18 minute read
Brookings Institution Press
JORDAN AND AMERICA An Enduring Friendship
Bruce Riedel The first book to tell the remarkable story of the relationship between Jordan and the United States, and how their leaders have navigated the dangerous waters of the most volatile region in the world. For anyone interested in the subject, understanding this story will provide new insights into the Arab-Israeli conflict, the multiple Persian Gulf wars, and the endless quest to bring long-term peace and stability to the region.
Oct 2021 208pp 9780815739265 Hardback £23.50 / €28.00
Christopher M. Smith Told from the perspective of a US diplomat in Kyiv, this is the true story of Ukraine's anti-corruption revolution in 2013-14, Russia's intervention and invasion of that nation, and the limited role played by the US. The book also counters Russia’s disinformation narratives about the revolution and America’s role in it.
Mar 2022 384pp 9780815739241 Hardback £32.50 / €38.00
Center for Global Development
eBook available RELIEF CHIEF A Manifesto for Saving Lives in Dire Times
Mark Lowcock A behind-the-scenes account of Lowcock's experience as the world's most senior humanitarian official: the UN Relief Chief. In his four years on the job, Lowcock coordinated the work of UN agencies, the Red Cross, and countless national and international humanitarian groups to save lives and protect the most vulnerable. Part memoir and part manifesto for reform, Relief Chief depicts the brutality, misery and inhumanity inflicted on innocent people in crises.
May 2022 250pp 9781944691097 Hardback £21.95 / €26.00
Michigan State University Press
THE U.S.-CHINA TRADE WAR Global News Framing and Public Opinion in the Digital Age
Edited by Louisa Ha & Lars Willnat US-China Relations in the Age of Globalization
Drawing on data from three national surveys, three content analyses, computational topic modelling, and rhetorical analysis, this work sheds light on the twenty-first century’s most high-profile contest over global trade to date. At a time when social media is being blamed for spreading misinformation, this book illustrates how media can reduce international conflicts.
Apr 2022 256pp 9781611864212 Paperback £39.95 / €47.00
University of Michigan Press
THE ART OF GETTING MORE BACK IN DIPLOMACY Negotiation Lessons from North Korea, China, Libya, and the United Nations
Eric N. Richardson Offers case studies from international negotiations in which the author participated that can help illustrate the tactics and theories of each type of negotiation, and to make students in law, business, and other fields into better negotiators. Among the case studies are lessons drawn from negotiating denuclearisation with North Korea, political reconciliation in Libya, and human rights improvements in China.
Oct 2021 208pp 9780472055067 Paperback £24.50 / €28.00 9780472075065 Hardback £64.95 / €75.00
Naval Institute Press
Martin C. Libicki Transforming War
Presents a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity, cyberwar, and cyber-terrorism. From basic concepts to advanced principles, Martin Libicki examines the sources and consequences of system compromises, addresses strategic aspects of cyberwar, and defines cybersecurity in the context of military operations.
Sep 2021 512pp 9781682475867 Hardback £56.50 / €65.00
Rutgers University Press
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE America's Reconciliation with Vietnam
Ted Osius Foreword by John Kerry A remarkable first-hand account, Nothing Is Impossible tells the stories of heroes, known and unknown, who achieved political and social reconciliation between two former adversaries. A personal narrative full of media-worthy vignettes and revelations, this book provides vital insights into diplomacy and into a crucial part of US and Vietnamese history.
Oct 2021 356pp 9781978825161 Hardback £24.50 / €28.00
Academica Press
Edited by Neil Kent & Irina du Quenoy St. James’s Series in World Affairs
Brings together an unusually wide range of perspectives on intelligence gathering, including but not limited to cyber security across the vast Eurasian expanse. This volume comprises essays by a group of distinguished international authors from academic, journalistic, and military backgrounds.
Feb 2022 277pp 9781680539097 Hardback £142.00 / €162.00
Akhmed Zakaev Vladimir Putin's regime covertly supported and manipulated extremist factions in Chechnya and stage-managed terrorist attacks on its own citizens to justify continuing aggression. US and European condemnation of Russian atrocities in Chechnya dwindled as Russia continued to portray Chechen independence as an international terrorist threat.
