Vol3 July 2012
Poor man’s Buffalo
In die aangesig van mensvreters
Die effek van getye
Featured Species:
Garrick Gemsbok SekretarisvoĂŤl The Marula Tree
Breathtaking Gorangoza
Brief van die Redakteur Met die winter wat haar arms behoorlik om ons gevou het, verlang meeste van ons terug na lang, sonnige somersdae. Maar die winter het haar eie skatte wat ontdek kan word. Bederf jouself met ‘n goeie bottel wyn langs ‘n heerlike kaggel in die berge of geniet ‘n lemoen in ‘n sonkol diep in die bos na ‘n lang stap agter daardie trofee koedoebul aan. Gebruik jou tyd wyslik.
Editorial Publisher: African Adventures Magazine (Pty) Ltd. Editor: Johan Viljoen Advertising: Lizel Stavast
For advertising enquiries contact: Lizel Stavast 073 777 9524
For distribution details contact: Johan Viljoen 083 469 4347
Lees in hierdie uitgawe saam met ons aan ‘n wye spektrum artikels. Van ‘n baie uitdagende rit op die duine tot diep in die hart van Mosambiek se Gorangoza. Daar is ook genoeg vir die hengelentoesias om in ‘n voertuig te wil spring en soos ‘n afkop hoender agter die klein silwer vissies te jaag opsoek na die duisende roofvisve wat hulle volg. Waag saam met ons ‘n kans en duik in haai-besmette waters in en beleef die rush van ‘n ontmoeting met die riwwe se top roofdier. Vereenselwig jouself saam met Gerhard waar hy ons meer vertel van sy ervarings met die baie taai “Poor mans Buffalo”.
Letters to the editor
Baie dankie vir die lesers wat hul buitelewe ervarings vir ons instuur. Dit is egter nie moontlik om alles te publiseer nie, maar ons verwelkom enige bydraes. Ons het baie waardering vir die goeie terugvoer wat ons uit alle kringe ontvang rondom die publikasie. Na verkeie versoeke het ons dit gepas gevind om ‘n bladsy aan n bietjie humor af te staan. Geniet elke maand ‘Doorndraai Stories’ saam met ons.
Media Chef 012 346 5252 www.mediachef.co.za
African Adventures neem ons na die mooiste plekke en interessantste mense en ons wil dit graag met julle deel. Ek is baie opgewonde om African Adventures Travel bekend te stel. Ons nooi julle uit om saam met ons en ander natuurliefhebbers deur ons kontinent te reis. Lees meer oor die eeste pakket op bl. 36. Lekker lees en onthou….As jy iets mooi sien, stop, haal jou siel uit en laat hom wei.
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Advertorial inquiries lizel@africanadventures.co.za
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Johan Viljoen 4
July 2012
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July 2012
Contents / Inhoud
Regulars Brief van die Redakteur Brief aan die Redakteur Events Doorndraai Stories
4 8 34 59
Featured species: Gemsbok Garrick SekretarisvoĂŤl The Marula Tree
19 27 47 55
Celebrity Profile xxx
Resep van die maand Seafood Potjie
Hunting Poor man’s Buffalo
Wildlife Conservation by the Private Sector
FISHING Catching Garrick on artificial lures Die effek van getye
30 32
DIVING In die aangesig van mensvreters Diving the silver tide
40 44
LIVING Breathtaking Gorangoza 4 x 4 die duine in
50 60
TRAVEL The Kruger Quickie Safari
To advertise in this magazine contact Lizel Stavast 073 777 9524
July 2012
Letters to the Editor
My naam is Marli-zé Basson, ek is 8 jaar oud. My eerste bok wat ek geskiet het was ‘n blesbok. Hierdie bok wat ek geskiet het is ‘n rooiaardbees. Wie my laat probeer het, is my Oom. Sy naam is Jan, ons noem hom Jan Gun. Maar trug na my stoorie. My Pa, Hennie en Oom Jan het gaan ‘bloubullebeeste’ skiet. Na die dag amper verby was, vra ek toe of ek nie ook maar ‘n bok mag skiet ni? My Pa sê toe dat ek die Blesbok moet skiet, maar hulle wou nie stilstaan nie. Die rooiaardbeeste het toe stilgestaan, en dit was my kans!! Die bok het so 120 m ver gestaan. Toe hy stilstaan, skiet ek die bok agter die blad. Hy het nie eers gehardloop nie, net so 2 tree, toe slat hy neer. Pappa het na die tyd gesê dat ek hom in die hart geskiet het!! Ek het met Oom Jan se 2506 geweer geskiet. Ek was vreeslik bly. Ons het die bok opgelaai en hom slagpale toe gevat. Ek wou hom sooo graag laat opstop, ek vra my Pa, en hy sê JA!! My boetie was baie jaloers op my bok.... !! Baie dankie. Marli-zé Basson
Baie geluk Marli-zé. Voorwaar ‘n pragtige Rooihartebees en ‘n uitstekende skoot. Jy is baie bevoorreg om die geleentheid te hê om tyd saam met jou pa en oom in die veld te spandeer en moet altyd dankbaar bly daar voor. Stuur asseblief vir ons ‘n foto as jy jou trofee gekry het om dit op ons webwerf te plaas. Ek is seker jy gaan nog baie diere plattrek met jou skiet vernuf.
Prys Marli-zé WEN ‘n naweek vir 2 ter waarde van R 1000.00 by Shosholoza Bowhunting & Lodge. A monthly prize will be awarded to the winning letter. Send your letters to info@africanadventures.co.za 8
July 2012
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Strykezone 380
– Gerhard Dirker
Die Amerikaners noem hom die poor man’s buffalo vanweë sy uithouvermoë in vergelyking met die van die Afrika-Buffel, en ander boere sê pleinweg, “…hy word dood gebore, sit lood deur hom en hy word weer springlewendig…”. Soos wat meeste van ons die gesogte blouwildebees ken, word daar nie altyd die nodige krediet aan hom gegee soos met groot koedoebulle nie. Die van ons brawe manne wat wel al ‘n wildebees platgetrek het, sal elkeen ‘n storie hê, van hoe uitdagend, opwindend en senutergend ‘n blouwildebees-jag kan wees.
Dan is dit ontdekkersreisigers soos Kingsley Holgate wat op ‘n gerekende tydstip ná die magtige Serengeti-trek vertoef het op ‘n jaarlikse basis om een van die asemrowendste gebeurtenisse in ons diereryk te sien. Daarby kom die films op Discovery en National Geopgraphic van die etlike kilometers wat die wildebeeste moet trek deur riviere vol dodelike krokodille en roofdier geïnfesteerde vlaktes waar daar daagliks op hulle gejag word, nietemin, die blouwildebees oorleef elke jaar om weer terug te kom en te kalf op die vlaktes.
Ek het al menigte wildebeeste geskiet, elkeen met ‘n unieke storie, sommige het maklik gesneuwel en ander het met moeite tot ‘n stilstand gekom, maar elkeen was die moeite werd. Soos wat PJ Schoeman gesê het, dis daardie bokkie wat jou hoë berge laat klim en baie dorings in die voete laat kry, dit is daardie bokkie se vleis wat murg word op jou tong.
My eerste blouwildebees het ek op Louis Trichardt in die Bandelierkop area gejag. Ek en my neef Luan was te voet, dit was my eerste bok met my eie geweer, voorheen was als met pa Willem se .270 Musgrave geskiet, nou is dit met my faithful 30-06 Vektor.
Ek eien nie net die wildebees se gehardheid aan my eie ervaring nie, maar direk aan meeste jagplase se reëls: “…geen kopskote op blouwildebeeste nie…”, “…geen kaliber kleiner as ‘n .3 nie…”, “…dit is in die jagter se eie belang om seker te maak oor die skoot plasing…”. Ek was selfs op ‘n plaas in Louis Trichardt waar die boer in die agteruit van sy 19-voertsek Cruiser ‘n A3 grootte skootplasing foto geplak het van ‘n wildebees om die manne se aandag te trek. 10
July 2012
Ons het die wildebeeste heeltyd gehoor en bekruip, hoe nader ons probeer kom het in die digte maroelas, hoe meer blaas en snuiter hulle. Op ‘n stadium besef ek hier gaan ons nie skietkans kry nie, ons gaan sit doodstil op die plek, ek soek ‘n tonnel deur die bosse en wag, sekondes, minute… uiteindelik beweeg ‘n mooi wildebees en steek vas, ek druk die sneller, dis net takke en bosse wat breek soos die trop vertrek. Omtrent 15 meter verder lê ‘n bul, my hart het warm geklop, min wetend die begin van groot wildebeesjagtogte lê nog voor.
Hunting Ek het weer op Thabazimbi langs die Matlabasrivier geskiet, ‘n paar keer op Musina en dis daarna waar die pret begin het, soos ‘n speurverhaal vroëer vanjaar, Mei 2012…distrik Beestekraal…plaas Bulhoek… by oom Fanie Steyn. My naamgenoot en goeie vriend Gerhard Cronje, Kroppie, soos hy al van laerskool af bekend staan, besluit dis sulke tyd, die man wil wildebees platrek. Soos enige goeie vriend wil ek nie die man bang praat nie, want hy self het al genoeg gejag om te weet jag is nie vir gholfers nie, jag is vir manne wat KAN skiet en KAN ver loop in die warm son.
