Eurospan Law Catalogue 2022

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IGI Global – (Not for sale in Taiwan) Independent Institute University Press of Kansas –(Not for sale in Asia & Oceania)

American Psychological Association –(Not for sale in Asia & Oceania)

World Bank Group Publications –(Not for sale in South Asia)

LSU LynnePressRienner Publishers- (Not for sale in Asia) University of Massachusetts Press MercerMcFarlandUniversity Press University of Michigan Press

University of Georgia Press H.W. Wilson –(Not for sale in South Asia, South East Asia & Japan)

Canadian Scholars

Cognella Academic Publishing –(Not for sale in the Philippines)

DEStech Publications, Inc. –(Not for sale in Asia & Oceania) Environmental Law Institute –(Not for sale in South East Asia, East Asia & Oceania)

The Catholic University of America Press Center for Global Development City University of Hong Kong Press –(Not for sale in Asia & Oceania)

Rutgers University Press Society for Human Resource Management Society Publishing(Not for sale in Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania, Malawi, South Asia, South East Asia & East Asia)

Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

United Nations Publications(Not for sale in Central Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, East Asia, excluding China, & Oceania)

PHI Learning – (Not for sale in Asia)

The University of North Carolina Press University of Oklahoma Press Pentagon Press LLP – (Not for sale in South Asia)

Brookings Institution Press(Not for sale in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam & Japan)

University of Virginia Press West Academic(Not for sale in South East Asia, East Asia & Oceania)


The University of Alabama Press

Business Expert Press – (Not for sale in Asia)

University of Calgary Press

Naval Institute Press

CONTENTS Due to publisher price changes, prices charged may vary from those listed. Prices do not include local taxes. CasebookPlus™ Available for some West Academic titles, CasebookPlus™ includes a print book, lifetime digital access to a downloadable eBook, and a 12-month subscription to the digital Learning Library. Receive regular up-to-date information about our new titles by registering for e-alerts at: eBooks For more information on eBook title availability, please contact If you are a teaching academic or course leader you may request up to three titles as FREE inspection copies to consider as textbooks for students on your course. For further details please visit: 2 ADMIRALTY & MARITIME LAW 3 BANKING & FINANCE LAW 4 BANKRUPTCY & INSOLVENCY 4 CIVIL PROCEDURE, LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION 6 COMPANY, COMMERCIAL & COMPETITION LAW 10 CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 15 CONTRACT LAW 16 COURTS & PROCEDURE 18 CRIMINAL LAW 22 EMPLOYMENT LAW 23 ENERGY LAW 24 ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA LAW 24 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 27 FAMILY LAW 28 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW 30 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & PATENT LAW 31 INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW 37 IT & COMMUNICATIONS LAW 39 JURISPRUDENCE & PHILOSOPHY OF LAW 41 LAND & REAL ESTATE LAW 44 LEGAL HISTORY 45 LEGAL PROFESSION 51 SOCIAL LAW 53 TAXATION & DUTIES LAW 54 TORTS / DELICTS 56 TRANSPORT LAW

2 ADMIRALTY & MARITIME LAW ADMIRALTY & MARITIME LAW ADMIRALTY IN A NUTSHELL Eighth Edition Frank L. Maraist et al Nutshell Series Addresses maritime tort law, collision law, worker injury claims, wrongful death, and platform injuries. Explores maritime property liens and the seaman’s employment contract, wages, and compromise of claims. Discusses marine insurance, towage and pilotage, salvage, and general average. May 2022 9780314290755513pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic Naval Institute Press INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SEAGOING OFFICERS Seventh Edition Craig H. Allen Sr. Blue & Gold Professional Library The seventh edition of this Blue and Gold Series book brings clarity and context to international law for the seagoing professional. This book is the only work that addresses the international law of the sea from the perspective of the United States. Nov 2022 9781682478400584pp Hardback US$150.00 Pentagon Press LLP SolutionsUNCLOS for Managing the Maritime Global Commons Alok Bansal, Deeksha Goel & Siddharth Singh Explores how the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) could provide solutions for managing the maritime global commons. This book also provides an ideal example of how extremely complex maritime disputes between India, Bangladesh and Myanmar were resolved in the Bay of Bengal. May 2022 9789390095223314pp Hardback US$53.00 United Nations Publications CEVNI EUROPEAN CODE FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Sixth Revised Edition United Nations Economic Commission for Europe The European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI) contains the core rules applicable to the traffic on inland waterways in the UNECE region. These harmonised rules constitute the legal and technical basis for national inland waterway codes in UNECE member States. Feb 2022 9789211172744196pp Paperback US$65.00 PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGREEMENTS OR OTHER ARRANGEMENTS WATERTRANSBOUNDARYFORCOOPERATION United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Provides support to country representatives and other relevant stakeholders for the design and drafting of transboundary water cooperation agreements and other arrangements, including guidance on content and drafting options. May 2022 9789211172713136ppPaperback US$35.00

3ADMIRALTY & MARITIME LAW • BANKING & FINANCE LAW PROGRESS ON TRANSBOUNDARY WATER COOPERATION UNDER THE WATER CONVENTION Second Report on Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes 2017-2020 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Presents and analyses the findings of the second reporting exercise under the Water Convention, which was carried out in 2020. This publication reviews and summarises progress made in the implementation of the Convention and further identifies significant trends, successes, challenges and opportunities in transboundary water cooperation. May 2022 9789211172683180pp Paperback US$45.00 West Academic MARITIME LAW Fourth Edition Frank L. Maraist et al American Casebook Series Focuses on modern admiralty practice. The selected cases and materials discuss current issues faced by a maritime lawyer, in addition to the historical bases and evolution of those issues. This fourth edition includes new and significant cases, including maritime contracts, seaman status, and punitive damages. May 2022 97816846790651,145ppHardback US$263.00 West Academic Publishing BESTSELLER United Nations Publications EUROPEAN 1stApplicableWATERWAYSGOODSCARRIAGEINTERNATIONALCONCERNINGAGREEMENTTHEOFDANGEROUSBYINLAND(ADN2021)asfromJanuary2021 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe This version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from 1st January 2021. The Regulations annexed to the ADN contain provisions concerning dangerous substances and articles, their carriage in packages and in bulk on board inland navigation vessels or tank vessels, as well as provisions. 2020 1,108pp, 2 Paperback978921139198597892113918319789211391824volumesEnglisheditionFrencheditionRussianeditionUS$190.00 BANKING & FINANCE LAW West Academic INSURANCE LAW IN A NUTSHELL Sixth Edition Christopher C. French & John F. Dobbyn Nutshell Series Provides a clear, concise, and comprehensive discussion of the fundamentals of insurance law. This book covers various lines of insurance, and topics such as the rules of insurance policy interpretation, coverage for intentional torts, insurable interest, claims submission/handling, duty to defend and settle, insurer bad faith, and more. May 2022 9781636595047568pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing REGULATION OF BANK FINANCIAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition Lissa L. Broome, Jerry W. Markham & Jose Gabilondo American Casebook Series Incorporates developments in bank and financial services legislation and regulation that have occurred up to June 2021, including the Trump administration’s regulatory initiatives in respect of the Dodd-Frank Act. This sixth edition organises the chapters into three thematic parts to help focus classroom discussion. Mar 2022 97816470843941,202ppHardback US$263.00 West Academic Publishing

4 BANKRUPTCY & INSOLVENCY • CIVIL PROCEDURE, LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION CIVIL PROCEDURE, LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER LEARNING CIVIL PROCEDURE Fourth Edition Brooke D. Coleman et al Learning Series Provides a broad, student-centred, user-friendly approach to civil procedure that is both clear and sophisticated. Students build mastery of the material through the presentation of examples and analyses. Students then move on to involved problems similar to what they will encounter on final examinations, bar examinations, and as lawyers. May 2022 9781647084981909pp Hardback US$264.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER A SHORT & HAPPY GUIDE TO CIVIL PROCEDURE Third Edition Richard D. Freer Short & Happy Guides Of the first-year subjects, civil procedure is the most foreign to students’ experience. This book unlocks civil procedure by explaining doctrine and rules and placing them in contextexplaining the role of each and how each doctrine relates to the others. Jun 2022 9781685611873220pp Paperback US$25.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic BANKRUPTCY & INSOLVENCY West Academic THE ELEMENTS OF SeventhBANKRUPTCYEdition Douglas G. Baird Concepts and Insights Series Provides a thiscoveringofintroductioncomprehensivetothebasicprinciplesbankruptcylaw.Inadditiontofoundationalquestions,bookalsocoverscutting-edge issues such as restructuring support agreements and nonconsensual third-party releases. May 2022 9781647083762310pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press MUNICIPAL BANKRUPTCY IN A NUTSHELL Anne NutshellLawtonSeries A valuable resource for municipal attorneys and officials, law students, and journalists covering chapter 9 cases. Chapter topics include the history of municipal bankruptcy legislation, constitutional challenges to such legislation, eligibility requirements for chapter 9 relief, requirements for plan confirmation, and post-confirmation matters. May 2022 9781684679324310pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing

concepts. Jun 2022 9781685610258275pp Paperback



to reinforce doctrinal understanding, to foster case reading skills, to encourage critical thinking about the real-world context of procedural decisions, to motivate discussion about diversity, inclusion, and equity and the role of courts and civil procedure in promoting those values, and to help develop a sense of litigation strategy in a world that is at once local and global. Jun 2022 97816365918101,450ppHardback US$250.00 9781636597485 CasebookPlus™ US$289.00 West Academic Publishing CIVIL PROCEDURE A Contemporary Approach - CasebookPlus™, Sixth Edition A. Benjamin Spencer Interactive Casebook Series Provides a clear and actively engaging presentation of civil procedure in a manner that enables both students and professors to assess learning success throughout the course. This sixth edition incorporates all amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to December 1st, 2020, plus a few case law developments since the fifth edition. 2021 97816846754941,090pp Hardback US$270.00 West Academic Publishing EXPERIENCING CIVIL PROCEDURE Third Edition James E. ExperiencingMoliternoLaw Series Contains the statutes, rules, and edited cases that are the staples of traditional civil procedure casebooks. Beyond thoroughly covering the traditional materials, this book actively involves students in the application of civil procedure concepts, and includes three simple simulation cases. May 2022 9781684678334546pp Hardback US$237.00 9781636592404 CasebookPlus™ US$257.00 West Academic Publishing




client’s needs,

as negotiation,


2021 9781647082697883pp Hardback

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wide variety of options available

Jacqueline M. Nolan-Haley Nutshell Series a concise summary of to the court adjudication of On-point discussion an understanding of the that can better suit a such mediation, arbitration, mixed Academic legal procedure as part a complicated interaction ordering and public intervention. thrust this book to examine the overall structure dispute resolution six basic US$51.00 Press CIVIL PROCEDURE Sixth Edition


and various

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mode hybrids. 2021 9781684674336496pp Paperback US$56.00 West

Publishing CIVIL PROCEDURE Fifth Edition Samuel ConceptsIssacharoffandInsights Series Analyses

Jack H. Friedenthal et al Hornbook Series insight into the laws governing all of the major steps in the civil litigation process, starting with jurisdiction, venue, and ascertaining the governing law, and moving through pleading, joinder, discovery, pretrial management and adjudication, trials, appeals, and the effect and enforcement of judgments. US$155.00 Academic Publishing CIVIL PROCEDURE Cases and Materials, 13th Edition

Jack H. Friedenthal et al American Casebook Series


6 CIVIL PROCEDURE, LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION • COMPANY, COMMERCIAL & COMPETITION LAW COMPANY, COMMERCIAL & COMPETITION LAW NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations, Eleventh Edition Stephen M. Bainbridge University Casebook Series With the prior edition of this concise, up-to-date casebook having been adopted at over 100 law schools, the eleventh edition preserves the authors’ tradition of providing a comprehensive overview of agency, partnership, and corporation law. 2021 9781684673346995pp Hardback US$269.00 9781636594316 CasebookPlus™ US$289.00 Foundation Press West Academic WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2022 World Bank Group The eighth in a series of annual studies measuring the laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies. The project presents eight indicators structured around women’s interactions with the law as they move through their careers: Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension. Amid a global pandemic that threatens progress toward gender equality, Women, Business and the Law 2022 identifies barriers to women’s economic participation and encourages reform of discriminatory laws. May 2022 9781464818172134pp Paperback US$43.95 World Bank Group Publications ThirdANDLITIGATIONINTERNATIONALARBITRATIONEdition Ralph H. Folsom Concise Hornbook Series Provides depth, analysis, citations and related documents. This can be used in connection with any international dispute settlement course book. It can also be used independently as an inexpensive course book, notably in conjunction with the legal documents appended at the end of its chapters. May 2022 9781685610289690pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing TRANSNATIONALCIVILLITIGATIONPrinciplesandProspects,SecondEdition George A. ConceptsRutherglenandInsights Series Presents the basic legal doctrine within a larger, illuminating conceptual framework. This book organises the subject around three basic concepts: national sovereignty, individual rights, and political accountability. Mar 2022 9781636595146222pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press

