must-know content students
need with two integrated texts...
Davis Advantage for Maternal-Newborn Nursing Critical Components of Nursing Care, 4th Edition
An easy-to-read, bulleted presentation provides the critical information students need to be successful. Diagrams, tables, clinical pathways, and concept maps make complex concepts easier to master, while developing critical-thinking and clinical decision-making skills.
Davis Advantage for Pediatric Nursing Critical Components of Nursing Care, 3rd Edition
A straightforward, need-to-know approach, with student-friendly features focuses on delivering the critical content to today’s learners. A visually engaging design that features bulleted content, diagrams, and tables make the essential information easy to understand.
§ eBook
§ Davis Advantage
• Personalized Learning
• Clinical Judgment
• Quizzing
§ Additional Resources
Printed Text
About 720 pages │ 324 illustrations | Soft cover │ Fall 2022
About $121.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4573-7
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About $101.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4575-1
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§ eBook
§ Davis Advantage
• Personalized Learning
• Clinical Judgment
• Quizzing
§ Additional Resources
Printed Text
About 656 pages │ 312 illustrations | Soft cover │ Fall 2022
About $121.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4570-6
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About $101.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4571-3
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§ eBook
§ Davis Advantage
§ Test Bank — Coming Fall 2022!
New Next Gen NCLEX-format questions
§ PowerPoint Presentations
§ Implementation Guide
§ eBook
§ Davis Advantage
View the complete Tables of Contents on
Case Studies ask students to apply their knowledge in clinical contexts.
Evidence-Based Practice boxes focus on research-based care.
NEW! Clinical Judgment boxes provide tips for applying critical thinking in a clinical setting.
Critical Component boxes highlight the essential information in each chapter.
Looking for a combination Maternity & Pediatric Nursing text? See page 4
Safe and Effective Nursing Care boxes summarize important safety concepts.
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§ eBook
§ Davis Advantage
• Personalized Learning
• Clinical Judgment
• Quizzing
§ Online Women’s Health Companion
§ Additional Resources
Printed Text
1,032 pages | 1,120 illustrations
Soft cover | 2022
$169.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4098-5
Access Card $149.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4100-5
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AJN Book-of-the-Year!
Davis Advantage for Maternal-Child Nursing Care, 3rd Edition
FREE Online Women’s Health Companion
Meredith J. Scannell, PhD, MSN, MPH, CNM, SANE-A | Kristine Ruggiero, PhD, MSN, RN, PNP-BC
Streamlined, redesigned, and revised by a new author team, you’ll find the right depth and breadth of coverage for today’s students. A unique emphasis on optimizing outcomes, evidence-based practice, and research supports the goal of caring for women, families, and children, not only in traditional hospital settings, but also wherever they live, work, study, or play.
A contemporary, student-focused approach
§ Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the art and science of nursing practice today
§ Streamlined and redesigned to make the content more relevant, student friendly, and easier to teach
§ An expertly designed, balanced presentation of evidence-based nursing care meets the needs of today’s students for both combination and separate courses (in-person or online)
§ A thematic organization that reflects the state-of-the-art in nursing today through `Holistic Care,’ `Critical Thinking,’ `Validating Practice,’ and `Tools of Care,’ each with special features to foster the development of the skills and clinical judgment integral to the delivery of quality nursing care.
§ Bonus chapters online focusing on the role of the nurse in promoting women’s health
§ eBook
§ Davis Advantage
§ Online Women’s Health Companion
§ Test Bank — Coming Fall 2022!
New Next Gen NCLEX-format questions
§ Image Bank
§ PowerPoint Presentations
§ Implementation Guide
§ Clinical Judgment Debriefing Guidelines
§ Suggested Answers to Case Studies
§ eBook
§ Davis Advantage
§ Online Women’s Health Companion
“This text presents in a more organized manner in which the student can study in small productive sessions with a focus on the need to know instead of those nice to know. The use of color sub topics wording and illustrations are very helpful to our visual learners.”
—Laurie Houston, Instructor, Bishop State Community College
Clinical Judgment Alerts help students to recognize and understand emergent or critical situations and to implement the appropriate nursing interventions.