Donderdag kry ons ‘n troppie bulle, die wind draai heeltyd en speel nie in ons guns nie, na ‘n vinnige lemoenbreek en rekonsoliasie van ons plan, skop ek stof op en besluit ons trek op teen ‘n driffie van ‘n droë rivierloop. My gedagtes het nog nie kans gekry om te dwaal nie toe my oog iets vang – hulle staan en rus onder ‘n kol droë doringbome, noudat ek terug dink was dit effens laat vir die oggendsessie, die wildebeeste wou al rus, maar nie twee ywerige jagters nie.
July 2012
Soos dit enige jagter betaam, probeer ek om Kroppie kalm te hou alhoewel ek donners bly is ek hoef nie te skiet nie want my hart klop self effe in my keel. Ek sê vir hom, “…hulle het ons nie geruik of gesien nie, die wind dwarrel, jy sal moet skiet…”. Ons beweeg stadig links tot waar hy lekker kan dooierus vat in die mik van ‘n Kareeboom, hy sê vir my die een tweede van links staan mooi dwars, ek antwoord saggies “… gooi lood…”. Die 9.3 x 62 Mauser gesels hard in my ore, ‘n paar sekondes van doodse stilte gevolg deur algemene kommentaar, “…dit het goed geklink, ek het hom mooi op die blad gem**”. Die gevoel van, hy lê, ons kan maar nader stap, is binne ons albei. Ons begin saggies en stadig nader stap, amper tot by die kol waar die wildebees gestaan het. Die volgende oomblik trek daar ‘n monster bulbees met ‘n spoed weg, nou die onsekerheid wat intree, was dit hy…was ons te oorhaastig moes ons nog ‘n minuut gewag het? Ons gaan staan op die kol, ek kan duidelik spore uitken waar hy weggetrek het, soek bloed, 12
July 2012
niks nie, kyk weer mooi, niks nie, ons besluit dit is hy, ons moet hom volg. Met die bekruip agter die bul wat ons gesien het, debatteer ons vir een of ander omstrede rede weer waar die sweet spot op die blad sit. Ek sê ek skiet eerder bietjie hoër dan weet ek dis in die vitals, Kroppie sê sy hart sit onder, jy moet laag vat. Ons steek vas en dink weer, hy het mos al baie geskiet, hy kan skiet, die ding moet val, loop ons nie nou agter ‘n vreemde bees aan nie? ‘n Mauser 9x3 x62 gelaai met Nosler Partition moet hom mos laat les opsê. Jy voel jou sintuie skakel oor in overdrive mode, jy ruik en hoor als om jou, die geringste dingetjie. Nie baie verder nie, kry ons weer ‘n bul in ‘n digte ruigte wat laag groei en ons kruip, loop gebukkend en probeer sien of die bul gekwes is, miskien lê die wildebees waarop ons geskiet het naby aan waar ons geskiet het en hierdie is net een van sy makkers, ongewond, ons is nou besig om nommer twee te skiet, ons het weer nie ordentlik gekyk nie...
Hunting Op ‘n kol sê ek vir Kroppie, saam gaan ons raas, volg jy hom. Ek skuif ‘n meter links waar ek op my hurke afsak, hou vir Kroppie dop, ek soek ‘n grassie om te kou en met die afkyk slag gewaar ek ‘n druppel bloed, bitter klein - ek kyk bietjie verder, nog ‘n druppeltjie! Ek vryf die sandgrond tussen my vingers om seker te maak. Dis hy die bliksem. Nou moet ek vir Kroppie wat ’n goeie 60 meter voor my is roep en verduidelik die wildebees wat jy volg is inderdaad syne, skiet om plat te skiet, ek kan nie fluit nie en besluit ek sal maar net moet volg. Amper waar ek hom laaste gesien het, het hy ‘n paar meter verder agter ‘n boom gaan staan. Hy bekyk die dier deur sy teleskoop, ek skuif agter hom in en sê vir hom dis hy. Ongelukkig staan die bees met sy boude na ons toe en dis baie ruig, sy kop omlaag na regs gedraai, Kroppie kan niks sien nie, as hy skiet, skiet hy hom reg in sy Stormer Supporter... Die bees hoor ons en kyk links om, ek het hom perfek gesien, met een beweging haal ek die Vektor se veiligheidsknip af en stamp hom tussen die oë, hy sak net daar ineen, ‘n kollosale bul. Kroppie is uit sy nate van opgewondenheid. By nadere ondersoek kan ek wel bevestig dat dit ‘n perfekte skoot was, hoekom die dier eers na amper 80 meter begin bloed gooi het en na nog 150 meter nie geval het nie, bly ‘n raaisel. Dis ‘n bewys van sy naam, die arm man se buffel. Gelaai en gehang in die koelkamer, en oppad huistoe sing ek Bruce Springsteen se liedjie in my kop, “baby we were born to run…” en dink, die bos is darem net ‘n lekker plek, om redes op te noem is te veel, dis net no worries, hier kuier ons lekker. Vrydag arriveer ons groot vriend André, skoonpa en my pa, Willem, ‘n maand na sy hartomleiding, doktersbriewe en ma se
mooipraatjies kon hom nie uit die bos hou nie. Ek is ewig dankbaar ek het nog my pa om die mooi dinge met my te deel. Toe hy hoor van my en Kroppie se opwindende wildebeesjagtog, besluit hy net daar, ons moet nog een skiet, dié jaar is hy lus vir blouwildebeeswors. Van die dag wat ek begin jag het, het hy opgehou skiet, nou en dan met ‘n groot gesmeek sal hy wel iets skiet, my opinie is dat hy weet hoe lekker dit vir hom was om te jag, nou los hy dit aan die jongspan om te geniet. Die middag stap ek en André op die boonste deel van die plaas, ek is nie heeltemal ingestel vir jag nie, my gedagtes dwaal, ek bewonder die natuurlewe, tel ystervark penne op en steek hulle in my hoed vas, ons kry twee rooibokramme wat baklei, heeltemal onbewus van ons, stoei hulle dit uit vir ‘n troppie ooie. Op ‘n kol hoor ons egter iets. Na ‘n ongeduldige gewag dat die sebras nou klaar alles verder verjaag soos hulle vertrek deur die bos, besluit ek om van rigting te verander, ‘n trop sebras kan mos die lastigste ding op ‘n plaas wees, niemand will hulle skiet nie maar almal loop in hulle vas. Dit voel vir my egter weer soos ‘n speurverhaal, spore…mis… baie vars mis en die wete húlle is naby. Ons maak weer ‘n draaitjie deur die bosse, dis asof jou instink vir jou sê wees wakker jy gaan nou in hulle vasloop, loop ons van agter in hulle vas. Hulle het geweet van ons, sterte swaai en dis die eg wildebeesgallop, so dartel lopie ‘n ent wegdraf na ‘n veiliger afstand. Ons neem dekking in en loop stadig nader. Dis net raasblaarbome, sy naam so eie aan hom met die geraas wat jy maak as jy op sy blare trap. Ek posisioneer myself sodat ek hulle kan dophou, my tyd is min, ek vat die bul wat voor staan, en ek vat laag, op die
July 2012
Hunting sweet spot soos ons hom gisteraand uitgedebatteer het. Ek druk die sneller, ek voel positief, ek weet waar ek die kruis geplant het, my faithful gelaai met PMP ProAmm, die beeste spat die bos in, André sê vir my die bekende woorde, “…dit het goed geklink…”. Ons stap nader, daar waar die bees gestaan het, speel twee dae vantevore se verhaal af, duidelike spore waar hy gestaan en weggetrek het, niks bloed nie... nee man, soek mooi! Ek stap terug vanwaar ek geskiet het en sien ons is reg met die posisie en ek is weer terug na André toe. Ons fynkam die hele gebied, op ‘n kol kry ons weer ‘n wildebees wat weghardloop, die keer met baie spoed, nou dink jy, jy was oorhaastig. Ek probeer terug dink aan presies waar ek geskiet het, dis net vae gedagtes.
July 2012
Ons volg hom, hy kruis oor ‘n pad, na die ou lande toe, as hy soontoe gaan sal ons hom kry, maar ‘n gewonde dier trek nie die ooptes in nie. Ek besluit nee, ons draai terug en gaan soek weer. Terug by die kol stuur ek André ‘n rigting in – ek sê vir hom “loop 300 treë dan draai jy links en loop nog ‘n ent en wag”. Ek begin loop in die teenoorgestelde rigting waarheen die bees gekyk het tot ek my treë aftel en moed verloor, draai regs na André toe en met die opkyk vang my oog waar hy geval het onder ‘n raasblaar, ‘n hele ent weg vanwaar ek geskiet het. ‘n Pragtige bul wat ‘n goeie geveg opgesit het.
