Volume 4

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Vol 4



Visiting the Tuli Block – Botswana

Fly-fishing is Featured Species:

Honeycomb Stingray African Elephant Berghaan Naboom

Scuba Diving in

Letter from the editor


The winds of change will start blowing soon. Opening up a new chapter in our outdoorsmen’s book of life. After the challenging times the winter months posed for seasoned bass anglers, the time for big females lie just around the corner. It is also the time when recreational anglers grab their spinning tackle to target those big Bass. I plea with all of you to safely release fish caught in these times.

Publisher: African Adventures Magazine (Pty) Ltd. Editor: Johan Viljoen Co-editor: Cobus Steyl Advertising: Lizel Stavast

I am very excited to meet some new friends on our Kruger Quickie Safari on the 17th. Thank you all for joining us and we believe that it will be a memorable experience. It is always a privilege to spend time with fellow nature lovers.


With the Kruger Park being the cornerstone of our country’s conservation efforts, we will use this opportunity to identify a less recognised threatened animal in the park and start a conservation drive to protect that species for future generations. In the next few editions, please visit the beautiful town of Clarens with us as we have a look into their history, all the beauty surrounding it and the centenary celebration that lies ahead in October. If your town would like us to spend some time with it’s people and nature, please contact me at: johan@africanadventures.co.za It is with great pleasure that I welcome my co-editor, Cobus Steyl, on board. Your input, support and enthusiasm means the world to us and I trust that your full time involvement will take the magazine to a new level. This is a bumper packed edition and we wish you all a wonderful read. Make sure your rods outnumber her shoes!

Johan Viljoen 4

Vol 4 2012

For advertising enquiries contact: Lizel Stavast 073 777 9524

For distribution details contact: Johan Viljoen 083 469 4347

Letters to the editor Editorial submissions info@africanadventures.co.za

Advertorial inquiries lizel@africanadventures.co.za


Cobus Steyl 083 644 4554 cobus@africanadventures.co.za

Design and layout Media Chef 012 346 5252 www.mediachef.co.za

Cover Photo by:

Lorraine Aucamp KALEIDOSCOPE STUDIOS 083 325 7708 Disclaimer and Copyright While all precautions have been take to ensure the accuracy of advice and information given to the readers, the Proprietor, Publisher, Editor or writers cannot accept responsibility for any damages, inconvenience or injury that may arise whatsoever from incorrect information. We take every reasonable precaution to deal only with honest and ethical advertisers, however neither African Adventures Magazine Pty (Ltd), nor its editor, publisher, agent or employees can be held responsible for any harm, loss or damage arising from a transaction entered into pursuant to any section in this magazine. African Adventures assumes no responsibility to return graphics, unsolicited editorial or other material. All rights in unsolicited editorial letters, emails, graphics and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes, and material will be subject to African Adventures unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. The publisher accepts no responsibility for the contented advertisements. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of African Adventures. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


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Contents / Inhoud Regulars


Letter from the editor Letter to the editor Events Doorndraai Stories

4 8 34 58

Featured species: African Elephant Honeycomb Stingray Berghaan Naboom

19 25 49 55

Fly Fishing is easy Targeting Big Bronze Bream in the surf

30 32

DIVING Hunting Big Fish using Reel-Guns Scuba Diving in Kosi Bay How to choose your Diving Course Top 10 duikplekke in Suid-Afrika

38 42 44 52


Celebrity Profile Thys die Bosveldklong


Resep van die maand Lekker Sticky Rajah mild and spicy rooibokskenkels


Moolmanshoek 4 x 4 roete Clarens Centenary Celebrations

56 60

Product Review NiteCore TM11 - Tiny Monster


Hunting “Groot Oom Kolobe-Moru” Visiting the Tuli Block – Botswana

10 15

Clarens Centenary Celebration Date: 19-21 October 2012 Art Route & Seminars, Food Demonstrations, Adventure Race, Book Festival, Traditional, Rock and Gospel Concerts, Rose High Tea & Much More. For more information contact Alna Belendez-Bieler: 082 334 1843 or email: alna@brandnew.co.za For more information visit our website: www.clarenssa.co.za & like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ClarensCentenaryCelebration?ref=hl


Vol 4 2012


Letters to the editor

Letter of the month

What a great magazine!! My only problem is that I stay in Marloth Park close to Malelane and can only get hold of your magazine when I visit my brother in Pretoria and then I have to share it with all my friends, is there no chance that you can assist us by getting the magazine closer to our home. Kind Regards Eugene Fick Hi Eugene, Thank you for your letter. We are constantly striving to increase our distribution network to ensure that our magazine is freely available everywhere. Currently we are rapidly busy expanding and you will be able to find the magazine in trade related shops in Mbombela (formerly known as Nelspruit) on a monthly basis. Feel free to visit our website where you will find a list of retailers where we distribute, as this list is updated regularly. Enjoy the next editions and we hope to hear from you again.

Submit your letters to info@africanadventures.co.za

Prize Eugene WINS camping equipment to the value of R 1000


Vol 4 2012


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Vol 4 2012



– Gerhard Dirker Phacochoerus Africanus, Kolobe-Moru (Sotho), Warthog (Engels), Vlakvark (Afrikaans). ‘n Baie gesogte dier onder meeste Suid-Afrikaanse jagters, of dit nou is vir cabanossies, salami, kaasworsies, gestopte boud of om sommer net saam met die ander wildsvleis te geniet. Daar is min dinge so lekker soos ‘n lekker vark. Wie en wat is ‘n vlakvark? Hy val onder trekwild, hy behoort aan niemand, hulle kom en gaan soos hulle wil. Bly meestal in ou erdvarkgate wat hulle groter maak om in te skuil of om hul kleintjies te jong. Hulle kruip agteruit by die gat in, wanneer gevaar dreig storm hulle kop eerste uit, sodat daardie formidabele tande reg is om enige skoorsoeker te verwilder, vreesloos in die aangesig van gevaar. Daar is baie mites rondom varkvleis, party mense glo die vleis kan vir verskeie redes “vreemd/wild” smaak as jy ‘n beer skiet wat al werk of as jy ‘n ou vark skiet, om daardie rede verkies ek altyd om ‘n jong sog te skiet vir vleis doeleindes, maar ‘n trofee vark bly ‘n lekker vark in enige jagter se oë! Die boonste, krom tande word langer namate die dier ouer word. Die onderste tande is vlymskerp omdat dit heeltyd teen die boon-


Vol 4 2012

ste tande slyp. Om dus ‘n groot vark te skiet is nie baie maklik nie, vanweë die vlakvark se instink om homself ten alle tye te beskerm en nie altyd net te vlug as gevaar dreig nie. Vir hierdie rede is meeste ou bere se tande gewoonlik gebreek. Wat die vlakvark andersins so ‘n unieke dier maak om te jag, is vanweë die feit dat hulle rondtrek soos hulle wil, nie soos enige ander boksoort wat jy fisies op jagmaak nie. ‘n Wildboer koop nie ‘n trofee vark op veiling en laat jag hom nie, jy vat nie ‘n vark se spoor en jag hom oor ‘n naweek nie. Meeste van ons sal op die plaas aankom om ‘n boksoort te skiet, om ‘n vark te skiet is ‘n bysaak as jy klaar jou bok geskiet het, miskien as dit ‘n grote is, maar dit bly ‘n los gelukkie. Hoe baie YouTube videos is daar nie van varke wat hulself of hulle kroos beskerm teen leeus en jagluiperds nie, die vlakvark is ‘n dier met baie murg in sy pype en staan terug vir niks nie. Ek het self tot op hede nog maar net twee werklike mooi trofeeklas varke geskiet en vertel graag meer. Mei 2002, Louis Trichardt, nou Makhado, die eerste jagseisoen met my eie geweer.