Jan 2022 512pp 9781680532715 Hardback £59.95 / €70.00
WITHIN TWEETING DISTANCE How States Use Twitter Diplomacy
Noor Suwwan One of the most peculiar by-products of media globalisation is the creation of audiences close by but out of reach, and far away but within reach. Within Tweeting Distance is a study of one of the most compelling, emerging subfields at the crossroads of the fields of international relations and communications: Twitter Diplomacy.
Jan 2022 112pp 9781680532838 Hardback £100.00 / €116.00
The University of Alabama Press
BEYOND THE BOOMERANG From Transnational Advocacy Networks to Transcalar Advocacy in International Politics
Edited by Christopher L. Pallas & Elizabeth A. Bloodgood NGOgraphies
Offers cutting-edge scholarship that synthesises a new theoretical framework to develop a coherent, integrated picture of the current dynamics in global advocacy. This new theory of transcalar advocacy focuses on advocacy activities and policy impacts that transcend different levels or scales of political action.
Feb 2022 264pp 9780817321147 Hardback £48.50 / €57.00
Brookings Institution Press
THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Assessing Europe's Role in the World, Third Edition
Federiga Bindi Offers an up-to-date and comprehensive examination of foreign policy of the EU. The globe-spanning contributions to this book include a look at relations between Brussels and its regional neighbours; the tensions that have arisen with the US during the Trump administration; and the burgeoning relationship with China.
Jun 2022 366pp 9780815738114 Paperback £33.95 / €40.00
Bruce Riedel For further details, please see page 2.
Oct 2021 208pp 9780815739265 Hardback £23.50 / €28.00
NATO 2030 Towards a New Strategic Concept and Beyond
Edited by Jason Blessing, Katherine Kjellström Elgin & Nele Marianne Ewers-Peters Contributes to critical conversations on NATO's future vitality by examining the Alliance's most salient issues and by offering recommendations to ensure its effectiveness moving forwards.
Nov 2021 200pp 9780999740606 Hardback £24.50 / €29.00 Foreign Policy Institute
RED ARCTIC Russian Strategy Under Putin
Elizabeth Buchanan Renewed tensions between Russia and the West have fuelled speculation that Moscow's apparent designs on the Arctic region could help stimulate a new cold war. This book by a noted expert shifts the debate over Russia's strategy from what Moscow could do in the Arctic to the realities of what Putin's Russia likely will do.
Jun 2022 300pp 9780815738886 Paperback £29.95 / €36.00
Christopher M. Smith For further details, please see page 2.
Mar 2022 384pp 9780815739241 Hardback £32.50 / €38.00
Center for Global Development
HIGHLIGHT eBook available RELIEF CHIEF A Manifesto for Saving Lives in Dire Times
Mark Lowcock For further details, please see page 2.
May 2022 250pp 9781944691097 Hardback £21.95 / €26.00
Lynne Rienner Publishers
ILLICIT MONEY Financing Terrorism in the 21st Century
Jessica Davis Terrorists need money to recruit and train people, to buy weapons, to maintain safe houses, and to carry out attacks. Which raises the question: how do they procure and protect funds to finance their operations?
Sep 2021 275pp 9781626379824 Hardback £79.50 / €92.00
Edited by Michael T. Snarr & D. Neil Snarr The half-decade since the sixth edition of Introducing Global Issues appeared has seen enormous changes in the international arena, perhaps most notably a move away from multilateral approaches to solving global problems. Both the impact of those changes and possible paths to collaborative problem solving are at the centre of this new edition.
Jul 2021 395pp 9781626379671 Paperback £22.95 / €28.00
OLD & NEW BATTLESPACES Society, Military Power, and War
Jahara Matisek & Buddhika Jayamaha War is changing. The cybersphere, civil society, outer space... all are emerging as domains in which battles are fought. What drives this shift? How is it affecting the character and conduct of war? What are the implications for military strategy? As they address these fundamental questions, Jahara Matisek and Buddhika Jayamaha show how today's civil society, technology, and military organisation are dramatically transforming warfare – in a world in which war is at once everywhere and nowhere, and nearly everything can be weaponised.
