9 minute read
Data Analysis / Big Data
Understanding the Mind of the Cyber Deviant Perpetrators
edited by Majeed Khader, Whistine Xiau Ting Chai & Loo Seng Neo (Home Team Behavioural Sciences Centre, Singapore)
Key Features • This book encapsulates an endeavour to solicit and harness the insights of practitioners, policymakers, and subjectmatter experts in the field of cybersecurity and cyberpsychology • This book also provides insights from a Singaporean perspective such that the information presented will be relevant to local practitioners and policymakers • It will focus largely on regional examples of cyber threats so that it provides an Asian perspective to the growing issue
Readership: Students, researchers and practitioners and law enforcement agencies examining the field of forensic cyberpsychology and cyber-security; Law enforcement agencies such as the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI), Ministry of Defence (MINDEF), INTERPOL, Government Technology Agency; Secondary market: Tertiary institutions such as Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).
404pp 978-981-123-240-4 Feb 2021 US$148 £130
by Boris Ryabko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia & Novosibirsk State University, Russia) & Andrey Fionov (Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences (SibSUTIS), Russia)
Key Features
• The book is based on simple “secondary school” mathematics • All the main ideas and methods of modern cryptography are strictly described • Algorithms are presented in a form ready for computer implementation • Numerical examples and exercises are provided for most topics
Readership: University professors and students at undergraduate, graduate, and PhD levels, as well as industry practitioners and those who wish to start a career in cryptography.
288pp 978-981-122-615-1 Jan 2021 US$88 £75
An Application-Oriented Mathematical Introduction
by Robert Schmied (Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany)
Cryptology for Engineers is a study of digital security in communications systems. The book covers the cryptographical functionalities of ciphering, hash generation, digital signature generation, key management and random number generation, with a clear sense of the mathematical background on the one hand and engineers’ requirements on the other. Numerous examples computable by hand or with a small additional cost in most cases are provided inside.
Readership: This book is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of cryptology, mathematics and engineering.
by Guanghui Zhao (Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, China & Transportation Think Tank Information Technology Research Institute of MOT, China) & Gusheng Zhu (Qujing Normal University, China) This book is designed as a popular science book on big data analytics in intelligent transportation systems. It aims to provide an introduction to big-data transportation starting from an overview on the development of big data transportation in various countries. This is followed by a discussion on the blueprint strategies of big data transportation which include innovative models, planning, transportation logistics, and application case studies. Finally, the book discusses applications of big data transportation platforms.
Readership: The book’s target readers are managers working in transportation company, and officials in transportation departments, researchers in the field of transportation technology and application, and teachers and students interested in transportation.
352pp 978-981-123-599-3 Jul 2021 US$108 £95
World Scientific Series on Financial Data Analytics - Vol 1
From Concept to Deployment
by Edward H K Ng (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Key Features
• This book expedites risk-based decisions so that enterprises would be competitive • The book makes it possible to automate data inputs, models and results using cost-effective R codes • It fills a gap in the market, by integrating theory and concepts with industry realities
Readership: Risk management professionals, bankers, compliance officers as well as modelers and students who are interested in risk analytics.
208pp 978-981-123-870-3 Nov 2021 US$88 £75
World Scientific Series in Health Investment and Financing - Vol 4
by David M Dror (Micro Insurance Academy, India)
This book is the first and only study on implementing Universal Health Coverage in poor, rural and informal settings, with endto-end guidance for rolling out a demanddriven and needs-based health insurance model. The chapters are comprehensive, covering topics such as data collection and analysis for contextual risk assessment, the design of suitable benefits packages, how to price microinsurance, insurance education for illiterate or innumerate populations, the setting up of governance bodies and training staff for key roles, and information management.
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students of health economics and finance, microinsurance businesses and practitioners.
Mathematics, Technology, and Economics
by Alexander Lipton (Sila Money, USA & Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) & Adrien Treccani (Metaco, Switzerland)
“At last — if you want to truly understand distributed ledger technology and its implications for payments, here finally is an authoritative and accessible reference book. No polemics, breathless praise, or impenetrable prose — the authors impartially explain how DLT works and how it can be used to upgrade our outdated payment systems. Along the way, the authors delight the reader with fascinating historical details and many practical applications. This book has instantly become the definitive source.” Prof. Darrell Duffie,
The Adams Distinguished Professor of Management and Professor of Finance, Stanford University
Readership: Students and professionals from quantitatively-oriented fields such as mathematics, computer science, finance, economics, banking, and supply chain management.
450pp Aug 2021 978-981-122-152-1(pbk) US$58 £50 978-981-122-151-4 US$128 £115
Challenges and Opportunities
edited by Sam Goundar (British University Vietnam, Vietnam), G Suseendran (Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, India) & R Anandan (Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, India)
Key Features
• This book has a diverse range of authors writing on different aspects of how Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence is converging and the impacts of these developments. It aims to be a comprehensive reference guide to the topic • The contributors are mostly academics and practitioners who write about their research and experiences
Readership: Academics, researchers, students and practitioners involved in artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, ethics, robotics, safety engineering, safety-critical systems, standardization and certification digital forensics.
