Kakamega final report

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A CITY UNITED Kakamega, Kenya City Wide Mission n June 30th, 640 missionaries arrived in Kakamega, a of the most successful and far-reaching campaigns small town in Western Kenya. The missionaries came and reached 7000 students. 1341 young people gave from all over the country and from other parts of the world; their lives to Christ. each one was there for one reason: to spend the next 10 A group of selected volunteers joined with Masinde Muliro days sharing the Gospel with anyone who would listen by University and Kenya Medical Training College students at knocking on doors, visiting prisons, preaching in the markets two selected zones for an “anti-jigger campaign” – providing and bringing the Good News to the people of Kakamega. treatment for people with the parasitic flea bites that are They started with a town cleaning event, gathering in the common in the area. Six hundred people were ministered to centre of the city with brooms and 63 people surrendered their IN ALL, 72,115 PEOPLE IN KAKAMEGA WERE lives to Christ. The Jireh Fund and bags to clean the rubbish off the streets of from Hong Kong partnered REACHED AND 6,944 RECEIVED CHRIST Kakamega, and from there with AE in this project and AS THEIR SAVIOUR! they travelled in groups to visit donated two microscopes churches and go door-to-door, to local hospitals. taking Christ’s love into people’s homes. Finally, at the closing rally, Mr Stephen Lungu, AE Throughout the week, AE reached out to every portion of International Ambassador at Large and a Kenyan national, society. 128 bishops, pastors and city leaders attended the spoke to the masses about the love of God. Leaders Dinner where their guest speaker encouraged them All in all, 72,115 people in Kakamega were reached and to be responsible, creative, disciplined and accountable 6,944 received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. leaders of society. At a Professionals Forum at Kimadep Hotel, professionals from every field discussed the issue of ‘calling’ from Romans 12 and Luke 12. There were meetings for student leaders, couples, women, pastors and their wives, and widows/widowers. The school ministry was one


Mission Stories hen Martin was still a small boy his mother died, leaving him and two younger siblings in the care of their father. But Martin’s dad left home not long after that and no one knew where he had gone. “We were left with no one taking care of us,” Martin said. “Our grandmother was very old and she took the responsibility of taking care of us.” But a year later, she too died. “It became quite difficult for me and my siblings to get something to eat,” Martin said. “There were many days when we slept without food. I decided I had to look for ways to feed myself and my siblings.”


Boys gather during the Jigger Medical camp that was a part of the social action portion of the mission.

Martin took to the streets, soon followed by his younger brother. Each day they searched bins and trash cans for food and, like many other street kids, soon got hooked on smoking and sniffing the bits of glue they found. One day, going through the streets, Martin met a group of African Enterprise missioners who talked to him and introduced him to Christ. “It was a big day for me,” Martin said. “I don’t want to go back to the streets.” He was one of 163 street children who were ministered to during the Kakamega mission. 27 of those children accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. “I feel I have hope after being preached to”, Joel said. They have found hope in Christ, but they still face the reality of life on the streets with few opportunities to escape. Pray for the street children.

Missionary Volnteers speak to local residents about Jesus artha* (not her real name) was furious when she found out her husband had had an affair. She had been visiting friends in another town and on her return, was told that her husband had been unfaithful. She quietly seethed, and didn’t let her husband know that she was aware of what he’d done. When he left for work the next day, she began going through the house and burning his possessions. She was overcome with rage. In the middle of her destruction, some missionaries arrived at her door and knocked. They spoke to her kindly, and gently calmed her anger. After spending time with her they asked if she wanted to accept Jesus as her personal Saviour and she said yes. When her husband came home, she told him all that had happened and asked the missionaries to return and tell him the news of Christ. This couple both requested prayers for healing and reconciliation in their marriage and their family.



he missionaries of AE’s Kakamega mission went into some of the darkest places to bring the light of the Gospel. They visited two prisons, donating toiletries and preaching to about 1600 inmates, leading 102 people to the Lord. One group of missionaries also went night hunting. They sought out a district known for its prostitution and started talking to a group of women waiting on the streets for clients. When the women realized the missionaries were not customers, they became angry and abusive. In the ensuing commotion, several policemen arrived and the ladies scattered. One woman was caught and arrested. The leader of the missioners pleaded with the police to let him minister to the lady and when they agreed, he spoke to her about the hope of Christ. The lady received Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour and was directed to one of the local churches to find community, love and discipleship. For many of these women, being born again means that they lose their one source of income and are in desperate need of financial help and rehabilitaion into society. Pray for provision for these women, that God may take care of them in their need.


Local prisons and schools were reached with the Gospel and many accepted Christ!

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