Feb 2022 190pp 9781626379961 Hardback £69.95 / €82.00
THE POLAR PIVOT Great Power Competition in the Arctic & Antarctica
Ryan Patrick Burke Once impassable and inhospitable, both the Arctic region and Antarctica are rapidly emerging as geopolitically strategic hot spots. Arguing that both poles are becoming contested military domains in an arena of great power competition, Burke tackles these questions and outlines the shift necessary in US defence policy to face a potentially looming crisis.
Feb 2022 275pp 9781626379947 Hardback £79.50 / €92.00
McFarland Michigan State University Press
THE RUSSIAN DILEMMA Security, Vigilance and Relations with the West from Ivan III to Putin
Gordon M. Hahn Examines how the centuries-old Western threat has shaped Russia's political and strategic structures, creating a culture of security rooted in vigilance against Western influence and interference.
Jan 2022 470pp 9781476681870 Paperback £46.95 / €54.00
Melbourne University Publishing
ANTI-SOCIAL MEDIA Conventional Militaries in the Digital Battlespace
Kevin Foster Over the past decade, the gravitational centre of contemporary conflict has shifted from the physical battlefield to the online battlespace. Kevin Foster shows how conventional militaries in the US, Britain, Israel and Australia have responded to this challenge by integrating social media into their systems and operations, and the organisational and cultural impediments they have confronted.
Aug 2021 256pp 9780522878011 Paperback £49.95 / €58.00
Edited by Rolien Hoyng & Gladys Pak Lei Chong US-China Relations in the Age of Globalization
Paying due attention to China’s rise as an innovative platform society and AI powerhouse, the essays in this volume address the broader question of a shifting world order and trends that are shaped by China’s influence but that extend beyond its borders.
Jun 2022 230pp 9781611864298 Paperback £32.50 / €38.00
HIGHLIGHT THE U.S.-CHINA TRADE WAR Global News Framing and Public Opinion in the Digital Age
Edited by Louisa Ha & Lars Willnat US-China Relations in the Age of Globalization
For further details, please see page 3.
Apr 2022 256pp 9781611864212 Paperback £39.95 / €47.00
University of Michigan Press
AID IMPERIUM United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia
Salvador Santino F. Regilme, Jr. Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies
Deploying global numerical data on US foreign aid and comparative historical analysis of America's post-Cold War foreign policies in Southeast Asia, this book provides the most comprehensive explanation that links US strategic assistance to physical integrity rights outcomes in recipient countries.
Nov 2021 328pp 9780472132782 Hardback £64.95 / €75.00
HIGHLIGHT THE ART OF GETTING MORE BACK IN DIPLOMACY Negotiation Lessons from North Korea, China, Libya, and the United Nations
Eric N. Richardson For further details, please see page 3.
Oct 2021 208pp 9780472055067 Paperback £24.50 / €28.00 9780472075065 Hardback £64.95 / €75.00
CITY DIPLOMACY From City-States to Global Cities
Raffaele Marchetti To understand current socio-political dynamics on a planetary level, we need to have two mental maps in mind: the state-centred map and the non-state centred map. With regards to diplomacy in particular, we must take into account the existence of a complex diplomatic regime based on different overlapping levels: the urban and the state.
Oct 2021 144pp 9780472055036 Paperback £28.50 / €33.00 9780472075034 Hardback £56.95 / €66.00
COMPOUND CONTAINMENT A Reigning Power's MilitaryEconomic Countermeasures against a Challenging Power
Dong Jung Kim Investigates when a reigning power will make its military containment of a challenging power ‘compound' by simultaneously employing restrictive economic measures. The book's main theoretical claims are corroborated by an analysis of key historical cases of reigning power-challenging power competition.
Mar 2022 224pp 9780472039005 Paperback £24.50 / €28.00 9780472132980 Hardback £56.95 / €66.00
SCRIPTURES, SHRINES, SCAPEGOATS, AND WORLD POLITICS Religious Sources of Conflict and Cooperation in the Modern Era
Zeev Maoz & Errol A. Henderson Offers a comprehensive evaluation of the role of religion in international relations, broadening the scope of investigation to such topics as the relationship between religion and cooperation, religion and conflict, and the relationship between religion and the quality of life.