Hunting ‘n Maand na my agtiende verjaarsdag. Ek en my neef Pasch het geskiet wat ons moes en wou graag die jagnaweek aflsuit op ‘n hoë noot. Ons besluit om elkeen ‘n vark te jag. Dis nie ‘n wiskundige berekening nie, water2=varke2. Nie baie lank gewag nie, kom daar ‘n sog met vier amper gespeende kleintjies aangedraf, ons besluit om te wag. Hulle word gevolg deur 2 jong bere.

terug sit om die oomblik te geniet en net die natuurskoon te aanskou, diep bewus van die bosveld, afgesny van die buitewêreld toe daar ‘n kolosale beer van skuins agter verskyn. In ‘n flink en vinnige draffie, pronk sy reuse wit tande trots bo hom uit. My neef Pasch sê met ‘n baie sagte maar duidelike onophoudelik stemtoon…” brand hom, brand hom, brand hom, brand hom…”

Nadat die sog en haar kleintjies klaar gedrink het, beweeg hulle rustig aan, die twee bere drink ook ongesteurd, nie soos ‘n koedoe wat baie suutjies, treetjie vir treetjie die water nader nie. Die sog en haar kleintjies stap reguit op ons af, die twee bere is ook klaar gedrink en wil aanbeweeg. Ek wil nog

Dit was ‘n trotse oomblik, en ek het nie twee keer gedink of rondgeskuif om die kruis op sy linkeroog te plant nie. Die skoot klap, die varke spring weg en laat skiet in alle rigtings. Ons het ‘n baie lekker jagnaweek afgesluit op ‘n baie hoë noot. Toe die res van die jagters die karkas sien by die koelkamer vra hulle wie het die wildebeeskalf geskiet…?


Vol 4 2012



Die tweede vark het ek in 2011 tussen Dwaalboom en Makoppa, naby aan die Lenkwane rivier gejag. In 2010 November het ek getrou en met dié dat die skoonfamilie nie groot jagters is nie, is daar besluit om die familiejag ‘n jaarlikse instelling te maak. Die tweede oggend loop die gids voor, gevolg deur skoonpa, Hendrik, dan ek wat die geweer dra. Die gras is baie lank en ons maak net geraas, die plaas jag moeilik en die bokke is wild geskiet. Na ‘n ruk se loop stel ek voor ons loop eerder in die wildspad, want hierdie lang grasse maak dit onbejagbaar en ek gaan begin gefrustreed raak. Dit is klaar erg genoeg om drie manne in die veld te loop, nog erger as dit ‘n hengse geraas is.


Vol 4 2012

Nie ver geloop nie, begin die pad lui draaie en kronkels maak deur ‘n Vaalboswoud, ek ruik die kenmerkende geur van die Vaalbos, die gids merk twee varke op voor ons in die pad. Die gras is ook te dig vir hulle dink ek, die dat hulle na die korter gras in die paaie skuif om te vreet. Dadelik sê ek vir skoonpa: gee hom “sweets”, ons term vir lood gooi, skoonpa sê nee, hy wil eerder ‘n rooibok skiet. Ek het nooit ‘n groot uitnodinging nodig om te skiet nie, ek kyk deur die teleskoop en merk dat dit gemiddelde varke is, niks besonders nie. Ons staan in die pad en kyk vir hulle, heel rustig en ongesteurd vreet hulle gebukkend op hulle voorste pootjies.



Ek lig die geweer en kyk vir hulle en laat sak weer die geweer. As ons begin loop gaan hulle ons opmerk en miskien bokke in ‘n naby geleë area weg jaag, ons besluit dus om maar net vir eers te staan en kyk en die oomblik te geniet. Met die rustige staan en kyk, hoor ons hier kom iets in ons rigting, dit is so stil en rustig, ‘n mens hoor net, jy luister nie, jy registreer nie, eers wanneer ek besef dit wat ons hoor is nou baie naby en gaan nou ‘n verrassende verskyning maak. Dit lyk soos ‘n bosskraper wat dekgras platstoot en ‘n pragtige varkbeer met mooi groot tande maak sy verskyning, my jagters instink hoef nie wakker te word nie, die vark steek skielik vas en besef hy is 15 meter van ons af.

Toe die vark se natuurlike instink vir hom sê maak spore, het my jagtersinstink vir my reeds ‘n sekonde vantevore gesê druk saggies die sneller. ‘n Werklik onbeskryflike en opwindende oggendjag wat in ‘n lekker los gelukkie gedraai het en my met ‘n pragtige vark beloon het.


Vol 4 2012




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Vol 4 2012



Visiting the Tuli Block – Botswana – Cobus Steyl Most people’s perception of hunting or visiting Botswana is usually that it is too far and the administration involved is a nightmare. Because of this, we decided to plan a trip there ourselves to see if it is the case and to be able to tell our readers about our experience. We started by looking for a farm that can accommodate six people as well as have sufficient animals and hunting facilities to choose from. We found the perfect farm in the Tuli Block on the Limpopo river. It was truly a wonderful experience, being able to fish as well as look at the Hippos and Crocodiles after a great day in the field is the best of both worlds.

Tuli Block General Information The Tuli Block is quite different to anywhere else in Botswana. It is generally referred to as the Hardveld because of the rocky outcrops and the abundance of rocks, stones and pebbles of all shapes and sizes. There is also a network of dry riverbeds and the larger rivers sport gigantic trees along its banks.

The Tuli Block is occupied by private game farms, private game reserves and lodges. One of the main attractions is that it is less than six hours from Pretoria and the game is plentiful - an ideal weekend getaway. Locality and Size The Tuli Block is about 350 km long, stretching from the corner where the Shashe and the Limpopo Rivers meet in the east, right down to the Notwane River north of Olifants Drift in the South West. The Tuli Block consists mainly of privately owned farms, but the eastern section has been declared a game reserve, known as the Northern Tuli Game Reserve. The entire conservation area, including the adjacent safari area bordering the Tuli Circle, comprises about 80 000 hectares.

Requirements Meat & Trophy Permits You need to apply for a permit that will allow you to bring back the meat of your hunt. One permit is allowed per person per month which will allow you to bring back 250 kg of venison as well as 100 kg of biltong with an additional 25 kg of meat per vehicle.


Vol 4 2012


Hunting You apply for the permits at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. You can contact Ina Labuschagne on 012 319 7514 who will send you the necessary documents. The cost per permit is R120. Once the application has been submitted, it only takes a couple of days and you can then collect it from their offices or they will post it to you. Once you are in possession of the originals, you need to send it to the hunting farm at least four weeks before your trip to give them enough time to get the necessary stamps from their government. Should you be blessed with a trophy animal, the following will apply: Site permits need to be issued for each individual trophy. The cost of these permits are currently R150 and is arranged by the outfitter. All trophies are then sent to Gaborone where a State veterinarian declares it fit for export. The Trophy is then dipped, packed and sent to the client after approximately three weeks. Alternatively, you can have your trophy mounted in Botswana by a local taxidermy. Road/Vehicle permits Travelling to Botswana, you need a ZA sticker on your vehicle and trailer. This can be purchased at any AA store or various other outdoor stores. The average cost is R15 per sticker. You need a copy of your vehicle’s registration document. The document where you cut out your registration disc will also suffice. Furthermore, you need a letter from your


Vol 4 2012

insurance company confirming that the vehicle is insured and is permitted to enter Botswana. If the vehicle is still under hire purchase, you need a letter from the bank granting permission for the vehicle to leave South Africa. An additional road permit needs to be bought at the border for R250. This is only once-off, just before you enter Botswana. You can pay with South African or Botswana currency.

Border control When entering Botswana at Groblers Bridge border post, you need to get your SA Passport stamped at the South African border post and receive a road permit. This is a very quick process which took us roughly 15 minutes. You then proceed to the Botswana gate where your SA Passport is stamped again and you pay for the road permit. Once again a very quick process that took us 15 minutes. The tricky part is the search at the last gate. As most people do, you need to hide everything as best you can. No fresh products are allowed, no fruit or meat. Alcohol is permitted, however it is limited to 1 litre of spirits, 2 litres of wine and six beers per person. When we passed, they searched the three vehicles before us very thoroughly. We were lucky not to be searched thoroughly, but could easily have been. The farm owners usually know the situation and will gladly offer to purchase your necessary supplies before you reach the farm. I would recommend that as you could be held up for hours on the border and run the risk of losing everything you take with you.