7COMPANY, COMMERCIAL & COMPETITION LAW Business Expert Press PROTECTING THE BRAND, VOLUME CounterfeitingI and Grey Markets Peter Hlavnicka & Anthony Keats A handbook for law practitioners as well as business executives. This book offers a unique perspective of best practices in addressing issues around counterfeiting and grey marketsfrom a legal as well as a business point of view. 2021 9781637421512392pp Paperback US$24.99 9781637422878 Hardback US$28.99 PROTECTING THE BRAND, VOLUME II Busting the Bootlegs Peter Hlavnicka & Anthony Keats Showcases US states’ specific legal statutes and examples related to legal approach to counterfeiting and grey market issues. The primary emphasis is to provide advice to US companies navigating the complex domestic legislation and provide a single source of reference for those tasked with intellectual property rights enforcement. Apr 2022 9781637422069416pp Paperback US$24.99 Canadian Scholars CANADIAN LAW AND BUSINESS STUDIES Norman Fera & Richard Gasparini Presents a succinct overview of law and business for students at an introductory level. Organised into 20 chapters - which include topics such as rights and freedoms, privacy, confidentiality, land claims, and the environment - this book is designed to be a compact guide of the most essential legal rules in point form. Aug 2022 9781773383019280pp Paperback US$51.95 Kendall Hunt Publishing Company INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW AND ETHICS Kauther S Badr & Robert A Smith Jr. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the legal environment of business and ethics, and they will find the practice examples and current application to business activities immediately useful for their educational, business, and personal purposes. Mar 2022 9781792450464444pp Paperback US$89.00 PHI Learning CORPORATEGOVERNANCECodes,Systems, Standards and Practices, Third Edition Subhash Chandra Das This compact and concise book gives a conceptual, analytical and evaluative study of the principles, codes, systems and practices of corporate governance prevalent in the industrially developed countries as well as the developing nations of the world. May 2022 9789391818043388pp Paperback US$43.00 If you are a teaching academic or course leader you may request up to three titles as FREE inspection copies to consider as textbooks for students on your course. For further details please visit:

8 COMPANY, COMMERCIAL & COMPETITION LAW West Academic ACCOUNTING FOR LAWYERS Sixth Edition Matthew J. Barrett & David R. Herwitz University Casebook Series Introduces law students with no accounting background to financial statements and the ways that accounting concepts and issues arise in transactional work and litigation. 2021 97816365910561,475pp Hardback US$263.00 Concise, Sixth Edition Jun 2022 9781636591070950pp Hardback US$252.00 Foundation Press ANTITRUST LAW IN Policy,ProblemsCases,PERSPECTIVEConceptsandinCompetitionFourthEdition Andrew I. Gavil et al American Casebook Series Thoroughly refreshed with new cases, new, revised, and updated Notes and Sidebars, some new Problems, and added content to help facilitate class discussion of the competition challenges of digital markets. May 2022 97816832827231,583ppHardback US$265.00 West Academic Publishing BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS LAW AND MaterialsPOLICYand Problems, Tenth Edition Jeffrey D. AmericanBaumanCasebook Series Uses problems as a vehicle for discussing cases and textual material to develop an understanding of the law of business enterprises and the policy issues that influence its evolution. This new edition continues to develop sophisticated materials on noncorporate business entities, and it adds new cases and commentary on developments in law. Jul 2022 97816365959311,200pp Hardback US$269.00 9781636597522 CasebookPlus™ US$289.00 West Academic Publishing MERGERS FourthACQUISITIONSANDEdition Stephen M. Bainbridge Concepts and Insights Series Provides a statement of the US state corporate and federal securities laws governing mergers and acquisitions law. This book is designed for law students taking advanced business law courses such as mergers and acquisitions or corporate finance, lawyers practicing in corporate takeovers, and judges faced with cases arising out of such transactions. 2021 9781647089740517pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press SixthCasesORGANIZATIONSNONPROFITandMaterials,Edition James J. Fishman, Stephen Schwarz & Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer University Casebook Series Includes a rich mix of materials and is adaptable to a survey course, a policy-oriented seminar, or a more specialised JD or LLM tax class. Every major topic is accompanied by a skilfully developed problem set and lively notes, questions, policy discussion, and bibliographic references. 2021 97816470810721,188pp Hardback US$260.00 Foundation Press PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS Fifth Edition Ralph H. Folsom, Michael P. Van Alstine & Michael D. Ramsey Concise Hornbook Series Provides a comprehensive examination of the law relevant to the subject matter and detailed citations to caselaw and other supporting authorities. This book can be used by courts and legal practitioners as a resource for research and analysis, as well as by students and professors as a supplement for any international business law course. Apr 2022 9781647085667786pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing

9COMPANY, COMMERCIAL & COMPETITION LAW HIGHLIGHT SecondOFREGULATIONCRYPTOASSETSEdition Carol Goforth & Yuliya Guseva American Casebook Series For more information on this title, please see page 37. May 2022 9781636594804855pp Paperback US$188.00 West Academic Publishing UNIFORM COMMERCIAL SeventhCODE Edition James J. White et al Hornbook Series This fully revised seventh edition gives students a comprehensive introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code without burdening them with unnecessary detail: Articles 1 and 2 (sales), Articles 3, 4, 4A and 5 (payment systems), and Article 9 (secured transactions), as well as related statutes, amendments, regulations, and operating rules. Jun 2022 97816832852051,435ppHardback US$146.00 West Academic Publishing BESTSELLERS West Academic CORPORATIONSAComparativePerspective(InternationalEdition) Marco Ventoruzzo et al Coursebook Series A multipurpose text that can be used in any class with a focus on comparative legal systems for corporations. This book contains cases, statutes, analysis and readings, the majority of which are from jurisdictions outside the US. It also has extensive notes and questions. 2016 9781683280972576pp Paperback US$85.00 West Academic Publishing INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS IN A EleventhNUTSHELLEdition Ralph H. Folsom, Michael P. Van Alstine & Michael D. Ramsey Nutshell Series Examines the law and practices relevant to the principal forms of international business and commercial transactions. Coverage includes negotiating business transactions; the law governing international sales of goods; structuring international sales transactions; the function and substance of international commercial terms; and much more. 2020 9781684675166567pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Law, Theory, and Practice, Second Edition Claire A. Hill, Brian JM Quinn & Steven Davidoff Solomon American Casebook Series Being an M&A practitioner requires not only a knowledge of the law, but also the documentation and the practices within the transacting community. This book prepares students for practice. The second edition includes, and explains, deal documentation, and discusses how negotiations proceed, referencing both the relevant law and transacting norms. 2019 9781642425802877pp Hardback US$239.00 West Academic Publishing CasebookPlus™ Available for some West Academic titles, CasebookPlus™ includes a print book, lifetime digital access to a downloadable eBook, and a 12-month subscription to the digital Learning Library.

10 CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW STILL A HOLLOW HOPE State Power and the Second Amendment Anthony D. Cooling The US Supreme Court increasingly matters in American political life when those across the political spectrum look at the Court for relief from policies they oppose and as another venue for advancing their own policy agendas. However, the evidence is mounting that courts are more of a sideshow to the culture war. Sep 2022 9780472055609368pp Paperback US$39.95 9780472075607 Hardback US$85.00 University of Michigan Press BEYOND IMAGINATION? The January 6 Insurrection Mark C. Alexander et al Coursebook Series Exposing the issues that led to January 6th 2021, Beyond Imagination? brings together 14 deans of American law schools to examine the day’s events and how the US got there, from a legal perspective, in the hope of moving the nation forward towards healing and a recommitment to the rule of law and the Constitution. 2021 9781636598741335pp Paperback US$40.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic University of Georgia Press eBook available THE BRICKS BEFORE BROWN The Chinese American, Native American, and Mexican Americans’ Struggle for Educational Equality Marisela SociologyMartinez-ColaofRaceand Ethnicity Explores the many important cases that led to the culmination of Brown v. Board of Education. Marisela Martinez-Cola reveals that the road to Brown is lined with ‘bricks’ representing at least one hundred other families who legally challenged segregated schooling in state and federal courts across the US. Aug 2022 9780820362038226pp Paperback US$26.95 9780820362021 Hardback US$114.95 H.W. Wilson REFERENCE SHELF: VOTING RIGHTS H.W. Wilson Looks at some of the best American journalism and writing on the topic of voting rights. Sections present articles on subjects ranging from convict disenfranchisement, voting and race, and the challenges of voting in urban versus rural areas. This book pays special attention to the debate over voter fraud and voting security. Oct 2022 9781637002957277pp Paperback US$75.00

11CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW University Press of Kansas AMERICAN BY BIRTH Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship Carol Nackenoff & Julie Novkov Explores the history and legacy of Wong Kim Ark and the 1898 Supreme Court case that bears his name, which established the automatic citizenship of individuals born within the geographic boundaries of the United States. Jan 2022 9780700632886248pp Paperback US$19.95 9780700631926 Hardback US$37.50 The University of North Carolina Press INTEGRATION NOW Alexander v. Holmes and the End of Jim Crow Education William P. Hustwit Recovering the history of an oftenignored landmark Supreme Court case, William Hustwit assesses the significant role that Alexander v. Holmes (1969) played in integrating the US South’s public schools. May 2022 9781469668741288pp Paperback US$29.95 Rutgers University Press ON U.S.TransANDTRANSITSTRANSITIONSMigrantsandImmigrationLaw Tristan Josephson Explores what the increased visibility of trans people in the public sphere means for trans migrants and provides a counter-narrative to the dominant discourse that the inclusion of transgender issues in law and policy represents the progression of legal equality for trans communities. Sep 2022 9781978813564196pp Paperback US$29.95 9781978813571 Hardback US$120.00 Society Publishing eBook IMMIGRATIONavailable LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS The Unequal, Disorganized, and Consequential Movement of People Marko Nikolic Explores the problems that follows the dislocation of people. This book covers psychological, economic, cultural and social aspects, crime in individual states, and the way in which international law is applied. 2021 9781774690628227pp Hardback US$155.00 West Academic ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Third Edition Russell L. Weaver & William D. Araiza Black Letter Outlines Covers Rulemaking, Adjudications, Choice of Procedures and Nonlegislative Rules, The Availability of Judicial Review, Inspections, Reports & Subpoenas, Agency Structure, Public Access to Agency Processes, and Attorney’s Fees. May 2022 9781647083540178pp Paperback US$51.00 West Academic Publishing CASES AND MATERIALS ON STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW Ninth Edition Richard Briffault et al American Casebook Series Focuses on the critical roles played by states and local governments and the complex structure of the US statelocal system, challenging students to understand the values that inform the distribution of powers between states and local governments. Mar 2022 97816470856121,147ppHardback US$260.00 West Academic Publishing

12 CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIONS Enforcing the Constitution, Fifth Edition John C. Jeffries, Jr. et al University Casebook Series Provides the most complete treatment available of constitutional tort actions under 42 USC § 1983 and Bivens. The elaborate and increasingly controversial doctrines of official immunity are examined in detail, as is the possibility of direct governmental liability under Monell v. Dept. of Social Services. May 2022 97816856102721,173ppHardback US$263.00 Foundation Press COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONALISM Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition Norman Dorsen et al American Casebook Series Examines how the vast increase in international movements of people, capital, goods, ideas and information affects politics in and beyond nation-states, the rule of law and separation of powers, and fundamental rights. This casebook contains case excerpts from at least 40 countries in all continents. Jun 2022 97816846755001,832ppHardback US$250.00 West Academic Publishing THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Fourth Edition Michael Stokes Paulsen et al University Casebook Series Emphasises the text, structure, and history of the Constitution. This casebook uses ‘great cases’ for learning the major issues in constitutional law, and it gives less attention to small ripples of contemporary doctrine. It also emphasises the task of interpretation, including many examples of the interpretation by the political branches. 2021 97816470844621,749pp Hardback US$269.00 Foundation Press CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Cases and Materials, 16th Edition Jonathan D. Varat, Vikram D. Amar & Evan H. Caminker University Casebook Series Focuses primarily upon Supreme Court opinions and other primary documents, offering deep and wide coverage of almost all major areas of constitutional doctrine in a way very few other casebooks do. This book provides comprehensive coverage of all major traditional constitutional topics. 2021 97816470836181,989pp Hardback US$269.00 9781636590448 CasebookPlus™ US$289.00 Concise, 16th Edition 2021 97816470836251,046pp Hardback US$263.00 9781636592664 CasebookPlus™ US$283.00 Foundation Press CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW

13 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW An Integrated Approach Richard D. Friedman & Julian Davis Mortenson Doctrine and Practice Series Combines thick historical context with serious exploration of doctrine on its own terms, thereby achieving a rare balance of accessibility and depth. Excerpts have been pared down with a scalpel; cases and documents speak for themselves; and the editors’ text and notes prioritise clarity over bloat. 2021 97816402025801,627pp Hardback US$270.00 Foundation Press CRITICAL JUSTICE Systemic Advocacy in Law and Society Francisco Valdes, Steven W. Bender & Jennifer J. Hill American Casebook Series Equips students and teachers with a framework for confronting systemic injustice by developing advocacy projects rooted in insights of the critical schools of legal knowledge and field-based advocacy approaches. This textbook describes both law’s complicity in maintaining injustice and its importance as a tool in struggles to advance equal justice. 2021 97816281020481,356pp Hardback US$244.00 West Academic Publishing FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Ninth Edition Gary AmericanLawsonCasebook Series A casebook that emphasises doctrine and its historical evolution in exploring the four basic foundations of federal administrative law: separation of powers, statutorily and constitutionally required procedures for agency adjudication and rulemaking, scope of judicial review of agency action, and the availability and timing of judicial review. May 2022 97816470863981,348ppHardback US$269.00 9781636594354 CasebookPlus™ US$289.00 West Academic Publishing CONSTITUTIONALFEDERAL LAW Nikolas UniversityBowieCasebook Series Approaches the study of constitutional law by focusing on the history of how each clause of the original Constitution and the Reconstruction Amendments has been interpreted over time. The author’s commentary puts judicial and nonjudicial interpretations in historical context, describing political disputes and ideological principles. May 2022 97816470858341,507ppHardback US$234.00 Foundation Press LAW AND RELIGION Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition Frank S. Ravitch & Larry Catá Backer American Casebook Series Explores the rich field of law and religion in an accessible and balanced way. This fourth edition addresses the continuing debate over the meaning of the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment and the evolution of church/state Law, and updates key issues and developments in religious law systems. Jan 2022 97816470876471,354pp Hardback US$234.00 West Academic Publishing LEGISLATION AND REGULATION Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition John F. Manning & Matthew C. Stephenson University Casebook Series Focuses on the tools and methods of interpreting legal texts, using Supreme Court and other appellate decisions as the primary texts, yet the note material gently introduces students to applicable insights from political science, history, economics, and philosophy. 2021 97816470854381,385pp Hardback US$260.00 9781636598192 CasebookPlus™ US$280.00 Foundation Press CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW

