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Welcome to our brochure of Education and Education Policy titles from Open University Press. Open University Press, a part of McGraw Hill, is a long standing and reputable social science publisher specialising in the subjects of education, health and social welfare, research skills, counselling, psychotherapy, coaching and psychology. Open University Press publishes original works by many foremost scholars and internationally recognised experts. In this brochure, we’re pleased to highlight our new and bestselling titles within the Education and Education Policy product portfolio. If you’d like to preview our entire collection please search on: Our wide-ranging and diverse publishing programme includes resources for study and professional development at every level, from early years through primary and secondary schooling to further education and university. Open University Press titles focus on current issues and challenges, research findings and their application, ideas for teaching, and other topics. You’re certain to find a resource that will enrich your professional role!
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Stephen Waters (Ed)
Cultures of Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools: Reflecting on Positive Case Studies
• Investigates how children engage in learning through playing and exploring, and are motivated through active learning
“This book exemplifies good practice and will hopefully inspire other to follow its case study leads.”
Characteristics of Effective Early Learning 2e
Cath Arnold Practitioner and Researcher March 2021 Print 9780335249978 eBook 9780335249985
“This book is an outstanding reference guide for all school leaders who wish to implement a culture of wellbeing based on evidence and success. A must read!”
The author, her grandmother, draws on seven years of data from diaries, photos and Gabby’s own writing to consider her development and learning when cared for by both her parents and grandparents.
Observing Gabby: Child Development and Learning, 0-7 Years
The headteachers in this book have reversed this trend by implementing a whole-school culture of staff wellbeing and mental health. It has taken courage, determination and authenticity to strip back the tasks of teaching and focus on what is key in any school – relationships, not only between the children and their teachers but also between the staff themselves. This book is headteachers’/ senior leaders’ accounts, in their own words, of how focusing on wellbeing and mental health has transformed their schools.
Key Title
Teachers have never been under so much pressure. High stakes accountability has led to many teachers considering leaving a profession they once loved or resigning. Many cite workload and a lack of professional respect and reward as reasons for their disillusionment. Teachers are suffering from anxiety and depression and, in the worst cases, burnout.
• Explores how children become creative and critical thinkers able to review their own learning and thinking, imaginatively solving problems and excited by their own • Examines appropriate approaches to observation, assessment and planning • Supports practitioners in reporting on how children demonstrate these characteristics for the revised EYFS profile Rich in practical examples and case studies, this is an essential read for early years students and practitioners who want to find out more about how to promote the characteristics of effective early learning in their practice. This new edition is updated with a chapter on practitioner interaction with children and a chapter on effective parental interaction.
David Gumbrell, Founder of The Resilience Project
The chapters are presented in a chronological order as a ‘running record’ going from 0-1 year right through to 6-7 years and can be analysed through a range of theories and frameworks. With chapters considering theory and the data separately the reader can reach their own conclusions on child development before exploring the author’s analyses. Each chapter also considers the relevance of Ofsted’s Intent, Implementation and Impact framework and other theories and schemas. This book is a fascinating insight into how young children learn, for those studying or working in the early years field. It includes access to an online learning centre of video clips to bring the descriptions to life and provide further insight into Gabby’s development.
This book is about Gabby, an inquisitive girl who leads her own learning very effectively with support from the adults in her life.
The key argument of The Characteristics of Effective Early Learning 2e is that how children learn is as important as what they learn. This book helps you understand how to support the learning and development of young children through promoting the characteristics of effective early learning: play and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically. This book:
Teach Well Alliance May 2021 Print 9780335248896 eBook 9780335248902
Foreword: Professor Dame Alison Peacock, CEO Chartered College of Teaching ComingSoon Request your review copy today - visit Request your review copy today - visit
Suneta Bagri (FCCT), Former Head teacher, Founder of The Every Teacher Matters Project & Cultivate Coaching & Consultancy
Helen Moylett Independent early years consultant and writer January 2022 Print 9780335248544 eBook 9780335248551
Kate Daubney
The Ideal Student: Deconstructing Expectations in Higher Education
• How do people from different social backgrounds construct their model of the ideal student?
• Are certain students more likely to aspire, identify or embody these ideal characteristics?