Focus on Safety boxes highlight important protective measures to keep mothers and children out of harm’s way.
Patient Education boxes provide relevant information to be communicated with patients and/or their families.
Optimizing Outcomes boxes enhance critical-thinking skills for clinical application and reinforce how to obtain the best possible outcomes for patients.
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Now included with all three textbooks!
Using a unique and proven approach across a Learn-Apply-Assess continuum, Davis Advantage engages students and helps them make the connections to key topics. Whether teaching in-person or online, this innovative solution aligns seamlessly with its textbook and equips instructors with actionable analytics to track students’ progress, remediate where needed, and facilitate an active learning environment. See pages 6-13 for more details
Or experience the perfect balance with the best all-in-one book.
Davis Advantage uses a unique and proven approach across a Learn-Apply-Assess continuum to engage students and help them to make the connections to key topics. Aligned with their textbook, this innovative online solution meets each student’s individual needs with Personalized Learning Plans that reflect their learning styles and areas of strength and weakness.
Building a student-centered and student-driven approach
Each Personalized Learning assignment begins with a Pre-Assessment quiz that gauges the student’s comprehension of the content. Topic by topic, students then work through their assignments by watching videos and completing dynamic activities to reinforce learning and practice applying their knowledge.
After completing each video and activity, a Post-Assessment quiz evaluates mastery of the content within the topic. Each student’s results feed into their Personalized Learning Plan, documenting their progress through each topic and highlighting areas for additional study.!
Interactive learning activities check students’ understanding and expand their knowledge.
Comprehensive rationales help students understand why their responses are correct or incorrect.
The Student Dashboard provides quick snapshots of performance, time spent, participation, and strengths and weaknesses at a glance.
Animated mini-lecture videos connect with all learning styles to make must-know concepts more relatable and easier to understand.
Cardiovascular Disorders Renal Disorders
Online content subject to change upon publication.
94% of students using Davis Advantage said it improved their scores.
Each case study presents all the information students need to assess the situation and the client data; synthesize their knowledge and experience; prioritize and take action; and evaluate outcomes.
Preparing for Next Gen NCLEX®
Clinical Judgment elevates students’ clinical reasoning to the next level by challenging them to think critically and make informed decisions that achieve the best patient outcomes. Real-world case studies mirror the complexities they will encounter in a variety of health care settings, helping them to build the skills they need to practice safe and effective nursing care and to prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX® with confidence.
Case Study Topics
Maternal-Newborn Case Study Topics
¡ Complications of Pregnancy
¡ Complications of Labor and Birth
¡ Intrapartum and Postpartum Care of Cesarean
Section Birth Families
¡ Postpartum Complications
¡ Nursing Care of the Neonate and Family ¡ Newborn Nutrition
Pediatric Case Study Topics
¡ Growth and Development of Newborns and Infants ¡ Respiratory Disorders ¡ Cardiovascular Disorders ¡ Gastrointestinal Disorders ¡ Neurological and Sensory Disorders
¡ Hematologic, Immunologic, and Neoplastic Disorders
Maternal-Child Case Study Topics
Case Study Topics (Continued)
Maternal-Child Case Study Topics
Labor and Birth ¡ Caring for the Postpartal Woman and Her Family ¡ Complications During the Postpartal Period ¡ Gastrointestinal Conditions ¡ Cardiovascular Conditions ¡ Cancer
The Patient Chart displays tabs for History & Physical Assessment, Nurses’ Notes, Vital Signs, and Laboratory Results. As the case progresses, the chart expands and populates with additional data.
¡ Complications During Pregnancy ¡ Complications During Labor and Birth ¡ Physiological Transition of the Newborn ¡ The Developing Child ¡ Respiratory Conditions
¡ Neurological and Sensory Conditions
(Continued on next page)
Students are guided through an analysis of their responses that includes detailed rationales The feedback encourages them to consider what data is important and how to prioritize the information, while reinforcing thought patterns that result in safe and effective nursing care.