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July 2012
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July 2012
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July 2012
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Featured Specie
Oryx Gazella Gazella
The Gemsbok is a very striking animal with dramatic features and long spear like horns. With males standing 1,25 m high at the shoulder and weighing around 250 kg, this antelope is synonymous with the drier areas in our country. It has a thick neck with a short mane that runs from the head to the shoulders with a compact, muscular body. The distinctive black and white markings on their faces are said to have contributed to their name Gemsbok. There is white around the nose and mouth, black on top of the muzzle, which joins in a black band that runs from in front of the ear through the eyes to the middle of the lower jaw. There is a narrow black stripe down the spine, a black patch on top of the rump and a black tail. There is also a black band that separates their gray-fawn coloured flanks and the white under belly. The legs are black on their top half, with white below the knees and black patches on the shins. Males and females are difficult to tell apart but the horns of the males are normally thicker and shorter. The tips are pointed and
- Compiled by Johan Viljoen
sharp and native Africans have used the tips for spear points. The horns are ringed but are smooth near the tips. The horns of the calves grow extremely fast and when they emerge from concealment after birth their horns are very evident. This has led to the myth that a Gemsbok is born with horns. The Gemsbok has adapted to many areas which other animals find unable to live in. They prefer arid and semi-arid open grassland, scrub and light open woodland. It is very adaptable for desert and semidesert life with the ability to go for extended periods without water. In some parts of our bushveld it has also adapted well with ticks being one of their biggest threats. Gemsbok are mainly grazers, feeding on the sparse dry desert grasses. If grass is not available they will browse and dig for roots. They will drink water if available from waterholes and streams but can survive days or even weeks without it. Gemsbok feed early in the morning, late in the afternoon and on moonlit nights when the moisture content of the plants are at their highest. They will also eat wild melons and such for their moisture intake.
July 2012
Featured Specie Gemsbok form mixed herds typically consisting of 10 - 30 animals. Both sexes are ranked on the basis of age and dominant characteristics and led by a territorial male. The gestation period is 9 months. As calves in the herd grow they test each other in what looks like games, but in reality are tests of strength. Only territorial males have the right to breed.
The sharp pointed horns are lowered parallel to the ground and the animals lunge with great accuracy when holding off lions and other predators. In most areas Gemsbok give birth all year round but it coincides with the wet season. Females leave the herd to give birth to a single calf. Calves stay hidden for a period of 3 - 6 weeks before the mother and calf rejoin the herd.
In marking off territory, the territorial male exhibits a ritual of crouching low and depositing dung piles so the pellets don’t scatter, thus retaining their odour longer. Gemsbok have excellent eyesight, hearing and smell. They are swift runners able to outpace packs of hunting dogs. They don’t shy away from big animals of prey.
The black markings begin to appear and the horns are already developed when the calf joins the herd. The female Gemsbok comes into heat again shortly after giving birth.
July 2012
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contact www.sahunting.co.za to book your hunts. GAME RANCHES contact www.sahunting.co.za to receive hunters from us Contact us on 011 024 2296 or 084 705 2699
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Whether hunting open country or wooded areas, you can count on this Cross camo to provide the versatility you need to stay concealed on any stalk. For years to come, Cross Camo will be one of the most versatile and popular patterns offered by Cross. 100% Cotton blends for lightweight durability. Sizes from kiddies to 6XL
For Dealer opportunity call Stoffel: 072 260 7757 Online: 217605@telkomsa.net
July 2012
– Heinz H. Meissner
Wildlife conservation by the
private sector – Heinz H. Meissner
What is the current status? If the tourist and the public at large think about wildlife conservation, they invariably think about the state controlled national parks, with internationally acclaimed examples such as Kruger, Kgalagadi, Umfolozi, Addo and many others. Conservation success in these parks indeed has been mind boggling, with a number of rare and endangered species, some on the brink of extinction, being saved to be enjoyed by generations to come. Notable examples are the black and white rhino, mountain zebra and bontebok, and of
July 2012
course a number of birds, plants and insects species which the casual tourist normally does not even notice. On the downside though, these parks are closed systems which could result in some species coming under pressure for a number of reasons relating to management decisions, disease, predation, environmental changes, movement of competing species, amongst others. Recent examples are the serious decline in sable and roan numbers and buffalo contracting tuberculosis. This is where game farmers and privately owned nature reserves play valuable roles.
In recent years, game farming and private reserves have escalated. They cater for hunting, other safari activities and eco-tourism, often with associated lodges or guest house accommodation, rendering the visitor an enthralling and unique wilderness or safari experience. Currently, game farms and private reserves occupy some 20 million hectares and the growth in new applications exceeds 5% per year. Statistics reveal that wildlife numbers outside state controlled areas are of the order of 3 million, which is about three times more than in state controlled areas, indicating the important role of the private sector in assisting with the effort to protect vulnerable species. The leading provinces are Limpopo with 1.1 million head and the Northern Cape with
about 670 000 head, and all wildlife species that you will find inside state controlled areas you will also find in private ownership, even the big five. From conservation of endangered species point of view, private ownership to a larger extent has become the key. Investment in species such as rhino, sable, roan and disease-free buffalo, has created a lucrative market resulting in sharp increases in the number of these species. Furthermore, because these species are spread across the country, their chances of survival are now greatly improved. Thus, whereas South Africa through its initiative in state controlled parks have been leading the world in saving endangered species in the sixties and seventies, private sector ownership is now continuing with the daunting task and in some areas prove to be even more successful.
July 2012
July 2012
Your Invitation to our Tuesday Fly Social Every Tuesday from 7pm until 9pm, join us at the shop for informal fly tying and fly fishing chat.
All of your Fly Fishing needs in one shop! Stockists of Shilton Reels, Bluewater Flies, Fly Rods, Fly Tying Materials, etc. Visit our shop at Office 2, Devon Valley Shopping Centre, cnr 9th & Rugby Ave, Weltevreden Park Tel: 011 475 3845 Cell: 082 804 5424 www.urban-fly-fisher.com richard@urban-fly-fisher.com
Various guests will be present on different evenings, all willing to share their knowledge and experience of Fly Fishing. Everyone welcome, no level of expertise required—from beginners eager to learn—and experts eager to share. We look forward to meeting you all.
Richard Our opening hours are: Tuesday Wednesday—Friday Saturdays & Public Holidays Sunday & Monday (gone fishing)
09h00—21h00 09h00—17h00 09h00—13h00 Closed
If you require anything outside of these hours— please phone or e-mail me—we can always “make a plan”.
Tel: 012 663 1560 Fax: 012 663 1561 neels@anglingafrica.co.za 1288 Heuwel Rd, Centurion
Discount on presentation of this ad in-store July 2012
CONTACT US AT: Tel: (013) 692-7199 | (013) 692-7390 • VISIT US AT: Ismail Gani Centre, 4842 Opperman Street, Witbank TRADING HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm • Friday: 9am 12pm; 2:15pm - 5pm • Saturday: 9am - 1pm
The early bird catches the worm, so don’t miss out on our monthly specials! GET IT CHEAPER AND WE’LL GIVE IT TO YOU FOR FREE! ROD AND REEL COMBOS:
• STEALTH START FLY COMBO 7’6”, 4/5-WT OR 8’6”, 4/5-WT OR 9FT, 5/6-WT + 15 FLIES + FLY BOX + REEL+ BACKING + LINE + LEADER + ROD TUBE ................ R399 • COMBO ADD-ONS: 20 TROUT FLIES .................................................................. R60 DUAL-PURPOSE LINE CUTTER /HOOKEYE CLEANER .... R10 ROD TUBE ............................................................................ R40
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• 20 TROUT FLIES ....................................................................... R60 • DUAL-PURPOSE LINE CUTTER/HOOKEYE CLEANER ......... R249 • ROD TUBE .................................................................................R40
CALL SPECIALS! Tel: 013US 692 FOR 7199 /MORE 013 692 IN-STORE 7390 Fax: 013 692 6810 or visit:Email: www.ganis.ws www.ganis.co.za ganisangling@gmail.com 26
July 2012
Featured Specie
Lichia amia The gentlemen of the ocean. That is how sport fishermen all over the globe refer to when they speak of Leervis, also known as Garrick. Part of the Kingfish family, they are large and elongated with a pointed snout. They are silver in colour with a white belly and dusky to blue grey flank, dorsal area and fins. A very distinctive lateral line runs from just behind the gills to the tail. This is one of the primary senses the Garrick use to locate its prey.
- Compiled by Johan Viljoen
and Pinkies makes up their diet but they thrive on Sardines during the annual run. Coinciding with the Sardine run, the Garrick migrates from the cooler waters in the Cape to the KwaZulu-Natal coast where spawning takes place. Sexual maturity is reached at 80 cm. The eggs are then distributed southwards through the Agulhas current to estuaries in the Southern and Eastern Cape. Leervis can grow up to 180 cm and weigh more than 30 kg.
Garrick occurs along the entire South African coast from Kosi Bay around the Cape and up the west coast of Africa and in the Mediterranean. It is especially abundant on the Wild Coast during the annual sardine run. It is a coastal species occurring to a depth of about 50 m but prefers the surf zone.
Garrick are often caught from the shore and from ski boats. During the feeding frenzy during the Sardine run, the best baits are plugs, spoons, live bait and fresh Sardines. Ski boats target them just behind the breakers during winter and spring. Due to their size and inquisitive nature they are also very sought after by spear fishermen.
Feeding Garrick form small shoals, that hunt just behind the surf. They are aggressive feeders and prefer live bait. Shad, Karenteen
Please look after our fish stocks by releasing all Garrick under 70 cm and honouring the daily bag limit of 2 fish per angler.