Hunting Coming back was the same process, once again we were not searched and were not even asked for our meat permits. It took a total of 20 minutes for us to pass through and be back on South African soil.

Distance The Tuli Block borders the Limpopo River in Botswana. We left the morning at 4:30 from Pretoria and arrived at the border at 9:30, a mere five hours with two 20 minute stops on the way. The shortest route is to travel via Nylstroom, Vaalwater and Ellisras, however, due to severe road works between Nylstroom and Vaalwater, we decided to travel via Sterkrivier and Marken.

be anything from 10 km to 350 km from the border. From Pretoria to the farm we booked, we travelled 480 km in a total travel time of just under six hours.

In conclusion Looking back at a memorable experience, we all concurred that the minor additional arrangements to have the privilege of hunting or visiting a part of our continent is definitely worth it. The pros outweigh the cons by far.

Alternatively you can travel via Potgietersrus and Baltimore to Groblers Bridge. Depending on the location of your destination, it could


Vol 4 2012



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Featured Specie

- Compiled by Johan Viljoen

Loxodonta Africana The African elephants, also known as African bush elephants or African savannah elephants, are the largest living land mammals. African elephants have a large head, large ears and a long muscular trunk. The two front incisors of African elephants grow into large tusks that curve forward. Tusks are present in both male and female African elephants. The African elephant’s trunk has two finger like outgrowths, one at the top edge of the tip and another on the bottom edge. These outgrowths, also called proboscides, enables the elephant to pick up small objects and strip leaves from trees. African elephants, like most elephants, require a great deal of food to support their large body size. They can eat up to 350 pounds of food each day and their foraging can drastically alter the landscape. The African elephant’s predators include lions, hyenas and humans.

The basic social unit in African elephants is the maternal family unit. Sexually mature males also form groups while old bulls are sometimes solitary. Large herds can form, in which the various maternal and male groups mix. The species is targeted by poachers who hunt elephants for their valuable ivory tusks.

Diet African elephants are herbivores. They feed on plant material such as grasses, buds, fruits, leaves, roots and bark.

Size and Weight About 13 to 16 feet long and 4⅜- 7¾ tons.


Vol 4 2012


Featured Specie



African elephants once inhabited a range that stretched from the southern Sahara Desert to the southern tip of Africa and reached from the west coast of Africa to the Indian Ocean. Today, African elephants are restricted to small pockets in Southern Africa.

African elephants are traditionally considered to be one of two species of elephants, the other being the Asian elephant. Recently, however, scientists have suggested a third species of elephant. This new classification still recognises Asian elephants as a single species but divides African elephants into two new species, the African savannah elephant and the African forest elephant.

Reproduction African elephants reproduce sexually. Females become sexually mature between the ages of 12 and 14 years. Pregnancy is 22 months long and is timed so that calves are born during the rainy season when food is plentiful. When born, calves are large and mature slowly. Since calves require much care as they develop, only one calf is born at a time and females only give birth about once every five years. In captivity, elephants breed poorly or not at all.


Vol 4 2012

Evolution Elephants’ closest living relative are manatees. Other close relatives to elephants include hyraxes and rhinoceroses. Although today there are only two living species in the elephant family, there used to be some 150 species including animals such as Arsinoitherium and Desmostylia.


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Vol 4 2012


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Vol 4 2012



Vol 4 2012


Featured Specie


Stingray - Compiled by Johan Viljoen

The honeycomb stingray can be found in French Polynesia, Australia, the southern and western coasts of Africa, Indo-Pacific, Taiwan, the Red Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. Being a tropical and subtropical water inhabitant, like most rays this species prefers a substrate of sand and mud. They are commonly found in shallow lagoons and estuaries, off sandy beaches and in the sandy areas of coral and rock reefs. They may also be found in deeper water of up to 50 m. Although generally considered a marine species, they have been observed in fresh water.

Physical Characteristics Also known as the reticulate whip ray, it is a large, disc-shaped ray with a moderately pointed nose and a very long, slender tail

that can be up to three times the body length. There is usually one sting, a highly modified dermal tentacle, close to the base of the tail. The sting has sharp saw-tooth edges over about 75% of its length. Each tooth faces backward like a barb on a hook. In adults there is a row of flat tenticles along the midline of the back. The upper surface of juveniles is a base colour of light brown with well-delineated dark spots. As the ray ages, the spots modify in size and shape and develop the close black and brown reticular pattern of the adults. The ventral side is white. The tail has black and white coloured bands behind the sting.


Vol 4 2012


Featured Specie

Size Size estimates of these rays vary considerably. The largest disc width reported is 2.0 m, probably a rarity, and the greatest length, including the tail, 4.5 m (14.8 ft). The heaviest reported weight is 120 kg. The spine of females is about 63 mm long and that of males, 55 mm long.

Diet and Feeding These rays are mainly bottom feeders. Their diet consists primarily of small fish and a variety of invertebrates including crabs, bivalves, worms, shrimps and jellyfish. They use their pectoral wings to uncover hidden prey.

Reproduction Sexes are separate and fertilization is internal. In its early developmental stage, the embryo receives its nutrition from the egg yolk. Then it breaks and sheds the thin membrane of the egg capsule and receives its nourishment from a fluid called histotroph or ‘uterine milk’ which is secreted from villi, appendages in the wall of the female’s uterus. These uterine extensions also provide the embryo with oxygen and removes its waste. 26

Vol 4 2012

Three to five pups are born during the summer months. At birth they are about 90 cm in length with a disc diameter of about 20 cm. The pup emerges tail first with its pectoral fins wrapped around its body. Its spines are pliable and encased in sheaths, preventing injury to the female during birthing. The natal sheath is discarded and the spines harden soon after birth. The pups resemble miniature adults and are independent at birth. Mating occurs again shortly after the birthing process.

Behaviour These rays swim by moving the edges of their pectoral wings to create S-shaped waves that move vertically from head to tail creating a flying motion. The tail is thought to be used for balance and steering and to support the sting. As bottom dwellers, they use their wings to uncover buried prey and to cover themselves with silt. When buried, they avoid inhaling mud or sand by breathing through spiracles on the top of the head instead of their buried gills.

Adaptation The sting, spine, and barb are different parts of the ray’s venom apparatus. The sting


Featured Specie

refers to the entire structure consisting of the spine, its sheath, and venom glands. The spine is the rigid dentin surface of the sting. It is covered with a thin sheath of skin. The barbs are the backward facing serrations along the sides of the spine. Two grooves on the underside of the ray’s spine contain the venom-secreting material. When the spine is lying flat against the dorsal surface of the ray’s tail, it is bathed in a mixture of venom and mucus. When the tail is stepped on or the ray encounters danger, it raises its tail and “strikes” with its spine. The sheath of skin breaks apart as it enters the skin of the victim, releasing the free-flowing venom. The serrated barbs help to tear the sheath and broaden the victim’s wound.

Conservation Not highly considered as a food fish, it still has fairly high commercial value. It is commonly taken in ray fisheries and may be marketed locally. It is not uncommon for it to be taken as by catch in trawling operations and other types of fisheries. Because of its size and strong swimming ability, it is favoured as a sport fish by some sport fishers.

Leather made from the hide of the reticulated whiptail ray is considered to be of high quality and is used in the manufacture of belts, purses, boots, and other useful items. The tail is sold as a curio and parts of the fish are used in Asian homeopathic medicine. These rays are heavily preyed on by sharks, especially hammerheads.