14 AANDLEGISLATIONREGULATIONContemporaryApproach Peter J. InteractiveSmithCasebook Series An interactive casebook that strives to make the subject easily teachable and readily accessible for students. The author has selected the cases carefully and provided extensive excerpts of the opinions so that students get a good sense of the courts’ reasoning. 2021 9781647082420798pp Hardback US$243.00 West Academic Publishing LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition Lynn A. Baker, Clayton P. Gillette & David UniversitySchleicherCasebook Series Explores the unique roles that local governments play in the federal system and in providing local public goods. After considering the distinct characteristics of local governments, the book explores three relationships involving local governments. May 2022 97816846723491,184ppHardback US$260.00 Foundation Press POLICE Approach,ARELATIONSCOMMUNITYConflictManagementSecondEdition Patrick J. Solar Higher Education Coursebook Series Police officers who understand the nature of conflict and the importance of developing great relationships are the key to improving policing. The goal of this updated volume is to explore the complex nature of the police community relationship. 2021 9781647085278592pp Paperback US$108.00 West Academic Publishing A SHORT & HAPPY GUIDE TO ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Second Edition William D. Araiza Short & Happy Guides This efficient, concise, and upto-date guide explains complex concepts in accessible language without sacrificing the nuance that distinguishes a superior exam performance from an average one. May 2022 9781636592619251pp Paperback US$25.00 West Academic Publishing World Bank Group Publications RULES ON PAPER, RULES IN PRACTICE Reducing Discretion and Enforcing Laws in the Middle East and North Africa Edouard Aldahdah et al Directions in Development Rule of Law is a theoretical concept social scientists use to describe a political order where laws are predictable and applied equally to all citizens, regardless of their political or economic influence. Realigning the incentives among key actors and organisations is however a necessary factor for Rule-of-Law institutions to take root. May 2022 9781464807589176pp Paperback US$29.95 BESTSELLER West Academic COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Third Edition Vicki C. Jackson & Mark V. Tushnet University Casebook Series In addition to updating matters such as gender equality, federalism and affirmative action, this edition expands the treatment of dialogic forms of judicial review. 2014 97815994159491,908pp Hardback US$269.00 Foundation Press CONSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW

15CONTRACT LAW CONTRACT LAW West Academic ACING CONTRACTS Second Edition Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus Acing Series Separates discussion of the common law from the Uniform Commercial Code in key areas to allow students to grasp essential concepts more easily. This includes a comprehensive revision to the Chapters on Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, and the Parol Evidence Rule. May 2022 9781642422467375pp Paperback US$49.00 West Academic Publishing CASES AND MATERIALS ON CONTRACTS, MAKING AND DOING DEALS Sixth Edition David G. Epstein, Bruce A. Markell & Lawrence Ponoroff American Casebook Series Since its first edition, students have been reading Making and Doing Deals because the cases, problems, and text not only help them learn what they need to know as first-year law students, but also address the real-world problems and situations they will encounter long after they graduate. May 2022 97816365906151,172ppHardback US$260.00 9781636597232 CasebookPlus™ US$265.00 West Academic Publishing CONTRACT AND RELATED OBLIGATION Theory, Doctrine, and Practice, Eighth Edition Robert S. Summers, Robert A. Hillman & David A. Hoffman American Casebook Series Focuses on the rules and principles of contract law, as well as the lawyer’s role in planning and drafting contracts. This new edition offers comprehensive coverage of contract law theories of obligation, including bargain, promissory estoppel, unjust enrichment, and tort arising in the contract setting. 2021 97816846701541,275pp Hardback US$265.00 9781647086787 CasebookPlus™ US$285.00 West Academic Publishing CONTRACTS SIMULATIONS Bridge to Practice, Second Edition Michael P. Malloy & Deborah R. Gerhardt Brings contract law to life through contemporary problems to help students build a skill set they can use in practice. This book pickpockets life for real-world documents and contemporary situations, like the pandemic, to help students learn how contract law works in practice. May 2022 9781647085476161pp Paperback US$32.00 West Academic Publishing LEARNING CONTRACTS Third Edition Jack Graves & Henry Allen Blair Learning Series Organises the waterfront of core contract law, theory, and policy into fifty discrete lessons. While the book works seamlessly in bricks-and-mortar classes, it was expressly built for today’s increasingly diverse world of online, flipped, hybrid or blended learning formats, and it works uniquely well in each of these settings. Mar 2022 9781636593036745pp Hardback US$260.00 West Academic Publishing SELECTIONS CONTRACTS,FOR2021 EDITION E. Allan Farnsworth et al Selected Statutes Contains the major statutes, Restatements, and other domestic and international materials affecting contract law, including the Restatement (Second) of Contracts and Uniform Commercial Code Articles 1 and 2; excerpts from the Restatements of Restitution, Employment Law, and Suretyship and Guaranty; and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. 2021 9781636593814712pp Paperback US$61.00 Foundation Press

16 COURTS & PROCEDURE COURTS & PROCEDURE American Psychological Association TheCONSULTINGORGANIZATIONALFORENSICRoleofPsychologists in Litigation Support Jay M. Finkelman & Linda Gomberg Fundamentals of Consulting Psychology Skilled forensic consulting psychologists help clients prepare for courtroom trials. This book helps psychologists understand the demands of this challenging yet deeply rewarding field. This volume includes nuanced discussion of the ethical challenges that consultants must navigate as part of their work. Jun 2022 9781433840326132pp Paperback US$39.99 TESTIFYING IN COURT Guidelines and Maxims for the Expert Witness, Third Edition Stanley L. Brodsky Short chapters blend humorous anecdotes with accessible guidelines drawn from Brodsky’s decades of experience as an expert witness and trainer, and from colleagues in various fields, including medical professionals. Oct 2022 9781433836329303pp Paperback US$39.99 West Academic EVIDENCE John E.B. Myers Quick Reviews Provides a short, clear, concise, and substantive outline. This book is designed to make the study of evidence clear and convenient, and to help students prepare for their law school exams and the bar exam. The concise format provides a detailed, rule by rule analysis, as well as a ‘big picture’ overview. 2021 9781636594668276pp Paperback US$51.00 West Academic Publishing EVIDENCE IN A NUTSHELL Seventh Edition Paul F. Rothstein, David Crump & Ronald J. Coleman Nutshell Series Summarises significant US Supreme Court decisions, including the latest Confrontation Clause cases; additional leading cases; forefront expert and scientific evidence developments; and principal schools of evidentiary thought. The text includes practical implementation as well as scholarly approaches. 2021 9781647085681933pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing FEDERAL COURTS IN A SixthNUTSHELLEdition Donald L. Doernberg Nutshell Series Lays out the constitutional and statutory sources of federal judicial authority, its limits, and how the Supreme Court directs its exercise. There is consideration of constitutional and statutory federal-question jurisdiction, diversity jurisdiction, sovereign immunity and the Eleventh Amendment, and congressional control of federal jurisdiction. 2021 9781636595368294pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing CasebookPlus™ Available for some West Academic titles, CasebookPlus™ includes a print book, lifetime digital access to a downloadable eBook, and a 12-month subscription to the digital Learning Library.

17COURTS & PROCEDURE LEARNING EVIDENCE From the Federal Rules to the Courtroom, Fifth Edition Deborah Jones Merritt & Ric Simmons Learning Series Engages students by offering colourful courtroom examples, excerpts from trial transcripts, and lucid explanations of each evidentiary rule. The fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect the continued emergence of electronic media, heightened attention to issues of race and gender, and recent amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence. May 2022 97816846757841,096ppHardback US$270.00 West Academic Publishing PRINCIPLES OF EVIDENCE Ninth Edition Daniel J. Capra & Stephen A. Saltzburg Concise Hornbook Series Examines all topics typically covered in a three- or four-hour course in evidence. Emphasis is on the Federal Rules of Evidence, now adopted in most US states. The work is concise but complete. Should the reader desire additional material, ample footnotes provide easy access to leading cases, articles, and standard reference works. Mar 2022 9781636594606523pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE IN CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES Eighth Edition Andre A. Moenssens, Betty Layne DesPortes & Roderick T. UniversityKennedyCasebook Series The eighth edition of an authoritative work that has defined and shaped the legal analysis of scientific evidence for four decades. A single source and definitive reference for law students, scholars, practicing attorneys, and judges, it covers the critical topics in the law and the scientific disciplines frequently encountered in the courtroom. Mar 2022 9781647084646953pp Hardback US$260.00 Foundation Press A SHORT & HAPPY GUIDE TO EVIDENCE Second Edition Sydney A. Beckman Short & Happy Guides Takes a challenging subject and breaks it into manageable pieces that are easy to understand and digest. The book has been completely updated with new and revised graphics and charts. Using practical examples and humour, this book takes the reader through the most difficult, and most often tested, rules. May 2022 9781636592862333pp Paperback US$25.00 West Academic Publishing

18 CRIMINAL LAW CRIMINAL CrimeSHATTEREDLAWJUSTICEVictims’Experiences with Wrongful Convictions and Exonerations Kimberly J. Cook Critical Issues in Crime and Society Presents crime victims’ experiences with violent crime, investigations and trials, and later exonerations in their cases. Important lessons and analyses are shared related to grief and loss, and healing and repair. Using restorative justice practices to deliver healing retreats for survivors also expands the practice of restorative justice. Aug 2022 9781978820357224pp Paperback US$29.95 9781978820364 Hardback US$120.00 Rutgers University Press NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER CRIMINAL LAW Cases and Materials, Ninth Edition Joshua Dressler & Stephen P. Garvey American Casebook Series Provides an excellent tool for teaching students the common law foundations of the criminal law and modern statutory reforms. Along the way, the casebook considers modern controversies, offers exceptionally helpful and interesting ‘Notes and Questions’ to guide students, and even ‘brain teasers’ to confront the ‘Big Questions’. May 2022 97816470877081,154ppHardback US$269.00 9781636596891 CasebookPlus™ US$289.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER A SHORT & HAPPY GUIDE TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Fifth Edition Leslie W. Abramson Short & Happy Guides Makes the law about police practices and criminal trial proceedings accessible and easy to remember. Learn the key points of search and seizure, police interrogation, right to counsel, the exclusionary rule, pretrial release, joinder, criminal discovery, plea bargaining, jury trials, double jeopardy, appeals, and post-conviction standards. 2021 9781636592824234pp Paperback US$25.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic

19CRIMINAL LAW Cognella Academic Publishing CRIMINAL LAW The FourthEssentials,Edition Sue Titus Reid Provides students with a concise and straightforward introduction to the world of criminal law. This textbook presents readers with brief case excerpts and statutes to demonstrate how criminal laws can align or diverge depending upon location and jurisdiction. 2021 9781793552662406pp Paperback US$62.95 CRIMINAL LAW IN &SensationalCONTEXTCasesControversies Lindsey L. Runell Introduces students to key concepts in criminal law through well-known and highly publicised crimes, lawsuits, and proceedings. Through engaging and provocative examples that inspire greater levels of critical thinking, students learn about real-world criminal law in action. Apr 2022 9781793557674186pp Paperback US$83.95 INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE Edited by Stephanie Manzi & Sean Varano Provides students with a comprehensive overview of four key, topical areas within criminal justice: the law, the police, the courts, and corrections. May 2022 9781793539021350pp Paperback US$119.95 READINGS CrimeAVICTIMOLOGYINCloserLookatVictimization Edited by Aida Y. Hass-Wisecup Presents a collection of carefully selected readings that provide students with a comprehensive overview of the study of crime victimization within the context of justice, law, and society. 2021 9781516599974290pp Paperback US$121.95 H.W. Wilson THE REFERENCE SHELF H.W. Wilson Looks at the issues surrounding the wave of protests against police brutality and the challenges that police face in the wake of shifts in public opinion about the quality of the US police system. Issues covered include Black Lives Matter, the Defund the Police movement, and the oppositional Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter movements. Feb 2022 9781642657890172pp Paperback US$75.00 McFarland SENTENCING ADVOCACY Principles and Strategy Hon. C.J. Williams Describes the steps to effective sentencing advocacy, addressing not only terms of imprisonment or probation, but fines, forfeiture, restitution and other collateral sentencing consequences. This book emphasises approaching sentencing advocacy holistically, treating it as a key component of attorney advocacy in every criminal case. Oct 2022 9781476687544277pp Paperback US$55.00

20 CONTEMPORARYCRIMINALLAWSecondEdition Mark AmericanOsler Casebook Series Presents a clean new approach to teaching criminal law to first year students. A consistent emphasis on the elements of crime centres the book on what matters most, and compelling exercises are rooted in the discretion of prosecutors and judges. Mar 2022 9781647086480964pp Hardback US$255.00 West Academic Publishing CRIMINAL LAW Cases and Comments, Eleventh Edition Adam M. Gershowitz et al University Casebook Series The eleventh edition of this casebook modernises and streamlines the materials to focus more effectively on the study of criminal law. The new edition carves out a separate chapter on self-defense, defense of property, and defense of others, while otherwise maintaining the structure of the book from prior editions. Mar 2022 97816470811261,270ppHardback US$260.00 9781647086749 CasebookPlus™ US$280.00 Foundation Press CRIMINAL LAW West Academic AMERICAN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Cases and Commentary, Twelfth Edition Stephen A. Saltzburg, Daniel J. Capra & David C. Gray American Casebook Series This edition of the classic casebook contains detailed and authoritative commentary, extensive discussion of practical problems, highlighted treatment of selected recent lower-court cases, full consideration of Supreme Court cases, and questions that challenge the conceptions and analytical powers of law students. May 2022 97816470864421,953ppHardback US$255.00 9781636597362 CasebookPlus™ US$275.00 AMERICAN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, ADJUDICATIVE Cases and Commentary, Twelfth Edition A complete, unchanged reprint of Chapters 6-13 of American Criminal Procedure, Twelfth Edition. Jun 2022 9781647086459900pp Paperback US$215.00 9781636597447 CasebookPlus™ US$235.00 AMERICAN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, INVESTIGATIVE Cases and Commentary, Twelfth Edition A complete, unchanged reprint of Chapters 1-6 of American Criminal Procedure, Twelfth Edition. Jun 2022 97816470864661,100pp Paperback US$215.00 9781636597409 CasebookPlus™ US$235.00 West Academic Publishing