July 2012
July 2012
Contact: Thinus Cell: 079 142 7813 Tel: 012 653 4294 Fax: 012 653 5698 Info@alloutangling.co.za
Shop 4, Lenchen Centre Cnr Lenchen & Jacaranda St Hennopspark
July 2012
– Kirk Mc Vittie
Quite a few years ago I was given the opportunity to go with a couple of fishing buddies to the Transkei to target Garrick on lures. What an experience! In such a way that I now, personally don’t target Garrick in any other way. It is so exciting to see the fish chase the surface lure, the way I love fishing for Garrick, I just about have a heart attack every time it happens. On my honeymoon a good couple of years ago I nearly had 16 heart attacks in one day. It was worth every second. In this
July 2012
article I would like to share my experiences and knowledge with my fellow anglers. I target Garrick over early November to end November in the Transkei when the Garrick are moving back to the Eastern Cape and Cape Coast but it is a good time to target them during the sardine run from end June right through to the end of September in the South and North Coast as far up as Cape Vidal. I have heard of Garrick being caught as late as middle December at Port Edward, how true this is I don’t know. As the age old
Fishing saying goes “All fishermen are liars accept you and me but I am not sure about you some days” Ha, ha!
sardine run but good luck with them on light tackle. Remember to limit your keep and don’t keep your limit.
Rods that I prefer to use must be as light as possible in the 1 to 302 Range in the length of 11 - 13 feet. There are times that you must get quite a long cast in up to 120 m plus. There are quite a few models on the market such as the Kingfisher Poseidon HMG range and Blue Marlin tuff flex. My preferred reel has a 5.2.1 gear ratio.
Tight lines and big fish, rather a bad day fishing than a good day at work. I make custom rods for Garrick, boat rods, drop shot and plugging rods.
Surface lures that I have had the most success on when the water is calm are white chisel nose plugs No 9 made by Tryton Lures.
Please contact me at Angling Africa 012 663 1560 or 083 695 6038 for more info. Regards, Kirk
The technique used when casting plugs is to hold the rod at a 45° angle during the retrieve to keep the plug on the surface and when the fish takes the plug wait for the rod to be pulled down before you strike or you will miss the fish. I fish with a very tight drag as to get the hook set but ready to loosen off because a Garrick can take a lot of line depending on its size. If the water is choppy and rough I prefer to use spoons, V backs or bullet spoons between 5 and 8 cm long. If you see small Garrick chasing your plug but they don’t take it, it is possible your plug is too big, try downsizing your plug or lure, it worked for me a few years ago. I put my long rod down and took my drop shot rod, the Garrick chasing where 2-3kg. To my surprise a ± 7 kg fish ate my plug of 3 cm long - what a fight it was and great a memory I will never forget. Other species that will take plugs are shad, normally quite big ones. “I meant the Shad” especially in the Transkei and Eastern Cape. You stand quite a good chance for Kingfish on the South and North Coast during the
July 2012
Fishing – Dawid Wasserman
New Moon
Spring Tide
First Quater
Last Quater EARTH
Neap Tide
Full Moon
Neap Tide
Spring Tide Getye moet beslis in ag geneem word wanneer ‘n hengelaar sy visvangtog beplan. Sommige plekke word hoofsaaklik gehengel tydens hoogwater en ander tydens laagwater. As gevolg van die ekstra lae water tydens springgety kan die hengelaar maklik aas soos rooi-aas, seekat, krappe, ensovoorts verkry. Hy kan ook hengel op plekke wat nie toeganklik is tydens dooiegety nie. Verder kan die intergety areas deeglik ondersoek word. Baie van die seeplantegroei en skulpdiere sal die hengelaar bewus maak van die visse se voer gewoontes tydens die inkomende springgety. Om hierdie redes verkies baie hengelaars om af te gaan na die see tydens springgety.
July 2012
Dit is belangrik dat ‘n soutwater hengelaar ‘n getyrooster in sy hengelsak het. Dit is verkrygbaar by visvangwinkels en sekere vulstasies. In die getyrooster is die tyd van hoogwater en laagwater vir elke dag, asook die fases van die maan wat aandui wanneer dit springgety of dooiegety is. Elke hengelaar moet ‘n basiese begrip van die funksionaliteit van die getye hê. Getye word veroorsaak deur die aantrekkingskrag tussen die aarde en die maan. Hoog- en laagwater kom twee keer ‘n dag voor. Hoog- en laagwater is tussen 30 - 45 minute later elke dag. Dit neem die maan 28 dae om sy eliptiese wentelbaan om die aarde te voltooi.
Fishing Gedurende hierdie maanomwenteling is die maan soms nader aan die aarde en daarom is die aantrekkingskrag op die see anders. Gedurende die maan se siklus kom daar 4 fases voor naamlik: vol-, donker-, nuwe en sekelmaan. Gedurende hierdie tydperk kom springgety twee keer voor, met ‘n vol maan en twee weke later met nuwe maan. Op hierdie geleenthede is laagwater baie laag en hoogwater baie hoog. Gedurende donker- en sekelmaan verskil die getye baie min. Spesiale springgetye vind gedurende Maart en September plaas te danke aan die dag- en nageweninge op 21 Maart en 22 September van elke jaar, wanneer die gesamentlike aantrekkingskrag van die maan en die son op die see op sy sterkste is.
Gedurende hierdie tyd sal jy buitengewone lae en hoë getye beleef. Gevolglik kan aas en skulpvis maklik bekom word. Wind beïnvloed ook getye en wanneer ‘n suidooster waai, veroorsaak dit ‘n baie lae gety. Getye beïnvloed ook die eetgewoontes van visse. Die meeste visse is meer aktief met die inkomende gety. In die geval van galjoen, byvoorbeeld, sal jy beslis meer byte kry omdat die water meer lewendig raak en skuim voorkom. Elf verkies ook hoogwater. Hengelaars wat kabeljou teiken weet dat die uur voor en ná hoogwater ideaal is. Hierdie is bloot net riglyne en ‘n verskeidenheid visspesies kan gedurende enige gety gevang word.
Boulyn kolletjie Feed / Voer Once you’ve tried us... you will be caught
Contact George: 082 410 7843
July 2012
Fedhealth Tour de Tuli Cycle Tour Mapungubwe 2 – 7 August
Warm Hartfees Toutrekpark Gezina Pretoria 7 Julie
Die Horing Kunstefees Phalaborwa 8 – 12 Augustus
Toeka-fees Kemptonpark 1 – 2 September Afrikaans is Groot Konsert Moreletapark Gemeente, Pretoria 11 – 13 Oktober
OppiKoppi Festival Northam 9 – 11 August
Waterberg Game Festival Vaalwater 9 – 11 August
Schoemanskloof Sitrusfees Schoemanskloof 28 Julie
Kierieklapper Arts Festival Mokopane, Waterberg 9 – 12 August
Horingfees Loskopdam 24 – 26 Augustus
Inni-Berg Fees 2012 Louis Trichardt 24 - 25 Augustus
Jurgens 60-Jarige Kampnaweek Badplaas 7 – 9 September
Apiesdoring Karnaval Thabazimbi 6 Augustus
Limpopo Ellisras Bushveld Festival Lephalale 4 – 7 July Hoedspruit Wildfees 2012 Hoedspruit 13 - 15 Julie Limpopo Wine Show Polokwane 27 – 28 July
Nafco Landbouskou Groblersdal 1 – 3 September Waterberg Wildsfees Vaalwater 22 – 24 September Tubatse Chroom Fees
19 - 20 Oktober
Mozambique MOZAMBIQUE show 15 – 16 September
July 2012
Events Wes-Kaap Breedekloof Soetes & Sop 22 – 23 Julie
North West/Noord-Wes
Hermanus food & wine festival Hermanus 6 – 8 August
Laerskool Brits Wildsfees Brits 4 Augustus
Leipoldtville Kuierfees Leipoldtville 5 – 7 Augustus
Bosrumoer Zeerust 28 – 30 September
Kalfiefees Hermanus 4 – 9 Augustus
Fraserburg Logan Toneelfees Fraserburg 3 –7 Augustus
Agri Megaweek Bredasdorp 13 – 15 September
Hantam Vleisfees Calvinia 27 – 28 Augustus
Seisoen van Sauvignon Durbanville Wynvallei 1 – 2 Oktober Breedekloof Buitelug- en Wynfees Breedekloof Wynroete 7 – 9 Oktober
Gariep Kunstefees Oppenheimer Tuine 30 Augustus – 2 September
FREE STATE/VRYSTAAT Welkom Winterfees Welkom 2 Julie
Kwazulu-Natal Dundee Biltongfees Dundee 8 – 9 Julie Pioneer Wilds-& Lentefees Vryheid 31 Augustus – 1 September
EastERN Cape/Oos-Kaap
Pork Fest Bloemfontein 27 August Clarens Centenary Celebrations Clarens 19 – 21 October
Castle Lager East Cape Biltong Festival 13 – 14 Julie Eastern Cape/Oos-Kaap Somerset-Oos If you would like to advertise your event in our magazine, please send details of event to: info@africanadventures.co.za
July 2012
This safari is designed with budget conscious couples in mind and who wish to spend only two nights exploring what the Kruger National Park has to offer, in the company of a knowledgeable and experienced guide. This is the quickest and most affordable way to see South Africa’s greatest game reserve… Light on your pocket but high on African Adventures!