Improving Transition into Primary School 2e Preparing to Teach in Secondary Schools 4e
Julie Fisher Early Years Adviser and Oxford Brookes University, OctoberUK 2020 Print 9780335248858 eBook 9780335248865
Jonathan Kay Newcastle College, UK May 2021 Print 9780335250370 eBook 9780335250387
The wide range of specialist contributors, each bringing extensive first-hand experience of teaching, covers the core professional skills and concepts that new secondary school teachers need to acquire, irrespective of their subject specialism or training route
The Ideal Student is written for all those involved in higher education, especially staff and senior leaders.
• Brand new research identifying the current concerns of teachers in KS1 and setting these in the context of the current ‘school readiness’ agenda
This book presents an exciting and novel approach to exploring the concept of the ‘ideal student’. Written in the context of higher education, the concept promotes a more transparent conversation about the explicit, implicit and idealistic expectations of university students. It addresses concerns that implicit rules or unspoken practices can result in divergent student experiences, widening social Withinequalities.increasing student diversity, there is an urgent need for greater openness and awareness of the different expectations and archetypes of students. Key questions explored include:
Dr Jacek Brant, UCL Institute of Education, London, UK
• A new chapter offering messages from headteachers advocating a play-based approach, and providing examples of how it has raised standards
This book offers a unique perspective on overcoming the many challenges of English and Maths in Further Education and provides a range of simply implemented, highly effective strategies in easily accessible chapters. It provides outstanding teaching and learning guidance for all practitioners (whether an E&M specialist, or a vocational lecturer with minimal experience of English and Maths) as well as evidence-based guidance for E&M leaders through giving detailed, clear and practical examples of how to overcome the many challenges in Further Education.
• To what extent are these constructions realistic and achievable?
“This fantastic book is essential reading for ALL school leaders, EYFS and KS1 teachers.
The fourth edition of this informative, accessible and intellectually engaging teacher training book provides a definitive guide for trainee and newly qualified secondary school teachers and their mentors. The book has been fully updated to reflect the many changes in policy and practice, including developments in the national curriculum, PSHEE and SEN provision. The latest edition covers topics such as how pupils learn, assessment, planning classroom communication and developing positive approaches to pupil behaviour.
This book is an innovative take on traditional Careers guides that brings the very best ideas and practice from well-resourced higher education and universities into the school and further education context for learners from 11-18.
• A revised chapter on play, which draws on teacher views about its benefits for KS1 children and the barriers they face in incorporating it into their practice
• An updated chapter on how children learn most naturally age 5-7 years and how to capitalise on this
Elaine Bennett, Early Years Leader
University of London’s Centre of Excellence for Careers and Employability, UK August 2021 Print 9780335250943 eBook 9780335250950
Careers Education to Demystify Employability: A Guide for Professionals in Schools and Colleges
Billy Wong and Tiffany Chiu University of Reading, UK, Imperial College London, UK April 2021 Print 9780335249251 eBook 9780335249268
The author has a deep understanding of the challenges facing teachers in developing this fusion of pedagogies, and this book offers every reader principled and inspiring ways of meeting these challenges with success.
It is informed by research, shaped by careers professionals and teachers, thinks like the school and college learner, and is tried and tested extensively in real life. It takes careers professionals and teachers through simple, well-structured thinking and scaffolding concepts to help learners get more impact out of what they already deliver.
All based at the University of Warwick’s Centre for Education Studies, UK January 2019 Print 9780335227129 eBook 9780335228515
Moving On to Key Stage 1 2e has been highly influential in developing innovative, developmentally appropriate KS1 practice in schools across the country. This new edition offers teachers further powerful and persuasive arguments for continuing play-based learning into Year 1 and 2. The book contains:
Key Title
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• How is the ideal student imagined and envisioned?
Improving Maths and English in Further Education: A Practical Guide
Moving on to Key Stage 1:
“A timely refresh of the well-established and comprehensive text written for student teachers at the Secondary phase … I recommend purchase of this book for student teachers, early-career teachers and school mentors who support the development of their less-experienced colleagues”
The book is a practical, usable book of original triedand-tested ideas to engage learners and inspire them to action, maximising the learning gain, and will help education professionals bound by government statutory guidance, but is accessible and relevant to any educational culture in the world.
Key Title Ian Abbott, Prue Huddleston and David Middlewood (Eds)
It’s time to stand up, be brave and do what is right for young children in an age where the pressure is on to formalise learning earlier and earlier. This book gives all the evidence, research and real examples you need as you embark on this journey.”