21 CRIMINAL LAW Cases, Controversies and Problems, Second Edition Joseph E. AmericanKennedyCasebook Series Students today expect learning to be both efficient and interesting. They use online materials and study aids to supplement class-assigned materials and to ‘hack’ the law. This textbook cuts out the middle person by integrating challenging principal cases that are aggressively edited into an engaging overview of the black letter law. Mar 2022 97816365927941,006ppHardback US$235.00 9781636596815 CasebookPlus™ US$255.00 West Academic Publishing FEDERAL WHITE COLLAR CRIME Cases and Materials, Eighth Edition Julie R. AmericanO’SullivanCasebook Series Covers the theory and practice of domestic and transnational federal white-collar criminal investigations and prosecutions. This casebook includes coverage of the most commonly charged crimes, including perjury; false statements; obstruction of justice; securities fraud; public corruption; insider trading; conspiracy; and money laundering. Mar 2022 97816365938521,249ppHardback US$260.00 West Academic Publishing PRINCIPLES CRIMINALINVESTIGATIVEOFPROCEDURE Leslie W. Abramson Concise Hornbook Series For law students of constitutional criminal procedure, Principles of Investigative Criminal Procedure will assist them in learning about Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment issues associated with criminal investigations. This volume provides a comprehensive, though ‘concise’, treatise for law students and attorneys. Apr 2022 9781636592497468pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing SENTENCING LAW, POLICY, AND PRACTICE Sean D. UniversityMurphyCasebook Series Offers comprehensive, nuanced, and accessible coverage of sentencing law and policy. Topics include the purposes of punishment, constitutional limitations on punishment, sentencing guidelines, and the disparate treatment of defendants, as well as in-depth coverage of other critically important subjects. May 2022 9781642423112815pp Hardback US$230.00 Foundation Press WHITE COLLAR CRIME Law and Practice, Fifth Edition Jerold H. Israel et al American Casebook Series Designed to promote student appreciation of the interaction of legal doctrines, as they are applied to white collar crime, with the actual legal practice in this area. Students are exposed to substantive criminal law, criminal procedure, administrative procedure, corporate law, civil procedure, sentencing law, and specialised regulatory law. Mar 2022 9781684676064887pp Hardback US$263.00 West Academic Publishing WHITE COLLAR CRIME IN A NUTSHELL Sixth Edition Ellen S. Podgor et al Nutshell Series Provides a broad overview of white collar crime, including procedural and evidentiary issues. This book covers specific offenses such as mail and bank fraud, securities fraud, obstruction of justice, bribery, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), and computer crimes. Jan 2022 9781647082864594pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing CRIMINAL LAW

22 EMPLOYMENT LAW EMPLOYMENT LAW Rutgers University Press MAD RIVER, MARJORIE ROWLAND, AND THE QUEST FOR LGBTQ TEACHERS’ RIGHTS Margaret A. Nash & Karen L. Graves New Directions in the History of Education Addresses an important legal case that set the stage for today’s LGBTQ civil rights - a case that almost no one has heard of. This first in-depth treatment of this foundational legal case tells the story of that case and of Marjorie Rowland, the pioneer who fought for employment rights for LGBTQ educators and who paid a heavy price for that fight. Aug 2022 9781978827509166pp Paperback US$22.95 9781978827516 Hardback US$120.00 Society for Human Resource Management THE SHRM ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO EMPLOYMENT LAW A Handbook for HR Professionals, Managers, Businesses, and Organizations, Second Edition Charles H. Fleischer Covers in simple, straightforward language everything HR professionals, employers, and small business owners need to know about their relationship with their employees in order to comply with the law and protect themselves and their business from legal action. Jun 2022 9781586445164516pp Paperback US$39.99 West Academic EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION Law and Theory, Fifth Edition George A. Rutherglen & John J. Donohue III University Casebook Series In this edition, the authors preserve the relative simplicity and compact coverage of an introductory employment discrimination law casebook. This book keeps readers abreast of recent developments, assesses what they hold for the future of employment discrimination law, and introduces the issues in a field of continuing vitality and controversy. Mar 2022 9781636590738968pp Hardback US$265.00 Foundation Press EMPLOYMENT LAW IN A NUTSHELL Fifth Edition Robert N. Covington & Joseph A. Seiner Nutshell Series Provides an overview of individual employee rights and responsibilities. This Nutshell addresses a number of areas, including establishing and ending the employment relationship, protection of employee privacy and reputation, discrimination, regulation of wages and hours, employee physical safety, and fringe benefits. May 2022 9781636593838562pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing LABOR LAW IN A SixthNUTSHELLEdition Michael Z. Green & Douglas L. Leslie Nutshell Series Reviews labour relations law in the United States from its origins to the creation of key statutory protections and the up to date developments of the modern-day National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Jun 2022 9781647087555400pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing CasebookPlus™ Available for some West Academic titles, CasebookPlus™ includes a print book, lifetime digital access to a downloadable eBook, and a 12-month subscription to the digital Learning Library.

23ENERGY LAW ENERGY LAW BESTSELLERS West Academic ENERGY, ECONOMICS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition Joel B. Eisen et al University Casebook Series Focuses on the unifying characteristics of energy law, while also emphasising its connections to environmental and economic issues affecting energy industries. The casebook covers the full range of energy resources, as well as an in-depth examination of issues related to electric power. 2019 97816424257961,298pp Hardback US$263.00 Foundation Press OIL AND GAS LAW IN A NUTSHELL Seventh Edition John S. NutshellLoweSeries For more information on this title, please see page 43. 2019 9781640201156592pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic ENERGY LAW IN A FourthNUTSHELLEdition Joseph P. NutshellTomainSeries Addresses the component parts of the energy fuel cycle, as well as the market and government policies that oversee it. This Nutshell describes in detail the US’s traditional energy policy and also discusses the current challenges that confront it. May 2022 9781636595726603pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing ENERGY LAW AND POLICY Third Edition Lincoln L. Davies et al American Casebook Series A guide to energy law and policy for students who seek to practice in the field and anyone interested in better understanding this critical area of law. This casebook introduces the key federal, state, and local government actors shaping energy issues and explores the multijurisdictional approach to energy regulation pervasive in the US. Mar 2022 97816470843011,001ppHardback US$263.00 West Academic Publishing HIGHLIGHT THE LAW OF OIL AND GAS Cases and Materials, Eleventh Edition Patrick H. Martin et al University Casebook Series For more information on this title, please see page 41. Mar 2022 97816346031261,470ppHardback US$263.00 Foundation Press RENEWABLE ENERGY Law, Policy and Practice, Second Edition Troy A. AmericanRuleCasebook Series A casebook devoted to renewable energy law and policy - a captivating and rapidly-expanding area of legal practice. It provides detailed and accessible introductions to a diverse array of legal issues associated with renewable energy development, ranging from wind rights to solar access protection to geothermal resource rights. 2021 9781647083656864pp Hardback US$255.00 West Academic Publishing

24 ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA LAW • ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA LAW Kendall Hunt Publishing Company MEDIA LAW A Guide to Understanding Mass Communication Law, Fourth Edition Mark P. Hanebutt Offers print broadcasters,journalists,photographers, public relations practitioners, advertisers, and those in government and the general public a basic understanding of mass communication law. 2021 9781792485473470pp Paperback US$110.00 McFarland TRUTH AND LIVES ON FILM The Legal Problems of Depicting Real Persons and Events in a Fictional Medium, Second Edition John T. Aquino In its expanded second edition, this examination of fact-based films and the law presents an updated history of legal issues surrounding the on-screen embellishment of reality, with a focus on important court decisions and the use of disclaimers. Jun 2022 9781476688237277pp Paperback US$39.95 West Academic ENTERTAINMENT LAW IN A FifthNUTSHELLEdition Sherri L. NutshellBurrSeries Gives a big picture overview of the intellectual property, contract, publicity, estate planning, and First Amendment issues that contribute to the field of entertainment law. Professor Burr also addresses specific legal issues that arise in the film, music, and television industries, including discussion of the rise of ‘reality’ television. 2021 9781636590837472pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTALLAWLAW, DISRUPTED. Edited by Keith Hirokawa & Jessica Owley Considers the disruptive effects of environmental changes on human and ecological safety, security, and well-being, suggesting that the impacts of climate change are not accounted for in the current legal system. This book also identifies key changes needed to respond to climatic challenges, social inequities, and dwindling grey and green resources. Apr 2022 9781585762354336pp Paperback US$24.95 Environmental Law Institute If you are a teaching academic or course leader you may request up to three titles as FREE inspection copies to consider as textbooks for students on your course. For further details please visit:

25ENVIRONMENTAL LAW University of Calgary Press ENVIRONMENT IN THE VolumeCOURTROOMII Edited by Alastair R. Lucas & Allan E. Ingelson Examines major contemporary environmental issues from an environmental law and policy perspective. This volume focuses on issues that have, or potentially could be, the subject of judicial and regulatory tribunal processes and decisions. Nov 2022 9781773853796448pp Paperback US$64.99 9781773853789 Hardback US$124.99 Also available: ENVIRONMENT IN THE COURTROOM Edited by Allan E. Ingelson 2019 9781552389850824pp Paperback US$64.99 Environmental Law Institute CHOOSING TO SUCCEED Land Use Law & Climate Control John R. Nolon Describes how the local land use legal system can leverage state and local assistance to reduce per capita carbon emissions as an important and now recognised component of global efforts to manage climate change. 2021 9781585762293336pp Paperback US$39.95 THE HealthyTheTHEQUESTIONCONSTITUTIONALTOSAVEPLANETPeoples’RighttoaEnvironment Franklin L. Kury Expands on the story of Article I, Section 27, to demonstrate how its principles can be the basis for addressing climate change in the rest of the world. The story concludes with a call for the federal government’s leadership to seek a national environmental rights amendment to the US Constitution. 2021 9781585762316256pp Paperback US$19.95 FARMING FOR OUR FUTURE The Science, Law, and Policy Climate-Neutralof Agriculture Peter H. Lehner & Nathan A. Rosenberg Examines the policies and legal reforms necessary to accelerate the adoption of practices that can make agriculture in the United States climate-neutral or better. These proven practices will also make the US food system more resilient to the impacts of climate change. May 2022 9781585762378272pp Paperback US$24.95 PACIFIC SALMON LAW AND THE Treaties,ENVIRONMENTEndangeredSpecies, Dam Removal, Climate Change, and Beyond Michael C. Blumm The law and policy of salmon protection and restoration are complex. This book chronicles the diverse issues concerning salmon allocation, management, and restoration in the 21st century. Jun 2022 9781585762392303pp Paperback US$24.95

26 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW THWART CLIMATE CHANGE NOW Reducing Embodied Carbon Brick by Brick Bill Caplan Addresses an imperative - to slow the pace of climate change within the coming decade - before it’s too late. Written for a variety of readers, this book addresses how to tackle the built environment’s “embodied” carbon emissions, highlighting specific design and policy issues that overlook their own contribution to atmospheric carbon. Mar 2022 9781585762330160pp Hardback US$24.95 West Academic ENVIRONMENTAL LAW IN CONTEXT Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition Robin Kundis Craig American Casebook Series Updated to take account of new developments in the law, new regulations, and new cases, as well as the multiple and ongoing regulatory changes and reversals among the Obama, Trump, and Biden Administrations. In addition, this casebook has been modified throughout to call more attention to environmental justice issues. May 2022 97816846723631,502ppHardback US$260.00 9781636594279 CasebookPlus™ US$280.00 West Academic Publishing INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW IN A SixthNUTSHELLEdition Lakshman D. Guruswamy & Elizabeth Leigh Neville Nutshell Series Informed by its interdisciplinary framework, this volume succinctly yet accurately traverses and illuminates the full gamut of international environmental issues, laws and policies challenging the world today. Mar 2022 9781647087999957pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY Sixth Edition David Hunter, James Salzman & Durwood Zaelke University Casebook Series This comprehensive, multidisciplinary casebook analyses all aspects of international environmental law and policy, including the major environmental treaty regimes, customary law principles and the development and evolution of soft law norms. It emphasises the dynamic nature of the law-making process, including global environmental diplomacy and the critical role of non-state actors. Mar 2022 97816402087801,560ppHardback US$265.00 Foundation Press

27FAMILY LAW FAMILY LAW The University of Alabama Press THE CHILD BEFORE THE Judgment,COURTCitizenship, and the Constitution Timothy Rhetoric,BarouchLaw,and the Humanities Analyses landmark US Supreme Court cases involving children’s free speech and due process rights and argues that our ideas about civic and legal judgment are deeply contested concepts instead of simple character traits. 2021 9780817320980272pp Hardback US$54.95 West Academic DOMESTIC RELATIONS Cases and Materials, Ninth Edition Walter Wadlington, Raymond C. O’Brien & Robin Fretwell Wilson University Casebook Series Incorporates judicial opinions from state, federal, and international courts to illustrate the evolution and dynamism of domestic relations with compelling factual scenarios that illustrate both statutory and common law. 2021 97816365902401,108pp Hardback US$260.00 9781636594156 CasebookPlus™ US$280.00 Foundation Press FAMILY LAW IN A EighthNUTSHELLEdition John E.B. NutshellMyersSeries In addition to purely legal issues, family law has a large psychological component, touching on some of the most important and sensitive aspects of human nature and interaction. This book provides a thorough introduction to this challenging field of practice. May 2022 9781685610401520pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing FAMILY LAW IN PERSPECTIVE Fifth Edition Walter Wadlington, Raymond C. O’Brien & Robin Fretwell Wilson Concepts and Insights Series Focuses on providing students, practitioners, and observers with insight into the ever-changing parameters of laws pertaining to family structure and responsibilities. Specifically, the book addresses, among other topics, nonmarital cohabitation, establishment of paternity, premarital and marital contracting, and assisted reproductive technology. 2021 9781636590691286pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press QUICK REVIEW OF FAMILY LAW Ninth Edition Marc G. Perlin Sum + Substance Quick Review Series A short, clear, concise, and substantive outline. The main body is an outline of the substantive content that a student needs to prepare for a law school exam. The concise format provides a ‘Big Picture’ overview allowing students to review the subject quickly prior to final exams. May 2022 9781636592558233pp Paperback US$51.00 West Academic Publishing