Safari Highlights: • • • • • • • • •
2 Nights / 3 Days. Departs from Johannesburg or Nelspruit. Small group size. Bungalow or chalet accommodation (no camping). Air-conditioning and en-suite bathroom. Guided open vehicle game drives in best game viewing areas. Night drive possible as optional extra. Supplied binoculars, map books, reference books and refreshments on board. Priced from R 3995 per person
Itinerary: Day 1 Departing from Johannesburg at
around 08:30. We drive along a scenic route
July 2012
to one of the Kruger National Park gates where we transfer to a specially designed open safari vehicle. Game viewing begins as soon as we enter the gates. We will arrive at camp by sunset. Dinner may be enjoyed in the camp restaurant, or if weather permits, your guide may prepare a traditional braai, which is an absolute feast! Falling asleep to a lion’s roar in the distance is unforgettable.
Day 2 We embark on a morning game drive before the sun rises in search of the big 5. While looking for wildlife we visit waterholes, lookout points and beautiful picnic spots, stopping at regular intervals so you can stretch your legs and enjoy some refreshments. After breakfast at a picnic site in the bush, we return to the camp around lunchtime, where you can spend the hot
midday hours relaxing at the pool, browsing through the curio shop or watching animals from the deck. In the afternoon we head out on another game drive and return to the camp at sunset for dinner. Dinner will be enjoyed in the camp restaurant, or may take the form of a traditional braai, weather permitting.
Johannesburg airport or surrounding hotels. Not included: International flights, travel insurance, lunches, personal expenses, drinks, tips, optional extras. There are no hidden costs not mentioned here.
Day 3 This morning we pack up early and head out on a final early morning game drive in search of game that may have eluded us thus far. Breakfast is served at a picnic site along the way, and we exit the Kruger Park around mid-morning to begin our journey back to Johannesburg. Transfers are normally conducted in luxury air-conditioned vehicles. We arrive back in Johannesburg by about 17:00.
Cost: 17 – 19 August 2012:
From R 3995 per person sharing.
Optional extra activities: A night drive on an open safari vehicle equipped with spotlights, conducted by one of the Kruger Park’s rangers. Included: 2 Nights accommodation with airconditioning and private bathroom, breakfasts/brunch and dinners, refreshments (bottled water and soft drinks included on all game drives), all entrance fees and daily conservation fees, all game drives as described, and return transfers from
July 2012
Celebrity Profile
Going coastal With
What was the greatest moment in your cricket career?
The biggest moment in my cricket career has to be our tour to Australia in 2008 - 2009, not because of my personal achievement, but more of what the team achieved on that tour.
Who is your best friend on the field?
I don’t really have a best friend on the field... I like to think that I get on very well with all of my team mates as we have created a good team culture within the team.
Where did you hit your first 6?
I hit my 1st 6 when I was 10 years old - for my cricket club at the time (Strandfontein). I remember it like it happened yesterday.
What are the best ball you have ever bowled?
Best ball has to be my 1st ODI wicket against Sri Lanka in 2004. Jaywardene was the batsman, bowled him.
When off the field, what outdoor activities do you like the most?
In my off time I love being on the golf course. If I wasn’t a cricketer I would love to be a pro golfer.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Got to be my parents, they have sacrificed so much for me growing up and I am eternally grateful for it.
What do you fear the most?
Snakes! So you won’t really find me going anyway close to the bush.
Who is the best bowler you have ever faced? 38
July 2012
Best bowler I have faced to date was Andrew Flintoff. Fortunately he has retired from the game and I am sure I am not the only one that is happy about that.
What is you favourite country and why?
Best place I have toured has to be the West Indies. Most beautiful beaches and friendly people.
Your most embarrassing moment?
My most embarrassing moment would be on my debut for WP in 2001. I walked out to bat in our 1st innings and Gary Kirsten was batting on the other side. For some reason no one introduced us, as he came straight from national duty and then straight to the game. Walked out to bat and he didn’t know my name.. Had to ask the empire.. LOL
During the IPL, what do you miss the most?
The thing I miss the most during IPL is a good old braai, I love having family and friends around for a get together.
If you didn’t play cricket, what would you have loved to do?
If I had a choice I would love to be a pro golfer!
Have you ever considered moving to another province?
I have never considered it. I have always been a Cape Town boy and I hope I’m never faced with the decision to move.
Hunting, Fishing, Diving or Camping? Why? Camping because it would be time spent with family and friends.
Kruger Park or West Coast?
West Coast! I love being close to the sea! Really brings calmness to my life.
July 2012
In die aangesig van mensvreters - Derick Bruwer
Klink kranksinnig reg? Duisende mense van regoor die wêreld kan seker nie verkeerd wees nie. Om saam met een van die mees gevreesde roofdiere in hul natuurlike habitat interaksie te hê is een van die wêreld se vinnigste groeiende aantreklikhede. Hetsy dit in die veiligheid van ‘n staalhok is of in die oop water, die gedagte bly een van die grootste toeriste trekpleisters ter wêreld. Populêre plekke soos Suid-Afrika, Australië, Kalifornië en die Gholf van Meksiko flits deur jou gedagtes as jy dit so ver kan kry om onderwater saam met ‘n wit doodshaai te verkeer. Suid- Afrika is egter die voorloper in “haaiduik” eko-toerisme en is waarskynlik die beste plek om aangesig tot aangesig met n ‘menseter’ te kom. Vrese wat aangehits word deur films soos Jaws en Deep Blue Ocean. Daar is letterlik honderde plekke in Suid-Afrika waar jy kan haaiduik en baie operateurs is bereid om jou hierdie geleentheid te bied.
July 2012
Vanuit die veiligheid van ‘n soliede staalhok, kan jy die grootwithaaie, tot 6 m in lengte, sien lokaas voor jou gesig verslind. Die duikoperateurs neem jou na plekke tussen twee en vyftien kilometer die see in en gooi dooie visse en bloed in die water om haaie na die gebied te lok. Meeste haaie kan ‘n enkel druppel bloed tot twee kilometer weg ruik en dus is dit net ‘n kwessie van tyd voor die eerstes hul verskyning maak. Sodra die eerste ‘doodsvin’ gewaar word, word die hok afgesak. Met tye kan selfs tot 30 haaie om die hok sirkel. Jy kan verwag om tussen 20 en 40 minute in die hok tussen die haaie te spandeer. As gevolg van hul nuuskierige aard is ‘n naby ontmoeting met die dood niks ongewoon nie. Vir die adrenalien verslaafde is dit natuurlik nie nodig vir die veiligheid van ‘n staalhok nie. Daar is verskeie riwwe langs ons kus waar jy in oop water saam met van die mees
gevreesde roofdiere kan swem. Meeste haaie sal nie ‘n duiker aanval nie, tensy hy bedreig voel of jou as prooi aansien. Dit maak veral Aliwalrif en Protea Banks van ons gewildste duikbestemmings. Een ervaring wat jou werklik na jou asem sal laat snak is ‘n ontmoeting met n walvishaai. Die grootste vis ter wêreld, meer as 46 voet lank, ja, die een wat moontlik vir Jona ingesluk het. Bang? Moet nie wees nie. Die walvishaai is ‘n herbivoor! Die grooste haai in die wêreld eet nie rooivleis nie! Trouens, die walvishaai is die makste van alle haaie en gee nie om vir ‘n bietjie menslike interaksie nie. Tyd saam met hierdie enorme vis onder water is werklik ‘n lewensveranderende ervaring.
To advertise in this magazine contact
Lizel Stavast 073 777 9524
So, klink dit nog steeds na ‘n mal idee om in haai besmette waters te spring? Nee, vat die kans, jy sal verstom wees oor wat jy mag ervaar.
July 2012
Dive in Style
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July 2012
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E-mail: umkomaas@netactive.co.za www.aliwalshoalscubadiving.co.za
July 2012
Diving the Silver Tide - The Greatest Shoal on Earth
– Lelani Botha
It’s been dubbed “The Greatest Shoal on Earth”. Every year around June and July billions of Sardines “run” or migrate up the East Coast of Africa between Port Elizabeth and Durban. What makes it a true marvel however, is not simply the multitude of silvery fish but the host of predators that congregate in mass for the feasting. The waters off the breathtaking Wild Coast literally boil as Dolphins, Sharks, Whales, Seals, Penguins, Cape Gannets and even Orca’s (Killer Whales) gorge themselves on the seemingly endless shoals of sardines.
costly, any nature lover, photographer or water enthusiast should experience this dazzling wildlife extravaganza at least once in their lifetime. Many return year after year for the action. The bubbling turmoil at the surface serves as a cue for marine birds to join in the onslaught, joined by game fish like shad, Garrick and Geelbek salmon, whales, Cape fur seal and the much maligned shark. Every so often Dolphins and Sharks work together to separate a portion of a shoal and drive the fish to the surface where the scared and confused sardines form a ball.
A World Phenomenon
It is then that a true mass feeding frenzy begins. Cape Gannets “rain” from the heavens in their thousands as Dolphins, Sharks, Seals, Bryde’s Whales and even Penguins devour the ball from all sides. An experience which will stay in your memory forever. No wonder it is called “The Greatest Shoal on Earth.”
