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Keeping hotels clean and hygienic during a pandemic
Hygiene and cleanliness often go hand in hand, but adoption and follow-through with measures like disinfection, handwashing, and hand-sanitiser use within commercial facilities were not as consistent before the COVID-19 pandemic. Without the widespread threat of infection, cleaning was previously more focused on appearance than on protecting public health and was not as strategic as it needs to be today.
The pandemic has made it clear: consumers demand cleanliness and the new emphasis, especially in places like hotels, is here to stay. Now, hotel owners and managers can be confident in their readiness against pathogens and reassure guests and employees by committing to cleanliness and effectively communicating their approach to the public.
Building trust through cleanliness
Throughout the pandemic, many businesses have faced the challenge of restoring trust and assuring customers that they are doing everything in their power to keep them safe and healthy. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, consumers are most influenced by their trust in a brand, which also includes places where they’re sure of safety and cleanliness. Thus, hotels must prioritise cleaning, disinfection, and infection prevention to give guests and visitors peace of mind.
In addition to considering their guests, hotels must also take the necessary steps to reassure and retain employees. A recent survey found that only 14 percent of employees around the world are confident in the leadership of their CEOs and management regarding return-to-work policies. For those employees that have already returned to work, 42 percent said safety measures enacted by management were either ineffective or not strictly enforced.
Some companies have spent upwards of US$1 billion on personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning procedure training, cleaning and disinfecting products, and other pandemic-related costs. During the height of the pandemic, it seemed necessary to invest in every strategy and solution. However, as we learn more about the way SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, spreads, we uncover that some of these measures can play into ‘hygiene theatre’.
Hygiene theatre is the act of increasing hygiene protocols that may make guests feel safe, but don’t correlate with lowering the risk of infection. Managers should assess whether the cleaning procedures they’ve adopted at the onset of the pandemic still serve their needs and their stakeholders’ needs.
Communicating cleanliness
Communicating new or revised protocols and safeguards to both guests and employees is extremely important. A recent report uncovered that nearly 9 in 10 (88%) consumers take note of the cleanliness of businesses they frequent often.
Furthermore, 86 percent of consumers would ideally like to see proof that public places such as restaurants, offices, businesses, gyms or schools are cleaned on a regular basis.
Employees also worry about the level of cleanliness at their workplace. One survey uncovered that over half (60%) of people would leave their current role for a lower-paying, healthier work environment. In fact, it’s become quite common for people to ask potential employers about health and hygiene practices. Therefore, managers must properly communicate protocols and expectations among internal and external audiences to ensure that everyone feels as safe as possible when visiting or working in the hotel.
What can you do now?
Managers can consider the strategies below to uphold cleanliness and highlight their hotel’s commitment to public health and safety, without falling for the trap of hygiene theatre:
• Outline cleaning procedures and frequencies. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends fully cleaning and disinfecting a facility where a person has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 24 hours. However, when it comes to everyday cleaning, large-scale disinfecting isn’t always necessary. It’s best to develop a plan based on the types of surfaces and hightouch areas within the facility and then educate cleaning teams on when, what, and how to clean and disinfect them properly.
• Provide staff and patrons with PPE and hygiene essentials. Travellers may forget to bring a mask every time they visit your hotel. Have disposable masks on hand, as well as gloves for employees. Regularly check the stock of hand-sanitiser stations that are strategically placed near entry and exit points.
• Implement digital signage and contactless payment technology. The digital signage market has seen exponential growth in the past year. Some businesses have been able to use it to provide employees and guests with safety measures in realtime, including maximum capacity alerts, social distance flows, and even how-to guides for PPE.
• Meanwhile, upgrading to digital point-of-sale systems for contactless payment at checkout will resonate well with guests. Nearly three in four customers agree that it’s important for a business to offer touchless payment options.
• Re-evaluate cleaning chemicals and technology. Often, employees use more cleaning product than necessary. Consider systems that help to minimise waste and maximise sustainability. Larger facilities may also want to invest in electrostatic sprayers to disinfect surfaces effectively and quickly. To improve indoor air quality, use vacuums that utilise HEPA filters that remove dust particles, allergens, and pathogens, and assess whether the chemicals you are using to clean and disinfect are free of fragrances, preservatives, and other additives that may irritate employees or guests.
• Make cleaning visible. Have employees clean and disinfect during the daytime. This is a great way to provide patrons with a sense of security because they can see cleaning take place. For tougher jobs like entrance- and kitchen-mat cleaning or mop-head sanitisation, consider partnering with a third-party service provider that can take care of these tasks on a regular basis. Seeing these cleaning professionals in your hotel will reassure patrons and employees that you take cleanliness and safety seriously.
• Implement colour-coded cleaning solutions. Colour-coded products can include mops, microfibre cleaning cloths, and even plastic bottles that help employees differentiate cleaner from disinfectant or sanitiser. This is an easy step to make sure surfaces are effectively cleaned and that there is no cross-contamination between washrooms, dining areas, and other common spaces.
• Invest in proper training and certification. Taking the time to train staff on how to perform cleaning tasks and properly utilise specialised cleaning equipment can save time and money while also reducing the risk of injury. Consider committing to an accreditation process that will help you prepare for, respond to, and recover from biorisks to assure staff and guests that your business has a strategic cleaning, disinfection, and infectionprevention programme in place to keep them healthy and safe.
Tackling today’s and tomorrow’s pathogens
When it comes to implementing any new or revised cleaning and hygiene procedures, communication is key to providing peace of mind to guests and employees. On top of discussing and showcasing cleanliness, hotel owners and managers must follow through and enforce enhanced cleaning procedures. Ultimately, it’s up to business leaders, in-house cleaning teams and outsourced cleaning service providers to hold each other accountable so that today’s and tomorrow’s infectious disease risks are effectively and efficiently managed.