28 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW HUMAN RIGHTS LAW HUMAN RIGHTS AND ELECTIONS A Handbook on International Human Rights Standards on Elections United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human ProfessionalRightsTraining Series in Human Rights With hundreds of references to the jurisprudence of United Nations human rights mechanisms, this handbook provides human rights and electoral practitioners with a clear picture of the close interplay between elections and international human rights law. Feb 2022 9789211542363102pp Paperback US$40.00 United Nations Publications Center for Global Development RELIEF CHIEF A Manifesto for Saving Lives in Dire Times Mark Lowcock Presents Mark Lowcock’s behindthe-scenes account of his experience as the world’s most senior humanitarian official - the UN Relief Chief. In his four years on the job, Lowcock coordinated the work of UN agencies, the Red Cross, and countless national and international humanitarian groups to save lives and protect the most vulnerable. May 2022 9781944691097250pp Hardback US$23.99 City University of Hong Kong Press CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN HONG KONG - A SOURCEBOOK Edited by Guobin Zhu, Mark Kielsgard & Surya Deva A one-stop resource for teaching, learning, and researching constitutional law and human rights in Hong Kong. As a handbook of teaching materials suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, it is an indispensible tool. 2021 9789629376154716pp Paperback US$65.00 IGI Global eBook ENHANCINGavailableHUMAN RIGHTS LAW LEARNING WITH MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES Edited by Joan Lu & Stuart Toddington Explores how digital materials and the accessibility to mobile technology can enhance human rights law education. This book raises this issue to bridge the gap between technology and law in society and opens the conversation for opinion-based learning approaches in education in human rights law. May 2022 9781799879763475pp Paperback US$150.00 9781799879756 Hardback US$195.00 University Press of Kansas BEFORE BOSTOCK The Accidental LGBTQ Precedent of Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins Jason A. Pierceson Focusing on history, courageous LGBTQ+ plaintiffs, and the careful work of legal activists, Before Bostock illustrates how the courts can expand LGBTQ+ rights when legislators are more resistant, and it adds to our understanding about contemporary judicial policymaking in the context of statutory interpretation. Jun 2022 9780700633142216pp Hardback US$34.95

29HUMAN RIGHTS LAW University of Michigan Press LAWYERS BEYOND AdvancingBORDERS International Human Rights Through Local Laws and Courts Maria Armoudian A book about agency. About how, in the face of powerful interests and seemingly insurmountable obstacles - political, psychological, economic, geographical, and physical - a small group of lawyers and survivors navigated a terrain of daunting barriers to begin building, case-by-case, new pathways to justice for those who otherwise would have none. 2021 9780472038855248pp Paperback US$24.95 9780472132560 Hardback US$70.00 PEACE, PREFERENCE, AND PROPERTY Return Migration after Violent Conflict Sandra F. Joireman Using case studies and first-person accounts from interviews and fieldwork in post-conflict settings, Peace, Preference, and Property suggests policies that would provide greater choice for displaced people in terms of property restitution and solutions to displacement. Nov 2022 9780472039104200pp Paperback US$39.95 9780472133260 Hardback US$75.00 PHI Learning HUMAN RIGHTS LAW AND SecondPRACTICEEdition Jatindra Kumar Das Emphasises the critical evaluation of contemporary human rights law and practice with special reference to India. This book evaluates the ongoing discourse on various issues relating to life, liberty, equality, and human dignity and their reflections in international human rights law. May 2022 9788195161157856pp Paperback US$83.00 United Nations Publications HUMAN RIGHTS AINTERNATIONALATBORDERSTrainer’sGuide United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human ProfessionalRightsTraining Series in Human Rights Helps trainers prepare, organise and deliver a training course on Human Rights at International Borders. The course itself is a capacity-building tool for individuals working in border governance to adopt a human rights-based and genderresponsive approach to migration governance. May 2022 9789211542318254pp Paperback US$40.00 West Academic CASES AND MATERIALS ON SEXUALITY, GENDER IDENTITY, AND THE LAW Seventh Edition Carlos A. Ball et al American Casebook Series This casebook on the law of sexual orientation and gender identity weaves interdisciplinary perspectives into the up-to-date coverage of a rapidly changing legal landscape. It provides comprehensive coverage of the range of legal issues concerning LGBTQ persons, along with scholarly commentary on these issues. Jun 2022 9781636591469867pp Hardback US$245.00 West Academic Publishing INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS Third Edition Linda A. Malone Black Letter Outlines Books in this series are designed to help a law student recognise and understand the basic principles and issues of law covered in a law school course. They can be used both as a study aid when preparing for classes and as a review of the subject matter when studying for an examination. May 2022 9781647083052195pp Paperback US$51.00 West Academic Publishing

30 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & PATENT LAW INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & PATENT LAW West Academic ART LAW IN A NUTSHELL Sixth Edition Leonard D. DuBoff, Christy A. King & Michael D. Murray Nutshell Series Presents an overview of the legal issues concerning art. This book covers the definition of art, and the theft and movement of art in wartime and peacetime, examines the business of art for artists, dealers, museums, and collectors, and explains the intellectual property issues of copyright, trademark, moral rights and economic rights. 2021 9781684673278599pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing COPYRIGHT LAW IN A NUTSHELL Fourth Edition Mary NutshellLaFranceSeries Offers a compact yet comprehensive and up-to-date overview of US copyright law in an uncluttered and readable format. Coverage ranges from the fundamental concepts of originality, authorship, and infringement to the highly technical rules governing digital phonorecord deliveries and digital public performance rights in sound recordings. 2021 9781647082499538pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing RIGHT OF PUBLICITY IN A SecondNUTSHELLEdition Franklin L. Kury Nutshell Series Explores the structure, public policy, claims, issues, and defences of right of publicity law that regulates the use of celebrity names, images, and likenesses. May 2022 9781636593562230pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing TRANSNATIONALINTELLECTUALPROPERTYLAWCasesandMaterials from the United States, Europe, Japan, and China, Second Edition Xuan-Thao Nguyen et al American Casebook Series Provides students comparative knowledge of intellectual property for today’s world. Transcending national borders, students will learn the similarities and differences in four key regions through reading and analysing valuable primary sources of judicial opinions from the courts. May 2022 97816470827101,433ppHardback US$263.00 West Academic Publishing SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, AND THE LAW IN A NUTSHELL Second Edition Ruth NutshellColkerSeries Presents a very timely overview of legal topics relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and the law. Topics covered include regulation of sexuality, gender identity and expression, parenthood, marriage, nondiscrimination statutes and ordinances, freedom of expression, freedom of association, and religious freedom. Mar 2022 9781647089702438pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing World Bank Group Publications EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR SEXUAL AND GENDER MINORITIES Clifton Cortez, John Arzinos & Christian de la Medina Soto The Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities (EQOSOGI) is a new initiative that applies established World Bank methodology in new areas in development. It seeks to identify laws that discriminate against or protect sexual and gender minorities in six categories around the world. May 2022 9781464817748135pp Paperback US$43.95

Jun 9780815738114366pp US$41.99


CHARGING A TYRANT The Arraignment of Saddam Hussein Greg Slavonic A first-hand chronicle of the arraignment of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, offering never before released accounts of the legal proceedings. Included are neverbefore-seen transcripts of Saddam Hussein’s trial. For the first time, readers can read how Saddam responded to his charges, along with eleven of Hussein’s closest advisors and cabinet members who were arraigned that day, and several charged with war “crimes against humanity”. 9781682831649256pp

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Texas Tech University Press Press INTERNATIONAL INJUSTICE Humanitarian Intervention and the Abuse of War Crimes Trials George Szamuely Offers a critical examination of Western military humanitarian interventions, with a particular focus on subsequent Western-organised war crimes trials that serve as post-facto justifications for the resort to force. 9781680537703272pp

Brookings Institution Press THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Third Edition Federiga Bindi Offers an up-to-date and comprehensive examination of foreign policy of the EU. The globe-spanning contributions to the book include a look at relations between Brussels and its regional neighbours; the tensions that have arisen with the US during the Trump administration; and the burgeoning relationship with China.



Kerstin Bree Carlson five examples of international criminal justice as they have been applied across Africa, where brutal civil conflicts in decades resulted in varying degrees of global attention and action. This book contributes to a broader international understanding of African politics and international criminal justice. US$38.99 Institution Press

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32 INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW Kendall Hunt Publishing Company INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE A Critical Comprehensiveand Introduction Arnaud Kurze, Daniela Peterka-Benton & Gabriel Rubin Introduces students to think and write critically against the backdrop of a broad theoretical and empirical foundation of the concept of international justice. This book brings together global and transnational issues from an interdisciplinary perspective, and exposes students to a wide range of political, economic, social and cultural problems. Feb 2022 9781792495663426pp Paperback US$90.00 McFarland INTERSTATE RENDITION AND INTERNATIONAL EXTRADITION Legal Principles, Cases and Issues James Biser Whisker & John R. Coe Students of international law - or anyone interested in the extradition process - can expect to learn about the Extradition Clause and Interstate Rendition Clause of the United States Constitution. This book focuses on the different aspects within the clause to provide clear and concise information on how it is best utilised in the US legal system. May 2022 9781476686851277pp Paperback US$49.95 University of Michigan Press THE UNITED STATES AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Paradoxes of Support across Contemporary Issues Lucrecia García Iommi & Richard W Maass Analyses the seemingly inconsistent US relationship with international law by identifying five types of state support for international law: leadership, consent, internalisation, compliance, and enforcement. Each follows different logics and entails unique costs and incentives. Jul 2022 9780472055418352pp Paperback US$44.95 9780472075416 Hardback US$90.00 University of Oklahoma Press SEEKING JUSTICE FOR THE HOLOCAUST Herbert C. Pell, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the Limits of International Law Graham B. Cox With its broad new examination of the background and context of the Nuremberg trials, and its expanded view of the roles played by Roosevelt and his unlikely deputy Pell, Seeking Justice for the Holocaust offers a deeper and more nuanced understanding of how the Allies came to hold Nazis accountable for their crimes against humanity. May 2022 9780806185606356pp Paperback US$26.95 United Nations Publications BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE International Court of Justice Contains bibliographical details of works concerning or making reference to the International Court of Justice that were published and received by the Registry of the Court. 2004-2009 (No. 58) Jan 2022 332pp, English / French 9789210038683 Paperback US$36.00 2010-2013 (No. 59) Jan 2022 305pp, English / French 9789210038690 Paperback US$33.00 2014-2016 (No. 60) Jan 2022 344pp, English / French 9789210038706 Paperback US$36.00 2017-2019 (No. 61) Apr 2022 296pp, English / French 9789210038805 Paperback US$30.00

33INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW REPORTS OF JUDGMENTS, ADVISORY OPINIONS AND ORDERS 2019 International Court of Justice Includes all of the decisions taken by the International Court in 2019 and includes two volumes with a comprehensive index. Seventytwo reports have been published to date, the first being ICJ Reports 1947-1948. May 2022 1,504pp, 2 volumes, English / French 9789210038447 Paperback US$141.00 UNITED NATIONS JURIDICAL YEARBOOK 2016 United Nations Office of Legal Affairs Contains documentary materials of a legal character concerning the United Nations and related intergovernmental organisations (IGOs). The United Nations Juridical Yearbook is published on an annual basis reviewing legal developments starting from 1963. 2021 9789211304374552pp Paperback US$110.00 YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE 2018-2019 International Court of Justice Presents the work of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) between 1 August 2018 and 31 July 2019, as well as its organisation and functioning. This publication also includes annexes that relate to the Court’s history and practice since 1946, as well as the Practice Directions adopted by the ICJ. Apr 2022 370pp, English / French 9789210038379 Paperback US$38.50 YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION International Law Commission Presents the official records of the Commission and is an indispensable tool for the preservation of the legislative history of the documents emanating from the Commission, as well as for the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of the efforts undertaken by the Commission in the progressive development of international law. 2005, Volume II, Part One (Addendum) May 2022 978921130419064pp Paperback US$25.00 2006, Volume II, Part One (Addendum 2) Feb 2022 9789211304237116pp Paperback US$35.00 2015, Volume I May 2022 9789211304169370pp Paperback US$80.00 2015, Volume II, Part One May 2022 9789211304152278pp Paperback US$60.00 2016, Volume II, Part Two May 2022 9789211304077256pp Paperback US$70.00