Complex questions that align with the cognitive areas of the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model require careful analysis, synthesis of the data, and multi-step thinking.
Test-taking tips provide important context for the higher levels of knowledge and understanding that underlie clinical judgment. They also offer strategies for how to consider the structure of each question type when answering.
Improving Comprehension & Retention
Quizzing uses NCLEX®-style Q&A to provide the additional practice students need to master must-know content and improve their scores on classroom and certification exams. NCLEX®-style questions cover the same topics and concepts as the textbook and align with Personalized Learning and Clinical Judgment to provide another way to assess how well students understand the course material.
Bringing it all together
Personalized Learning Plans monitor students’ performance on each Personalized Learning, Clinical Judgment, and Quizzing assignment to highlight areas of strength and weakness.
98% of students said Davis Advantage helped them make the connections to key topics.
Comprehensive rationales provide students with immediate feedback for on-the-spot remediation that explains why their responses are correct or incorrect. Page-specific references direct them to relevant content in their text, while Test-Taking Tips improve exam skills.
Respiratory Disorders
Renal Disorders
High-quality questions, including more difficult question types like select-all-that-apply, challenge students to think at higher cognitive levels.
Students can toggle between Personalized Learning, Clinical Judgment, and Quizzing tabs to view their analytics for all assignments.
New, stand-alone questions mimic the format of the Next Generation NCLEX® to further prepare students for certification and practice.*
Students can easily create their own practice quizzes to focus on the topic areas where they are struggling or to use as a study tool to prepare for an upcoming exam.
*Included with Davis Advantage for Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 4th Edition and Davis Advantage for Pediatric Nursing, 3rd Edition.
Personalized Learning Plans provide students with a snapshot of their progress across all their assignments, tracking their successes, and identifying areas where they need to focus their studies.
Respiratory Disorders Chapter 11 Cardiovascular Disorders Chapter 12 Neurological and Sensory Disorders Chapter 13
Gastrointestinal Disorders Chapter 15 Renal Disorders Chapter 16 Endocrine Disorders Chapter 17
10/5/2022 10/10/2022 10/12/2022 10/14/2022
Online content subject to change upon publication.
Engage students for higher level learning. Use your Personalized Teaching Plans to turn classroom time into an active, hands-on learning experience that focuses on improving their areas of weakness.
Supporting you in any classroom setting.
Whether you are teaching in-person or virtually, Davis Advantage makes teaching personal, responding to the unique challenges you face and the needs of your students. Actionable analytics enable you to track your students’ progress, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and provide content-focused remediation in real time while promoting an active and engaging learning environment.
Track participation and performance on each Personalized Learning Clinical Judgment, and Quizzing assignment.
TOPIC Gastrointestinal Disorders
Can You Recognize Me? Gastrointestinal Disorders
• Divide students into pairs
• Provide the list of diagnostic findings for gastrointestinal disorders and have students identify the most likely disorder
• Review the results with the class on completion
• A student handout is provided at the end of this document.
Assessment Findings Gastrointestinal Disorder
Initial pain in the periumbilical area that moves to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen
Frequent bouts of bloody diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramping Ulcerative Colitis
Changes in stool appearance: loose or hard, thin or like pellets, mucous in the stool Irritable Bowel Syndrome
DID YOU KNOW? 99% of instructors would recommend Davis Advantage to a colleague.
Watery diarrhea, abdominal cramping, vomiting, headache, signs of dehydration, stools with blood or pus
Poor feeding, high risk for preterm infants, lethargy, may have signs of infection, elevated bilirubin
Neonatal Jaundice
Hereditary disorder that affects exocrine glands Cystic Fibrosis
Right upper quadrant pain with vomiting, pain may radiate to the right scapula, fever Cholecystitis
Failure to Thrive
Teaching Online?
Online Application tips provide strategies for applying activities in a virtual learning environment.
• Provide students with a copy of the activity to complete on their own.