Dec 2021 456pp 9780472038756 Paperback £28.50 / €33.00
THE SILENT GUNS OF TWO OCTOBERS Kennedy and Khrushchev Play the Double Game, Updated New Edition
Theodore Vorhees, Jr. Uses new as well as previously under-appreciated documentary evidence to link the Cuban Missile Crisis to the Checkpoint Charlie tank standoff to achieve the impossible: craft a new, thoughtful, original analysis of a political showdown everyone thought they knew everything about.
Sep 2021 384pp 9780472038718 Paperback £28.50 / €33.00
Naval Institute Press
Martin C. Libicki Transforming War
For further details, please see page 4.
Sep 2021 512pp 9781682475867 Hardback £56.50 / €65.00
GREAT POWERS, GRAND STRATEGIES The New Game in the South China Sea
Edited by Anders Corr Offers the analysis of a dozen experts on the ‘big picture' approaches to the South China Sea dispute. By exploring the international dimensions of this regional hotspot, contributors examine how the military, diplomatic, and economic strategies of the major global actors have contributed to solutions and exacerbated the potential for conflict.
Jan 2022 336pp 9781682477632 Paperback £28.50 / €33.00
Jonathan M. House Explores the relationship between the community tasked to research and assess intelligence and the national decision makers it serves. The book argues that in order to accept intelligence as a profession, it must be viewed as a non-partisan resource to assist key players in understanding foreign societies and leaders.
Apr 2022 248pp 9781682477724 Hardback £37.95 / €44.00
The University of North Carolina Press
HEMISPHERIC ALLIANCES Liberal Democrats and Cold War Latin America
Andrew J. Kirkendall Hemispheric foreign policy has waxed and waned since the Mexican War, and the Cold War presented both extraordinary promises and dangerous threats to US-Latin American cooperation. Andrew Kirkendall examines the strengths and weaknesses of new models for US-Latin American relations created since the Kennedy Administration.
May 2022 400pp 9781469668017 Paperback £42.50 / €49.00 9781469668000 Hardback £89.50 / €100.00
HUNGARY'S COLD WAR International Relations from the End of World War II to the Fall of the Soviet Union
Csaba Békés New Cold War History
In this magisterial and ground-breaking work, Csaba Békés shares decades of his research to provide a sweeping examination of Hungary's international relations with both the Soviet Bloc and the West, from the end of World War II to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Jun 2022 416pp 9781469667485 Paperback £37.95 / €44.00 9781469667478 Hardback £89.50 / €100.00
Pentagon Press LLP
Edited by Vijay Khare Explores the key issues and shifting nature of media and technology, critically examining the impact of social media on foreign policy, economic security, national security, social behaviour, conflict prevention and global peace and security.
Feb 2022 208pp 9789390095254 Hardback £29.50 / €34.00
Vijay Khare Studies the impact which climate change has upon global politics, peace, and security. The author traces the journeys of India and the US, demonstrating how both countries aim to tackle climate change issues and exploring the relationship between the two countries under the US leadership of Joe Biden.
Feb 2022 268pp 9789390095216 Hardback £29.50 / €34.00
Rutgers University Press
HIGHLIGHT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE America's Reconciliation with Vietnam
Ted Osius Foreword by John Kerry For further details, please see page 4.
Oct 2021 356pp 9781978825161 Hardback £24.50 / €28.00
United Nations Publications
United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Presents a compilation of the resolutions and decisions of the 75th session of the General Assembly, the voting patterns in the General Assembly and the First Committee, lead sponsors, sponsors and co-sponsors, references to First Committee report and dates of adoption.
Aug 2021 358pp 9789211391992 Paperback £61.50 / €70.00
United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Summarises developments and trends in 2020 on key issues of multilateral consideration at the international and regional levels. The yearbook reviews the activity of the General Assembly and the Conference on Disarmament and the Disarmament Commission. Additionally, it contains a timeline that highlights events in multilateral disarmament in 2020.
Jan 2022 352pp 9789211392043 Paperback £61.50 / €70.00
International Organisation for Migration Presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues, and is structured to focus on two key contributions for readers: key information on migration and migrants (including migration-related statistics); and balanced, evidence-based analysis of complex and emerging migration issues.
Feb 2022 536pp 9789292680787 Paperback £84.95 / €98.00
The University of the West Indies Press
Richard L. Bernal Offers the most in-depth study of the economic partnership between the European Union and the fifteen Caribbean developing countries that make up CARIFORUM. The CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is the first trade agreement of its kind.