Amazing Facts Scientists believe that the high nutrient value of the lipid and protein-rich uterine milk (histotroph) that nourishes stingray embryos is the reason for their 3 000 to 5 000 percent weight increase during development. Rays are the only vertebrates that have such a remarkable weight gain during fetal development In 2002 fossilized coral estimated to be 350 - 400 million years old was found when a low tide exposed it on a reef off the coast of Alaska’s Prince of Wales Island. Fashioned into polished slabs for inlays in men’s jewellery, it was named stingray coral. The pattern on the cut surfaces was thought to resemble the pattern on the skin of reticulate whip rays.


Vol 4 2012



Vol 4 2012



Fly-fishing is easy – by Richard Simpkins

Tom Sutcliff once wrote “Teaching fly fishing is easy enough; the difficult part is learning it. The essence is the cast, that seamless, rhythmic sweep of fly line that at first glance looks so out of your reach but which in truth is easy enough to master.” Some of the subject matter that at first seems so intimidating, but is easily absorbed over time, covers topics such as tackle, tactics, casting, entomology and fly-tying. A good first step is to learn casting either with a borrowed rod or else at venues where rod hire is possible and lessons are often available. Once this is mastered, usually within an hour or two, then a major barrier has been crossed and you’re well on your way to a lifetime of pleasure and the joys of spotting a fish in the water, the


Vol 4 2012

take and the landing followed by the release of the fish, unharmed. Other questions such as what fly line should be used, what flies work best, where to fish and how as well as what tackle to be used can all also be learnt; one never stops learning in this game. Most reputable specialist fly fishing shops and venues will be able to steer the novice in the right direction. Ladies, remember fly fishing is not just a man’s game and suits women as they seem to have better hand-eye coordination and more patience than men, so please also come along and try this magnificent sport, after all it is preferable to becoming a fishing widow.


Fishing South Africa has an amazing diversity of fauna, flora, landscapes and of course fish. There are many different salt and fresh water fish species which can be targeted on fly in this country. However, as I am land locked and based in Johannesburg, I will focus on the fresh water fish that are available within a reasonable weekend drive of the big smoke. Tiger fish are on most fly fisher’s bucket list as it is probably one of the most aggressive and ferocious fresh water species in the world. They have a set of sharp, serrated teeth that alone inspire awe and when hooked, the fish will take off at a blistering pace often accompanied by high aerial head shaking leaps that set the heart pounding and the adrenaline flowing. Within our borders they are found in places such as Jozini lake and the Pongola river as well as along the Mozambique border. Another fresh water species is the Yellow fish. We have nine different Yellow fish species in South Africa of which the Large mouth and Small mouth are the most targeted. The Large mouth Yellow fish are less common and specimens of around 15 – 18 kg are known to have been caught. Small mouth Yellows are much more common and average 1 – 3 kg, a worthy fighting opponent and once caught becomes very addictive. They are strong fighters on 4 – 6 weight outfits and can be taken on small dry flies off the surface or with the easy to learn Czech nymph style.

Kraai river systems and thousands of local fly fisherman fish for them each year. Another popular target is the trout, often found surrounded by spectacular scenery that is a real panacea for the stressed out city dwellers. Trout streams around South Africa are found in the Eastern Cape and in the Highlands of Natal as well as Lesotho in the Drakensberg mountain range . Areas in the Eastern Cape such as Rhodes, Barkley East and Maclear have in excess of a 1000 km of river frontage with wild trout stock as well as Yellow fish. South Africa has many small still water dams that often produce massive Rainbow and Browns. Trout dams are all over from the fringes of Johannesburg and Pretoria to towns such as Dullstroom, Clarens and Nottingham Road. Most inland fly fishermen will target trout during the winter months as the Highveld summers make for stressful conditions for these lovely fish. However, in the Western Cape the summer months can be very productive and the Cape based fishermen are justifiably proud of the small stream fishing available in their province. Many other fresh water species such as Carp, Large and Small mouth Bass, Tilapia, Barbell (Catfish), small scale and large scale are also viable fly fishing quarries and once again within easy striking distance for most of us.

Yellow fish are warm water fish making them easily caught in large numbers throughout the warmer months of the year, however Yellow fish can be caught with the correct techniques through the more difficult winter months too. Both the Large and Small mouth Yellow fish are found in the Vaal, Orange and


Vol 4 2012



– Gareth Roocroft

The hard fighting Bronze Bream is a target of many rock and surf anglers along the South African coast. The Bronze Bream can grow to huge sizes and many large fish are caught during especially during winter. This fish is a fierce and dirty fighter, so be careful when playing or landing the fish. They are a very slow growing fish, so please think twice before keeping them.

Best times to fish Bronze Bream love feeding in rough water and turbulent sea conditions especially when there is a South Westerly wind blowing. If the weather is miserable and other fish have gone off the bite, this would be the best time to target Bronze Bream.


Vol 4 2012

Where to fish Bronze Bream like to hang out in very rocky areas, gullies and close up against ledges. They prefer shallow water reefs where there is an abundance of white water, rocky terrain, green seaweed and tidal organisms that live on the rocks. They often feed in very shallow water and sometimes come in and out with the waves in only a few feet of water. Keep a look out for green seaweed on the rocks at low tide which looks like it has been mowed; this will be a good spot to fish for Bronze Bream as the tide starts to push.



Tackle required Depending on how far you will be casting and what the structure is of the area, I would recommend tackling up for this fish. Besides the fact that they are very strong fighters, you might also hook into a Musselcracker or Rockcod, as they often hang around in the same sort of areas where you find the Bronze Bream. Your trace line should be at least 20 lb and I would personally use Maxima 0.45 fluorocarbon. The best hooks will be bait holders, or hooks with a long shank, as this will allow you to build a very good bait. I would use a 1/0 size hook for these fish. A rod no less than 8 feet in length should be used, as you need all the

leverage you can get and your reel should have a good drag system, whether you are using a grinder or a multiplier.

Best bait There is a variety of bait that works well for Bronze Bream, but listed below are some of my personal favourites: Fresh chokka strip bait, tenderised, with a sand prawn cottoned on top of a 1/0 hook Pink prawn cut in half and soaked in vanilla essence for a minute on a size 2 hook Bloodworm on a 1/0 hook.


Vol 4 2012



Standerton Hoëveld fees 14 – 15 September Standerton

Varkfees 31 Augustus – 1 September Heidelberg

Game fair 29 – 30 September Dullstroom

Toekafees 1 – 2 September Kempton Park


Mozambique Show 15 – 16 September LA Sport Action Track, Pretoria Johannesburg Boat Show 24 – 26 August Jhb Nasrec Centre Bundu Expo 5 – 8 August Tshwane Events Centre

Gauteng Getaway Show 31 August – 2 September 2012 Coca Cola Dome

Mpumalanga Hartland Landbouskou 3 – 9 September Middelburg

Vol 4 2012

Oppikoppi Festival 9 – 11 Augustus Northam Nafco Landbouskou 3 September Groblersdal

National Boat show 7 – 9 September Coca Cola Dome


Inni-Berg Fees 24 – 25 Augustus Louis Trichardt

Waterberg Wildsfees 9 – 11 Augustus Vaalwater Kyknet buite ekspo 21 – 23 September Bela Bela BokkajolFees 28 – 29 September Nylstroom 3 Spesies Bonanza 15 September Forever Resort, Loskop Dam




Pionier Wilds- & Lentefees 31 Augustus – 1 September Vryheid


Tiervis Bonanza 20 – 22 September Pongola


Noord Wes/North West BosrumoerFees 28 – 30 September Zeerust

GRAVITY ADVENTURE FESTIVAL 17 – 19 August Kleinmond Sanbona forever wild weekend 14 – 16 September Montagu/Route 62

Aardklop National Arts Festival 2 – 6 October Potchefstroom Laerskool Brits Wildsfees 4 Augustus Brits Roodekopjes Bonanza 7 – 9 September Roodekopjes Dam Lente Bonanza 7 September Bamboesspruit

Noord Kaap/ Northern Cape Gariep Kunstefees 30 Augustus – 2 September Oppenheimer Tuine

Centenary Celebration 19 – 21 October


Vol 4 2012


Contact: Thinus Cell: 079 142 7813 Tel: 012 653 4294 Fax: 012 653 5698 Info@alloutangling.co.za

Shop 4, Lenchen Centre Cnr Lenchen & Jacaranda St Hennopspark

Tel: 012 663 1560 Fax: 012 663 1561 neels@anglingafrica.co.za 1288 Heuwel Rd, Centurion 36

Vol 4 2012




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Vol 4 2012



– Corry Versluis Selective Shooting

Stealthy Approach

One thing we as spear fishers need to stress and implement is the one benefit of spearfishing is that we are selective to the fish that we want to take. To go even further, while hunting big fish we should be selective on when to pull the trigger to prevent the needless dying of an awesome animal. I have twice this year had a chance to shoot a very large Marlin, one of which was over 300 kg which could’ve been a National and World Record. I decided not to as I didn’t have a shot that would incapacitate the fish. I knew that to just shoot would mean firstly a lost gun and secondly, the needless death of the animal.