• Assign each student an organization from the Resources for Digestive Disorders (Table 15 2) and have them complete the following information for discussion: Name of organization, Purpose of organization, Resources for patient and/or families, Resources for health care workers
Pharma Deck: Common Medications for Gastrointestinal Disease
• Divide students into pairs
• Ask each pair of students to make drug cards for the following medications:
o Pantoprazole
o Ranitidine
o Metoclopramide
o Cimetidine
o Famotidine
o Polyethylene glycol 3350 without electrolytes
o Lactulose
o Mineral o
o Docusate sodium
o Bisacodyl
o Lansoprazole
o Omeprazole
• On their drug cards, instruct students to include generic vs. trade name, uses, mode of action, dosage concerns for infants and children, possible side effects/warnings, and any nursing considerations elated to administration
Use your Dashboard to track your class’s overall performance View average participation time spent, and strengths and weaknesses You can also quickly access individual assignments and your teaching plans.
Monitor mastery of content at both the individual and classroom levels. View your class’s performance at a glance, or drill down to see individual student progress.
© 2021. Davis Advantage for Pediatric Nursing F. A. Davis Company.
Personalized Teaching Plans for each topic provide everything you need to save time and ensure student success, including turnkey learning activities, discussion topics, small group work, and case studies.
Students may use the reference of their choice but it is important to stress that some drug references are more specific for infants and children
Medication drug cards are good tools for students to distinguish the different types of medications and usage for gastrointestinal disorders. It is also important to help students understand that pediatric dosing is not the same as adult dosing
• Ask students to create drug cards online using online quizzing software.
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• Instruct students to review the literature (no older than 5 years) and locate a research article related to a gastrointestinal disorder in Chapter 15 that includes medication information for
Resources on
576 pages | Soft cover 2022
$55.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4306-1
Q&A Course Review + NCLEX® Prep
Maternal and Newborn Success
Q&A, 4th Edition
Nancy Irland, DNP, MSN, CNM (ret)
Over 1,250 multiple-choice and alternate-format questions assure your students’ mastery of maternal and newborn nursing knowledge while improving their critical-thinking and test-taking skills. Plus, students will have FREE, 30-day access to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN®, the online Q&A platform with 10,000 questions.
“This series of books has increased my scores on exams and retention of information. Love that they give the rationale for all the answer choices.”
—Online Student Reviewer
Resources on
Pediatric Success
NCLEX®-Style Q&A Review, 4th Edition
Beth Richardson, PhD, RN, CPNP, FAANP
Over 950 NCLEX®-style questions including pediatrics and growth and development, with a 100-question comprehensive exam at the end of the book, make learning and studying easy. Plus, students will have FREE, 30-day access to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN®, the online Q&A platform with 10,000 questions.
Davis’s Notes
Pocket guides for must-have information
Peds Notes
Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition
Luanne Linnard-Palmer, EdD, MSN, RN, CPN
Here’s all of the information needed to deliver safe, effective care for children based on their age, size, developmental level, and unique pathologies.
352 pages Soft cover | 2022 $39.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4449-5
“This book is amazing…helped me improve my test scores. I recommend buying it.”
—Online Student Reviewer
320 Pages | Soft cover | 2019 $40.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-7594-0
Direct access to a specialist to answer any questions
Personalized onboarding to help set up your course
Resource library with support materials to make implementation easy
Collaboration on curriculum strategies to ensure the best outcomes
are available for instructors using our products. You will have access to a dedicated Digital Implementation Consultant who can suggest the best ways to use our products in your course and share best practices and strategies for success.
“I have always loved the top notch quick service from F. A. Davis and Davis Advantage is a game changer in the classroom, lab, and clinical.”
—Melanie M., Instructor, Maysville Community and Technical College, Licking Valley Campus
OB/GYN Peds Notes
Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide, 4th Edition
Brenda Walters Holloway, FNP-BC, DNSc Cheryl Moredich, DNP, RN, WHNP-BC Amanda Kratovil PhD, RN Taralyn McMullan DNP, RN, CNS-BC
Features the essential clinical information your students need to care for obstetric, gynecological, newborn, and pediatric patients in any setting.
284 pages | Soft cover | 2022 $39.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4274-3
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