34 West Academic FOREIGN INVESTMENT LAW AND DISPUTES Including China, Europe, and North America Ralph H. Folsom Concise Hornbook Series Details foreign investment law, practice, regulation and especially dispute settlement. Citations and core foreign investment law (FIL) documents are available throughout this pragmatic Concise Hornbook. It has been designed with students, academics, lawyers, government officials and people in business in mind. May 2022 9781685610067571pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing FOREIGN INVESTMENT LAW INCLUDING INVESTOR-STATE ARBITRATIONS IN A ThirdNUTSHELLEdition Ralph H. NutshellFolsomSeries Reviews the law, practice, regulation and dispute settlement of foreign investment. Following the Nutshell tradition, citations are minimised creating a book that reads easily. Students, academics, lawyers, government officials and people in business will find it useful. Mar 2022 9780314905444546pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS Second Edition Ralph H. Folsom Concise Hornbook Series Free trade agreements (FTAs) now dominate global trade. This dominance is likely to continue for many years on every continent. Already, well over half of all international trade takes place under FTAs. This volume examines the origins of free trade agreements (FTAs) and customs unions (CUs) under Article 24 of the GATT. May 2022 9781685611552800pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL LAW IN A SixthNUTSHELLEdition Lakshman D. Guruswamy & Elizabeth Leigh Neville Nutshell Series For more information on this title, please see page 26. Mar 2022 9781647087999957pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLICY Sixth Edition David Hunter, James Salzman & Durwood UniversityZaelkeCasebook Series For more information on this title, please see page 26. Mar 2022 97816402087801,560ppHardback US$250.00 Foundation Press INTERNATIONAL LAW Evolving Doctrine and Practice, Second Edition Jens David UniversityOhlinCasebook Series Introduces the history and nature of international law and its sourcestreaties, custom, general principles, jus cogens, and equity. This volume explains how international law is applied in US courts and in international arbitration and adjudication. 2021 9781647084172922pp Hardback US$250.00 Foundation Press INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW

35 FifthLAWINTERNATIONALFRAMEWORKSEdition Chimène I. Keitner Concepts and Insights Series Explores the historical evolution and contemporary operation of international law. Direct and incisive, this volume offers an accessible and yet nuanced text for a variety of audiences, including university and law school students, practitioners, researchers, and others who want to know what international law is and what it does. 2021 9781647084417365pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press INTERNATIONAL LAW AND THE USE OF CasesFORCEandMaterials, Third Edition Mary Ellen UniversityO’ConnellCasebook Series Brings together cases and materials on the regulation of resort to armed force and the conduct of armed conflict. This casebook covers such pressing global issues as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, maritime disputes in the South China Sea, and civilian protection in warfare. May 2022 9781647082444697pp Hardback US$260.00 Foundation Press INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RESEARCH IN A NUTSHELL Third Edition Marci B. NutshellHoffmanSeries Provides a basic introduction to international and foreign legal research for the non-specialist. This book offers guidance through the unfamiliar pathways of research using international and non-US legal materials and demystifies the world of treaties and international case law. 2021 9781684675845346pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing INTERNATIONAL SALES LAW - CISG - IN A ThirdNUTSHELLEdition Franco Ferrari & Marco Torsello Nutshell Series Knowing about the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) means to know about the law relating to international import/ export contracts applicable to more than ¾ of world trade. This book provides a valuable guide to the understanding of both the fundamentals of that law and how it is interpreted in various countries. Jul 2022 9781636593609581pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing INTRODUCTION TO THE LAW AND LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES Seventh Edition William Burnham & Stephen F. Reed Coursebook Series Explains the major substantive areas of US law in narrative form and includes citations to cases and sources for additional detail. In addition, the book has chapters on the essential basic history and governmental structure necessary to understand the legal system and the legal profession. 2021 97816846758381,366pp Paperback US$175.00 West Academic Publishing PRINCIPLES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION BEYOND BREXIT Sixth Edition Ralph H. Folsom Concise Hornbook Series Provides a comprehensive review of laws and policies of the European Union, including BREXIT and beyond. Topics covered include the history and growth of the EU, critical EU processes behind law-making and litigation, free movement of goods, services, capital, and people, and internal EU business law regimes ranging from taxation to agriculture. 2021 9781647083021741pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW

PRINCIPLES36 OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS Fifth Edition Ralph H. Folsom, Michael P. Van Alstine & Michael D. Ramsey Concise Hornbook Series For more information on this title, please see page 8. Apr 2022 9781647085667786pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing BESTSELLERS Lynne Rienner Publishers INTERNATIONAL LAW IN WORLD POLITICS An ThirdIntroduction,Edition Shirley V. Scott Reflecting a dramatically changing global context, the third edition of International Law in World Politics introduces the actors, structures, processes, and issues of international law in a way that makes sense to students of political science. The result is a text that effectively explains the role that international law plays in the arena of world politics today. 2017 9781626376045325pp Paperback US$27.50 United Nations Publications CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE United Nations Department of Public Information The Charter of the United Nations was signed in 1945 by 51 countries, paving the way for the creation of the UN in October 1945. The Statute of the International Court of Justice forms part of the Charter. The aim of the Charter is to save humanity from war, to reaffirm human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person, to proclaim the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to promote the prosperity of all humankind. 2015 Paperback128ppUS$6.00 Language Editions 9789211012835 97892100165139789214000488978921600035697892130025379789210017886EnglishFrenchSpanishArabicRussianChinese Colour Editions 9789211012934 Blue 9789211012927 Green 9789211012910 Yellow 9789211012903 Orange 9789211012897 Coral 9789211012941 Violet Also available as six volume sets: Paperback 9789211013023US$45.00Sixcolour editions 9789211013016 Six language editions West Academic AMERICAN LAW AND THE AMERICAN LEGAL SYSTEM IN A SecondNUTSHELLEdition Lloyd NutshellBonfieldSeries Suitable as a primer for foreign LLMs - or as an introductory survey for American students of both procedural and substantive lawthis book is a comprehensive, though concise, survey of the American legal system - its structure and its methodology. 2020 9781634606455477pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing EleventhINBUSINESSINTERNATIONALTRANSACTIONSANUTSHELLEdition Ralph H. Folsom, Michael P. Van Alstine & Michael D. Ramsey Nutshell Series For more information on this title, please see page 9. 2020 9781684675166567pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW

37IT & COMMUNICATIONS LAW IT & COMMUNICATIONS LAW REGULATION OF CRYPTOASSETS Second Edition Carol Goforth & Yuliya Guseva American Casebook Series The materials in this book are designed to look at cryptoassets and the expanding world of cryptotransactions to examine the regulatory regimes surrounding these assets and markets and how those regimes are developing. May 2022 9781636594804855pp Paperback US$188.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic Business Expert Press A LIBRARIAN’SCORPORATEGUIDE TO DATAGOVERNANCEINFORMATIONANDPRIVACY Phyllis L. Elin Focuses on core information governance principles, with an emphasis on how they apply to the book’s target audience, which includes law librarians, legal and research staff and other individuals and departments in both the public and private sectors who engage deeply with regulatory compliance matters. Jul 2022 9781637422458150pp Paperback US$24.99 A GOVERNMENT LIBRARIAN’S GUIDE TO INFORMATION GOVERNANCE AND DATA PRIVACY Phyllis L. Elin & Max Rapaport Provides a concise and usable overview of the practical implications of important public sector United States federal, state, and municipal laws and standards related to information governance, as they pertain to librarians, research staff, universities, corporate regulatory managers, and public-sector information governance professionals. Jul 2022 9781637422434150pp Paperback US$24.99 IGI Global eBook ADVANCEMENTSavailable IN GLOBAL CYBER SECURITY LAWS AND REGULATIONS Edited by Shahid M. Shahidullah, Zina McGee & Carla Miller Coates Focuses on global cybersecurity laws in major countries and regions, including the US, Europe, India, Middle East, Africa, and the Pacific region. Issues such as global regulations, global regimes, and global governance of the internet are covered alongside legal issues related to digital evidence, computer forensics, and cyber prosecution. May 2022 9781799881179305pp Paperback US$150.00 9781799845850 Hardback US$195.00 eBook GLOBALavailablePERSPECTIVES ON INFORMATION SECURITY Compliance,REGULATIONSControls,andAssurance Edited by Guillermo A. Francia III & Jeffrey S. Zanzig Summarises current cybersecurity guidance and provides a compendium of innovative and state-of-the-art compliance and assurance practices and tools. This book provides a synopsis of current cybersecurity guidance that organisations should consider so that management and their auditors can regularly evaluate their extent of compliance. May 2022 9781799883913300pp Paperback US$165.00 9781799883906 Hardback US$225.00

Edited by Peter Mazebe II Mothataesi Sebina et al

Series Provides a map for cybersecurity counselling based on an understanding of the Chief Information Security Officer’s technical cybersecurity issues and how they fit into today’s cybersecurity law challenges. The authors explain the difference and overlap between privacy law, cybersecurity law, and cybersecurity. 2021 9781636590202253pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing CYBERSECURITY LAW

Explores the legal and ethical issues, current and emerging, that affect information management. This book brings together ethical and legislative paradigms, theoretical reasoning, research, and practical experiences to guide practice and influence further research and policy development. May 2022 9781799824237320pp Paperback US$150.00 9781799824220 Hardback US$195.00 West Academic COMPUTER CRIME LAW Fifth Edition Orin S. AmericanKerr Casebook Series No area of criminal law and procedure is undergoing more dramatic change, and more exciting developments, than computer crime law. This fifth edition of Kerr’s popular text has the latest cuttingedge material, including many updates since the fourth edition in 2017. Mar 2022 9781647084790966pp Hardback US$260.00 West Academic Publishing CYBERSECURITY LAW

Series Provides a relatively comprehensive examination of cybersecurity related laws that would be helpful for lawyers, law students, and Chief Information Security Officers and other cybersecurity and privacy professionals. The book provides a review of the role of the cybersecurity professional, risk assessment, and laws related to hacking. Mar 2022 9781636590196510pp Hardback US$133.00 West Academic Publishing GLOBAL INTERNET LAW IN A FifthNUTSHELLEdition

Michael L. Rustad Nutshell

Series Presents a timely overview of legal issues that arise from the World Wide Web. Topics include Internetdriven technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Bitcoins, The Internet of Things, 3D Products Liability, and Driverless Cars. This edition also emphasises the legal and policy issues arising out of social media. 2021 9781636590868669pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing

Michael S. Mireles & Jack L. Hobaugh Jr. Concise Hornbook

Focuses on the complex relationship between technology and law, both in terms of substantive legal responses to legal, social, and ethical issues arising in connection with growing public engagement with technology, and the procedural impacts and transformative potential of technology on traditional and emerging forms of dispute resolution. Apr 2022 9781799886419450pp Hardback US$265.00 eBook available LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN MANAGEMENTINFORMATION


Edited by Nisha Dhanraj Dewani et al

Michael S. Mireles & Jack L. Hobaugh Jr. Hornbook

39IT & COMMUNICATIONS LAW • JURISPRUDENCE & PHILOSOPHY OF LAW SOCIAL MEDIA LAW IN A SecondNUTSHELLEdition Ryan Garcia & Thaddeus Hoffmeister Nutshell Series Social media has transformed how the world communicates. Its impact has been felt in every corner of our society including the law. Social Media Law in a Nutshell is a wideranging look at how the social media transformation has impacted various legal fields. May 2022 9781647084042445pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing JURISPRUDENCE & PHILOSOPHY OF LAW LAW AND ILLIBERALISM Edited by Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought Explores the dynamics of the law and illiberal quests for power, examining the anti-liberalism of neoliberalism; the weaponisation of ‘free speech’; the role of the administrative state in crises of liberal democracy; the broad assault on facts, truth, and reality; and the rise of conspiracism leading up to the US Capitol insurrection. Aug 2022 9781625346698168pp Paperback US$28.95 9781625346704 Hardback US$90.00 University of Massachusetts Press The Catholic University of America Press NATURAL LAW & THOMISTIC JURIDICAL ProspectsREALISM for a Dialogue with Contemporary Legal Theory Petar Popović Proposes a novel legal-philosophical approach to understanding the intersection between law and morality. This book does so by analysing the conditions for the existence of a juridical domain of natural law from the perspective of the tradition of Thomistic juridical realism. May 2022 9780813235509328pp Hardback US$75.00 TRADITIONS OF NATURAL LAW IN MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY Edited by Dominic Farrell Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, Vol. 65 Brings together contributions from various expert scholars to explore the pluralism that exists within medieval reflection on natural law. This book is the first to study the relation between the natural law theories of these various traditions of medieval philosophy: Jewish, Islamic, Byzantine, and Latin. Jul 2022 9780813235387248pp Hardback US$75.00 If you are a teaching academic or course leader you may request up to three titles as FREE inspection copies to consider as textbooks for students on your course. For further details please visit:

40 JURISPRUDENCE & PHILOSOPHY OF LAW West Academic AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE PRACTICE Sean J. CoursebookKealy Series Examines how legislatures develop and enact statutes through a blend of theory and practical considerations. Each chapter covers a different aspect of legislative activity, including the structure of the legislature, ethical issues, policy development and the legislative process, constitutional issues, legislative drafting, lobbying and advocacy. May 2022 9781683282112701pp Paperback US$170.00 West Academic Publishing CLIENT CONVERSATIONS A Simulation and Video Learning Guide to Interviewing and Counseling Jessica Rubin & Jennifer Brown Mailly Coursebook Series Provides an engaging simulation-based approach to the study of legal interviewing and counselling. Created by two clinical professors, Client Conversations features video recordings of ten contemporary and discussion-provoking lawyer-client conversations. Mar 2022 9781636593739174pp Paperback US$75.00 West Academic Publishing CONFLICT OF LAWS Third Edition Kermit ConceptsRooseveltandInsights Series Provides an analytical overview of the field of conflicts and explains all major choice-of-law approaches in simple and straightforward text. Separate chapters explore discrete conflicts issues, including personal jurisdiction, recognition of judgments, family law, and state-federal conflicts, including Erie and preemption. May 2022 9781636590714280pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press CONFLICT OF LAWS Cases, Comments, and Questions, Eleventh Edition Herma Hill Kay et al American Casebook Series Explores contemporary approaches to choice of law and jurisdiction with both scholarly and practical examples and a particular emphasis on international conflicts. May 2022 97816365946991,170ppHardback US$248.00 West Academic Publishing CONFLICT OF LAWS Private International Law, Cases and Materials, 16th Edition Peter Hay, Patrick J. Borchers & Richard D. UniversityFreerCasebook Series A modern conflicts casebook must be flexible. Some professors will choose to cover a great deal of international and comparative law. Others, however, will prefer to address conflicts only in the domestic sphere. This edition fully supports either (or some middle) approach. 2021 97816470859951,325pp Hardback US$265.00 Foundation Press LEGISLATION AND ThirdINTERPRETATIONSTATUTORYEdition William N. Eskridge Jr., James J. Brudney & Josh Chafetz Concepts and Insights Series Suitable for students or practitioners, this authoritative overview of the legislative process and statutory interpretation moves smoothly and understandably between the theoretical and the practical. Mar 2022 9781642421088402pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press