I have made the choice to dive with a reel gun as I like to dive 30 m+ and there is no way to do this in current with a float line. I also believe a reel gun is stealthier in that there isn’t a line “buzzing” in the current alerting all the fish. I have resigned myself to the fact that there will be the odd occasion when a trophy will not be able to be shot, but to be fair, those two Marlin were big so I doubt even a float line rig would have helped. We all now dive with belt reels, which would allow the boat more time to bring a float and line. Also helps when you have a reel jam or other catastrophe at depth.


Vol 4 2012


Diving Target Practise Another thing I have taught myself is to be a better shot. Spear fishers are lazy and as the spear is attached to the gun we are quite content to plant a spear in the middle of the fish knowing we’ll land it. Often then, a lot of good quality fillet is damaged and thus, I have “forced” myself to take lethal shots as one would in hunting buck. Sure I missed a few but now that my technique is honed I only miss if I try something funny like choking the gun or take a shot on the fly. By taking “lethal” shots, the fish are landed quicker with fewer disturbances and generally you can’t even see where the spear went in. This is also borne out of necessity as diving in a place like Protea, if a big fish fights, sharks quickly come a-begging. Current too, can play havoc. Once reefed, to dive 30 m+ is dangerous and more likely to result in a lost spear and fish. I firmly believe that by spending some time in a tidal pool (needs to be sea water for same density) with a target will improve the accuracy and success of any spear fisher. Especially when a new spear is used. Every spear is slightly different and those little differences can mean success or failure on a once in a lifetime trophy.


Vol 4 2012


Celebrity Profile

Thys die Bosveldklong Waar het jy groot geword?

Hoe het jy dit hanteer?

Wes-Kaap gebore en skool gegaan.

Waar wil jy graag aftree ?

Indien ek die dag moet aftree sal dit seker ook daar wees, alhoewel ek nie regtig wil aftree nie!

Het jy enige gunsteling visvang- en duikplekke?

Nie regtig nie, waar daar water is ....is ek! Ek geniet Wakkerstroom vir vlieghengel (forel), Vaalrivier vir geelvis en die see vir duik (verkieslik Mosambiek se warm water).

Het jy enige rekords tov visse wat jy al gevang het?

Net eenkeer ‘n 10 kg karp op ‘n 4 gewig vliegstok met ‘n “white death” vliegie.

Hoe het jou sangloobaan begin?

Tydens militêre diensplig. Ek het toe al die land gereis en by funksies begin optree. (Op skool in orkeste gespeel).

As jy nie n sanger was nie, wat sou jou volgende keuse gewees het? En hoekom?

Grafiese kunstenaar of fotograaf. Ek is redelik gek na kuns.

Watter CD was jou grootste sukses waarop jy die trotste is? Dis moeilik. Die jongste vrystelling “Ek sal Boertjie bly” is tans my gunsteling en “In die middel” seker die gewildste.

Wat het jou al in die grootste verleentheid gestel?

Toe ‘n ou tannie naby Klerksdorp vir my ‘n BAIE klein deurtrekker op die verhoog kom oorhandig het!


Vol 4 2012

Gebloos, in die grond in probeer verdwyn, die tannie bedank, weer gebloos gelag en ‘n grap daaroor gemaak!

Na drie jaar van getroude lewe, wat se raad kan jy vir jong getroudes gee?

Maak seker jy kies die regte lewensmaat! Gee mekaar spasie in ‘n huwelik en respekteer mekaar.

Enige vooruitsigte waarvoor ons lesers moet uitkyk?

Eersdaags begin die nuwe reeks van my gewilde TV reeks “Bring & Braai” op kykNET. Ek beplan ook ‘n nuwe DVD van my nuwe vertoning.

Waaraan sal jy die herlewing van Afrikaanse musiek toeskryf?

Mense het na 1994 besef Afrikaans is nou net nog een van 11 ander Afrika tale en daarom het hulle dit begin ondersteun. Daar is ook deesdae baie meer en ‘n wyer verskeidenheid van Afrikaanse musiek en boeke beskikbaar.

Wat was jou gunsteling optrede en hoekom? Ek geniet alle optredes. Die groot gehore is lekker maar die klein intieme gehore laat jou meer toe tydens ‘n optrede.

Waar het Bosveldklong sy naam gekry?

Dis ‘n vermening tussen “Bosveld” en die Kaapse term “klong” ....aangesien ek ‘n Kapenaar gebore is. Toe ek Transvaal toe kom was ek dadelik verlief op die pragtige Bosveld.

As daar een ding is wat jy kan oor doen, wat sal dit wees en hoekom?

Ek sou op skool al begin klavier en musiek leer het. Ek sou ook gaan studeer het in ‘n bemarkingsrigting en meer na my ouers geluister het!



Vol 4 2012



– Cobus Steyl The reefs at Kosi Bay have rarely been dived and are in pristine condition. Dive conditions are good all year round, and the reefs are spectacularly colourful and rich in marine life. Most of the sites here are quite shallow, and are suitable for novice divers. Some 1200 species of fish reside here, as do turtles, rays and ragged-tooth sharks. Whale sharks are most commonly seen between late October and March. Humpback whales are occasionally sighted during their migrations up the coast between August and December. Pineapple Reef This is one of the most diverse dive sites in Kosi Bay. It boasts numerous cleaning stations so there’s always plenty of action here. Moray, honeycomb, geometric and black-cheeked eels are regularly spotted. The reef is alive with tropical


Vol 4 2012

fish such as slinger, angel fish, butterfly fish and kingfish. There are resident black tip sharks and Potato Bass here. The bass even have names like Mrs Casper and Boris. Gogo’s Gogo means ‘old woman’ in Zulu, and this site is named after the large number of old female angelfish found here. It consists of seaweedcovered rock and scattered coral, and has plenty of overhangs, gullies, crevices and ledges. This fish life is phenomenal, but it is the fascinating collection of hard and soft corals that make this spot so spectacular. Green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles are often spotted here. Cedric’s Beat (Slingers Cove) This is a long, rocky reef in the shape of a ‘dog leg’. Cedric is a great white shark that was spotted here by the manager of Thonga Beach Lodge. This colourful reef has plenty of nooks and crannies


Diving to explore, with incredible marine life. There are small caves here where you’ll often find sleeping turtles. This is an easy, relaxed drift dive and divers can enjoy the diverse corals and fish life. There are plenty of tropical fish here, but look out for those rays in the sand. Dive operators in Kosi Bay Scuba diving in Kosi Bay is exclusively run by Rocktail Beach Camp and Thonga Beach Lodge. Getting there: From Durban, take the N2 going north along the coast. Turn off at the R22 going through isiMangaliso Wetland Park. Continue north towards Tembe Elephant Park. Turn off at the sign to Kosi Bay, then follow the D1846 road to Kosi Bay nature reserve.