The journey itself has earned the title ‘the sardine run’. Its incredible action will have your heart pumping, whether you’re diving, snorkelling or watching from a boat. Even though it is unpredictable and can be pretty
July 2012
Diving The Sardine Run is much more than numerous glistening shoals of sardines moving up the coast. It involves and affects many marine animals and can be witnessed from the shore, the sea or the air. Great White Sharks, Copper Sharks, Common Dolphins, and Cape Gannets, Humpback Whales, and Southern Right Whales are key predators that pursue the shoals northwards along the east coast of South Africa. The sardine run of southern Africa occurs from May through July when billions of sardines – or more specifically the Southern African pilchard Sardinops sagax – spawn in the cool waters of the Agulhas Bank and move northward along the east coast of South Africa. Their sheer numbers create a feeding frenzy all along the coastline. The
Sardine run, containing millions of individual sardines, occurs when a current of cold water heads north east from the Agulhas Bank up to Mozambique where it then leaves the coastline and goes further east into the Indian Ocean. That is why to every scuba-diver, this is indeed the greatest dive show on earth. The ultimate highlight is the “bait ball”. This is when the sharks or dolphins or both corral a shoal of sardines into a tight ball, then dive into it in a frenzied attack to come away with mouthfuls of unfortunate sardines.
Snorkelling - For the Non Diver The sardines shoal closely together minimizing their chances of being taken by predators. Picture tens of thousands of birds, plunging from the sky, feeding on the fish, with larger game fish and numerous species of sharks, all feasting on the wealth of food that is available. It is truly mind blowing, an experience you will never forget. Therefore to the non-diver the show is just as rewarding. Most of the action is seen from the boat and there are plenty opportunities to snorkel with dolphins, whales and even sharks while being bombarded on all sides by Cape Gannets. Clearly visible by satellite, the Sardine Run is a unique feature of nature and should be on every underwater photographer or videographer’s lists.
July 2012
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July 2012
Featured Specie
- Saamgestel deur Johan Viljoen
As deel van die valkfamilie, is die sekretarisvoël die enigste voël van die spesie wat meer loop as vlieg – tot 20 kilometer per dag. Met baie groot, breë vlerke, is die sekretarisvoël sterk vlieërs en gebruik termiese lugstrome om te styg en sweef. Wanneer hulle jag, stamp hulle hulle pote op die grond om klein diere uit te lok, dan loop hulle in ‘n heen en weer patroon terwyl hulle vlerke klap om hul prooi te verwar. Die naam kom van die Arabiese saquettair, wat jagter-voël beteken.
‘n Sekretarisvoël kan tot 20 jaar leef in aanhouding. Dié spesie is ‘n karnivoor wat hoofsaaklik slange (pofadders en kobras), groot insekte, springhase, reptiele, muise en rotte eet. Vanselfsprekend is hulle nie bo-aan die voedselketting nie en word deur arende, slange, groot karnivore en mense bedreig. Dorre veld en grasvlaktes is waar hulle meestal voorkom en gesien word. Hulle kom suid van die Sahara voor sowel as in Suid-Afrika. Sekretarisvoëls is algemeen in Sub-Sahara-Afrika en is ‘n nie-trekkende spesie, alhoewel hulle voedselbronne kan volg.
Hulle kom ook voor vanaf Senegal, Somalië en suid aan die Kaap van Goeie Hoop. Hierdie voëls is ook al gevind by ‘n verskeidenheid dele van die kusvlaktes aan die hoogland. Hulle verkies oop savannas en graslande eerder as bosse en digte struike wat hulle lopende bestaan belemmer. Terwyl die voëls nes maak in die plaaslike Acacia bome in die nag, spandeer hulle baie van die dag op die grond en keer terug na hulle slaapplekke net voor donker waar hulle veiliger is. Van ‘n afstand of in vlug lyk hulle meer soos ‘n kraanvoël as ‘n roofvoël. Die stert het twee verlengde sentrale vere wat strek verby die voete tydens vlug, sowel as lang donsvere wat die agterste kruin vorm. Sekretarisvoëls se vliegvere en dye is swart, terwyl die meeste van die dekvere grys is met ‘n paar wit vere tussenin. Die geslagte lyk soortgelyk aan mekaar en die spesie blyk baie min geslagsdimorfisme te vertoon, maar die mannetjies het ‘n langer kop, pluim- en stertvere. Volwassenes het ‘n skoon rooi gesig in teenstelling met die geel gesigvel van hul kuikens. As u weer ‘n draai in Stellenbosch maak, gaan besoek gerus Spier landgoed se Eagle Encounters rehabilitasie sentrum om meer van hierdie spesie te sien.
July 2012
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Recipe Ingredients: 10 baby red mullets 4 medium calamari tubes 4 skate wings 1kg mussels, cleaned and de-bearded 1 red onion, chopped 2 heads of fennel, sliced, reserving the tops 1/2 cup olive oil Garlic, minced 5 medium potatoes or sweet potatoes, cut into big chunks 1/4 cup fish stock, optional 1/4 cup white wine 2 tablespoons flat leaf-parsley, chopped 1-1 1/2 cup fresh cream Salt and pepper
Method: • •
Seafood Potjie
Clean all fish thoroughly. Cut them into big chunks, leaving the baby mullets whole. In the potjie pot, fry the fennels and onion until transparent. Remove from the potjie and set aside. Repeat the same process for the potatoes. Heat up the potjie again until red hot, then fry the mullets with minced garlic for a minute and layer the other fish alternating with fennel tops. Add the potatoes in the next layer. Reserve the mussels, onion and fennel for the final layer to be added at a later stage. Pour the fish stock and wine. Cover and cook for another 5 minutes or until all shells are opened.
Empty the potjie contents into a serving bowl. Remove the stalks of the fennel tops. Pour fresh cream evenly over and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper and serve immediately. Any combination of fish makes excellent substitutes. The importance lies in quick cooking, so as not to turn the fish into mush and the calamari into rubbery tubes! The Green Rub can also be used with this dish. A garlic mayonnaise is a fantastic companion for this dish.
July 2012
Gorangoza – Ronel Swart
If you can go anywhere…where would that be? “Gorongoza National park”, I replied. Our adventures are always sudden and unplanned, but this is who we are. Mother Africa does not plan for us, so the best way to experience her, is on her terms. Within three weeks, Anton and I, Gerhard and Marlize were on our way, to a place that has been a dream of mine for a long time. To me, “Gorangoza” was only a name, a park in Mozambique that used to be rated as one of the world’s most pristine National parks. Like everything else in Mozambique, the park’s eco system suffered severely during the twenty years of political war which ended in the early nineties. We did not expect to see a lot of wildlife. We went to Gorangoza for the adventure, and the mountain. Nevertheless: no risk, is a risk not worth taking. We were astonishingly surprised. 50
July 2012
We decided to travel through Zimbabwe, and make a round trip down the coast of Mozambique. We went without a definite road plan, and no reservations. We only went for a week, during September, which is said to be the best time to experience the park. In hindsight, I could stay there forever, and every day can be the best day of the year to be there. We stayed at Chitengo camp, the only camp open to visitors for now. There is a very expensive private lodge in the park, mainly visited by overseas travellers, who prefer fly-in safaris. Chitengo camp is beautiful and well managed, and the restaurant and bar look like something you would find in the Kruger National Park. Much to my surprise, the park exceeded all my expectations. There is a lot of wildlife. We awoke early the next morning for a game drive. The air was still thick from the blanket
“Much to my surprise, the park exceeded all my expectations”
of fog that was hanging over the plains. We arrived at a well-known spot that made the park famous during its glory days. It was the remains of the sundowner deck overlooking the vast plain. This area was known for its lions. As the sun baked away the early morning mist we saw life on the plane. And more, and more, and everywhere we looked, even more. There were waterbuck in vast numbers, rooibuck, blue wildebeest, zebra’s reedbuck and even roan’s. The plain was scattered with wildlife, almost like a piece of the Serengeti. The next morning we were on our way to Mount Gorangoza. All the trees were dressed in their typical multicoloured coat of yellow, brown, orange and red leaves. We travelled for about an hour, where we turned right onto a small 4x4 road through a local village. In the distance we could see the mountain, its top still covered in clouds.
At the base camp we decided not to do the walking trail to the top of the mountain, but rather drive up to the assembly point to save some time. Wise, wise decision. What a wonderful moment. Here I was, standing on the edge of a dream that I have nurtured for years… and then we started the descent. It was about around the second bend of the very narrow walking trail that the thought crossed my mind that this is an unusual steep decent. Five minutes later we were hanging on tree branches and plant roots to secure us from tumbling down the hill like Jack and Jill. The narrow sandy footpath is right on the edge of this mountain, going 950 m straight down. At this stage Gerhard was basically hanging on Marlize to prevent her from slipping down the hill. We were in the rainforest, and we could hear the thunderous roar of the waterfall to our right. The pathway got progressively worse
July 2012
Living with every step. I thought about the way up again, and it was at about this exact moment that I realised this could have been a bad dream. After another 20 minutes we were at the bottom of the waterfall. I looked up to the top of the waterfall, exhausted, and still a bit flabbergasted with my latest life experience. I have to admit, this was one of the most fulfilling moments of my life. The sun was shining from above, onto the millions of litres of water plunging down onto the rocks in front of us. It looked like someone had just overturned a bucket of shiny crystals, falling down on us. We were strangely quiet, all drinking in the awesomeness of the beauty of this place.