41LAND & REAL ESTATE LAW LAND & REAL ESTATE LAW NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER THE LAW OF OIL AND GAS Cases and Materials, Eleventh Edition Patrick H. Martin et al University Casebook Series A detailed and informed casebook examining major aspects of property, contract, conservation, and environmental law governing oil and gas exploration and development. It provides original text and explanatory materials. The appendices include sample forms and a Glossary of Oil and Gas Terms. Mar 2022 97816346031261,470ppHardback US$263.00 Foundation Press West Academic University of Michigan Press POWER / KNOWLEDGE / LAND Contested Ontologies of Land and Its Governance in Africa Laura A. German African Perspectives Profiles the consolidation of a global knowledge regime surrounding land and its governance within international development circles following the outcry over ‘global land grabs’, and the growing enrollment of previously antagonistic actors within it. Oct 2022 344pp 9780472055333 Paperback US$39.95 9780472075331 Hardback US$90.00 West Academic COGGINS & WILKINSON’S FEDERAL PUBLIC LAND AND RESOURCES LAW Eighth Edition John D. Leshy, Robert L. Fischman & Sarah A. Krakoff University Casebook Series Provides an authoritative introduction to public land and resources law. This eighth edition is completely updated, including thorough revisions of all chapters, considerable streamlining, and many new principal cases. May 2022 97816846724001,184ppHardback US$263.00 Foundation Press

42 LAND & REAL ESTATE LAW EXPERIENCING TRUSTS AND SecondESTATESEdition Deborah S. Gordon et al Experiencing Law Series Takes a learner-centred and experiential approach to trusts and estates law. The opening chapters introduce students to key concepts in intergenerational wealth transfer and planning for incapacity and death. The remainder of the book highlights inheritance law concepts from both a forward-looking and backward-looking perspective. 2021 97816470837001,007pp Hardback US$259.00 West Academic Publishing LAND USE Cases and Materials, Eighth Edition David L. Callies et al American Casebook Series Covers the entire range of land use law and related constitutional and environmental issues. This eighth edition reflects modern land use policy goals, which include, among others, promoting sustainable development and addressing the extensive impact that land use segregation has had on the distribution of wealth. 2021 9781647085506998pp Hardback US$263.00 West Academic Publishing APROPERTYContemporary Approach, Fifth Edition John G. Sprankling & Raymond R. Coletta Interactive Casebook Series Designed to introduce property law to 21st century law students. This book presents the core concepts of property law in a streamlined format that is clear and easy to understand, while maintaining the intellectual challenge of the subject. 2021 9781684677177976pp Hardback US$270.00 West Academic Publishing PrinciplesPROPERTYand Policies, Fourth Edition Thomas W. Merrill, Henry E. Smith & Maureen E. Brady University Casebook Series Designed for a ‘building block’ property course that serves as a student’s foundation for the rest of law school and beyond. Using vivid cases, both old and new, timely issues in intellectual property, land use, and regulatory takings are given expansive treatment, as well as traditional topics like custom, equity, and restitution. Jun 2022 97816365936781,377pp Hardback US$255.00 9781636597140 CasebookPlus™ US$275.00 Foundation Press REAL CasesTRANSACTIONSESTATEandMaterials on Land Transfer, Development and Finance, Seventh Edition Gerald Korngold & Paul Goldstein University Casebook Series Covers all the major aspects of real estate transactions, running the gamut from residential transactions to sophisticated commercial development. Highlights of the new edition include revamped materials on brokers, deeds, closings, and post-closing liability. 2021 97816424230371,225pp Hardback US$263.00 Foundation Press CasebookPlus™ Available for some West Academic titles, CasebookPlus™ includes a print book, lifetime digital access to a downloadable eBook, and a 12-month subscription to the digital Learning Library.

43LAND & REAL ESTATE LAW REAL ESTATE TRANSFER, FINANCE, AND DEVELOPMENT Cases and Materials, Tenth Edition Ann M. Burkhart et al American Casebook Series Addresses the tremendous changes that have occurred in the past five years in real estate finance and in the real estate industry. This tenth edition includes a thorough updating and revision of the materials on foreclosure; a comprehensive revision of the materials on securitisation; and the new Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act. 2021 97816846768111,262pp Hardback US$269.00 West Academic Publishing A SHORT & HAPPY GUIDE TO PROPERTY Third Edition Paula A. Franzese Short & Happy Guides Takes difficult subject matter and makes it accessible and easy to remember. Professor Paula Franzese sets forth understandable techniques for mastering estates in land and future interests, concurrent estates, landlord-tenant law, servitudes, land transactions, the recording system, zoning, and eminent domain. May 2022 9781636592879156pp Paperback US$25.00 West Academic Publishing WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES INCLUDING TAXATION AND FUTURE INTERESTS Sixth Edition Sheldon F. Kurtz, David M. English & Thomas P. Gallanis Hornbook Series A comprehensive one-volume treatise on the law of trusts and estates written by leading experts. Among the topics covered are intestate succession wills nonprobate mechanisms trusts fiduciary administration and choice of law. 2021 9781647088002853pp Hardback US$155.00 West Academic Publishing BESTSELLER West Academic OIL AND GAS LAW IN A NUTSHELL Seventh Edition John S. NutshellLoweSeries Provides authoritative coverage of the legal rules that govern the development of privately owned mineral rights in the United States, which often also apply to government-owned resources. This book covers topics such as the nature, protection, and conveyance of oil and gas rights, leasing, and taxation. 2019 9781640201156592pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing


Hardback US$32.95

44 LEGAL HISTORY LEGAL HISTORY Independent Institute



Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, Updated Edition Stephen P. Halbrook Examining the history of the recognition of the right of freedmen to keep and bear arms in the period between 1866 and 1876, this comprehensive volume analyses the extent to which American political society was willing to secure the same civil rights to all without regard to race or previous condition of slavery. 2022 9781598133356264pp

PROVING PREGNANCY Gender, Law, and Medical Knowledge Nineteenth-CenturyinAmerica Felicity M. Turner Gender and American Culture Examining infanticide cases in the United States from the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth centuries, Proving Pregnancy documents how women - Black and white, enslaved and free - gradually lost control over reproduction to male medical and legal professionals. Sep 2022 9781469669700256pp Paperback US$29.95 9781469669694 Hardback US$99.00 UP AGAINST THE LAW Radical Lawyers and Social Movements, 1960s–1970s Luca Justice,FalciolaPower, and Politics Drawing on extensive archival research and interviews, historian Luca Falciola challenges the reader to think anew about the pivotal role of lawyers in social movements. At the heart of this book is the story of the National Lawyers Guild. Oct 2022 9781469670294408pp Paperback US$32.95 9781469670287 Hardback US$110.00 If you are a teaching academic or course leader you may request up to three titles as FREE inspection copies to consider as textbooks for students on your course. For further details please visit:

Over the course of its history, the US Supreme Court has emerged as the most powerful judiciary unit the world has ever seen. Paul Moreno offers a deep dive into its transformation from an institution paid little notice by the public to one whose decisions are analysed and broadcast by major media outlets across America.

The Origins of American Juristocracy

An American History Susan J. Pearson Traces the birth certificate’s twohundred-year history to explain when, how, and why they came to matter so much in the United States. Deftly weaving together social, political, and legal history, this is a fascinating biography of a piece of paper that grounds our understanding of how those who live in the United States are considered Americans. 2021 9781469665689392pp

Paul D. Moreno

The University of North Carolina Press

Hardback US$50.00

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45LEGAL PROFESSION LEGAL PROFESSION KEY BESTSELLER THE REDBOOK A Manual on Legal Style, Fourth Edition Bryan A. Garner 2018 9781642421002728pp Paperback US$60.00 9781642422689 Paperback with Quizzing US$72.00 Coursebook Series Since first appearing in 2002, The Redbook has established itself as the go-to source for all questions of legal style. This fourth edition has lots of new material, including an especially helpful new chapter on handling quotations. The two exhaustive indexes (word and subject), plus the detailed table of contents, make it easy to find authoritative guidance within seconds, whatever the question might be. • The book is a one-of-a-kind resource - the legal writer’s equivalent of The AP Stylebook or The Chicago Manual of Style. • The author is the most frequently cited author in opinions of the US Supreme Court. Also available with Quizzing The author has created over 350 multiple-choice questions tied to the fourth edition. The sophisticated user interface provides students with many useful options: • Track progress through questions. • View results after completing a quiz. • Mark specific questions for further review. • Retake a quiz any number of times. • Link to explanations within the book. West AcademicWestPublishingAcademic

46 LEGAL PROFESSION Mercer University Press THE SIGNIFICANT LAWYER The Pursuit of Purpose and Professionalism William S. Duffey, Jr. With more than forty years in practice, including fourteen years on the federal bench, and informed by hundreds of conversations with other lawyers, Judge Duffey has cultivated a deep interest in the culture and challenges within the legal profession. The Significant Lawyer is the product of his experiences and conversations. May 2022 9780881468205200pp Hardback US$27.00 West Academic 1L OF A RIDE A Well-Traveled Professor’s Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School, Fourth Edition Andrew J. McClurg Career Guides Provides a candid, comprehensive roadmap to both academic and emotional success in law school’s crucial first year. 2021 9781684679386567pp Paperback US$44.00 9781684679393 Paperback with Video Course US$91.00 West Academic Publishing ADVANCED LEGAL WRITING AND ORAL ADVOCACY Trials, Appeals, and Moot Court, Third Edition Michael D. Murray & Christy H. DeSanctis Coursebook Series Designed for second semester and upper-division advanced writing courses involving advocacy and oral argument at the trial or appellate levels and in moot court competitions. May 2022 9781684675401601pp Paperback US$104.00 Foundation Press BEYOND THE RULES Behavioral Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Catherine Gage O’Grady & Tigran W. Eldred Coursebook Series Brings behavioural insights to the array of topics taught in the required professional responsibility course, including admission to the practice of law, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, representing entities, prosecutorial and criminal defence ethics, litigation and negotiation ethics, and managerial and subordinate responsibilities. Apr 2022 9781642429947195pp Paperback US$69.00 West Academic Publishing

47LEGAL PROFESSION CRITICAL READING FOR SUCCESS IN LAW SCHOOL AND SecondBEYONDEdition Jane Bloom Grisé Career Guides Reading cases and statutes is challenging for students and attorneys. However, everybody can learn critical reading strategies and become effective legal readers and advocates. This volume identifies the reading strategies used by expert legal readers and presents the strategies in a systematic sequence. May 2022 9781636593258522pp Paperback with Video US$50.00 West Academic Publishing IMPECCABLE RESEARCH A Concise Guide to Mastering Legal Research Skills, Third Edition Mark K. CoursebookOsbeckSeries Unlike conventional legal research books that limit their focus to teaching students how to find and use the various sources of law, this book stresses a systematic, practice-oriented approach to acquiring legal-research skills. It presents a highly effective research strategy that helps students efficiently solve complex legal-research problems. May 2022 9781642427967226pp Paperback US$67.00 West Academic Publishing INTRODUCTION TO TRANSACTIONAL LAWYERING PRACTICE Second Edition Alicia Alvarez & Paul R. Tremblay Coursebook Series Revised substantially for 2021 and beyond, each chapter in this book has been updated. A new chapter on employment issues has been added. This book continues to be dedicated to the work of a full array of transactional clinics and serves as the basic introductory reading material for a law school transactional clinical course. Apr 2022 9781642427950539pp Paperback US$108.00 West Academic Publishing LEGAL CITATION IN A NUTSHELL Third Edition Larry L. NutshellTeplySeries Learning legal citation is one of the difficult tasks that students new to the law face. This book is designed to ease that task. It initially focuses on conventions that underlie all accepted forms and systems of legal citation. Building on that, the book then discusses and illustrates rules of The Bluebook and the ALWD Citation Guide. 2021 9781647087487489pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing

48 LEGAL ETHICS FOR THE REAL WORLD Building Skills Through Case Study, Second Edition Renee Knake Jefferson & M. Ellen Murphy Building Skills Series Bring legal ethics to life in a way that enhances your teaching and your students’ understanding by engaging in these real world scenarios! This second edition includes updates to all studies as well as a new case study on judicial recusal. May 2022 9781685611170150pp Paperback US$38.00 Foundation Press LEGAL MALPRACTICE LAW IN A NUTSHELL Third Edition Vincent R. Johnson Nutshell Series Charts the dynamic field of lawyer professional liability. With reference to recent cases and statutory developments, this book covers prominent causes of action, the role of experts in malpractice litigation, theories of liability to nonclients, affirmative defenses, damages, and fee forfeiture. 2021 9781684675821613pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing LEGALBESTSELLERRESEARCH IN A NUTSHELL 14th Edition Kent C. NutshellOlsonSeries Finding and using legal resources effectively is an essential skill for lawyers. This comprehensive but succinct guide covers research procedures using major online services, free Internet resources, and library materials. 2021 9781636590639346pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing LEGAL RESEARCH SIMULATIONS Warren Rees Bridge to Practice Series When beginning a legal career, legal research can seem like an insurmountable task. This book makes the task manageable by first looking at background information about each of the major types of legal authority that must searched, then examining various options for searching each one based on the pre-existing knowledge held by the researcher. May 2022 9781636595849200pp Paperback US$32.00 West Academic Publishing LEGAL PROFESSION

