4 minute read

united neGro ColleGe Fund youtH Gala

By: Crystal LaShan

Oh, What a Night! Teens from all of Houston gathered at the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Youth Gala looking their very best. Every teen in the ballroom was ready for a glamour-filled night to help raise scholarship funds for the blessed few who will be chosen for the UNCF scholarships awarded on an annual basis. What a great way to include our youth in helping to raise money for the UNCF scholarships. Mentorship is a beautiful thing. Thank you to the mentors, volunteers, and educators for your tireless service and dedication to making the annual UNCF Youth Gala a big success. Our young scholars clean up very well.


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puBlic notice

Notice to Proposers Request for Proposals will be received by Lone Star College for:

• RFP # 847 – AV EquipInstall –Nursing SimLabs. Electronic bids due by 3:00PM, Monday, February 20, 2023.

• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 @ 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-7926300, Meeting #2620 021 1324

• Contact: pamela.johnson@lonestar. edu or (832)813-6782.

• Must Register to Bid: http://wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the on-line registration process, contact MC-vendors@ lonestar.edu.

puBlic notice

Competitive Sealed Proposal Notice for Worthing High School Track & Field Renovations

Project Number: 23-01-05

Houston Independent School District

The Houston Independent School District will receive Competitive Sealed Proposals from contractors for work at Worthing High School. The work includes, but is not limited to, the demo and replacement of a new athletic running track and field events. Installation of a softball and baseball field, detention pond, irrigation improvements, security lighting, electrical connection(s), concrete pad(s), hose bib and miscellaneous site work. Part A and Part B and all other required proposal information, except sub-contractor firm information and M/ WBE required documents, are due no later than Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at 2:00 PM CST. at 4400 West 18th Street, Office of Board Services #1C, Houston, TX 77092. The proposals will be opened, and the amounts read aloud. Worthing High School is located at 9215 Scott Street, Houston, TX 77051

The Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal (RFCSP), which includes plans and specifications, will be available beginning Saturday, February 4, 2023, and are on file at: HISD Solicitation bid website: https://www.houstonisd.org/ Page/179264.

There is NO charge to view or download documents. Any questions regarding documents are to be addressed to Michelle Chevalier, mchevali@houstonisd.org.

The Competitive Sealed Proposal process will be utilized as authorized in Senate Bill 1093, Legislative Session 83-2013, Ch. 2269, Subchapter D, of Texas Government Code. The Competitive Sealed Proposal process enables HISD to select contractors on the basis of price and qualifications/methodology.

Sub-contractor firm information and M/WBE forms, schedules, and statements, as required by Section AB of the RFCSP and in accordance with the Office of Business Assistance, will be received at 12:00 NOON CST, Wednesday, March 8, 2023, in the Board Services Office #1C, 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092. PROPOSALS SUBMITTED WITHOUT M/ WBE FORMS PROPERLY COMPLETED WILL BE CONSIDERED NONRESPONSIVE.

A pre-proposal conference will be held at Worthing High School at 10:00 AM CST, Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 9215 Scott Street, Houston, Texas, 77051. For additional information regarding this project, please contact Michelle Chevalier, mchevali@houstonisd.org.

Drawings and Specifications for the RFCSP may be reviewed at the following Houston locations: Associated General Contractors / www.agchouston.org HISD Construction Services Office (Bond), 3200 Center, Houston, TX 77007, (713) 556-9250

McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge / www.construction.com Virtual Builders Exchange, 7035 West Tidwell, Suite #J112, Houston, TX. 77092 in American society, because too many families are attempting to function as economic units rather than spiritual units. Until Blacks fix their spiritual dysfunctional family problem, they will always have a societal problem. However, through God Blacks can become overcomers and problem solvers, not problem creators. Moreover, until Black churches cease and reframe from teaching, and preaching the prosperity Gospel, naming, and claiming, Blacks will continue to be without proper spiritual leadership guidance in their churches and families. Divided we fall but together we prosper in the Lord. Then and only can we truly understand who GOD is, and who we should be, Children of God. No individual should ever place chains on their own mind because God created all of us as free-will human beings. God’s will should be our will, because all other wills belong to the devil and his Imps. Spiritually free your mind in the will of God, and all other body parts will follow. Mothers teach your daughters in the way of the Lord. Fathers train your sons in the way of the Lord. Then and only then will we have a history that we can be proud of because it reflects the history of God working for our soul salvation. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Matthew 6: 33-34). his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take

For Blacks to have a Godly history, and become all they can become individually, and collectively in the will of God, they must correct their dietary habits. Dietary Laws are written in the Bible for a spiritual reason because you are what you eat. Hence, Blacks do not have a biological obesity problem, only a dietary problem. The historical record is replete with the outstanding historical contributions of Blacks to the socioeconomic success of American society despite all of the inhumane obstacles. This is God’s record concerning dysfunctional families, which in turn, engenders dysfunctional communities and societies, because the question is: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation” (Hebrews 2: 3). Then and only then can Black history become God’s history. Amen!

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