodríguez Pérez, Miguel Angel 14 Rodriguez, Raul D. 44 Rösch, Frank 47 R. Ratnakar, Ram 32 S Sabbatini, Luigia 20 Sakhre, Vandana 37 Salmang, Hermann 5, 6 Salmén, Lennart 63 Sanjeevaiah, Prakash 20 Scarselli, Manuela 45 Schade, Heinz 60 Schäffner, Wolfgang 9 Schaniel, Dominik 57 Schastlivtsev, Vadim M. 7 Scheerschmidt, Kurt 49 Schlemmer, Gerhard 44 Schlemmer, Jan 44 Schlögl, Robert 3 Schmidt, Eckart W. 25, 26 Schmidt-Mende, Lukas 3 Schmitz-Gielsdorf, Jörg Karl Siegfried 56 Schoenes, Joachim 61 Scholze, Horst 5, 6 Schomäcker, Reinhard 35 Schrör, Karsten 50 Seidel, Sally 62 Shah, Maulin 29 Shah, Maulin P. 11 Sharma, Anil K. 41 Sheremet, Evgeniya 45 Siegrist, Theo 18 Singh, Manoj 12 Singh, Uday Pratap 37 Singh, Vijay 5 Skiborowski, Mirko 38 Skoryna, Juliusz 62 Soffiantini, Victor Angelo 43 Springborg, Michael 52 Srivastava, Alok M. 4 Staszak, Katarzyna 38 Stites, Ron 31 Strassert, Cristian A. 50, 51 Stumper, Jürgen 4 Subramanian, Muralisrinivasan Natamai 22 Su, Chia-Hung 35 Sundmacher, Kai 35 Syrpas, Michail 42 T Telle, Rainer 5, 6 Thakur, Abhinay 7 Thapar Kapoor, Riti 11 Thomas, Sabu 14, 16 Tiwari, Ratnesh 5 Tongji University Press, 28 Turner, Raymond J. 49 Tylkowski, Bartosz 19, 38 V Varma, Rajender S. 55 W Walker, Jearl 56 Wang, Xuan 10 Weiß, Karl-Anders 3 Wieszczycka, Karolina 19, 38 W. Marien, Yoshi 22 Woike, Theo 57 Wu, Chun-Hua 17 X Xie, Qingguo 44 Y Yablonsky, Gregory 26 Yadav, Mukesh 41 Z Zayas Saucedo, María Elena 5 Zel'dovich, Vitaly I. 7 Zhong Tang, Ben 11 Zhou, Meijuan 52 Zhu, Shumin 28 Zondervan, Edwin 36
65Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access
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67 SCENESTHEBEHINDFACES Daniel Tiemann Vice President Daniel.Tiemann@degruyter.comSTEM Karin Sora Vice President STEM Karin.Sora@degruyter.comDACH Kristin Berber-Nerlinger Acquisitions Editor Kristin.Berber-Nerlinger@degruyter.comPhysics Christene Smith Acquisition Editor Materials Science and Industrial Christene.Smith@degruyter.comChemistry Hélène Chavaroche Senior Acqusition Editor Materials Helene.Chavaroche@degruyter.comScience