49 LEGAL WRITING AND ANALYSIS Third Edition Michael D. Murray & Christy H. DeSanctis Coursebook Series Communicating about the law in writing, whether in emails, texts, or in team and group settings, will only increase in importance when there are fewer opportunities to explain yourself orally and in-person to clients, colleagues, bosses, and other decision makers. The authors have adapted and updated this text with these developments in mind. 2021 9781684675388492pp Paperback US$168.00 Foundation Press MBEs FOR THE MBE Mnemonics, Blueprints, and Examples for the Multistate Bar Examination O.J. CoursebookSalinas Series The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) heavily influences whether you pass the bar exam. But studying for the MBE can be a daunting challenge. This creative and easy-to-read book provides valuable tools to help you study for the MBE more effectively and efficiently. Mar 2022 9781636593425773pp Paperback US$130.00 West Academic Publishing PRINCIPLES OF REMEDIES LAW Fourth Edition Russell L. Weaver & Michael B. Kelly Concise Hornbook Series Written in a student-friendly style designed to facilitate learning and comprehension. In addition the book is up-to-date and contains the latest decisions from the United States Supreme Court and the lower federal and state courts. May 2022 9781647084080324pp Paperback US$64.00 West Academic Publishing PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Problems and Materials, 14th Edition Thomas D. Morgan, John S. Dzienkowski & Mitt Regan University Casebook Series Since 1976, the authors of Professional Responsibility have helped students prepare to respond to professional challenges they will meet upon graduation, but also to understand how their profession and its challenges are changing. The new fourteenth edition continues to meet those objectives. Jun 2022 9781636592466764pp Hardback US$250.00 9781636597324 CasebookPlus™ US$270.00 Foundation Press LEGAL PROFESSION

50 SOCIAL SCIENCE IN LAW Cases and Materials, Tenth Edition John Monahan & Laurens Walker University Casebook Series Offers an engaging and comprehensive overview of how American courts use research and testimony from the social sciences in reaching their decisions. This book is organised around Daubert v Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision on scientific evidence, and the series of recent cases. May 2022 9781647083090722pp Hardback US$255.00 Foundation Press SUCCESSFUL LEGAL ANALYSIS AND WRITING The Fundamentals, Fifth Edition Christopher D. Soper & Cristina D. Lockwood Coursebook Series A practical legal analysis and writing handbook. This easy-to-read book features fundamental advice on how to communicate written and oral legal analysis from a problem-solving perspective. It features illustrative examples and templates. Apr 2022 9781647085155351pp Paperback US$94.00 West Academic Publishing SWIMMING LESSONS FOR BABY SHARKS The Essential Guide to Thriving as a New Lawyer, Third Edition Grover E. Cleveland Career Guides The go-to book for new lawyer success at leading firms and schools, Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks contains critical advice new graduates need to thrive. Completely revised and updated, this third edition includes vital new information on navigating a hybrid work environment. Jun 2022 9781647085490210pp Paperback US$43.00 West Academic Publishing TRANSACTIONAL SKILLS How to Structure and Document a Deal, Third Edition Stephen L. Sepinuck & John Francis CoursebookHilsonSeries Designed to help train law students in the skills needed for successful transactional lawyering. Through carefully designed text and exercises, this book helps students understand and strategically use the different types of contract terms, translate deal terms to precise contract language, use forms appropriately, and spot and resolve ambiguity. May 2022 9781647083748450pp Paperback US$126.00 West Academic Publishing A WEEKLY GUIDE TO BEING A MODEL LAW STUDENT Second Edition Alex CareerRuskellGuides Gives law students weekly checklists explaining the skills necessary to successfully navigate their first year of law school. Each chapter provides a checklist of things to do that week, such as briefing cases, going over notes, or doing practice questions. When a new concept is introduced, this book clearly explains the concept and its purpose. 2021 9781636592961311pp Paperback US$51.00 West Academic Publishing LEGAL PROFESSION CasebookPlus™ Available for some West Academic titles, CasebookPlus™ includes a print book, lifetime digital access to a downloadable eBook, and a 12-month subscription to the digital Learning Library.

51SOCIAL LAW SOCIAL LAW NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER HEALTH LAW Cases, Materials and Problems, Ninth Edition Brietta R. Clark et al American Casebook Series Cited by the United States Supreme Court and a host of other courts, this book remains the leading health law casebook in American law schools. May 2022 97816846771151,620ppHardback US$269.00 9781685611729 CasebookPlus™ US$289.00 Abridged Ninth Edition May 2022 97816846771221,115ppPaperback US$233.00 9781636592473 CasebookPlus™ US$253.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic NEW EDITION OF BESTSELLER THE LAW OF SCHOOLS, STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN A NUTSHELL Seventh Edition Kern Alexander, M. David Alexander & F. King Alexander Nutshell Series Captures the key points of the precedents governing student rights and responsibilities relating to attendance, speech, expression, religion, discipline, grades, tests, drugs, search and seizure, the emerging law of social media, i.e., cyberbullying, and the range of procedural due process interests. May 2022 9781636593005736pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing West Academic DEStech Publications, Inc. CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING AND JUDICIAL HarmonizingREASONINGPrinciples of Distributive Justice and Healthcare Quality Laurence H. Brenner & Mara Howard-Williams A guide for healthcare providers to prudent decisionmaking that ensures the safety of patients and protects providers from liability. This book is written in a concise, highly accessible, and methodical way for both students and practitioners. Examples and cases are provided throughout for classroom discussions and personal reflection. May 2022 9781605951379198pp Paperback US$79.50 West Academic HealthBIOETHICSCare Law and Ethics, Ninth Edition Daniel J. Bussel, David A. Skeel Jr. & Michelle M. Harner American Casebook Series Uses a variety of legal and interdisciplinary materials to engage students in the study of the intersection of bioethics and law. This book includes judicial opinions, statutes, regulations and policies from health care organisations and professional associations. May 2022 9781684677146688pp Paperback US$185.00 West Academic Publishing

52 SOCIAL LAWTHELAW OF HEALTH CARE NinthANDORGANIZATIONFINANCEEdition Brietta R. Clark et al American Casebook Series Designed for a specialised health law course focusing on the organisation and financing of health care. As in previous editions, the authors provide teaching tools including problems that engage students in dealing with legal, policy, and practical issues and materials drawn from judicial opinions, statutes, regulations, and other sources. May 2022 9781684677139922pp Paperback US$185.00 West Academic Publishing LAW AND HEALTH CARE QUALITY, PATIENT SAFETY, AND LIABILITY Ninth Edition E. Allan Farnsworth et al American Casebook Series Offers a framework for studying modern quality approaches, including more expansive definitions of quality in health care, patient safety, and the use of data-driven methods for monitoring quality performance. May 2022 9781684677153490pp Paperback US$185.00 West Academic Publishing LAW, MEDICINE, AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition Lars UniversityNoah Casebook Series Reflecting the dynamic nature of the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, this fifth edition incorporates the latest legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments, describes recent scientific advances, and excerpts or references new scholarly contributions to this broad field. May 2022 97816470831821,400ppHardback US$263.00 Foundation Press MARIJUANA LAW IN A SecondNUTSHELLEdition Mark K. Osbeck & Howard Bromberg Nutshell Series Offers a compact and thorough overview of marijuana law. This book is organised by the basic divisions of marijuana law: by the dichotomy between federal and state law; and by the bifurcation between illegal and legal status of marijuana. May 2022 9781647082598626pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing MENTAL HEALTH LAW IN A ThirdNUTSHELLEdition John E.B. NutshellMyersSeries Mental illness and intellectual disability impact 20% of Americans, and have enormous personal, legal, and policy implications for patients, families, and society. This Nutshell introduces you to the broad range of criminal and civil issues in mental health law. May 2022 9781685610395275pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing Receive regular up-to-date information about our new titles by registering for e-alerts at:

53SOCIAL LAW • TAXATION & DUTIES LAW PUBLIC HEALTH LAW IN A FourthNUTSHELLEdition James G. Hodge Jr. Nutshell Series Provides a compelling and informative assessment of the critical role of law in American society to protect the community’s health, a theme punctuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This edition addresses issues within a modern framework supporting the role of law toward improved health outcomes in routine and emergency applications. May 2022 9781636593586507pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing SPORTS LAW IN A NUTSHELL Sixth Edition Walter T. Champion, Jr. Nutshell Series Contains the elements of sports law explained in an organised, coherent manner. This book simplifies the complex world of sports law and provides a road map to all of its intricacies from contracts, torts, antitrust, liabilities, constitutional implications, labour law and taxes. May 2022 9781647084035790pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing TAXATION & DUTIES LAW West Academic TAX POLICY IN A SecondNUTSHELLEdition Christopher H. Hanna Nutshell Series Taxes impact every individual and business. Countries are constantly changing, modifying, and occasionally reforming their tax systems. Understanding tax policy and implementing changes in the tax law that are consistent with sound tax policy is critically important. This compact guide explains essential concepts in tax policy. Mar 2022 9781636598727300pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing TAX PROCEDURE AND TAX FRAUD IN A SixthNUTSHELLEdition Richard Briffault et al Nutshell Series Designed to acquaint students with the theoretical and practical aspects of tax practice, from administrative or civil actions involving the Internal Revenue Service to criminal prosecutions brought by the Department of Justice. May 2022 9781685612115492pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES 16th Edition Sara J. GilbertBermanLawSummaries Discusses taxation of partnerships, including current partnership income, contributions of property to partnership, sale of partnership interest, distributions, and liquidations, as well as the taxation of corporations. Mar 2022 9781636591162261pp Paperback US$55.00 Gilbert TAXATION OF Materials,TRANSACTIONSINTERNATIONALText,andProblems,Fifth Edition Robert J. Peroni, Karen B. Brown & J. Clifton Fleming Jr. American Casebook Series Designed for use in law schools, business schools, and schools of management, this significantly revised casebook outlines the determination of US income tax liabilities resulting from international transactions and the issues attending administration of the US international tax rules. Jan 2022 97816832810471,212pp Hardback US$265.00 West Academic Publishing

54 TAXATION & DUTIES LAW • TORTS / DELICTS U.S. INTERNATIONAL TAXATION Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition Reuven S. Avi-Yonah et al University Casebook Series Focuses on how the details of the tax law fit into a broader structure of both inbound and outbound taxation enabling students to fit the particular issues they are working on into larger policy issues that impact the design of the US international tax laws both in the inbound and outbound context. Jun 2022 9781647082291825pp Hardback US$238.00 Foundation Press BESTSELLER West Academic INTERNATIONAL TAXATION IN A NUTSHELL Twelfth Edition Mindy NutshellHerzfeldSeries Provides an introduction to US international taxation useful to both US and non-US students and practitioners interested in the topic. This Nutshell has been revised and updated to address the fundamental changes to the US international tax rules introduced by the 2017 tax act, including interpretive regulatory guidance. 2019 9781684673469663pp Paperback US$56.00 West Academic Publishing TORTS / DELICTS University of Virginia Press TORT LAW AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF StudiesCHANGEinthe Inevitability of History Kenneth S. Abraham & G. Edward White Examines the interaction of law and social change in American history. Tort law is traditionally thought to arise out of legal precedent. But Kenneth Abraham and Edward White show that American judges over the course of the previous two centuries also paid close attention to changing societal contexts in which lawsuits for civil injuries arose. May 2022 9780813947143288pp Hardback US$55.00 West Academic DOBBS ON ECONOMIC AND DIGNITARY TORTS Cases and Materials, Second Edition Ellen M. Bublick, Jane R. Bambauer & Daniel A. Arellano American Casebook Series This acclaimed casebook has been completely revised to include the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage in the field. The new edition includes hundreds of recent cases that illustrate important contemporary contexts. Apr 2022 9781684671793736pp Hardback US$260.00 West Academic Publishing

55TORTS / DELICTS THE FORMS AND FUNCTIONS OF TORT LAW Sixth Edition Kenneth S. Abraham Concepts and Insights Series The perfect accompaniment to any torts casebook, this text covers all the major cases and issues in a standard torts course. It addresses cases and analyses their implications, presenting the law of torts within a curricular context and covering the materials that law students are likely to encounter in a variety of courses. May 2022 9781647083076346pp Paperback US$53.00 Foundation Press A SHORT & HAPPY GUIDE TO TORTS Second Edition Roger E. Schechter Short & Happy Guides In this updated version of his concise book, Professor Schechter has balanced brevity and humour with a clear, crisp, and accessible review of basic torts doctrine. His comprehensive survey includes not only thorough coverage of core topics, but also an overview of economic and dignitary torts, damages issues, and vicarious liability. 2021 9781636591100253pp Paperback US$25.00 West Academic Publishing TORT LAW AND ALTERNATIVES Cases and Materials, Eleventh Edition Marc A. Franklin et al University Casebook Series Covers all major aspects of tort law with expertly edited cases and original text. The principal focus of this book is the law of negligence, strict liability, and no-fault legislation as alternative approaches to compensating the victims of accidental harm and creating optimal incentives for safety. 2021 97816470848991,376pp Hardback US$269.00 Foundation Press TORTS AND COMPENSATION, PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY Ninth Edition Dan B. Dobbs, Paul T. Hayden & Ellen M. Bublick American Casebook Series A perennial student and faculty favourite, written by the authors of the leading torts treatise. As with the previous eight editions, it contains the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of tort law available. It includes dozens of new cases (both primary cases and case citations in notes). Jun 2022 97816365902881,233pp Hardback US$255.00 9781684675906 CasebookPlus™ US$275.00 Concise Ninth Edition Aug 2022 9781684675913775pp Hardback US$245.00 9781685614058 CasebookPlus™ US$280.00 West Academic Publishing

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