Vol 4 2012



– Abby Smith The sad truth is that 80% of people who do a diving course in South Africa do not continue diving. The main reason for this is the American type of courses that are fine for the calm warm waters of the Caribbean but simply just don’t cut it in South Africa. Why not? •

• •

It is far too easy to become an instructor and many of the skills required to be a professional are not taught. So your instructors just don’t have enough knowledge and experience. The lectures are done via DVD rather than having interaction with an experienced and professional instructor. There is far too little time spent in the pool getting comfortable with the equipment and the water environment.

The result is that the 80% of divers who stop diving do so because they did not have fun, it was exciting and an adventure but not fun. They do feel in control or confident about what’s going on. The tragedy is that so many people are put off to what is perhaps one of the most fulfilling and thrilling sports available. The message is this: •


Do not choose the course on price, if you are (like most of us) in the “quite broke” category. Rather save up and do it properly.

Vol 4 2012

• • •

Go through exactly what you will get in terms of lectures, pool sessions and dives. Find out what is included for your money and what are the hidden costs. Most importantly, meet with your instructor and make sure you are happy with their professionalism.

What should I choose? There are over 900 scuba training agencies in the world! With about 10 or so present here in South Africa, including NAUI, TDI, IANDT, CMAS, PADI, SSI, DTK and many more. Are all agencies recognised world wide? Yes, all dive resorts see a huge number of different certifications (including unpronounceable ones from Japan) and they will accept all. You will need to accompany your card with a log book showing your experience in order to do the more adventurous dives. Obviously, if you are an SSI instructor and wish to work in a NAUI dive centre you will need to cross over. Most centres have a certain training agency and so expect their instructors to have completed their course at the same training agency.


Diving What should I look for? Do your homework and shop around. There are so many dive schools around, all offering something different. Meet the instructors that will be doing the course. Keep in mind that you will be with them between 2 - 3 weeks, so make sure you like them and their professionalism. Have a look around the facility – this will be your introduction into the diving community. Just as important but often looked over is the school gear. Make sure it all looks neat and well maintained. Be specific when asking questions with regards to what you will get for your money. Know exactly what is included and excluded from the course price. The costs will vary from dive school to dive school. Some factors you need to check: • • •

Good quality, basic equipment will cost between R 2 200 to R 3 600. Scuba gear can cost between R 5 500 and R 8 500 for good quality but you can pay over R 20 000 if you choose the top of the range. A cylinder will cost from R 2 700 to R 3 000 depending on size. Refurbished second hand gear is avilable at about half the cost. The next question is whether or not the training will be done in the dam or the sea. Obviously the best solution is both! But the trip to the coast and the boat dives required increase the costs dramatically. You can learn to dive only in dams, but proper training in the sea is by far the better option and of course lots more fun!

Tuition cost Registration Books and materials

Basic gear (wetsuits mask, fins etc.) It is better for reasons of comfort, fit and hygiene to get your own. • • •

Scuba gear Pool costs Dives

Some schools offer an all inclusive cost that includes the basic gear. Be careful as the equipment may be as cheap as they can get away with and often not suitable. Most schools will offer a small discount on equipment if you do a course with them. Ensure you buy good equipment and preferably only buy once you have done the equipment lecture on your course. This way you can make informed decisions instead of relying on the salesman’s advice.


Vol 4 2012



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Vol 4 2012



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Vol 4 2012


Featured Specie

Terathopius Ecaudatus - Saamgestel deur Johan Viljoen

Die Berghaan is ‘n medium-grootte arend in die voëlfamilie Accipitridae. Hulle is bekend as ‘n Bateleur in Engels. Dit is die enigste lid van die genus Terathopius en moontlik die oorsprong van die “Zimbabwe-voël”, die nasionale embleem van Zimbabwe. Gedurende vlug is die berghaan onmiskenbaar weens hul kort sterte. Ecaudatus is Latyn vir stertloos. Die berghaan is ‘n baie kleurvolle spesie en die volwasse mannetjie is 60 – 75 cm lank met ‘n 175 cm vlerkspan. Hy het swart vere behalwe vir sy bruin mantel en stert, grys skouers en rooi gesigsvel, bek en bene. Die wyfie is soortgelyk aan die mannetjie, maar waar die mannetjie swart vere het, is hare grys. Onvolwasse voëls is bruin met wit spikkels en het ‘n groen-grys gesigsvel. Dit neem sewe tot agt jaar vir ‘n berghaan om volwassenheid te bereik.

Die berghaan kom algemeen voor in die savanna grasvelde in sub-Sahara Afrika. Hulle neste word in bome gebou. Die wyfie lê ‘n enkele eier wat sy dan broei vir 42 – 43 dae. Dit neem ‘n verdere 90 – 125 dae voor die voëltjies gereed is om te vlieg. Berghane bly lewenslank by hul maats en hou aan om dieselfde nes vir ‘n aantal jare te gebruik. Voëls sonder maats (vermoedelik van ‘n eerste broeisel) sal somtyds by die nes help. Die berghaan se prooi is meestal ander voëls, soos duiwe, of klein soogdiere. Berghane is oor die algemeen stil voëls, maar nou en dan sal ‘n voël ‘n verskeidenheid blaffe en krete gee.


Vol 4 2012



Lekker (Sticky) Rajah Mild and Spicy Rooibokskenkels Benodighede:

Bedien 2

Metode: Verhit die olie in ‘n swartboompan

30 ml (2eetl) olyfolie 2 mediumgroot (500 g) rooibok- of lamskenkels 2 mediumgroot uie, grofgekap

Voeg skenkels by en braai tot ligbruin Voeg uie en knoffel by en sorteer tot sag.

2 knoffelhuisies, fyngekap

Voeg speserye, suiker en aftreksel by

3 stukke steranys

Prut vir 1 – 2 ure totdat skenkels sag is en begin om van die been los te kom.

1 kaneel stokkie 2 teelepels Rajah (Mild and Spicy) kerriepoeier 2 ml fyn gemengde speserye 45 ml bruinsuiker 250 ml vleisaftreksel


Vol 4 2012



- Johan Viljoen Ons fokus ons gedagtes na die die asemrowende kuslyn wat ons beeldskone SuidAfrika omring en kyk na die duikplekke wat almal van praat en jaar na jaar toe terug gaan. Ons wil graag vir julle ‘n lys van die top 10 duikplekke in Suid-Afrika gee wat beide opwindend en verfrissend is. Dit is nou die ideale tyd om te begin beplan en reëlings te tref om een van hierdie plekke in die somer te besoek. Hier is iets vir almal, van die meer ervare duikers to beginners sal dit kan geniet. Alhoewel ons doelwit was om die top 10 plekke te identifiseer, wil ons ook graag hierdeur jou hart en gedagtes prikkel. Ons hoop julle geniet dit en sal nooit ophou verken nie!


Vol 4 2012

Hier is ’n voorsmakie waarna om uit te sien. In die volgende vyf uitgawes sal ons in meer detail die gewilde plekke bespreek. Ons sal ook meer inligting rondom elkeen met julle deel, asook vername opertateurs lys wat gerus gebruik kan word om hierdie juwele tot hul volle glorie te verken.