Coming Soon Request your review copy today - visit
Janice Wearmouth and Karen Lindley University of Bedfordshire, UK May 2021 Print 9780335249879 eBook 9780335249886 Dove Independent Consultant April 2021 Print 9780335249558 eBook 9780335249565
With questions for reflection and ideas for teachers to implement in the classroom, this important book bridges the gap between theory and practice and is recommended reading for trainee teachers, teacher trainers and qualified teachers alike.
In the current global movement towards inclusion and equal participation in education for all, it is paradoxical that very little attention has been paid to learners with the most profound and complex needs, for whom inclusion in education can be very challenging to achieve.
• Case studies highlighting the potential complexities of children’s lives
Leda Kamenopoulou University of Roehampton, UK January 2022 Print 9780335249671 eBook 9780335249688
• Reflection points to develop teaching practice and confidence Key Title “Never didactic or prescriptive, Behaving Together offers school leaders, teachers and support staff a set of tools that can be used to improve a school’s response to behaviour that challenges.”
Gary Thomas and Andrew Loxley University of Birmingham, UK, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland December 2021 Print 9780335248711 eBook 9780335248728
A much-needed resource for student teachers, teaching professionals, post-graduate researchers and academics working in the field of MSI, as well as all those interested in inclusive education for all, even the most vulnerable.
The book offers guidance to students on specific issues such as reading and behavioural difficulties with theoretically grounded information. With a fresh chapter discussing current research, intersectionality and increased marketisation within education this book reflects the new landscape and legislation of special education.
Inclusive Education for Learners with Multi-sensory Impairment: Best Practices and Research Priorities Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion 3e Bringing the Curriculum to Life: Engaging Learners in the English Education System Behaving Together in the Classroom: A Teacher’s Guide to Nurturing Behaviour
Written by practising teachers and academics, this book highlights challenges and opportunities within the current English education system. The book integrates theory and practice to illustrate the ability of teachers and, sometimes, families themselves, to think creatively about ways in which they can harness the interests and strengths of young people to bring about engagement in learning. This is despite, as some see it, the strictures of the mandated National Curriculum.
Kamenopoulou’s book addresses this gap in the literature on MSI (multi-sensory impairment) and educational inclusion by synthesising theoretical literature and up-to-date research, and by providing effective teaching strategies and illustrative examples from practice. The book provides evidence-based tools, strategies and approaches that teaching professionals can use when working with learners with MSI in any educational setting.
How can we increase learner engagement with the National Curriculum and why is it important? Janice Wearmouth and Karen Lindley bring together contributions that answer these questions and demonstrate the impact on student achievement at all levels.
Aileen Morrison, Headteacher, St Matthias Academy AP “Each chapter offers a reflective look at specific aspects of transformative learning which will be of interest to practitioners and academics alike.“ Julie Wharton, Senior Lecturer, University of Winchester, UK “... very little attention has been paid to learners with the most profound and complex needs, for whom inclusion in education can be very challenging to achieve.”
• Perspectives on a range of educational contexts, including Pupil Referral Units and schools outside the mainstream
• Clear definitions explaining common technical or medical jargon
This revised edition of a popular text offers students an updated and comprehensive overview across special education. It critically examines the intellectual foundations of special education and considers the consequences of their influence for professional and popular thinking about learning difficulties. The chapters place inclusion within a social and political context to highlight how concepts have been influences by theory and ideology across the years.
Behaving Together provides teachers with frameworks and processes to help them identify, understand and support the issues children bring to the classroom. Using a clear five step formula, the book explores the perspectives of children, to guide teachers as they support them within the school environment. Rather than punishing unwanted behaviour, the book begins with the assumption that behaviour is our innate form of communication, that should be supported rather than controlled. It recognises the network of relationships within a school’s community and provides helpful resources to support a child’s inclusion in school life, including:
Michael Fullard, Paul Watts and Andrew Peterson University of Birmingham, UK August 2021 Print 9780335250516 eBook 9780335250523
Existing and ongoing conceptual debates continue to shape how we perceive multiculturalism and other concepts that can be applied to education. Political and social consequences allow an examination of integration in contemporary policy contexts. Issues of faith schooling and citizenship remain as or more important than they have been in the past. The material in this new edition also extends these debates and provides a perfect resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The continuing interest from both students and within the wider academy of this material highlights that this text is not only relevant for educationalists, but also for the wider social and professional sciences.