I am not even going to discuss the way up again. I have learned that it is necessary to visit places like this, when you are still in good health, because it could be quite possible to suffer a heart attack on your way up. All said and done, this is a place that is still hidden from many. Those of us who made the effort to go down to the foot of the waterfall will always have the pleasure of returning to it through the memories captured in our minds. We headed back to Chitengo, and the sun was already setting. There are not a lot of things in life which can ease your mind like an African sunset. No medicine is as good as a campfire, and true boere “boskos�. If you love photography, you will fall in love with Gorangoza. Once again I have realised, that a dream, will take you towards it.
July 2012
July 2012
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July 2012
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Featured Specie
- Compiled by Johan Viljoen
The Marula
The history of the marula tree goes back thousands of years. Archaeological evidence shows the marula tree was a source of nutrition as long ago as 10,000 years B.C. Marula, Scelerocarya birrea, subspecies caffera, is one of Africa’ botanical treasures. In the Pomongwe Cave in Zimbabwe, it is estimated that 24 million marula fruits were eaten. Not only the fruit, but also the nut, is rich in minerals and vitamins. Legends abound on the multiple uses of the tree, the bark, the leaves, fruit, nut and kernels. Mainly known as the fruit that ‘drives elephants mad’, when dropped to the ground and lightly fermented, marula is a much-loved tree in the veld in Africa. It was a dietary mainstay in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia throughout ancient times.
Description The Marula is a deciduous tree growing up to 18 m tall. They grow in various types of woodlands on sandy loam
Scelerocarya birrea soils. It can be found from Ethiopia to Kwazulu-Natal. It produces flowers from September to November and bears fruit from January to March. The fruits are edible and very high in vitamin C. Warthog, elephant, waterbuck, giraffe and kudu all eat the fruit and leaves of the tree.
Uses The skin of the fruit can be boiled to make a drink or burnt to be used as a substitute for coffee. The wood is soft and used for carving; the inner bark can be used to make rope. Archaeological sites have shown marula fruit to be used as a food source since ancient times by Africa’s tribes. The bark can also be used to make a light brown dye. Large Saturniid caterpillars are gathered from this tree for roasting as well as the larvae of the Cerambycid wood boring beetle. Inside the flesh are one or two very small tasty nuts which are rich in protein, and the oil from the nuts are used as a skin cosmetic. Their green leaves are eaten to relieve heartburn.
July 2012
Featured Specie The bark contains antihistamines and is also used for cleansing by steeping in boiling water and inhaling the steam. A piece of bark is crushed into a pulp, mixed with cold water and swallowed for the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea. The bark also is used as a malaria prophylactic.
Fruit The marula fruit is very juicy and aromatic and is the size of a small plum. It can be eaten fresh and the flesh has a very high vitamin C content. It can also be cooked to produce jam, juices and alcoholic beverages.
Where they are found It is a component of the vegetation type known as ‘Bushveld’ or Savannah, which is a mixed vegetation covering the lower slopes of the plateau and the Lowveld of Mpumalanga, including much of the Kruger National Park. Companion plants typically include umbrella thorn (Acacia) trees, the baobab, fever trees, the dark-green mopani, and tall tufted grasses.
Interesting facts Marula trees are dioecious, which means they have a specific gender. This contributes to the belief among the Venda that bark infusions can be used to determine the gender of an unborn child. If a woman wants a son the male tree is used, and for a daughter, the female tree. If the child of the opposite gender is born, the child is said to be very special as it was able to defy the spirits.
July 2012
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– Lynette Haasbroek
So kamp ek en Brand toe uit saam met die kinders, by die mooiste, skoonste varswaterdam in Limpopo! Doorndraai dam. Kyk, ons is reg om dit uit te kap op hierdie uitkamp ekspedisie! Gewapen met ‘n tent en twee opblaasmatrasse plus ‘n koelboks vol ys en bier, reken ons toe ons is goed toegerus vir hierdie trip to nowhere! Niks kan mos ‘n probleem word as ons saam met ons kinders uitkamp vir ‘n naweek nie? “Terloops, ma se opblaasmatras het ‘n klein gaatjie ingehad, maar moenie worry nie, ek het dit gefix!” verseker Deon, my seun my. Na die gesellige aand om die kampvuur gaan lê ons in ons tweemantentjie. Heng maar ek is styf, en so ‘n opblaasmatrassie is ook maar plat op die grond!? Na ‘n paar uur se dood slaap, word ek egter wakker. Letterlik plat op die grond, want my matras is pap, soos in heeltemal flat. Plat op die grond lê ek, en dis nie slegs ek wat pap voel nie, die matras kort ‘n pomp!
So kry my matrassie toe ‘n pomp in die tweemantent. Deon bring vir my die fully manual handpompie, vanaf sy tent, tot my redding. So word Brand opgekommandeer om te pomp vir al wat hy werd is. Die rooi pomp kom tot by sy knieë – let wel, van die grond af. Toe gee ou Brand alles. Op en af op en af, terwyl ek op sy opblaasmatrassie lê en luister na die gehyg van die rooi pompie, wat toe al heeltemal asmaties klink. “Daar’s hy nou my girl, stokstyf en kliphard gepomp!” Ek sak behaaglik neer op my nou weer stywe opblaasmatras en ou Brand sak uitasem gepomp neer op sy matras. Ja nee, op Doorndraai sonder die doring, is ‘n pomp ook nie meer wat dit was nie?!
July 2012
4 x 4 die Duine in
Sandry met ‘n 4 x 4 kan van sagte sand in ‘n rivierloop tot hoë duine wees, byvoorbeeld in die Namibwoestyn in Namibië. Ek het grootgeword in Namibië en in daardie jare was daar nog geen sprake van die groot verskeidenheid 4 x 4 voertuie wat ‘n mens vandag kry nie. Daar was die ou Willy’s Jeeps, Landrovers, Ford en Chev 4 x 4 bakkies en so ‘n paar meer, meestal baie swak wat krag aanbetref, swaar en onbetroubaar. Ons het teen die viswaters in Namibië baie met 2 x 4 voertuie gery waar ons wou wees, net die bande lekker afgeblaas en dinge stadig gevat. Die mense van die “Groot en Vreemde Land” soos ons die Transvalers genoem het, kon nie sommer die kuns bemeester nie, want hulle was te haastig en die gevolg was die volgende – “kan julle Suidwesters nie help nie asb?”.
July 2012
– Don Nieuwoudt
Vandag is dit ‘n heel ander saak, voertuie het hope krag, is baie betroubaar en die 4 x 4stelsels is baie meer ontwikkel en verfyn. As die 4 x 4 genoeg krag het, maak ons ook gebruik van bande met ‘n baie aggresiewe loopvlak, ‘n modderband of soos die Britte dit noem, mud terrain tyres. Die beginsel is dieselfde as ‘n motorboot in die water, hoe vinniger uit en bo-op, hoe beter. Die bande byt as’t ware in die sand en word uit die sand uit gedwing deur die 4 x 4 se krag en ja, daar gaan ons vorentoe. Natuurlik word enige band eers lekker afgeblaas wat ‘n duidelike sigbare pensie maak, die spoor van die band is nou breër en heelwat langer, die groter oppervlakte van die band maak kontak met die sand, dus meer traksie.
Hier volg nou ‘n paar basiese reëls en dinge wat gedoen en gevolg moet word om jou rit in die sand of duine suksesvol te maak, sonder enige moeites en ‘n gesukkel: Bestudeer die area waar daar gery gaan word en sit jou voertuig betyds in 4 x 4. Hoë-trek is reg waar die sand nie so sag is nie en die duine lekker lank is, maar die oomblik as die voertuig begin momentum en krag verloor, skakel na lae-trek. Eerste hoë-trek is min of meer dieselfde as lae-trek derde rat en onthou, elke keer as jy ratte moet verander in sagte sand is dit net so goed jy trap rem, jou voertuig verloor baie momentum en krag.
As die rat waarin jou voertuig te laag of sterk is, veroorsaak dit dat jou bande onnodig te vinnig in die ronte draai (spin) en dan vorder
die voertuig nie vorentoe nie maar wel afwaarts die sand in. Jou rat moet reg gekies word, want as die rat weer te hoog is verloor jy krag en dan moet jy ratte wissel wat ook nie werk nie. Ek persoonlik verkies lae-trek, want ons gidse het gewoonlik ook ‘n lekker swaar vrag op, die lae-trek gee net soveel meer opsies en is baie meer genadig op die voertuig se koppelaar en transmissie. Ek het al vir menige wat saam met my deur die woestyn getoer het die kuns aangeleer om terwyl jy ‘n hoë duin uitry, wissel jy as die voertuig krag verloor na ‘n laer rat, natuurlik blitsvinnig en sodoende bly die voertuig in sy optimale kragkurwe. Die kuns is net om na jou voertuig se omwentellinge te kyk of na die enjin se toere te luister, dan betyds die verwisseling van ratte uit te oefen. Baie het al die vraag
July 2012
gevra hoekom my voertuig se uitlaatstelsel meer raserig is as die standaard, dit is maar net om die enjin te kan hoor, want glo my daar diep in die duine is daar nie altyd tyd om op die toereteller te kyk nie. Outomatiese voertuie met genoeg krag doen uitstekend in die duine omdat alles lekker vinnig en akkuraat gebeur, neem byvoorbeeld die Toyota Prado 4.0 l wat volgens my die heel beste van alle voetuie doen, standaard van sy ma af! Blaas jou bande af, soos genoem, om die nodige pensie te maak. Wat baie nodig is in enige 4 x 4 is ‘n betroubare banddrukmeter en lugpompie. Die bande kan tot so laag as .8 bar afgeblaas word en ek het in baie gevalle waar ons regtig gesukkel het om ‘n bestuurder en sy voertuig deur die sagte poeiergate in die woestyn te kry, tot so laag as .5 bar gegaan met groot sukses.
