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Industry association status update
The National Contract Cleaners Association (NCCA) compliance audit process has now been rolled out around the country and we are exceptionally pleased with the manner in which our members are embracing compliance, according to Patrick Makhubela – NCCA President.
Members in the industry have a strong belief that one way for the contract cleaning industry to thrive is to level the playing field for all. No matter the size of the company, everyone must abide by the law and companies not abiding by the Sectoral Determination for the Cleaning Industry and the Contract Cleaners National Provident Fund (CCNPF) should have no place in this industry.
The NCCA national office receives many calls from companies and government departments wanting to know what the checklist covers when it comes to compliance audits. These organisations have stated that our compliance audits save them time when making their selection as they are assured that companies producing the NCCA compliance certificate mean that all the checks and balances have been conducted accordingly.
In previous articles published in African Cleaning Review, we have elaborated regarding the continuous supply of fraudulent membership certificates submitted for tenders, RFP and applications for cleaning contracts. The NCCA (with the exception of the KZN branch who has a Bargaining Council compliance system in place), only issue membership certificates to companies who have been audited and found compliant. So, when in doubt as to the veracity of a NCCA membership certificate, contact the NCCA national office or your nearest branch office to verify if that is in fact a valid certificate.
A delegation of Southern Africans visited the Interclean Amsterdam show in May 2022, and from all accounts it was an enjoyable and productive time for all. Whilst the exhibition was not as big as in previous years, it was impressive nonetheless. Many new networks and business partnerships were created and NCCA delegates were happy to re-establish and strengthen ties with Interclean and the ISSA.
Did you know that as a contract cleaner member of the NCCA you are automatically a member of the ISSA? The worldwide association for the cleaning industry (ISSA) has much to offer cleaning companies which a visit to their website will attest to!
All the NCCA Branches, namely Border-Kei, Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and Western Cape are finalising their own branch audited financial statements in preparation of the Branch Annual General Meetings (AGM) which need to be held before the end of August every year in accordance with the constitution.

The Southern African delegation pictured on arrival at Interclean Amsterdam 2022
We can confirm the following dates for Branch AGMs at this stage:
Border-Kei 28 July 2022
Eastern Cape 11 August 2022
Gauteng 16 August 2022 at Numatic International’s premises in Midrand
Limpopo 18 August 2022
As this is an election year, we urge members who are interested in serving the association to put their names forward. We would love to see some new blood on these Councils! For more information, please contact your branch secretary. The dates for the KZN and Western Cape AGMs are still to be confirmed, including the National AGM which will be held before the end of September.
We are pleased to report that we are in the final stages of developing our new website! Whilst this has not gone as smoothly as we would have liked, we are optimistic that once it has been launched, it will once again be of great benefit to not only our members, but to companies who need to check the validity of membership certificates or membership confirmation letters should the company not have any cleaners so as to qualify for a compliance audit to obtain a membership certificate.
As soon as the website has been completed, we will advise members regarding the launch date. We will then look forward to your feedback on how we can further improve the site.
For more information about the NCCA and its activities email: gauteng@ncca.co.za

The NCCA stand at Interclean Amsterdam with from left: Patrick Makhubela, Sandy Deale, Caroline Sibiya and Thami Makeleni