Hier volg die top 10 in geen spesifieke volgorde: 1. Raggie Cave/Shark Alley Aliwal Shoal, KwaZulu-Natal 2. Sardine Run Protea Banks, KwaZulu-Natal 3. Uniforms Sodwanabaai, KwaZulu-Natal


Diving 4. Hot Spot Sodwanabaai, KwaZulu-Natal

9. A Frame Simonstad, Kaapstad

5. Avalanche Reef Port Elizabeth, Oos-Kaap

10. Clifton Rock Clifton, Kaapstad

6. Haerlem Wreck Port Elizabeth, Oos-Kaap

Hou gerus julle oog op hierdie afdeling in die maande wat volg en indien jy onvergeetlike ervarings by enige van die bogenoemde plekke beleef het, deel dit aseblief met ons redaksiespan by: info@africanadventures.co.za

7. Storms River Mouth Mosselbaai, Wes-Kaap 8. Paquita Wreck Knysna Heads, Wes-Kaap


Vol 4 2012


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Vol 4 2012

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Featured Specie

- Compiled by Johan Viljoen The Naboom tree prefers well-drained soil and is mostly found on granite outcrops, woody grasslands and scrub. It is an evergreen tree, with no obvious leaves. The straight, tall, bare trunk and top branches form a candelabra shape. It is small to medium sized, 4 – 7 m, with sparse density. The branches do not split again, unlike the common tree Euphorbia. Old dead branches hang underneath the crown. It has paired thorns on the edges of the angular branches. Branches are tightly constricted, forming a string of heart-shaped segments. Holes of previous branch attachments are visible on the trunk. The tree’s fruit is eaten by birds. The white, milky latex is poisonous and an irritant to humans and animals. It is used to stupefy fish, making it possible to catch them by hand. This tree can be grown in large, rocky, well-drained soil in gardens in drier areas, however, because of the latex and spines, is

not advisable for a family garden. It can be grown from seed or cuttings, is very slow growing, very drought resistant but susceptible to frost. There are no visible leaves on this plant. The small yellow-green flowers are not true flowers. They are arranged in three parallel rows, with male flowers in the centre and bisexual flowers on the outside. The tree flowers between the months of May and August. With a markedly 3-lobed capsule, the berrylike fruit is green with reddish markings. It changes from red to purple when ripe in spring or early summer. The flowering and fruiting times often overlap. There are paired thorns on the edges of the angular branches. The Transvaal Candelabra Tree is found in the Kruger National Park in the Sabie Crocodile Thorn Thickets and Lebombo Mountain Bushveld ecozones.


Vol 4 2012



– Fanie Coetzee Met die ry Moolmanshoek toe, verwonder ‘n mens jou reeds aan die pragtige natuur van die Oos-Vrystaat in die Ficksburg omgewing – maar die mooiste en beste het nog gewag. Moolmanshoek fokus nie net op 4x4 nie. Dit is ook ‘n perdeplaas, het ‘n leierskapontwikkelingsprogram en ingerigte geriewe hiervoor by Langesnek. Daar is ook staproetes en ‘n baie spesiale meerkatprogram. ‘n Mens stap na die meerkatkolonie en leer sommer baie oor die diertjies se gewoontes en dinge. Moolmanshoek is pragtig ingerig vir konferensies en funksies. Die akkommodasie is luuks en maaltye op die plaas is puik. Maar, ons was daar vir die 4x4, en watter ondervinding was dit nie! Dit is glo een van die mees uitdagende roetes in die land en die voertuie word deurgaans vergesel van ervare ruiters op ratse Boerperde wat die roete aanwys. Dié berede gidse klim kort-kort af om die voertuie deur en oor die moeilker dele te help.


Vol 4 2012

‘n Paar hoogtepunte van die 4x4 trippie: •

Die “Mini-Serengeti” wildvlakte wat wemel van die wild: gemsbokke, blesbokke, elande, volstruise, springbokke en so meer. ‘n Mens kan ook te perd al om en deur die vlakte te ry, en natuurlik dan baie naby die wild kom. Die manjifieke sandsteenformasies waar ons teen baie steil rante uitry. Die roete is beplan om op die sandsteen te hou sodat die ekologie minimaal versteur word. Die mense van Moolmanshoek is sterk gefokus op bewaring en volhoubare benutting. Visierskerf-berg en die nek: Indrukwekkend en met ‘n baie interessante geskiedenis. Al die voertuie is toegerus met tweerigting radios en die geskiedenis en staaltjies van die omgewing word deurgaans vertel. Ons leer ook baie van ander aspekte: sosiologie, ekologie, ekonomie en sommer ‘n hele rits ander “-ies”.



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‘n Rit deur die ouhoutbos met baie voëls en ’n besondere verskeidenheid goggas en kewers. Ons hou stil naby ‘n massiewe hangkrans waar vrouens en kinders in die Boere-oorlog geskuil het. ‘n Mens sien glad nie die enorme skuiling van onder af nie, eers wanneer jy by die hangkrans kom. Die uitdagings van steiltes, klowe, rotsformasies, dongas, nou bruggies, kort draaie, en die lekkerte van die voorreg om te ry waar min mense kan ry. Die uitsig is panoramies, en almal hou kortkort stil om foto’s te neem. ‘n Baie ou skaapdip wat uit soliede sandsteen gekap is en nog kan werk. Die Boer- en Arabierperde wat hier geteel word, word gebruik deur die gidse en hulle ry heeldag saam met die 4x4’s, om die uiters moeilike 4x4 roete aan te wys. Dit sou vir ons onmoontlik wees om die roete te ry sonder die hulp van hierdie baie gawe en vriendelike gidse.

Hierdie was voorwaar ‘n onvergeetlike ondervinding en almal het saamgestem dat hierdie voorwaar een van die moeilikste, maar ook die mooiste 4x4 roetes in die land is. Die groepleier, Francois Rossouw, van RSG 4x4 faam, se toewyding aan sy groep mense, sy mense-kennis, 4x4 kennis en sy goeie organisasie het natuurlik grootliks bygedra om dit ‘n besondere ondervinding te maak. Hy sorg altyd dat daar ‘n balans is tussen ry, rus, kuier, moeiliker ry, uitspan, ernstig ry, grappies en natuurlik sommer net vir ‘n genotvolle ervaring.


Vol 4 2012




– Lynette Haasbroek

Die laaste SMS wat ek van my dogter ontvang lees… “Ag Ma, so gaan julle ook nou op ‘n avontuur in Afrika…!” Vol geesdrif en afwagting vir die onbekende donker Afrika trippie, vertrek ons 4 uur die oggend. Laurence en Deon is die voorbokke en vol moed oor die GROOT tiervisse wat hulle gaan looi op daai ver weg kol op die Cahora-Bassameer in Mosambiek. Kyk, ons is so voorbereid as kan kom. Magda, my dierbare skoondogter, is baie paraat en al wat ‘n kind is, het ‘n gekleurde rubberbandjie om die been om alle muskiete wat dit naby haar kroos waag, af te weer. Ons is ook bespuit met Tabbard en ek weet, Tabbard is die flavour of the week. Los maar die parfuum en ander lekkerruik in die tas. Niks kompeteer met Tabbard en Peaceful Sleep op hierdie trip nie. Ons reis met drie swaargelaaide voertuie en ‘n sleepwa wat kreun onder die proviand. By die Zimbabwe-grenspos aangekom, besluit Laurence ‘n “runner” is die antwoord. Die “runner” is veronderstel om die hele paspoortklaring na Zimbabwe ‘n bietjie makliker te laat verloop.


Vol 4 2012

Ons vrouens en kinders word aangesê om in die voertuie te bly - sit in die warm son. Net om iets te doen om die tyd te verwyl terwyl ons wag vir die mans en die “runner”, mik ek na die geboutjie met die vroutjie op, om my taai hande te gaan afspoel. Die benoude klank van uriene tref my en ek steier na die wasbak, net om te hoor, “sorry no water…”. Ek stap verdwaas uit in die snikhete son en sien hoe ‘n trokdrywer die watertenk onder sy trok oopdraai en rustig en dorstig sluk aan die louwarm, grys water… Die grenspos is vir my ook ‘n onvriendelike plek. Slegs die spulletjie wat onwettig jou geld wil omruil, is vriendelik. Die “runner” was ook aanvanklik vriendelik… Hy is so omkoopbaar soos ‘n prostituut. Die probleem is egter, teen die tyd dat Laurence hom sy deel moes gee, het ‘n stuk of 10 ander helpers ook bygekom en elkeen staan bakhand. Hulle is so bek-af en kwaad, omdat Laurence nie wil toegee nie, dat een ou vet veteraan ons besweer met ‘n slegte trip vorentoe, asook die “war se freedom fighters” van die bosoorlog! Twee ure later, met die paspoorte gestempel, pak ons die Zimbabwe adventuurtog aan. Cahora-Bassa, hier kom ons!


