3 minute read
Coastal / Ocean / Petroleum Earthquake Engineering
by Dominic Reeve (University of Plymouth, UK) The book is aimed at practicing coastal managers and engineers; to provide some practical guide to using the results of research efforts over the last decade. The material is also suitable for final year undergraduates and MSc students. It brings together in one book material that is currently dispersed across many sources which are not easy for the non-expert to access. • Authors include leading academics and local authority engineers • Will provide the only guide to practical use of risk-based techniques for managing coasts • Includes theory, numerical and field models, and application to a real site
Readership: Graduate students, practitioners, and researchers.
Feb 2023 978-1-84816-583-0 US$106 £88 978-1-84816-584-7(ebook) US$159 £133
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering
(2nd Edition)
by Ashish J Mehta (Nutech Consultants, Inc., USA) In this second edition most of the chapters have been substantially updated, rewritten, and expanded. Overall, a significant change has also been made throughout by replacing sediment concentration, a unit dependent quantity at the heart of numerous descriptions, measurements, and calculations, with the nondimensional sediment volume fraction. It marks a divergence in the manner in which fine sediment transport data and calculations are conventionally presented. Readership: Teachers, researchers, upper division undergraduates and graduate students in civil engineering, environmental engineering and coastal geology; Courses in sediment transport, port and harbor engineering, and applied shallow watwer marine physics.
Sep 2022 978-981-125-723-0 US$158 £125 978-981-125-724-7(ebook) US$237 £190
Coupling and Couplers
by Carlos R Mechoso (University of California Los Angeles, USA), Soon-Il An (Yonsei University, South Korea) & Sophie Valcke (CERFACS, France) The present book fills a void in the current literature by presenting a basic and yet rigorous treatment of how the models of the atmosphere and the ocean are put together into a coupled system. The text of the book is divided into chapters organized according to complexity of the components that are coupled. Two full chapters are dedicated to current efforts on the development of generalist couplers and coupling methodologies all over the world. Readership: Students, academics and researchers in meteorology/ climatology, and weather forecasting services.
edited by Snehashish Chakraverty (National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India) & Perumandla Karunakar (Anurag University, Hyderabad, India)
The aim of this book is to address the efficient and recently developed theories along with the basic equations of wave dynamics. The latest development of analytical/semi analytical and numerical methods with respect to wave dynamics are also covered. Further few challenging experimental studies are considered for related problems. This book presents advances in wave dynamics in simple and easy to follow chapters for the benefit of the readers/researchers.
Readership: This book is mainly written for the undergraduates, graduates, researchers, industry, faculties etc. all over the world as the book covers various analytical and numerical/ computational methods for solving different models governing water, sound, electromagnetic, seismic and shock waves.
Mar 2022 978-981-124-535-0 US$98 £80 978-981-124-536-7(ebook) US$147 £115
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol 54
by Juan Horrillo (Texas A&M University, USA), William Knight (National Tsunami Warning Center (Retired), USA) & Zygmunt Kowalik (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA)
“In a very skillful and methodical manner — the authors provide new insights on the subject of numerical modeling, its gradual upgrading, and updates with what is being done presently with state-of-the-art, highperformance computers, which allow for even more accurate simulations of tsunami waves generated from a variety of source mechanisms — whether from earthquakes, landslides, or other sources. In addition to validating the results with historical data, the monograph provides several conclusions concerning the effects of various source characteristics on wave generation, propagation and termination — all of great importance in both understanding these processes, but also of being of significance to Tsunami Warning Systems in issuing more accurate predictions, and thus enabling Civil Defense Authorities to evaluate the tsunami risks and take measures that will protect human lives, properties and important infrastructure ... this monograph represents an outstanding work of scholarship and a valuable reference for any researcher involved in numerical modeling.” Science of Tsunami Hazards
Readership: Researchers and students in physical oceanography, ocean/civil engineers, computer science.