Al wat in ag geneem moet word as jou banddruk so laag is, is dat die moontlikheid baie groter
July 2012
is dat die band van die velling kan afklim, veral as daar met krag en vinnig gedraai word. Dit is raadsaam om in so ‘n geval waar die banddruk onder 1 bar, is om stadiger te ry en veral wanneer daar by ‘n duin se skerp kant afgery word, om nie dadelik aan die voet skerp te draai nie. Die afwaartse gewig is meestal op die twee voorbande en dit kan dan nie die skerp draai en gewig wat daarmee gepaard gaan hanteer nie. Onthou as jy jou bande afblaas na .8 bar dat net voor jy die sand of duine aandurf is jou bande gewoonlik lekker warm gery. Wat dan gewoonlik gebeur, die volgende oggend wil almal ewe skielik weer die pompie uithaal en bande opblaas, want hulle lyk pap of papper as gister. Nee, jou bande het deur die nag afgekoel en gevolglik is en lyk dit nou papper, kan tot so .2 bar minder wees, trek net lekker stadig weg en ry vir die eerste paar kilometer nie te vinnig nie. Sodra die bande warm gery is, tel hulle daardie .2 bar weer op en jy is presies waar jy gister was.
Living As jy ‘n lekker vrag op jou voertuig het is dit raadsaam om net tot so 1.0 bar te gaan vir ‘n begin, jy kan altyd weer bietjie afblaas as jy sukkel in die sand. As jy stop, kyk vir ‘n plekkie wat gelyk is of waar jou voertuig se neus afdraand kyk, dit maak dit net soveel makliker om dan weer weg te trek. Daar word nie rem getrap om te stop nie, maar die voet word net van die versneller gelig want onthou, die sand is sag so jou voertuig stop dadelik as daar nie meer krag gegee word nie.
As jy wel rem trap en die voertuig kom tot stilstand, is daar voor die wiele ‘n lekker walletjie waaroor jy nou net moet beur – onnodig. Sou jy egter stop en dit moeilik vind om weg te trek, ry net eers so ‘n klein entjie agteruit en dan weer vorentoe om die sand te kompakteer en ja, dan is dit makliker om momentum op te bou. Ek praat baie van momentum, maar dit is waaroor alles in die sand en duine gaan, die regte hoeveelheid momentum om bo uit te kom sonder om vas te sit en ook net genoeg om nie oor die duin te vlieg nie. Ons praat altyd van doen dit liewers twee of drie keer oor as een keer oordoen en daar vlieg die voertuig deur die lug met baie skade. Bly altyd in die spoor vir die volgende redes –minder skade aan die area waar gery word, baie makliker want die voertuig voor jou het die sand klaar gekompakteer, is baie veiliger, want jy weet nie waar die roete heen lei nie, in die duine ry ons baie keer reg langs die skerp kant van die duine.
Vroeg en laatnamiddag is dit baie makliker om in die sand en duine te ry, want dan maak die posisie van die son dat daar orals skaduwees is, dus kan die duine kan beter gelees word. In die middel van die dag is dit baie gevaarlik, want soos ons dit noem, kom ‘duinblindheid’ voor omdat die son reg van bo skyn en dus geen skaduwees maak nie. Die regte sonbrille help baie.
As dit lekker warm is, maak die hitte dat die lugmollekules in die sand soveel makliker ontsnap en dan is die sand en duine heelwat moeiliker om te ry. Vroegoggend en laat namiddag as die sand al afgekoel het is die sand lekker ferm en weer makliker. Na reën, wat maar skaars in die woestyn is, veroorsaak die water dat die sand en duine kliphard is en dan kan selfs ‘n 2 x 4 die duine sonder moeite uitry. Duine het ‘n lang en effens meer harde kant, dit is gewoonlik in die rigting wat die area se heersende winde waai en dan weer ‘n skerp kant, slipface. Die skerp kant is gewoonlik tussen 30 en 38 grade wat heelwat weg van die grade is waar ‘n voertuig vorentoe omval, eers by 65 grade kan dit gebeur.
As daar teen die skerp kant afgery word, sit jou voertuig is die laagste moontlike rat soos byvoorbeeld eerste hoë-trek en tweede rat lae-trek. Hoë-trek is high range en lae-trek is low range. Sou dit gebeur dat met die afgaan jou voertuig begin gly na ‘n kant, gee net so effens krag en die vier wiele sal die voertuig onmiddelik reguit trek. Rem kan ook teen die skerp kant af getrap word, maar baie saggies tot die voertuig tot stilstand gekom het. Sou jy dit egter te
July 2012
Living vinnig doen kan jou voertuig begin gly en ja, dan het jy probleme. Ek sê altyd, daai voet wat gewoonlik rem trap, kap hom af en gooi hom by die voertuig se venster uit. Volgafstand is ook baie belangrik, ry so dat jy ten alle tye die voertuig voor jou kan sien, let op wat sy bande in die sand doen dan weet jy voor die tyd of die sand op plekke sagter is al dan nie. Maak ook altyd seker die voertuig voor jou is die skerp kant van ‘n duin af voor jy dit aandurf, praat met mekaar oor die radios wat gewoonlik op die toere uitgedeel word.
Sou jy wil kyk wat is die moontlikhede, ry oor die kruin van die duin en stop dan die oomblik as jou voertuig se neus afwaarts wys. Maak net seker jou voertuig se pens hang nie op die kruin nie, gee net genoeg krag en dit word redelik maklik as ‘n mens dit so ‘n paar keer probeer het. Ek verduidelik altyd so, jou nek is te kort om oor die neus van jou 4 x 4 te kyk, maar kyk liewers by jou kantvenster uit, jy sal die kruin maklik en duidelik sien nader kom totdat dit onder jou voertuig is. Wag totdat jy die voertuig agter jou kan sien jy ry by die skerp kant van ‘n duin af of deur ‘n sandgat of wat ook al die geval mag wees, dit maak dit net vir die persoon agter jou makliker en veiliger. Help mekaar waar moontlik, want dan loop die konvooi lekker en sonder onnodige stoppe.
Waar jy teen ‘n helling ry wat van links na regs of anders om loop, moet jy verkieslik krag en spoed gee anders gaan jou voertuig begin gly, want die vier wiele spoor nie meer
July 2012
nie. Dit is raadsaam om waar moontlik bo 40 kph te ry dan sal dit nie sommer gebeur nie. Sou dit dan wel gebeur, klim uit die spore, draai afdraand en gee jou voertuig kans om spoed op te tel. Sodra genoeg spoed en krag, klim weet terug in die spore. In sagte sand help dit geweldig baie om met jou agterste ewenaarslot aan te ry, onthou in sand kan jou voertuig se transmissie niks oorkom as jy draai nie maar net op harde oppervlaktes. Ek persoonlik ry vanaf die oomblik wat ek in die duine kom met my agterste ewenaarslot aan en dan waar nodig sit ek sommer die voorste een ook aan, veral as die pad al vol gate gery is.
Dit is ook baie raadsaam om jou voertuig se lugfilter gereeld skoon te maak as jy in die woestyn ry, daar kom maar tog sandjies in al het jy ‘n snorkel op wat natuurlik baie help.
Branstofverbruik in sagte sand en duine is gewoonlik abnormaal hoog omdat die voertuig baie krag gebruik om deur die sand te beur. Petrolvoertuie gee so 3.5 na 4 kilometer per liter en dieselvoertuie so 4.5 na 5.5 kilometer per liter. Ek beveel altyd aan om ‘n ekstra kannetjie saam te ry net vir die wis en onwis, dis nie lekker om sonder daardie nodige voggies te gaan staan nie.
Sitplekgordels moet ten alle tye vas wees, hou die ruite maar toe, anders gaan die sand op die verkeerde tyd en plek inkom, veral as daar om ‘n draai krag gegee word. Dit help baie om so ‘n ou verfkwassie saam te ry, juis om van daai sandjies ontslae te raak.
Living Genetiese tou is ook ‘n absolute moet, ek is glad nie lief vir die kastige genetiese bande nie, werk nie naastenby so effektief en lank soos die regte genetiese tou nie.
Ek gebruik dié waarmee skepe vasgemaak word in die hawens en sy genetiese krag raak nooit op of uit nie. Sorg altyd dat jou voertuig ‘n lekker herwinningspunt voor en agter het want onthou ons almal sit een of ander tyd vas, party net so effens meer as ander...
Die gesegde in die duine is dat net ‘n slegte bestuurder en ‘n hond vassit, ai, maar soms gaan dit maar erg en rof. Ek hoop julle kan die inligting wat ek met julle deel handig gebruik en wie weet, miskien sien ons mekaar eendag in die duine. Lekker sand en duine ry, onthou drankies en die dinge loop glad nie saam nie... wees versigtig asb! 4 x 4 Groete Don
July 2012
July 2012
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