Aug 2021 292pp 9789766408633 Paperback £46.50 / €53.00
Brookings Institution Press
Edited by Daniel W. Drezner, Henry Farrell & Abraham L. Newman In exploring the conditions under which China, Russia, and the US might be expected to weaponise control of information and manipulate the global economy, the contributors to this volume challenge scholars and practitioners to think differently about foreign economic policy, national security, and statecraft for the twenty-first century.
2021 351pp 9780815738374 Paperback £32.50 / €38.00
ISI Books
Angela M. Codevilla Provides a concise introduction to the geography, culture, and politics that make up the international environment, and explains the history of the international system, the instruments of power, and contemporary geopolitics. This witty and wise book helps make sense of a complex world.
2010 99pp 9781935191919 Paperback £7.95 / €9.00
Lynne Rienner Publishers
Edited by Thania Paffenholz Responding to the interest in the role of civil society in peace processes, this title identifies the constructive functions of civil society in support of peacebuilding both during and in the aftermath of armed conflict. It also highlights the factors that support those functions and the obstacles to their fulfilment.
2010 511pp 9781588266729 Paperback £22.50 / €26.00
Edited by Ken Booth Critical Security Studies
Realist assumptions of security studies increasingly have been challenged by an approach that places the human being, rather than the state, at the centre of security concerns. This book is structured around three concepts - security, community, and emancipation - that arguably are central to the future shape of world politics.
2004 300pp 9781555878269 Paperback £22.50 / €26.00
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS The Politics & Processes of Global Governance, Third Edition
Margaret P. Karns, Karen A. Mingst & Kendall W. Stiles The third edition of the awardwinning International Organizations was thoroughly revised and updated to take into account developments and shifting power relations since 2009. As before, the authors provide a comprehensive, in-depth examination of the full range of international organisations.
2015 650pp 9781626371514 Paperback £26.95 / €36.00
Michael Sheehan Provides a survey of the varied positions that scholars have adopted in interpreting ‘security’. Revealing his own interpretation of security, the author makes the case for a postpositivist conception that links human emancipation, justice, and peace.
2005 201pp 9781588262981 Paperback £21.95 / €26.00
Edited by Jennifer Sterling-Folker What does it mean to adopt a realist, or a world systems, or a green approach to international relations? Does the plethora of ‘isms’ have any relevance to the real world of global politics and policymaking? This work addresses these questions by illustrating theories in action.
2013 482pp 9781588268228 Paperback £22.50 / €28.00
THE MIGRATION READER Exploring Politics and Policies
Edited by Anthony M. Messina & Gallya Lahav Introduces articles and documents that analyse the complex phenomenon of transnational migration and the challenges it poses for contemporary societies, states, and international relations.
2005 702pp 9781588263391 Paperback £26.50 / €30.00
THE WORLD SINCE 1945 A History of International Relations, Eighth Edition
Wayne C. McWilliams & Harry Piotrowski Traces the political, economic, and ideological patterns that have evolved in the global arena from the end of World War II, providing the background needed for a solid understanding of contemporary international relations.
2014 620pp 9781626370746 Paperback £24.50 / €32.00
Melbourne University Publishing
Geoff Raby Australia will need to engage heightened levels of diplomacy to forge relations with countries of opposing principles. It will need to be agile in pursuing a realistic foreign policy agenda. This volume contains answers for how Australia must position itself for this possibly dystopian future.
2020 232pp 9780522874945 Paperback £19.95 / €24.00
The University of North Carolina Press
Shawn C. Smallman & Kimberley Brown Encompassing the latest scholarship in what has become a markedly interdisciplinary endeavour, this book introduces key concepts, themes, and issues, and then examines each in chapters on essential topics, including economic, political, and cultural globalisation; security, energy, and development; health; agriculture and food; and the environment.
2020 376pp 9781469659992 Paperback £42.50 / €49.00
Syracuse University Press
PREPARING FOR PEACE Conflict Transformation Across Cultures
John Paul Lederach Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution
John Paul Lederach has worked with governments, justice departments, and youth programs in Latin America, the Philippines, Cambodia, Somalia, and Africa. Drawing on his experience, Lederach explains the process and key variables used in teaching conflict resolution.