Understanding Character Education and Personal Development: Applications, Approaches and Issues
“An excellent addition to the thinking educator’s bookshelf.”
“Mastering Teaching is a core, comprehensive, credible and cutting-edge introduction to early career teacher learning.”
This book synthesises and reframes the distinct schools of thought within the Educational Effectiveness and Improvement (EEI) fields. At the book’s heart is a problem: that educational improvement is often short-lived, rarely achieved at scale and, as some prominent researchers have argued, mostly illusory. The EEI field is divided. This book describes and critiques this divided field and reviews, synthesises and reframes the combined knowledge base.
Coming Soon Coming SoonSoon Request your review copy today - visit TEACHING AND LEARNINGTEACHING AND LEARNING
This book builds on the experiences of school leaders, early career teachers and their mentors and responds to the challenges that new teachers face as they move beyond initial teacher training. Practiced educators provide research-informed guidance in each chapter to scaffold new teachers’ workplace learning when the learning curve is steepest. Support for new teachers is vitally important in enhancing teaching quality, promoting teacher wellbeing, and reducing staff burnout rates. Each chapter, co-authored by school-based and universitybased teacher educators, contains rich illustrative examples and vignettes from lead practitioners in UK primary and secondary schools. The book is relevant across curriculum areas and phases of education so that all new teachers can ease their transition into teaching, build their confidence and lay foundations for their career-long professional growth. Speaking to new and recently qualified teachers as well as coordinators of professional learning in schools, this book is an essential resource for teacher CPD.
Thomas Perry and Rebecca Morris University of Birmingham, UK and Warwick University, UK October 2021 Print 9780335249398 eBook 9780335249404
The book draws on a flagship module from the University of Birmingham educational leadership Master’s programmes which fosters rich engagement and discussion between researchers and school leaders about the problems, methods and findings of the EEI knowledge base. The book offers a critical examination of EEI research and how school leaders can critically and judiciously harness research and evidence to improve their schools. This ground-breaking book is essential reading for EEI researchers, evidenceinformed school leaders and those studying educational effectiveness and improvement research and practice.
This book highlights how education has responded to the new challenges arising in the 21st century. The changes go beyond the new forms of technology to emphasise the changing nature of education’s purpose as preparation for the workplace and society. There is now increasing importance placed on skills like collaboration, teamwork, critical thinking and autonomy which are often described as ‘21st century skills’. The book develops a comprehensive teaching approach that touches on theory but is also clear about what this means to classrooms in practice. The chapters encourage a dialogue between theory and practice so that each teacher can develop their own skills in tandem with their own experience.
Moira Hulme, Rebecca Smith and Rachel O’Sullivan Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Sale Grammar School, Manchester, UK and Manchester Metropolitan University, UK June 2021 Print 9780335250356 eBook 9780335250363
Ian Menter, Emeritus Professor of Teacher Education, University of Oxford, Former President of the British Educational Research Association (2013-15)
Mastering Teaching: Thriving as an Career Teacher Classroom Teaching in the 21st Century
Dr David Waugh, Professor of Education, Durham University, UK “This is a book that is sorely needed to support the flourishing of teachers during the demanding early stages of their careers.”
Richard Race (Ed) Roehampton University, UK January 2022 Print 9780335249619 eBook 9780335249626
“Dialogue and education are essential tools that can help tackle some of the biggest cultural problems we are facing, including educationpost-Coronavirusrealities.”
Research, Evidence and Educational ImprovementandMulticulturalismEducation3e
Clive Beck and Clare Kosnik University of Toronto, Canada August 2021 Print 9780335250271 eBook 9780335250288
This book introduces readers to the key concepts of character education. It explores the educational approaches that can be used to explain how character education can be taught, learned, assessed and evaluated within a range of settings. Each chapter includes focused questions for discussion/reflection alongside an annotated list of further readings relevant to the chapter’s focus. As character education becomes a priority, this book provides a clear outline of the themes, issues and debates that form the foundations of this topic. The book is a useful addition for students undertaking undergraduate educational studies and postgraduate preservice teacher education courses.
Dr Beth Dickson, University of Glasgow, UK
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