Living Laat middag arriveer ons, taai en moeg gery, by die Mutirikwimeer of voorheen Kyledam. Norma Jean se spesiale uitspanplek. Vir ons almal voel dit soos ‘n stukkie koloniale paradys. ‘n Oase, koele lafenis, omring met die pragtigste English country gardens. Dit alles maak hierdie moeisame dagreis die moeite werd. So sit ons almal gesellig op die hotel se stoep. Kyk na die son wat rustig sak in die Weste. Suig aan ‘n koue drankie met skuim bo-op.

Brand vertel dat daar al baie groot Swartbaars in die Kylemeer gevang is. Ons chill. African Adventure op sy beste. Later sit ons almal aan by ‘n netjies gedekte tafel. Die waardige kelner moet sy storie ken om al 14 stuks van ons gelukkig te hou. So eindig ons eerste dag van ons African Adventure tog te idillies. Die nagrus gaan ons almal goed doen. Gelukkig weet ons nog nie wat wag op ons nie. So far, so good… Tot volgende keer, Lynette


Vol 4 2012



– Compiled by Lizel Stavast

Come spend some time in Clarens! Come breathe in the fresh air and get your soul recharged. Situated in the foothills of the Maluti Mountains in the Free State province of South Africa and nicknamed the “Jewel of the Free State”, this tranquil village offers not only scenic views, but oozes creativity, making this town a popular getaway for city dwellers. Established in 1912 – the same year as the launching of the “unsinkable” Titanic, Clarens is celebrating its’centenary this year from 19 – 21 October. During this weekend Clarens will be transformed into a colourful festival. With the Golden Gate Highlands National Park and its sandstone formations and cliffs just 16.9 km from Clarens, the area is known for its spectacular mountains and wonderful views; in the early days an unknown resident looked towards the “nek”, saw the prominent jutting rock and said, “It looks like the Titanic”, and that’s what the rock formation has been called ever since. The Titanic stands like a sentry to welcome all who visit the village and invites them to come and experience the warm-hearted hospitality of the inhabitants.


Vol 4 2012

Clarens annually hosts an estimated 130 000 – 180 000 overnight visitors, as well as an additional 20 000 – 30 000 day visitors. The Centenary Celebration is expected to draw between 7000 –10 000 feet for the weekend and the event will be structured in such a way that it caters for all ages. A host of exciting activities are being planned - so best you start planning your trip!

Traditional Wedding The weekend will kick-off with a so-called traditional wedding between Golden Gate National Park and Clarens on Thursday, 18 October. The ‘wedding’ is a symbolic representation of the age-old Sesotho legend of the two mountains, Matso (meaning: warrior) and Setlofe (representing Mount Horeb), who were supposed to get married many years ago. Until now, the right opportunity for this much-anticipated ‘union’ has never seemed to present itself, however locals now regard the centenary celebrations as the perfect opportunity to ‘marry’ these two majestic mountains.

The Rose High Tea planned for the Friday afternoon is bound to be another highlight and will mark another perfect start to the fun-packed weekend, for those of us a


Living little less andrenalin inclided. The tea which will be held at the square will be done in a typical 1912 style. Celebrating the theme guests will be required to wear a headpiece or dress according to the rose theme. There will also be a hat exhibition as part of the theme. Anne-Marie du Preez-Bezdrob, author of Winnie Mandela: A Life and The Nelson Mandela Story, as well as Sarajevo Roses, will be the guests speaker sharing her stories with guests over tea.

Adventure Challenge Adrenaline junkies can look forward to an adventure race in the Clarens conservancy area between 20-21 October and will include a challenging high-altitude run, cycle race, a water and kloofing activity. The town square will form the heartbeat of the festivities with a beer and wine tent, food demonstrations featuring popular entertainer, Andre Schwartz. Local restaurants will showcase what each restaurant can offer and give their chefs the chance to show off their cooking skills. There will also be wine and beer pairing going hand-in-hand with this activity. A Wellness area, in association with Avis, will be erected on the square offering treatments to tired feet and backs. A Basotho cultural village will also showcase the cultural diversity with traditional dances and performances. Visitors can also look forward to a craft market, an outdoor and adventure area, an agricultural exhibition, and ample kids entertainment, including medieval games, musical workshops and a petting zoo.

A photography exhibition

will showcase local talent and the beauty that the region has to offer.

A traditional concert, featuring Apollo Ntabanyane, King Vitus and Afrocentric will take place in Kgubetswana.


Vol 4 2012


Living A gospel show in the Christian School Hall and a Classical Soiree will take place at Brambleberry Restaurant in the Clarens Golf and Trout Estate where a variety of local qualified musicians will be show cased their talent complimented by wine and dinner. The main rock event taking place on the square Saturday night, performers like local talent Rooibaardt and Violet Somedays will be gracing the stage as well as well-known South African entertainer and musician, Joseph Clark, performing Queen.

Theatre lovers can look forward to sterling performances by Elzabe Zietsman, while the highly-acclaimed Mafikeng Road, based on the book by Herman Charles Bosman. All tickets for the shows and activities are available at Computicket. Ticket sales open 3 September 2012.

Saturday’s activities will feature a horse commando, an early morning church service, The Dihlabeng Soapbox Derby and hot air balloon trips. The Outdoor and Adventure Spot

Book Fest

This area will be established on a one hectare piece of land that offers space for a wide variety of outdoor and 4x4 gear.

Famous literary icons, like Jo-Ann Richards, Peter Badcock-Walters and Alexander Strachan will take part in the book festival at local book shop, Bibliophile in an Authors’ Showcase.

There will also be adventure activities taking place like archery & rock climbing. Quad biking trips will also depart from this area.

Jo-Anne Richards, Internationally acclaimed South African author of three novels: Innocence of Roast Chicken, Touching the Lighthouse, My Brother’s Book and 5 collections of short stories will also be offering a writing workshop on the Saturday. Phakama Mbonambi, Publisher and Editor of Words, etc. The South African Literary Journal will speak on the progress of his magazine, publishing and writing in Southern Africa today.


Vol 4 2012


Living Meet a Writer A variety of authors who live in Clarens, or who have a connection to Clarens, will be signing copies of their books at Bibliophile Bookstore. Alexander Strachan winner of 2011 Hertzog Prize, now a resident of Clarens, collaborates with concert pianist Donve Fullard in a dramatised reading set to music, from his latest novel Dwaalpoort on the Saturday. Peter Badcock-Walters, fine artist and writer now residing in Clarens, will give a talk entitled “Illustrating Bosman” while Maja Kriel, local author of Rings in a Tree and Original Sin will read extracts from her new short story set in Clarens.

An Art route will guide one to not miss out on any of this beauty. Clarens is an artists’ haven with many well-known artists. Even the ancient inhabitants of the Clarens countryside were inspired to express themselves artistically as is evident from the many Bushman paintings in the surrounding cliffs. The accommodation to choose from is endless, from bed & breakfasts, self catering, lodge, backpackers and farm guest houses in the surrounding area. It is a destination for the whole family. Golfing or fishing for Dad, while Mum browses the shops or visit one of the spas at her leisure. The kids can go horse riding, river rafting or play paintball games or hunt bones on the Dinosaur trail. This is just a few things you can expect. So start planning early and make sure you don’t miss out on this unforgettable celebration.

PS: Clarens has got the ability to cover you with soft magic light that reflects from the sandstone mountains, almost mesmerising. Tavern Tours Six Taverns will form part of the Clarens Tavern Tour Route. There will be three taxi’s handling the tours and circulate the route every three hours. Each tavern will offer visitor traditional snacks and entertainment. In the centre of the town and up Main Street and browse through the wide variety of shops available, or appreciate the talents of the many artists who display their products in the arts & craft shops.


Vol 4 2012


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Vol 4 2012


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Vol 4 2012



Vol 4 2012


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