360pp 978-981-122-506-2 Apr 2022 US$118 £105
Current Practice and Future Trends
edited by Sam Goundar (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Key Features
• A comprehensive reference guide covering different aspects of blockchains and cryptocurrencies • Contributed by a diverse range of authors from both academia and professional fields
Readership: Scholars, researchers and practitioners involved in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. Singapore University of Social Sciences - World Scientific Future Economy Series - Vol 3
(1st Edition)
by Infocomm Media Development Authority edited by David Kuo Chuen Lee (Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore)
Key Features
• Structured and systematic introduction to technologies in artificial intelligence (AI), data and blockchain • Analysis of technology roadmap and application to the Singapore’s digitalisation journey • Insightful analysis of services and digital economy as well as technology convergence
Readership: Graduate, postgraduate and executive students, professionals and policy makers with an interest in technology and its impact.
216pp Jul 2020 978-981-121-994-8(pbk) US$58 £50 978-981-121-895-8 US$138 £120
Singapore University of Social Sciences - World Scientific Future Economy Series - Vol 4
Design Thinking and Programming for FinTech
by Swee Won Lo (Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore), Yu Wang (Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore) & David Kuo Chuen Lee (Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore)
Key Features
• An in-depth coverage of blockchain and smart contract design thinking and how to design a solution • Elaboration of consensus, cryptography and multi-chain to shed light on the blockchain design and architecture • Various hands-on sections on Bitcoin, smart contract and multi-chain to allow the readers to better understand the conceptual framework through programming and provide them with practical experiences in blockchain
Readership: Advanced undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, practitioners, and researchers in the field of Finance/Fintech/ IT/Business/Economics/Marketing.
380pp Jan 2021 978-981-122-486-7(pbk) US$48 £40 978-981-122-368-6 US$108 £95
by PaulBeynon-Davies (Cardiff University, UK)
Key Features
• This book is relatively unique in focusing upon the nature of the record. It builds a central theory of the scaffolding of data structures which explains how data is constitutive of society • It offers better explanations of the role data structures play in a wide range of domains
Readership: Undergraduate, post-graduate, academics, and professionals specialising in information systems, information management, and data science.
Computational, Numerical and Mathematical Methods in Sciences and Engineering - Vol 2
Numerical Methods for Problems with Periodic or Oscillating Solution
by Theodore E Simos (University of Peloponnese, Greece)
Key Features
• Contains unique techniques and methods using Matlab • Provides a unique presentation of a comparison of techniques and methods with all the well-known numerical methods in literature
Readership: Applied mathematicians, physicists, chemists, material scientists and computational scientists.
500pp 978-1-86094-697-4 Jun 2022 US$166 £138
by Odile Pons (French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France)
“The book is an interesting and useful reading for scientists and students in the area of mathematicsand statistics.” zbMATH The approximation and the estimation of nonparametric functions by projections on an orthonormal basis of functions are useful in data analysis. This book presents series estimators defined by projections on bases of functions, they extend the estimators of densities to mixture models, deconvolution and inverse problems, to semi-parametric and nonparametric models for regressions, hazard functions and diffusions. They are estimated in the Hilbert spaces with respect to the distribution function of the regressors and their optimal rates of convergence are proved. Their mean square errors depend on the size of the basis which is consistently estimated by cross-validation. Wavelets estimators are defined and studied in the same models.
Readership: Graduate students and researchers.
304pp 978-981-121-068-6 Feb 2020 US$98 £85
QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis - Vol 31
From Quantum Information to Bio-Informatics Proceedings of Quantum Bio-Informatics 2014 The QBIC Workshop 2014 Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 23 – 25 October 2014
edited by Luigi Accardi (Universitàdi Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy), Wolfgang Freudenberg (Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, Germany) & Noboru Watanabe (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Key Features
• This volume captures and presents interdisciplinary bridges in mathematics, physics, information and life sciences • It contains several researches for information science and life science on the basis of quantum theory • The authors of this volume show new results in the field of Quantum
Readership: Mathematicians, physicists, biologists and information scientists. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying in the same fields as mentioned scientists. All researchers interested in the study of Quantum Information and Bio-Informatics.
208pp 978-981-121-782-1 Jul 2020 US$108 £95
East China Normal University Scientific Reports - Vol 10
by Jiali Mao (East China Normal University, China), Cheqing Jin (East China Normal University, China) & Aoying Zhou (East China Normal University, China)
Unlike other books on spatial databases, mobile computing, data mining, or computing with spatial trajectories, this book is focused on smart transportation applications.
Readership: Advanced undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, and application developers specializing in trajectory stream data clustering and distribution.
272pp 978-981-121-045-7 Mar 2020 US$98 £85
Advances and Opportunities with Big Data and Analytics APPLIED HEALTH CARE ANALYTICS
Enabling Transformative Health Care through Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Computing
by Mark Albert (Loyola University, USA), Plamen Petrov (Deloitte Consulting, USA) & Rajeev Ronanki (Deloitte Consulting, USA)
Key Features
• Heavy emphasis on direct application to healthcare through cases and more detailed instruction • Introduction to advanced techniques like cognitive computing in the field of health care • A balanced presentation of theoretical foundations and real-world practical examples
Readership: Supplementary textbook for postgraduate students in advance analytics and cognitive computing courses in Computer Science or Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning degrees.